Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Ten Beach Dancers

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Ten Beach Dancers 32 bar Jig for 5 couples Rod Downey The Golden Bear Collection
A 5 couple jig in a longwise set.

1-2 1C, 3C set.
3-4 1C change places RH (lady courtesy turn) and face 2C on sides. 3C change LH and face 4C on sides (man courtesy turn).
5-6 1C sets to 2C on sides, 3C to 4C.
7-8 1C and 2C half turn LH and finish with men facing out and ladies facing each other across. 3C and 4C half turn RH and finish with ladies facing out.
9-16 1C and 2C dance a ladies' chain and finish with 1M facing out. 3C and 4C dance a men's chain and finish with 3L facing out.
17-20 1M followed by 1L chase down casting around 4L, first man then dancing across around 4M and up to face 2M; first lady dances around 4M and then up the centre of the set to face 2L.
Meanwhile: 3L followed by 3M casts UP around 4M, 3L across the set around 4L and then down to face 5L; 3M dances around 4M and then down the centre of the set to face 5M.
(3C will need to not dally and be in front of the 1C as they navigate around 4C.1L and 3M will pass LS as the dance up/down the centre.
3C should attempt to be to the right of the 5C.)
21-24 1M and 2M, 1L and 2L turn LH once and 1C face down. 3M and 5M, 3L and 5L turn RH 1½ time and finish with 5C facing up and in.
25-30 1C, 4C and 5C dance 6 bar reels on the sides, 1C giving RS to 4C to begin.
31-32 1M and 4M, 1L and 4L half turn giving right hands on the side.
Finishing order 2,4,1,5,3.

Repeat from new positions.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)

Dance Information

This jig, Ten Beach Dancers, was devised on 5th April 2019.

Obviously an homage to the late Eddie West's Beach Dancer, and inspired whilst daydreaming at the bottom of a 5C set, the first 3 couples walking through the Beach Dancer at the Capitol City Club on the night of the 4th.

Recommended music is "A Quickstep by the Duke of Gordon" by Robert Petrie, and 5C recorded music is that for "The Campbells are Coming" as recorded by Muriel Johnston and her band in the Society's "Music for Book 24".

"Come under my Plaidie" as recorded by the Craigowl Band in the Society's recording of the Children's book" would work at a pinch.

I would avoid pipe marches, and use a light jig suggesting flight.

(Dance information from The Golden Bear Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)

Published in The Golden Bear Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.

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