Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Tensome Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Tensome Reel
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 5: A Dozen More
10x32 bar Reel
5-couple square set with 5th couple in middle

  1-8   CIRCLE AND BACK: All circle and back AS 5th couple set to each other with a Highland step or dance Tulloch Turn by the Right (6 steps), 2 High Cuts, Tulloch Turn Left (8 steps), (end with 5th woman on right of 5th man, facing 1st couple);

  9-16 SET AND WHEEL: 5th and 1st couples set and spring (or spring points), and dance right hands across (end with 5th couple facing 3rd couple, 5th man on right hand side of 5th woman);

17-24 SET AND WHEEL: 5th and 3rd couples set and spring (or spring points), and dance right hands across (end with 5th man in front of 5th woman, and 3rd man in front of 3rd lady);

25-32 TANDEM REEL OF 3: 5th, 1st and 3rd couples dance Tandem Reels of 3 (start with 5th and 1st couples passing left shoulders: MEN begin Tandem reel in the lead, the lead switching in each couple at the head and foot of the reel): end with 5th couple facing 2nd couple);

33-64 REPEAT BARS 1-32 5th couple with side couples (on bars 63-64, 5th couple dances from behind 4th couple's place to 1st couple's place, as 1st couple joins nearer hands and dances into centre 63-64 to face 2nd couple).

Repeat with each couple in the middle. (N. B. As each new couple enters the centre, they face the couple to their left for bars 1-16, and the next couple clockwise around the square for bars 33-48).

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

Additional search terms: 10 Some.

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