The Three "E"s
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The Three "E"s 32 Bar Strathspey For 5 Couples In A 5 Couple Square Set Tim Bolton-Maggs 2015.Five couples in a square set; 5th couple facing each other in the centre, 5th woman has her back to 2nd couple and 5th man has his back to 4th couple.
Published in A Reel Goulash 2: Budapest Book of Scottish Country Dances, 2017.
1-4 1st and 3rd couples in promenade hold dance half a reel of four with 5th couple. To begin 5th couple pass each other right shoulder, then 5th woman passes 1st couple right shoulder and 5th man passes 3rd couple right shoulder. 5th couple pass right shoulder to finish 5th man facing 2nd couple and 5th woman facing 4th couple.
5-8 2nd and 4th couples in promenade hold dance half a reel of four with 5th couple. 5th couple pass left shoulder to finish 5th man facing 3rd couple and 5th woman facing 1st couple.
9-16 All dance the "Teapot Chain"
1-2 5th woman with 1st couple and 5th man with 3rd couple dance right hands across moving two places round the wheel while side couples, giving right hands, turn halfway;
3-4 Dancers on the outside, giving the person they are facing left hands, turn halfway while the two in the middle (1st and 3rd women), giving left hands, turn three-quarters;
5-6 Middle people dance right hands across with side couples (1st woman with 3rd man and 5th woman, 3rd woman with 1st man and 5th man) moving 2 places round the wheel while the people facing at the top and bottom, giving right hands, turn halfway;
7-8 Dancers on the outside of the set, giving the person they are facing left hands, turn halfway while the two in the middle (5th couple), giving left hand, turn three-quarters. 5th couple finish facing 4th couple in promenade hold.
17-24 Progression (all couples take promenade hold on bar 17):
1-2 5th and 4th change places passing right shoulder; 3-4 4th and 3rd couples change places passing right shoulder while 5th couple set, nearer hands joined;
5-6 3rd and 2nd couples change places passing right shoulder while 4th and 5th couples set, nearer hands joined;
7-8 2nd and 1st couples change places passing right shoulder while 3rd, 4th and 5th couples set, nearer hands joined.
25-28 Outside couples dance eight hands round to the left while the new middle couple (original 1st couple) set and, giving right hands, turn halfway.
29-32 Outside couples dance eight hands round to the right while the new middle couple set and, giving right hands, turn halfway ready to start again.
Repeat from new positions.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Tim Bolton-Maggs, 2015)
Dance Notes
In the "Teapot Chain" the first wheel (or "teapot") is done with the Head Couple positions and the second one with the Side Couple positions. At the end of this figure, the outside couples finish in the place opposite where they started it while the middle couple returns to the centre of the set.This figure was devised at the Budapest Scottish Dance Weekend in 2013 (using the pink and blue tops from bottles of water!) for a dance I was asked to write for a 50th birthday celebration. I thought it would be nice to use it again in a dance for Budapest.
At the end of the progression, 2nd couple must remember that they dance into the eight hands round to the left instead of setting.
(Dance notes by the deviser, Tim Bolton-Maggs 2015)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Three "E"s - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This strathspey, The Three "E"s, derives its name from the theme of the Budapest Scottish Dance Weekend, 24-26 April 2015.The "three Es" stand for Enthusiasm, Experience and Excellence, which also represent the trio of organisers: Ágnes, Zsófia and Laura.
The dance is dedicated to the Budapest Scottish Dance Club with many thanks and great affection for their wonderful hospitality and happy dancing.
(Dance information by the deviser, Tim Bolton-Maggs 2015)
(Dance information from A Reel Goulash 2, Budapest Book of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of Zoltán Gräff)
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