Tofino Strathspey
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Tofino Strathspey 4x48 bar Strathspey for 4 Couples Rod Downey The Cane Toad CollectionA 48 bar strathspey for four couples in a longwise set.
1-8 First and third couples lead down the middle and back again to finish in original places facing out
second and fourth couples dance up the side-lines to respectively top and third places, lead down the middle, lead up again, cross over and cast down into second and fourth places, respectively, on opposite sides.
9-16 First and second; third and fourth couples dance double figures of eight.
First and third couples cast down the side-lines while second and fourth couples lead up and cross over to begin. Give hands to lead up and cross over - for example, second couple with right then left, first couple with left then right. First couple finish facing out.
17-18 First man and second woman; third man and fourth woman turn with left hands once round
first woman and second man; third woman and fourth man turn with right hands once round.
First and third couples finish facing out.
19-24 First and third couples cast down round second and fourth couples respectively on own sides, cross over giving right hands and cast up round second and fourth couples, respectively, on opposite sides.
25-32 First and second couples, third and fourth couples dance a modified 'tourbillion'.
25-26 First and second couples turn partner with both hands opening out to finish with first couple on the women's side and second couple on the men's side. (First man should be first ladies place, and second lady in second man's place.)
27-28 First and second couples set once with nearer hands joined on the sides.
29-30 First and second couples turn partner with both hands to finish on own sides in the middle - first couple in second place facing up and second couple in first place facing down.
31-32 Second and first couples set once with nearer hands joined with partner.
Third and fourth couples dance 25-32 similarly.
33-40 Second, first, fourth and third couples dance reels of four on own sides. Second and first, fourth and third couples pass by right shoulders to begin.
At the end of the reels all dance directly into places.
41-42 All set with nearer hands joined on the sides.
43-44 First and fourth couples, with nearer hands joined, set advancing to finish in the middle ready for a half poussette.
45-48 First and fourth couples dance a half poussette.
Finishing order 2,4,1,3.
Repeat with a new top couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)
Dance Instruction Videos
Tofino Strathspey - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance, Tofino Strathspey, was devised at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in August, 1993 and modified to be a four couple dance in January 2001 in Chicago.Suggested music: "Welcome to Queen's Cross" AN ABERDEEN COLLECTION - CD or "The Nether Bow has Vanished" MUSIC FOR EIGHT SC DANCES BOOKS 13 and 14 - record.
(Dance information from The Cane Toad Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)
Tofino is a small town located on the west coast of Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia, Canada.
It's known for its stunning natural beauty, including rugged coastlines, lush rainforests, and expansive beaches. Popular activities in Tofino include surfing, whale watching, hiking, and exploring Pacific Rim National Park.
It's also a hub for Indigenous culture and eco-tourism, attracting visitors year-round for its relaxed, scenic atmosphere.

MacKenzie Beach Sunset, Tofino, British Columbia
Published in The Cane Toad Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
This page contains both original content, which is copyrighted, and excerpts from Wikipedia and other sources using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Text from this original Tofino article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Aaron Carlson from Lake Mills, WI, USA, Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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