Tom Cole's Rant
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Tom Cole's Rant 32 bar Jig for 3 couples in a four couple set Rod Downey The Tuatara CollectionA three couple 32 bar jig in a four couple set.
1-8 Mirror reels of three on the sides, first couple beginning by dancing in, two's out and three's in. Third couple finish in third place in the centre with nearer hands joined facing up. First couple add a bit extra on the reel and cross down to finish in second place on opposite sides facing down, first man taking right hands with third lady, and first lady also taking left hands with third man. Second couple finish in first place, with nearer hands joined facing down.
9-12 All set (2), first man turns third lady by the right to finish with third lady in place, and first man finishing in second woman's place facing up giving left hands to second woman, and similarly first lady and third man turn with left hands. Third couple finish in third place facing up with nearer hands joined.
13-16 First and second couples (and third) dance analogously as in 9-12, first couple finish in the centre in second place facing down, this time taking promenade hold.
17-20 First couple, third lady and second man dance half a reel of three beginning by giving left shoulder to third lady.
21-24 First couple dance half a reel of three with third man and second lady, beginning by giving left shoulder to third man. First couple finish back to back facing their own sides ready for double triangles.
25-32 All dance petronella double triangles. To wit: first couple dance double triangles; on bars 27 and 28, and bars 31 and 32 the supporting corners dance petronella turns to progress around the outside of the square one place counterclockwise. (For example, on bars 27 and 28 third man progresses along the ladies' side to finish in second lady's place.)
Repeat, having passed a couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)
Dance Information
This jig, Tom Cole's Rant, was devised 10/10/2011 and modified 2/11/2011 in honour of Tom Cole, a very keen dancer and a stalwart of the "advanced" Tuesday group.The recommended tune is "The Moudiewort" a traditional tune by James Oswald, played ABAB. A suitable recording is by The Carfuffle Ceilidh Band, Muckle Carfuffle, track 1.
(Dance information from The Tuatara Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)
Published in The Tuatara Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
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