Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Totaig Broch

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Totaig Broch S4x32 Square set Fiona MacDonald Dances In Kintail

1- 8 1s dance across set under triangular arch made by 3s, followed by L2 with M4, then by M2 with L4 (who first dance up to first place), divide and cast to original places
9 - 12 All couples Set and Link
13 - 16 All Ladies LH across 3 places to meet partners while Men cast out and dance clockwise 1 place, ½ turn partner RH, finish M facing out, L facing in
17 - 20 ½ Schottische Diamond (Schottische set to M's Left and pulling RSh back to set again on 2nd side of diamond - open out to finish facing clockwise (M1 outside)
21 - 28 Ladies RA with L hand on partner's RSh and Mens' R arm on partners' waist, dance clockwise round set
29 - 32 All turn two hands and set facing centre (all having moved 1 place anticlockwise 2341)

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

The Totaig Broch which sits in a commanding site overlooking the meeting of Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh has a triangular lintel stone - hence the triangular arch.

(Dance information from Dances In Kintail, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald)

Totaig Broch
Totaig Broch

Published in Dances In Kintail Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald.
Image copyright Fiona MacDonald, all rights reserved, 2022.

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