Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Tour Of The Backs

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A TOUR OF THE BACKS (R5x48) 5C Set Adrian Conrad Odd Half-Dozen

1- 8 1s+2s also 4s+5s Poussette, Bars 7-8; instead of retiring, 1M and 5L pull back LSh while 1L and 5M pull back RSh to end BtoB with partner facing own side. 21354
9-16 All dance "Double-Double-Triangles" (3s are shared), Bars 15-16: 1s and 5s Petronella turn to right to end facing partners up/down centre of set, in order 1L 1M 5L 5M
17-20 1s and 5s dance ½ reel of 4 up/down centre passing partner LSh to start, end facing partners again
21-24 All dance ½ reels across (5M+2s, 5L+1M+3s,1L+4s) passing person on right by RSh to start. 1s and 5s continue looping to right until they face partners again in centre
25-28 1s and 5s dance ½ reel of 4 up/down centre passing partner RSh to start, end facing partners again
29-32 All dance ½ reels across (1L+2s, 1M+5L+3s, 5M+4s) passing person on left by LSh to start. 1s and 5s continue looping to left until they face partners again in centre
33-36 1s and 5s join partners in prom hold (1L and 5M on left) and dance anticlockwise out through own sides (1s up behind 2s and 5s down behind 4s) and round to top and bottom to end in original places (2s and 4s step down/up bars 35-36) 12345
37-40 All 5 couples set twice.
41-48 2s+3s also 4s+5s dance R&L but moving up ½ place on each crossing RH while 1s "weave down" own sides to bottom, starting by dancing behind 2s. 23451

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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