Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Tread Ye Lightly

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Tread Ye Lightly
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 2: Let's dance
4x32 bar reel
4-couple dance in longways set Rotating Interlocking Reel of 4

  1-8   CENTERS CAST INTO ¾ FIGURE OF 8 AND SET TO CORNERS: 2nd and 3rd couples cast around 1st and 4th couples, respectively, into ¾ figure of 8 ending back-to-back in middle facing end a corner, and all set to corners (2nd woman to 1st man, 2nd man to 1st woman, 3rd woman to 4th man, and 3rd man to 4th woman);

  9-20 ROTATING INTERLOCKING REEL OF 4: All dance partial reels of 4 through the center of the set (Bar 9: pass corner by the right shoulder; Bars 10-11: corners dance ¾ left hands across AS 1st and 4th couples dance ¼ round the periphery of the set; Bar 12: pass corner by the right shoulder; Bars 13-14: 1st and 4th couples dance ¾ left hands across AS corners dance ¼ around the periphery of the set; REPEAT Bars 9-14 (all end as at the end of Bar 8);

21-24 WHEELS: All dance 4 hands across with right hands, 2nd with 1st couple and 4th with 3rd couple, (end with 4th man and 1st woman facing out);

25-28 ALL CHASE ½ CLOCKWISE: all chase clockwise around the set to opposite side;

29-32 FOURS CHASE ½ CLOCKWISE: continue chase in groups of 4 halfway round to own side (4th with 3rd couple, and 2nd with 1st couple), then all set on own side (ending order: 3rd, 4th, 1st, 2nd)

Repeat 3 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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