Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Tribute To Barb Bolin

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Tribute To Barb Bolin
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 5:
32 Strathspey
Couple facing couple in circle around the room

  1-8   SET AND LINK, WOMEN DO-SI-DO: Nearer hands joined with partner, all set and link, then women dance back to back;

  9-16 SET AND LINK, MEN DO-SI-DO: nearer hands joined in pairs, set and link, then men dance back to back;

17-24 RIGHTS AND LEFTS starting with opposite;

25-32 GRAND CHAIN, WOMEN THEN MEN: women pass diagonally by the right Hand and then pass diagonally with the next woman by the left hand, then men pass diagonally by the left hand and then pass diagonally with the next man by the right Hand, to join partner and face new couple.


(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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