Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Tribute To Heinz

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A Tribute To Heinz 8x32 Reel, Neville Pope

1-8 All 3 couples cross and set, cross back again and set.
9-12 1st and 2nd couple cross and cast one place. 3rd couple set, dance up to 1st place and face out.
13-16 3rd couple and 1st couple dance a double half figure of eight, 3s casting and 1s crossing up to begin.
 WHILE 2nd couple turn RH and face out on opposite sides. Finish (3), 1, (2)
17-24 1st couple give left shoulder to 1st corner position to dance a reel of 3 across the dance, 1st man with 2nd couple (in 3rd place) and 1st lady with 3rd couple (in top place). 3rd and 2nd couples are already facing out and cast into the reel.
25-28 1st couple dance half left shoulder reel with 1st corner (in partner's 1st corner position), while first corner passes left shoulder with dancing person, passes through 2nd place on that side and dances diagonally to own corner position.
29-32 1st couple repeat with 2nd corners in a right shoulder half reel.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Neville Pope, July 2012)

Dance Information

The "reels" in bars 25-32 were first devised by Heinz Duewell of the Hunter Valley Branch for the dance, The Guide Patrol, written when his daughter was a Girl Guide.

Heinz has been a dancer, teacher, devisor and newsletter editor for the Hunter Valley Branch for many years.

Recommended music: Craigellachie Band, Take Your Seats - Track 16.

(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, July 2012)

Published in A Tribute To Heinz, copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2024.

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