A Tribute To John Wilkinson
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
A TRIBUTE TO JOHN WILKINSON 3x32 Jig 3C Triangular set David Carter1 - 6 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, set advancing for 2 bars, then 1st man dances Left Hands Across with 2nd couple, while 1st lady dances Right Hands Across with 3rd couple. All finish back in original place.
7 - 8 All Set with ladies turning on bar 8 to finish facing out.
9 - 12 All dance two bars of a Three Couple Schiehallion Reel and, giving right hands, turn "new" partner once round (i.e. 2nd man with 1st lady, 3rd man with 2nd lady and 1st man with 3rd lady)
13 - 16 Ladies dance Left Hands Across one place round set, WHILE men dance one place clockwise round set. All, giving right hands, turn facing person to finish with ladies in middle facing out. (2nd lady facing 1st man, 3rd lady facing 2nd man and 1st lady facing 3rd man).
17 - 18 All ladies dance two bars of "Hello Goodbye" setting to finish on sideline between men.
19 - 20 All men Set on right foot, then set into middle finishing back to back facing person at end of bar 16.
21 - 22 All men dance two bars of "Hello Goodbye" setting to finish on sideline between ladies.
23 - 24 All Set in circle with nearer hands joined.
25 - 32 All circle Six Hand Round to left and back finishing in the order 2, 3, 1.
Repeat from new positions.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, David Carter)
Dance Instruction Videos
A Tribute To John Wilkinson - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This jig, A Tribute To John Wilkinson, was devised by David Carter who liked John's teaching of SCD and Highland at RSCDS Summer School an also when John did workshops in Charlotte North Carolina.Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'A Tribute To John Wilkinson' page