Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Twalsome Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Twalsome Reel
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 6:
6x32 Reel
6-couple dance in square set 5th and 6th couples in middle with backs to 1st and 3rd couple, respectively (men on right side of partner)

  1-8   CHASE/WHEELS: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th couples chase clockwise around the set AS centre couples (5th and 6th couples) dance 4-hands across with right hands and 4-Hands back with the left hands ending facing out, 5th couple facing 1st couple, 6th couple facing 3rd couple;

  9-16 REEL OF 4 UP AND DOWN: centre and head couples dance reel of 4: on bars 15-16 centre couples omit the last left shoulder curving to their right to end facing the side couples (6th man-2nd woman, 5th woman-2nd man, 5th man-4th woman, 6th man- 4th man: the centre women end with a swivel pulling right shoulder back);

17-24 REEL OF 4 ACROSS: centre and side couples dance reel of 4: on bars 23-24 centre couples omit the last left shoulder curving to their right ending facing the sides (man in front of partner);

25-32 CENTRES CHASE HALFWAY: centre couples dance through side couples (5th couple through 2nd couple, 6th couple through 4th couple), and chase clockwise halfway around the set ending behind side couples (5th couple behind 4th couple, 6th couple behind 2nd couple: 2nd and 4th couples cross as they step into centre ending with man on right of partner facing the centre).

Repeat with new centre couples (2nd and 4th couples): N.B. in this repetition the first reel of 4 is across the set, then with head couples up-and-down the set (1st and 3rd couples end in middle).

Repeat with new centre couples (1st and 3rd couples): N.B. in this repetition the first reel of 4 is with head couples up-and-down the set, then with side couples across the set; end with 5th and 6th couples back in the middle.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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