The View From Buda
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The View From Buda 32 bar strathspey for three couples in a longwise set, Murrough Landon, 20231-6 2nd couple each change places right hand with the person diagonally to their right. Then the new dancers in 2nd place (3rd woman and 1st man) change places left hand with the person diagonally on their left.
Finally those now in 2nd place (1st woman and 3rd man) change places right hand with those diagonally on their right.
The order is now 3,2,1 with all on own sides.
7-8 All set advancing towards partner. 3rd and 2nd couples end taking nearer hands facing down and up respectively. 1st couple face each other.
9-10: 3rd couple dance down under an arch made by 2nd couple who dance up while 1st couple turn once round with both hands and face up.
11-12: 2nd couple, at the top, turn once round with both hands and face down while 3rd couple dance down making an arch under which 1st couple dance up.
13-14: 2nd couple dance down under an arch made by 1st couple who dance up while 3rd couple turn once round with both hands.
All end on the sidelines in original places 1,2,3.
NB in this figure the arches are always made by those in 2nd place.
15-16 All set to partner and end facing anticlockwise.
17-20 All chase half way round anticlockwise ending on opposite sides in the order 3,2,1.
21-22 All set advancing, passing partner left shoulder, and end pulling right shoulder back to face partner, still in the centre.
23-24 All turn partner once round with both hands ending on own sides.
25-32 2nd and 1st couples dance the Rose progression ending in the order 3,1,2.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA September 2023)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The View From Buda - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance was inspired by my second visit to Budapest for their SCD Weekend in September 2023.Once again I climbed the hill on the Buda side of the Danube which gives a good view over the city.
The first 8 bars represent the zigzag paths up the hill. The arches are the bridges with boats passing beneath them and the turning third couple are the island in the river. Among the dances taught by our teacher, Antoine Rousseau, were The Rose Garden and A Dance for Susi. The former has the "kissing gate" figure in bars 21-24 here and the latter includes the Rose progression.
Bars 17-20 are a reminder of strathspey step practice. The dance is very busy which reflects an intense weekend. The top and bottom keep swapping: just imagine walking from the hotel to the gymnasium, and back, and back...
Recommended music: Suggested tune Joiner's Saw (Traditional); suitable recording The Border Weavers (James Gray, Laura Risk And Susie Petrov: The Host of the Air).
(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA September 2023)
Published in The View From Buda, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.
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