A Wee Bit Fu"
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
A Wee Bit Fu"Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 4:
8x32 Jig
4-couple Longways set
1-8 1ST COUPLE DOWN MIDDLE, UNDER AND BACK: 1st couple dance down the middle nearer hands joined, cross over with woman dancing under arms as the man dances below her, then dance up the middle to face 1st corners (2nd couple step up on 3-4);
9-16 ½ REELS OF 4 WITH 1ST CORNERS, THEN 2ND CORNERS: dance a ½ reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1st couple pass each other right shoulder in the middle to dance ½ reel of 4 with 2nd corners, ending with 1st man above 1st woman;
17-24 TEAPOTS RIGHT THEN LEFT: dance 3-hand wheels with right hands, 1st man at the top with 3rd couple, 1st woman at the bottom with 2nd couple ending on opposite sides ready to change ends for 3-hand wheels with left hands, 1st woman with 3rd couple and 1st man with 2nd couple (end with 1st couple shoulder-to-shoulder in the middle 1st man below 1st woman);
25-28 SNAKE: 1st woman followed by 3rd woman and 3rd man dances out to the women's side of the dance, casts down one place, dances across to 3rd man's place and casts up to 2nd man's place, AS 1st man followed by 2nd man and 2nd woman dances out to the men's side of the dance, casts up one place, dances across to 1st woman's place and casts down to 2nd woman's place;
29-32 ALL SET AND CROSS with right hands.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
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