The Wee Giant
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE WEE GIANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Walton Queen of the Dance1- 8 1s2s3s all dance Inveran reels on sides, each couple crossing down from 1st place and crossing up from 3rd place. (1s cross down, 2s dance up, 3s cross up to start; 1s pass in front of 3s each time). 2s end facing out
9-16 1M turns 2M 1½ (LH) then 3M 1½ (RH) while 1L turns 2L 1½ (RH) then 3L 1½ (LH)
17-24 1s set, dance in (bar 19), nearer hands joined dance up to top and cast 1 place, 3s stepping down 23-24. 213
25-32 2s1s3s dance 6 hands round and back
Second time through, 1s cast to third place (bars 23-24) ready for 6 hands round
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
The collection, Queen Of The Dance (15 dances, without music), was devised by members of the Hamilton Branch and dedicated to the memory of June Shore.The title of this reel is an affectionate allusion to June's height (under 5 foot (60cms) tall).
June was a dancer, RSCDS teacher (examined by Miss Milligan herself), and founding member of the Teachers' Association Of Canada (TAC) for Scottish Country Dancing.
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