Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Wee Three

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Wee Three
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 1: The Sixpenny Reel
Strathspey n x 32 bars 2 Threesome Repeat 2 Threesome Set Progressive Round the Room Set
Line of 3 facing line of 3 as in The Dashing White Sergeant.

  1-8   CIRCLE, CAST AND CHASE: all circle to the left dancing into centre on bar 4, pulling right shoulder back to cast into a chase clockwise around the set to original places;

  9-16 SET AND TURN CORNER: centre people set advancing to end back-to-back facing right-hand corner (1st corner); turn 1st corner with both hands ¾ around to end on side of set; centre people set advancing to end back-to-back facing original left-hand corner (2nd corner); turn 2nd corner with both hands ¾ around to end between corners;

17-24 REEL OF 3: centre people dance a reel of 3 with corners, starting by passing 1st corner by the left shoulder, ending with the centres crossing over to original places by the right hand AS corners dance a loop at the end of the reel;

25-32 SET, PETRONELLA: join nearer hands with partners to set, petronella into a line in the middle, set, and dance out to meet next line of three.

Repeat with next line of 3.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

Dance Notes

As with all dances having this format, the number of repeats is not fixed.
The three partners are not specifically men or women.

(Dance notes by Reuben Freemantle)

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