Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Weel Met

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Weel Met
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
8x32 bar Jig
3-couple dance in 4-couple longways set

  1-8   ½ FIGURE 8, DOWN MIDDLE, AND CAST UP: 1st couple dance a ½ figure of 8 around 2nd couple, then join nearer hands and dance down the middle between 2nd and 3rd couples, divide and cast up into 2nd place on opposite sides (2nd couple step up on bars 7-8);

  9-16 ADVANCE, SET, RETIRE, CROSS AND SET: 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, nearer hands joined on the side, advance (1 step), set (Pas de Basque left, then right), and retire (1 step), then cross to other side passing partner by the right shoulder, and set; (2nd couple note that your 2nd corner is now on your right hand, and your 1st corner is on your left hand);

17-24 TURN 2ND CORNER, PARTNER, 1ST CORNER, PARTNER: 1st couple turn 2nd corner once round by the right, turn partner ¾ round by the left, then 1st corner once round by the right, and partner ¾ round by the left ending facing out in 2nd place on opposite side of set;

25-32 MEANWHILE FIGURE AND SET: 1st couple dance anticlockwise around 2nd and 3rd couples to 2nd place on own side (6 bars), AS 2nd and 3rd couples advance on the diagonal (1 step), set (left and right), and retire and cross right hands with partner to own side, then all set.

Repeat from 2nd place.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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