Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Welcome To Lymm

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

WELCOME TO LYMM (S4x40) Sq.Set Jim Haworth Ashmerg SCD

1- 4 1s+3s turn corners 1¼ (Men LH, Ladies RH) to end 1M+ 3L (3M+ 1L) in centre nearer hands joined facing 2s (4s)
5- 8 1M+3L (3M+1L) dance out between 2s (4s), separate and cast away to meet own partner WHILE 2s (4s) dance into centre, join nearer hands with partner and then dance out to place, separate and loop round to face partners on sides
9-16 1s and 3s in promenade hold dance reels of three on sides, 1s+4s and 3s+2s giving LSh to 4L (2L) to start
17-20 1s+3s dance RH across in centre ending in original positions, all face partners
21-24 All set to partners and turn ¾ RH
25-26 Ladies dance ½ LH across in centre WHILE Men chase one place round outside clockwise
27-28 All turn new partner ½ RH
29-30 Men dance ½ LH across in centre WHILE Ladies chase one place round outside clockwise (to own partner)
31-32 All turn partners ¾ RH
33-40 All circle 8H round to the left and back

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Devised 2012 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Lymm Scottish Country Dance Club.
Welcome To Lymm
Lymm Archway

Published in Collection.pdf
Image copyright David Dixon under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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