We'll Meet Again (Downey)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
We'll Meet Again 8x32 bar Jig for 4 Couples Rod Downey They Stole My Wife From Me last Night CollectionA three couple 32 bar jig.
1-2 First couple set.
3-6 First couple cross with right hand and cast off one place, second couple stepping up on bars 5 and 6.
7-8 First couple turn right hand to finish in promenade hold facing second lady.
9-12 First couple dance half a LEFT shoulder reel of three with the second lady and third man.
13-16 Second lady and third man finish the reel, while the first man crosses the first lady in front of him so that she casts up around the third lady (first lady dancing down between the third couple's position), and the first man finishes the reel, casting up. First lady should finish in middle of set facing second man, with first man slightly behind her, but facing second lady's place.
17-20 First lady dances a half RIGHT shoulder reel of three with the second man and third lady, while first man dances around the second lady passing her by the left shoulder (and hence through second lady's place).
First couple should finish this movement in promenade hold, facing down.
21-24 First couple finish the reel of three with the second man and third lady.
First couple finish in the middle of the set facing second man's position.
25-28 First couple dancing out through second man's place, first lady casts up around the second man, and between the second couple to face down, first man likewise casts down round the third man and then up between the third couple to face partner.
29-32 First couple turn right hand one, or two, and a quarter times (or more) around to finish in second place on own sides. For those capable, this turn should be done with elbow grip, with left hand raised, as in a Propelled Pivot Turn (2005 Manual, page 25).
Repeat having passed a couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)
Dance Information
This jig, We'll Meet Again, was devised in at Wellington RSCDS Anzac Weekend School, April, 2005 and modified in Chicago, May 2005.Thanks to Bob Monk for a suggestion that made the dance run more smoothly.
Recommended music is "Farewell to the Tay" (traditional) the lead tune for "The Hollin Buss", and a suitable recording of "The Hollin Buss" would be by "Scottish Dance Time, Vol 5" by Stan Hamilton and the Flying Scotsmen, track 5, or "Down South", Track 4, by Charlie Jemmett and his Band, or "Music for Book 24", Track 8, by Muriel Johnston's Band.
(Dance information from They Stole My Wife From Me Last Night Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)
Published in They Stole My Wife From Me Last Night Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
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