Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

What's Not To Like?

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

What's Not to Like?
Jessie Collins
Reel 8 x 40 bars 3 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-2   1s set;

  3-4   1s cross down to 2nd place, finishing facing in;

  5-6   1s set;

  7-8   1s turn by the left, finishing facing first corners;

  9-16 2s1L 1M3s reels of 3 across, 1s giving left shoulder to first corner to start;

17-20 2s1L 1M3s right hands across;

21-24 1s turn 1½ times by the left WHILE corners chase clockwise halfway;

25-32 repeat bars 17-24 from new positions, 1s finishing in 2nd position, facing up on own sides of the centre line, nearer hands joined;

33-36 1s lead up and cast to 2nd place;

37-40 2s 1s 3s turn partner by the right.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  3-4   2s step up.

    -8   Take care not to turn too far.

17-20 1s dance right hands across with the couple with whom they danced the reel across in bars 9-16.

25-28 Again, 1s dance right hands across with the same couple but up/down reversed.

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