Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Will, Will You Dance

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Will, Will You Dance S4x40 4C set (Also for 3C set, or 3C in 4C set) Fiona MacDonald Dedicated Dancing

1 - 4 1s cross down between 2s, cast to right, round and in to face 1st corners
5 - 8 1s with 1st corners, set and turn two hands (finishing facing 1st corners)
9 - 16 1s and 1st corners dance diagonal reel of 4 with a twizzle/twirl (ie pulling R shoulder back as you pass LSh in the middle), 1s finish in centre facing each other (up and down) L between 2s, M between 3s
17 - 24 1s cross RH (up and down), cast to right round and in to face 2nd corners 1s with 2nd corners, set and turn two hands (finishing facing 2nd corners)
25 - 32 1s and 2nd corners dance diagonal reel of 4 with a twizzle/twirl (ie pulling R shoulder back as you pass LSh in the middle) 1s finish on own sides (213)
33 - 40 1s and 3s set and link, 1s and 4s set and link

or for a 3 couple set
33 - 40 1s and 3s set and link, 1s and 3s turn two hands pulling RSh back twirl into side lines

or for a 3 couple dance in a 4 couple set
33 - 40 2s, 1s and 3s Set, All turn R ½ Pull RSh back and dance/twirl out to sides All set, cross RH

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This strathspey, Will, Will You Dance, was devised for Bill.

(Dance information from Dedicated Dancing, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald)

Published in Dedicated Dancing Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald.

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