Winter Wanders
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
WINTER WANDERS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Chris Totton Second Canberra Book1- 8 1L casts, cross up between 2s, casts behind 2M, crosses set to 2nd place own side facing out while 1M sets, dance across, casts behind 2L and crosses down to 3rd place facing out. (2s step up 5-6, 3M steps up 7-8)
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to person on right - 1L down, 1M up). 1s end facing out
17-24 1L casts, dances up middle to top and casts to left behind 2M into 2nd place opposite side while 1M casts up, dances ½ Fig up between 2s and into 2nd place opposite side and sets. (3M steps down 17-18)
25-26 1s turn ¾ RH while 2s+3s chase 1 place clockwise (2 bars), with 1L dancing down between 3L+2L, 1M up between 2M+3M all facing clockwise
27-32 All 3 couples continue chase back to own side. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
"Women Walking In The Snow" Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861), Ukiyo-e
Published in Second Canberra Book of SCDs.pdf.
Image copyright Utagawa Kuniyoshi, public domain, via WikiArt.
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