The latest MiniCrib by Charles Upton and his successors may be downloaded from MiniCrib.Brief Scottish country dance notes for about 5000 Scottish country dances available free for use in easily prepared (downloadable) cribsheets.
Below is the latest complete set of MiniCrib dance cribs, as provided by the MiniCrib team.
Permitted Use Of These Dance Cribs
(MINICRIB, Dance Crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Complete MINICRIB Dance Crib Database.
November 2024
Version 34_07
BREAK THE WIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Susan & Max Leek, 2014
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-12 1s set twice with 1L pulling back RSh on bars 11-12 to face out while 2s+3s pull back RSh and chase clockwise 1/2 way round
13-16 1L followed by partner casts up & dances down the middle, 1L faces 2M & 1M faces 3M while 3s+2s cross RH & set
17-24 1s RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s)
25-26 1L followed by partner dances down & casts up round 3M position while corners change places RH up/down
27-28 1L followed by partner dances across to end in 2nd place on own sides while 2s+3s set
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn RH. 2 1 3
CROWN OF SCOTLAND (S4x32) 4C Set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflets
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1L followed by 1M casts behind 2L, across set, behind 2M & across to 2nd place own side while 4L followed by 4M dance similar to 3rd place (2s/3s step up/down 7-8). 1s face down, 4s face up
9-10 All turn person facing 3/4 RH to form a cross
11-12 2M+1L+3L+3M in centre dance 1/2 LH across while partners chase clockwise 1 place round to face 'new partner'
13-14 All turn 'new partner' RH once round
15-16 Repeat 11-12
17-18 All turn person facing 3/4 RH (1s & 4s are turning original partner)
19-20 All circle 8H round to left 2 places to end 4 3 (2) (1)
21-22 4s+3s also 2s+1s circle 4H 1/2 round to left. (3) (4) 1 2. 3s face 4s, 1s face 2s
23-24 All set
25-30 All dance 6 bars Grand Chain (1 bar/hand). 1 3 (2) (4)
31-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s change places RH on side to end 3 1 (4) (2)
CUPAR'S BONNIE LASS (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Clack, 2017
1- 8 1s+2s dance 'Espagnole':
1-2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3-4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5-8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to own side
9-16 LSh reels of 3 on sides (1M+3M & 1L+2L pass LSh to start - Man down, Lady up). 1s end reel cross diagonally passing RSh to face 1st corners
17-32 1s dance Corner Chain with 1st & 2nd corners:
1s change pl RH with 1st crnrs, 1st crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who turn LH in centre to face 2nd crnrs
1s change places RH with 2nd crnrs, 2nd crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s & 1s end turning LH back to places. 2 1 3
33-40 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across; 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH
A DANCER ALL HER DAYS (S4x40) 4C Set Linda Lawson Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1- 8 1L+2M set advancing, turn 2H back to place; 1M+2L repeat
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides: 1s dance in & cast, 2s dance in/up 3s dance in & cast up. 1s & 3s curve into place at end
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; All turn partner 2H 1.1/2 times to own side
33-40 1s+4s dance Poussette (all round). 2 3 4 1
DUNNOTTAR HI-JINKS (J4x40) 4 Person Sq.Set Children at Dunnottar School Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1-8 All 4 dancers chase clockwise round back to original places
9-16 All dance RH across & LH across back to place
17-24 Dancers 1+3 set, Advance (2 steps); turn RH back to place
25-32 Dancers 2+4 repeat 17-24
33-36 All circle 4H round to left back to place
37-40 All dancers chase 1 place to left (2 steps) & set
THE EXTENDING OF FINDON CROFT (S4x32) 4C Set Mike & Frances Davidson Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain (1s cross, 2s+3s change places on side)
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s cast, dance down behind own lines & dance up under arch made by 4s to place
17-24 1s cross & cast (2s step up); 1s cross & cast to 4th place (3s+4s step up)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
FIRST LOVE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Joan Baker Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down, 2s out/up)
9-16 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance Do-SiDo and end facing down
17-24 All dance Grand Chain (2s cross, 1s+3s change places on sides to start)
25-32 All circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
GIVE IT LARGE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Loveland, 2024
1- 8 1s+2s dance the Knot, 1s continue the turn to finish in 2nd place opp side facing out. 2 (1) 3
9-16 LSh reels of 3 on sides (1L+3M & 1M+2L pass LSh to start - Man up/Lady down). 1s end reel crossing diagonally to 2nd place own side facing out
17-24 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1L+3L & 1M+2M pass RSh to start - Man up/Lady down)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE GOURDON GIRL'S DANCE (R3x32) 3C Set Katie Swan Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1- 8 1s cross down (no hands) between 2s & 3s, dance round 3s, behind 2s to 1st place opp side
9-16 1s lead down & lead back up crossing to own side Bar 16
17-20 1s, followed by 2s & 3s cast behind own lines to bottom & 1s make arch
21-24 2s & 3s dance up under arch to 1st/2nd place & 1s step back to side 3rd place
25-32 All turn partner RH; All turn partner LH. 2 3 1
HEATH, HILL AND HEATHER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflets
1- 8 1s cast, cross RH (2s step up); 1s dance RSh round 1st corner & cross up/down LH
9-16 2s & 3s dance reels of 3 across while 1s dance reels of 3 up/down own sides (1M+2M, 1L+3L lass LSh to start). 1s end in centre BtoB, 1L facing up, 1M facing down, 2s & 3s finish in place
17-18 All set as Double Triangles
19-20 2s+3s change places RH on sides while 1s dance RSh round each other to end BtoB facing opp sides
21-22 All set as Double Triangles
23-24 2s+3s cross RH with partner while 1s dance RSh round each other to end BtoB, 1M facing up, 1L facing down
25-28 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners, pull back RSh to face 1st corners
29-32 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, crossing to finish in 2nd place own side facing out. 2 1 3
MILL OF FORTUNE (J4x32) 4C Set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflets
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across; 1s+4s dance LH across while 2s & 3s chase clockwise 1/2 round to other end. 3 (1) (4) 2
9-12 1L+3M+4M+3L dance reel of 4 on 1st corner diagonal while1M+3L & 4L+2M turn RH then chase anticlockwise 1 place to 'next corner'
13-16 3L+4M+1L+2M dance reel of 4 on 2nd corner diagonal while 2L+1M & 4L+3M turn RH then chase anticlockwise 1 place to 'next corner'
17-24 All repeat 9-16 end as at end of bar 8
25-28 1s+4s set, 1/2 turn partner 2H, 1s face up, 4s face down
29-32 1s & 3s dance up/down, out of ends & cast to 2nc/3rd place own side. 3 1 4 2
PRESTONFIELD SILVER (S3x32) 3C Set Ian Brockbank, 2024
1- 8 1s Advance (1) touch RH & Retire (1), dance down, out between 2s & 3s, cast down behind 3s, meet & lead up to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass RSh; dance Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place opp side. 2 (1) 3
17-20 2s & 3s Set & Rotate while 1s cross RH & chase clockwise (1M up, 1L) down into lines of 3 across
21-24 All cross RH up/down with partner & all chase clockwise round to own side. 3 1 2
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
REEKIE LINN (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflets
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 2s+1s turn partner RH, 2s face out, 1s take prom hold facing up
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 3 across (1s RSh to 2L). Finish in line across 1s facing up between 2s facing down. All join hands
17-24 All set, 1s 1/2 turn 2s nearer hand; all set, 1s+2s turn 3/4 to end with 1s in 1st place opp side facing out. (1) 2
25-32 1s+2s dance 3/4 Double Fig 8, all set. End 2 1
REMEMBERING ABBOTSFORD (S4x32) Sq.Set Maggie & Duncan Keppie Haliburton SCD Book #2: Let's Dance
1- 8 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (RSh to partner to start)
9-16 1s & 3s set, set passing opposite dancer by RSh; 1s & 3s chase clockwise baxk to place (Men with patners on right)
17-24 2s & 4s repeat 9-16
25-32 All turn corner LH, take prom hold; All promenade clockwise 1 place with new partner, Ladies pul back RSh & turn under raised arms to face new partner.
End: Men in original places with new partner, Ladies having moved 1 place clockwise
SIWASH ROCK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
1- 8 1s+2s dance 'Figure 8 Chain':
1-2 1s cross down to 2nd place opp side while 2s dance out/ up to 1st place
3-4 1s+2s 1/2 turn (1M LH, 1L RH) on sides
5-6 1s cross down to 2nd place own side while 2s dance out/ up to 1st place
7-8 1s+2s 1/2 turn (1M RH, 1L LH) on sides. 1 2 3
9-16 1s turn RH, remaining in middle facing down while 2s dance out/ up to 1st place; 1s cross down behind 3s, meet & dance up NHJ to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, dance RSh round each other to face 2nd corners; 1s set to 2nd corners, dance RSh round each other & towards 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
25--32 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance LSh reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner to start) and end in 2nd place own side. End 2 1 3
STONEHAVEN MARKET SQUARE (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Carol Eddie & Christine Grant Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1-8 1M+3L dance Fig 8 round 2s while 1L+3M dance Fig 8 round 4s
9-16 1s+3s Adv+Ret; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
17-24 2M+4L dance Fig 8 round 1s (in 3rd place) while 2L+4M dance Fig 8 round 3s (in 1st place)
25-32 2s+4s Adv+Ret; 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
33-40 Ladies dance RH across & LH across
41-48 Men dance LH across & RH across
49-56 All circle 8H round & back
57-64 All turn partner LH, Ladies join RH in centre as Men drop LH & join RH with partner; All dance RH across 1/2 round to original places
Repeat 164 in Reel time
STONEHAVEN'S WELCOME (R32) Round the Room Fiona Allsop Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
Round the Room - 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-16 All dance DoSiDo with person opposite; All dance RH across
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with partner; All dance LH across
25-32 Couples facing clockwise make arch & anticlockwise couple dance under; Anticlockwise facing couple make arch and next clockwise couple dance under & repeat "over & under". All meet new couple
THE STONEY FIREBALL (R4x48) 4C Set Gill Walker & Michelle Black Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1- 8 2s dance Fig 8 up round 1s while 3s dance Fig 8 down round 4s
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s circle 4H round & back
17-20 1s 1/2 turn RH (elbow grip) moving down to between 2s & facing opp sides, 1s+2s turn LH on sides. 1s end in 2nd place, 2s in 1st place
21-24 1s turn partner RH once round moving down to between 3s & facing opp sides, 1s+3s turn LH on sides. 1s end in 3rd place, 3s in 2nd place
25-28 1s turn partner RH once round moving down to between 4s & facing opp sides, 1s+4s turn LH on sides. 1s end in 4th place, 4s in 3rd place
29-32 1s turn partner 1.1/2 RH to own side & face out
33-40 1s cast up 1 place (4s step down), 1s dance in front of 3s (3s step down); 1s dance up behind 2s (2s step down), 1s turn RH, remain in middle ready for …
41-48 1s join 2H & slip step down to 4th place (2s, 3s & 4s step up); All couples turn partner RH (or Birl)
MiniCrib Dance Database
November 2024
Version 34_07 (revised)
THE 'INN' STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Lucy Mullholland Stagger Inn
1- 8 1s dance in, cast to 3rd place (2s+3s step up 3-4); 2s+3s+1s set & cross RH
9-12 All dance 4 bars of Bourrel:
2L+3M also 3L+1M set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H to line up/down middle, pull back RSh to BtoB in centre while
2M+1L chase clockwise 1/2 round to end 1L 3M 2L 1M 3L 2M (Ladies facing down, Men facing up)
13-16 All set & turn opp person RH once round. 1L, 3M & 2L face up, 2M, 3L & 1M facing down
17-20 1L followed by 3M+2L dance down Ladies' side while 2M followed by 3L+1M dance up Men's side. 2 (3) 1
21-24 3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (3L up round 2s, 3M down round 1s). 2 3 1
25-32 All Adv+Ret (1 step each), dance DoSiDo with partner & set. 2 3 1
A 'REAL' CELEBRATION (R2x48) 4C Set Mike Calder Southsea 50
2 Chords: 2nd chord 1M/3M stand as 1L crosses to 2M pl, 2M crosses to partners pl, 2L steps up, 3L crosses to 4M pl, 4M crosses to partners pl, 4L steps up
1- 8 1s & 4s Set & Rotate, chase (Men leading) 1/2 round to change places while 2s & 3s set, Adv+Ret, set
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance R&L all finishing with dancer opposite ready for …
17-24 All dance Poussette
25-32 All Set+Link with partner; 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance RH across
33-40 Repeat bars 1-8 to return to start positions (as Bar 1)
41-48 All circle 8H round & back
Repeat 1-48 with 2s & 3s leading
1-2-5 (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert Rushton
1- 8 1s Petronella to opposite sides
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
25-28 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times
29-32 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
A 100 YEARS BEHIND US! (M-(S3x32+R3x32)) 3C Set Jennie Hartley, 2018
1- 8 1s dance in, cast (2s step up), dance down between 3s, cast up & pass LSh to face 1st corners
9-24 "Best Set in the Hall" figure:
9-12 1s set to 1st corners & dance RSh round each other into 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners dance in & turn right about to face their original position
13-16 1s+1st crnr person set & 1st crnr persons dance RSh round each other into diag opp crnrs while 1s dance in & pivot to right to face 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to 2nd place opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
25-28 3L followed by 1L+2L cast down (behind Men's line) while 2M followed by 1M+3M cast up (behind Ladies' side). (2)(1)(3)
29-32 2s cross RH while 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across & all set. 2 3 1
Repeat 2 more times Strathspey then 3 times Reel
12 COATES CRESCENT (S4x32) 4C set RSCDS Bk 40
1- 8 All set on sides & cross RH, all set & cross back RH
9-16 1s dance down to meet 4s who dance up & 1L+4L also 1M+4M dance out own sides, cast back to places & 1s lead down to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 15-16)
17-24 3s+4s (middle couples) dance R&L
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance RH across & LH back
THE 12TH NIGHT BALL (J3x40) 3C set Carole Skinner Four Corners Dance Bk
1- 8 1L+3M set, cast 2 places (1L down, 3M up); 1L+3M cross RH back to original places
9-16 1M+3L repeat, crossing LH to place to finish facing down/up
17-24 2L+1s & 2M+3s dance RH across, 2s face 1st corners; 2s+1st corners dance 1/2 RSh diag reel of 4, 2s pass RSh into …
25-32 2M+1L+3L (at top) & 2L+1M+3M (at bottom) dance RH across, 2s end facing 2nd corners; 2s+2nd corners dance 1/2 diag reel of 4. 2s end 2nd place opp sides. (3) (2) (1)
33-40 3s (at top) set, cross RH while 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L; 3s turn RH. End 3 1 2
Note: If danced as 4C set (J8x40,) at end of 2nd turn 1s+2s cross RH with partner, turn person on side LH once round & all 3 couples turn RH
1314 (Thirteen-Fourteen) (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set John Drewry Rondel Bk
Strathspey : -
1- 8 All dance interlocking Reels of 4
9-12 1s & 3s 3/4 turn RH & promenade clockwise 1/2 round to opp side and between setting 2s/4s while 2s & 4s & Petronella turn & set
13-16 1s & 3s curve in towards 3rd/1st place & dance 1/2 RH across in centre back to places while 2s & 4s Petronella turn to partner's original place & change places RH
17-24 Repeat with 2s & 4s promenading while 1s & 3s dance petronella turns
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
33-40 All set to partner & turn RH & set to corners & turn LH
41-56 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
57-64 All turn partner RH, corner LH, partner RH & corner LH
1-64 Repeat in Reel time but end by turning partners only RH & LH
13TH OF SEPTEMBER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Martin Sheffield 140 SCDs
1- 8 1s set, petronella turn into middle and take 2H, 1s set moving down (Man backwards) and 1s turn 3/4 RH to face opp sides as in Double Triangles
9-16 All set, then dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides (pass 1st corners RSh) and 1s turn 2nd corners LH while 1st corners cross RH diagonally
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (RSh to 3rd corner pstn), 1s pass LSh to dance 1/2 Diag RSh reel with 1st corners (pstn). End joining LH with partner, RH with 3rd corner (pstn)
25-32 1s Balance-in-Line with 3rd corners, 1s Balance-in-Line with 4th corners and turn LH to 2nd place own sides
14/12 (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alan Paterson Collecta Ursis
1- 8 1s+2s+3s petronella turn & set, 3/4 turn RH & set (all on opposite sides)
9-16 1s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s set & dance 1/2 RH across
17-24 1s cast up 1 place & dance to top, cast to 2nd place opposite sides & set turning to face out
25-32 1s cast to right & cross up/down, cast to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s change places RH on sides & set up/down then change back RH, all set
15TH ANNIVERSARY REEL (R4x40) 4C set Jean Shaw
2 Chords: 1st Chord All bow/curtsey to partner, 2nd Chord 1s+2s also 3s+4s bow/curtsey to each other on sides
1- 8 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
9-16 All circle 8H round & back
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across
25-32 2s+1s also 4s+3s Set+Link, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
33-40 1s cast to bottom, 2s+3s also 4s+1s turn RH on sides
Start 5s in centre facing 1s
1- 8 5s+1s+3s all in prom hold dance RSh reels of 3 up/down & 5s end in centre facing 4s
9-16 5s+4s+2s all in prom hold dance LSh reels of 3 across & 5s end facing 4s
17-24 5L+1s dance RH across while 5M+3s dance LH across, 5L+2s dance LH across while 5M+4s dance RH across & 5s end facing 1s
25-32 5s+1s set & circle 4H round to left 1/2 way, 5s+2s+3s+4s set & chase anticl'wise 1 pl while 1s (in middle) set to each other & turn RH to face top
18! 18! (COMING OF AGE) (R4x40) 4C Set Children Macclesfield SCD Group
1- 8 1s cross RH & set, cross back RH & set while 2s dance Fig of 8 round 3s
9-16 2s cross RH & set & cross back RH & set while 3s dance Fig of 8 round 4s
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way while 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L while 4s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way
33-40 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s cross down & cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s face up & dance up 1 place on bars 39-40
18TH ANNIVERSARY (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Margaret Rowe Rose & Thistle
1- 8 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 across with 2s (giving RSh to 2M) & 1s end in Double Triangles position
9-16 2s+1s+3s set & 1s dance out as 2s & 3s dance in & all turn right about, all set & 2s & 3s dance out & turn right about as 1s dance in
17-24 1L dances RH across with 2s as 1M dances RH across with 3s, 1s pass LSh followed by couples & chase to opposite ends
25-32 1s dance LH across with same couples, 1s pass RSh followed by couples & chase back to own sides 1s ending in 2nd place
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE 1915 PENNY (S3x32) 3C Triangular set Edith Gall
1- 8 All Set+Link, Men cast behind partners & dance RH across for 2 places (Men with new partner on his left)
9-16 All Set+Link, Ladies cast behind Men & dance RH across for 2 places to partners (1s in 3rd place etc)
17-24 All in prom hold dance reels of 3 with 2s (in 1st place) giving RSh to 1s
25-32 All circle 6H round & back. 2 3 1
192 MILES HOME (J4x48) Sq.Set Katy Sweetman RSCDS Bk 50
Note: All turns with Elbow Grip - RE=Right Elbow, LE=Left Elbow
Part A
1- 8 1s NHJ dance between 3s, separate, cast into centre & dance out between 2s/4s back to place (1M between 2s, 1L between 4s)
9-16 1s turn RE, turn corners LE, 1s turn RE, 1M+2M also 1L+4L turn LE
17-24 1s turn RE, 1M+3L also 1L+3M turn LE. 1s dance to original places facing out, set & turn inwards to face partner
Part B
1- 4 Men pass LSh dancing to Right into next Lady's place, face out while Ladies cast to partner's place & face in. All turn corner (dancer on Left) LE to finish NHJ with corner facing in
5- 8 All Advance with corner & Men Retire with Lady on Left
9-12 Ladies pass LSh dancing to Right into next Lady's place, face out while Men cast to next Man's place & face in. All turn corner (dancer on Left) LE to finish NHJ with corner facing in
13-16 All Advance with corner & Men Retire with partner to new position (1 place round anticlockwise)
17-24 All circle 8H round & back
Note: bars 1-2 & 9-10 of Part B resemble 2 bars of Schiehallion Reel
1ST FEBRUARY (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Avril & David Quarrie, October 2009
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH across back to place
17-24 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L. 2 1
Note: May also be danced as a reel
20 IN 2020 (J3x32) 3C Set Liebet Joubert Fields of Gold
1- 4 2s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (2M round 1s & 2L round 3s)
5- 8 2M+1s also 2L+3s dance RH across. 2s pass LSh to finish 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s chase clockwise once round
17-24 1s+2s Set+Link; 1s+3s Set+Link. 2 3 1
25-32 2s+3s+1s dance 6 bar LSh parallel reels of 3 on own sides (2s pass 3s LSh to begin), 2s+3s+1s set. 2 3 1
20 YEARS OF THE BURDENS OF BUDE (R4x32) 4C Set Shelagh Dempsey, 2002
1- 8 1s+4s dance in, cast down/up (2s+3s step up/down on bars 3-4); 1s+4s dance LH across to finish 4M+1M & 1L+4L facing down/up
9-16 1L+4L also 4M+1M dance LSh tandem reels of 3 across the dance with 2s/3s (passing 2M & 3L LSh). 1s+4s finish in 3rd/2nd places 2 4 1 3
17-20 4s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on the sides (4s cast, 1s in/down & 3s out/up) 2 3 1 4
21-24 1s+4s Set+Link
25-32 2s+3s dance LH across & RH back while 4s+1s dance RH across & LH back 2 3 4 1
20-20 VISION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Andrew Morrison The Nottingham Scottish Association
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast to the left (Lady up, Man down), to end 1L between 2s, 1M between 3s, facing 1st corners
9-12 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across the set with 2s & 3s (1s pass 1st corners RSh to start)
13-16 1s petronella turn into 2nd place opp. sides. All set on the side
17-20 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on the sides with 2s & 3s (1s dance RSh round 2nd corner position to start)
21-24 1s petronella turn to end 1M between 3s (at top) and 1L between 2s (at bottom). All set.
25-32 All chase 1/2 round clockwise, 1s cross, passing RSh & cast to the left to end in 2nd place own sides. 2 1 3
200 KING STREET NORTH (J8x32) 2C (4C Set) Lee Fuell & Patricia Lindsay Flying Ghillies Coll 4
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 fig 8 round 2s, 1M dances down to face 2L as 1L dances down to face 2M & all set
9- 16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across
17-24 1s+2s set & 1s cast up round 2s to 1st place opposite sides, 1s 1/2 turn RH & 2s step in ready for…
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
2000 A & D (S5x32) 5C set Margaret Young
1- 8 2s & 4s turn RH & 2L & 4L cast up 1 place while 2M & 4M cast down 1 place, 2L+1s also 2M+4L+3s also 4M+5s dance LH across
9-16 All dance RH across, 2L & 4L cast down 1 place while 2M & 4M cast up 1 place & 1/2 turn partners RH in middle to 2s facing down & 4s up
17-24 2s+3s+4s set & circle 6H round to left 1/2 way, Men turn Lady on right 2H & circle left 1/2 way
25-32 2s & 4s 1/2 turn RH in middle to face down & dance down to 3rd/5th places,1s & 2s turn RH & cast 1 place. 3 1 5 2 4
2020: VISION IMPERFECT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Terry Lynne Harris Fields of Gold
1- 4 1s set, cast 1 place (2s step up bars 3-4)
5- 8 1s cross RH & cast round 3s ending in 2nd place in middle BtoB facing opposite sides
9-12 2s+1s+3s set as in Double Triangles. 1s, retaining RH, turn 1st corners once round
13-16 1s, passing partner LSh, dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 3rd corners (1s pass 3rd corners RSh to begin). 1s finish in 2nd place in middle BtoB facing opposite sides
17-20 2s+1s+3s set as in Double Triangles. 1s, retaining LH, turn 2nd corners once round
21-24 1s, passing partner RSh, dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 4th corners (1s pass 4th corners LSh to begin). 1s finish in 2nd place on opposite sides facing out
25-32 1s cast LSh round 2nd corners (1M up, 1L down), pass partner RSh up/down middle of set, cast RSh round 4th corners to finish in 2nd place own sides while 3s+2s set (facing up/down) & change places RH on sides. 3s+2s set & cross RH. 2 1 3
2121AU (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bill Unger, 2019
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn RH to 2nd place opp sides (just outside sidelines), 1L facing up, 1M facing down
9-16 1s chase round clockwise through each corner position back to 2nd place opp sides while
9-10 2M+3L change places RH
11-12 2L+3M change places RH while 2M & 3L dance loop round to right (2 small steps) to face in again
13-14 2M+3L change places RH while 2L & 3M dance loop round to right (2 small steps) to face in again
15-16 2L+3M change places RH while 2M & 3L dance loop round to right (2 small steps) to face in again. 2 1 3
17-20 All set, 1s turn 3/4 RH into lines of 3 across (1L between 3s facing up, 1M between 2s facing down)
21-24 All set, 1s turn 3/4 RH to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE 25TH REEL (R4x32) 4C set Alan & Lydia Smith RSCDS Boston Celebrate 50yrs
1- 8 1s cast 1 place & 1s+3s+4s dance reel of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on sides (1s in & up to start) & end 2s casting down 1 place as 1s dance to top
17-24 1s cast 1 place & cross RH, cast to 4th place & cross LH to own side
25-32 All set twice, all turn RH
27TH OF DECEMBER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Sybille Föhrenbach
1- 8 1s set & advance to 2nd place opposite sides, 1s dance circle of 3 on each side & end turning into sidelines
9-16 All advance (1 bar) & retire then 1M passes 2L RSh to dance reel of 3 across as 1L gives RSh to 3M for reel across 1s end between 2s/3s
17-24 All set twice, 1s turn 2H 1.3/4 times & face down as 2s step in
25-32 1s followed by 2s dance down middle & up, all set & turn partner 2H to end 2 1 3
29TH OF JUNE (R4x32) 4C Set MartinSheffield 140 SCDs
1- 4 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s (passing 2M RSh)
5- 8 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s as 1M dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 2s (passing 3L/2M LSh)
9-12 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 4s as 1M dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s (passing 4M/3L RSh)
13-16 1s in prom hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 4s (LSh to 4M)
17-24 1s cast up behind 4s (own side), dance between 3s & cast up round 2s & in to face 2s+3s opp sides
25-28 1M dances LH across with 2L+3L as 1L dances RH across with 2M+3M
29-32 1M dances RH across with 3M+4M as 1L dances LH across with 3L+4L to end 2 3 4 1
THE 2AM JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sheila Bain Stagger Inn
1- 8 1s set, cross RH; cast to 2nd place opp side & turn RH to face 1st corners (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s dance Corner Pass+1/2 Turn & Twirl with 1st corners, pass RSh & repeat with 2nd corners (as Corner Pass+Turn but corners only 1/2 turn RH then pull back RSh & dance out to opp corner). End (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
2PM (J4x32) 4C set Bardill/Prince
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s while 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 4s. 2 1(3)4
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s+3s dance LH across
17-24 1L followed by 3M dance Tandem reel of 3 with 2s (LSh to 2M) while 3L followed by 1M dance Tandem reel of 3 with 4s (LSh to 4L) ending 2(3)1 4
25-32 3s & 1M+4M also 1L+4L Set+Link, 3s+4s+1s circle 6H round to left to end 2 3 4 1
3 FEISTY WOMEN (Double the Trouble) (R6x32) 3C set Klann Just a few Dances
1- 8 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start)
9-16 1s dance reflection reels on own sides (dance between 2s to start)
17-24 1L followed by partner dance down the middle, 1M followed by partner dance up & out behind 2s to original places
25-32 1s+2s change places on sides (dance between 2s) & 1s+3s turn 1.1/2 times (with other hand). 2 3 1
Danced twice through
3 JS' JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jill Burrows
1- 8 1s lead down for 4 bars. Bar 5: Lady turns under Man's arm to change places & 1s lead up to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
9-12 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 3, LSh to 1st corner to start. 1s finish facing 4th corners across set
13-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across, LSh to 4th corner corner. 1s pass LSh to 2nd place opp sides facing out
17-20 1/2 dance 1/2 diag reel of 3, LSh to 2nd corner (pstn) to start. 1s finish facing 3rd corner (position) across set
21-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across, RSh to to 3rd corner (pstn). Finish 1L between 3s facing up, 1M between 2s facing down
25-28 1s 1/2 turn RH and twirl (pull back RSh) so 1L faces up, 1M down
29-32 1s turn 4th corner 1.3/4 RH (1L+2L & 1M+3M) to finish in 2nd place own side
30 YEARS TO LIFE (S3x32) 3C Set Alison Austin A Dunfermline Collection
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1/2 turn partner RH into prom hold; 1s+2s dance down, cross LH below 3s and cast up on own sides. 2 1 3
9-16 1s+3s set, 1/2 turn partner LH into prom hold; 1s+3s dance up, cross RH above 2s and cast down on own sides. 2 3 1
17-18 1s dance up while 3s step down
19-24 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bar reels own sides 1L+3L & 1M+2M pass RSh, 1s face out at end of reel.
25-32 Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression:
25-26 2s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round the set picking up 2L/3M...
27-30 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise while middle people (2M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2.
31-32 2s & 3s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in 2nd place. 3 1 2
33RD PRIEST'S STREET (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Anna Frimodig Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s followed by 2s (dance up sides to start) lead down (3 bars), 2s+1s lead back up, 2s to 1st place, 1s to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, 1s Petronella turn to lines of 3 across (1L between 2s, 1M between 3s); all set, 1s Petronella turn to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & cross RH to own side 2nd place
25-32 1s+2s dance R&L
35 YEARS AND COUNTING (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Terry Lynne Harris Many Happy Hours, Pretoria 35th Anniv
1- 8 1s dance in & cast 1 place, 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides
9-16 2s+1s dance 1/2 double Fig 8 (1s cross up), 1s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig 8 (1s cross down)
17-20 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across 1/2 way & 1s chase clockwise to 2nd place own sides
21-32 2s+1s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples
1- 8 All face partners & dance interlocking reels of 3 around the set.
`Pass partner RSh, next person LSh, next RSh & turn back, pass RSh, LSh & RSh back to place`
9-12 All Ladies dance RH across
13-16 All Men dance RH cross to finish back in place facing corners.
17-18 All set
19-24 All dance La Baratte with their corners
19-20 Man 1/2 turns Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
21-22 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
23-24 Couple change places LH
25-28 1s+3s dance 1/2 modified Ladies Chain, Ladies cross LH & turn Man RH, Lady is on Man's left
29-32 2s+4s repeat bars 25-28
33-36 All Set+Link (Ladies now on Man's right)
37-40 All turn partners 2H for 4 bars 4 1 2 3
40 YEARS ON (S4x32) 4C Set Pat Dixon ASCDS Ruby Bk
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link. 2s+1s also 4s+3s circle 4H round to left. 2 1 4 3
9-16 1s+4s in the middle dance the Tourbillon:
`1s & 4s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 4L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 4s on Men's side, 1s set to 4s
`1s & 4s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 4M lead partners on 1 place to end 4s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl, 4s+1s cross RH to own sides 2 4 1 3
17-20 2s+3s (end couples) turn partner 2H
21-24 All Adv+Ret
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 4 1 3
40 YEARS TOGETHER (S4x40) 4C set Helen Beaney
1- 8 All set, 1s+4s set again & 1s dance in towards partner & cast, 1s to 4th place as 4s lead up curving into 1st place facing out
9-16 4s+2s & 3s+1s dance double Fig 8 (4s & 3s cast to start)
17-24 4s+2s & 3s+1s dance RH across, dance LH across
25-28 4s+2s & 3s+1s "set & mirror link" (end dancers [4s & 1s] cast down/up as middles [2s & 3s] dance up/down)
29-32 4s+1s circle 4H round to left
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
4007 (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
1- 8 1L dances down below 2M & casts up on opp side into middle as 1M dances across & casts down into middle, 1s turn LH once round into line across with 2s (retain LH & join RH with 2s)
9-16 1s+2s Bal-in-Line (HS) & dance 1/2 reel of 4 across
17-24 1M+2L also 1L+2M turn RH once round, 1s pass RSh. 1M+2M turn LH 1.3/4 times while 1L+2L turn LH 1.1/4 times 1s & 2s now in partners original place
25-32 1s+2s set, circle 4H 1/2 round to left, 2s+1s turn partners 2H
FORTY-FIVE YEARS ON (R4x40) 4C set Lorna Reid RSCDS 5 Dances 2009
1- 8 1s dance down to 4th pl & while 4s cast up to 1st pl, 1s cast up to 3rd pl as 4s dance down to 2nd pl & 1s+4s set. 2 4 1 3
9-16 4M+1M dance Alternating Tandem reel of 3 on sides (4M+1M RSh to 3M) & 4L+1L dance Alternating Tandem reel of 3 (RSh to 2L)
17-20 1s+4s 1/2 turn RH then dance RH across 1/2 way
21-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s 1/2 turn RH then dance RH across 1/2 way to end in original places
25-32 1s dance RH across with 2M, then LH across with 3L to end 2 3 1
33-36 1s+4M dance RH across, 4s finish in 3rd place. 1s finish in middle, M facing down L facing up.
37-40 1s set & turn RH 3/4 into 4th place own sides. 2 3 4 1
5 COUPLE MACDONALD OF THE ISLES (BIG MAC) (S5x32) 5C Set John F Rigby Montreal Moments
1- 8 2s & 4s dance diagonal reels of four with 1st corners & end dancing LSh round partner to face 2nd corners
9-16 2s & 4s dance diagonal reels of four with 2nd corners & ending in original places
17-24 All dance a Cumulative Grand Chain:-
17-20 1s+3s cross RH & face down, 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places on the sides LH
21-24 2s cross RH as 1s+4s also 3s+5s change places RH on the sides, 2s+4s also 1s+5s change pls LH on sides as 3s cross LH. 4(2)5(1)3
25-32 4s+2s also 1s+5s dance 1/2 R&L, 4s+5s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Men up, Ladies down). 2 4 1 5 3
5000 (R5x32) 5C Set Keith Rose Fields of Gold
1- 4 1s+3s set, turn RH to face out.
5- 8 1s+2s+3s+4s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 4 on sides (1s+3s dance out/down to start), 3s &1s finish BtoB in middle of set (Men facing up, Ladies facing down). 4 3 2 1 5
9-16 All dance Double Crown Triangles (4s take hands with 3M, 2s face across & take hands with 3L &1M, 5s take hands with 1L
9-10 All set, on bar 10 3s &1s move clockwise to face opposite sides & take hands with dancers on sides while 4s & 5s move to face across.
11-12 All set facing across, on bar 12 3s & 1s move clockwise to finish BtoB while 4s & 5s move to face down/up
13-16 Repeat bars 9-12 to finish 4 3 2 1 5 (same positions as at end of bar 8)
17-20 3s &1s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd corners. On bar 20 3s & 1s pass 3/4 LSh to face 1st corners
21-24 Repeat bars 17-20 with 1st corners to face 4th corners
25-28 3s & 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 with 4th corners to finish on own sides facing down. 5 3 2 1 4
29-32 3s+2s+1s+4s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 4 on own sides (3s & 1s dance in/down to begin). On bars 31-32, 4s dance up to 1st place passing behind 5s who step down to 2nd place. End 4 5 1 2 3
THE 50TH PARALLEL (R5x48) 5C set Bill Zobel Dancing on Air
1- 8 1s+5s dance Fig 8 on own sides (1s RSh to 2s, 5s RSh to 4s). 1L & 5M face out
9-16 1L followed by 1M casts & crosses to opp sides while 5M followed by 5L casts up & crosses to opp side (2s & 4s step down/up 3-4); 1s & 5s turn partner RH, pull back RSh to end BtoB in centre facing opp sides
17-24 1s & 5s set as in Double Triangles, all set advancing pulling back RSh to invert triangle; All set as Double Triangles, all set advancing pulling back RSh (2s+3s+4s on own sides, 1s+5s in line of 4 in centre facing partner, Men face down, Ladies face up)
25-32 1s+5s dance 1/2 reel of 4; turn partner RH to face down in prom hold (Man with Lady on Right)
33-40 5s+3s & 1s+4s dance RSh reels of 3 across (5s RSh to 3M, 1s RSh to 4M). 5s+1s finish in centre NHJ facing down. 2 (5) 3 (1) 4
41-48 1s followed by 5s dance down for 4 bars (4s step up 43-44); 5s+1s 1/2 turn partner RH (Lady dances under Man's arm) to own side (3s+4s step up 45-46) 5s+1s dance up 3 bars to 2 3 4 5 1
THE 51ST TRAVELLERS (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Sandra Turton RSCDS Bk 44
1- 8 1s cross down RH (2s step up bars 1-2) & dance out behind 3s & up to 2nd place opp sides; 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1s out & up to start)
9-16 3s+1s+2s dance Grand Chain
17-24 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 (once), 1s turn RH 1.3/4 times to face 1st corner (pstn) while 2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd places
THE A 57 (J4x32) 4C set Barbara Handley Manchester 75th Anniv
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down under arch made by 4s who dance up, 1s cast up round 3s as 4s cast round 2s (2s & 3s step up/down) & all set
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance R&L
17-24 Reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. End 2 4 1 3
60 AND STILL GOING STRONG (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s; 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place own side (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s+1st corners turn RH, 1s end facing them while 2nd corners set & change places RH; 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to face 2nd corner (posn)
17-24 Repeat 9-16 with 2nd corners, passing RSh to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
60103 (THE FLYING SCOTSMAN) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Brian Fee
1- 8 1s & 2s dance RH across to end facing up with NH joined, 1s cast & cross passing RSh to 2nd place opp sides facing to the right (1M down, 1L up), while 2s dance up above top place, loop outward (M to left, L to right) and dance down to top place facing down. 2 (1) 3
9-20 1s dance Fig of 8 Grand Chain:
1s change places RH with 1st crnrs on sides as 2nd crnrs cross diag RH, 1s cross diag LH as others change pl LH on sides;
Repeat until back to place (Each Lady in top place always crosses diagonally with Man in 3rd place as others change places on sides)
21-24 1s 1/2 turn RH to face each other, pull back RSh & curve out to right into 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
A 60TH CELEBRATION (S3x32) 3C Diamond Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music
6 dancers arranged in Diamond set: 1s & 3s as in a square set with 2M in 2nd place and 2L in 4th place
1- 8 All dance Petronella turn to next side & set; all repeat. All are now opposite original place
9-16 1s+3s in promenade hold, dance a reel of 4 with 2L & 2M (2L & 2M pass LSh to start & give RSh to 3s & 1s) 2s end in original places (as at bar 1)
17-24 2M+3s (top) & 2L+2s (bottom) dance RH across; 2s pass RSh, 2L+3s & 2M+2s dance LH across
25-32 All set, 3M+2M also 3L+2L turn 1.1/2 2H while 1s turn 2H, all set
70 IS FUN (R7x32) 7 Person Hexagonal Set Sheila Trafford Newcastle 70th Anniversary
Start: 7 dancers arranged in hexagon
5 ···4····3
1 - 8 Dancer 4+1+2 dance RH across; 4+6+7 dance LH across
9-16 4+3+5 dance RSh reel of 3 across (4 RSh to 3 to start), 4 faces 6
17-24 Grand Chain Progession round set (1 bar per hand, centre dancer moving anticlockwise round set):
4+6 change places RH, 4+7 change places LH, 4+5 change places RH, 4+2 change places LH;
4+1 change places RH, 4+3 change places LH, 4+7 change places RH, 4+5 change places LH
25-32 Outer 6 dancers circle 6H round & back while new centre dancer (original 6) sets (Highland setting?)
70TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IN DUMFRIES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s set, dance down, cast up round 3s to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1s set to 1st corner, 1s & corners petronella turn to Right, 1s join NHJ with corner facing centre, Set+Link, corners casting back to place while 1s end in 2nd place opp side facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance LSh reel of 3 with corners (1M up, LSh to 2L, 1L down, LSh to 3M), Bars 23-24: 1M/1L cross diagonally up/down from 3rd/1st place opp side to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
75 YEARS ON (J4x32) 4C Anne Rafferty
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cast in 1 place, 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides
17-24 2L+4L, 1M+3M, 2M+4M & 1L+3L all turn RH, 4L+1M & 4M+1L turn LH
25-32 4s+1s dance Ladies' Chain. End 2 4(1)(3)
75 YEARS YOUNG (J4x32) 4C set Dee Steed Friendship Dances
1- 8 1s+4 cross RH, cast in 1 place (2s & 3s step up/down); 1s+4s turn partner LH, 1s+4s join LH in centre & RH with corners (St Andrews Cross)
9-16 All set, 1s+4s dance 1/4 LH across (1 place round); repeat to end 2 4 1 3, 1s & 4s facing corners
17-28 Interlocking RSh diagonal reels of 4 (LH across in middle). End 4s between 2s facing up, 1s between 3s facing down)
29-32 4s & 1s dance out of end & cast to end in 2nd/3rd place own side. 2 4 1 3
75TH ANNIVERSARY JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Margo Mernitz Piping Shrike Collection
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set twice; 1M changes places RH with 2L, then LH with 3M
9-16 1s+2s+3s set twice; 1L changes places LH with 2M, then RH with 3L
17-20 2s+3s+1s set on sides, 1s+2s change places on the sides (1s cast up & 2s dance in & down) while 3s set, pulling back RSh to turn about on the spot
21-24 1s turn 1.1/2 RH. (1) (3) (2)
25-28 1s+3s Set+Link
29-32 All dance clockwise to own side in a circular movement. 2 1 3
THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY MEDLEY (M-4x(S16+R16)) 4C set Lewis N Derrick 75 years of Dancing in St Andrews
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s, Set & Rotate. Finish 2 1 4 3, with 1M and 4L facing out
9-10 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across
11-12 1M casts down behind 3L while 1L dances down in front of 3M. At same time, 4M dances up in front of 2L while 4L casts up behind 2M
13-16 1L followed by partner casts up behind 3M, crossing to 3rd place, 1s finish in 3rd place own sides facing down
At same time, 4M followed by partner casts behind 2L crossing to 2nd place, 4s finish in 2nd place own sides facing up
17-24 All dance reels of 4 own sides (1s face 3s, 2s face 4s, pass RSh)
25-28 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across
29-32 4s+1s dance LH across. Finish 2 4 1 3
75TH ANNIVERSARY REEL (R4x32) 4C set Margaret Rowe
1- 4 1L+2M also 3L+4M cross passing LSh & cast RSh round partner into middle (Ladies face down & Men up)
5-12 1L+2M+3L+4M dance reel of 4 up/down middle
13-16 1L+2M also 3L+4M turn RH (4 bars) to end facing partners in diagonal line
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance diagonal LSh reels of 4 ending in original places
25-32 1s set & cross down between 2s, cast down behind 3s & cross to 4th places
7TH WONDER (R3x32) 3C Set Andrew Hodgson Forty Years On
1- 8 1s cross & cast then dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance chase 1/2 way clockwise then turn partners RH 1.1/2 times
25-32 1s+2s Set+Link, 3s+2s Set+Link
8TH BATTALION-THE ROYAL SCOTS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Wilma Miller Allanton Coll
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides & 1s end BtoB in 2nd place facing opposite sides as 2s end in 1st place
9-16 1s dance Crown Triangles with 2s+3s & end facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 with corners passing 2nd corner by RSh & cross LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 (Lady up through 2s & Man down through 3s)
90 YEARS ON (S4x40) 4C set Alison Austin RSCDS Dunfermline 90th Anniv
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across. 1s pass RSh to flow into…
9-12 1M+2s & 1L +3s dance LH across flowing into.
13-16 "Snake Pass": 1M followed by 2M+2L dance down Ladies' side, across & up to 2M place while 1L followed by 3L+3M dance up Men's side, across & down to 2L place. 3 1 2
17-24 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across; 3s, 1M+2M, 1L+2L & 4s turn 2H to form square formation, NHJ with 'partner' & all set
25-32 All set to corners & dance La Baratte with corners
27-28 Man 1/2 turns opposite Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
29-30 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
31-32 Couple change places LH to opposite places, ending in square formation again NHJ
33-40 All set, 2s+1s turn partners 1.1/2 with 2H to end on sides in 1st/4th place while 3s+4s (side 'couples') dance RH across to end in 2nd/3rd place. All join hands on sides & set. 2 3 4 1
THE 96 TEN (R5x32) 5C set Brenda Burnell Silver Thistle Coll
1- 4 Top 4 Men change places RH diagonally with bottom 4 Ladies while 1L sets to 5M & all dancers dance on 1 place clockwise
5- 8 Repeat from new pstns back to places
9-16 1s & 3s set & cast down 1 place, all advance for 2 steps & 1s & 3s turn single into BtoB position for Double Triangles as 2s, 4s & 5s retire
17-24 All dance Double Triangles ending with 1s & 3s turning singly to face2nd corners
25-32 1s & 3s dance RSh round 2nd corners & meet partner in middle, turn RH & cast 1 place. 2 4 1 5 3
A-WARD WINNING REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Fred Merse San Diego 45th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M+3L & 1L+2M pass LSh to start)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Set & Rotate for 3:
Set & rotate singly & chase 1 place clockwise, all change places RH with opposite person & chase clockwise to opp sides. (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s set & cast to 3rd place while 2s dance in, NHJ dance up & cast into 1st place; 2s+1s+3s 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & dance out to own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
AARHUS FESTIVAL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Hastings Woodside Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, turn RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (3)(1)(2)
9-16 Men dance "Snowball Chase", all dancers travelling anticlockwise:-
3M crosses above partner & down behind Men's side, crosses below 3rd place & up Ladies' side back to place while 1M stands for 2 bars & dances similarly while 2M waits 4 bars & dances similarly
17-24 Ladies dance "Snowball Chase":-
2L crosses below partner & up Ladies' side, across top, down Men's side back to place while 1L stands for 2 bars & dances similarly while 3L waits 4 bars & dances similarly
25-32 1s Petronella turn & set twice, back to own side, while 3s+2s set & Petronella turn twice to end 3 1 2
ABBOT HOUSE (R80) Sq.Set Amy Drysdale RSCDS Dunfermline 90th Anniv
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across, turn opp Man LH once round, Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men dance 1 place anticlockwise. All turn 'new partner' LH into square set
17-24 Men repeat bars 9-16, end turning original partner LH into square set. 2 3 4 1
25-32 All Adv+Ret, all turn (birl) corner LH
33-40 All set to partner & change places RH, change places LH with next person, & set to next facing person
41-48 All change places RH with facing person, change places LH with next person & all turn (birl) partner RH to end 4s (1st place) facing 1s (2nd place) & 3s (4th place) facing 2s (3rd place). 4 1 2 3
49-56 1s+4s & 2s+3s dance R&L
57-64 1s+4s & 2s+3s Adv+Ret, set & change places RH with dancer opposite to finish in square set. 1 4 3 2
65-72 All dance Set+Link with partner; 2s+4s promenade clockwise inside set to original places. 1 2 3 4
73-80 All circle 8H round & back. 1 2 3 4
THE ABBOT OF UNREASON (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Milton Levy Tin Woodman
1- 8 1s dance down, 1L dances under 1M arm as he dances round below her & dance up to 2nd place BtoB in the middle facing opposite sides
9-16 1s set (as in Double Triangles), turn 1st corner RH, set again in Double Triangles & turn 2nd corners LH
17-24 1s reel of 3 on the sides giving RSh to 1st corners & cross to 2nd place own sides
25-32 All set 1 (PdB on R foot) & circle 6H round to left, all set (PdB on L foot) & circle 6H round to right
ABBOTSFORD LASSIES (R4x32) Sq.Set Charles Inglis
1- 8 1s+3s set & change places RH (up/down), dance clockwise round the outside of the set back to places (ending in partner's place).
9-16 2s+4s repeat
17-24 1L+2M & 3L+4M (taking nearer hands) Adv+Ret diagonally, 2L+3M & 4L+1M repeat
25-32 All circle 8H round & back ending with Men in original places with new partner
ABBOTSLEIGH (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Bardill/Prince BHS 9 For 2015
1-10 1s+2s change places on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH), 2s+1s+3s Set+Link; 1M+3s (at top) & 1L with 2s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across (RSh to person on right). End (3) (1) (2)
11-20 1s lead down (4 bars) 1L turns under partner's Left arm (2 bars), 1s lead up to 1st place own side & face out (3s step down 19-20)
21-30 1s+3s change places on sides (1M+3L LH, 1L+3M RH); 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reflection (mirror) reels on sides (1s in/down); all set; 2s+3s cross LH as 1s turn LH to face 4th crnr pstns
31-40 1s dance Hello-Goodbye setting (6 bars) to 2nd place opp sides; 1s turn (birl) to face up NHJ
End of 2nd time: 1s end NHJ in middle facing down & on bars 1-2 of next repeat they1/2 turn couple below into 4th place own sides
THE ABBOTSWELL JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Isobel Cowie Peterhead 25th Anniv Coll
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
9-16 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1s lead down for 2 & up, cross up & cast to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE ABC JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Brenda Burnell Silver Thistle Coll
1- 8 1M+3L set advancing to join RH with each other & LH with partners in diagonal line, Bal-in-Line, 1s+2L also 3s+2M dance LH across
9-16 1L+3M set advancing to join LH with each other & RH with partners, Bal-in-Line, 1s+2M also 3s+2L dance RH across
17-24 1L followed by partner casts behind 2L, cross, casts down behind 3M & dances up the middle with partner
25-32 1s dancing between 2s turn them with nearer hand, dance in & down between 3s & turn them with nearer hand (1.1/2 times 2nd time through)
ABC - JIG (Annual Basic Cleaning - Jig) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Judith Kowalczik Potters Pairs
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast & dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1M round 2M, 1L round 3L) finish facing 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end in 2nd place own side facing out
17-20 1s cast to Left (1M between 3s, 1L between 2s), cross RH while corners Adv+Ret diagonally
21-24 1L casts up round 3M, 1M casts round 2L to 2nd place opp sides & cross RH while corners Adv+Ret diagonally
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance DoSiDo, clap (bar 29) & all turn partner RH 2 1 3
ABERDEEN HUNT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ron Wallace
1- 8 1s+2s dance Tourbillon: -
1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise (end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s Men's side), 1s set to 2s
1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs clockwise to 2s in 1st place & 1s in 2nd place then both cross RH to own sides 2 1 3
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (RSh to 4th corner) & 1/2 reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner) & end facing 3rd corner (pstn)
17-20 1s set to 3rd corner & right about turn & dance into into corner behind them while 3rd corners (pstns) dance in & turn right about to face 1s
21-24 1s+corners set & corners turn right about & dance into corner behind them while 1s dance in & turn right about to face 4th corner (pstns)
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 ending with 1s crossing RSh to 2nd place own sides
ABERDEENSHIRE MEETS ARGENTINA (S3x32) 3C Set James Stott Argentine Collection 2020
1- 8 1s set, turn 2H & face down; 1s dance down & cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side (2s step up 5-6)
9-16 1s pass LSh to dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh to dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place opp sides (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice. 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s dance The Rosette:
1s+3s join NH & set to partner, 1/2 turn partner RH remaining in centre facing partner; 1s+3s pull back RSh & chase clockwise 1/2 round. End 2 3 1
1- 8 1s turn RH once round & turn LH 1.1/2 times to end in 2nd place on opposite side facing up (2s in 1st place face down)
9-16 2s+1s set & turn 2H on the sides, 2L+1L cross to change places RH, 1s & 2s turn partners LH to original places
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
ABOUT TIME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Stewart Adam Edinburgh 90th Anniv
1- 4 1M+2s+3L dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 (2s pass LSh to start). 2s pass RSh at end to face 1L / 3M
5- 8 1L+2s+3M dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4. 2s finish in middle, facing own sides, 2M above 2L
9-12 2M+3s at top & 2L+1s at bottom dance RH across
13-16 2s turn 1.3/4 times to finish back-to-back in middle facing opp. sides while 3s+1s dance clockwise 1/2 way round to places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Double Triangles. 2s finish 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
ABOVE THE CLOUDS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Dix Reel Friends 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1/2 Turn RH continue to turn individually dancing out to opposite side, chase 1/2 way & 1s end facing 3rd corners
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across & turn LH to face 1st corner
17-24 1s turn corners RH, pass RSh, turn 2nd corners RH & cross RSh to place
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & turn partners 2H
THE ACADIAN JIG (J2x48) 4C set John Drewry Brodie Bk
Longways set in Glasgow Highlanders positions
1- 8 2L followed by 1M dance also 3L followed by 4M dance Figs of 8 on sides round 2M+4L/3M+1L (dancing in front of partners to start) ending with 2L+1M at top facing down & 3L+4M at bottom facing up
9-16 All set twice (in sq formation), turn 'corners' (Men RH & Ladies LH) to end on sides (Men's side 2L 1L 3M 4M & Ladies' side 1M 2M 4L 3L)
17-24 1L followed by 3M also 4L with 2M dance Figs of 8 across round 1M+2L/4M+3L & back to each other's place (2L 3M 1L 4M & 1M 4L 2M 3L)
25-32 Two middle couples set & dance RH across 1/2 way, all set & cross to original places
33-40 All set & dance "La Baratte" with the opposite person:
`Men 1/2 turn Lady RH & retain hands but at arm's length from each other
`Men retrace steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies' original place) & releasing Ladies' RH, she turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places & then they change places LH to opposite places
41-48 All In prom hold with partner promenade 1/2 way round clockwise, 3s+4s (at top) also 1s+2s dance RH across
ACHAMORE HOUSE (S4x32) 4C set Moira Stacey Gigha Set
1- 8 1s dance down NHJ & cast up into 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 3-4); 1/2 reels of 4 on sides (Men RSh, Ladies LSh)
9-16 All set, 1s+2s cast down/up 1 place (3s/4s step down/up 11-12) to end 4 1 2 3; 1s+2s circle 4H round to left
17-20 1L+4M, 3L+2M set, 3/4 turn 2H to end BtoB up/down centre, Ladies pull back RSh to face partner while 1M, 4L, 3M & 2L cross dance & cast to face partner in centre
21-24 All set, turn RH into promenade hold facing up
25-32 4 couple Allemande.
ACHNACARRY HOUSE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 1
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners,1s 1/2 turn LH with partner giving RH to 3rd corner (pstn) Bal-in-Line & turn LH to face 2nd crnrs
17-24 Repeat above Fig with 2nd corners
25-28 1s dance out own side & cast round 3rd corner to face up/down dance as 2s & 3s cross RH, set to partner & to other corner on sides (1 step each)
29-32 1s change places RH (up/dn) & cast round 4th corner to 2nd place own sides as 2s+3s change places RH on sides, setting to crnr on sides & ptnr
ACROSS AND BACK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alison Austin A Dunfermline Collection
1- 4 1s+2s 1/2 turn partner RH and dance 1/2 RH across. 2 1 3
5- 8 1s+3s 1/2 turn partner RH and dance 1/2 RH across. 2 3 1
9-12 1s cross RH & cast up 1 place (3s step down 11-12). 2 (1) 3
13-20 2s+1s+3s dance mirror (reflection) reels of 3 on sides (2L+1M pass RSh, 2M+1L pass LSh to begin)
21-24 1s cross RH & cast up 1 plasce (2s step down 23-24). 1 2 3
25-26 1L+2L change places LH while 1M+2M change places RH. 2 1 3
27-28 All join hands on sides and set.
29-32 All turn partner RH. 2 1 3
ACROSS KILDONAN HALL (S3x32) 3C set Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 8 1s+2s dance Rose Progression:
1-2 1M+2L facing in diagonally set while 2M+1L change places RH to face out
3-4 1M+2L 1/2 turn 2H to face each other as 1L+2M dance into partners place
5-6 1M+2L cast into each others place as 1L+2M 1/2 turn 2H to face each other
7-8 1M+2L dance into 2nd/1st place own side while 2M+1L cast to right to new places 2 1 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 8 bars of R&L for 3 Couples:
9-10 All 3 couples cross RH with dancer opposite
11-12 Dancers in 1L place & 3M place change places diagonally LH while other couples change places LH on side
13-16 Repeat bars 1-4 from new places. Ladies' side: 1M 2M 2L; Men's side: 3M 3L 1L
17-20 All set, 3s & 2s 3/4 turn partners 2H on sides while 1s 1/2 turn RH. All now on own side 3 1 2
21-24 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 3s)
25-32 1L+2L+3L dance LH across while 1M+2M+3M dance RH across; 1s dance down to 3rd place (3s step up) & 1s turn 2H. 2 3 1
ACROSS THE BRANDYWINE (R32) Round the Room Iain Boyd Lord of the Rings Coll
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, all repeat
9-16 Centre Men dance RH across with partner on right & opposite dancer, LH back with partner on left & opposite dancer
17-24 Centre Men dance diag R&L ending with centre Men facing out
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 3 with new partners & all end facing next line of 3
Note- centre Men do not advance but simply dance to & fro
ACROSS THE ESK (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Set & Cast Off Vol 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cast 1 place while 2s cross up, 1s+3s set, 1s cast 1 place while 3s cross up
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance reels of 3 on sides (2s in/down, 3s out/up, 1s in/up to start)
17-24 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
ACROSS THE FIRTH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) MartinSheffield 2009
1- 8 1s+2s set advancing to face up then cast 2 steps behind 3s (2s leading) & turn outwards, 1s dance up to 2nd place & 1/2 turn RH into promenade hold facing down as 2s dance up to top
9-16 1s passing 3M RSh dance a diagonal reel of 3 with 2L
17-24 1s set to 3M & set to each other, set to 2L & set to 1st corners
25-32 1s dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners ending in 2nd place on own sides
ACROSS THE TAY (J4x48) 4C Set Douglas Henderson Tay Bridge Pocket Bk
1- 8 All 4 couples set, 1s+2s & 3s+4s change places RH. All set, cross RH. (2) (1) (4) (3)
9-16 2s+1s & 4s+3s face diagonally in, all set then petronella turn 1 place round. Repeat to end in original places
17-24 1M+2L & 3M+4L change places RH. Middle couples (1M+3L+2M+4L) dance LH across while end couples turn LH. 1M+2L & 3M+4L change places RH back to original places
25-32 1L followed by 2L+3L+4L dances down middle & back up own side to place while 4M followed by 3M+2M+1M dances up middle & down own side to place
33-40 1L+2M & 3L+4M change places LH. Middle couples (1L+2L+4M+3M) dance RH across while end couples turn RH. 1L+2M & 3L+4M change places LH back to original places
41-48 4s followed by 3s+2s+1s lead down (2 steps), 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s lead up (2s steps). 1s cast to 4th place as 2s+3s+4s set & dance up 1 place. End 2 3 4 1
ACROSS THE WAVES (H4x32) 4C Set Ewan Galloway Ship Ahoy!
1- 8 All 4 couples Adv+Ret; 1s+3s set advancing & Bal-in-Line (Man above Lady)
9-16 1s+3s 1/2 turn partner RH & Bal-in-Line; 1s+3s turn partner RH (or birl) back to place
17-24 1s cross down RH, cast behind 3s; cross RH & cast behind 4s to 4th place (2s, 3s & 4s step up 23-24)
25-32 2s+3s+4s+1s circle 8H round & back
THE ADDLESTONIAN STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Dix Addlestone 80th
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up bars 3-4), turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners.
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to face 2nd corners; 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners to finish in 2nd place opposite sides. (3) (1) (2)
17-24 All set, all 1/2 turn partner RH & remain facing partner in the middle. Pull back RSh, all curve out to own sides & chase clockwise for 2 bars to finish Men facing down in 1st place, Ladies facing up in 3rd place
25-32 All set, all 1/2 turn partner RH & remain facing partner. Pull back RSh, curve out to partner's place & chase clockwise for 2 bars to finish on own sides. 2 1 3
THE ADELAIDE PLATINUM STRATHSPEY (S6x32) 6C Set Martin Campbell-Colquhoun
1- 4 1M, 3M & 5M change places RH with 2L, 4L & 6L, All change places LH on sides with partners
5- 8 1s+2s, 3s+4s & 5s+6s chase 1 place anticlockwise to original places, All set
9-12 1L, 3L & 5L cross down & cast up round diag opp Man into centre & face down while
1M, 3M & 5M cross & cast down 1 place into centre facing up
13-16 1s+2s, 3s+4s & 5s+6s dance RH across. End 1s facing each each, 3L facing up, 3M facing down, 5s facing each other, all in centre
17-24 1s+3L also 3M+5s dance reels of 3. End Ladies facing down, Men facing up
25-28 1s+2s, 3s+4s & 5s+6s dance LH across
29-32 1s, 3s & 5s turn partners 3/4 LH moving down to end in 3rd/5th/6th place own side while 2s, 4s & 6s dance up to end 2 4 1 6 3 5
THE ADELAIDE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Jean Lumsden Piping Shrike Collection
1- 8 1s dance Figs of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down, 2s followed by 1s lead up to 1st & 2nd places
17-24 1s+3s Set+Link, 1s+4s Set+Link. 2 3 4 1
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 round 4s
ADELE'S JIG (J3x40) 3 Person Triangular set Jack Pressley
3 dancers arranged as Triangular set
1-12 All 3 dancers Petronella turn & set 3 times back to place
13-16 All dance RH across ending with dancer 1 facing down between 2 & 3 facing up
17-24 All set as Double Triangles, all set advancing, pull back RSh to invert Double Triangles; repeat back to original place
25-32 All dance Coupé PdeB and Set
33-36 All dance in, passing RSh in centre to end 1 place to right of start place
37-40 All circle 3H round to left. 2 3 1
ADIEU MON AMI (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 24
1- 8 1s+2s set on sides, turn 2H, set to partners & turn 2H into Allemande hold
9-16 1s+2s Allemande 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, into middle facing partner, clap & petronella turn to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ADMIRAL JOHN L WORDEN (M-4x(S16+R16)) 4C Set Diane Spain Fort Worden XX
1-16 Reel of 4 Chain:
1-2 1L & 3L cast 1 place, 2M & 4M cast up 1 place while 1M+2L & 3M+4L turn 3/4 RH to end on own side up/down 1 place
3-4 1s+4s change places LH on sides while 2s set facing down & 3s set facing up
5-16 Repeat bars 1-4 from new positions until back to original places (no casting after setting – dance directly up or down)
1- 8 1L followed by partner casts 1 pl, crosses down & out behind 4M, crosses & 1L casts up to 2nd place as 1M dances up middle to 2nd pl own sides (2s step up 3-4). 1s end in centre 2H joined, 3s+4s step in ready for …
9-16 1s+3s+4s dance Poussette to end 2 3 4 1
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1L followed by partner casts down below 2s, cross & cast up on Men's side & back to places
17-24 1M repeats this Fig starting by casting down own side followed by partner
25-32 1s+2s & 3s+4s R&L
33-40 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
41-48 1s+2s Allemande
49-56 All dance Grand Chain
57-64 1s lead up to top & cast down own sides to 4th place
ADVANCE BUT NO RETIRE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Geraldine & Holger Schuckelt Riverside Dances
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in/down to start); 1s+2s 1/2 turn on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH), 1M casts up, 1L casts down to end 1M between 3s (at top), 1L between 2s (at bottom)
9-12 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own side while 2s+3s advance (PdeB) slightly to Left to join hands in line up/down centre, all set
13-16 1s petronella turn to centre while 2s+3s advance (PdeB) slightly to Right to form lines of 3 across, 1L+3s at top facing down, 1M+2s at bottom facing up, all set
17-24 1s dance RSh round 3rd corner (1M up/out, 1L down/out), pass partner RSh & dance RSh round 4th corner to 2nd place own sides. (3) 1 (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance diag R&L. End 2 1 3
AFRICAN MONARCH (S4x32) 4C Set Andrew & Heather Hodgson Fields of Gold
1- 8 1s+4s cross RH & cast down/up (2s+3s step up/down bars 3-4); 1s+4s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples. 2 1 4 3
9-16 1s+4s dance Poussette. On bar 16, 1s+4s turn 2H 3/4 to finish in middle of set (Men facing up, Ladies down)
17-24 1s+4s dance reel of 4 up/down middle of set
25-32 1s+4s turn 2H 1.1/4 to finish 1s facing down, 4s facing up. 1s+4s circle 4H 1/2 round to the left; 4s+1s set & cross RH to own sides. 2 4 1 3
AFTER EIGHT STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Hilda Millar Southsea 50
1- 8 1M+2L also 3M+4L 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to change places; all dance 8H 1/2 round to left
9-16 4M+3L also 2M+1L 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to change places; all dance 8H 1/2 round to left. (2) (1) (4) (3)
17-24 All dance reels of 4 on sides
25-32 1s+4s (middle couples) Set+Link; all cross RH to own sides & set. 2 4 1 3
AFTER HOURS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Sybille Spägele
1- 8 1s & 2s set advancing & 3/4 turn RH, 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 4
9-16 2s & 1s set & 3/4 turn to own sides, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 2s+1s dance RH across for 3 bars & LH back, 2s set as 1s cross LH
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
AFTER SUPPER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt Tartan Rainbow Bk
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1s lead down (LHJ) & cross below 3s & cast up round 3s to face 1st corners
9-24 1s dance Corner Chain with 1st & 2nd corners : -
`1s change pl RH with 1st crnrs, 1st crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who turn LH in centre to face 2nd crnrs
`1s change places RH with 2nd crnrs, 2nd crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who finish in centre, 1L facing up, 1M facing down
25-32 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across, 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance LH across. End 2 1 3
AFTER THE BALL (S48) Sq.Set Shirley Johnstone Hunter Valley Bk
1- 4 All Ladies cast round partner & dance into centre as Men dance to right 1/2 way
5- 8 Ladies dance RH across 3/4 way & turn facing Man 2H & end facing partner (on corner)
9-16 All set to partners twice, turn partners 1.3/4 & face anticlockwise
17-24 All Promenade to original places, all joining hands in circle advance to centre & turning inwards dance out to original places
25-48 Repeat bars 1-24 with Men casting into LH across & Ladies dancing 1/2 way round clockwise etc
THE AGE OF AQUARIUS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sandra Carroll
1- 8 1s set & dance down NHJ (2s step up); 1L+3L also 1M+3M join hands (Ladies LH, Men RH) & set & 1/2 turn as 2s set & dance down NHJ then cast up to 3rd place behind 3s
9-12 Ladies dance LH across as Men dance RH across
13-16 1s dance up NHJ followed by 3s, 1s cast to 2nd place own sides, 3s loop into 1st place while 2s NHJ dance down slightly & cast back up to 3rd place ready for …
17-24 1s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (1L+3s at top, LSh to 3M, 1M+2s in 3rd place, LSh to 2L); 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M RSh to 3M, 1L RSh to 2L). (2) (1) (3)
25-32 All Adv+Ret, all advance & turn 2H 1/2 way & retire to own sides. 2 1 3
AN T-UIBHISTEACH TAPAIDH (The Agile Uistman) (J8x40) 3C (4C Set) Gordon Thomson
1- 8 1s dance Fig. 8 on own sides (1s dance in/down to start) giving hands when poss. 1s end in centre 1st place, 2s step in, ready for…
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette
17-24 1s dance Diag R&L with 2s+3s. 1s finish 2nd place own sides, 1M facing up/out, 1L down/out
25-28 1M dance up behind 3L (in 1M place), across top of set, casts to 2nd place opp. sides. 1L dances down behind 2M (in 3L place), across, casts into 2nd place opp. sides
29-32 1s turn LH 1.1/4 to face 1st corners (3rd corners pstn)
33-40 1s dance 1/2 Diag. reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh, dance 1/2 Diag. reel of 4 with 2nd corners 2 1 3
AGING GRACEFULLY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Carlyn Bromann RSCDS Bk 47
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set to partners & turn 2H twice round & set to partners again
9-16 1L+2M set advancing & turn 2H, 1L+2M pass by right to each others place & set
17-24 1M+2L repeat bars 9-16
25-32 2s cross down to dance reels of 3 on own sides, 1s crossing up on last 2 bars 2 1 3
AGNE HANSON'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Elke Schmölder-Hanson Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1s dance down, cast up round 3s (2s step up); all turn partners 2H into prom hold facing up
9-16 2s+1s+3s promenade
17-24 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across, 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AGNES & BOBBY CROWE (S96) Sq.Set Roy Goldring Crowe's Nest Set
1- 8 All Ladies dance Fig of 8 passing in front of corner & behind opposite man
9-16 All dance Ladies' Chain with Ladies dancing 1/2 RH across in centre & all end facing corners
17-24 All dance a reel all round the set giving RSh to corners to start (ie Grand Chain without hands)
25-32 All set to corners & turn 2H, repeat with partner
33-40 1s+3s set & cross RH, dance out & cast to right (L leading) into centre (L dancing round side couple but M thru side couple) & turn to face side cpl
41-48 All dance 6 bars of reel of 4 across & 1s also 3s dancing out & clockwise to opposite places as 2s & 4s dance out to own places
49-64 2s+4s repeat bars 33-48 ending 3 4 1 2
65-72 All Men dance Fig of 8 passing in front of corner & behind opposite Lady
73-80 All dance Men's Chain with Men giving LH in centre
81-88 All set & 3/4 turn RH into prom hold, all Promenade 1/2 way round (to original places)
89-96 All circle 8H round & back
THE AIKEN TREE (J4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 2
1- 8 1L followed by 1M also 4M followed by 4L cast in 1 place, 1L & 4M cross to opposite sides & all dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 on sides
9-16 Repeat with 3L & 2M leading all ending in partners original places
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, set, 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across & set
25-32 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples & all turn partners RH. 2 4 1 3
AILEEN'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 14 Social Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, 1L+2M also 1M+2L change LH on sides, 1M followed by ptnr casts up & dances down middle to 1M between 3s & 1L between 2s
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance down the middle & back
17-24 1L followed by partner casts 1 place (Men's side), crosses to own side & 1s turn LH (4 bars) ready for…
25-32 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) & pass RSh for LH across with other couple. 2 1 3
AILSA CRAIG (S3x32) 3C set Eric Forbes Birmingham Bk 2004
1- 8 All dance full petronella but without setting
9-16 1s set & turn partner 2H, 1s set to 2s on sides & 1/2 turn 2H
17-24 1s set to 3s on side & 1/2 turn 2H, 1s cast back to top
25-32 All dance Reversing Grand Chain:- 1s turn once round RH as 2s+3s change places RH on sides, 2s (at bottom) turn once round LH as 1s+3s change places LH on sides, 3s (at top) turn once round RH as 1s+2s change places RH on sides, 1s (at bottom) turn once round LH as 2s+3s change places LH on sides to end 2 3 1
AILSA'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain E Garden Richardson
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s set advancing & turning right about dance out
9-16 2s+1s+3s chase cl'wise 1/2 way, 1s continue chase to 2nd places own sides while 2L+3M change places (diag) RH then 2M+3L change places RH
17-24 2L+1L+3L set, Adv+Ret & set while partners set twice & Adv+Ret
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE AIR OF BELOIT (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Chicago 25th Anniv Coll
1- 8 1s+2s turn 2H & circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s lead down for 2 bars, set, lead up & cast to round 2s to face other partner
17-24 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across & end in middle 1s facing up with 2s behind them
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE AIRBUS JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Avril Quarrie, 2020
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 on own sides, dancing in/down to start (in front of 2s, behind 3s)
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH across
17-24 1s followed by 2s lead down, 2s followed by 1s lead back up. Couples remain in middle facing up ready for …
25-32 2s+1s promenade
Note: In a 2 couple set, Bars: 1-8 1s dance Fig 8 round 2s
AIRD OF COIGACH (J4x48) 4C set John Bayly Imperial Bk 3
1- 8 All Men dance across passing partner RSh & cast down to the bottom of set (4th Man leading), cross the bottom of the set & up Men's side
9-16 All circle 8H round & back (retaining the circle formation to bar 40)
17-20 1s with dancers on their left (1M+2M & 1L+2L) NHJ cross diagonally (Men's arch) & both pairs turn away from each other to face in
21-24 1s with dancers on their left (1M+3L & 1L+3M) NHJ cross over (1M+3L make arch) both pairs turning away from each other to face in
25-32 1s continue this Fig 2 more times to end with top 2 dancers facing each other also bottom dancers facing each other for a Snowball Grand Chain
33-40 All dance Snowball Grand Chain for 4 cpls: -
`End couples cross RH & change places LH on side with side persons
`Original side persons cross RH while original end couples change places RH on sides & all change places LH on sides
41-48 All Ladies dance across passing opposite Man RSh & cast up to top, cross & down on the Ladies' side to end opposite partner. 2 3 4 1
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, cross over passing partners RSh, Men making the arches
9-16 Repeat bars 1- 8
17-20 1s & 4s turn R elbow grip ending in middle 1s facing down & 4s up (Lady on Man's right)
21-28 1s+4s dance R&L up/down dance
29-32 1s+4s turn partners L elbow grip (end Lady on Man's Right)
33-40 1s+4s dance Ladies' Chain & end in original places
41-48 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s cast & 1s make an arch at bottom of set while others dance under arch to top
AIRIE BENNAN (J5x32) 5C Set Hugh Foss Glendarroch SD Sheets
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s set & dance 1/2 RH across, all set & dance 1/2 LH across, 2s & 4s back to places, 1s & 3s in middle facing down NHJ
9-16 1s & 3s dance down 1 place, set, dance back up to places & cast 1 place to face 1st corners
17-24 1s & 3s set & turn 1st corners RH, set & turn 2nd corners RH
25-32 1s & 3s turn partner LH, cast 1 place on opp sides & turn partner RH 1.1/2 times to 3rd/5th place own side. 2 4 1 5 3
AIRS & GRACES (J8x32) 3C (4C set)
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast & turn LH to face out on opposite sides
9-16 1s dance RH across with corners & pass RSh to dance LH across with ptnrs crnrs (1M ends between 3s facing up & 1L with 2s facing down)
17-24 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 twice (starting & ending in lines across)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across (1s face opposite sides to start), 1s dance 1/2 reel on own side (1M+3M also 1L+2L pass RSh to start)
AIRY HOLME JIG (J3x32) 3C set J Trevor Stevenson SCD Archives
1- 8 2s turn LH, 2s cast 1 pl (L up & M dn) as 1s & 3s petronella turn to middle, 2s cross between 1s/3s & cast to 2nd pl as 1s & 3s petronella to opp side
9-16 1s & 3s set as 2s cross RH & all dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (2M up & 2L down)
17-20 1L+2M also 2L+3M change places RH (on sides), 1L+3L also 1M+3M change places LH (on sides)
21-24 3L+2M also 1M+2L change places RH (on sides), 2s turn LH to end facing 3rd corner (pstn)
25-28 2s change places with 3rd corners RSh, corner persons turn in middle LH to face their partners (in 4th corner positions)
29-32 1s & 3s pass partner RSh to change places & corner persons turn LH in middle to end in 2nd place own sides. (All now have new partners)
Repeat with new partners
AIRYHALL DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Doris S Young RSCDS Bk 40
1- 8 1s+2s set & RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s 1/2 R&L
9-16 3s+1s set & LH across 1/2 way, 2s+1s 1/2 R&L
17-24 1s lead down the middle, back to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s set
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AKU'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) David G Queen
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
9-16 1s cast round 1st corners, change places RH to form lines of 3 across (1M between 2s & 1L between 3s), 2s+1s+3s set & all change pl RH
17-24 1s cast round 4th corners, cross RH & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides RSh to person on right
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M LSh to 3L & 1L LSh to 2M) & turn LH in middle to end in 2nd places
AL'S FIDDLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alasdair Brown Dunnington Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man up round 2s & Lady down) & end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end BtoB facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s, 1s pass 2nd corner RSh to start) & end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corners RH & partner LH to 2nd place own sides
ALAN J SMITH (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Andrew Smith Bristol 40th Anniv Bk & RSCDS Bk 45
1- 8 1s set, dance down to face out 2nd place, 1M+3M turn LH while 1L+3L turn RH into double triangle positions
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles (15-16 1s turn right about on spot to face 1st corners)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & cross RH to 2nd places
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ALAN ROSS'S REEL (R3x32) 3C Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music 2
1- 8 1s set, 1L followed by partner, casts 2 places, 1L crosses (below 3s) & casts up Men' side to 2nd place facing down while 1M dances round 3L & up the middle to 2nd place Ladies' side facing down 2 (1) 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on the sides (1s & 3s pass RSh, 2s out/down to begin, 1M finishes facing out)
17-20 1s turn 3s RH on sides to finish 1M facing out
21-24 1M followed by partner, casts down 1 place & dances across the set to finish in 3rd place own sides, 3s step up bars 23-24. 2 3 1
25-32 2s+3s+1s Adv+Ret, all turn partner RH. 2 3 1
ALASDAIR'S FANCY (R4x32) Sq. Set Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain, set to partner & turn 2H
9-16 1s+3s set advancing, 1M+3L face 2s, 1L+3M face 4s & all set. Couples dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+4s finish in centre, 1s+3s omit polite turns to end 1s facing top, 3s facing bottom
17-20 2s+4s dance 1/2 LH across while 1s+3s cast to original place. 1s+4L+2M & 3s+4M+2L dance 1/2 RH across
21-24 1s+3s dance LH across ending on side in 2nd/4th places while 2L+4L stand (2 bars) then step right into next Ladies' place while 2M+4M cast anticlockwise 1/2 round to meet partner in 1st/3rd places
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. End 4 1 2 3
ALASDAIR'S REEL (R4x32) 4C set Alex Gray Tweeddale Coll 2
1- 8 1s & 4s set, cast 1 place, set & dance LH across 1/2 way
9-16 1s & 4s change places RH with corners, 2s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way, change places RH with crnrs & 1s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way. (3) 1 4 (2)
17-24 All dance Snowball Grand Chain for 4 cpls to end 2(1)(4)3: -
`2s & 3s cross RH & change places LH on side with 1s/4s
`1s & 4s cross RH while 3s+2s change places RH
`1s+2s & 3s+4s change places LH on sides. 2(1)(4)3
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 Diagonal Poussette to change places:
1s+4s 3/8 turn partners RH into diagonal lines (Poussette hold), dance out diagonally & 1/4 turn & dance down/up diagonally, 1/4 turn & turn partner RH to own sides
ALASTAIR FITZMAURICE (J4x32) 4C Set Arthur Williamson Annette Cameron Bk
1- 8 1s+2s (also 3s+4s) dance R&L
9-12 1M+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1M LSh to 2L) 1M ends on left of 1L while 3L+4s dances 1/2 reel of 3 across (3L RSh to 4M), 3L ends on right of 3M
13-16 1s in prom hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s to end facing 2M while 3s dance similar to end facing 4L
17-20 1s+2M dance RH across, end facing 2L (1L on 1M's left) while 3s+4L dance RH across, end facing 4M (3L on 3M's right)
21-24 1s+2L dance LH across ending in centre facing down while 3s+4M dance LH across to end in 3rd place own side
25-32 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s lead down; 1s make arch & 2s+3s+4s dance under & cast up to end 2 3 4 1
ALASTAIR HUNTER'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 15 Social Dances
1- 8 1s+2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way, 1s dance up to top & cast on opposite sides 1 place & face 3rd corner pstns (own 1st corner persons)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 3rd corners, join LH with partner to Bal-in-Line with 4th corner pstns (RH to corner), 1s set to 4th corner
17-24 1s 1/2 reel of 4 with 4th corners, join LH with partner to Bal-in-Line with 1st corner pstns (RH to corner), 1s set to 1st corner
25-32 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s circle 3H round to left, 1s finish BtoB in centre, 1s dance out through ends (1L up & 1M down) & cast to right to 2nd places
ALBA (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Mary Pasqua Millennium Dances
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s set to 2s, 1s cast to 2nd place while 2s dance up casting to 1st place
9-16 1s+3s repeat bars 1-8. 2 3 1
17-24 3s set to 1s & change places on sides (Ladies RH & Men LH), 2s set to 1s & change places on sides (other hand)
25-32 1s+2s dance the Bourrel: -
`1M+2L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise 1/2 way,
`set to partners & turn 2H to own sides having changed places
ALBA ANTICS (J4x32) 4C Set Ruth Rintoul Woodside Collection
1- 8 All set, 1s & 3s cast down 1 place while 2s & 4s cross up 1 place, all dance 1/2 reel of 4 on sides (RSh Ladies' side & LSh Men's side)
9-16 3s+4s also 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L. 4L+3L also 2L+1L cross diagonally RH, 4M+3M also 2M+1M cross RH
17-24 1s+2s (bottom couples) dance 1/2 RH across, 4s+2s dance 1/2 LH across. 3s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 3s & 1s cross RH
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
ALBA PLACE (R4x32) 4C set Sandy Bain All Around the Circle
1- 8 All set advancing & turn partners 2H to face up, 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s dance up & cast to 4 3 2 1
9-16 All repeat bars 1-8 to original places
17-24 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way & 1s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way & all cross RH
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
ALBATROSSES & SHEARWATERS (S3x32) 3C set Martha Morrison Veranth Feathered Friends
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 2s dance up 1 place, cast & dance down between 3s & cast to face 1st corners
17-24 2s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners
25-32 1s+2s+3s dance the Knot with 3s+2s dancing 1/2 LH across to end 2 3 1
ALBERT'S WELCOME (TO POTTEN END) (J4x48) Sq.Set Stephen Webb Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee
1- 8 1s promenade anticlockwise inside set, 1M leaves 1L in 4L place, prom with 4L to 3L place, prom with 3L to 2L place, prom with 2L to top place. All face corners.
9-16 All set advancing, turn corners 2H to form cross (Ladies RH in centre) all facing clockwise. All dance RH across 1/2 round, Ladies cross in front of Men who finish BtoB facing Ladies
17-20 All pivot turn to face again
21-32 Double Diag reels of 4 (LH across in centre)
33-40 Men set to corners & to each other ("Hello-Goodbye") 1/2 round. End beside original partner facing out.
41-48 Double Ladies' Chain (1/2 RH across in centre) & finish in square set 4 1 2 3
THE ALBERTA ROSE (S80) Sq.Set Marjorie Eder Martello Tower 2
1- 8 All Ladies RH across, face partners, set & turn partners RH back to places
9-16 All Men LH across, face partners, set & turn partners LH back to places
17-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain , 2s+4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain
25-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain , 2s+4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain with Men ending facing out
33-40 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (touching RH in middle) & end in prom hold with (Men on inside) facing anticlockwise
41-48 All Promenade 2 places, 1s lead up the middle followed by 2s+3s+4s to form longwise set with 2s & 4s crossing to opposite sides
49-56 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way, set to partner, dance LH across 1/2 way & set to partner
57-64 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Ladies' Chain
65-72 All dance LSh reels of 4 on sides ending with 2s & 4s crossing back to own sides RH & all facing up in prom hold
73-80 All Promenade round anticlockwise to end in square formation & turn Ladies into centre for Bow or Curtsey
ALCANEDE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Isabel Monteiro
1- 4 All set advancing with hands joined, turn partner 2H, remain in centre on own sides facing down NHJ
5- 8 All set and "Cross-Link":
As normal Set+Link for two people, to change places with partner, but 1L and 2M, likewise 2L and 3M, and 3L and 4M, dance round each other RSh to join partner NHJ facing down
9-16 All dance down and on bar 12 change sides to face up, Man passing Lady under his R arm; all dance up to original places
17-30 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 2s cross back RH (bars 21-22) as 1s+3s start 1/2 R&L (bars 21-24); 3s cross back RH (bars 25-26) as 1s+4s dance 6 bars of R&L (Bars 25-30) no polite turns throughout
31-32 All set
THE ALDER BURN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 4 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down 1 place, set to partner & turn right about to face 1st corners
5-16 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s finish facing 3rd corner (pstn)
17-24 1s 3/4 turn corner RH, set (facing in diag with corner on R), 1s+corners dance RH across 1/2 way (crnrs end in orig pl) & 1s face 4th crnr (pstns)
25-32 1s 3/4 turn corners LH, set (facing diagonally in with corner on left), 1s+corners LH across 1/2 way to end 2 1 3
THE ALDERWOOD KNOT (S4x32) Sq.Set Marla Bright
1- 4 All turn partner RH once round (2 bars) Ladies dance 1 place clockwise passing partner RSh
5- 8 All turn new partner LH once round (2 bars), Men dance 1 place anticlockwise (passing new partner LSh (now opposite original partners)
9-16 1L+3M & 1M+3L (in 2nd & 4th places) set advancing, turn original partner 2H once round, opening out to circle 4H round to left, pull back RSh, 1s face couple in 1st place, 3s face couple in 3rd place
17-24 All dance RSh reels of four up/down set & form square set, 1L+3M (2nd place)1M+3L (4th place) opposite partner (Lady on Man's right)
25-28 All set & Petronella in Tandem 1 place anticlockwise round
29-32 "Interlocking Set+Link"
All set, Ladies cast clockwise round outside 1 place while Men dance through the middle (passing LSh) 1 place anticlockwise round to finish with original partner. All have moved clockwise 1 place. 4 1 2 3
THE ALE IS DEAR (M-(S16+R16)) Round the Room Iain Boyd SCD Archives
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 In lines of 3 all set & change places RH with opposite person & circle 6H round to left
9-16 The 2 Men set (centre dancers), cast to their right & dance a Fig of 8 round the end Ladies to end BtoB facing other Ladies
17-24 All dance Double Triangles
25-32 Men dance reels of 3 with original partners giving RSh to Lady on right
ALEC HAY'S DELIGHT (S3x32) 3C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 1s set & cross RH, 1s+2s Set+Link 2(1)3
9-16 2s+1s set & Petronella turn in Tandem to face partner up/down, 2s+1s Set+Link ending with Ladies in middle of a line of 4 up/down
17-24 2s+1s dance LSh reel of 4 up/down but 2L+1M also 2M+1L end reel changing places RH (order 2M+2L+1L+1M)
25-32 1M+2M chase clockwise 1/2 way while 2L+1L turn LH, 2s 1.3/4 turn RH to 1st place while 1s turn 1.1/4 turn RH into 3rd place 2 3 1
ALEC'S LEGACY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Lesley Enoch Leeds SCD Club 65th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, dance in & cast 2 place; 1s cross up to 2nd place opp sides & face out (2s step up 5-6)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides giving hands (1s out/up, 2s in/down, 3s in/up). 1s finish facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corner RH, pass LSh, set to & turn 2nd corner LH, finish in centre facing partner (Man facing down & Lady facing up)
25-32 1s 3/4 turn 2H, pull back RSh & dance out to 2nd place own sides. 2s+1s+3s turn 2H. 2 1 3
THE ALEWIFE & HER BARREL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS Bk 19
1- 8 1s cast 1 place & turn RH, cast up to places & turn LH
9-16 1s+2s set & RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way to places
17-24 1M+2L set adv & turn RH ending in 2nd places (2M step up), 2M+1L set adv & turn LH & 1L ends in 2nd place (2L steps up)
25-32 1M changes places RH with 2L, 2M changes places RH with 1L, 1s+2s 1/2 R&L
ALEX DOIG'S JIG (Dunblane Drummer) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 1
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast 1 place & turn LH to face 1st corner
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 1st corner while 2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides & 1s end turning LH to face 3rd corner
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 3rd corner while 2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides & 1s end turning LH to face 1st corner
25-32 1s+1st corners turn RH, pass RSh, turn 2nd corner LH & cross passing LSh to 2nd place own side
ALEX JAPPY'S PLEASURE (S3x32) 3C set W Ernst Eder Martello Tower Bk 5
1- 8 1s+2s set, turn partner 2H & circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s+2s+3s RSh reels of 3 on sides
17-24 1L followed by partner cast 1 place, cross down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place on Men's side & 1L crosses over to own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance the Knot to end 3 1 2
ALEX T QUEEN (R4x48) 4C set David G Queen Queen Coll of SCD 1
1- 8 1s & 4s set, cast in 1 place, advance diagonally in & turn right about setting to face corners
9-16 1s & 4s turn corners RH, 1s+4s dance LH across in middle to end facing same corner
17-24 1s & 4s 1/2 turn corners RH into middle, corners dance LH across in middle & end facing same corner (pstn) while 1s+4s chase clockwise 1/2 way, all 1/2 turn RH (4s & 1s now in middle facing new corner person)
25-32 4s & 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting (corners set for 8 bars) & end facing corners
33-40 1s & 4s dance out thru ends turning corners with nearer hand to 2nd/3rd places & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples
41-48 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L & all turn partners RH. 2 4 1 3
THE ALEXANDRIA REEL (J4x48) 4C Set John Drewry Summer Coll 1
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1M dances full reel of 3 with 2s (LSh to 2L) picking up partner on bar 5 while 4M reels with 3s & picks up partner on bar 5
9-16 1s+4s lead into middle, RH across 1/2 way & LH across once round to face new corner
17-24 1s+4s set twice & turn corners (1s+4s dancing out through sides) ending in middle to take prom hold (facing sides) with other partner
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 on sides, 1s+4s change partners & 1/2 LSh reel on other side ending in middle (as in Bees of Maggieknockater)
33-40 1s+4s (in middle) set & change places RH, circle 4H round to left, drop ptnrs hand & open out to pick up 2s & 3s (1s picks up 3s)
41-48 All circle 8H round & back
THE ALGARVE WAY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Betty MacKenzie
1- 8 1s lead down crossing below 3s & cast up to 2nd place opposite sides, lead up to top crossing & cast to 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s petronella turn into lines across & all set, 1s dance RSh round 1st corners while 1st corner persons set & change places RH
17-24 1s petronella turn to opposite sides & all set, 1s dance RSh round 2nd corners while 2nd corner persons set & change places RH
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link twice
THE ALHAMBRA (R4x32) 4C set Joseph Killeen
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place. 1s set to 2s while 4s set to 3s, 1s & 4s turn inwards & set to each other while 2s & 3s set to partners
9-16 1s+4s dance LH across, 1M followed by 4M dance up to top & cast on Men's side while 4L followed by 1L dance down & cast up on Ladies' side
17-24 1M+4M also 4L+1L dance Tandem RSh reels of 3 on sides
25-32 4s+1s dance LH across, Men dance out Men's side while Ladies dance out Ladies' side turning corner with nearer hand to end 2 4 1 3
ALI'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) David G Queen Queen Coll of SCD 1
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s 1.1/4 turn LH
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s), 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to own sides
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 4th corner), 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to opposite sides
25-32 All Set+Link for 3 twice
ALICE & MALCOLM'S GOLDEN WEDDING (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Helen Beaney
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 2 places, 1s cross RH & cast up to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way
17-24 1M+3L turn 2H, 1L+3M turn 2H
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ALICE FERGUSON OF SEAFORTH (J4x32) 4C set Lydia Hedge Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), dance in front of 3s, behind 4s (4s step up) to 4th place
9-16 4s+1s dance 1/2 R&L; 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
17-20 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L. 1 (2) (3) (4)
21-24 All advance (2 bars), 2s+3s+4s 1/2 turn partner 2H & all retire (2 bars) to end facing up/down. 1 2 3 4
25-28 1/2 mirror reels of 4 on sides (Men RSh, Ladies LSh). 4 3 2 1
29-32 1s stand, 4s+3s+2s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (4M+3M pass RSh, 4L+3L pass LSh). End 2 3 4 1
ALICE THE CAMEL (R4x48) 4C set M Gent & I Thompson Aurora 10th Anniv
1- 8 1s cross down (2s step up) to dance Double Triangles (6 bars). 1s finish on own sides, 2nd place. 2s face 1s & 3s face 4s
9-16 Reels of 4 on sides, Ladies pass LSh, Men RSh
17-24 All set, Men make arches & all cross passing prtnr RSh. Repeat with Ladies making arches but 1s+2s remain in centre 2H joined ready for ...
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
33-40 1s cross RH, cast to 4th place & turn RH 1.1/2 times (2s+3s+4s step up 35-36)
41-48 All circle 8H round & back
ALICE'S REQUEST (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 1L+2M turn RH, 1M+2L turn RH
25-32 1s lead down the middle & up to 2nd place
ALICE'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) Ian Cruickshanks South African SCD Bk
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-12 All set, 1s turn RH to face 2nd corners
13-24 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s meet again in middle to face their 4th corner positions
25-32 1s turn 4th corners RH to end in 2nd place own sides, all chase clockwise 1/2 way & 1s cross RH
ALISON HOGG STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Richard Francis Class Of '13
1- 8 1s+2s dance the Bourrel while 3s+4s turn 1/2 RH, face partner & cast to opposite sides, set, cross LH (1s+3s finish face out) 2 1 3 4
9-16 1s&3s dance up/down outside 2s/4s, meet & lead down/up. 1s+3s dance RH across.
17-24 1s+3s Set & Mirror Link (1s cast), 1s+4s Set & Mirror Link (1s cast) 2 3 4 1
25-32 All dance mirror reels of 4 on the sides (Men pass LSh & ladies pass RSh to begin)
ALISON JANE'S JIG (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Howard Steventon SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+2s cross RH & 1s 1/2 turn LH to face 1st corners
9-12 1s change places with corners RH, corners 3/4 turn LH in middle to face 2nd corner pstns while 1s change places LH with opposite persons
13-16 Centre dancers change places with corners (1s) RH who turn LH 1.1/4 times in middle to face 1st crnrs while 2s+3s change places with opp person
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance full Figs of 8 across 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (Man up & Lady down) 1s end crossing RH to 2nd places
ALISON RANTS (S3x32) 3C set Alison Roberson Clydesdale Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Set+Link for 3 twice (all end on opposite sides 3 2 1)
9-20 3s+2s+1s dance 3 couple R&L
21-24 3s+2s dance 1/2 RH across while 1s cross RH, 2s+3s+1s set
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back
ALISON ROSE (S4x32) 4C set Derek Ivory Imperial 2
1- 8 1s lead down to bottom, all set & circle 8H round to left 2 places (end with Men at top of dance & Ladies at bottom)
9-16 Men dance LH across & Ladies RH across once round, continue but change places with partner when passing thru middle in order 1 4 3 2
17-24 As 1s (+4s+3s+2s) meet again (Men drop RH) & leads his prtnr round to end 1s (followed by 4s+3s+2s) leading up to top, all 1/2 turning RH into…
25-32 All dance Allemande ending 2 3 4 1
ALISON'S ROUND REEL (R32) Alex Gray Tweeddale Coll 2
Round the Room Dance - 3 dancers in triangular formation - 1st dancer facing clockwise to 2nd & 3rd (numbered clockwise)
1- 8 All dance RH across & LH back
9-16 1 turns 3 RH & turns 2 LH
17-24 All dance reel of 3 (1 gives RSh to 3 to start)
25-32 1 sets to 2+3 (as Double Triangles), all advance & turn right about & set again, 1 turns right about & 2+3 turn inwards to face new partners
ALISON'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s set & dance LH across 1/2 way
9-16 2s+3s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, 3s+2s turn 2H ready for…
17-24 3s+2s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette & dance 4H round to left into…
25-32 2s+3s+1s dance 6H round & back
ALISTAIR'S DANCE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1s+2s+3s turn partner RH (4 bars); all chase clockwise 1/2 round to opp sides (3) (2) (1)
9-16 Mirror reels of 3 on sides (3s in/down, 2s out/up, 1s in/up) giving hands where possible
17-24 3s followed by 2s+1s (who dance up to start) dance down middle; Bar 21: Ladies dance under Men's right arm to change sides & all dance up, 1s+2s remain in centre facing partner, 3s end in 3rd place
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
ALISTER MACLEAY (S4x32) 4C set Susan M Johnston BHS 9 for 2015
2 chords - on 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 All circle 8H 1/2 way round to Left. All set & cross RH
9-16 Repeat Bars 1-8 finishing in allemande hold, 1s+2s face up, 3s+4s face down
17-24 Interlocking allemandes: Bars 19-20 1s & 4s pass on sides then complete allemandes to finish 2 (4) 1 (3)
25-32 4s+1s dance RH across. 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Figs 8 (4s up round 2s, 1s down round 3s). End 2 4 (1) (3)
ALISTER MCALISTER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Glendarroch SCDs
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s set & cross up while 2s turn RH & cast to 2nd place. (1)2 3
9-16 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way. 1s+2s set & cross down 1 place while 3s turn LH & cast up to top. 3 2(1)
17-20 1s set & 1/2 turn LH while 3s turn RH
21-24 1s lead up to top crossing & cast to 2nd place opposite sides while 2s step down & set as 3s cast & lead up to top. 3(1)2
25-28 1s set & 3/4 turn LH in middle to face opposite sides
while 2s facing down promenade round up behind Men's side & 3/4 turn RH in middle to face opposite sides
while 3s facing up promenade down behind Ladies' side & 3/4 turn RH in middle to face opposite sides
29-32 All turn 1.3/4 times (1s LH, 2s & 3s RH to own sides). 2 1 3
ALISTER'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) George Mercer
1- 8 1s lead down below 3s, turn RH & cast up on own sides to end in the middle (2nd place)
9-16 1s cross & dance reel of 3 on opposite sides, (1L RSh to 2M & 1M LSh to 2L)
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 on own sides (1L LSh to 2L & 1M RSh to 2M) & end in middle of dance
25-32 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
ALIVE AT 95 - A PERTHSHIRE JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Theresa MacVarish Clark Perth 95th Anniv.
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast; 1L dances down between 3s & casts up while 1M dances up between 2s & casts down to end 1s in 2nd place own side (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret; all 3 couples turn partner RH
17-24 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across, 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ALL FEATHERS AND FLUFF (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Set & Cast Off Vol 3
1- 8 1s set & cross RH; 1s+2s set, 1s cross down RH to own side 2nd place facing 3s while 2s cast up to top place
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s out/down to start). 1s end in centre, 2nd place, facing down
17-20 1s lead down followed by 2s, 1s cast up into 3rd place facing up (3s step up), 2s remain in centre in 2nd place facing down; 1s+2s join hands across & set
21-24 1s+2s 1/2 turn NH (Ladies LH, Men RH), 2s dance up to top, 1s follow to end in 2nd place (3s step down). 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
ALL FOR BETTY (S4x32) 4C set Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 2s+3s set advancing, turn 2H to end on sides facing end couples; 1L+2L & 3L+4L set, change places RH while 1M+2M & 3M+4M set, change places LH. 4s face out. 2 1 4 3
9-16 1s+4s+3s dance Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression:
9-10 1s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle while 4s dance clockwise 1/4 round the set picking up 1L/3M …
11-14 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise while middle people (1M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2.
15-16 1s & 3s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides while 4s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in 3rd place. 2 3 4 1
17-24 2s+3s & 4s+1s dance diag reels of 4 across (2L+3M also 1M+4L pass LSh to start then RSh to partner)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 3 4 1
ALL FOR MARY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 12 more social Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, petronella turn to 1M between 2s facing down & 1L between 3s facing up, all set
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret up/ down for 2 steps, 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own sides & all set
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 4th corner, 1s end Lady between 2s & Man between 3s
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across again giving RSh to 4th corner, 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
ALL FOR ONE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Brian Martin RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
1- 4 1M+2L change places RH, 1L+2M change places RH
5- 8 1M+3M change places RH, 1L+3L change places RH, 3L & 1L pull back RSh. (2) (3) 1
9-16 All dance Grand Chain (2s cross at top, 3s+1s change places on sides to start)
17-20 All set, 1s cast up (3s step down). (2) 1 (3)
21-24 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1L+2L & 1M+3M pass LSh to start). 2 (1) 3
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1L down round 3s, 1M up round 2s); all turn partner LH
ALL FOR TWELVE POUNDS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Beattie Ness House 1
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 2s+1s+3s set twice, 2s & 3s cross RH & set to partner as 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to end in lines of 3 across (1M between 3s, 1L between 2s)
17-24 2s+1s+3s set twice, 2s & 3s change places RH on sides & set to person they changed with while 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance Diag R&L (1M crossing diagonally down & 1L crossing diagonally up to start)
ALL IN (R4x32) Sq.Set Martin Campbell-Colquhoun Piping Shrike Coll
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-24 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
25-32 All set twice to partner & turn (elbow grip) into 1 place anticlockwise. 2 3 4 1
ALL IN THE MIND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s+2s dance RH across with 1s crossing to 2nd place opposite sides while 2s cast up
9-16 1s cast RSh round 1st corners, into middle & pass LSh to face opposite sides (2nd pl), circle 3H round to left on sides & 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s 1/2 reel of 4 with 1cnrs, pass RSh while 2cnrs chase clockwise 1/2 way, 1s 1/2 reel of 4 with 2cnrs & pass RSh while 1cnrs chase clw 1/2 way to pl
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 3rd corners & pass RSh to face 4th corners, Pass+Turn with 4th corners ending in 2nd place own sides
ALL ROADS LEAD TO YORK (J4x32) 4C set Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s & 4s turn partner RH, 1s & 4s cast down/up 1 place (2s & 3s step up/down); 1s+4s dance LH across
9-16 2s+1s+4s dance Grand Chain (2s cross, 1s+4s change places on side to start) At end 1L omit polite turn
17-24 1s+4s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 4s to start)
25-32 1s+4s set, dance 3/4 R&L to end 2 4 1 3
ALL ROUND WILL'S MOTHER'S (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Ayland
1- 8 1s dance down middle. 1M dances below his partner & turns her under his L arm & 1s dance up to 2nd pl opp sides
9-16 2s+1s dance double Figs of 8 (2s cross down, 1s out & up)
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on sides. (1s dance out & down to start) but 1s cross up from 3rd place to complete reels on own sides
25-32 1s+3s dance double Figs of 8. (1s dance & down, 3s cross up)
THE ALL ROUNDER (S4x32) 4C set Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Poussette
9-16 4s followed by 3s+2s+1s lead down; 1s lead up 2 steps & cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s contine to lead up. 2 3 4 1
17-24 RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 3 4 1
ALL SAINTS BY THE SEA (J3x32) 3C set Richard Bennett Katannuta Bk
1- 8 All dance 6H round & back
9-16 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 1s dance Diag R&L (M down)
25-32 All Adv+Ret, 1s turn RH while 3s & 2s turn RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
ALL SHALL BE WELL (S3x32) 3C set Murrough Landon, 2020
1- 8 1s dance in, cast to 2nd place (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner to start). 2 (1) 3
9-16 All dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 on sides (1M up, 1L down, RSh to 2nd corner pstn); 1s DoSiDo across while corners DoSiDo on sides (pass LSh to start) (3) (1) (2)
17-24 1s petronella turn, set advancing passing LSh & dance 1.1/4 LSh round each other to 2nd place opp sides
while corners chase clockwise 1/2 round, pull back LSh & chase anticlockwise back to opp sides (3) (1) (2)
25-32 All Adv+Ret (1 step each), 3/4 turn partner 2H to line up/down in centre; all set to partner & 3/4 turn 2H to own side. 3 1 2
ALL THE EIGHTS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Brenda Burnell Leeds Golden Coll
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (6 bars), 1s dance down the middle to face to face 3M in prom hold as 2s dance up to 1st place
9-16 1s dance a diagonal RSh reel of 3 with 2nd corners to end facing Man's 1st corner
17-24 1s dance a diagonal LSh reel of 3 with 1st corners
25-32 1s lead down, cross over below 3s, cast up to 2nd place, dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place
ALL THE KING'S MEN (R32) Round the Room Pat Kent Nova Scotia Collection 2017
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 1L+2L cross LH, chase clockwise round standing Men back to place & set
9-16 1M+2M cross RH, chase anticlockwise round standing Ladies back to place & set
17-24 All circle 4H round & back
25-32 All dance DoSiDo with dancer opposite; all Adv+Ret (1 step each), drop hands, pass opposite dancer RSh & dance on to meet new couple
ALL THE LADS THEY SMILE AT ME (J4x48) 3C + 1 Lady Lillian Vinnall
Note: 1st Lady has no partner
1- 8 1L+2M set & turn RH, 1L+3M set & turn RH ending with 1L in middle between 3s
9-16 2s+3s+4s circle 6H round & back while 1L sets (similar to Eightsome Reel) & ends facing 3M
17-24 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s (RSh to 3M) & 1/2 reel with 4s (RSh to 4M)
25-32 1L dances down below 4s & casts up behind Ladies' side to 1st place, sets & casts to 2nd place (2L steps up) while 3s+4s set & cross RH
33-40 1L+2M dance down the middle & back to 2nd places
41-48 1L+2M cast to 4th places & 1L+2M also 3s & 4s turn RH
Repeat with 2L as dancing 1st Lady
ALL THINGS NICE (Jx32) Round the Room Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
Round the room dance 2 couples facing 2 couples (1s are the couple facing clockwise)
1- 8 All dance R&L, Men finish facing out (no polite turns)
9-16 All dance Ladies' Chain
17-20 All dance BtoB
21-24 All turn opposite person RH to finish in Promenade
25-32 All promenade anywhere in the room to meet up with a new couple
Note: Can be danced as a Strathspey, a Reel or a Jig
ALL WELCOME (S3x32) 3C Set Rosemary West RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
1- 8 All dance "Snowball Grand Chain", 1s crossing RH to start. End 3 (2) 1
9-16 2s dance 1/2 Fig 8 down round 1s; all turn partner RH. 3 2 1
17-24 3s+2s+1s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice. (1) (2) (3)
25-32 All circle 6H 1/2 round to left; 2s dance up between 3s & cast to 3rd place (1s step up 31-32). 3 1 2
ALLAN NIXON'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Magic Medicine
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start), 1M continues reel with partner behind him (dancing as one) while 2L+3L set & 1/2 turn RH
9-16 1s dance RH across on own sides (1M with 2M+3M & 1L with 2L+3L) 1s changing sides for LH back but end with 1s in 2nd place own side
17-24 1s cast (1M down, 1L up) & turn LH to face 1st corner (pstn) while 2s & 3s set, change places RH on sides, set to partner & cross RH
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 on 1st corners & 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners, 1s crossing RH to 2nd places
ALLEMANDE TO GO (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin SCD Is All Around The World
1- 8 1s+2s turn partners RH (4 bars) into RH across finishing 1s & 2s facing down
9-16 2s followed by 1s lead down, 1s followed by 2s lead back up staying in middle for ...
17-24 1s+2s dance allemande
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
THE ALLEY CAT (J4x32) 4C set Livia Kohn Suncoast Collection
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s & 3s set & turn RH, 1s cast to 3rd place & cross LH to face down to as 3s lead up crossing & cast into 1st place. 3 2(1)(4)
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides
17-24 3s followed by 2s lead down & cast to places as 4s followed by 1s cast to top & lead down to places
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance Allepousse:
3s & 4s (end couples) dance Allemande while
2s & 1s (middle couples dance Poussette to end 2 3 (4) (1)
THE ALLINGHAM STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) May Macfarlane Tayside Collection 1983-2003
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s NHJ dance down & cast up round 2s to 1st place, on bar 12 1s+2s dance into centre ready for 1/2 Diamond Poussette. 1s finish in centre facing down, 2s finish in 1st place
17-24 1s repeat bars 9-16 with 3s, 1s end in centre, 3s finish in 2nd place. 2 3 1
25-32 1s turn RH, cast up 1 place (3s step down bars 27-28), 1s NHJ dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place. 2 1 3
ALLISON'S INVENTION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Allison Collins Martello Tower 4
1- 8 1s lead down for 4 bars, Lady passes under Mans arm & lead up to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, cross RH, set, 2s & 3s cross LH while 1s pass LSh to face 1st corner
17-24 Set to & turn 1st corner; set to & turn 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round standing 2s & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
ALLISON'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Dix Reel Friends 2
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, dance down & dance round 3s into 2nd place
9-16 1s+1st corners set twice, corners turn RH while 1s cast & chase clockwise (outside 2s) to 2nd place opp sides
17-24 1s+2nd corners set twice, corners turn LH while 1s cast & chase anticlockwise to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) & 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across with other couple
'ALLO 'ALLO (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 2s+1s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s+3s Set+Link, 3s+1s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1s dance up to top, cast to 2nd places & turn LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corners RH & partner LH to 2nd places
ALLOA REEL (R4x48) 4C Set Barry Skelton Wee County Dances
1- 8 1s+4s cross RH & cast down/up (2s+3s step up/down bars 3-4). 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across to finish 1L (1M following) facing 2M & 4L (4M following) facing 3L
9-16 1s+4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal reels of 3 with 1st corners. At the end 1s+4s dance RH across to finish 1L (4M following) facing 1L position & 4L (1M following) facing 4M position
17-24 1s+4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal reels of 3 with 2nd corners. At end 1s+4s dance RH across to finish 1L (1M following) facing 4L position and 4L (4M following) facing 1M position
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal reels of 3 with 1st corners. At end 1s+4s dance RH across to finish 1L (4M following) facing 4M position & 4L (1M following) facing 1L position
33-40 1s+4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal reels of 3 with 2nd corners. At end 1s+4s dance RH across to finish 2 4 (1) 3
41-48 1s turn RH, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 across (L up round 4s, M down with 3s) 2 4 1 3
ALLT AN DUIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast up to places
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides dancing down between 2s to start
17-24 1s dance down for 4 steps, set & dance up to 2nd place (in middle)
25-32 1M+2M+3M dance LH across while Ladies dance RH across, 1s dance to top & cast to 2nd place
ALLTREOCH (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) Douglas Henderson SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides, 1s (in 3rd pl) dance in to change pl on sides with 2s & turn 3s with other hand once round
9-16 3M+2L change places RH (diag), 3L+2M change places RH, 2s+1s+3s cross to own sides & set with 1s advancing to face 1st corners
17-24 1s change places with corners RH, 2s+3s dance LH across once round in middle, 1s change pl with crnr persons & pass RSh to face 2nd crnrs
25-32 1s repeat with 2nd corners LH (RH in middle) & 1s dance into 2nd place own sides
ALLTSHELLACH (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Elizabeth D Gilroy RSCDS Bk 23
1- 8 1s+2s set to partners, turn 2H & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down & back to original places (2s dividing & turn in behind 1s)
17-24 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across (1L & 2M passing LSh to start)
25-32 1s+2s dance Tournee: -
`1s+2s dance into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 1s face M's side & 2s L's side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s RH, 1s LH) & dance out to places
ALLY'S BOOK OF SAYINGS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alasdair Brown Eglinton Coll
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up) & dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1M up between 2s, 1L down between 3s)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 'Mixed Cross & Rotate':
1s cross RH (2), chase 1/4 round clockwise (2), cross RH up/down (2), chase 1/4 round clockwise (2) while
3s+2s change RH on sides (2), chase 1/4 round clockwise (2), 2L+3L also 2M+3M cross RH (2), 3s+2s chase 1/4 round clockwise (2)
17-20 1s dance RSh round 2nd corners (pstn), towards each other, pull back RSh to face 1st corners (pstn) while 2nd corner (pstn) dance in, turn 1/2 RH, face each other, pull back RSh & dance out to own side
21-24 1s repeat with 17-20 with 1st corners (pstn) to end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ALMA'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set John MacCallum Helensburgh 50th Anniv
1- 8 1L followed by partner casts 2 places, crosses below 3s, casts up to 2nd place & crosses to own sides
9-16 2L+1L turn RH as 2M+1M turn LH & dance reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in & down to start)
17-24 1s+3s dance Tournee: -
`1s+2s dance into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 1s face M's side & 2s L's side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s RH, 1s LH) & dance out to places
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back
THE ALMO RANT (R2x48) Sq.Set Gill Russell & Rita Marlow
1- 8 All 4 couples set & Petronella in Tandem 1 place to right; all repeat to end opposite original position
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 2s+4s dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 All set & turn corner RH; all set & turn partner RH. Ladies face out
33-48 All dance Schiehallion reels
Repeat from new positions
ALOHA 'OE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Shelby Yahn
1- 8 1s+2s change places on sides (Ladies LH, Men RH), 1s+3s change places on sides (Ladies RH, Men LH); 1s lead up to top, cross & cast to face 1st corners (3s step down 7-8)
9-16 1s set to & turn 1st corner 2H; set to & turn 2nd corner 2H finishing 1M between 2s & 1L between 3s facing 3rd corners
17-24 6 bar reels of 3 across, LSh to 3rd corner to start, 1s pass RSh to end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ALTAMONT FAIR (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Price Nutmeg Coll
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, set 1L casts up & 1M down
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) & 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, turn partner RH, set to 2nd corner & turn partner RH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to 2nd places
ALWAYS ON MY MIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Yoshiki Oyama Tokai Branch 25th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast & turn 3/4 LH to face 1st corners (2s step up 5-6)
9-12 1s dance 4 bars 'Hello-Goodbye' setting (setting to 1st corners & partner) to face 2nd corners
13-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners
17-20 1s dance 4 bars 'Hello-Goodbye' setting (setting to 4th corners pstn & partner) pulling back RSh to face 1st corner pstn
21-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with corners
25-32 1s dance RH across, (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s). 3s+1s+2s chase 1/2 round clockwise to own sides. 2 1 3
ALWAYS WELCOME (R4x32) 4C set Ian Barbour Set & Cast Off Vol 2
1- 4 1s cast (2s step up), turn LH to end BtoB in centre facing own side while 4s turn RH & cast up to face 1s
5-12 1s+4s dance reel of 4 across. 1s pass RH at end & retain hands, 4s face out
13-16 4s cast back to 4th place & turn LH while 1s turn RH & cast back to 1st place (2s step down 15-16)
17-24 1s cross down below 2s, out behind 3s, cross LH & cast to bottom (2s+3s+4s step up 23-24)
25-32 2s+3s+4s+1s circle 8H round & back
ALYTH BURN (J8x48) 3C (4C set) W R Webster RSCDS Bk 22
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across for 3 steps, LH across & 1s cast 1 place, 2s dancing to top
17-24 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corners, turn corners RH & retaining hands Bal-in-Line, 1s turn LH to face 2nd corners
33-40 1s set to 2nd corners, turn RH & retaining hands Bal-in-Line; 1s turn LH to face 1st corners again
41-48 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner, 1s cross to 2nd places
AMAPOLA (S4x32) 4C set Pat Stanaway Harwell Caledonian Society 1948-1998
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s dance 1/2 LH across; 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across & all couples set (2) (3) (4) (1)
9-16 1/2 4 couple Grand Chain (end cross, middles change places on side to start, 1 bar to each hand); all set & cross RH with partner
17-24 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides; all set & cross RH with partner
25-32 All petronella turn into centre & set; all turn partner 1.1/4 RH to own side. End 2 3 4 1
THE AMATEUR EPIDEMIOLOGIST (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Andrew Oliver Wellington 60th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, cross passing RSh & cast 2 places, dance up round 3s to face 1st corners (2s step up 5-6)
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & Petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place on opp sides. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 round; 1s turn partner (birl). 2 1 3
AMAZING GRACE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Betty MacKenzie 9 for 90 Aberdeen 90th
1- 8 1s followed by 2s, 3s & 4s lead down, cross and dance up to partners original place.
9-16 1s+3s petronella and set. 1s+3s petronella to own side and set.
17-20 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
21-24 1M+3L set and link, while 1L+3M set and link.
25-28 1s+4s set and dance RH across 1/2 way.
29-32 1s set and turn 2H.
THE AMBASSADORS' REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Susi Mayr Vienna Bk
1- 8 1s dance down between 2s & cast up, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance down between 3s & cast up, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, turn corners RH & pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AMBER'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt Lochmaben Coll
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s dance down for 2 steps & back up to end BtoB facing own sides
9-16 All set & 1L+2L change places LH while 1M+2M change places RH, all set & 2L+3L change places RH while 2M+3M change places LH
17-24 All set & 1L+3L change places LH while 1M+3M change places RH; 3s dance 1/2 reflection reel of 3 on sides (3s dance in & down to start)
25-32 All petronella turn & set, all petronella turn to opposite sides & all 1/2 turn partner RH to own sides.
AMBIDEXTROUS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Colin Duncan BHS 9 for 2015
1- 8 1s+2s dance 3/4 double Fig 8 (1s dance down, 2s cross up). 2s set as 1s turn 3/4 LH finishing BtoB (1L face up, 1M down)
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles up/down. Bars 11-12 2M+3M & 2L+3L change places RH; Bars 15-16 1s petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides
17-24 1s dance diag R&L (1M up, 1L down) (2) (1) (3)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
Repeat:- Bars 1-6 Men cross in front of Ladies in 3/4 doubleFig 8. Bars 5-8 new 3s & standing top couple cross RH & set
AMETHYST (S4x32) 4C set Marie Boehmer Cameo Coll 6
1- 8 All set, cross RH, set & cross back RH
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Diamond Poussette
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 (2s & 4s cross up to start)
25-32 All dance 1/2 reflection reel of 4 on sides (1s & 3s out & down to start), 4s+3s+2s continue & dance 1/2 reel of 3 while 1s turn 2H to end 4th pl
THE AMETHYST (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Brian Charlton Waratah Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L. 2s+1s set, cross RH
9-16 1s dance up between 2s, cast to 2nd place, meet, dance down & cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side
17-20 1s+1st corners "Allemande Right": 1s advance 2 steps, give RH to corner, Lady turns Right about under Man's arm & dances out to place as Man retire
21-24 1s+2nd corners "Allemande Left": as bars 17-20 but giving LH and Lady turns Left about under Men's arm
25-32 RH across, 1L+2s & 1M+3s. 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH
AMHUINNSIDHE CASTLE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Deidre MacCuish Bark Coast to Coast with Scotch Mist
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cast as 2s, NHJ, dance up & cast into 1st place. 1s turn 1.1/2 LH to face 1st corners
9-10 1s+1st corners set
11-14 1s pull back RSh to dance 1/2 round each other, 1M passes 2M RSh, 1L passes 3L RSh into middle at top/bottom while 2M+3L dance in, turn RH & dance out to places
15-16 1s turn RH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s+2nd corners repeat 9-14. Bars 23-24 1s cross RH into 2nd place opp sides facing out
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on opp sides (1s RSh to 1st corners). Bars 31-32 1L crosses up, 1M crosses down into 2nd place own sides as 2s+3s finish reels
THE AMISFIELD DANCIE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) William Williamson Amisfield Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up) & dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s) finishing in centre facing 1st corners
9-16 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners; 1s pass RSh & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 1s pass LSh to face 3rd corner position
17-24 1s set to & turn 3rd corner (pstn) 2H, set to & turn 4th corner (pstn) 2H. 1s end in 2nd place own sides. (3) 1 (2)
25-32 1s dance diag R&L (1M down / 1L up)
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
AMISFIELD TOWER (S4x32) 4C set William Williamson Amisfield Dances
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link; 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places RH on side. (2) (1) (4) (3)
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-20 1s & 3s cross RH, cast up 1 place while 2s+4s 1/2 turn RH & lead down 1 place looping into place
21-24 1s dance down NHJ looping into 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 23-24)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 3 4 1
AMSTEL COURT (S3x32) 3C set Ann Dix Reel Friends 3
1- 8 All set & turn 2H to face down, 1s dance down while 2s & 3s cast up & follow, on bar 8 all turn in to face up
9-16 All dance up, cross & cast to partners original place, all set & cross RH
17-24 1s set, cast 1 place, dance down, cast up 1 place & all dance in for…
25-32 All dance Allemande to end 3 1 2
AN 'APPY DANCE (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cross RH; 1s & 4s cast 1 place (2s step up, 3s step down 5-6), 1s & 4s 1/2 turn partners 2H
9-16 1s+4s slip step down & back, remaining in centre NHJ with partner
17-20 1s followed by 4s dance up, 1s cast to 3rd place as 4s cast to 2nd place
21-24 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples (4s up round 2s, 1s down round 3s)
25-32 4s+1s 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & dance out to own sides; 2s+4s also 1s+3s circle 4H round to left. 2 4 1 3
AN GEARASDAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 1
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down to 2nd place, set, cross LH, cast round 4th corner into middle to face 1st corner
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place on opposite side
25-32 1s dance down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place, 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 Grand Chain (2s in 3rd place, cross to start)
AN T-UIBHISTEACH TAPAIDH (The Agile Uistman) (J8x40) 3C (4C Set) Gordon Thomson
1- 8 1s dance Fig. 8 on own sides (1s dance in/down to start) giving hands when poss. 1s end in centre 1st place, 2s step in, ready for…
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette
17-24 1s dance Diag R&L with 2s+3s. 1s finish 2nd place own sides, 1M facing up/out, 1L down/out
25-28 1M dance up behind 3L (in 1M place), across top of set, casts to 2nd place opp. sides. 1L dances down behind 2M (in 3L place), across, casts into 2nd place opp. sides
29-32 1s turn LH 1.1/4 to face 1st corners (3rd corners pstn)
33-40 1s dance 1/2 Diag. reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh, dance 1/2 Diag. reel of 4 with 2nd corners 2 1 3
AN TIGH MOR (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John S Trew Martello Tower 5
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH across back to sides
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance LSh reels of 3 on own sides. 1M faces out
25-32 1M followed by partner casts 1 place & 1M crosses to 2nd place opp side; 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
AN' 'T WERE NA FOR THE LASSES (S4x32) 4C Set Jean Miller Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1M sets advancing to partner, 1/2 turns partner 2H, 1s (1L on 1M's right) + 2L circle 3H round to left & face down (1M in middle)
9-16 1s+2L dance down middle & back up, pull back RSh (2L returns to place)
17-24 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 2s+1s turn partner RH
25-32 1s cross RH & face down, 1s+3s change places LH on sides; 1s+4s change places RH on sides, 1s cross LH to 4th place own side. 2 3 4 1
AN' THOU WERT MY ONLY DEAR (J8x48) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 21
1- 8 1s+2L dance diagonal reel of 3 across, 1s passing RSh & 2L dances up to start
9-16 1s+2M dance diagonal reel of 3 across, 1s passing LSh & 2M dances up to start
17-24 1s dance down NHJ below 2s, cast back up to place & turn 2H
25-32 2s dance up to top NHJ, cast back to place & turn 2H
33-36 1L+2M & 1M+2L set (1s advancing, 1L in front of partner passing RSh) 1L+2M & 1M+2L turn RH & take short way back to place
37-40 1s turn LH & cast to 2nd place (2s step up)
41-48 2s+1s dance R&L
ANCHORS AWEIGH (R8x48) 3C (4C set) Alison Robertson
1- 4 1s dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
5-16 2s+1s+3s dance 3 couple R&L
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on sides, 1s LSh to person on left (1M in & up, 1L in & down) & 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to face 1st corners
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) ending 2nd place own sides
41-48 2s+1s+3s circle left for 6 steps, pivot left & circle back to places
AND ANOTHER THING (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Fletcher
1- 8 1s cast (2s step up Bars 1-2), 1s dance up through 2s; 1s cast to back to 2nd place own side & cross RH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opp sides giving RSh to 1st corners to start, 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh to face 2nd corners; 1s turn 2nd corners RH, pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
AND FOR THE YOUNG ONES (J4x32) Sq.Set Anne Dejean RSCDS Bk 51
1- 8 All join hands in a circle & Adv+Ret twice
9-16 All turn partner RH, turn partner LH
17-24 All join 2H with partner & slip step towards centre (2 bars), clap x4, slip step back, clap x4
25-32 All dance DoSiDo with partner; Ladies dance clockwise, Men anticlockwise 1/4 round, passing partner & 1 more dancer RSh (ie Ladies on outside, Men inside)
AND HAPPY MEET AGAIN (S4x32) 4C set Ron Bradbury Birmingham Diamond Jubilee Bk
1- 8 All dance Snowball Grand Chain for 4 couples:- 1s cross RH, 1s+2s change places LH on sides, 2s cross RH as 1s+3s change places RH on sides, 2s+1s also 3s+4s change places LH on sides to end 3(2)4(1)
9-16 3s+2s also 4s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 2s & 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple above, 2s+4s Set+Link
25-32 3s+4s also 2s+1s dance "Demi-Tournee": -
3s+4s (2s+1s similarly) dance into prom hold (Men with partner on right, 3s facing Men's side & 4s face Ladies' side), wheel anticlockwise 1/2 way & Men turn Ladies into middle & all set to partners & 3/4 turn (4s & 1s RH, 3s & 2s LH), to own sides. 4 3 1 2
AND NOW WE ARE TWENTY FIVE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Foster St Ronan's SCD Club 35 Year Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s cross down under 3s arch & cast up to 2nd place opposite side, 1s turn LH & face 1st corners while 3s (making arch) dance up to 2nd place & turning inwards dance down to places as 2s dance up & face diagonally in & set twice
9-16 1s+1st corners change places RH then 1st corners turn 1.1/4 LH to face 2nd corners, 1st+2nd corners change places RH & 2nd corners turn 11/4 LH to face 1s in 3rd corner positions
17-24 2nd corners change places RH with 1s who turn LH to end 1L between 2L+3L (facing down) & 1M between 2M+3M (facing up) & all set twice
25-32 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 RH across & 1s complete the wheel as 2s+3s & dance to their places, 2L+3L also 2M+3M dance 1 place clockwise to end 2s in 1st place & 3s in 3rd place while 1s turn once round to face down (1L on 1M left) ready to start again.
AND THE LADIES WORE RED (R4x32) 4C set Amanda Peart The Sunday Class 1
1- 8 All Men pass partner RSh, dance down behind Ladies & back up Men's side 4 3 2 1
9-16 All Ladies pass opp. Man RSh, dance up behind Men & down Ladies side 4 3 2 1
17-24 All Adv+Ret, 4s dance down to 4th place (3s+2s+1s step up 23-24) 3 2 1 4
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance Poussette 2 3 4 1
AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER (S4x40) 4C set Bessie Smith Martello Tower 3
1- 8 1s advance for 2 steps, hold RH, retire & dance DoSiDo
9-14 1s turn LH (3 bars), 1L dances between 2s & casts back to 1st place as 1M casts to 3rd place (2M+3M step up 13-14)
15-16 1s set to opposite dancer (1L+2M, 1M+3L)
17-20 1L+2s dance RH across but 1L casts to 3rd place Men's side while 2s complete RH across
while 1M+4s dance LH across, 1M dances out through 3M's place to meet partner (behind 3M's place in prom hold facing down)
21-24 1s in prom hold dance down behind 4M & up between 4s to 3rd place & end facing up with nearer hands joined
25-32 1s followed by 4s dance up to top under arches made by 2s+3s, cast on own sides to 4th & 3rd places. 2 3 4 1
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
ANDERSON'S AWA' (S3x32) 3C set Pam Perkins New Forest SCDs
1- 8 1s dance down the middle & turn 3s with nearer hand, dance back to top & turn 2s with nearer hand to end 1 2 3
9-16 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s casting to start)
17-24 1s cast 1 place, turn 2H, cast to bottom & turn 2H
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
ANDERSON'S RANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection (mirror) reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection (mirror) reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s lead down the middle (2s step up)& lead back up to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s back to 2nd place
ANDREA'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Neville Miller Inlet Road Dances
1- 8 1s+2s turn on sides (Ladies LH, Men RH); 1s cross down RH, cast round 3s to finish BtoB between 3s facing opp sides
9-16 1s+3s dance reel of 4 across. Bars 15-16; 1s pass LSh to 3rd place opp side while 3s dance up to 2nd place. 3s & 1s face up. 2 3 (1) 4
17-24 2s+3s+1s dance reels of 4 on sides (1s in/up, 3s out/up, 2s in/down); Bar 21: 1s cross down to continue reel on own side. 2 3 1 4
25-32 1s+4s dance 'Espagnole':
25-26 1s+4s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
27-28 1s+4s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
29-32 4s turn RH as 1s turn LH to own side. 2 3 4 1
ANDREW & GORDON'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 2 places, 2s+1s Adv+Ret on the diagonal
9-16 1s cross RH & cast back to places, 1s+3s Adv+Ret on the diagonal
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to top facing out
25-32 1s+2s change places on sides (Lady RH & Man LH), 1s+3s change places (opp hands), 1s+4s turn on sides 1.1/2 times to 4th place own sides
ANDREW CARNEGIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Aad L M Boode Delft Bk
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s LSh to 3s). (2) (1) 3
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 LH across, 2s+3s+1s dance reels of 3 on sides (2s RSh to 3s). (2) (3) 1
17-24 1s lead up crossing to 1st place opposite sides, all turn partners 2H 1.1/2 times & 1s & 2 end NHJ with partner in middle ready for …
25-32 1s+2s dance Rondel
ANDREW GILLIES' STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) Alison Raisin Croydon 50th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, cross down behind 3s & dance up to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st corners & turn RH, turn 2nd corner LH & set to 2nd corner
17-24 1s turn 2nd corners RH, turn 1st corner LH to 2nd place (opp sides), 2s+1s+3s set & 1s cross RH to own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ANDREW'S DANCE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Andrew Mills Harbour City
1- 8 1M followed by 1L casts 1 place, 1M crosses to 2nd place opp side & dances RSh round 3L as 1L dances RSh round 3M both to 2nd pl opp sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s giving LSh to 2s)
17-24 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & turn RH
ANDREW'S SHIELD (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Susan Johnston Between the Rivers
1- 8 1s cross down & set in Double Triangles pstn, 1s PdB into 2nd place opposite sides & all set
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 3s & 1s+2s end dancing LSh round each other to form a line across (Ladies in middle)
17-24 1s+2s dance the Targe:-
`17-18 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
`19-20 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
`21-22 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
`23-24 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn LH to end 1s on own sides & 2s on opposite sides
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
ANGEL BANK (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 2
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start)
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn RH
25-32 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start)
ANGEL MOUNDS REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Davidson Suncoast Collection
1- 8 1s set, turn RH, cast off 1 place (2s step up), 1s turn 3/4 RH, end BtoB in center (L up, M down)
9-16 1s dance Crown Triangles, 1s finish facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners finishing in 2nd place own side
ANGELA & THE SWAN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s set, dance down & out between 2s+3s on own sides, 1M casts down round 3M & up to face Ladies' side while 1L casts up & dances down to face Men's side (BtoB with partner)
9-16 1s circle 3H round left (1M with 2L+3L & 1L+Men), dance 3H round to right (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) & pass LSh to face own sides
17-24 1s circle 3H round left (1M with 2M+3M & 1L+Ladies), dance 3H round to right (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) & end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (RSh to 1st corner) ending in 2nd place own sides
ANGELA'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Trevor Stephenson
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 (2s cross up to start) Ending with 1s in 2nd place on opposite sides & 2s in top place own side
9-16 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start & end back on opposite sides)
17-24 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 once & chase round 1/2 way clockwise
25-32 All 3 couples Set+Link to LEFT once & turn partner LH to own sides
ANGUS & FIONA (S96) Sq.Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie Bk 2
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-12 1s+3s advance to centre, join NH with opp dancer to face side couples & set (HS)
13-16 With 'new partners' 1s+3s change places with 2s/4s dancing between them
17-20 2s+4s dance RH across & face side couples
21-24 2s+1M+3L also 4s+3M+1L dance LH across. All end in square set opposite partner
25-32 2s+4s dance Poussette back to square set
33-40 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain; Ladies dance 1/2 RH across & turn partner LH (all now 1 place round to right)
41-48 2s+4s repeat 9-16
49-56 1s+3s repeat 17-24
57-64 1s+3s repeat 25-32
65-72 All repeat 33-40
73-88 All dance Grand Chain with Setting:
Set to partner & pass RH, LH to next person, set to 3rd person & pass RH to continue Chain
89-96 All promenade anticlockwise round
ANGUS MACKINNON'S HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Lothian Coll
1- 8 1s cast & 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & set advancing to end BtoB facing opposite sides
9-12 2s+1s+3s set (as in Double Triangles), 1s set advancing & turn R about to face in while 2s & 3s dance in & turn R about to face out
13-16 2s+1s+3s set (Inverted Triangle formation), 1s dance in & face 1st corners while 2s & 3s dance out all turning R about
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass partners RSh to face 2nd corner, turn LH & pass partner giving RH
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) giving RSh to 4th corner & cross back RH to end in 2nd place on own sides
ANGUS MACLEOD (R2x64) 4C set Alex T Queen Dances of an Island Clan
1- 8 2s+3s dance into middle & face diagonally in & all set, turn R about to face corners, change pl passing RSh with corners & set turning R about
9-16 Corners dance out as 2s+3s dance into middle passing RSh & all set, 2s+3s turn R about & turn corners RH once back to middle
17-32 2s+3s LH across once round to face corners, all dance double diagonal reels of 4 giving LH in middle, corners end in original places
33-40 2s+3s change places with partners LH to face ptnrs crnr & set, all turn crnr with nearer hand (2s+3s dance out ends & cast back to middle)
41-48 2s+3s face diagonally in, Set & Points twice
49-56 2s+3s dance out own ends & cast (individually) back into middle again to Set & Points
57-64 2s+3s dance out opp ends (3s making an arch), couples cast round left corner & dance out other end while corners step up/down. 2 1 4 3
THE ANGUS REEL (R128) Sq.Set Angus MacNaughton The Angus Reel
2 chords with 1L+3L passing LSh on 2nd chord to face other partner
1- 8 1s+3s dance reel of 4, Ladies do not finish reel but turn right about to face clockwise
9-16 All Ladies giving RH in centre & LH to partner wheel round to places but 2L & 4L pass LSh to face other partner
17-32 Repeat bars 1-16 with 2s+4s dancing
33-40 1M & 3M facing partners corner set & turn RH to face other Lady, set & turn RH to face own corner
41-48 2L+1M+3M+4L dance reel of 4 across ending in original places
49-64 Repeat bars 33-48 with 2M & 4M dancing
65-72 1L+3L set advancing & turn RH, facing partner set & turn RH
73-80 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain & set & turn partner RH
81-96 Repeat bars 65-80 with 2L & 4L dancing with1M & 3M ending in centre
97-104 1s+3s Bal-in-Line, turn ptnr RH (Ladies in centre) & Bal-in-Line, turn ptnr RH (Men in centre) & Ladies turn right about (LH to ptnr)
105-112 All Men giving LH in centre & RH to partner wheel round anticlockwise to places
113-128 Repeat bars 97-112 with 2s & 4s dancing
THE ANIMALS LIT UP TWO BY TWO (R4x40) 4C set Rachel Wignall Dunedin 6
2 chords - 2nd chord 2s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s Set+Link; 1L+4M & 1M+4L turn LH. (2) 1 (4) 3
9-16 1s+4s dance Ladies' Chain (across the dance) with an extra 1/2 LH turn on bars 15-16 to end (2) 4 (1) 3
17-24 Reels of 4 on sides but instead of pass LSh at end 1s+4s dance round to right BtoB facing corners (2) 1 (4) 3
25-32 "Puffin Reels":
2s+3s dance diag reel of 4 (LH across in centre) while
1s+4s dance 1/2 diag reel round corner, pass LSh, dance 1/2 diag reel round next anticlockwise corner, pass LSh to face 3rd corner. (2) 4 (1) 3
33-40 2s+4s & 1s+3s dance RH across; all turn partner 1.1/2 RH. End 2 (4) 1 (3)
ANN ARBOR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert Gregg The Real MacGregor
1- 8 1s lead down middle & up then cast 1 place
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s cross RH & cast round 1st corner into lines of 3 across
17-24 All Adv+Ret, 1s change places LH & cast left to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s dance R&Ls
ANN LINDSEY'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Charles Snowden Madison SCD
1- 8 1s+2s set advancing & dance RSh round partner 1.1/2 times spiralling out to opposite sides & circle left 4H round 1/2 way
9-16 1s+3s repeat above figure
17-24 1s lead up between 3s & out behind 2s to top, 1s turn 2H
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
ANN MACDONALD OF DRUMUIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Trevor Rayner Pensioner's Coll
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection (mirror) reels of 3 on opposite sides & 1s+2s continue the reel to end 2(1)3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 to end 2(1)3:-
1s dance out/down & cross up to 2nd pl while 3s cross up to 2nd pl & dance out/up to 1st pl while 2s cross down to 2nd pl & dance out/dn to 3rd pl
1s dance out/up & cross down to 2nd pl while 3s cross down to 2nd pl & dance out/down to 3rd pl while 2s cross up to 2nd pl & dance out/up to 1st pl
17-20 1s, joining LH with 1st corners, set diagonally & 1s cast round corners into middle while 1st corners pass RSh to face 1s (M facing M)
21-24 1s+1st corner persons dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 ending with corners in original places & 1s joining LH with 2nd corners
25-28 1s+2nd corners set diagonally & 1s cast round corners to 2nd place while 2nd corners pass RSh to face 1s (M facing M)
29-32 1s+2nd corner persons dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 ending with corners in original places & 1s in 2nd place own sides
ANN NISBET'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert M Campbell SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret (1 step) & cross RH, repeat back to places
9-16 1s cast 1 place into middle (1M facing up, 1L down) & set, 1s 3/4 turn 2H & face out opposite sides & cast round 2nd corner into middle
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M RSh to 2M, 1L RSh to 3L) & pass LSh to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners 2H & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, turn 2nd corners 2H & cross to 2nd place own sides
ANN OF GLENEAGLES (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Greenburn Bk
1- 8 1M+2L also 3M+4L cross passing RSh, dance LSh round partner, pass RSh up/down & dance RSh round standing Man/Lady own side (1M/3M round 2M/4M, 1L/3L round 2L/3L)
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & dance 1/2 RH across; 1s+4s Set+Link. (2) (4) (1) (3)
25-32 All set & cross RH with partner; 2s+4s also 1s+3s circle 4H round to left. End 2 4 1 3
ANN OF SCOTIA (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Chris & Sue Ronald World Wide Weavings
1- 8 1s dance in, touch hands & cast to 2nd place (2s step up); 1s set advancing & 1/2 turn 2H, pull back RSh to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+1st corners set, 1s dance RSh round partner to face 2nd corner; 1s+2nd corners set, 1s dance RSh round partner to 2nd place own side facing out
17-20 1s dance RSh round 3rd corner, pass RSh up/down centre while 3rd corners 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to diagonally opp place
21-24 1s repeat 17-20 with 4th corners ending in 2nd place opp sides (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 round to own sides & turn partner 2H. End 2 1 3
ANN SKIPPER'S REEL (R4x32) Sq.Set Sam Reynolds If The Ghillie Fits
1- 4 Ladies circle 4H round to left 1/2 way & turn setting to face out to opposite man
5-16 All dance double reels of 4
17-24 Men dance RH across while Ladies loop into place & set, Men dance LH across 1/2 way to meet partner & turn RH to end in opposite pstns
25-28 1s form an arch & cross to 1st place & cast (prom hold) to 2nd place as 3s Promenade under arch to 3rd place & cast round to 4th place while 2s+4s set & 2M+4L turn LH into 1st place & 2L+4M turn LH to 3rd place
29-32 2s+4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain while 1s & 3s Promenade round outside of set to opposite sides (All have now moved 1 place anticlockwise)
ANNA HOLDEN'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Whiteadder Coll & RSCDS Bk 42
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s cross down to 2nd pl as 2s cast up then 1M+2L turn LH as 1L+2M turn RH into a line across (1s between 2s) facing down
9-16 1s+2s dance down in line, 1s turn & face up as 2s turn in behind, dance up, 1s casting to 2nd place opp sides as 2s dance to 1st place own sides
17-24 2M+1L also 2L+1M set & Petronella turn-in-tandem into middle, set & Petronella turn-in-tandem to sides
25-32 1s+2s set, circle 4H round 1/2 way; 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own side
THE ANNA MARIA STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Davidson Suncoast Coll
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn 2H, 1s+2s Set+Link
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s give LSh to 3s to start)
17-24 2s+3s (nearer hands joined with partner facing down/up) set, dance RH across & 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 (Man up & Lady down)
ANNA MARSHALL'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alan Macpherson
1- 8 1s+2s dance "Chain and Turn":-
1-2 1M+2L 3/4 turn RH unto diag line 1M+2M, 1L+2L facing
3-4 1M+2M also 1L+2L 1/2 turn LH, 1M end in 2M place & 2L in 1L place
5-8 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/4 times to end in 1L in 2L place, 2M in 1M place. 2 1 3
9-16 2s+3s dance R&L crossing RH on the sides to start while 1s dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+3s Adv+Ret while 1s dance RSh right around each other to finish back-to-back facing 1st corners; 1s set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner & remain facing 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on opposite sides, RSh to 2nd corner to start. Bars 31-32 1s cross RH to own side 2nd place. 2 1 3
ANNA'S HOMECOMING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Lara Friedman-Shedlov Eight By Thirty-Two
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s dance down middle & back
17-24 1s turn 2s 1.1/2 times (Ladies RH, Men LH), all Adv+Ret
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ANNA'S REEL (R4x32) 4C set R Baird & H Brown Competition Dances 1989
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s dance down between 4s who dance up to change places & all dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides & 2s+4s & 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across
25-32 4s & 1s cast in 1 place, 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s/3s & cross back RH
ANNA'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alex Hay
1- 8 1s+2s 3/4 turn RH, dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down middle, dance RSh round each other to own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, cross RH & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides, (1s giving RSh to 2nd corner pstns)
17-24 Repeat (to own sides)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ANNA'S WEDDING CAKE (S3x32) 3C set Brenda Janssen RSCDS Boston Celebrate 50yrs
1- 8 1s turn 2H, cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady round 2s & Man round 3s) . Order 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s dance RH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s), 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady round 2s & Man round 3s). 2 1 3
17-24 1s+3s dance Set & Rotate: -
Set, Rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides. 2 3 1
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
ANNAN GOLD (S3x32) 3C set Evelyn Ramwell 3rd Kirkbrae Coll
1- 8 All set & cross RH, set & cross back RH
9-16 1s lead down (2 steps), set passing LSh to face 1st corners (2s step up 9-10), turn crnrs 2H into lines across (1L between 2s & 1M with 3s). All set
17-24 1s set passing LSh to face 2nd corners, turn corners 2H onto sides, all set & 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own sides facing out
25-32 1s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on own sides (1s out & down to start). 1s+3s change places on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH)
THE ANNAN REEL (R3x32) 3C Set Sue Petyt
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 diag R&L with 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diag R&L with 4th corners, 1s set & cast to 3rd place
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to top, all set & 1/2 turn RH to face up
25-32 1s+3s+2s dance Allemande
ANNAN WELCOME (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Joseph Killeen Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s+2s set to each other on sides & change places (Men LH Ladies RH), 1s+3s set on the sides & change places (Men RH Ladies LH)
9-16 1s cross RH, cast up 1 place, set & turn LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & Partner LH to 2nd places
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ANNANDALE (J5x32) 5C set J Atwood Alexander Bk 2
1- 4 1s+2s also 4s+5s dance RH across once round
5- 8 1s / 5s cross down / up giving right hands while 2s / 4s cast off / up 1 place; 1s & 5s face out, all join hands and set
9-16 1s+3s+5s dance reel of 3 on the sides, 3s dancing to right to begin. 1s / 5s end BtoB facing partner's side, ready for...
17-24 All dance 6 bars of Double Triangles, then 1s / 5s turn 3s / 4s halfway on the side to change places to end on the sidelines, facing in.
25-32 1s cross RH, cast off 1 place (4s step up),1s cross LH, cast off 1 place (5s step up) 2 3 4 5 1
ANNE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Castledeen Album
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 1s set, cast 1 place, set advancing & turn 2H 1.1/4 times to lines across (1L facing 3M, 1M facing 2L)
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s giving RSh to 2nd corner)
25-32 1s advance down/up & pivot to right, dance out ends (Man up, Lady down), cast right to 2nd place opp sides, 2s+1s+3s turn 2H (1s 1.1/2 times)
ANNE & DONALD'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) C Mair
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & 1s turn LH to face 1st corners while 2s cross RH
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s turn LH to face 4th corners while all 4 corners chase clockwise 1/2 way
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 4th corners, 1L dances down between 3s & casts up to 2nd place while 1M dances up & casts to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn RH
ANNE AND FIVE PARTNERS (J5x48) 5C set John Brenchley Kangaroo Paw
1- 4 1L+3M also 3L+5M set to each other & cast 1 place (Ladies down, Men up)
5- 8 1L & 3L dance LSh round Lady below & in to face 2nd corner (pstn) while 3M & 5M dance LSh round Man above & in to face 2nd corner
9-16 1L+3M also 3L+5M turn 2nd corners RH, each other LH, 1st corners RH & each other LH to face 4th corners (pstn)
17-24 1L+3M also 3L+5M dance diagonal reels of with 4th corners & end facing 3rd corners (pstn)
25-32 1L+3M also 3L+5M dance diagonal reels of with 3rd corners & end facing 2nd corners (pstn)
33-40 1L+3M also 3L+5M set to 2nd corners & turn right about to face each other (up/down) & set, turn RH 1.1/4 times to face 1st corners (pstn)
41-48 1L+3M also 3L+5M set to 1st corners & turn right about to face each other & set (across), cross RH & cast 1 place (Ladies down, Men up)
to end: - Ladies' side: 2L 4L 1L 5L 3L Men's side: 3M 1M 5M 2M 4M
THE ANNE ARCHDEACON REEL (R4x40) 4C set Francis Walduck The Other Kangaroo Paw
1- 4 1M, 2L, 3M, 4L dance across passing partner by Right, cast to Right to end by partner (1M & 3M ptnr on Right, 2M & 4M ptnr on Left)
5- 8 All cross RH with person opposite, all set
9-16 1L, 2M, 3L, 4M repeat bars 1-4 to end opposite partner, all on opp sides (2) (1) (4) (3). All cross RH with partner, all set
17-24 1s+4s NHJ dance out of ends, separate, cast back to places. 1s+4s turn RH 1/2 way & dance RH across 1/2 way (2) (4) (1) (3)
25-32 All 4 couples set & dance "La Baratte"
`27-28 Man 1/2 turns opposite Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
`29-30 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
`31-32 Couple change places LH to opposite places facing anticlockwise
33-40 All chase anticlockwise 1/2 round set, take hands, circle 8H round to Right to places 2 4 1 3
ANNE DUCHESS OF WALTHAM (S80) 3C Triangular set Amanda Peart The Sunday Class 1
1- 8 All circle 6H round and back
9-16 All set twice, turn partner 2H twice
17-24 1s cross down (1M between 3s, 1L between 2s), meet & cross up (1M between 2s, 1L between 3s) back to places; All change place RH with partner to face corners
25-32 All set to corners, turn LH 1.1/2 times, Men dance anticlockwise round other Lady to meet partner 3 1 2
33-48 Repeat bars 17-32 (3s as dancing couple)
49-64 Repeat bars 17-32 (2s as dancing couple)
65-72 All set twice, turn partner 2H twice
73-80 All circle 6H round and back
ANNE GRANT'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Tom Toriyama Tenth Anniv Coll
1- 8 1s cast & cross RH, 1s cast round 1st corner into middle & end BtoB facing own side
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles ending on own sides
17-24 1s followed by 3s dance up & dance Fig of 8 round 2s (Ladies LSh round 2M, Men RSh round 2L) to end 1s in 3rd place & 3s in 2nd place
25-32 3s+1s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s set & cross RH
ANNE MARSHALL'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Marshall 2021
1- 8 1s set, cast below 3s, meet joining RH & lead up to 2nd place (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 2s+1s dance RH across; 1s+3s dance LH across, remaining in middle facing up (2s step in bars 16-17 & face up)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Promenade finishing on sides 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ANNE MCARTHUR (S3x32) 3C set Jim Stott 9 for 90 Aberdeen 90th
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round and back.
9-16 1s set and cast off, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners.
17-24 1s set and turn 1st corner, set and turn 2nd corner to finish in 2nd place opposite side.
25-28 2s+1s+3s set. 1s cross RH to 2nd place own side.
29-32 1s+3s set and link.
ANNE MUNRO OF PORTREE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Dr E Garvie Skye Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross down & turn 3s (dancing between 3s) into 2nd place opposite sides & 1s turn RH
9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1s+3s dance RH Men's Chain
25-32 2M+1L+3M set twice while partners Adv+Ret & turn partners RH to own sides
ANNE OF PORTSOY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) M Brown Competition Dances 1989
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH, lead down for 2 in prom hold, up to top & 1/2 turn LH
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette & 1s end BtoB for…
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles, 1L ends between 2s & 1M between 3s in lines across facing down/up
25-32 1s+2s+3s set, 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH to 2nd place own sides & all set
ANNE SHEACH'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Trevor Rayner Pensioner's Coll
1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH & cast to other end (pass RSh) while 2s set & 3/4 turn 2H, 2s dance RH across (2L with 3s at top & 2M with 2s)
9-16 3s & 1s cast to other end & cross RH while 2s set & change places 2H, 2s dance RH across (2M with 2s & 2L+3s) 2s end facing 4th crnr (pstn)
17-24 2s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on own sides, 3s turn LH while 2s+1s turn RH
25-32 3s+2s dance the Tournee: -
`3s+2s dance into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 3s face M's side & 2s L's side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s RH, 3s LH) & dance out to places
ANNE SMYTH (J4x40) 4C set Sara L Gordon Four Dances (S L Gordon)
1- 8 1s lead down to 4th place & cast up behind own line to place while 4s cast up to top & lead back down to bottom
9-16 Reels of 4 on sides (Ladies pass LSh, Men pass RSh to start) 2s & 3s omit final loop
17-20 1M+2L also 3M+4L change places passing LSh, 2L+4L cast down 1 place on opp sides while 1M+3M cast up 1 place opp sides (1L+3L & 2M+4M step up/down bars 19-20)
21-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across 1.1/4 round to end in original places
25-28 1L casts to bottom & partly across, 1M casts up to top and partly across while 1M+4L change places RH to end 1s at bottom facing up (1L on 1M's Left), 4s at top facing down (4L on 4M's Right)
29-32 1s+4s advance to dance 1/2 RH across back to original places
33-40 1s cast, cross below 3s, cast up round 3s, then lead down crossing into 4th place own side (2s+3s+4s step up bars 39-40). End 2 3 4 1
ANNE TUFT'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Tony Moretti Pinewoods Coll 2
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
5-12 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance diagonal reels of 4 across, 1M+2L pass LSh, 1L+2M dance to left to start (3s+4s dance similar)
13-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across
17-24 1s & 4s set, cast in 1place (2s+3s step up/down); 1s+4s+3s turn RH remaining in middle ready for …
25-32 1s+4s+3s dance Allemande. 2 3 4 1
ANNE'S HEATHER JIG (J3x48) 3C set Curt Beadell Eight Dances for Anne Hueser
1-8 1s turn RH & cast to 2nd place, turn LH 1.1/2 to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners (1s face out)
17-24 1s cast to their right while corners dance DoSiDo; 1s dance around set to 2nd place on opposite sides
25-36 3s+1s+2s dance R&L for 3 couples (3) (1) (2)
37-40 3s+1s+2s chase 1/2 way clockwise 2 1 3
41-48 1s set, petronella into centre of set (3s step up); 3s+1s dance RH across with1L casting into 3rd place at end 2 3 1
ANNIE SHAND SCOTT'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Rondel Bk
1- 8 1L followed by 2L+3L+4L dances across & down Men's side, across at bottom & back to place while 1M followed by 2M+3M+4M cross above Ladies, down Ladies' side, across & back to place (each Man crosses behind his partner but in front of the next Lady)
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides (1s & 3s dancing in & down to start)
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance the Rondel ending 1s+4s+3s facing down with nearer hands joined
25-32 1s+4s+3s dance down for 3 steps, 3s turn & dance up to 2nd place as 1s & 4s divide & 1s dance down to bottom. 2 3 4 1
THE ANNIVERSARY (M-4x(S32+R32)) 4C set Peter McBride TAC Silver Anniv Dances
1- 8 1s cast 1 place, cross RH, cast round 1st corner & pass RSh round partner to face 1st corner
9-16 Set to & turn 1st corner 2H, turn partner LH 1.1/4 times to face 2nd corner
17-24 Set to & turn 2nd corner 2H, turn partner LH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own side
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 on own sides (LSh to 4th corner)
33-64 Repeat above Figs in Reel time with 3s+4s
ANNIVERSARY CAPER (R4x32) 4C set I Kendall Ness House 3
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place to face 1st corner, set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner & end facing 2nd corner
9-16 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners end (1s end LSh to LSh with 1M facing up)
17-24 1M dances RH across with 2L+3L while 1L dance RH across with 2M+3M (2s & 3s end in places & 1s in 2nd place opp side facing out), 2s+1s+3s Bal-in-Line & 1s cast to 3rd place
25-32 1s cross down to 4th place, all set on side & turn partners RH. 2 3 4 1
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION JIG (J4x32) 4C Set Peter Marshall Alderley & District CS 50th
1- 8 1s+4s cast down/up (2s+3s step up/down bars 1-2), 1s+4s dance RH across & cast back to original places & in to meet partner in centre (2s+3s step down/up & in on bars 7-8)
9-16 1s+2s+3s+4s dance Interlocking Poussette:-
1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Poussettes but 1s+4s pass during bar 11 to end in order 2 4 1 3 with 2s facing 4s & 1s facing 3s
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on the sides
25-32 All dance 8H round & back
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION REEL (R5x40) 5C Set Peter Marshall Alderley & District CS 50th
1- 6 1s+3s set, dance dow, 1s cast up behind 4s into 2nd place while 3s cast up behind 5s into 4th place (2s+4s step up bars 3-4) 2 1 4 3 5
7- 8 1s+3s set advancing to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+3s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with Petronella turn (with a clap) into 2nd & 4th places own sides. (4s, in 3rd place, face out on bar 16) 2 1 4 3 5
17-24 1s+4s+3s dance a Chaperoned Chain Progression:
`17-18 1s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle while 4s dance clockwise 1/4 round the set picking up 1L/3M
`19-22 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise while middle people (1M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2.
`23-24 3s & 1s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides while 4s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in 3rd place
2s+5s turn RH into promenade hold (2M with partner on right, 5M with partner on left), dance clockwise to own side at opposite end of set. 5 3 4 1 2
25-32 5s+3s also 1s+2s dance RH across (4 bars). All turn partner RH or birl (4 bars)
33-40 5s+3s+4s+1s+2s dance 10H round & back
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Peter Marshall Alderley & District CS 50th
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s, set to partner, turn partner 2H flowing into 4H once round to left to finish in middle of set, 1s facing 2s & 3s facing 4s with NHJ with partners
9-16 All dance Interlocking Rondels:
1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Rondels but 1s & 4s pass each other (1s dance under arch made by 4s) on bar 16 to end 2 4 1 3 on the sides
17-24 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across. 4s+1s dance LH across
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance Diamond Poussette. 2 4 1 3
ANNIVERSARY MEDLEY (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Stephen Webb Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee Bk
1- 4 All Men dance RH across while Ladies chase anticlockwise to opposite side
5- 8 All Ladies dance LH across, while Men chase clockwise to face partner on opposite side
9-12 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain to places (Men clockwise, Ladies anticlockwise)
13-16 All 1.1/2 turn RH to face in, with Lady on RHS of partner in original places
17-20 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L while 2s & 4s, facing across, set (HS)
21-24 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L while 1s & 3s, facing across, set (HS)
25-28 All Ladies petronella 1/4 turn to next place on their right, all set
29-32 All Men petronella 1/4 turn to next place on their right & with partner, all set
33-40 Repeat bars 25-32 to original places
41-48 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reel (2 places)
49-56 All promenade anticlockwise 1/2 round set, on bar 52 all release RH & Men lead partners to original places to face each other. All set and turn BH into
57-64 All circle 8H round and back
Reel: Repeat bars 1-64 above, except
17-24 HS step is replaced with pas de basque and balance
57-64 All circle 8H round to the left for 6 steps, pivot & chase back to places
ANNIVERSARY REEL (R4x32) 4C set S Muir RSCDS Bk 36
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1L dances full reel of 3 with 2s while 1M dances 1/2 reel with 3s & 1/2 reel with 4s
17-24 1s dance LH across with 3s, 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 4s)
25-32 1s pass LSh to dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 3s, turn RH to opposite sides while 4s set advancing & 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way round to new places
ANNIVERSARY STRATHSPEY (S5x32) 5C Set Dorothy Bell Campbell-Stewart Anniv Coll
1- 4 1s, 3s & 5s cross RH, 1s cast 1 place(2s step up) as 5s cast up (4s step down)
5- 8 1s+3s+5s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (1s in/down, 3s up/out, 5s up/in)
9-12 2s+4s cross RH, 2s cast down 1 place (5s step up) as 4s cast up (1s step down)
13-16 2s+3s+4s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (2s in/down, 3s down/out, 4s up/in) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
17-24 All set twice, all turn partner 1.1/2 RH, 1s (in 5th place) retain hands, 5s+4s+3s+2s finish on own sidelines
25-28 1s lead up to top while 2s+3s+4s+5s dance down sidelines to meet partners & dance up/out one place on own side
29-32 1s cast to 5th place while 2s+3s+4s+5s set twice. End 2 3 4 5 1
THE ANNIVERSARY TENSOME (R5x32) 5C Sq.Set Barry Priddey Anniversary Tensome
5s in centre, 5L facing down & 5M facing up
1- 8 1s+2s+3s+4s circle 8H left 1/2 way & pivot left, chase back 1/4 way & set as 5s set & 1/2 turn RH, set & 3/4 turn LH to end 5M facing up to 4M (1st pl) & 5L faces down to 2M (3rd pl)
9-16 5s dance LSh reels of 3 with 4M+2L/2M+4L & 5s pass RSh to end 5M facing 1L (2nd pl) & 5L facing 3L (4th pl)
17-24 5s dance RSh reels of 3 with 1L+3M/3L+1M & 5s 1/2 turn LH to end Man facing up & Lady facing down
25-32 5M dances RH across with top cpl as 5L RH across with bottom cpl, 5s 1/2 turn LH to face 1s (2nd pl) & change places RH (M with M etc)
Repeat from new positions
ANOTHER COVID-19 DANCE (NO NAME YET) (J4x48) Sq.Set Heather Cook Pandemic Set of Dances
1- 8 1s dance LSh reel of 4 with corners (1L LSh to 4M & 1M LSh to 2L)
9-16 All chase clockwise round set back to places
17-24 All Men dance 2 steps into centre & dance out to next place on their right to face in; All Ladies repeat but stay facing out
25-32 All set turning right about to face partner, all dance DoSiDo with partner, all set turning left about (Ladies facing out, Men facing in)
33-48 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
ANOTHER EDINBURGH FANCY (S8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Rondel Bk
1- 8 1s dance Inveran Reels with 2s+3s
9-16 1M+3L change places RH & cast to left to stand next to partner (1M with Lady on right & 3M with Lady on Left), 1s dance into centre facing down while 3s into centre facing up, 1s dance down below arch made by 3s
17-24 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
25-32 1s & 3s set facing down/up & dance RH across to original places, 1s & 2s set, turn 2H & end for the Rondel
33-40 1s+2s dance the Rondel
ANOTHER PIECE OF SILVER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 10 Social Dances
1- 8 1s followed by 2s+3s cross RSh & dance down opposite sides, 1s dance in & up to dance R/LH across on sides
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple above them, 1s dance in & up to dance R/LH across on sides, 1s end in prom hold facing 3M
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 3 with 2nd corners & 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 3s, turn inward & set to 2s, lead up, cross over & cast to 2nd places own sides
ANOTHER SCD WEDDING (S4x32) 4C Set Martha Morrison Veranth Wasatch Mountain Coll
1- 4 1s+2s circle 4H 1/2 round & turn partner 2H once round, 2s ending in 1st place, 1s open out to face up
5- 8 1s cast up round 2s, dance down NHJ to 2nd place
9-12 1s cast down round 3s & dance up to 2nd place, 2s step in
13-16 2s+1s turn partner 2H opening out to dance 4H 1/2 round ending in original places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down) giving hands. End with 1s+2s also 3s+4s joining 2H with partner on diagonals (4s step in Bar 24)
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette, 2s+3s end on sides; 1s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette. 2 4 1 3
ANOTHER TRIP AROUND THE SUN (S2x40) 4C set Ray McEdward San Diego 45th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance first 6 bars of Bourrel then turn RH into allemande hold
1-4 1M+2L also 3M+4L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
5-8 Set to partners & turn RH into allemande hold
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance Allemande
17-20 1s/4s dance RSh 1/2 round partner & cast to 2nd/3rd place. Bars 19-20 2s & 3s NHJ dance to 1st/4th place. 2 1 4 3
21-24 1s+4s dance RH across
25-32 1s+4s dance Poussette (all round)
33-40 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance R&L. 2 1 4 3
ANOTHER WOODLAND WANDER (J4x32) 4C set Children of Margaret McMurtry's class in New Zealand
1- 8 1s+2s set twice, 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s+2s set twice, 1s+2s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s cross LH & cast down to 4th place
25-32 All turn RH, all turn LH
ANSEY STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 1
1- 8 All set, 1s & 4s cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples
9-16 All dance Grand Chain
17-24 1L+4M set & change places RH, 1M+4L repeat
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 4 1 3
ANTARCTICA BOUND (J4x32) 4C Set Roy Goldring Scotia Suite
1- 8 1s+2s cross RH, cast down 2 places, cross RH & cast up to places
9-16 3s+4s cross RH, cast up 2 places, cross RH & cast back to places
17-24 1s+4s Adv+Ret (diagonally), 1s cast to bottom as others step up
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
ANTICIPATION (J3x32) 3C set Holly Boyd, 2021
1- 8 6 bars Mirror reels of 3 on sides (2s in/up, 1s & 3s cast to start), 1s+2s pass to change places as 3s loop into place
9-16 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across; all chase clockwise 1/2 round. 1s end in 2nd place own side facing down. (3) 1 (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance Grand Chain (3s cross RH, 1s+2s change places RH on sides to start)
25-32 All Adv+Ret; 3s & 2s set & cross RH while 1s dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place. 3s & 2s face out
ANTJE ERBEN'S REEL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Anselm Lingnau 41st Frankfurt Spring Ball
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s set & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s) then turn LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners & end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 All chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partners RH
ANYA'S DANCE (M-(S48+R48)) Sq.Set Andrew Duncan 8 Anniv Dances
1- 8 All dance double reels of 4 passing LSh in centre (Men start) & Ladies end in centre facing partners
9-24 All set & petronella turn 4 times
25-32 All set HS to partners (4 bars) & turn partner RH 2.1/4 times to place (Ladies facing out)
33-48 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
Repeat in Reel time but normal setting in place of HS setting
APPLE TEA (S3x32) 3C set John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 All set & circle 6H to left (3 bars), dance in turning right about spiral out to chase on to places
9-16 All set & 2s petronella turn into centre, set & turn RH 1.1/4 times while 1s+3s dance 3/4 R&L & all end facing down beside partners
17-24 1s followed by 2s+3s lead down & 3s lead back up. 3 2 1
25-32 3s+2s Allemande
THE APPLE TREE (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Summer Coll 88
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1L dances in & followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses down to 4th place Men's side, up behind 3L, crosses up to own place & 1M to his place while 4L dances in & followed by partner casts up behind 3L, crosses up to 1L place, down behind 2L, crosses to original place & 4M to his place
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides, at end 2s & 3s do not pass but curve round so that 3s face up in 2nd place & 2s face down in 3rd place
17-24 1s+3s also 2s+4s set twice on sides, all turn twice round to right in Tulloch hold
25-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s set on sides & dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down & 4s crossing up to start). 3 1 (4)(2)
APPLE TURNOVER (J24) Round the Room Leeds Branch 25th Children's Festival
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 Clockwise couples turn RH, Anticlockwise couples turn RH
9-16 All circle 4H round & back
17-24 All Adv+Ret, all set & advance to meet next couple (clockwise couples dance under arches made by other couple)
APPLECROSS STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Stuart Anderson, 2013
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn RH to end in 2nd place opp sides
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across, RSh to 4th corners (1M+3M, 1L+2L pass RSh)
17-24 1s cross up between 2s & cast; meet & dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own side
25-32 1s+3s dance Poussette
APRIL FOOL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell
1- 8 1s cross down to face out between 2s & 3s & set as in Double Triangles (2s step up bars 1-2); 1s dance out, cast round 1st corners into centre & pull back RSh to end BtoB, 1L facing up, 1M facing down
9-12 1L+2s & 1M+3s set as in Double Triangles, 1s PdB out & pull back RSh to face down/up while 2s & 3s PdB in & pull back RSh to face out
13-16 1s cross RH up/down centre & cast to right into 2nd place opp sides while 2s & 3s set turning cl'wise & chase 1 place (2L to 3L, 3M to 2M place)
17-20 1s cross RH, cast to right to end 1L between 3rd pstns facing up & 1M between 2nd pstns facing down while 2s+3s set & chase cl'wise 1 place to end 3s in 1st place & 2s in 3rd place both on opp sides.
21-24 1s pass LSh to dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 4th corners (pstns) to end facing 3rd corner (pstns).
25-28 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 3rd corners (pstn) ending BtoB facing own sides in 2nd place
29-32 2s+1s+3s set as in Double Triangles, 1s set advancing into 2nd place own sides. 2 1 3
APRIL IN THE ALGARVE (J4x32) 4C set Marjorie MacRae Algarve
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place, 1s & 4s turn LH to end with Ladies facing 2M/3M with partners behind them
9-12 1s+4s dance an alternating tandem Pass+Turn with corners pass RSh to Men with partners behind them facing 3L/2L
13-16 Repeat with corners & end 1s on Men's side & 4s on Ladies' side.
17-24 1s & 4s dance tandem LSh reels of 3 on sides (Ladies leading)
25-32 1s+4s set & 1L+4L change places LH, 4s+1s set & cross RH. 2 4(1)(3)
APRIL SNOW ON MULL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Holger Schuckelt Borderland Dances
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Set & Rotate for 3 couples:
Set & rotate singly & chase clockwise to form lines of 3 across (Men facing down & Ladies up) all change places RH with partner & chase clockwise to own sides. 3 2 1
9-16 2s+1s dance Chain & Turn:
9-10 2M+1L turn 3/4 RH to face 1M & 2L on diagonal
11-12 1L+2L also 1M+2M change places LH, 2L+1M face each other in the centre
13-16 2L+1M turn 1.1/4 RH to finish on own sides 3 1 2
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 3s+1s+2s turn RH into promenade hold (3s+2s facing up, 1s facing down)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Circulating Allemande:
3s & 2s dance normal Allemande but end in 3rd/1st place as 1s Allemande (down) & up to 2nd place opposite sides
33-40 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s; All turn LH. End 2 1 3
Note: At end of 2nd time, on bars 35-36 1s dance down to 4th place while 4s step up
ARACOS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Celtic Book
1- 8 1s cross down RH (2s step up), dance down behind 3s; meet & dance up NHJ to BtoB between 2s (1M facing 2L, 1L facing 2M), & 1s+2s set
9-24 1s+2s dance Modified Targe:
9-12 1s+2s 1/2 turn LH, 2s turn 3/4 RH while 1s dance anticlockwise round to centre to face 2s
13-16 1s+2s 1/2 turn LH, 1s turn 3/4 RH while 2s dance anticlockwise round to 2nd place facing 1s
1s+2s repeat 9-16
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s passing LSh to start; 1s turn 1.1/2 RH to end in 2nd place own side
ARBEADIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cross down RH to 2nd place while 2s cast up, 1s turn 2nd corner LH, pass partner LSh to face 1st & 2nd corners
9-16 1s dance 3H round to left with corners 1/2 way & lead corners round to top/bottom & dance 6H round to end 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s
17-24 All set in line across, change places RH with opposite person, set & change places with opposite person
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 4th corner & end turning 4th corner RH to 2nd place own side
ARBOREAL LACE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell
1- 8 1s dance down between 2s & cast back to top; 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place (2s step up on bars 5-6).
9-20 2s+1s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples.
21-24 1s turn RH 1.1/2 to face 1st corners.
25-32 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners & Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners. 1s end facing down in the centre ready to repeat. 2 1 3
End of 2nd time through, 1s dance down centre to 4th place, 4s step up as new 1st couple begin
ARBROATH ABBEY (R4x40) 4C set Sq.Set Mary Gardner Angus SCD Bk
1- 8 1s dance under arch made by 3s to change places, 1s & 3s turn corner persons with nearer hand
9-16 2s & 4s repeat bars 1-8
17-32 All repeat bars 1-16 back to places
33-40 All turn RH into Prom hold & dance 3/4 round anticlockwise, all turn partner RH. End 4 1 2 3
THE ARCH (S4x32) 4C Set Andrew & Heather Hodgson Fields of Gold
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance all round Poussette
9-14 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, 1/2 turn partner RH & chase clockwise 1/2 round. 2 1 4 3
15-16 All turn partners 2H, 2s+3s finish on sides while 1s+4s finish in middle, NHJ, facing down/up
17-24 1s+4s dance a Rondel. 2 4 1 3
25-28 All set, Men make arches, all dance into partners' places passing RSh.
29-32 Repeat bars 25-28 with Ladies making arches. End 2 4 1 3
ARCHIE'S CLOOTIE DUMPLING (R64) Sq.Set A Marr W Lothian 70th Bk
1- 8 All circle 8H round to left, pivot & chase back to places
9-16 1L & 3L followed by partners pass RSh & dance to opposite Mans place & curve round left to opposite places & turn partner LH while 2L & 4L turn partner LH & followed by partners pass RSh & dance to opposite Mans place & curve round left to opposite places
17-24 All repeat bars 9-16
25-32 All Ladies advance setting into centre, circle 4H round to left & retire (PdB)
33-40 1M+3L also 1L+3M 1/2 turn RH, twirl & dance out to opposite places, 2M+4L also 2L+4M 1/2 turn RH, twirl & dance out to opposite places
41-48 All repeat bars 33-48 back to places
49-56 All Men advance setting into centre, circle 4H round to right & retire (PdB)
57-64 All circle 8H round & back
THE ARCTIC CIRCLE (R64) Sq.Set John Drewry 2005
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1M+3L also 1L+3M dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s/4s, 1/2 turn & twirl back to place, finishing facing out
17-24 1M & 3M turn corner RH while partners turn corner LH, all set to partner & turn 2H (skip change of step)
25-40 2s & 4s repeat bars 9-24
41-48 All Ladies dance RH across 1/2 way, dance round opp Man LSh & dance RH across 1/2 way back to place
49-56 All Men dance LH across 1/2 way, dance round opp Lady RSh & dance LH across 1/2 way back to place
57-64 All promenade round anticlockwise
ARD CHOILLE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Flora MacGregor Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee
1- 8 1M+2L set advancing, change places RH. 1L+2M set advancing, change places LH.
9-16 2s+1s set, cross RH. 1L casts down, 1M cast up, pass RSh in middle to face 1st corners.
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corners RH, pass partner LSh, set to & turn 2nd corner RH. Finish facing 1st corners.
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 1st corner). 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides.
ARDAILLY MILL (R32) Moira Stacey Gigha Set
Round the Room Dance, in 3s, all facing anticlockwise
2 Chords 1 - Men step forward & turn to face partners, 2 - Bow & curtsy
1- 8 All dance RH across & LH across
9-16 Man sets & turns RH Lady on right, sets & turns RH Lady on left
17-24 Man dances reel of 3 with his partners giving LSh to Lady on right
25-32 All facing anticlockwise Adv+Ret, Men dance between next 2 Ladies & turn right about to face them
ARDBRAE BANK (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Ian Sandeman Peterborough 2000 Collection
1- 8 1M & 2L dance round their partners with RSh back to place; 1L & 2M dance LSh round their partners to finish in a diagonal line facing their partners
9-12 1L & 2M change places RH with partners (2 bars), 1L & 2M dance 1 place anticlockwise while 1M & 2L turn 3/4 LH to meet partners (2 bars)
13-16 1M & 2L change places RH with partners (2 bars), 1M & 2L dance 1 place anticlockwise while 1L & 2M turn 3/4 LH to meet partners (2 bars)
17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 but in last 2 bars 1M & 2L dance to place while 1L & 2M cross LH to place. All finish curving through their places to meet in Promenade hold facing up
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande. 2 1
ARDBRAE FRIENDSHIPS (S4x32) 4C set Gary MacLean Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 4 1s+2s Set+Link
5-12 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on sides, 1s+3s passing LSh. 1s end BtoB in middle, 1L facing up, 1M down
13-16 1M+3s & 1L+2s circle 3H round to Left. 1s end in 2nd place own sides
17-24 1s+4s set, petronella turn into middle, Men face up, Ladies down. 1s+4s dance 1/2 reel of 4
25-32 1s+4s set, petronella turn to own sides. 4s+3s (middle couples) Set+Link Finish 2 3 4 1
ARDGILZEAN (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Summer Col 1
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s+4s dance Figs of 8 on sides round 2s+3s (dancing in between 2s/3s to start)
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance a variation of Espagnole: -
`9-10 1s+2s & 3s+4s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`11-12 1s+2s & 3s+4s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`13-16 2s/3s turn RH as 1s/4s dance LH across & face corners
17-24 1s & 4s dance double diagonal reels of 4 (1/2 LH across in middle) & 1s+4s omit final LH across but curve in to face corner just passed
25-32 All set & turn facing person RH, 4s+1s circle 4H round to right. 2 4(1)(3)
ARDNAHOE (S3x32) 3C Set Anne M Robertson, 2019
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, remain in middle NHJ facing down; 2s followed by 1s dance down, cast up round 3s to end 2 1 3
9-16 1s+3s dance LH across, remain in middle NHJ facing up; 1s followed by 3s dance up, cast down round 2s to end 2 3 1
17-24 1s set & cast up to 2nd place (3s step down); 1M+3s also 1L+2s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (1M+3L & 1L+2M pass LSh to start)
25-28 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on opp sides (RSh to 2nd corner to start, corners looping into place)
29-32 All 1/2 turn partner 2H, pull back RSh & dance out to own side. 3 1 2
ARE YOU SLEEPING? (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Duisburg Coll
1- 8 1M+2L cross RH, 1L+2M cross RH, 2s+1s turn RH
9-16 1M+2L cross LH, 1L+2M cross LH, 1s+2s turn LH
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
ARGO POND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Blim
1- 8 1s+2s dance Set & Rotate: -
` Set, Rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on to face 2M with 1L behind him
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem Reel with 2M+3L & face 3M, 1s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem Reel with 3M+2L & end 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 All Set+Link for 3 twice
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
THE ARGYLL ASSEMBLY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 10 Social Dances
1- 8 1s cross down & dance out between 2s & 3s turning 3s with nearer hand, dance up & turn 2s with nearer hand ending in 2nd place opp side
9-16 1s set advancing & turn R about to face 2nd crnrs & set, set to 1st corners & set turning R about to end LSh to LSh Lady facing down, Man up
17-24 1s dance RH across (1L on Men's side & 1M dances on Ladies' side), 1s continue dancing up/down & cast to 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across Lady with 2s & Man with 3s, 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
ARGYLL DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set)
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 3s+1s set & dance LH across 1/2 way, 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
17-24 1s lead down the middle for 4 steps, lead up to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s set on sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ARGYLL IS MY NAME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1L+2L+3L Adv+Ret & set while 1M+2M+3M set & Adv+Ret, 1s+2s+3s cross RH
17-24 1s+2s set, 1s cross LH to 2nd pl own side as 2s cast up, 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M up & 1L dn) & pass LSh to face 1st crnr (pstns)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 4 with 1st corners, turn to right about to face 4th corner (pstn) & dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners
THE ARGYLL LUDGING (S8x32) 3C (4C set) A N Shearer RSCDS Bk 36
1- 8 1s+2s set & circle 4H round to left, 1M+2M also 1L+2L turn 2H to end in centre BtoB with ptnr (facing out on own sides between 3s)
9-14 1M+2M+3M dance LH across while 1L+2L+3L dance RH across. On meeting partners all take prom hold, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance up to top, 1s (both) cast on Men's side, 2s (both) cast on Ladies' side, 3s dance to top
15-16 1s turn LH to end 1M in 2nd place & 1L in 3rd place, 2s turn RH to end 2M in 3rd place & 2L in 2nd place, 3s 1/2 turn RH to end in centre facing down (Lady on Mans right)
17-24 3s set to dancers in 2nd place while dancers in 3rd place set to each other, all turn 2H & open out to circle 6H round to left 1/2 way
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain , 2s+1s+3s turn 2H with 1s turning 1.1/2 times to end in 2nd place own sides
ARGYLL REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Dances collected by Miss Milligan
1- 8 1s+2L dance RH across; 1L leads as 1s+2M dance LH across. All end back in place
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance "New Poussette":
25-26 Couples set advancing to meet partner & turn 2H just over 1/4 to couples side by side on diagonal (Men with backs to Ladies' side)
27-28 Couples advance diagonally (1s to Men's side, 2s to Ladies' side) & 1/4 turn
29-30 Couples advance into centre & 1/4 turn into line up/down centre facing partner (2s above 1s, 2L+1M BtoB)
31-32 Couples turn partner RH out to own sides (2 skip change of step). 2 1
THE ARGYLL SQUARE (J96) Sq.Set Roy Goldring RSCDS Bk 43
1- 8 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s & 3s dance out thru 2s/4s back to places (Ladies between & Men round side couples)
9-16 1s+3s dance LH across, 1s & 3s dance out thru 4s/2s back to places (Men between & Ladies round side couples)
17-32 2s+4s repeat bars 1-16
33-40 1s & 3s set to partners, change places RH, 1L+3L change places LH, 1M+3M change places RH (1L & 3L now on partners left)
41-48 All Ladies dance R&L (1L+2L also 3L+4L start RH)
49-56 All Men dance R&L (1M+4M & 2M+3M start RH)
57-64 2s & 4s set to partners, change places RH, 2L+4L change places LH, 2M+4M change places RH (2L & 4L now on partners left)
65-72 All turn partners RH 1.1/4 times (Ladies backs to centre), all set, all 3/4 turn partners LH to end facing corners
73-80 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (RSh round corner, pass partner LSH, RSh round other corner & pass partner LSh to place)
81-88 All Ladies dance in front of corner, behind opposite Man to original places, Men dance in front of 'new' corner, behind partner to places
89-96 All circle 8H round & back
ARGYLL STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring RSCDS Bk 35
1- 8 1s+2s+3s 1/2 turn RH, twirl & dance out to opposite sides & repeat back to place
9-16 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back (1s end in centre facing down & 3s in centre facing up)
17-24 1s+3s dance R&L (up & down) & end back on own sides
25-32 1s+2s dance the Tournee: -
`1s+2s dance into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 1s face M's side & 2s L's side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s RH, 1s LH) & dance out to places
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s set & cast Lady up & Man down to end in lines across (1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up)
9-16 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret & circle 6H round to the left, 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set to 2nd corners & turn partner 2H to end 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round to left & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
ARGYLL'S FANCY (J4x48) 4C set Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s lead down 1 place, cross between 2s & dance down behind 3s, cross LH & dance down behind 4s to bottom of set
17-24 1s lead up 1 place, cross between 4s & dance up behind 3s, cross LH & dance up behind 2s to top places
25-32 1s+2s dance R&L
33-40 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way & set, 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way & set
41-48 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way & all 4 couples set, all turn partners RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
1- 8 1M+2M+3M turn 2L+3L+4L RH & turn partners LH
9-16 1s+2s+3s slip step down for 2 bars & 1/2 turn, slip step up to top & 1/2 turn to places
17-24 1s+2s dance R&L
25-32 1M followed by partner casts 1 place & crosses to opposite side to dance RH across with 3s
33-40 1M followed by partner cast on opposite side to 4th place & crosses to own side to dance RH across with 4s
AN ARIZONA WELCOME (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Helen Beaney (McGinley)
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1L up round 2s, 1M down round 3s) to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance diag reel of 4 with 1st corners
17-24 1s pass 1st corner RSh, dance across set, RSh round 4th corner, in through 2nd place own side & turn 1.1/4 RH to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners, finishing in 2nd place own side
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ARKAIG JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jack Frodsham Silver Jubilee Miscellany
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 Grand Chain (1s cross to start) & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides (2s out & up to start) end 1 2 3 on opp sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 Grand Chain (1s cross to start) from new pstns & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on own sides to end in original places
17-24 1s dance down centre & cast up round 3s & in to face 1st corners, 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass LSh to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place opposite sides & 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left 1/2 way to end on own sides
1- 8 1s 1/2 turning 2s on sides (Men RH, Ladies LH) & dance Double Triangles, 1s end facing out on opposite sides retaining hands with 2s
9-16 1s turn 2s, dance down to 3s, joining hands set in line & turn 3s into…
17-24 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (dancing between 2s to start)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s to 2nd place own sides & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH
ARLETTE'S FANCY (J3x32) 3C set Avril & David Quarrie, October 2014
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 on own sides (dancing in front of 2s, & behind 3s to start)
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L
17-24 1s dance down middle & back to 1st place facing out
25-32 1s+2s turn 1.1/2 to change places (Ladies RH, Men LH); 1s+3s turn 1.1/2 to change places (Ladies LH, Men RH). End 2 3 1
Note: May also be danced as a reel
ARMADALE CASTLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Frans Ligtmans
1- 8 1M+2L change place RH, 1L+2M repeat, 1M+3M repeat, 1L+3L repeat
9-16 1s (in 3rd place) cross RH, cast up to 1st place, 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, set & cross RH
THE ARMSTRONGS' RANT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas Henderson Tay Bridge Bk
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opp sides. 1s end in centre (2nd place) facing down (Lady on Man's right), 2s in 1st place, 3s facing up
9-12 1s in centre & 3s on sides Adv+Ret 1 step, 1s turn 3s on sides (LH Ladies' side & RH Men's). 1s end in centre facing up, 2s face down
13-16 1s in centre & 2s on sides Adv+Ret 1 step, 1s turn 2s on sides (RH Ladies' side & LH Men's). 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, dance clockwise round each other to face 2nd corners. 1s set to 2nd corners, dance clockwise round each other to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides, 1M+2M also 1L+3L passing RSh to start.
ARNISTON GLEN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Lothian Coll
1- 8 1L+2M turn 1.1/2 RH to change places; 1s+2s set to partners on sides & turn RH
9-16 RSh reels of 3 on sides, 1s+2s pass partner RSh to start
17-24 1M+2L turn 1.1/2 LH to change places; 1s+2s set to partners & cross RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
ARNOLD HOUSE MEDLEY (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) John W Mitchell SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s set, cross RH; 1s+2s set & turn partners LH & retain hands
9-16 1s+2s dance the Tournee:
Bar 9: 1s+2s continue turning into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 1s face Men's side & 2s Ladies' side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s RH, 1s LH) & 1s end facing 1st corners, 2s on sides
17-24 1s set to 1st corners & turn 2H, 1s set to 2nd corners & turn 2H
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides & cross to 2nd place own sides
ARNSIDE KNOTT (S5x32) 5C set Arthur C Boswell Arnside Coll
1- 8 1s+3s+5s dance reels of 3 on sides round standing 2s & 4s, each couple crossing down to opp side from top (1s cross down, 3s out/up, 5s in/up to start)
9-16 2s & 4s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to opposite sides, 1s, 3s & 5s cross RH back to places & all set
17-24 1s+2s & 3s+4s (top 4 couples) dance RH across 1/2 way. Bottom 4 couples dance LH across 1/2 way. Top 4 couples RH across 1/2 way. Bottom 4 couples LH across 1/2 way
25-32 All 5 couples chase c'wise 2 places, all set, persons in 2nd & 4th places lead up/down thru ends, cross (RH at top, LH at bottom) & cast 1 place back to new place
Repeat 4 times, each time with new partners ie 2M with 5L, 4M with 3L, 1M with 4L, 5M with 1L & 3M with 2L
AROON ABOOT MIDNIGHT (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Erika Nilsson Aurora 2nd Bk
1- 8 All set to prtnr & turn 2H. All set to corner, Lady turns under Man's R arm
9-16 1L & 3L cast round prtnr into centre & turn RH back to place. 1M & 3M dance into centre (1 bar), set (L then R), dance back to place
17-24 All circle 8H 3/4 round to Left. All dance 1/2 R&L (1s+3s cross RH, 2s+4s change places with prntr RH to start)
25-32 'Erika's Viking Reels':
`25-28 All face corners & dance interlocking RSh reels of 3 back to place
`29-32 All face partners & dance interlocking LSh reels of 3 back to place
33-64 Repeat bars 1-32 from new positions with 2s & 4s as dancing couples
1- 8 All set to prtnr & turn RH. All set to corner, Lady turns under Men's R arm
9-16 1s & 3s set advancing into line of 4 between 2s & 4s. 1L+3L join LH, all Bal-in-Line. 1M+3L also 1L+3M 1/2 turn RH back to places
17-32 As Strathspey bars 17-32
33-64 Repeat Reel bars 1-32 from new positions with 2s & 4s as dancing couples
AROUND ABOUT IN ST GEORGE'S HALL (R4x32) Sq.Set Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 2
1- 8 All dance Grand Chain with Men ending in centre giving RH
9-16 Men dance RH across 1/2 way, turn opp Lady LH, dance RH across 1/2 way while Ladies dance anticl'wise 1 pl, Men 3/4 turn Lady LH to face corner (own partner)
17-24 All set, change places RH with partners to face new partner, all set & turn new partner RH into prom hold facing anticlockwise
25-32 All Promenade anticlockwise & end turning new partner RH ready for Grand Chain
AROUND THE WORLD TO MEET YOU (S2x40) Sq.Set Dirk Kölbl 2011, Special Wedding Edition
1- 8 1L+3L pass LSh & dance LSh round opposite Man to change places; 1s+3s 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opp side
9-16 2L+4L repeat 1-8
17-24 All Men cast RSh round standing Lady, through centre & turn partner 1.1/2 RH to original places. Men face in, Ladies face out
25-32 All dance 8 bars Schiehallion Reel (all move 2 places anticlockwise to 3 4 1 2)
33-36 All turn partner 3/4 RH into prom hold & promenade 1 place round clockwise (2 3 4 1)
37-40 All join NH with partner & dance in, dance out NH joined with corner, drop hands & turn away from corner to meet partner. 2 3 4 1
ARRAN CHASE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Frank Reid Snr
1- 8 1s cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s set, 2s & 3s chase clockwise to other end as 1s turn RH to face 3rd corner (pstn)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel with 3rd corners, 2s & 3s chase clockwise to other end while 1s turn ptnr RH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners, 2s & 3s set & change places RH on sides while 1s turn RH to end in 2nd place BtoB facing own sides
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles with 2s+3s crossing RH to own sides as 1s turn to face opposite sides, 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
THE ARRIVAL OF IAN STEWART (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Lee Jardine South African SCD Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down, cross over & dance up to partners place
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down, cross over & dance up to original place & set
17-24 1s cast 1 place, turn LH 1.1/4 times & 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), 1s pass RSh to face other couple
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across, 1M+2s & 1L+3s giving RSh to 2nd corner to start
ARTHUR GOVAN'S HERE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Maurice Gilbert Hughes Further Ado
1- 8 1M+2L set advancing & turn RH back to place; 1s+2s Set+link
9-16 2M+1L set advancing & turn RH back to place; 1s+2s Set+link
17-24 1s dance down middle & back up to 2nd place own side (2s step up 19-20)
25-32 1s+3s Poussette. 2 1 3
ARTHUR OR MARTHA (S4x32) 4C Set Pat Charlton Counting Sheep
1- 8 1s & 4s set, 1L followed by 1M & 4M followed by 4L chase clockwise 1/2 round, 1L casts up to 3rd place Men's side as 1M dances up middle to 3rd place Ladies' side while 4M+4L dance similar to end in 2nd place opp sides (2s/3s step down/up 7-8). End 2 (4) (1) 3
9-16 4s+1s dance Mixed Chain (as Ladies' Chain but 4M+1L cross RH & turn Lady/Man on sides).
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across; 4s+1s dance LH across to end 2 (4) (1) 3
Repeat 3 more times from new positions to end in original places
ARTHUR'S SEAT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jack McConachie SCD of the18C
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s cast down 1 place (2s dance up) & 1s set
9-16 1s+3s dance LH across, 1s cast down 1 place (3s dance up) & 1s set
17-24 1s dance up to top & cast, dance down between 3s & cast up & face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting (6 bars) Bars 31-32 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
ARTILLERY PORT (J6x24) 3C set Ruary Laidlaw Lochiel Collection
1- 8 1s dance in, touch hands & cast to 3rd place (2s+3s step up). 1s turn RH (4 bars) 2 3 1
9-16 3s followed by 2s dance down (3 steps), cast up round 1s, meet & dance up to top & cast to 2nd place (2s cast into 1st place)
17-24 2s+3s+1s NHJ advance towards top & retire to places. All turn partners RH 2 3 1
Repeat 5 times
ARUN WATERS (S4x32) 4C set Jean Lister
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cast in 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples
9-16 1s+4s dance LH across, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L & all turn partners
ARWON'S 'MATILDA' (S4x32) 4C set Norma McCabe
1- 8 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
9-16 1s cast behind 2s, in front of 3s, behind 4s to bottom & turn RH
17-24 1s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+2s LH across 1/2 way & all 1/2 turn partners RH
25-32 1s+2s pass setting, 1s+3s pass setting while 2s turn RH to own sides, 1s+4s pass setting while 3s turn RH, 1s & 4s turn RH
AS THE CROW FLIES (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1M & 3L set, change places RH & cast to 2nd place (2s step up/down) & turn partners RH on sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1M & 3L start LSh to 2s)
17-24 1M+3L dance 1/2 Diag R&L (1M dn & 3L up) & chase cl'wise 2 steps & face ptnr in middle (order 1 2 3), 1s+2s 1/2 turn ptnr 2H while 3s cross RH
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
AS THE MOON TURNS (R7x32) 7C set Maggie & Duncan Keppie Three Dozen Bk
1- 8 1s+3s+5s cross RH, cast 1 place (2s+4s+6s step up), cross LH & cast to Left around 4th corner, pass partner LSh to face 2nd corner
9-16 1s+3s+5s turn 2nd corner RH, partner LH, 1st corner RH & partner LH to end BtoB in middle facing own side ready for ...
17-24 1s+3s+5s dance Double Triangles, ending BtoB in middle facing own sides
25-28 1s+3s+5s dance out of sides, cast down 1 place, meet partner & begin to dance up NHJ
29-32 1s+4s, 3s+6s & 5s+7s turn 3/4 on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH) & all set. End 2 4 1 6 3 7 5
AS YOU WISH (S3x32) 3C set Bob McMurtry Dragonfly
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, 1s cast to 3rd place while 3s dance to the top, 3s+1s set & turn partners 2H to finish 3s facing down and 1s facing up
9-16 3s+2s+1s circle 6H round & back
17-24 Mirror reels on the sides (3s+1s cast while 2s dance in and down to begin), finish 2s+1s in middle facing
25-32 2s+1s dance the Rondel
ASCDS MEMORIES (S4x32) 4C Set Hugh Porteous ASCDS Ruby Bk
1- 4 1s+4s cross RH, cast in 1 place. 2s+3s step up or down on bars 3&4
5- 8 1s+4s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples 2 1 4 3
9-10 Top 3 on Men's side & bottom 3 on Ladies' side cross RH diagonally
11-12 Top 3 on Ladies' side & bottom 3 on Men's side cross LH diagonally
13-16 Repeat bars 9-12 (3) (4) (1) (2)
17-20 All set & cross RH to own sides 3 4 1 2
21-24 3s+4s also 1s+2s dance RH across. 3L & 2M face out
25-32 3s+2s dance clockwise round the set while
4s+1s dance the Clockwork:
25-28 4s+1s Petronella turn to centre, set diagonally forwards, passing partners, to finish back to back with partners.
29-32 Top Man & bottom Lady (4M & 1L) dance clockwise just over 1/2 way round the set, while the top Lady & bottom Man (4L & 1M) 1/2 turn RH to face each other, then cast to their right` 3 1 4 2
ASHBOURNE GINGERBREAD (J8x32) 3C (4C set) V Hughes Ashbourne Coll
1- 8 1s+2s slip step round to left & set, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance up to 1st place
9-12 1s petronella turn into middle while 2s+3s set then 1s petronella turn to opposite sides as 2s+3s petronella l turn into middle
13-16 1s set as 2s+3s petronella turn to opposite sides then 1s petronella turn into middle & face 3rd corner (pstn) while 2s+3s set
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 3rd corners & face 4th corner (pstn), 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with crnrs & end 2nd place own sides 1M facing up & 1L down
25-32 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel on own side, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
ASHBY PETRONELLA (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s turn LH & face out
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1M LSh to 3M & 1L LSh to 2L to start)
17-24 1s Petronella turn into middle while 2s+3s change places RH on sides & all set, 1s petronella turn to opp sides while 2s+3s cross RH & all set
25-32 1s Petronella turn into middle while 2s+3s change places RH on sides & all set, 1s petronella turn to own sides while 2s+3s cross RH & all set
ASHCROFT (J4x32) 4C Set J Trevor Stephenson The Ayton Collection
1- 8 1L+4M set, cast in 1 place (2L & 3M step up/down), top 2 couples also bottom 2 couples dance 1/2 R&L (1L+2M, 1M+2L, 4M+3L, 3M+4L cross RH). All finish on opposite sides
9-16 1L+4M set, cast in 1 place (2L & 3M step up/down). All turn partners RH (2) (1) (4) (3)
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s circle 4H round & back
25-32 All set & cross RH to own sides to finish 1s facing down & 4s facing up, 1s+4s set on sides & change places LH with a polite turn. 2 4 1 3
ASHLEY AND HER HUSBANDS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Murrough Landon
1-8 1s lead down below 3s, cross & cast up to 2nd place opp sides (2s step up); 1s cross RH, cast to Right to 1M between 2s 1L between 3s
9-12 1s turn 3/4 RH, turn 1st corners LH into lines across facing 4th corners, 1L taking 1st corner in prom hold (1L on the L), 1M alone
13-16 1s loop LSh round 4th corners back to same place,1L releases prom hold, while 4th corners pass 1s LSh into centre and turn LH back to place
17-20 Repeat 9-12 with 2nd corners: 1s 3/4 turn LH, turn 2nd corner LH to face 3rd corners, 1L taking 2nd corner in prom hold (1L on the R)
21-24 Repeat 13-16 with 3rd corners: 1s loop RSh while 3rd corners pass 1s RSh into centre and turn RH back to place
25-32 All chase 1/2 way clockwise then 1s turn 1.1/4 RH while corners continue chase back to place. End 2 1 3
ASILOMAR ROMANTIC (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Tom Cuthbertson San Fransisco Coll 2
1- 8 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 around 2s, 1s crossing down, 3s cast up to start
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette
17-24 1s dance in & down between 2s (2s step up), set to each other & dance RSh round 4th corner to face own 1st corner
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places. 2 1 3
Note: End of 2nd turn it may help if 1s step in & down to 4th place as 3s cast up into double Fig 8
ASK MIRIAM (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Gordon Thomson
1- 8 1s+2s dance the Espagnole: -
`1-2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`3-4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`5-8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corner, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel with 2nd corners & end facing 3rd corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners & pass RSh to face 4th corner, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel with 4th corners & end 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partner RH 1.1/2 times
33-40 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
THE ASPEN CIRCLE STRATHSPEY (S3x40) 3C set Ellen McRanor Suncoast Collection
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate:
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), 1s pass RSh and dance LH across with other couple
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret for 1 step, cross RH; all Adv+Ret for 1 step, 2s cross RH to place, 1s turn LH to face down in centre, 3s turn RH to face up in centre 2 (1) (3)
25-32 1s + 3s dance "Scissor Progression":
25-26 1s+3s set advancing & pass RSh
27-28 All chase clockwise 1 place
29-32 Repeat 25-28 to end 2 3 1
33-40 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back.
THE ASSEMBLY (R128) Sq.Set Dances collected by Miss Millgan
Figure 1
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-12 All Ladies dance into centre, turn to face partner & set
13-16 All turn partners to finish Ladies in centre facing partner
17-24 All dance double reels of 4 across the dance to end in original places
25-48 Repeat bars 1-24 with Men in centre
Figure 2
1- 8 Ladies dance 4H round & back
9-12 1L+2L also 3L+4L set & turn
13-16 1L+4L also 2L+3L set & turn
17-20 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across
21-24 Ladies set & turn opposite man
25-28 Ladies dance 1/2 LH across to face partner
Figure 3
1- 8 1s+3s advance to 1/2 turn opposite dancer 2H, retire & 1/2 turn partner
9-16 2s+4s repeat bars 1-8
17-24 All dance double Ladies' chain
25-28 1s+3s Allemande back to original places
29-32 2s+4s repeat bars 25-28
Figure 4
1- 8 Ladies dance RH across (partners on their left) in St Andrews Cross formation, change to Men dancing LH across in centre back to places
9-16 All set & turn corners, then set & turn partners
17-32 All dance Grand Chain (2 bars to each hand)
AT THE END OF THE DAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Silver Threads
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast down 1 place & turn LH & dance LSh round 1st corners to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides 1s giving RSh to 2nd corner & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners & turn 2H, set to 2nd corners & turn 2H
25-32 1M circle 3H round to left with 2s & 1L with 3s, set facing in centre & petronella turn to 2nd places
AT THE SUMMIT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Craig & Jody Williams Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 8 1s turn 2H, face up, cast (2s step up), cross RH & cast round 1st corners to finish facing 1st corners
9-12 1s + 1st corners set, 1s cast round each other (RSh) to 3rd corner places as corners dance in, pull back RSh to face their original places
13-16 1s + 1st corners repeat bars 9-12, corners end in opp corner places while 1s dance in, pull back RSh to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s + 2nd corners repeat bars 9-16, with 1s passing RSh into 2nd place opp sides. All now on opp sides (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice to end 2 1 3
AT THE TOP OF THE HILL (J3x32) 3C set Ann Dix Reel Friends 2
1- 8 1s set to 2s & change places on sides (1M+2M LH, 1L+2L RH), 1s cross down RH to dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opp side ending in 2nd place opp side
9-16 1s petronella turn, set, change places RH, 1L dancing up between 3s, 1M down between 2s & cast round to right to 2nd place own side
17-24 1s pass LSh to dance Diag 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners (pstns), 1s ending in centre 1L in 1st place facing down & 1M in 3rd place facing up, all circle 6H round 3/4 way to left (all on opposite sides)
25-32 1s pass LSh to dance Diag 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners (pstns), 1s ending in centre 1L in 3rd place facing up & 1M in 1st place facing down, all circle 6H round 3/4 way to left to end on own sides 3 1 2
ATHELSTANEFORD MEDLEY (M-4x(S16+R16)) 4C set Marjorie Duffield Westlothiana
1- 8 1s & 4s set, cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples, Ending in centre facing corners
9-16 All dance double diagonal reels of 4 passing LSh in centre & ending in original places
17-24 Set to & change places with corners RH, couples now in centre dance LH across once round
25-32 Set & change places with corners again RH, centre couples dance 1/2 RH across & retire to sidelines & set. 2 4 1 3
THE ATHENAEUM (S3x32) 3C Set Alasdair Brown Glasgow 100th Anniversary
1- 8 1s dance down the middle (4 steps), dance up (2 steps) & cast up behind 2s into top place
9-16 1s+2s dance Rose Progression:
9-10 1M+2L set as 1L+2M change places RH
11-12 1M+2L 1/2 turn 2H to face each other as 2M & 1L dance into partner's place
13-14 2L+1M cast into each other's place as 1L+2M 1/2 turn 2H to face each other
15-16 2L & 1M dance into 1st/2nd places own sides as 2M & 1L cast to right
17-24 All circle 6H round & back
25-32 2s+1s+3s Set & Rotate for 3 couples:
Set & rotate singly & chase clockwise to form lines of 3 across (Men facing down & Ladies up) all change places RH with partner & chase clockwise to own sides. 3 1 2
ATHENS OF THE NORTH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Atsuko Clement Edinburgh 90th Anniv
1- 8 2s followed by 1s dance down (2 steps), turn partners 2H. 1s followed by 2s dance up, 1s+2s 1/2 turn (M Left hand, L Right hand) 2 1 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Diag R&L. 1s finish facing out in 2nd place (3) 1 (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M+3L & 1L+2M pass RSh to start)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance clockwise 1/2 way round & turn partners 2H (1s turn 1.1/2 times) Order: 2 1 3
ATHOLL ANNIVERSARY STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Alison Austin A Dunfermline Collection/Atholl 60th
1- 4 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance 1st 4 bars of Tourbillon:
All 1/2 turn partner 2H, 1M+2L & 3M+4L lead partner by nearer hand 1 pl clockwise to end 1s+3s on Ladies' side & 2s+4s on Men's side, all set.
5- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s circle 4H round to left, finishing facing own partner.
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides, passing own partner RSh to begin.
17-20 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain (1 bar/hand), finish facing own partner 1/2 way round set.
21-24 3s+4s & 1s+2s dance 2nd 4 bars of Tourbillon.
All 1/2 turn partner 2H, 4M+3L & 2M+1L lead partner 1 pl clockwise, all cross RH to opp sides. (3) (4) (1) (2)
25-28 2s dance up to top and curve into place (3s+4s+1s step down 27-28). (2) (3) (4) (1)
29-32 All set and cross RH with partner. 2 3 4 1
ATHOLL BROSE (J4x64) 4C set John Drewry Canadian Bk
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (2s & 3s cross up/down to start), 1M+2M also 3M+4M turn RH on sides while partners turn LH
9-16 Repeat using other hand to turn on sides
17-24 17-18 2L+3M cross to Men's side (2L passing in front of 3M to 3rd place, 3M to 2nd place) while partners cross to Ladies' side opp partners
19-20 2M+3L cross back to Men's side (3L passing in front of 2M, 3L to 2nd place, 2M to 3rd place) while partners cross to Ladies' side opp partners
21-24 3s (in 2nd place) turn partner RH while 2s turn LH
25-32 2s & 3s repeat 17-20 back to original place; 2s turn RH while 3s turn LH
33-40 All Petronella turn into centre, set & 3/4 turn RH, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across. 2 1 (4) (3)
41-48 1s+4s dance LH across, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across
49-56 All dance reels of 4 on sides ending 1M & 4L also 1L & 4M passing RSh giving RH into prom hold to face each other across set
57-64 1M+4L & 4M+1L promenade 1/2 way round each other (Ladies passing RSh. On 4th bar they dance in to join nearer hands with partner with 4s in 2nd place facing up & 1s in 3rd place facing down; 4s & 1s dance up/down & cast to 2nd/3rd place. 2 4 (1) (3)
ATHOLL CELEBRATIONS (M-4x(S32+R32) 3C (4C set) Atsuko Clement Atholl 60th Anniversary
1- 8 1s+2s dance Tourbillon:
1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise (end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s Men's side), 1s set to 2s
1s & 3s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs clockwise to end 2s in 1st place & 1s in 2nd place then both cross RH to own sides 2 1 3
9-12 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across
13-24 2s+1s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
Repeat 1-32 in Reel time
THE ATHOLL DIAMOND TWELVESOME (S3x48) 6 Couple Sq.Set Brian Martin Atholl 60th Anniversary
Square set: Couples 1-4 in normal square, 5s & 6s inside square, 5s face 1s, 6s face 3s
1- 8 5s & 6s dance reels of 3 with corner places, RSh to dancer to right ( 5M+1L+4M, 5L+1M+2L, 6M+2M+3L, 6L+3M+4L)
9-16 5s+6s dance RH across & LH across to end with couples in tandem (Lady following Man), 5M facing 4M, 6M facing 2M
17-24 5s+4+2L also 6s+2M+4L dance RSh tandem reels of 3 up/down set
25-32 1s+5s also 3s+6s dance Ladies' Chain (Men cast to start). Bars 25-26 & 29-30 Men pass LSh in centre. All end facing partner
33-40 Lines of 4 up/down (1M+5L+6M+3L & 1L+5M+6L+3M) also 2s & 4s on sides set, Adv+Ret (1 step each) twice & set
41-44 1s+5s also 3s+6s dance 1/2 R&L
45-48 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L in centre while 5s+2s+6s+4s set & dance 1 place clockwise round to end 4 5 2 6 with 1s+3s in centre
Repeat twice from new positions
THE ATHOLL REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) John S Trew Let's All Dance
1- 8 1M+2L Adv+Ret, 1L+2M Adv+Ret
9-16 1s+2s chase round clockwise (in square formation) to places
17-24 1s followed by 2 lead down & 2s lead up
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
ATLANTIC CROSSING (J5x32) 5C set W Ernst Eder Martello Tower 3
1- 8 1s & 5s dance a Fig of 8 round next couple casting to start while 3s petronella to opposite sides
9-16 1s & 5s cast in 1 place & set while 3s turn RH 1.1/2 times back to places, 1s & 5s turn partners RH 1.1/2 times & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s & 5s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with a petronella turn to 2nd/4th places
25-32 1s followed by 3s+5s+4s cast (3s ending in 4th place & 4s in 2nd place), all turn partners RH (4 bar slow turns). 2 4 5 3 1
ATSUKO'S WEDDING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Grant
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast on own sides (Lady up - Man down) to between 2s & 3s on sides facing 1st corners
9-16 1s touch 1st corners RH & loop round to face each other up/down centre while 1st corners dance RSh round each other & back to places, 1s 3/4 turn LH & cast on own sides (Lady down - Man up) to end between 2s+3s on sides facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s touch 2nd corners LH & loop round to face each other up/down centre while corners dance LSh round each other & back to places, 1s 3/4 turn RH & cast on own sides (Lady up - Man down) to end between 2s+3s facing 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (start by giving LSh to 2nd corners) 1s end crossing to 2nd place own side
AU REVOIR, BETTY AND TONY (S3x32) 3C Set Jeanetta McColl Pinewoods Collection 2
1- 4 1s dance down below 3s and curve out to place (2s+3s step up 3-4)
5- 8 2s+3s+1s set, 1s cross RH and remain facing out. 2 (1) 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides giving hands (1s out/up, 3s in/down, 2s cast to begin)
17-20 1s+3s change places on the side (Men RH, Ladies LH), 1s+2s change places on the side (Men LH, Ladies RH)
21-24 All take hands and set. 1s cross RH to own sides
25-28 1s set advancing diagonally to face 2s (1M going in front of partner). 1L+2M turn BH 1.1/4 as 1M+2L turn BH 3/4. 2s finish in 1st place
29-32 1s set diagonally to face 3s (1L going in front of partner). 1L+3L turn BH 3/4 as 1M+3M turn BH 1.1/4. 3s finish in 2nd place and 1s in 3rd place. End 2 3 1
AU REVOIR MES AMIS (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Luke Bradley
1- 8 1s set to 2s & 1s+2s turn 2H on sides; 1s+2s set to partners, turn partners 2H
9-16 1s+2s Set & Rotate (no hands given)
17-24 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
25-32 2s+1s dance Poussette. 2 1
AUCHENCAIRN (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh Foss Glendarroch Sheet 12
Note: "Petronella-to-Left": 4 PdeB steps going diagonally forward to Left & turning 3/4 round to Left on 2nd/3rd steps
1- 8 1s Petronella turn & set (2s step up); 1s turn 3/4 LH back to original places & set while 2s Petronella turn & set (1M now facing 2L, 2M facing 1L)
9-16 1L & 2M stand (4 bars) while 2L dances Petronella turn & 1M, dancing in front of 2L, dances Petronella-to-Left (1M & 2L have changed places); All dance RH across once round
17-24 1M+2M Petronella turn & set while 1L & 2L, going inside them, Petronella-to-Left; all dance LH across once round
25-32 1L dances anticlockwise round others to 2nd place own side (8 bars) as 1M dances Petronella turn & follows partner 2nd place own side while
2L stands (2 bars), dances Petronella turn, dances anticlockwise round to 1st place own side as 2M stands (4 bars), dances Petronella turn & follows 1M to end in 1st place own side
AUCHENTOSHEN (R4x40) 4C set Christine Thompson Whisky Coll
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & dance 1/2 RH across; 1s+4s (middle couples) set & dance 1/2 LH across
9-16 Top 2 couples (2s+4s) & bottom 2 couples (1s+3s) set, dance 1/2 RH across; 2s+3s (middle couples) set, dance 1/2 LH across (4) (3) (2) (1)
17-24 All circle 8H round & back
25-32 Top 2 Men's side (4L+3L) & bottom 2 Ladies' side (2M+1M) dance 1/2 R&L; top 2 Ladies side (4M+3M) + bottom 2 Men's side ( 2L+1L) dance 1/2 R&L. End 1 2 3 4
33-40 1s cross RH, cast 1 place (2s step up); cross LH & cast to 4th place (3s+4s step up). 2 3 4 1
AUCHINDOUN CASTLE (R64+64+32) Sq.Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
12 Dancer Square Set, each man between 2 ladies
Part 1
1- 8 All circle 12H round & back
9-16 Men dance RH across with RH partner & next Lady & LH across with LH partner & next Lady
17-24 All Men dance reels of 3 with partners (Men give RSh to RH partner to start)
25-32 Men dance LH across in centre, pass RH partner & loop round to end outside set behind original pstns
33-40 "Wheelie Chain" - Each trio dances 1/2 RH across, LH, partner followed by Man dances anticlockwise 1 place while RH partners dance cl'wise, 3 dancers meet & dance 1/2 LH across, LH ptnr followed by Man again dances anticlockwise 1 pl while RH ptnr dances clockwise
41-48 All repeat back to original places
49-56 Each trio dance RH across to end with Ladies in orig pls & Men outside set to circle 3H round to left, at end Ladies drop hands to open into circle
57-64 All circle 12H round & back
Part 2
1- 8 "Fiddich Formation" - 1M+3M with their RH partners adv setting & dance 1/2 RH across while 1st LH & 3rd LH partners dance in front of 2s/4s clockwise round their dancing partners to join them on opp sides of square Repeat 1M+3M with their LH partners to end in original places
9-16 1s & 3s dance reels of 3 on sides (Men giving RSh to RH partner to start)
17-24 1s & 3s Adv+Ret, 1st RH partner & 3rd RH partner turn Ladies on their right with RH while 1st LH partner & 3rd LH partner turn Ladies on their left with LH while all 4 Men dance RH across to end in middle facing partners
25-32 Men join hands with partners as in Double Triangles & set, Ladies dance in with 2 steps as Men dance out, all turn right & set again in triangular form, Men set to place while Ladies dance to place
33-64 Repeat bars 1-32 with 2s & 4s leading & end Men dancing to a position in front of their original pstns
Part 3
1-16 "Wheelie Chain" as in Part 1 but with Men on inside following RH partner clockwise
17-24 Each trio dances RH across to end with Ladies in places & Men in centre, Men dance through place of Man originally on his right & behind his LH & own RH partner back to own place
25-32 All circle 12H round & back
AUCHINDRAIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Price
1- 8 1s set & cross down to 2nd place, 1s cast down behind 3s & dance up for Double Triangles
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s turn 2nd corners RH & pass RSh to 2nd place own sides facing out
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1M RSh to 2M & 1L RSh to 3L to start)
AUCHINELLAN JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alice McLean Auchinellan Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across once round, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance up
9-16 1s dance reflection reel of 3 on own sides (down between 3s to start)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1M up with 2s & 1L down with 3s), 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way
25-32 1s dance diag R&L (1M crossing down & 1L crossing up to start)
AUCKLAND AIRS (R3x32) 3C set Wesley Clindinning Laurel Collection & Canada's Irish Rover
1- 8 1s dance reflection (mirror) reels on own sides (1s in & down). 1s & 3s finish in centre facing down/up
9-16 1s & 3s Adv+Ret down/up finishing on sidelines, 1s & 3s dance DoSiDo with partners
17-24 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s+3s Set+Link (Set+Link using 8 pas de basque steps)
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back 2 3 1
AUDREY & PETER'S JUBILEE (S3x48) 3C set John Brenchley The Other Kangaroo Paw
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), 1s dance LSh round 1st cnr to 2nd place opp sides while 2s+3s set & cross RH
9-16 1s turn LH 1.3/4 times, turn 4th cnrs RH 1/2 way, 4th cnrs (2M+3L) turn LH 1.1/4 to face ptnrs on diagonal
17-24 2s+3s turn ptnrs RH 1/2 way, 2L+3M turn LH 1.1/4 times to face 1s on diagonal. 2L+1M also 3M+1L turn RH 1/2 way, 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to end 1M between 3s to face 1L between 2s
25-32 Lines of 3 across set, 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to person on their Right (2s+3s dance loop at end of reel)
33-40 Reels of 3 on sides with 1M+3M also 1L+2L passing LSh to start. End in lines of 3 across (as bar 24) & all set
41-48 All circle 6H round to Left ending with 1s in 2nd place on opp sides, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own sides 3 1 2
AUDREY'S BARBED WIRE DRESS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2M dance RH across (2L steps up & 2M ends in 1st pl), 1s+3L dance LH across
9-16 1s+3M dance RH across, 1s+2L dance LH across & 1s end 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain
25-32 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s), 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round to left
AULD ACQUAINTANCE (S4x32) 4C Set Barry Priddey Tam O'Shanter Set
2s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across, 1L followed by 1M casts below 2nd pl & 1L crosses to 3rd pl Men's side & 1M ends in 3rd pl Ladies' side while 4L followed by 4M casts up above 3rd pl & crosses up to 2nd pl Ladies' side & 4M ends in 2nd pl Men's side (2s & 3s step up/down) (2)4(1)3
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance LH across, 2L followed by 2M casts below 2nd pl & 2L crosses down to 3rd pl Ladies' side as 1M dances down to 3rd pl while 3L followed by 3M casts up to 3rd pl & crosses up above 2nd pl Men's side as 4M dances up to 2nd place (4s & 1s step up/down) 4(3)2(1)
17-24 All dance RSh 1/2 reels of 4 on sides, 1s & 4s turn RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain
25-32 3L followed by 3M crosses & casts up to top & 3L crosses to Ladies' side as 3M casts up while 2L followed by 2M crosses & casts down to bottom (1s & 4s having stepped into middle places), 3s+1s also 4s+2s turn 2H on sides & all set to partners
THE AULD ALLIANCE (R4x32) 4C set J & L Chamoin RSCDS Bk 23
1- 8 1M+2L cross diag RH, 1s cross LH diag with 2M/3M, 1s cross RH diag with 3L/4L, 1L+4M cross LH & all end on opp sides 1s at bottom
9-16 2s & 1s (end cpls) cross RH as 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, 2s facing 4s also 3s facing 1s change places LH on sides & all turn ptnrs RH
17-24 4s+2s dance Allemande while 1s+3s dance an inverse Allemande (to bottom), middle couples (4s+3s) cross LH
25-32 4s & 3s cast to ends & dance into centre to 2nd/3rd places (opposite sides) & dance 1/2 R&L. 2 3 4 1
AULD FRIENDS MEET (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, set advancing to 1st corners & turn 2H
9-16 1s+1st corners circle 4H round to left, 1s set advancing to 2nd corners & turn 2H
17-24 1s+2nd corners circle 4H round to left, 1s set advancing towards each other & turn 2H to face up (on opposite sides)
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s dancing in & up to start), 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
THE AULD GREY CAT (R4x32) 4C Set John W Mitchell Whetherly Sh 3
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, cross RH & cast to 3rd place
9-12 1M+3L in prom hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 4s (RSh to 4M) while 1L+3M in prom hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2L)
13-16 1M+3L 1/2 reel of 3 on Men's side with 2L+4L (LSh to 2L) while 1L+3M dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Ladies' side with 2M+4M (LSh to 4M) & end (4) 1 (3)(2)
17-24 4s+1s also 3s+2s dance R&L
25-32 All dance progressive 'Drop Out' Chain to end 2 3 4 1: -
24/26 top & bottom couples cross RH while middle couples change places RH on sides
27/28 top 2 couples & bottom 2 couples change places LH on sides
29/30 top couple crosses RH while middle couples change places RH on sides & bottom couple (1s) stand
31-32 top 2 couples change places LH while bottom 2 couples (4s & 1s) stand
THE AULD GREY CAT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s cross LH & cast up to original places (2s step down)
9-16 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (in & down to start)
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to place
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE AULD KIRK (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Summer Coll 89
1- 8 1s & 3s cast down 1 place & turn in to join nearer hands facing up while 2s & 4s 1/2 turn LH moving up 1 place & face down with nearer hands joined, 2s+1s & 4s+3s set, dance RH across once round ending with Ladies turning to prom hold with other Man facing out
9-16 All dance out to sides & down, on reaching 4th place turn & dance up the middle to top & cast Men to original places but Ladies to end 2 1 4 3
17-24 All dance modified "Espagnole":
1s+2s & 3s+4s cross (Ladies dance across passing between Men)
1s+2s & 3s+4s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) & Men change places RH to face partner
2s & 4s turn partner RH as 1s & 3s turn partner LH
25-32 1s+4s Set+Link & circle 4H round to left. End 2 4 1 3
AULD KOOFIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 1s set, cross down to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
9-16 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3, 1s dancing to their left dance a 1/2 reel of 3 across
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reverse Set+Link for 3 couples (anticlockwise), 2s+3s chase anticlockwise 1/2 way while 1s turn LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H back & round (circle right then left)
AULD LANG SYNE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Thomas Wilson RSCDS Bk 27
1- 8 1s+2s cross RH & set, 1s lead down & dance out between 2s & 3s on opposite side, cast down & lead up to 2nd pl in centre of dance
9-16 2s+1s dance "inverse" Allemande (1s dancing down to start)
17-24 1s+2s cross RH, set & dance 1/2 Poussette, 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH
AULD LANG SYNE (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Holly V Sherman
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down the middle (2 bars), 1/2 turn RH (2 bars) while 2s step up; 1s NHJ dance up to 2nd place (2 bars), 1s 1/2 turn LH to end on 1st corner diagonal, still holding LH, 1s give RH to 1st corner
9-16 1s dance the Spoke: Bal-in-Line with 1st corners, then with 2nd corners, then with 3rd corners & 4th corners to end 1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up
17-24 All circle 1/2 way to the left; retaining hands all advance into middle, all retire
25-32 All cross RH over LH & set advancing into middle (2 bars). All drop LH & raise RH as they Pas de Basque turning right (2 bars) to face out; All dance out to sides & chase clockwise 1/2 way to end 1L facing clockwise between 2s at the top and 1M facing clockwise between 3s
33-40 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1L gives RSh to 2L, 1M gives RSh to 3M) to end 2nd place own sides. 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
AULD MAHOUN'S REVENGE (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Ian Brockbank
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH & cast on own sides (Lady up & Man down)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 1st corners & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners 2H into lines across (1L between 2s & 1M between 3s), 2s+1s+3s advance, 1s 1/2 turn 2H to change places & all retire
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 with new couples giving LSh to 2nd corners & end facing 2nd corners
33-40 1s set & turn 2nd corners 2H onto sides, 2s+1s+3s advance, 1s 1/2 turn 2H to change places & all retire
AULD REEKIE HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Marianne Taylor RSCDS Boston Celebrate 50yrs
1- 8 1s set, dance down for 2 steps while 2s set, 1s dance up as 2s cast, 1s cast as 2s dance up while 3s set & face out (Man turns right & Lady left)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (2s dance out & down to start) & 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner, set to partner, set to 2nd corner & end Man between 2s & Lady between 3s, 1s turn RH to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AULD ROBIN GRAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Dances to Song Tunes
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, cross RH & turn 2H to face down (on opposite sides)
9-16 1s lead down, cross below 3s, cast to top own sides, 1s+2s 1/2 turn RH & circle 4H round to left 1/2 way
17-24 1s set advancing to 1st corner, turn corner 2H, set to 2nd corner & turn 2H to end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides giving LSh to 1st corners, 3s & 2s cross RH while 1s turn RH & 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round to left 1/2 way
THE AULD TOON OF AYR (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 12
1- 8 1M casts 1 place & 1/2 turns 3L RH as 1L crosses to opp side, casts 1 pl & joins (in front of ptnr) for 3H across to end 1s in 2nd pl own sides
9-16 1L casts up & 1/2 turns 2M LH as 1M crosses to opp side, casts up & joins (in front of ptnr) for LH across to end 1s facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s set to & turn 2nd corners ending in 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s set & turn 2H all ending on own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AURORA AUSTRALIS (J4x32) 4C Set John Drewry Summer Coll 88
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 2s+3s set, 2L followed by 2M casts down 1 place & dance LSh round 4M & up to 2nd place opp sides while 3L followed by 3M casts up & dance LSh round 1M to 3rd place own sides
9-12 2s+1L also 3s+4L dance RH across, 2s & 3s pass RSh as 1L & 4L dance out to place
13-16 2s+1M also 3s+4M dance LH across all back to original places, 1M, 4M, 2L & 3L face out
17-20 1M followed by partner casts down, across set to 3rd place opp sides while 4M casts up, across set to 2nd place own side
Bars 17-18: 2L dances out/up to 1st place own side, Bars 19-20: 2M steps in/up to 1st place own side
Bars 17-18: 3L dances out/down to 4th place Men's side, Bars 19-20: 3M steps in/down to 4th place Ladies' side
21-24 2s+4s also 1s+3s turn RH on sides
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 4(1)(3)
AUSTIN SILVER (S5x32) 5C Set Tim Harrison
1- 8 1s & 3s turn RH, cast down 1 place, 3/4 turn partner 2H, set advancing to end BtoB in centre Men facing up & Ladies down (2s & 4s step up 3-4)
9-16 2s+1M also 1L+4s+3M also 3L+5s circle round & back. 1s & 3s end in centre facing opp sides
17-24 1s+3s dance reel of 4 up/down centre (pass partner RSh to start)
25-32 1s & 3s 3/4 turn partner 2H, cast 1 place on own sides (4s & 5s step up), turn partner LH & all set. 2 4 1 5 3
HAY'S AUSTRALIAN LADIES (R4x32) 4C set Alec Hay Twenty SCDs Vol 1
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s Set+Link; 2s+1s & 4s+3s Set+Link 1 2 3 4
9-16 1s & 3s 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple below; 2s & 4s 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple above [All now on opp sides (1) (2) (3) (4)]
17-24 All set, turning left on second step (Men face down, Ladies up), dance 2 slip steps to right passing partner (BtoB) & turn right about (1PdB) (Men face up, Ladies down) & repeat back to places on opp sides
25-32 1s cross RH & cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s 1/2 turn RH, lead up & out to next place [4 bars]. All couples turn LH 2 3 4 1
THE AUSTRALIAN LADIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert M Campbell Glasgow Assembly
1- 8. 1s cross, cast down to 3rd place & 3s+1s dance RH across.
9-16. 1s lead up to top, cross, cast to 2nd place & 2s+1s dance LH across.
17-24. 2s & 3s set & cross RH as 1s cross RH & cast to right; 2s+3s set on sides & change pls RH as 1s cross RH up/down centre & cast to right
25-32. 3s & 2s set & cross RH as 1s cross RH & cast to right; 3s+2s set on sides & change pls RH as 1s cross RH up/down centre & cast to 2nd place
AUTUMN BEGINNINGS (S4x32) 4C Alasdair Brown Glasgow 90th Anniv
1- 8 1L followed by partner casts behind 2L, up round 2M (pass LSh) into 2L place (1M into 2M place) while 4M followed by partner dance similarly, cast behind 3M, down round 3L (pass LSh) into 3M place (4L into 3L place) 2s/3s step up/down on bars 7-8
9-16 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way & set; 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way & set
17-20 2s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way and all 4 couples set 4 3 2 1
21-24 All 4 couples Set+Link with middle dancers linking 2 places; end dancers linking 1 place as follows:
33-34 All set
35-36 4M dances down to 2nd place, 3M to 4th place, 2M casts up to 1st place, 1M to 3rd place while 4L casts to 2nd place, 3L to 4th place, 2L dances up to 1st place, 1L to 3rd place to end 2 4 1 3
25-32 Reels of 4 on sides, 2L and 3M finish facing out
AUTUMN BREEZE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gillian Jennings Leaflet
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across while 3s set & cross RH, 1s+3s set & dance 1/2 RH across while 2s set & cross RH. 2 3 1
9-16 1s cross RH & cast up 1 place, 1s cross LH & cast round 4th corners to end BtoB facing own sides
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles & as 1s dance round each other corners dance on 1 place clockwise. (3)1(2)
25-32 1s dance Diag R&L. 2 1 3
AUTUMN COLOURS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Anselm Lingnau, 2023
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1L faces out; 1L followed by 1M casts round 2L & dances across to 2M's place facing out (2s step up 7-8). 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s dance Figs 8 on opp sides (RSh to 2s to start). End 1L facing out
17-24 1s+3s dance LH across; 1s cross down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
AUTUMN IN APPIN (S4x32) 4C Set John Drewry RSCDS Bk 31
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 2s+3s Petronella turn into centre & set to partner (Men BtoB), 2s+3s 3/4 turn partner RH & dance RH across 1/2 way to change places & end with other partner in prom hold (2M+3L facing Men's side & 3M+2L facing Ladies' side)
9-10 1s & 4s Petronella turn into centre while 2M+3L dance out & up on Men's side & 3M+2L dance out & down on Ladies' side
11-12 1s & 4s set to partner while 2M+3L/3M+2L cross to other side passing between 'gates' (1s & 4s)
13-14 1s & 4s 1/2 turn RH into prom hold (1s facing Ladies' side & 4s facing Men's side) while 2M+3L/3M+2L dance down/up sides
15-16 All Promenade cl'wise 1 pl to end in square set (1s on Ladies' side facing 4s on Men's side, 2M+3L in 4th pl face up as 3M+2L in 1st pl face down)
17-24 1s+4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain (across) , 2s+3s dance 1/2 Men's Chain (up/down). 2s & 3s end with Lady on Man's left
25-32 All set in square set & circle 8H round to left, dance into centre, turn right & spiral out to own side lines ending 2 4 (1) (3)
AUTUMN IN LAKELAND (J8x32) 3C (4C set) E Hutchins
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH, set & cross back (Ladies dance under Men's arches passing partner RSh)
9-16 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s end in middle facing up), set to 3s (at top), set to 2s & end BtoB (Lady facing up)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Lady with 3s RSh to 3M – Man with 2s RSh to 2L) & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides ending in 2nd places
AUTUMN IN PITLOCHRY (S5x32) 5C Sq.Set Julia Sharp St Ronan's SCD Club Innerleithen
5s in centre facing 1s
1- 8 All set. 4s dance 1/2 LH across with 5M, as 2s dance 1/2 RH across with 5L. All repeat bars 1-4
9-16 5s dance Fig of 8 round 1s & 3s (dancing between 1s to start), taking hands when meeting & end facing each other in centre
17-24 1s+2s+3s+4s dance crescent reels of 4 on sides (starting BtoB with partner) while 5s dance HS for 4 bars & turn RH for 4 bars
25-32 1L+5L change places RH then 1M+5M change LH, 1s set & turn RH ready to start again (as new 5s) while outside couples join hands with partners, set & dance 1 place clockwise
AUTUMN LEAVES (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alec Hay Twenty SCDs 2
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
17-24 1s cross RH, cast up to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn RH. (2)(1)(3)
25-32 2s+1s+3s set & petronella turn, set & petronella turn to own sides
AUTUMN LEAVES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Shelagh Dempsey
1- 8 1s set, 1L followed by partner cast 2 places, 1L crosses & dances up behind 3M to 2nd place while 1M dances up in front of 3L to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 once, 2s+3s chase cl'wise 1/2 way as 1s cross RH & join chase (1M end b'tw'n 2M+3M, 1L b'tw'n 2L+3L all on opp sides)
25-32 All set to partners & 3/4 turn RH into centre, repeat to own sides. 2 1 3
AUTUMN LEAVES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jane Lataille Fun For All Seasons
1- 8 1s dance Figs of 8 on own sides (between 2s to start)
9-16 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret & turn RH to end in prom hold facing up
17-24 1s+2s+3s Promenade (1s end facing out)
25-32 1s+2s turn with nearer hand 1.1/2 times, 1s+3s turn (other hand) once round
AN AUTUMN POSY (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield Island bay Coll
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left; 1L+2L dance RSh round partner back to place
9-16 1s+2s dance the Knot
17-24 2s+1s circle 4H round to right; 2M+1M dance LSh round partner back to place
25-32 1s dance up, cast round 2s & turn 2H. End 2 1
AUTUMN SHOWERS (S3x32) 3C set Suzanne Lajoie Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link; 1s+3s Set+Link
9-16 3s+1s dance the Knot
17-24 2s+1s dance 1/2 Poussette; 1s dance down between 2s (2s step up 21-22), cast behind 3s (3s step up 23-24) to 3rd place own side
25-32 2s+3s+1s dance DoSiDo with partner; 2s+3s+1s turn partner 2H
AUTUMN TIDINGS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Matcham Lower Hutt SCD 60th Anniv
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back to top, finish facing out
9-16 Reflection (Mirror) reels of 3 on sides, 1s out and down, 2s in and up, 3s cast to begin. 1s finish facing out
17-24 1s+2s dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 1s casting, 2s cross up to start. 1s cross RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance circle 6 hands round and back.
AUTUMN WIND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Friedman-Shedlov
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times while 2s+3s chase 1/2 way. (3)(1)(2)
9-16 3M+1M+2M Adv+Ret & set while partners set & Adv+Ret, all turn RH for…
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande & end with 1s set advancing to 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners 1s ending 2nd place own sides
THE AVALANCHE REEL (R4x32) 4C set Clemens Mannert Eight SCDs
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); all 4 couple set, 2s 1/2 turn RH & retain hands while 1s+3s+4s cross RH
9-16 2s continue turning 1/2 RH to own side, 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across; 1s+2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round. 3 2 (1) (4)
17-24 All circle 8H round & back
25-32 2s+1s+4s (bottom 3 couples) chase anticlockwise 1/2 round; 1s+2s dance 1/2 LH across, 1s continue 1/2 turn LH to own sides. 3 4 2 1
AVALON (R8x16) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Celtic Book
1-8 1s set, turn 3/4 RH (2s step up 3-4); 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across. 1L+3s dance 1/2 LH across while 1M continues to dance another 1/2 RH across with 2s
9-12 1s+3s dance 1/2 LH across. 1s end in centre between 3s facing each other (1M above 1L), 1L retires (2 PdeB steps) as 1M advances (2 PdeB steps)
13-16 1s turn 3/4 LH to own side 2nd place, All 3 couples set
THE AVIATOR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Carola Fischer RSCDS Bk 52
1- 8 1s lead down, on bar 4 1M crosses partner in front & 1L followed by 1M cast up behind 4M & 3M & across into 2nd place facing 3L (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1s (1L leading) dance 1/2 alternating tandem reel with 1st corners; 1M continues reel with corners passing 3L LSh while 1L+3M turn LH to face 2L
17-24 1s (1M leading) dance 1/2 alternating tandem reel with 2nd corners; 1L continues reel with corners passing 2L LSh while 1M+3L turn LH. 1s end in 2nd place opp sides, 1L facing out
25-32 1s dance up, round 2s by RSh (1L behind 2M, 1M in front 2L) & 1M followed by 1L cast 1 place, across set to end in 2nd place own side (6 bars). All 3 couples set
AVIGNON (R6x32) 2C (4C set) Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), 2s+1s dance RH across. 2 (1)
9-16 1s set & dance La Baratte:
1s 1/2 turn RH & retain hand but at arm's length from each other
1M retraces steps with 1L turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Lady's original place) & releasing Lady's RH she turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places
1s change places LH to own sides. 2 1
17-24 2s+1s dance LH across, set facing on sides, set to partner
25-32 2s+1s dance 4H round & back. 2 1
Note: Can be danced as a Jig
AVIS HARRISON'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Evelyn Ramwell Kirkbrae Coll 3
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 All dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides, 1s & 3s pass LSh to start, all set & 2s cross RH as 3s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way
17-24 Set+Link for 3 twice ending 2 3 1
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
THE AVON VALLEY STRATHSPEY (S2x40) Sq.Set John Brenchley Kangaroo Paw
1- 4 1s+3s advance into middle & 1M+3L crossing LH dance out between 2s as 1L+3M crossing LH b'tw'n 4s to end on side lines either side of 2s/4s
5- 8 All Adv+Ret
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 up/down but on bar 14 1s+3s give LH in passing & turn into prom hold facing centre & pass LSh to face other couple while 2s/4s continue their reels but on bar 16 give turn LH into prom hold facing in. (All Ladies on Man's Right)
17-24 All in prom hold dance reel of 4 across but on bar 24 1s+3s do not pass LSh but curve round to finish 1L+3M facing 4s & 1M+3L facing 2s
25-28 1s+3s dance RH across with 2s/4s
29-32 1s+3s dance LH across in centre & Men follow their partners to original places
33-40 All set to partners & turn 2H once round into 8H round to left 1/2 way to end opposite original positions
Repeat with 2s & 4s as dancing couples
AWA THE NOO (S5x32) 5C set Stafford Bk
1- 8 All set & cross RH, all set & cross back LH
9-12 5s followed by 4s+3s+2s+1s lead down & retaining RH all turn right (Ladies dance under arms) into Prom hold
13-16 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s+5s dance up & 1s+3s cast down 1 place into middle BtoB (Men face down) to form circles (3 at top & bottom, 4 in centre)
17-24 2s+1L & 1M+4s+3L & 3M+5s set in circles then circle left to end on sides & set. 2 1 4 3 5
25-32 All dance DoSiDo, 1s+3s cast 1 place as 2s+4s+5s dance DoSiDo (giving LSh). 2 4 1 5 3
AWA' WHIGS AWA' (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Dances to Song Tunes
1- 8 1s set & turn 2H, 1s cast 1 place & cross RH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s set & 2s also 3s 1/2 turn partners 2H as 1s turn once, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) all end on own sides
25-32 1s lead down & cast up round 3s, 1s lead up & cast round 2s. 2 1 3
THE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Set and Link
1- 8 1M+2L cross RH, 1L+2M cross RH; 1M+3M cross RH, 1L+3L cross RH. (2) (3) 1
9-16 1s set, lead up to top, cross & cast to 2nd place opp sides (3s step down 15-16). (2) (1) (3)
17-24 1L+2s (at top) & 1M+3s dance reels of 3 across (1L+2M & 1M+3L pass RSh to start)
25-32 All Adv+Ret; all turn partner 1.1/2 RH. 2 1 3
THE AWARD OF SCROLL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Brampton Connections
1- 8 1s cast (2s step up), cross RH; 1s cast up to top, meet & dance down NHJ to 2nd place in centre
9-16 1M+2L+3L dance LH across while 1L+2M+3M dance RH across; 1s dance down & cast up to 2nd place opp side
17-24 1M+2s at top & 1L+3s at bottom dance RH across, 1s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1M up round 2s,1L down round 3s); 2s+1s +3s turn partner RH
AWAY TAE MORAY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Pat Clark Corberry Coll
1- 8 1s dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place; 2s+1s+3s set & 1/2 turn partner RH to end facing down in Allemande hold
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande (down to start). (3)(1)(2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s & 1s crossing down from top; 2s turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1s+3s turn on sides (Men LH, ladies RH) 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
Note: dance included in Inverness Diamond Jubilee Collection with the title "The Telford Hornpipe" The deviser's preferred title is "Away Tae Moray"
AWAY TO THE COAST (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jenny Bradley Nottingham Lace
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 1s turn 3s on sides (1M - LH & 1L - RH) while 2s set & cross RH
9-16 1s dance reflection reel of 3 on opposite sides (1s in & up to start)
17-24 1s turn 2s on sides (1L - LH, 1M - RH) while 3s set & cross RH, 1s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start),
25-32 2s+1s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross up to start) & 1s cross RH & set
1- 8 1L also 4M followed by partners cast to opposite end; 1s & 4s turn partner RH into promenade hold in centre, 1L on right of 1M facing 3L, 4L on left of 4M facing 2M (2s & 3s step up/down 5-6)
9-16 4s dance reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2M) while 1s dance reel of 3 across with 3s (RSh to 3L)
17-24 4s+1s dance LH across, 4s+2s also 3s+1s dance RH across
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 4 1 3
THE AXUM REEL (S32) 4C set RSCDS Bk 18
Special set: 1M with 2M on R stand BtoB with 4M+3M respectively; all Ladies face Partners The Ladies are "outers" & the Men "inners"
1- 8 All set
9-16 All dance 1/2 reel of 4 passing LSh, Men to partners' ("outer") pstns, 1L & 3L turning left to 2M & 4M pstns, 2L+4L straight ahead to 3M & 1M pstns Repeat 3 times from new pstns all ending diagonally opposite starting pstns
17-24 All set to partners
25-32 Repeat bars 9-16 to original pstns
AYERS ROCK (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link, 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & change places on sides LH into…
9-16 All dance interlocking reels of 4 round the set (end couples crossing RSh & side couples pass RSh) & last LSh pass 2H into circle,
17-24 All circle 8H round to left for 2 bars, set, drop hands & dance on 1 step & cast back to original places
25-32 1M & 4M followed by ptnr cast 2 pls & cross to 2 4 (1)(3), 2L & 3L step to ends bar 25 & 2M & 3M step to ends bar 27, 2s+4s & 1s+3s RH across
THE AYR PROMENADE (J4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1L+2L+3L cross & dance round partner RSh back to places & turn partners RH
9-16 1M+2M+3M repeat
17-24 1s+2s+3s Promenade
25-32 1s cross RH, cast 2 places, cross RH & change places LH with 4s on sides
AYRSHIRE LASSES (S5x32) 5C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 4
1- 8 1s+3s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH, cast (Lady up & Man down) & end in the middle (1M & 3L having passed LSh)
9-16 Reels across: 1M+3L+4s reel of 4 in centre while 1L+2s & 3M+5s reels of 3, all giving RSh to 1cnr
17-24 1s+3s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner & partner into…
25-32 All dance RH across (2s+1L & 1M+4s+3L & 3M+5s), 1s & 3s turn partners LH & cast down 1 place on own side (to end 2 4 1 5 3)
THE AYRSHIRE WHEELIE BIN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Eric Finley North Ayrshire 50th Anniv
1- 8 1L dances RH across with 1M+2M while 3M dances RH with 2L+3L, 1s circle 3H round to left with same dancers
9-16 1L & 3M dance out between 1M+2M/2L+3L, cast to left, 3/4 turn LH to face opposite sides & dance RH across all end in original places
17-24 1L also 3M followed by ptnrs chase cl'wise 1/2 way to 3s facing down & 1s up in centre, 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L & 1s end turning LH to face 1st crnrs
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to 2nd place own side
B.I.B. (J8x32) 3C (4C set) William Williamson Amisfield Dances
1- 8 1s cross down RH (2s step up) to BtoB in centre facing opp sides & 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bars Double Triangles
9-16 1s dance out of own side, cast left round 4th corner, dance up/down set & turn LH to face 1st corners while corners Advance diag to centre, pull back RSh & chase clockwise 1/2 round
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners (pstn), pass RSh, dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners (pstn). 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, all clap; all turn partner RH (or birl). 2 1 3
A BABBLING BROOKE (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Gaye Collin The Musicians' Wedding
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 2 places (2s+3s step up on bars 3-4); 1s cross LH & set
9-16 2s repeat bars 1-8. End 3 1 2
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass partner RSh to turn 2nd corners RH & cross passing partner RSh to 2nd place own sides (corners dance 4 bars)
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way round to opposite sides, set & cross RH
BABY BOOMER'S NEST (S4x32) 4C set Gaye Collin, 2021
1- 4 1s cross down RH to 2nd place opp side while 2s step up, 2s+1s+3s set. 2 (1) 3
5- 8 1s cross down LH, cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 into lines of 3 across; line at top & bottom dance RH across back into lines of 3 across
17-24 Lines across Set+Link for 3; 1s turn 2H to 2nd place opp sides while 3s & 2s chase clockwise 2 places to own sides. 2 (1) 3
25-28 1s dance down NHJ (2 bars), face each other & set advancing passing LSh & face up NHJ (3s step up 27-28)
29-32 1s dance up to 3rd place own side facing out & change places with 4s (Ladies RH, Men LH). 2 3 4 1
THE BACK O' BENNACHIE (R8x32) 2C (4C set) John M Duthie 8 SCDs
1- 8 2M dances reel of 3 with 1s (RSh to 1L)
9-16 2L dances reel of 3 with 1s (LSh to 1M)
17-24 1L+2M change places RH, 1M+2L change places RH, 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s cross, cast & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
BACK ON TRACK (S3x40) 3C Set Rik De Vroome Thistle Club Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance 6 bars of R&L
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande 1s end facing 1st corner pstns
17-24 1s 1/2 RH turn corners, 1s followed by corners dance into line of 4 up/down centre (M face down & L up) & dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4, 1s end facing 2nd corners
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 with 2nd corners but 1/2 LH turn and 1/2 LSh reel of 4 to end (2) 1 (3)
33-40 1s dance Diag R&L to end 3 1 2
BACK TO BACH (R5x32) 5C Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
1- 8 1s & 3s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady round cpl above & Man round cpl below)
9-16 1s & 3s dance RH across (Lady with cpl below & Man with cpl above) to end facing 2nd corners & dance 1/2 diag reels of 4 with 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s & 3s dance LSh round partner to 1st corner (pstn) & turn corner RH, dance LSh round partner to face 4th crnr (pstn) & turn crnr RH into prom hold
25-32 1s & 3s with corners cross diagonally (pass RSh & 1s & 3s end 2nd/4th places opp side), cross LH & cast 1 place
BACK TO BACK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Terry Glasspool Itch to Dance
1- 8 1s dance DoSiDo, turn RH & cast to 2nd place
9-16 1s dance DoSiDo, turn RH 1.1/2 times to end 2nd place opposite sides facing 1st corner
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on opposite sides while 2s+3s dance DoSiDo on sides (pass RSh) & dance DoSiDo on sides (pass LSh)
25-28 1s turn 1st corner RH to end BtoB facing opposite sides & all set in double triangle position
29-32 1L dances up between 2s & casts to 2nd place own side while 1M dances down between 3s & casts up to 2nd place own side
BACK TO DUNDEE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alec Hay 20 SCDs Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s+3s 1/2 turn partners 2H, hesitate & cast round to right into partners place, all turn partners RH
9-16 All advance setting turning to right to end BtoB with partner, dance out turning to right & turn partner RH
17-24 All dance reels of 3 on sides 1s casting to start & end with 1s casting to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places
BACK TO THE FIRESIDE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring RSCDS Bk 38
1- 8 3s followed by 1s dance down for 2 steps & set to partners, 1s dance up & cast to 3rd place while 3s dance up to 1st place
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance Reverse Snowball Grand Chain for 3 cpls to end 1 (2) 3: -
`1s cross RH & change places LH on side with 2s
`1s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross RH
`1s cross LH while 3s & 2s change places LH. 1 (2) 3
17-24 1s+2s set advancing into circle (hands joined) & petronella turn 1 place to right, set in circle (hands joined) & petronella turn to end on sides
25-32 1L dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & 1M dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
THE BADGERS' SETT (J4x32) 4C Set Michael Franklin
3s + 4s start on opp sides
1- 4 1s+4s set, cast to 2nd/3rd place (2s+3s step down/up bars 3-4).
5- 8 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, then take promenade hold, 1M+4L facing out on Men's side & 4M+1L facing out on Ladies' side
9-12 1M+4L (out/up) & 4M+1L (out/down) dance 1/2 RSh Diag reel of 3 with 2M+3M then pass RSh in middle ready for...
13-16 1M+4L (pass 3L RSh) & 4M+1L (pass 2L RSh) to dance 1/2 RSh Diag reel of 3 with 2L+3L. End 4L facing up followed by 1M, 1L facing down followed by 4M in the middle
17-24 4L+1M pass 3L RSh (at top) also 1L+4M pass 2L RSh (at bottom) to dance alternating tandem reels of 3 across. (Lead changes bar 19 & 23). At end Ladies followed by Men dance down/up sides
25-28 4 Men dance 1/2 Diag R&L with 3M+4M & 1M+2M crossing RH to start (top 2 places Men's side, bottom 2 places Ladies' side)
29-32 4 Ladies dance 1/2 Diag R&L (top 2 places Ladies' side, bottom 2 places Men's side) End 2 4 (1) (3)
BAIGLIEBURN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ruary Laidlaw St Abb's Collection
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH, set, cross RH
9-16 1s lead down (3 steps), lead up & cast to 2nd place
17-24 1s pass LSh to turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, corner RH, cross LH to place
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Stepping Stones
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, set & turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance full diagonal reel with 1st corners & pass LSh to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance full diagonal reel with 2nd corners & pass LSh to BtoB position Man facing up
25-32 1s dance up/down & cast round 2nd corner to 2nd place opposite sides, 1s cross RH & set
BALANCE ON-LINE (S4x32) 4C set Chris Ronald 12 SCDs
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 4 1s & 4s turn 2H & remain in middle as 2s & 3s step down/up into lines across & all set 1s+4s advancing to pass partner LSh to face 2s/3s
5- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 reels of 4 across & 1s+4s end 1/2 turning partner LH to face up/down LH to partner & RH to 2s/3s
9-16 All Bal-in-Line twice, 1M & 4M turn left about & lead LH partners out ends of set crossing & casting to 2nd/3rd places. (2)(1)4 3
17-20 1s+4s turn 2H on sides & all set (2s+1s facing down, 4s+3s up) with 1s+4s advancing to pass LSh on sides to face 2s/3s
21-24 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides & 1s+4s end 1/2 turning LH to face across giving other partner LH & RH to 3s/2s. 3(1)4(2)
25-32 All Bal-in-Line twice, 1M+4L also 1L+4M change places LH & then chase anticlockwise 1/2 way. 3 1(4)(2)
THE BALDOOSER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Priddey SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn partner 2H, set facing up & cast to 2nd place own sides
9-12 1s dance DoSiDo while 2s & 3s set advancing & turn 2H & cast back to places with 2s facing down & 3s up
13-16 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners while 2s+3s set advancing (up/down sides), turn to face out & cast back to places
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides 1s giving RSh to 1st corners
25-32 1s dance out round 1st corner cross to own side & cast to 2nd places while 2s & 3s dance DoSiDo & all turn partners RH
BALDOVAN JIG (J4x32) 4C set Douglas Henderson Baldovan Dances
1- 8 All cross RH & cross back LH, 1s lead down between 2s, cross & cast up to 1st place opposite sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides, 1s dancing between 2s to start & 1s end in 2nd place (on opposite sides)
17-24 1s+3s+4s dance reels of 3 on sides, 1s dancing out & 3s in & up to start, 1s end in 3rd place (on opposite sides)
25-32 All set, 1s cast to bottom, lead up 1 place, cross & cast back to bottom
BALDOVAN REEL (R4x32) 4C set Douglas Henderson Baldovan Dances & RSCDS Bk 53
1- 8 1s dance RSh round each other (2s dance up to top) & dance 6 bars of Crown Triangles (start with 1M facing 3s & 1L facing 2s). End 1M facing up, 1L facing down
9-16 1s dance diag RSh reel of 4 with 2nd corners, 1s pass RSh
17-24 1s dance diag RSh reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s pass RSh to end in 2nd place on opp sides
25-32 1s set & cast 1 place, cross over RH & change places LH on side with 4s. 2 3 4 1
THE BALDOVAN SQUARE (S96) Sq.Set John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 8 All pass partner with LH (1 bar), turn next person RH (3 bars), pass partner LH (1 bar) & turn corner RH (3 bars) back to original places
9-16 Ladies circle 4H round to left & dance LH across back to places
17-24 Men circle 4H round to left & dance LH across to places while Ladies dance cl'wise around set. Bar 24: Men pull back RSh, join RH in centre & LH to partner's RH to form a "double wheel"
25-32 All dance round for 2 bars, Ladies lead partners on one place, all circle round to left & end turning partners 2H back to original pstns
33-40 1s & 3s set to partners, turn RH into Allemande hold & pass other couple LSh, drop RH & Men pass Ladies in front & dance LH across to end BtoB with partner facing side couples (facing own corners)
41-48 1s+3s dance reels of 4 across with corners & end taking partners LH & return to places
49-64 2s & 4s repeat bars 33-48 with reel up/down set
65-96 All repeat bars 1-32
BALDOVAN STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set Douglas Henderson Baldovan Dances
1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH & change places LH on sides with 2s/4s; repeat back to places
9-16 1s cross RH & dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s out/down, 2s in/up, 3s dance in & cast up to start), 1s cross to own side 1st place facing out
17-24 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own side (1s out/down, 2s in/up, 3s dance in & cast up to start), 1s finish in 2nd place, 2s in 1st place own side
25-28 2s+1s+3s set, 2s set again while 1s dance down NHJ into 3rd place (3s dance up to 2nd place)
29-32 3s+1s+4s set, 3s set again while 1s dance down NHJ into 4th place (4s dance up to 3rd place)
BALDYQUASH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross RH to own sides, cast 1 place, 1M dances up between 2s & casts to 2nd pl opp side while 1L dances down between 3s & casts to 2nd pl
17-24 1s turn RH (4 bars), cast round 1st corners to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BALFRON BELLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert F Baird RSCDS Glasgow
1- 4 1M dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 2s (LSh to 2L)
5- 8 1M dances 1/2 reel with 3s (RSh to 3M) while 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2L on opp side) Finish1L facing down behind 1M in middle. 2s finish in 1st place
9-16 1s 1/2 Tandem reel of 3 with 3s (LSh to 3M), 1M followed by prtnr dances out b'tw'n 2M+3M, up round 2M to end 1st pl opp sides (2s step down 15-16).
17-24. 1s cross RH, cast 1 place to face 1st corners, dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & end facing 2nd corners.
25-32. 1s dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners & turn 1.1/2 RH to 2nd places while corners chase clockwise 1/2 way. End 2 1 3 4
BALGEDDIE REEL (R5x32) 5C set M Brandon Memories of Fyfe
1- 8 1M & 3M set turning on the spot (hands on hips), 1L & 3L dance toward partner & back to places
9-16 1L & 3L followed by ptnrs cast 1 pl, dance up between couple above, cast down 1 pl (Mens side) & dance in give RH to 1st crnr & LH to partner
17-24 1s & 3s Bal-in-Line with corners, dance on to 2nd corners, Bal-in-Line, 1s & 3s 1/2 turn LH into
25-32 All dance RH across (1L with 2s, 1M & 3L with 4s, 3M with 5s), 1s & 3s 1/2 turn LH & cast down 1 place
BALGOWAN HOUSE (S4x32) 4C set Bardill/Prince
1- 4 1M+2M also 3L+4L cross passing partner RSh & cast up/down 2 places to end on sides with 4L facing 1M & 3L facing 2M
5- 8 4L+1M turn 1.1/2 LH & dance out thro' each others place while 3L+2M twirl & dance towards each other, 4L+1M cast to original places while 3L+2M turn 3/4 LH to end in original places
9-16 3M+4M also 1L+2L repeat above figure but pass partners LSh & turn RH in middle
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across, 2s+3s dance RH across & twirl back to places
25-28 4s lead up to top & cast into 1st places as 1s+2s+3s Set (Men change feet moving left to start) & 3s lead up behind 4s then cast to 2nd places as 1s+2s cast down 2 places to end 4 3 1 2
29-32 All set & turn partner 2H
BALGOWNIE BRIG (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH & cast on own side (Lady up to 1st pl & Man down to 3rd pl as 2L & 3M step up/down)
9-12 1L+2M 1/2 turn 2H to face 3M while 1M+3L 1/2 turn 2H to face 2L & all set
13-16 1L+3M also 1M+2L dance LH across 1s end casting, 1L to 1st pl, 1M to3rd pl own sides while 2M+3L end in 2 diag lines (1L+3M+2M & 3L+2L+1M)
17-24 All dance diagonal LSh reel of 3 (3M+2M & 3L+2L pass LSh to start) [6 bars] ending in bar 8 positions then 1L+2L also 3M+1M 1/2 turn RH to end 2 1 3
25-32 All set, petronella turn into middle & turn partners 2H 1.1/4 times
BALLARE A BOLOGNA (M-3x(S32+R32) 2C (3C set) Rob Quint, 2020
1- 4 1s+2s Set+Link, 2L+1M face out
5-12 2s+1s dance "Mixed Chain" (as Men's Chain but 2M+1L turn 3/4 LH & 1M+2L loop on sides)
13-16 2s+1s dance LH across
17-28 2s+1s Set+Link; 2s+1s repeat "Mixed Chain" from new positions
29-32 1s turn LH moving down to 2nd place (2s step up 31-32)
1-32 1s+3s repeat 1-32
BALLATER REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C Set) John S Trew Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s lead down & back to top
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande
17-24 2s+1s dance R&L
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
THE BALLEMUIR STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
2 chords - 2nd chord 3s+4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place (2s & 3s step up/down 3-4); 2s+1s also 4s+3s Set+Link (Men face out)
9-12 1L+2L dance in, turn 3/4 RH, dance out to sides passing Men RSh while 1M+2M curve Right, dance in, turn 1.1/2 LH to face partners
4s+3s dance similar
13-16 1L+2L dance in passing partner LSh, turn LH & dance out to sides while 1M+2M dance round partner's place anticlockwise & take prom hold with partner facing anticlockwise round
17-24 "Circulating Allemande":
17-20 All dance anticlockwise round to Ladies' side: 3s 1s; Men's side: 4s 2s
21-24 All face in on sides, all dance in & Men bring partner round to face, all retire bars 23-24. End (3) 4 (1) 2
25-28 3s+2s set to partner, turn 2H to end 3s facing down NHJ, 2s facing up NHJ
29-32 3M+2L dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 4M+1L (Men's side) while 3L+2M dance similar round 4L+1M (Ladies' side). End 2 4 (1) (3)
BALLINDALLOCH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 88
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down to 2nd place, set & turn 2H 1.1/4 times to face 4th corners
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L+2s also 1M+3s) & 1s end 1/2 turning 4th crnrs 2H to face in diag NHJ while other crnrs set
17-20 1s+4th corners set & dance 1/2 RH across while other corners (3L & 2M) dance anticlockwise 1/2 way
21-24 1s (in 2nd pl) joining with other corner (1L+3L & 1M+2M) set & dance 1/2 LH across while other corners (3M & 2L) dance clockwise 1/2 way
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, petronella turn; 1/2 turn partner 2H & petronella turn to places. 2 1 3
BALLYLESSON'S RUBY CELEBRATIONS (J5x32) 5C set Lucy Mulholland 2018
1- 4 1s+3s set advancing into line up/down centre, 1/2 turn partner RH moving down 1 place to end Men facing up, Ladies facing down in centre (2s & 4s step up bars 3-4)
5- 8 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4 to end in centre, 3M with 3L following facing up, 1L with 1M following facing down
9-16 3s+2s also 1s+5s dance tandem reels of 3 across. 3s & 1s end in centre, 3M with partner on Right facing down, 1M with partner on Left facing up
17-24 3s+4s+1s circle 6H round & back
25-28 3s+1s set , change places RH with person opposite, 1s face Ladies' side, 3s face Men's side
29-32 1M followed by 1L casts 1 place to Right to 3rd place own side, while 3L followed by 3M casts 1 place to Left to 5th place (4s & 5s step up 31-32). End 2 4 1 5 3
BALLYNAREE (S5x32) 5C Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 4s+5s Petronella-in-tandem to opp sides while 3s cast & chase clockwise between 1s+2s or 4s+5s to ptnrs pl. (2)(1)(3)(5)(4)
9-16 2s, 3s & 4s (top, middle & bottom couples) set & petronella turn into middle, turn 2H & petronella turn to own sides. 2(1)3(5)4
17-24 1s & 5s set & 3/4 turn LH, all dance RH across (2s+1L, 1M+3s+5L & 5M+4s) with 1s & 5s ending on own sides. 2 1 3 5 4
25-32 1s+3s also 5s+4s Set+Link, 1s dancing in cast to bottom while 4s & 5s turn 2H & lead up 1 place. 2 3 4 5 1
BALMAHA (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 6
1- 8 1s+2s set, circle 4H round to left, turn 2H into prom hold facing up
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande 1s end turning LH to face 1st corners
17-20 1s dance RSh round 1st corner position & end facing 2nd corners as corners 1/2 turn & twirl to dance out to opposite corners
21-24 1s repeat with 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance RH across (M with 3s at top, L with 2s), 1s followed by 3s/2s dance clockwise 1/2 way to own sides
BALMORAL CASTLE (S4x32) 4C set Wil van den Berg
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance R&L
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on the sides
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across, all set & cross RH
25-32 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance Allemande to end 2 3 4 1
BALMORAL STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set John A Charles RSCDS Bk 22
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance R&L
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & cross RH to own sides. 2 1 4 3
17-24 All dance reel of 4 on own sides, 2s end in 1st place on sides, Bar 24 1s+4s+3s all dance into centre towards partner ready for ...
25-32 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance Allemande (2s in top place stand)
BALMORAL TERRACE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John S Trew Martello Tower 4
1- 8 1s lead down, cast up round 3s, set & 2s+1s change places on sides (Ladies LH & Men RH)
9-16 1s set, dance in & lead down 1 place, cast down behind 3s & dance up to 2nd place
17-24 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s dance out & up to start)
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
THE BALMULLO REEL (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring Crowe's Nest Set
1- 8 All set, 1/2 turn partner RH to Men facing out, all set & 1/2 turn partners RH to Ladies facing out
9-16 Ladies dance clockwise round outside past partner & loops RSh round next Man & dances on 1 more place
17-24 All set, 1/2 turn new partner LH to Ladies facing out, all set & 1/2 turn new partners LH to Men facing out
25-32 Men dance anticlockwise round outside past partner & loops LSh round next Lady & dances on 1 more place (all in opp places)
33-40 3s+1s dance R&L
41-48 3s+1s promenade around each other passing LSh back to their 'new' places (6 bars) & set
49-64 4s+2s repeat 33-48
65-72 All Adv+Ret, set to partner, Men about turn & all chase 1 place clockwise
73-80 Repeat 65-72
81-88 All circle 8H round & back
BALNAIN HOUSE (S4x40) 4C set Rob Sargent Ruthven Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance 4H round for 3 bars, back for 3 bars & 1s cast to 2nd place facing down as 3s dance in to face up making an arch
9-16 1s dance down under arch made by 3s, 3s+1s dance out ends turning corners with nearer hand, 3s+1s dance across (Ladies under arch made by their partners) & turn new corners with nearer hand (similar to Posties Jig)
17-24 1s dance up under arch made by 3s, 1s+3s dance out ends turning corners with nearer hand, 3s+1s dance across (Ladies under arch made by their partners) & turn new corners with nearer hand back to places
25-32 1s dance down & loop into 4th place as 3s+4s step up, 4s & 1s turn RH for 4 bars
33-40 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance R&L
BALQUIDDER STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS Bk 24
1- 8 1s cross down & dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s dance down 1 place & set to each other, dance up & cast to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH & partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partners LH
THE BALTIC VOYAGER (J4x48) 4C set Nicola Howarth Cambridge Scottish Society 75th Anniv
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s set then cast to 2nd/3rd places, 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s/3s. 2(1)4(3)
9-16 1s & 4s 1/2 turn partner RH & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s & 4s turn partner RH to end in Prom hold (4s facing up, 1s down)
17-24 4s dance reel of 3 across passing 2L RSh as 1s dance reel of 3 across passing 3L RSh ending 4s on M's side & 1s end L's side
25-32 1s & 4s set & dance 1/2 LH across, 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain to end 2 1(4)(3)
33-40 4s followed by 1s lead down for 2 & lead up to top, cross & cast 1s to 3rd place (opp side) & 4s to 2nd place (own side). 2 4(1)(3)
41-48 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance R&L
BALVENIE CASTLE (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 4
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, Petronella-in-tandem to right, set & Petronella-in-tandem to opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s set, 1/2 turn partners 2H & open out to dance 4H round to left. 2 1 4 3
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way, 2s & 3s complete RH across back to place while 1M followed by partner dances down to 3rd place & crosses to own side as 4L followed by ptnr dances up to 2nd place & crosses to own side, 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance LH across. 2 4 1 3
25-32 4s & 3s lead up LH 1place, cross & cast to 2nd/4th place, lead up RH, cross & cast 1 place
THE BAMFAD (Peutherer's Garrett) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Brockbank
1- 8 1s lead down for 2 steps, 1/2 turn RH, lead up, cross & cast to 2nd place
9-16 1s 1/2 reel of 3 across (Lady up & Man down passing 1st corner LSh) into 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (end 3 1 2 on opp sides 3s facing down & 2s up)
17-24 2s & 3s Adv+Ret (up/down) while 1s cast to right to end between 2s/3s, 1s+2s+3s change places with person facing & set
25-32 2s & 3s Adv+Ret (across set) while 1s cast to right to 2nd place opposite side, 2s+1s+3s cross RH & set
THE BAN RIGH STRATHSPEY (S4x40) Sq.Set John S Trew Martello Tower 3
1- 8 All face corners, set & turn 2H to face partners, set to partners & turn 2H end with Ladies facing out
9-24 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
25-32 All dance Grand Chain
33-40 Men Adv+Ret as Ladies cast & dance round clockwise to next Ladies place, Ladies Adv+Ret while Men cast clockwise to ptnrs
BANCHORY REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John S Trew
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & turn LH to end 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BANFF HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 4
1- 8 1s & 3s set, 1L+3M petronella turn & set while partners petronella turn into centre (between ptnrs) & turn RH, 1s & 3s petronella to opp sides
9-16 2s set, dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (2M round 1s & 2L round 3s), 1s & 3s set & all 3 couples 1/2 turn LH into prom hold facing up
17-24 1s+2s+3s Promenade with 1s casting to 2nd place & 2s leading up to top
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
THE BANFFSHIRE CENTENARIAN (S5x32) 5C Set Bob Taylor Banffshire 90th Anniv.
1- 8 2s also 4s pass partners LSh & 1st corners RSh to dance diagonal reels of 4 on 1st corner diagonal. Bar 8: 2s also 4s 1/2 turn partner LH to face 2nd corners
9-16 2s also 4s repeat dancing diagonal reels of 4 on 2nd corner diagonals 1 2 3 4 5
17-24 1s set advancing and turn 2H opening to face down NHJ; 1s dance down & cast up into 5th place (2s+3s+4s+5c step up 23-24). 2 3 4 5 1
25-32 All dance the "Centenary formation":
'2s 1/2 turn 2H opening to face down NHJ and set, 2s Set+Link to own sides
'while 3s+4s circle 4H round and back
'while 5s+1s circle 4H round and back. 2 3 4 5 1
BANJO PATTERSON (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Milton Levy Tin Woodman
1- 8 1s+2s set advancing, 1s+2s NHJ slip step down below 3s, 2s followed by 1s cast up, 2s into 1st place, 1s into middle giving RH to 1st corner & LH to partner
9-16 1s+1st corners Bal-in-Line, 1s turn 1st corners RH to finish between corners. 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opp sides (LSh to 2nd corner) & end with LH joined with 'new' 1st corner person & RH with partner
17-24 1s+1st corners Bal-in-Line, 1s turn 1st corners LH & dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (RSh to 4th corners) 1s end 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s+person on left set & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+person on right set & dance 1/2 LH across to end 2 1 3
BANK STREET REEL (R4x32) 4C set Nicholas Skiera
1- 8 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round couples below them & dance RH across with same couples
9-16 1s followed by 2s also 3s by 4s, lead down & 2s & 4s lead back; 1s/3s end in lines across BtoB with ptnrs facing 2s/4s (Men face Men)
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 across dance; 1s & 3s end in a line down centre of dance (Men face up & Ladies down)
25-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4; turn partners 3/4 RH, 1s cast round 4s to 4th place as 3s cast round 2s to 2nd place
THE BANKS O'DOON (S80) Sq.Set D Currie
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 All change place RH with partner & full turn LH next person, change places RH with partners & turn corners LH
17-24 1M+3L dance Fig of 8 round 2s while 1L+3M dance Fig of 8 round 4s
25-32 2L+4M dance Fig of 8 round 1s while 2M+4L dance Fig of 8 round 3s
33-40 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L & all dance Grand Chain (starting RH with corner-2 bars/hand)
41-48 2s+4s repeat bars 33-40 to all end in original places
49-56 All Ladies dance RH across, LSh round partner & LH across back to places
57-64 All Men dance LH across, RSh round partner & RH across back to places
65-80 All in circle Adv+Ret for 1 step, Ladies dance in front Man on right to next Ladies place, Adv+Ret & Ladies dance on 1 place & repeat twice more back to places
THE BANKS OF ALLEN (J8x32) 2C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1L+2M cross RH, 1s+2s 1/2 turn ptnr LH on side to prom hold, 2s dance to 1st pl as 1s to 2nd pl, set, turn to face each other 2s end opp side
9-16 1s+2s in prom hold turn to sides (1s to L's & 2s to M's), 1s+2s set & turn to face each other, 1M+2L cross RH & Men change pl on the side LH
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
THE BANKS OF CLYDE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s followed by 2s+3s cast on own sides & cross RH below 3rd place & dance up other side
9-16 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret, cross RH & set
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance the Rondel
THE BANKS OF SPEY (S4x32) 4C set Bob Campbell Glasgow Assemby & Other Dances
1- 4 1s cross RH, cast, meet in centre facing down & turn away from each other to face opposite sides in 2nd place (2s step up 3-4)
5- 8 3L dances in & turns about into Prom hold with 1M to dance out round 4L & up middle as 3M dances in & turns left about into Prom hold with 1L to dance out round 2L & down middle
9-16 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times in middle to face 2s as 3s turn 2H twice to face 4s, 2s & 3s set to corners & turn 2H into lines across
17-24 1s & 3s dance reels of 4 across & end turning partners 2H to end in order 1 2 3 4 in middle facing up (Ladies on right)
25-32 All dancing up divide to dance down own sides & 1s make an arch (hands raised – not joined) as 2s+3s+4s dance up to end 2 3 4 1
THE BANKS OF THE DEVON (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, set & cast (2s step up)
9-16 2s+1s cross RH & circle 4H 1/2 round to left (1 skip change to cross + 6 slip steps for circle); cross LH & circle 4H 1/2 round to right (2 skip change + 4 slip steps)
17-24 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance reels of 3 across (1s RSh to 4th corner). 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 Hello-Goodbye setting, 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own side
THE BANKS OF THE LIMMAT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Christopher Harris
1- 8 1s cast 1 place & dance 1/2 diamond Poussette with 3s
9-16 1s cast up 1 place & dance 1/2 diamond Poussette with 2s
17-24 1s set, cross RH, cast 1 place & 1L dances up between 2s & casts to 2nd place while 1M dances down between 3s & casts up
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BANNER BEARER (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Barry Skelton Kauri Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across; 1s+2s 1/2 turn partner RH, 2s end in 1st place own side while 1s continue to turn RH to end 1L between 2s facing 2L, 1M between 3s facing 3M
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s). 1s end in 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn 3/4 RH to end 1M between 2s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up; all set, 1s 3/4 turn RH to end in 2nd place own side, 1L facing down, 1M facing up
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1M RSh to 2M & 1L RSh to 3L). End 2 1 3
BANNERCROSS (M-4x(S32+R32)) 4C Set Elizabeth Sergeant Second Sheaf Coll
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Poussette
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; All cross RH & set. 2 3 4 1
1- 8 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance Double Fig 8 (2s cross down, 1s cross up)
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance R&L
25-32 2s & 4s turn partner RH; 3s & 1s turn partner LH. 2 3 4 1
THE BANNETSTANE (J4x32) 4C set Pat Gordon
1- 8 All dance 8H round to left 1/2 way, set & cross RH
9-16 Repeat above Fig from new places
17-24 1s cast 1 place & meet holding RH as 2s 3/4 turn RH moving up & form a line up/down centre of dance, 2s+1s Bal-in-Line, 1s cast down 1 place on opposite sides & meet holding RH as 2s 1/2 turn RH & 3s 3/4 turn RH to form line of 6 in centre, 2s+3s+1s Bal-in-Line
25-32 1s cast down 1 place & meet RH as 2s & 3s 1/2 turn RH & 4s 3/4 turn RH to form line of 8, all Bal-in-Line & turn partners RH to own sides
BANNOCKBURN (R4x32) Sq.Set Ruary Laidlaw Clapyerhands
1- 8 All clap 2 bars (1-2-3-4) All Adv+Ret (raise hands & "hooch" in centre) All clap (2 bars)
9-16 1s pass each other LSh, dance round outside of set & back to place (1M anticlockwise, 1L clockwise)
17-24 2s repeat bars 9-16 passing partner RSh
25-32 All circle 8H round and back
BANNOCKBURN 700 (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Norma MacLeod Bannockburn 700
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast. 2s+1s+3s set, 1/2 turn partners LH into allemande hold facing down
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reverse allemande
17-24 3s+1s+2s set, 3s cross LH while 1s 1/2 turn LH & dance up, cast to 3rd place while 2s cross LH & cast up to 2nd place 3 2 1
25-28 3s turn RH while 2s+1s change places RH on sides, 2s turn LH while 3s+1s change places LH on sides
29-32 1s turn RH while 3s+2s change places RH on sides, 3s turn LH while 1s+2s change places LH on sides 2 1 3
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
THE BANNOCKBURN REEL (R4x32) 4C set John Bowie Dickson Glendarroch Sh 29
1- 8 1s+4s dance R&L while 2s+3s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 4s cross RH & cast up round 3s & dance up between 2s then 4s cast & cross down to original places while 1s dance down (to follow 4s) to end in 2nd places own sides
17-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. 2 (3)(4) 1
25-32 1s followed by 4s+3s (who begin by dancing down) dance up to top (4s+3s cross to own sides at top) & cast down round 2s (1s to bottom, 4s to 3rd pl & 3s to 2nd pl) 2 3 4 1
BANNOCKS & BROSE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Anna Holden SCD's
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+3s+1s turn RH 1.1/2 times end with 3s+1s in centre facing up
17-24 3s+1s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BARBARA MCOWEN'S CEILIDH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Evelyn Murray Lenthall Allanton Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set, turn 2H once round; 1s+2s circle to the left 1/2 way & cross RH to own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, circle 6H round to the left & set
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), pass LSh to end facing 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corner & cross RH to own side
BARBARA'S CELEBRATION (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Barbara Rendle-Braime South African SCD Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s set & 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corners RH, passing RSh dance 1/2 reels of 4 with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to face 3rd corners
17-24 1s turn 3rd corners RH, passing RSh dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 4th corners & end in middle (Lady above Man)
25-32 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), 1s set advancing & turn 2H to 2nd places
1- 8 All set, turn partner 2H twice round & all set
9-16 2s & 4s dance RH across (L up & M down to give wheels of 3, 4 & 3), 2s & 4s change wheels for LH back
17-24 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s while 3s dance round 4s, 1s+2s also 3s+4s end ready for Poussette
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s+4s also 3s+5s dance 1/2 Poussette. 2 4 1 5 3
BARBARA'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell RSCDS Bk 46
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s). 2 (1) 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s set & 1s cross passing RSh; 2M+1M also 1L+3L turn RH 1.1/2 times on sides
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple Bourrel:
17-20 3M & 2L chase anticlockwise 1/2 round while 1M+3L also 2M+1L set advcg & 3/4 turn 2H into line up/down middle, pull back RSh to face own partners
21-24 All set & turn 2H to own sides. 3 1 2
25-32 All chase clockwise 1/2 way, all 1/2 turn partners RH & twirl to places. 2 1 3
BARCELONA (J4x32) Sq.Set Atsuko Clement, 2011
1- 8 All set to partner & turn RH; All set to corner & turn LH
9-16 All dance DoSiDo with partner & turn partner Right (Tulloch - elbow grip turn). Ladies face out
17-24 Intersecting reels of 4 (Men LH across in centre). Ladies face out
25-30 All dance 6 bars of "La Baratte":
25-26 Men 1/2 turn Lady RH & retain hands but at arm's length from each other
27-28 Men retrace steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Lady's original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Man's left arm & retains left hand hold with partner
29-30 Couples change places LH & take promenade hold, all facing anticlockwise (Ladies on outside)
31-32 All promenade 1/4 round to next place round & face partner. 2 3 4 1
BARLEY BREE (J4x40) 4C set RSCDS Bk 13
1- 8 All Adv+Ret & cross over (Men making arches)
9-16 All Adv+Ret & cross (Ladies making the arches)
17-24 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times, turn 2s LH on sides, 1s turn RH in middle
25-32 1s turn 3s LH on sides, 1s turn RH in middle, 1s turn 4s LH on sides & 1s 1/2 turn RH in middle & form arch
33-40 2s followed by 3s & 4s, cast to bottom & lead up under arch to end 2 3 4 1
BARLEY RIGGS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh A Thurston Thistle Magazine 20
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 round 2s
9-16 1s+2s dance Double Fig 8 (1s cross down, 2s cast up to start)
17-24 1s dance down the middle & back, remain in centre, 2s step in bar 24 ready for …
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
BARLEY TWIST (S3x32) 3C set Val Hodgson
1- 8 2s dance reels of 3 on sides, RSh to dancer on right to start
9-16 2s dance reels of 3 across, LSh to 1st corner to start (1s & 3s cast into reels). 2s finish in 2nd place own sides
17-24 1s+2s change places (Ladies RH, Men LH) & 2s+1s+3s set; All turn partner RH remaining in centre ready for …
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance allemande. End 3 1 2
THE BARLEY TWIST (R4x48) 4C set Peter Beaumont Second Canberra Bk
1- 8 1s cross down to dance mirror reels of 3 on opp sides (3s in/up, 2s out/up to start). (1) 2 3
9-16 3s cross up to dance mirror reels of 3 on opp sides (1s continue on opp sides). (1) 2 (3) 4
17-24 All Ladies set advancing, Bal-in-Line, then dance below and around partner to place
25-32 All Men set advancing, Bal-in-Line, dance below and around partner to place
33-40 3s+4s (bottom 2 couples) dance 1/2 R&L; 2s+4s (middle 2 couples) dance 1/2 R&L
41-48 1s+4s (top 2 couples) dance 1/2 R&L; 4s & 2s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round couple below them. End 4 1 2 3
THE BARMAIDS' JIG (J5x32) 5C set Jill Burrows Stagger Inn
1- 8 1s & 3s set & cast (2s & 4s step up 3-4); 2s+1M, 4s+1L+3M and 5s+3L dance LH across
9-16 Double Figures of 8 Across:
9-10 2L+1L cross RH between Men while 2M+1M dance across to opp side & face (4s+3s dance similar)
11-12 2M+1M cross RH between Ladies while 1L+2L dance across to own side & face
13-16 Repeat 9-12 but crossing LH. Finish 2L facing 1L, 4L facing 3L on Ladies' side, 1M facing 4M, 3M facing 5M on Men's side
17-24 Diagonal R&L starting LH on sides (1s+2L+4M, 3s+4L+5M). 2M & 5L stand (or set to each other). 2 1 4 3 5
25-32 All 5 couples set, 1s & 3s cast (4s+5s step up 27-28); all 5 couples turn partner RH. End 2 4 1 5 3
THE BARMKIN (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s+3s turn partners RH & Men followed by Ladies chase clockwise 1/2 way round set
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across in centre & LH back to "new" places
17-32 2s+4s repeat bars 1-16
33-40 1s+3s turn partners LH & Ladies followed by Men chase anticlockwise 1/2 way round set
41-48 1s+3s dance R&L
49-64 2s+4s repeat bars 33-48
65-72 All dance into centre & return with corners, Ladies dance round corners passing in front to begin & back to place
73-80 All with corners dance into centre & return with partners, Men dance round partners passing in front to begin & back to place
81-88 All circle 8H round & back
BARNEY DUFFY'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Graeme Hutcheson Kauri Coll
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place while 2s cross up, 1s set & cast down 1 place while 3s cross up
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s cross up to start)
17-24 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s cross RH, cast down 1 place & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
BAROLO PALACE TOWER (M-2x(S32+R32)) Sq.Set James Stott Argentine Collection 2020
1- 8 All set to partners twice; all turn partner 3/4 RH, Ladies join LH in centre, Men pull back RSh & join NH with partner facing anticlockwise. All dance LH across 1 place round (2 bars). Finish Ladies BtoB in centre facing partner
9-16 All set, change places RH with partner (Men now BtoB in centre); all dance 1/2 interlocking double reel of 4 (LH across in centre)
17-24 All set, change places RH with partner (Ladies now BtoB in centre); all dance 1/2 interlocking double reel of 4 (LH across in centre). Finish with Ladies on partner's right facing out
25-32 All dance 8 bars Schiehallion reel. Couples have progressed 1 place clockwise round 4 1 2 3
Repeat in Reel time, Strathspey time & Reel time
BAROP WEDDING (J3x32) 3C set Eva Dryer
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, set advancing (pass LSh) into double triangles position
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles & all end in middle for…
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande
25-32 1s+2s dance R&L. 3 1 2
BARR NONE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Vic Tyler RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
1- 4 1M+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1M+2L pass LSh to start). 1M finishes behind partner
5-12 1s dance Alternating Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (1s+2L pass RSh to start). 1M finishes in 1L's place
13-16 1L+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1L+2L pass RSh to start). 1L finishes in 1M's place
17-24 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain up/down set. 1L faces out
25-28 1L followed by 1M casts, dances across to 2nd place own side & pulls back LSh (2s step up 27-28). 2 1 3
29-32 All turn partner LH
BARR'S WEDDING BIRL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Damaris Hirmey
1- 4 1L+2L change places LH while 1M+2M change pl RH, 1L+3L change pl RH while 1M+3M change pl LH
5- 8 2s & 1s set advancing & 1/2 turn 2H to form circle with 3s (2s facing 3s & 1s facing each other)
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance interlocking reels of 4 & end on sides
17-24 2s & 1s cross RH, 1s cast up to 2nd place & turn (or spin) RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left for 6 steps, all pivot left & 2s+3s chase back to places while 1s turn (or spin) LH to 2nd places
BARRY & DOREEN'S CONTINENTAL CAPERS (R4x32) 4C set Paula Dyke The Sunday Class 1 CD
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1s set adv. & turn 2H to face down & give nearer hand to 2s (2s face up), 1s+2s set & 1s turn 2s on sides with nearer hand to finish in lines across facing down, WHILST, 4s dance likewise with 3s
9-10 All set
11-16 1s & 4s change places RH, cast behind 2s & 3s, pass partner by the right to face corner (4M facing 2M, 4L facing 2L, 1L facing 3L, 1M facing 3M) on the diagonal
17-24 All dance (RSH) interlocking diagonal reels of 4 to end on the sides 2 4 (1) (3)
25-32 4s & 1s, giving RSH to corners, reel of 4 on sides, middles passing RSH at end 2 4 (1) (3)
BARTON BARBECUE (R4x32) 4C set Sue Petyt Tartan Rainbow
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, all turn RH 1.1/2 times
17-24 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance RH across & LH back
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
BARTON CHASE (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Clare Cox Croydon & District Bk
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across, set & dance 1/2 RH across
9-16 1L followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses, casts down round 3M up to 2L
17-24 1s+2L dance RH across, LH across with 3M & dance up to 2M
25-32 1s dance LH across with 2M, RH across with 3L & both end 2nd place own sides
33-40 2s+1s turn on sides (Ladies RH, Men LH), 1s+3s turn (Ladies LH, Men RH)
THE BARTONS' REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 15 Social Dances
1- 8 1s+3s set & dance the Capstan: -
1M+3M change places by dancing LSh 1.1/2 times round standing 2M while 1L & 3L dance RSh 1.1/2 times round 2L
9-16 1s cross (no hands) up to 2nd pl opp sides, 1L+3M (at top) turn RH while 1M+2L turn RH, 1s pass RSh & 1L+2M also 1M+3L turn RH 3 (1) 2
17-24 3s+1s+2s set, 1/2 turn partners RH & chase clockwise 1/2 way 2 (1) 3
25-32 1s dance RH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s), 1L dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s while 1M dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
THE BASS ROCK (S3x32) 3C Set Barbara Savill RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
1- 4 All set, all turn partner 2H finishing in middle NHJ facing down
5- 8 All dance down (2 steps), all turn about & lead up RHJ finishing in middle in prom hold facing up
9-16 All dance 6 bars of Allemande to end 3 2 1. 1s face down & cast (small steps) into 3rd place own side, while 3s face up & cast into 1st place own side while 2s turn LH to face 1st corners. 3 2 1
17-24 2L+3s also 2M+1s dance reels of 3 across (2L+3M & 2M+1L pass LSh to start). 2s end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s dance down NHJ, cast up round 1s, meet & dance up; 2s turn 3s 1.1/2 time nearer hand to end 2 3 1
BATTLE CREEK BREEZE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gary Lindsey
1- 8 1s set & turn RH, cast 1 place & cross LH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (dancing out round 3s to start)
17-24 1s set & Petronella turn, set & Petronella turn to own sides
25-32 1s set advancing & turn 2H, dance down below 3rd place & cast up to 2nd place while 2s+3s dance R&L (starting RH on sides)
THE BATTLE OF THE SHIRTS (R4x32) 4C set Janet Cook Imperial Bk 5
3s & 4s on opposite sides
1- 8 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s/3s & end between 2s/3s in lines across, 1s+2s Adv+Ret as 4s+3s Ret+Adv
9-16 All dance reels of 4 across 1s & 4s end in middle BtoB facing corners
17-24 1s & 4s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & on bars 23-24 end with1M & 4M crossing RH to face out (1M on L side, 4M on M side) while others PdB turning around as 4L ends facing down between 2s & 1L facing up between 3s
25-32 1M & 4M followed by partners cast to right around corner (3M/2M) into centre, loop round to right & cast around next corner (3L/2L) then cross to other side to end 2 4 (1)(3)
THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR (R4x48) 4C Set Clive Chaney Southsea 50
1- 8 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s (who dance up sides to start) dance down (3 bars),cast up back to place (3 bars ) & all join hands on sides & set
9-16 1M followed by 2M dances between 1L & 2L, down behind 2L, across set and back up Men's side to place while 3M+4M dance similar round 3L & 4L, all Men set
17-24 Ladies advance towards partner & set to partner (no hands); pull back RSh & dance out to place, join hands & set
25-28 1s cast (2s cross up LH) while 4s cast up (3s cross down RH), 1s+4s (middle couples) dance 1/2 RH across while 2s+3s (end couples) set
29-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 LH across, all 4 couples join hands on sides & set. 4 2 1 3
33-40 Men advance towards partner & set to partner (no hands); Men dance RSh round partner & back to place
41-48 4s+2s also 1s+3s dance the Knot. End 2 4 1 3
BAULDY BAIN'S FIDDLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Lothian Coll
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH 1.1/2 times 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1M casts up, crosses & casts to 2nd place own side as 1L cast down 1 place, crosses & casts up to 2nd place while 2s+3s dance RH across once round 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners positions while 2s+3s chase clockwise to opposite corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
THE BAWK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alexander Bowman RSCDS Bk 30
1- 8 1M sets advancing to 2L & turns partner LH, 1L sets advancing to 2M & turns partner RH
9-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH, cast round 3s & lead up to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners to end in centre facing Ladies' side
25-32 1s dance out between 2L & 3L, cast (Lady up & Man down), meet in centre & dance out between 2M & 3M & cast ending in 2nd places
BAY AND BAYAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reel of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s turn RH 1.1/2 to end facing 1st corners, 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corner & turn RH to face 3rd corner
17-24 1s dance diagonal RSh reel of 4 & end turning RH to 2nd place on own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BAYSIDE TWENTY-FIRST (S4x40) 4C set David Le Brocque
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s set to 2s & 1/2 turn (1s dancing between 2s). 2 1 3 4
9-16 All dance reflection reels of 4 on sides (1s in & down, 3s in & down)
17-24 1s+3s petronella turn into centre (merging 1L+3L+1M+3M) while 2s+4s change places RH on sides & all set, 1s+3s petronella turn to opposite side while 4s & 3s cross LH & all set
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 back to own sides
33-40 1s cross RH, cast to bottom & turn 2h 1.1/2 times. 2 3 4 1
BE MY PARTNER (S4x40) 4C set Zoltán Gräff A Reel Goulash - Budapest Book of SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance double Figs 8 (1s & 4s cast, 2s cross up, 3s cross down)
9-16 2s+3s dance the "Tourbilink":-
9-10 2s+3s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 2M and 3L lead partners NHJ 1 place clockwise to end 2s on Ladies' side and 3s on Men's side
11-14 2s+3s Set+Link on the sides
15-16 2s+3s chase clockwise round one place. 1(3)(2)4
17-24 1s+3s & 2s+4s dance the "Tourbilink" 3(1)(4)2
25-32 All dance RSh reel of 4 on sides
33-40 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, 1L+4L & 1M+4M set facing up/down on sides &1/2 turn RH, 1s+4s set to partner 3 1 4 2
BE PREPARED (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Andrew Hodgson Fields of Gold
1- 2 1s turn RH while 2s set.
3- 8 1s lead down the middle for 4 bars & back to 2nd place to finish in the middle facing up while 2s cast up into 1st place, turn RH to finish in middle facing up. 3s step in on bar 8. 2 1 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande. 1s finish facing 1st corners (pstn).
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners then with 2nd corners (pstn) to finish in 2nd place opposite sides
25-28 1s 1/2 turn RH to face down, 1s lead down & on bar 28 1M guides 1L in front of him.
29-32 1L followed by 1M dance round 3M's place & into 2nd place on own sides while 2s & 3s set & cross RH to own sides
BE SEEING YOU (J32) Round the Room Sheila Gradon Beyond the Black Stump
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L
9-16 1s dance between 2s & cast back to place, 1s turn RH
17-24 2s repeat bars 9-16 round 1s
25-32 1s+2s Adv+Ret (with 3 claps on bar 28). 1s+2s advance to meet next couple (1s making an arch)
BEA'S DELIGHT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Mary MacFarlane RSCDS Bk 43
1- 8 1L+2M turn RH to give LH to partner & Bal-in-Line, 1L followed by partner casts 1 place (Men's side) & crosses to end 2nd place own sides while 2M followed by partner casts up (Ladies' side) & crosses to 1st place own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 3s to start)
17-24 1s repeat bars 1- 8 with 3s
25-32 1L dances behind 3L, in front of 2L & casts to 2nd pl while 1M dances in front of 3M, behind 2M & dances down to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s set
BEACH DANCER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Eddy West
1- 8 1s set & cross RH, 1s set to 2s on sides & change places LH
9-16 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1M followed by 1L casts behind 3L & 1M crosses to own side then casts up to 2nd place as 1L dances up middle to 2nd pl. (4 bars), 2s+1s turn LH on sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 3s
THE BEADBONNY ASH (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) June Parker Kauri Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, set & cross RH
9-16 2M+1L+3M Advance, Bal-in-Line & retire while 2L+1M+3L Advance & Bal-in-Line
17-24 2L+1M+3L dance reel of 3 up/down middle (1M RSh to 3L to start) & end on sides
25-32 2M+1L+3M dance reel of 3 up/down middle (1L RSh to 2M to start) & end on sides
BEAL'S REEL (Where My Whimsy Takes Me) (R5x40) 5C set Priscilla Burrage Cross Country Capers
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & 3s+1s+4s turn partners LH
25-32 1L dances reel of 3 with couple above (3s) & 1M with couple below (4s) 1s end between 5s Man facing Lady
33-40 1s+5s dance reel of 4 across 1s ending in 5th place
BEARSDEN JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) James McMillan Glasgow 85th Anniv
1-8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s set & turn RH 1/2 way to end in middle in prom hold (2s facing down & 1s+3s facing up with3L on ptnrs left)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance a Promenade reel of 3 (2s+1s pass RSh to start) all ending on own sides 2 1 3
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Inveran reels of 3 on sides (1s dance up between 2s to start, cast & cross down to 3rd place) 2(1)3
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times 2 1 3 4
THE BEAUTY OF THE NORTH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 1
1- 8 1L+3M change places RH & cast up/down round 2s to pick up partner, 1s+3s dance RH across ending in partners place
9-16 1s+2s+3s reel of 3 on sides (1s out & dn to start), 1s & 3s end casting round 2s to meet nearer hands joined as 2s dance up/down into centre
17-20 1s+3s cross Ladies dancing under arch made by Men & cast up/down to meet partner in centre while 2s set & petronella turn to own sides
21-24 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round to left to end in original places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
BECAUSE HE WAS A BONNIE LAD (M-(S64+R48)) 4C set MacNab Dances #1
1- 8 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
9-16 All set twice & turn partner 2H
17-24 1M & 2M cross to face 2L &1L (1M in front of 2M) also 3M & 4M cross to face 4L & 3L (3M in front of 4M), all set & Men dance round Ladies RSh back to places (again 1M & 3M in front of 2M & 4M)
25-32 All set twice, turn 2H into 2 diagonal lines of 4 (1M & 2L also 3M & 4L in own places & partners BtoB between them
33-40 All dance RSh diagonal reels of 4
41-48 All set twice & turn 2H to end in original places
49-56 1s & 3s set advancing to partner & turn 2H (Ladies on partners left) to face 2L/4L, set & circle 3H round to left 1/2 way to face 2M/4M
57-64 1s+3s set twice to 2M+4M & circle 4H round for 2 steps, turn partner 2H to original places
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L with setting between each hand to person just passed
9-16 All repeat bars 1- 8
17-24 All Men set for 8 bars (Highland Steps) as partners set twice & advance turning with 4 PdB steps to right to give their backs to the Men
25-32 All Men dance RSh round partner to face them, all set twice with Ladies again turning their backs on the Men
33-40 All repeat bars 25-32
41-48 All Men dance forward 3 PdB steps, pat partners on shoulder & dance back 1 step, Ladies turn to face partner, turn RH to end facing in middle
BEDRULE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Betty Grant RSCDS Bk 33
1- 8 1s+2s turn 2H on sides (2 bars) opening out to circle 4H round to left (4 bars), 1s & 2s turn partners 2H (2 bars) & end in centre with 3s dancing in ready for ...
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade ending with 1s casting to 2nd place
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across once round, 2s+1s dance LH across once round
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides 1s giving RSh to 3s
THE BEECHWOOD STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Dennis Steed Aberdeen Coll
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s turn 2H opening out to face up with nearer hands joined
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & up to start) & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners ending with 1s facing up (Lady on Mans left)
25-32 1s lead up, cross, cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place on own side
BEEKEEPER FROM SKYE (J4x32) 4C set Glenys Kefalas Pensioner's Coll
1- 8 1M dances in & casts to 3rd place (2M+3M up), 1M+3L+4s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1L crosses (2L up) & casts 1 place, crosses & casts down to 3rd place (3L up)
17-24 2s+1s dance double Fig of 8 round 3s (1s cross up)
25-32 1s+4s Set+Link, 1s turn RH
THE BEEKEEPER'S MEDLEY (M-2x(S32+J32)) Sq.Set Trevor Rayner Skye Coll 2
1- 8 All dance Schiehallion Reel 1/4 way (1 place), 1s+3s dance RH across while 2s & 4s turn partners RH
9-16 All dance Schiehallion Reel 1/4 way (1 place, 2s+4s dance RH across while 1s & 3s turn partners RH
17-24 All chase clockwise to original pstns, set & cast 1 place clockwise
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
Repeat in Jig Time from new pstns
THE BEES IN THE HEATHER (S3x32) 3C Set Veronica Schoeters Exeter 25th Anniv
1- 4 1s cross down to 3rd pl while 2s set as 3s cast to top & all cross RH;
5- 8 Repeat from new positions: 3s cross down to 3rd pl while 2s set as 1s cast to top & all cross RH. (1)2(3)
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (2s in & up to start) & 1s cross to own sides. 1 2 (3)
17-24 2s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 1s, 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s. 1 (2) 3
25-32 1s+2s+3s set, 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way while 3s cross RH; all set & 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way. 2 3 1
THE BEES OF MAGGIEKNOCKATER (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, dance RH across with 3s & end 1M+3L also 1L+3M in prom hold facing out to pass corner person RSh
9-24 All dance 4x1/2 Reels of 3 on sides (to right to start, then left, right & left) with 1s+3s changing partners in centre at end of each 1/2 Reel to progress Men clockwise & Ladies anticlockwise. End in centre 1s facing down & 3s facing up
25-32 1s dance between 3s turning 3s with nearer hand 1.1/2 times, crossing over to own sides & turn 4th person 1.1/2 times (Men RH & Ladies LH)
THE BEES THEY ARE A'DRUMMIN' (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Amanda Peart Sunday Class Bk 2
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), meet in centre & turn 3s (1M+3L LH & 1L+3M RH) finishing in centre facing up 2 (1) 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reflection (mirror) reels of 3 on sides (1s up, 2s out/down, 3s out/up).
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s & dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L+2s & 1M+3s,1s passing 1st corner LSh). Finish all on opp sides (2) (1) (3)
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret. 2s+1s+3s 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & dance out to own sides. 2 1 3
BEESWING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s dance in, cast down below 3s, meet & dance up to 2nd place BtoB facing out on own sides
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles with 2s+3s
17-24 1s turn RH & LH (slow turns)
25-32 1L dances RH across with 2s & 1M with 3s, pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
BEGINNER'S LUCK (J4x40) 4C Set Jill Ackerley 8 Anniv Dances
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1M+2L set & change places RH, 1L+2M set & change places RH
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across & LH back
25-32 1M+3M set & change places RH, 1L+3L set & change places RH
33-40 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, all set & cross over. 2 3 4 1
BEGINNING OF THE YEAR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Dejean The Walnut Bk 2
1- 8 1s long cast to 2nd place (2s step up bars 3-4), turn RH. 2 1 3
9-16 1s dance Fig of 8 to left (1M up round 2s, 1L down round 3s)
17-20 1s dance RH across to the right (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s)
21-24 2s+1s+3s turn partner with RH. 2 1 3
25-28 1s dance LH across to left (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s)
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn partner LH
BEHIND THE SCENES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gary Coull Banffshire 90th Anniv.
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on the sides (1s in/down to start)
9-16 1s turn RH and face down NHJ, 1s+2s set; 2s dance up to 1st place as 1s dance down and cast up round 3s to 2nd place. 2 1 3 4
17-24 1s turn 1.1/4 RH to face 2nd corners; 1s turn 2nd corners LH & turn 1st corners RH into lines of 3 across (1L between 2s, 1M between 3s)
25-32 Lines of 3 Adv+Ret; 1s turn 1.1/4 RH to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3 4
BEINGLAS FARM (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Alasdair Brown Cathkin Collection
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+3s change places, 1s dancing under arch made by 3s & change sides, Ladies dance under Man's right arm; repeat, 1s making arch
17-24 Ladies Petronella turn 1 place right & all set; Men Petronella turn 1 place right & all set
25-32 All repeat 17-24 (all couples now opposite original place)
33-40 2s+4s dance RH across finishing 2L facing 1M (3M's place) with partner following & 4L facing 3M (1M's place) with partner following
41-48 2s & 4s dance Alternating Tandem RSh reels of 3 across with 1s / 3s. End as at end bar 32, all facing corners
49-56 All set, all change places with corners with La Barrat & finish facing next person
57-64 All change places RH with facing person & LH with next person into partner's original place & all turn partner RH 1.1/2
Reel As Strathspey except:
9-16 2s+4s change places, 4s make 1st arch, 2s make 2nd arch
33-40 1s+3s dance RH across, LH back & end facing partners (3s between 2M/4L & 1s between 2L/4M) & dance RSh reels of 4 across. 1s & 3s pass partner RSh at end of reel
BEINN EDRA (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) 4C set Fiona MacDonald (Kintail)
2 chords - on 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+3s Set & Rotate (top 2 & bottom 2 couples set facing in diagonally) 2 1 (4) (3)
9-16 Tandem reels on sides: 1M followed by 4L RSh to 2M (up), 4M followed by 1L RSh to 3M (down)
17-24 "Double Knot":
2s+1s dance Knot down Men's side to bottom ending on opp sides while 4s+3s dance Knot up Ladies' side to top ending on own sides 4 3 (2) (1)
25-28 3s+2s (middle couples) dance 1/2 RH across & set 4 2 (3) (1)
29-32 4s+1s turn partner RH (4 bars) moving down/up to 2nd/3rd place while 2s+3s cast to 1st/4th place & turn RH (2 bars) 2 4 (1) (3)
Repeat once more in Strathspey time and twice in Reel time
THE BEJANT ROYAL (R8x48) 3C (4C Set) Lewis N Derrick
1- 8 1s set, 1s cross down RH to 2nd pl opp sides, cast to right into centre to form lines across (1L between 2s & 1M between 3s) & all set
9-16 1s turn RH to face 1st corners, turn 1st corners LH 1.1/4 times to join hands with 1st+4th corners to BtoB position ready for…
17-24 1s dance Crown Triangles & end facing out on opposite sides
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end 1L facing 2s & 1M facing 3s
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corners to start) ending in 2nd place own sides
41-48 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BEL FEARSED (R4x48) Sq.Set Ruth Barnes Belfast Bk
1- 4 1L followed by partner dances across & behind 4s (4s turn slightly to left) & 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across
5- 6 1L followed by partner dances across to in front of 3s while 4s continue turning LH to place
7-10 1s+3s dance RH across
11-14 1L followed by partner dances across & behind 2s (2s turn slightly to left) & 1s+2s dance 1/2 LH across
15-16 1s dance to place in prom hold while 2s continue turning LH to place & take prom hold
17-24 All Promenade round anticlockwise
25-32 All Men dance RSh round next Lady to right (not partner) into centre & dance LH across back to places
33-40 All Ladies dance LSh round next Man to left (not partner) into centre & dance RH across back to places
41-48 All circle 8H round & back
Repeat 3 more times with couple to right starting, i.e. dancing couple order is 1 4 3 2
THE BELFAST ALMANAC (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh Foss Glendarroch SCD 24
1- 8 1s set advancing & turn RH, lead down crossing below 2s & cast up to 1st place opposite sides
9-12 1s set & cast to 2nd place as 2s set advancing & turn LH
13-16 1s set & dance up to 1st place opposite sides as 2s lead up crossing & cast to 2nd place opposite sides
17-20 1s cast & cross up to 1st place as 2s cross up & cast to 2nd place
21-24 1L+2L 1/2 turn RH as 1M+2M 1/2 turn LH & 1s dance up & turn inwards to face down as 2s cast to 2nd place & face up
25-32 1s dance down making an arch under which 2s dance up & Men cross partners in front of them, 2s & 1s turn twice to own sides
BELFAST CITY HALL (S4x40) Sq.Set Dorothy Bell Belfast Diamond Jubilee Bk
1- 8 All set touch hands & turning away from partner dance to corner positions, turn corners 2H & dance back to original places
9-16 All dance Grand Chain (start RH to partner) 1/2 way & face clockwise in prom hold with partner, all promenade 3/4 round (1s in 2nd pl etc)
17-24 Side couples (1s+3s) circle 4H round to left & set, 1s+3s turn away fom partner & curve back to places (as bar 16)
25-32 2s+4s repeat bars 17-24
33-40 All circle 8H round to left 1/2 way (2 bars) & dance in, turn right about (all touching LH) dance out to reform & circle 8H round back to place
THE BELFAST HORNPIPE (R3x32) 3C Set Wesley Clindinning Canada's Irish Rover
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH & twirl (pull back RSh) & dance out to opposite sides, 2s repeat
9-16 3s repeat (all now on opp sides). 1s+2s+3s 1/2 turn & twirl to own sides
17-24 1s slip step down the middle & back to end at top facing partner
25-32 1s set & cast 1 place, 1M+3M turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times to end 2 3 1
(Variation - See "Wes Clindinning's Hornpipe")
BELGIAN FOLLY (J4x40) 4C set Stewart Adam Dunedin 2
1- 8 All 4 couples turn partner RH & chase 1/2 way
9-16 4s+3s also 2s+1s dance RH across, 2L followed by 1L+1M+2M cross & turning left chase anticlockwise round top of set while 3M followed by 4M+4L+3L cross & chase anticlockwise round bottom of set All end in original place but opposite sides
17-24 2s & 4s cross up RH, cast down 1 pl into prom hold & dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with cpl above (2s dance to Men's side & 4s to Ladies' side to start)
25-32 2s & 4s release hands & dance up to own sides & dance full reels of 3 across with 1s & 3s in prom hold
33-40 1s & 3s turn RH & cast up (order 1 2 3 4), 1s lead down to 4th place under arches made by others
THE BELL ROCK REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C Set) James Crowe
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times into prom hold facing 2L
9-16 1s set to 2L & set to 3L, 1M dances LH across with 2L+3L while 1L dances RH across with 2M+3M & 1s end facing 3M
17-24 1s set to 3M & set to 2M, Men dance LH across while Ladies dance RH across & 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners 1s pass LSh to own sides 2nd places
33-40 1s dance Diag R&L
THE BELL ROCK STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C Set Ian Stewart SEHSCDS Diamond Jubilee Strathspey Coll.
1- 4 2s cross RH & cast RSh round 1st corner into lines of 3 across (2L between 1s at top, 2M between 3s)
5- 8 All set, 2s cast pull back RSh & cast to 2nd place own side. 1 2 3
9-16 All dance Knot for 3 couples, 2s finish facing 1st corners
17-24 2s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners & Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners. Bars 23-24 2s cross RH to 2nd place own side. 3 2 1
25-32 3s+2s Set & Rotate to end 2 3 1
BELLAHOUSTON (R4x40) 4C Set Alasdair Brown Eglinton Collection
2 chords – on 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 4 2s+3s set, 2s+3s 1/2 RH turn, release hands
5- 8 2s+3s dance RH across once round in middle, pull back RSh at the end to finish 2s facing 1s also 3s facing 4s (men facing ladies). 2s & 3s are back to back in the middle
9-16 2s+3s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting to finish with 3s facing 1s & 2s facing 4s
17-20 All turn facing person RH to finish on the sides. 1 (3) 2 (4)
21-24 All dance Set+Link in tandem:
All set. The dancers in the top 2 Ladies' places & the dancers in the bottom 2 Men's places cast with the outside dancer casting in one place and the inside dancer casting to the other end of the set, while the dancers in the top 2 men's place & the dancers in the bottom two Ladies' places dance forwards (the outside dancers moving one place, the inside dancers moving to the other end of the set) 2 1 (4) (3)
25-26 1s+4s set
27-30 1s+4s dance 4 bars of La Baratte:
27-28 Man 1/2 turns opposite Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
29-30 Man retraces steps with Lady turning under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Lady's original place) & releasing Lady's RH she turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places
31-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across to finish on the side 2 4 (1) (3£
33-40 All dance reels of 4 on the sides with 1M & 4L also 1L & 4M passing RSh at the end. 2 4 (1) (3)
BELLCOREUSE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Kévin Piquemal The Walnut Bk 2
1- 8 1s+3s Adv+Ret diagonally while 2M casts up & 2L casts Down to ends (2M between 1s, 2L between 3s), all Set+Link for 3 to end (1) (2) (3)
9-16 All set & cross RH. 1s cross to 2nd place (2s step up on bars 13-14) to face each other right hands joined. 1s set pulling RSh back to face 1st corners.
17-24 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st and 2nd corners, 1s cross to 2nd place own sides 2 1 3
25-32 All dance 6H round & back
THE BELLE OF BON ACCORD (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 8 1L & 3L cross down 1 pl & cast up on opp side into centre as 1M & 3M dance across & cast down into centre, 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across
9-16 1s & 3s dance reel of 4 up & down centre of dance
17-24 1s & 3s 3/4 turn RH to face up while 2s & 4s dance up on sides & turn in to face down & all set, all circle 4H round to left & end on sides
25-32 1s & 3s lead up between 2s/4s crossing over & cast down 1 place, 1s & 3s turn 2H & 1s dance down to 4th place as 3s cast up on own sides to 2nd pl
BELLE OF THE BALL (3) (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell
1- 4 1M+2L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (2L facing up & 1M down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
5- 8 Set to partners & turn RH, 2s to own sides in 1st place & 1s turn RH to 1M facing up as 1L faces down
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 2nd corners (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s) & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & 1s turn LH to end Lady facing up & Man down
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner) & end 2nd place own sides
BELLE OF THE BALL (J96) 4C set Lynne Cotton Hunter Valley Bk
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH; turn 2nd corner RH & turn partner LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on opp sides passing 1st corner LSh to start, 1s cross up RH to 1st place while 2s cast to 2nd place
25-32 1s set & 1/2 turn RH to finish in centre facing down; 4s set advancing, turn LH once round to finish in centre facing up (Ladies on right of partners)
33-36 2s & 3s set twice, 2M & 3L advancing towards partner on bars 35-36
37-40 2s turn 2H 3/4 round to end on Ladies' side while 3s turn 2H 1.3/4 round to end on Men's side (now in square set, Ladies on right of partners)
41-48 All face partners & dance 1/2 Grand Chain to meet partner again. Bars 47-48 all turn partners RH once round
49-56 All face partner & continue Grand Chain back to place. Bars 55-56 all turn partners RH once round & face in
57-64 1s+4s dance Ladies' Chain up/down set & finish facing corners
65-72 1s & 4s set twice to corners & turn corners 2H
73-80 2s+3s dance Ladies' Chain across set & finish facing corners
81-88 2s+3s repeat 65-72
89-96 All dance 8H round & back. Honour corner then partner.
THE BELLES OF ST. MARY'S (S8x32) 4C set Liz Mackenzie Inverness Diamond Jubilee Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across ending in middle facing up, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance up & 1s petronella turn into middle
17 - 24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on their own sides, 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides & 1s end facing 1st corners.
25 - 32 1s set to corners & dancing round each other to face 2nd corners, set to corners & dance round each other to 2nd place on own side
BELLFIELD PARK (J4x32) 4C set Isla Henderson Inverness Diamond Jubilee Coll
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 (1s & 4s cross down/up to start)
9-16 2s+3s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s & 2s+4s set & dance 1/2 LH across. (3)(1)4 2
17-24 All dance LSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All set & cross RH, all chase clockwise 1/2 way 2 4(1)(3)
THE BELLRINGER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alan Davis Blackwater Collection
1- 2 1M+2M 1/2 turn LH while 1L+2L 1/2 turn RH while 3s set, 3M pulling back LSh, 3L RSh, to face out
3- 4 2s (facing out)+1s (facing in)+3s (facing out) Balance in Line
5- 8 1s+3s change places (Men RH, Ladies LH), 2s+3s+1s Balance in Line
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (2s out/down, 3s in/up, 1s out/up)
17-24 1s dance up to 2nd place while 3s step down to 3rd place (2 bars), 1s cross up LH between 2s & cast to 2nd place opp sides, turn LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corner, set to partner, set to 2nd corner, pull back RSh & dance round each other RSh to 2nd place own side facing out. 2 1 3
THE BELLSTANE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Heather Knox
1- 8 1s & 3s petronella turn into middle & set, 1s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 up/down middle
9-16 1s & 3s change places with partners RH, 3M+1L change places LH & 1L+3M+2s dance LH across while 1M+3L chase clockwise 1/2 way
17-24 1s & 3s petronella turn to own sides & set, 1s cast 1 place & turn LH into…
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) ending in 2nd places (NB 2nd time - 1s dance between 3s to 4th pl)
THE BELTANE (OR THE RITES OF SPRING) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Lily Davison Glenfeshie Bk 2
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 2nd corners; all turn partner RH into promenade hold facing down. (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s promenade
25-32 All Adv+Ret; all circle 6H 1/2 round to left. 2 1 3
BEN MACDHUI (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ronald Mackey 1990
1- 8 1s+2s+3s cross RH & all chase clockwise to Ladies across top 1st pl & Men across in 3rd pl, all change places with prtnr LH & chase anticl'wise back to places
9-16 1s followed by 2s (in "Galant hold") dance down below 3rd pl,1s cross, 2s remain on own side & 1s cast up to 2nd place opp sides & 3/4 turn RH remaining in middle facing up while 2s cast up to 1st place own sides
17-24 1M followed by 1L dance up and cast behind 2L (in 1st place) and into 2nd place own sides. All turn RH. 2 1 3
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
Galant Hold: Lady on Man's Left. Man gives partner right hand & puts his left hand behind her. She takes his left hand in hers on her waist. If the lady wishes (and if she trusts him) she may allow him to rest his hand on her waist while she holds her skirts in the approved manner.
BEN NEVIS (R5x32) 5C Set Pat Charlton Counting Sheep
1- 8 1s & 3s cross, cast (2s & 4s step up); 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round couple above
9-16 3s followed by 1s dance down, cast up behind own line, 3s to 2nd place, 1s to 4th place, 1s & 3s turn partner LH to face 1st corners. 2 3 4 1 5
17-20 1s & 3s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pull back RSh to face 4th corners
21-24 1s & 3s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 4th corners finishing 3s in 2nd place, 1s in 4th place own side. 2 3 4 1 5
25-32 2s+3s+4s (top 3 couples) circle 6H round & back while 1s+5s (bottom couples) dance 1/2 R&L, set & cross RH. 2 3 4 5 1
BEN WYVIS (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Kathleen Dunbar Rose & Thistle
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up 3-4) & turn LH (4 bars)
9-16 1s dance RH across, 1L with 2s at top & 1M with 3s. 1s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple. 1s remain in centre facing 2M at top
17-24 1s NHJ set twice forming an arch while 2M dances under arch & out to left while 2L sets & crosses over. 1s turn inwards to face 3L & repeat (3M sets & crosses)
25-32 1s swivel Right to face 3L again & repeat (3M sets & crosses), 1s turn inward to face 2M again & repeat (2L sets & crosses)
33-40 1s in centre pass LSh to dance LSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
BENARTY BISHOP (R8x32) 2C (4C set) A Boyd SCD Archives
1- 4 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance into centre & up to form a line across with 2s (all facing up)
5-12 1s+2s dance up 1 step & Men pass Ladies (1M+2L, 2M+1L) in front to put 2s in the middle in prom hold facing 1L (in 1M place), 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across giving LSh to 1L, 2s cast down round 1s to original places
13-16 2s cross RH, cast up to top, dance into centre & form line across with 1s (facing down)
17-24 1s+2s dance down 1 step & Men pass Ladies in front to put 1s in the middle in prom hold facing 2L (in 2M place), 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across giving RSh to 2L, 1s cast up round 2s to original places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
BENEATH THE PINES (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ralph Sizer Pinewoods Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo with Men making arches
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s dance under arches made by 2s+3s, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance up under arches made by 2s+3s
17-24 1s+2s+3s Promenade to right
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE BENIGN PRESENCE (S3x32) 3C set Murrough Landon
1- 4 1s+2s set advancing & face up NHJ, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance up & face out. 3s face up
5- 8 All dance 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in/down to start), 3s & 2s loop into place 3 1 2
9-16 1s turn 3/4 RH to face 1st corners, turn 1st corners LH, partner 3/4 RH, turn 2nd corner LH to end facing 3rd corner
17-20 1s+3rd corners dance Corner Pass+Turn (corners turn 2H), 1s pass RSh to face 4th corners
21-24 1s+4th corners repeat 17-20 to end on own sides 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance "Accompanied Alternate Rights+Lefts":
'25-26 3s+1L also 1M+2s dance 1/2 RH across in 1st/3rd places, 1L leading 3L & 1M leading 2M, end outside 2L/3M. (3M+2L have moved clockwise)
'27-28 1L+3L with 2L also 1M+2M with 3M dance 1/2 LH across on opp sides to end 2L+ 3L+1L on Men's side & 1M+ 2M+3M on Ladies' side
'29-32 Repeat bars 25-28 but with 3L leading 1L & 2M leading 1M to end 3 1 2
THE BENNETS OF INVERGLOY (J4x32) 4C set Bill Skene
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast behind 2s, in front of 3s & behind 4s to 4th place opposite sides
9-16 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way & set
17-24 1s cross down & dance reels of 3 with 4s+3s on opposite sides (top 3 cpls)
25-32 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way. 2 3 4 1
BERKHAMSTED CASTLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Stephen Webb Berkhamsted Diamond Coll
1- 8 1s cast off one place (4 steps), 1s & 2nd corners turn RH to finish 1s back to back, 1M facing up and 1L facing down, retain hands with corners
9-12 1M+2s and 1L+3s, give hands as in Crown Triangles, all set then,1s PdB out while 2s+3s PdB in all turning R about (2s&3s are back to back)
13-16 1M+2s and 1L+3s give hands, set and 1s set again as 2s+3s advance setting, to finish 2s in 1st place and 3s in own place
17-24 1s turn 1.1/4 RH to face out on opposite sides & cast to R ,1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 across to finish in 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE (S3x32) 3C Triangular Set Brian Smith Aurora 2nd Bk
3 couples in Triangular Set
1- 4 1s Adv, face each other, set advancing passing LSh to 1M facing 3s, 1L facing 2s
5- 8 1M+3s also 1L+2s dance RH across. 1s face each other (1M facing up, 1L facing down)
9-16 1s set, cross RH, cast clockwise round outside and end 1M facing 3s, 1L facing 2s
17-20 2s & 3s take promenade hold & all dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4. 1s face each other, 1M facing down, 1L facing up
21-24 1s turn 1.1/4 LH. 1M faces 2s (3rd place), 1L faces 3s (2nd place)
25-28 Repeat bars 17-20.
29-32 2s & 3s promenade 2 places clockwise while 1s turn 1/2 RH to join promenade. Finish 2 3 1
BERNIE'S TRIUMPH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides giving hands (1s in/down, 2s out/up, 3s in/up)
9-16 1s+2s turn 1.1/2 times to change places (Men RH, Ladies LH); 1s+3s turn 1.1/2 times to change places (Men LH, Ladies RH)
17-24 All join hands on sides & set, Men set again while Ladies advance; Men advance while Ladies retire, Ladies set while Men retire
25-32 3s+1s dance Tourbillon
BERRY BROW (S4x32) Sq.Set Joan Thompson Ribble Valley Bk
1- 8 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain & end 1M+3L facing 2s, 1L+3M facing 4s
9-16 1s & 3s dance reels of 4 across
17-24 1s & 3s pass 2s/4s RSh & chase clockwise to 1st/3rd positions, 1s+3s dance RH across to end 1s in 2nd place & 3s in 4th place as 2s+4s dance into centre & dance RH across (4 bars) then chase 1 place to 3rd/1st places (4 bars)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
THE BERSTANE (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Peter Wright Orkney Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s set & dance LH across 1/2 way. (2) (3) 1
9-16 3s+1s+2s dance modified Snowball starting with 3s+1s changing place LH on sides then 2s+1s change places RH on sides as 3s cross RH etc. to end 3 (1) 2
17-24 1s set & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & all Advance
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande. End 2 1 3
BERT MCCROSKIE (R5x32) 5C set John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 15
1- 8 All set; 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 down round 2s while 5s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 4s; 1s & 5s 3/4 turn partners RH
9-16 1s+2M also 5s+4L dance RH across, 1L & 5M pass RSh; 1s+3L also 5s+3M dance LH across.
17-20 1s+4M also 5s+2L dance RH across
21-24 1L followed by 1M dances down between 4s, separate & cast to 4th place own side while 5M followed by 5L dances up between 2s & cast to 2nd place own side (2s & 4s step down/up 21-22) End 2 5 3 1 4
25-28 5s+3s also 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. End 2 (3) (5) (4) (1)
29-32 1s & 3s turn partners 1.1/2 RH to own sides while 5+4s dance 1/2 R&L. End 2 3 4 5 1
THE BERVIE BRAES (R4x40) Sq.Set Martin Mulligan Dance Around This One
1- 8 All set, Ladies dance clockwise in front of partners & behind next Man to meet opposite Man, all set
9-12 1s & 3s 1/2 turn own partners RH, lead out (1s to 2nd pl, 2s to 4th pl) while 2s & 4s retire to corners & advance towards partner
13-16 2M+4L 1/2 turn RH & lead out to 2nd place while 2L+4M 1/2 turn RH & lead out to 4th place while 1s & 3s retire to corners & set
17-20 4L+2M also 2L+4M dance (Ladies leading) 1/2 Alternating Tandem reel of 3 across with 1s/3s (RSh to 1M/3M)
21-24 2s+4s dance 3/4 LH across in centre & Ladies followed by partners dance out (2s to 1st pl, 4s to 3rd pl) while 1s & 3s remain in corners
25-28 2s & 4s dance (Ladies leading) dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem reel of 3 across (LSh to 1M/3M) & 1s end in 4th pl, 3s in 2nd pl
29-32 2s+4s dance 3/4 RH across & Men followed by partners dance out (2s to 1st place & 4s to 3rd place)
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
BERWICK JOHNNIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across, set & dance 1/2 LH across
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corners RH & partner LH to 2nd places
BERYL'S BOUQUET (S64) Sq.Set Oluf Olufsen Ayr Branch
1- 8 All turn RH & turn corners LH to end facing clockwise Lady on right
9-16 All Promenade to original places
17-24 The Bouquet – All set to partners, Men cast & chase cl'wise while Ladies cast & chase anticl'wise to meet new partners, repeat with new partner
25-32 Repeat twice more
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
41-48 All in Allemande hold promenade to original places
49-64 Repeat The Bouquet
BESPOKE TAYLORS (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 3
1- 8 1s dance in & cast to 2nd pl into centre BtoB Lady facing up Man dn, 1L+2s & 1M+3s circle 3H round to left & 1L ends b'tw'n 2s facing 1M b'tw'n 3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s set & dance Triple Petronella onto sides, set & Triple Petronella into lines across
17-24 2s+3s+1s set, circle 6H round to left & 1s end facing 3rd corner positions
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners, turn RH to face 2nd corner positions, dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd places
BESSIE AND LAURIE KEMP (J5x40) 5C Set J Trevor Stephenson The Ayton Collection
1- 8 1s+5s cross RH, cast in 1 place (2s & 4s step up/down bars 3-4), all set & cross RH
9-12 All set & cross LH, 2s+3s+4s finish on the side while 1s+5s turn partners 1/2 LH in the centre
13-16 1s+5s continue turning partner 1.1/4 LH to face own sides
17-20 1M+2s & 1L+3s+5M & 5L+4s dance RH across. 1s+5s finish in centre facing partners (L facing up, M facing down)
21-22 1s+5s turn partners 1/2 LH finishing 1L between 2s facing down, 5M between 4s facing up, 1M/5L in centre between 3s facing up/down LSh to LSh
23-24 Top & bottom lines set as centre 4 Bal-in-Line
25-32 1s & 5s turn to right & dance reels across (1L+2s & 5M+4s reels of 3 at ends & 1M+5L+3s reels of 4 in middle). 1M+5L pass by right & 1s/5s finish in centre facing partners in 2nd/4th places.
33-34 1s+5s turn partners LH to own sides facing out
35-36 1M+3M also 5M+4M change places LH (no polite turn) while 1L+3L also 5L+4L change places RH (no polite turn). Finish 1s/4s face in/out
37-38 1M+4M change places RH while 1L+4L change places LH (no polite turn). Finish 1s face out
39-40 1M+5M change places LH while 1L+5L change places RH (no polite turn). End 2 3 4 5 1
THE BEST MAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Frans Ligtmans Two By Two
1- 8 1s turn RH to end side by side facing up, 1s cast 1 place (2s step up) & 2s+1s+3s set
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn LH into promenade hold
17-24 2s+1s+3s Promenade
25-32 1s dance down between 3s, cast up, dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place
BEST SET IN THE HALL (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Helen Greenwood RSCDS Bk 46
1- 8 1s set & 1L followed by partner casts below 3s. 1L crosses & casts up to face her 1st corner while 1M dances up the middle to face 1st corner
9-12 1s set to 1st corners & dance RSh round each other into 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners dance in & turn right about to face their original position
13-16 1s+1st crnr person set & 1st crnr persons dance RSh round each other into diag opp crnrs while 1s dance in & pivot to right to face 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to 2nd place opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partners RH
BETHANKIT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Moira Stacey RSCDS Graded 3
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig. 8 up round 2s
9-16 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance reels of 3 across (1M+2M, 1L+3L pass LSh). 1s end in 2nd place opp. sides
17-24 1s set, turn 3/4 RH, 1M with 2s (at top) also 1L with 3s (at bottom) dance LH across. 1s finish in 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s R&L
BETTY BURKE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Milton Levy Tin Woodman
1- 8 1s slip step down & back
9-16 1s cast to face 1st corner, set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner & set to partner up/down in the centre
17-24 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to 2nd place opposite side & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 1st corner
25-32 1s chase anticlockwise round end couples (M up & L down) to 2nd place own side while 2s+3s turn RH, 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides
BETTY FROM CHESTER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 1
1- 8 1s cross, cast 1 place, advance, 1/2 turn & twirl to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (RH on sides to start)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides giving RSh to 3rd corner (pstn) to start, 1s meet in middle & 1/2 turn RH
17-24 1s twirl & dance reels of 3 across (1M with 3s at top & 1L with 2s) giving RSh to 2nd corner (pstn) & pass partner LSh to…
25-32 1s dance RH across (1L with 3s at top & 1M with 2s), 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round 1/2 way
BETTY GRANT'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell
1- 8 1s set advancing & turn 2H, cast 1 place & cross LH
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 2nd corner) & end facing 1st corner
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass LSh to face 2nd corners, dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners & end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice
1- 8 1s+4s cross RH & cast in, 4s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 4s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides, 1s dance up to top. 1 2 3 4
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 (2s & 3s cross up/down)
25-32 All set twice, 1s cast to bottom as 2s+3s+4s turn RH & dance up 1 place
BETTY WILDE'S DELIGHT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Dee Steed Friendship Dances
1- 8 1L+2L+3L dance RSh round partner & back to place, all set
9-16 1L+2M+3M repeat 1-8
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 3rd place opp sides (2s+3s step up); 1s cross RH, cast up to 2nd place own side (3s step down)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BETTY'S DELIGHT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Christopher Harris
1- 8 1s dance down between 2s & cast down behind 3s, dance up between 3s & cast up behind 2s
9-16 1s cross down & cast round 1st corner to end between couples, 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to own sides
17-24 1s dance RH across 1/2 way (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) 7&cast to 2nd place own sides, 2s+1s+3s circle left 1/2 way & 1/2 turn partners RH
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
BETTY'S FANCY (S5x32) 5C set Stafford & District Caledonian Society
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 3 Couple Knot while 4s+5s dance 2 Couple Knot. 3 2 1 5 4
9-12 1L crosses up to dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 2M+3M while 1M crosses down to dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 5L+4L
13-16 1L crosses down to dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 3L+2L while 1M crosses up to dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 5M+4M (as Inveran Reels). 2 3 1 4 5
17-24 1s dance the Stafford Knot: - 1s cross down RH below 4s to cast up & cross RH to own side, 1s cast down to cross up LH to 3rd place opp sides
25-28 2s+3s dance R&L (1 bar per hand) while 1s+4s+5s dance Grand Chain for 4 bars
29-32 2s+3s turn 2H once round while 4s+5s+1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to end 2 3 4 5 1
BETTY'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s & 4s cast in 1 place while 2s & 3s cross up/down & face out, 2s+1s also 4s+3s set on sides with nearer hands joined & turn round once
9-16 Repeat above Fig from new pstns ie 2s & 3s cast while 1s & 2s cross up/down, set on sides & turn (all now on opposite sides)
17-24 1s & 4s cast in 1 place while 2s & 3s cross up/down to ends on own sides & face in, 1s+4s 1/2 turn partner RH, 1/2 RH across & 1/2 turn partner to end with 4s in 2nd place facing down & 1s in 3rd place facing up with nearer hands joined
25-32 4s+1s circle 4H round & back to end 2 4 1 3
BETTY'S REEL (R4x32) 4C set Maureen Daly & Jim Caldwell Peterborough 2000 Collection
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across; 1s cast 1 place, pass RSh to finish back to back in the centre facing opposite sides while 2s NHJ dance up to 1st place
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles, on bars 15-16 1s cast into 3rd place while 3s step up. 2 3 1 4
17-24 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across, Lady with 3s & Man with 4s
25-32 1s set & cast to 4th place while 4s step up. All turn partners RH. 2 3 4 1
1- 8 2s also 4s dance Figs 8 on own sides RSh to person on right & LSh to person on left
9-16 All dance RH across, 2L+1s, 2M+3s+4L, 4M+5s. 2s & 4s pass partners RSh to dance LH across with other couples. 2s & 4s end facing 1st corners
17-24 2s & 4s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, repeat with 2nd corners to end in original places
25-28 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link
29-32 1s+4s (in 2nd & 3rd places) also 3s+5s (4th & 5th places) Set+Link. End 2 4 1 5 3
BETTY'S WEDDING (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) James Cosh 22 SCDs
1- 8 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times, cast down 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance reel of 4 with 1st corners & end facing 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance reel of 4 with 2nd corners
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BETWEEN YEWS AND WILLOWS (S3x32) 3C set Regina Freinbichler, Salzburg
1- 8 1s dance down, turn 3s (Men RH, Ladies LH); 1s dance down below 3s & cast up to 1st place
9-16 1s+3s dance R&L ending 1M facing out while 2s turn 2H, face each other then set & dance RSh round each other to face again, pull back RSh & dance out to place
17-24 1M followed by 1L casts off 1 place, dances between 2L & 3L, casts behind 3L & into 3rd place own side (2s+3s step up 23-24). 2 3 1
25-32 1s dance up, turn 2s (Men LH, Ladies RH); 1s dance up between 2s & cast to 3rd place. 2 3 1
BEV'S DANCE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Reyswood Sydney Down Under
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1L up between 2s, 1M down between 3s) to finish facing 1st corner
9-16 1s+1st corners set, 1s pull back RSh to face each other & turn 3/4 RH to face 2nd corner; 1s repeat with 2nd corner & face 3rd corner
17-24 1s repeat with 3rd & 4th corners. 1s finish in 2nd place opp side. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s turn partner LH; 2s & 3s turn partner RH while 1s cross RH & set
BEV'S DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob McMurty The Devil's Quandary
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret; all dance DoSiDo with partner & clap bar 8
9-16 1s turn RH (4 bars); 1s cast (2s step up) & set
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back up to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L. End 2 1 3
BEYOND AMBIVALENCE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Bonny McIntyre New Friends
1- 8 1s & 3s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s (1s cast to start)
9-16 1s lead down for 3 steps, lead back up & cast to 2nd place
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s dance between 3s to start) & 1s give RH to end BtoB for Double Triangles
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles & end facing 1st corners
33-40 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending in centre facing partner & petronella turn to 2nd place
BEYOND THE BLACK STUMP (J40) Circle Sheila Gradon Beyond the Black Stump
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 8 All circle round & back
9-16 Men advance (2 steps) & make arch, Ladies stand for 2 bars dance under arch (2 bars); Ladies dance round partner LSh & back to place, Men turn to face partner bar 16
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with partner & turn partner RH & all face anticlockwise, hands crossed ready for …
25-32 All promenade anticlockwise in allemande hold. Bar 32: Men turn Ladies under arm to face partner ready for …
33-40 All dance Grand Chain (2 steps per hand) passing 4 people, person 5 becomes new partner
BIDE A WEE (M-2x(S32+J32)) 4C set Iris Clingam
1- 8 1s dance down centre of set & cast back to places while 4s cast to top & dance down to places
9-16 2s+3s dance RH across, lead out of ends & cast back to places
17-24 All set (HS) & turn partner twice
25-32 1s & 3s dance down under arches of 2s/4s who dance up, repeat with 1s & 3s making arches; 2s, 3s & 4s make arches & 1s dance to 4th place. 2 3 4 1
THE BIG BANG (R4x40) 4C Set John Drewry Greenburn Bk 1
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Advance into tight circles (Hands Raised) & Retire, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s & 3s turn 1.1/2 times, 1M+4L also 1L+4M turn RH 1.1/2 times on sides into prom hold
17-24 1M+4L & 1M+4L in prom hold dance reels of 3 on sides (RSh to 2L/3L)
25-32 4s+1s dance LH across & end facing corners, turn corners RH ending on sides 2 4(1)(3)
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
BIG MAC (FIVE-COUPLE MACDONALD OF THE ISLES) (S5x32) 5C Set John Rigby Montreal Moments
1- 8 2s & 4s dance diagonal reels of four with 1st corners & end dancing LSh round partner to face 2nd corners
9-16 2s & 4s dance diagonal reels of four with 2nd corners & ending in original places
17-24 All dance a Cumulative ("Snowball") Grand Chain:-
17-20 1s+3s cross RH & face down, 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places on the sides LH
21-24 2s cross RH as 1s+4s also 3s+5s change places RH on the sides, 2s+4s also 1s+5s change pls LH on sides as 3s cross LH. 4(2)5(1)3
25-32 4s+2s also 1s+5s dance 1/2 R&L, 4s+5s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Men up, Ladies down). 2 4 1 5 3
BIKING IN AARHUS (J3x32) 3C Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 2 1s dance down passing RSh to BtoB in centre 2nd place 1L facing up, 1M facing down (2s step up 1-2)
3- 8 2s+1s+3s dance Crown Triangles. Bar 8: 1M turns right about to behind 1L facing 3M
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem reel (1L RSh to 3M); 1s repeat (1M LSh to 2M)
17-24 1s repeat (1L RSh to 3M at top); 1s repeat (1M LSh to 2M at bottom). 1s end in centre facing own side, 1M above 1L
25-32 1M+3s (at top) & 1L+2s (at bottom) dance RH across & LH across to end 3 1 2
Note: Bars 9-24: 1s are dancing Alternating Tandem Figs 8 – first on Men's side, then on Ladies' side
BILL AND RAJEEV'S WEDDING JIG (J3x32) 3C set Suzanne Lajoie Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 on sides (1L casts, 1M dances in & 1s pass 2s RSh to start). 1L ends facing out
9-16 1L followed by 1M casts round 2L, crosses down between 3s, casts up round 3M to 2nd place own side (2s step up 11-12)
17-24 1s+3s Set+Link; 2s+3s+1s dance DoSiDo with partner
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back
BILL CLEMENT MBE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Wilkinson RSCDS Bk 47
1- 8 1s set & dance down between 3s & cast up to end LH with partner facing 1st crnrs
9-16 1s set & turn inwards to face 3rd crnrs, 1s set to 3rd crnrs & turn crnrs LH to end RH with partner facing 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s set & turn inwards to face 4th crnrs,1s set to 4th crnrs & turn crnrs RH to end 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BILL HENDRY'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Magic Medicine
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH; 2L+1s also 2M+3s dance RH across. End in line of 3 across (1L & 3M in middle of lines)
9-16 All dance 6H round & back ending in lines across again
17-20 1s+2s+3s change with partners RH (2s cross diagonally up/down), change RH with opposite person, 1M dancing below 3rd place, 1L above 1st place
21-24 2L+3s (at top) & 2M+1s (at bottom) dance RH across to end on own sides 3 2 1
25-32 3s cross & cast to 3rd place while 2s+1s set & cross RH moving up 1 place; all set & cross RH to own sides. 2 1 3
BILL JACOB'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set Ruary Laidlaw Lochiel Collection
1- 8 1s+3s cast behind lines (4 bars) & cast back to places
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s set to partners, dance RH across back to places (4 bars) & set to partners again. Finish 1s facing 2s, 3s facing 4s on sides
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides. 1L finish facing out
25-28 1L followed by 1M casts below 4s, crosses into 4M place pulling back RSh to face 1M in 4L place (2s+3s+4s join hands & step up 27-28)
29-32 1s turn 1.1/2 RH. 2 3 4 1
BILL LITTLE'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s +3s dance down the middle for 2 steps, turn 2H, dance up to places & cast down 1 place. 2 1 4 3
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance Diamond Poussette
17-24 1s & 3s set, 1/2 turn partners RH & dance out to chase clockwise 1/2 way (to change places)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 2 3 4 1
BILL MARTIN'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Evelyn Ramwell Kirkbrae Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s+3s turn partner RH 1/2 way, turn R & dance out to partners place & dance 6H 1/2 way round to own sides
9-16 3s+2s+1s repeat above Fig back to places
17-24 1s+2s 3/4 turn partners 2H into middle & dance a 1/2 reel of 4, 2s+1s turn 2H to end in prom hold facing up as 3s dance in
25-32 2s+1s+3s Promenade
BILL MEEK'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John A Johnston Jig Time 1
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s face down to dance 1/2 parallel reels of 3 on sides (1M+3L pass RSh, 1L+3M pass RSh) 3M & 1M face out. 3 (1) (2)
9-16 3s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 17-18 All set
19-20 3s+2s dance "The Capstan":3s NHJ dance down 2 places while 2s cast up to 1st place
21-22 2s NHJ dance down 2 places while 3s cast up to 1st place
23-24 3s NHJ dance down 2 places curving into 3rd place while 2s cast up to first place. (2) (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s dance 1/2 double Fig 8 (2s cross down, 1s dance up) & 1s+2s turn on sides (Men RH, Ladies LH). 2 1 3
BILL NAUSS OF BOULDER BAY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Lydia Hedge Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1L casts followed by 1M, dances across to 2nd place opp side (2s step up 3-4); 1M casts followed by 1L, dances across to 3rd place own side (3s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s dance up to top, cast, meet, dance down & cast up round 3s to face 1st corners (3s step down 15-16)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner LH, dance LSh round 2nd corner into lines across (1M between 2s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up); all turn opposite dancer RH (1s 3/4 RH turn to 2nd place own side)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BILLY'S 65TH FLING (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Sheila Bain
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Set & Rotate for 3 couples to finish 3 2 1. 1s finishes facing clockwise
9-16 1M followed by partner dances up 1 place & 1s turn RH to face 1st corner positions
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting to finish 1L between 2s (in 3rd place) & 1M between 3s (in 2nd place)
25-32 All 3 couples dance Set+Link for 3 once to finish 3 1 2 all on opp side; RH across, 1L+2s, 1M+3s
33-40 3s+1s+2s chase 1/2 round set clockwise & all turn partner RH (or Birl). End 2 1 3
THE BIOLOGIST (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gillian Carter Sydney Down Under
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s turn 1.1/4 RH ending in centre facing opp sides while 2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round
9-16 1s dance the Snake Pass:
1s dance LH across (1M+3s & 1L+2s), 1M followed by 3s also 1L followed by 2s pass RSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends & loop round to right to end in 2nd place. (2) 1 (3)
17-24 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round; 3L+1M (top couple Ladies' side) with 1L+2M (bottom couple Men's side) dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 (1L+3L pass RSh, 1M+2M pass RSh to start)
25-32 3M+1M (top couple Men's side) with 1L+2L (bottom couple Ladies' side) dance 1/2 diag R&L; 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (1M+2L also 1L+3M pass LSh to start). End 2 1 3
BIRD IN THE HAND (R3x32) 3C set Lydia Hedge Further Ado
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
17-24 1s+3s Set & Rotate. 2 3 (1)
25-32 All set, 1s followed by 3s lead up, 1s cross & 1s followed by 3s dance down own sides to 3rd/2nd place. 2 3 1
THE BIRD MAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sheila Trafford Newcastle 70th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast 2 places & dance up to BtoB in centre, 2nd place facing opp sides (2s step up 5-6)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Inverted Double Triangles: All set, 1s set advancing & turn R about to face in while 2s & 3s dance in & turn R about to face out; repeat ending with 1s in centre facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners & end in 2nd place opp side
25-32 1s cross RH & cast right while 2s+3s set & change places RH on side; 1s cross RH up/down & cast right while 2s+3s set & cross RH. 2 1 3
BIRGIT RÖHRICHT'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Anselm Lingnau Merry Dancers
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn 2H, lead down crossing below 3s & cast up to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn partners 2H
17-24 2s+1s dance 4H round to left, 1s cross up to 1st place & cast to 2nd place as 2s cast to 2nd place & lead up to 1st place
25-32 2s+1s+3s Promenade
BIRKENSIDE (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1L+2L cross between partners & cast back to places, 1M+2M repeat
17-24 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
THE BIRKIE LADS (M 4x(S32+R32)) 2C (4C set) Roy Clowes Ormskirk Bk 5
3s+4s dance similarly to 1s+2s
1- 4 1L cast down 1 place as 2M cast up 1 place & they turn RH until in line with original place
5- 8 1s+2s dance RH across ending in original places
9-16 1M cast down 1 place as 2L cast up 1 place & 1/2 turn LH, 1s+2s dance LH across & end 2L+1M in place as 1L+2M pass LH to face partners
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 across ending in original places
25-32 All dance a "Half" Chain:
1L+2M turn LH into partner's place while 2L+3M cast up/down
Repeat this figure three more times with persons in 1L & 2M positions turning LH
1-32 Middle coupls repeat above figures in reel time
BIRKMYRE PARK (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Anna Traynor Glasgow Diamond Jubilee
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn 2H & 1M presents partner to 2M & retires to place, 2M+1L set & turn 2H & 1L presents 2M to 2L & retires to place
9-16 2s set, turn 2H & 2M presents partner to 1M & retires to place, 1M+2L set & turn 2H & retire to place
17-24 1s & 2s petronella turn into centre, 3/4 turn RH to opposite sides, petronella turn into centre & 3/4 turn RH to dance…
25-32 1s+2s dance the Rondel
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place (2s step up), set & cast to 3rd place (3s step up)
9-16 1s set, lead up to places (2s+3s step down), cross RH & cast to 2nd place opposite sides (2s step up)
17-24 2s+1s dance R&L 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners
33-40 1s dance down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place & turn partner 2H to end in centre (on opposite sides)
41-48 1s dance up between 2s, cast to 2nd place & turn partner 2H 1.1/2 times
THE BIRKS OF INVERMAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Skillern RSCDS Bk 16
1- 8 1M+2L turn 2H, 1L+2M turn 2H (3 bars) &1s+2s+3s dance in for…
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place, cross up between 2s & cast to 2nd place (2s move up on bars 23-24)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BIRKS OF LAFAYETTE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) C Sigg
1- 8 1s dancing in cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s dance RH across
9-16 1s dancing in cast to 3rd place, 3s+1s dance LH across
17-24 1s lead up to top (LH), cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BIRLIN' AWA (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Stoneywood Collection vol. 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cross down while 2s cast up, 1s+3s turn 1.1/2 times on the sides (Men's side LH & Ladies' side RH)
9-16 3s+1s set, 1s dance up to 2nd place while 3s cast back to places, 2s+1s turn 1.1/2 times on sides (Men's side RH & Ladies' side LH)
17-24 1s cross down to dance reflection (mirror) reels of 3 on own sides
25-32 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn RH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own sides
THE BIRLIN' BIRKIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Taylor Banffshire Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s dance in & cast 1 place while 2s set & cross up, 1s turn RH to face 2nd corner (pstn)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s), 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times while 2L+3M also 2M+3L turn LH all into prom hold
17-24 All dance reel of 3 across (1s give RSh to 2M+3L to start) ending with 1s in centre facing down, 2s in 1st places, 3s in orig places
25-32 1s dance down below 3s, cross & cast up to 2nd place as 3s set & cross RH & 1s turn RH
BIRLIN' SPORRANS (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Rosalind Morrison
1- 8 1s dance RSh round each other moving down (2s step up) & end BtoB in double triangle position (1L facing up to 2s & 1M down to 3s), all set, 1s turn 4th corner RH
9-16 1s turn 1st corner LH & all chase clockwise 1/2 way (1M between 3s at top, 1L between 2s at bottom)
17-24 1s change places RH up/down & cast to right into 2nd place own side & All turn partners RH (3) 1 (2)
25-32 1s dance Diag R&L. 2 1 3
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round for 3 bars, pivot left & chase back to places
BIRLS ALLOWED (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alex Taylor Bannockburn 700
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 2 places (3s face down), 1s with 3s+2s dance 1/2 reflection reel of 3 (1s dancing in/up, 3s down/out, 2s in/down to start) (1) 3 2
9-16 1s cross down to dance full reels of 3 on own sides. 1 3 2
17-24 3s+2s (bottom 2 couples) Set & Rotate:-
Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (3s in 2nd pl). 1 2 3
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+1s turn partner 1.1/2 times RH. 2 1 3
THE BIRTHDAY CAKE (R4x32) 4C set Pollock Sisters Newcastle Half Century Bk
1- 8 All circle 8H round and back
9-10 1s+4s change places, 1s dancing under arch made by 4s. 4 2 3 1
11-12 1s+3s turn on sides (Ladies LH, Men RH) while 4s+2s turn on sides (Ladies RH, Men LH). 2 4 1 3
13-14 1s+4s cross, 1L+4L NHJ dance across under arch made by 1M+4M. (4) 2 3 (1)
15-16 1L+3M turn LH, as 1M+3L turn RH, as 4L+2M turn RH, as 4M+2L turn LH. Finish (4) 2 3 (1)
17-18 2s+3s cross, Ladies dancing under arch made by Men
19-20 2L+4L turn RH, as 2M+4M turn LH, as 3L+1L LH, as 3M+1M RH. Finish (2) (4) (1) (3)
21-22 2s+3s change places up/down dance, 2s dancing under arch made by 3s
23-24 2L+1L turn RH, as 2M+1M turn LH, as 3L+4L turn LH, as 3M+4M turn RH. Finish (4) (3) (2) (1)
25-28 4s followed by 3s & 2s dance towards each other and cast, 4s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place, 2s to 1st place. (2) (3) (4) (1)
29-32 All couples set and cross. 2 3 4 1
THE BIRTHDAY CAKE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly V Sherman
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s Set+Link; 1s+3s Set+Link. 2 3 1
17-24 1s cross RH, cast up 1 place (3s step down); 1s turn 1/2 RH, pull back RSh & dance slightly toward own side to end joining RH with partner & LH with 3rd corner
25-32 1s dance the "Spoke" with 3rd corner, 2nd corner, 1st corner & 4th corner (moving clockwise round) ending in 2nd place own side
A BIRTHDAY DANCE (J4x32) 4C Set T Sommerville 11 More South African SCDs
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place, 1s+4s dance LH across
9-16 1s & 4s change places RH with corners & 2s+3s dance LH across, all set
17-24 All dance reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way while 2s & 3s cross RH, all set. 2 4(1)(3)
BIRTHDAY OFFERING (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) A Raisin Croydon 50th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, dance down below 3s, cast up own sides & in to face 1st corners
9-12 1s turn crnrs 2H while 2nd crnrs change pl LH to form lines of 3 across (1L between 2M+3M & 1M with 2L+3L) & set (bottom line turns to face dn)
13-16 All dance down in lines of 3 & turn to face up
17-24 2M+1L+3M dance up in 'Triumph' hold followed by 2L+1M+3L, all set (top line turns to face dn) & 1s cross LH to face 2nd crnr (pstn) as crnrs set
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with corners & pass LSh to 2nd place own side & all turn partners RH
THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Fletcher Three Hands Across
1- 8 1s turn 2H & cast to 3rd place, cross RH & cast up to 2nd place
9-16 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s in & up to start)
17-24 1s cross up RH ending 1s facing down to 2s in middle & set, 1s+2s dance 4H round to left ending BtoB facing original places
25-32 1s & 2s dance The Bow:-
1s & 2s loop right round through original places & dance LH across 1/2 way, 2s & 1s loop round to right into opp places & cross RH to own sides
A BIRTHDAY STRATHSPEY (S32) Round the Room Barbara Handley Manchester 75th Anniv
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-16 Ladies Chain
17-24 All dance R&L
25-32 All join hands with partner, set twice to opp couple, drop hands, Adv passing opp person RSh (3 steps) & Ret 1 step
BISHOP HALL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 8 1s advance, touch RH & retire; 1s cross RH & cast (2s step up). 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diag R&L (Man up, Lady down) twice. (3) (1) (2)
17-20 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M LSh to 3L at top, 1L LSh to 2M at bottom); 3 1 2
21-28 All dance La Baratte:
21-22 All join hands on sides & set
23-24 Man 1/2 turns opposite Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
25-26 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
27-28 Couple change places LH to opposite places. (3) (1) (2)
29-32 All chase anticlockwise 1/2 round. 2 1 3
THE BISHOP OF COLUMBUS (R4x32) 4C set Terry Glasspool & S Hall
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1M & 4M cast in 1 place, set while 1L & 4L cast in 1 place, 1M+4M 1/2 turn RH while partners set, 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way
9-16 1s+4s dance Ladies' Chain & end turning Ladies LH into middle (1M+4L facing down, 1L+4M facing up)
17-24 Couples pass RSh & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1L+4M round 2s & 4L+1M round 3s) & end 1s on Ladies' side, 4s Men's side, Set+Link with partners
25-32 1L & 4L followed by partners dance Tandem RSh reels of 3 across (1s with 3s, 4s with 2s) & end 2 4 (1)(3)
BIT OF BOTH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) G Sibley Katannuta Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH, set & 1/2 turn RH into promenade hold
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s+2s lead down & back
25-32 1s+2s dance allemande
BLACK AGNES (R4x40) (4C set) J Scott
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, all turn RH
9-16 1s+4s dance LH across, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 R&L 1 2 3 4
17-20 1s+2s cross with Ladies dancing under Mens arch & 1s+2s change places on sides with 2s dancing under 1s arm (2)(1)3 4
21-24 1s+3s cross with 1L+3M dancing under arch made by 1M+3L, 1s+3s change places on sides with 3s dancing under 1s arm (2)(3)1 4
25-32 1s+4s cross with Ladies dancing under Mens arch, 1s+4s change places on sides with 4s dancing under 1s arm, all set & cross RH 2 3 4 1
33-40 3s+4s+1s circle 6H round & back
BLACK ANGUS (S3x32) 3C set A Boyd SCD Archives
1- 8 1s prom round outside of set (pass 2M LSh) end in 2nd pl facing Men's side as 2s+3s set, cross RH & dance RH across to end in pl on opp sides
9-16 1s (prom hold) dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 2L+3L (on Men's side) giving LSh to 3L & 1/2 reel with 2M+3M giving LSh to 2M & end in centre facing dn
17-24 1s (prom hold) dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s (3rd pl) giving RSh to 2L & 1/2 reel with 3s RSh to 3M ending at top with 3s+2s behind ready for
25-32 1s+3s+2s dance Allemande
THE BLACK BEAR (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian C J Galbraith Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee
1-8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set again then 2s turn LH to sides while 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting finishing with Petronella turn to end facing 3rd corner
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Diag reel with 3rd cnrs, pass RSh to dance 1/2 Diag reel with 4th corners ending 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance Diag R&L (Man down, Lady up). 2 1 3
BLACK BITCH REEL (R4x32) 4C set Heather Knox West Lothian 60
1- 4 All 4 couples set,1s & 4s cast in 1 place while 2s & 3s dance NHJ with partner to 1st/4th place
5- 8 1s+4s dance LH across finishing in prom hold with partner. 1s facing 2L, 4s facing 3M
9-16 1s+2s & 4s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 across. 1s & 4s finish in centre, BtoB with partner, facing own side
17-24 1s & 4s 1/2 turn corners NH, corners join free hands in centre in St Andrews Cross & all set, corners drop hands in centre & all turn to end in original places
25-32 1s cross RH, cast behind 2s, dance down between 3s, dance down behind 4s & cross LH to 4th place own side (2s+3s+4s step up 31-32)
THE BLACK BLACK OIL (R5x32) 5C set John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 8 1s & 3s 1/2 turn RH moving down 1 place, face partner & set; cross LH to own sides, cast Left to face 1st corners (1M+3L pass LSh)
9-16 All dance reels across (RSh reels of 3 at ends & RSh reel of 4 in centre) end with 1s & 3s holding partners LH in centre of dance & RH to 1st crnr
17-24 1s & 3s Bal-in-Line with corners, turn corners RH into centre & Bal-in-Line, turn corners to sides & face 2nd corners
25-32 1s & 3s dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners, turn RH 1.1/2 times & cast 1 place on own sides
THE BLACK BURN REEL (J4x32) 4C set Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & chase clockwise 1/2 way
9-16 4s+3s also 2s+1s dance RH across & chase clockwise back to places
17-24 1M+2L change places RH, 1L+2M also 1M+3M change places LH, 1L+3L also 1M+4L change places RH & 1L+4M change places LH
25-32 All set & 1/2 turn partners 2H, 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle 4H round to left
THE BLACK CAT (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 2
1- 8 1M+2L set, 3/4 turn RH, 2L casts down behind 1L as 1M cast up around 2M, change places giving LH & end facing partner on opposite side
9-16 1s & 2s set to partners on sides, change places LH, 1M+2M (at top) also 1L+2L turn RH
17-24 Repeat bars 1- 8 with 2M+1L starting
25-32 1L+2L also 1M+2M set, change places LH, 2s & 1s turn partners RH 1.1/2 times
THE BLACK CRAIG OF DEE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Galloway Album
1- 8 1L followed by 1M casts & dances across to 2M place (1M to 2L place), 1M followed by 1L casts & dances across to 3M place (1L to 3L place)
9-16 1s+2s+3s chase anticlockwise all the way round back to place & 1s lead up to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn corners (2H) ending 2nd place on opposite sides
25-32 All set & 1s 1/2 turn RH while 2s+3s set again, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
THE BLACK DANCE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) David Rutherford 1772 RSCDS Bk 12
1- 8 1s turn RH & LH
9-16 1s lead down to just below 3rd place, 1M leaves partner in 3L's place & leads 3L up to 1L's place
17-24 1M+3L turn RH & LH while 3M+1L do likewise
25-32 1M leads 3L down to just below 3L's place & leads partner up to top place & both cast to 2nd place own side
BLACK DONALD (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s Allemande Right (adv for 2, give RH to ptnr & Lady turns under M's arm, Lady dances back to place as Man retires), 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande Left (repeat giving LH) & dance LH across
17-24 1M followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses up & casts round 2L to end on own sides in 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE BLACK DOUGLAS (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Sam Firth SCD Archives
1- 4 1M+3L change places RH, dance through each other's place & turn 2s (on sides) LH to form diag line with 3L & 1M in centre RH joined
5- 8 Bal-in-Line & turn 2s back to side lines
9-16 1L+3M repeat except that they cross LH & turn RH on sides (3) 2 (1)
17-24 2s pass LSh to dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1M & 3L; 2s turn 1.1/4 LH to 2nd corner diagonal, 2M facing 3M, 2L facing 1L
25-32 2s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3M & 1L; 2s turn LH 1.1/2 times into Allemande hold facing up, 1s dancing in Bar 32 ready for …
33-40 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE BLACK HAIRED LASSIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Carolyn Hunt Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn corners RH & passing RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s turn corners RH & pass partner RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BLACK HORSE MEDLEY (M-(S32+R32)) 4C set B McGhee Imperial Bk 4
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s & 4s lead out of ends & cast to 2nd/3rd pl opp side while 2s & 3s set & cross RH
9-16 1s+4s face diagonally in & set twice (HS)
17-24 1s+4s circle 4H round to left 1/2 way, dance in 1 step & twirl to face corner, set & turn corners (dancing out sides) & end facing up/down at bottom/top
25-32 4s+1s dance Half Rondel: - 4s dance under arch made by 1s who dance up, 1s & 4s cross (Ladies in front of Men), set & cross LH. 2 1 4 3
1- 8 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s & 3s lead out of ends & cast to 2nd/3rd pl opp side while 1s+4s set & cross RH
9-16 2s+3s face diagonally in & set (PdB) & points twice
17-24 2s+3s circle 4H round to left 1/2 way, set turning to face corner, set & turn corners (dancing out) ending facing up/down at bottom/top
25-32 3s+2s dance Half Rondel: -
`3s dance down under the arch made by 2s who dance up, Ladies cross in front of Men & all cast to meet the other Lady or Man on the opposite side & join nearer hands, set on opposite sides of the dance & cross LH back to own sides. 1 2 3 4
THE BLACK HOUSE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Frans Ligtmans Two By Two
1- 8 1s cast down behind own lines & back to top
9-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast up to original places
17-24 1s+2s Adv+Ret, dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 2s+1s Adv+Ret, turn RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
THE BLACK ISLE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Dances collected by Miss Milligan
1- 8 1s followed by 2s+3s cast to 3rd place 3 2 1, join hands on sides & set; 3s followed by 2s+1s cast back to place & all set. 1 2 3
9-16 All set, cross RH with partner; set & cross back RH
17-24 1s lead down & back
25-32 1s+2s dance "New Poussette":
25-26 1s+2s take prom hold with partner (Lady on Man's right) 1s facing down/out to Men's side, 2s up/out to Lady's side)
27-28 Couples dance out diagonally to sides & face diagonally in (1s down/in, 2s up/in)
29-30 Couples dance diagonally into centre to line across facing partner (1M & 2L BtoB in centre)
31-32 Couples turn partner RH to own side. 2 1 3
THE BLACK JOKE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Nuttall Atholl 60th Anniversary
Music: "The Black Joke" - 6 bars + 6 bars + 10 bars + 10 bars phrases
1- 4 1s+2s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (1s cross down, 2s dance up). 1s finish facing out
5- 6 1s+2s change places (1M+2M LH,1L+2L RH)
7-10 1s+3s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (1s dance down, 3s cross up). 1s finish facing out
11-12 1s+3s change places (1M+3L LH, 1L+3M RH)
13-16 1s cross RH & cast up
17-22 2s+1s+3s Set+Link; all cross RH with dancer opposite
23-26 2s+1s+3s Set+Link to finish on the sidelines
27-30 1M dances 1/2 Fig 8 down round 3s as 1L dances /2 Fig 8 up round 2s
31-32 2s+1s +3s set
THE BLACK LEATHER JIG (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Geoffrey Selling Delaware Valley Silver
1- 8 1s set, turn RH, cast 1 place & 3/4 turn LH to face 3rd corner
9-16 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (M with 2s & L with 3s) & 1s turn LH to face 1st corner
17-24 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (L with 2s & M with 3s) & 1s pass RSh to end facing 1st corner
25-32 1s set to 1st corner ending 2nd pl opp side, 1s 3/4 turn RH to face 2nd crnr, set to 2nd crnr ending b'tw'n 2s/3s facing prtnr & 3/4 turn to 2nd pl own side
BLACK MAGIC (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) L Bowlen
All couples start on opp sides
1- 8 4s lead up to top & down to bottom with 3s dancing in behind 4s as they reach the bottom
9-16 3s+4s dance Allemande (down & round to left) to change places
17-24 4s dance RSh reels of 3 across (4L with 2s & 4M with 3s)
25-32 2s+4s+3s circle 6H round to right & back
4s repeat from 3rd place & step up to 1st place
THE BLACK MOUNTAIN REEL (R5x32) 5C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 3
1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH & cast down 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round the couples above them & cross to face 1st corners
9-16 1s & 3s turn 1st corners RH & partner LH, turn 2nd corner RH & partner LH to face 1st corners again
17-24 1s & 3s dance full diagonal reels of 4 with 1st corners
25-32 All dance RH across once round (1L with 2s, 1M+3L with 4s & 3M with 5s), 1s & 3s turn ptnrs LH & cast one place. 2 4 1 5 3
BLACK NESS (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh A Thurston 12 New SCDs 1946-1957
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across & all set; 1M+2L change places RH & all set
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across & all set; 1L+2M change places RH & all set
17-24 1s dance Fig 8 round 2s & cross to own sides
25-32 2s dance Fig 8 round 1s & cross to own sides
BLACK POTTS (S4x32) 4C set Ann Dix Reel Friends 1
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s turn 2H into circle 4H round to left to original places
9-12 1M+2L+3L+4M 1/2 diag reel of 4 (1M+2L & 3L+4M pass RSh to start) but Ladies do not complete reel to end in own pl & Men in each others pl
13-16 1L+2M+3M+4L 1/2 diag reel of 4 (1L & 2M also 3M & 4L pass RSh to start) but Men end in own places
17-24 4s+2s also 3s+1s change places RH on side, all cross LH, repeat but couples remain in centre (4s face 2s & 3s face 1s)
25-32 4s+2s also 3s+1s dance the Rondel with 2s & 3s making the arches. 2 4 (1) (3)
BLACK POWDER RIFLE (R5x32) 5C Set Sue McKinnell
1- 8 1s & 5s dance parallel Figs of 8 on own sides (1s/5s pass 2s/4s RSh to start), 1L & 5M end facing out
9-16 1L followed by 1M also 5M followed by 5L cast down/up 1 place & across the set to opposite sides (2s & 4s step up/down), 1s & 5s turn 1.1/2 LH to own sides 2 1 3 5 4
17-24 All dance RH across (1L with 2s, 5M with 4s, 1M+5L with 3s); 1s & 5s pass partners RSh to dance LH across (1M with 2s, 5L with 4s, 1L+5M with 3s). 1s & 5s end on own side
25-32 All cross RH, 1s+3s change places LH on the sides; All cross RH, 1s+5s change places LH on the sides. 2 3 5 1 4
THE BLACK SWAN (S3x32) 3C Set Lily Davison Light's Vision
1- 6 Grand Chain & Turn:-
All dance a Grand Chain (1 step each hand), but when meet partner at the top turn RH & dance in reverse (1s start with RH turn, 2s+3s face each other to start)
7- 8 All cross RH
9-16 2s dance RH across (2M with 1s & 2L with 3s), 2s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple 1 2 3
17-24 1s+2s dance Set & Chain Progression:
17-20 1M+2L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners set & cast ( 1L down, 2M up) & dance clockwise round to face partner
21-24 1s+2s Set to partner & turn 2H to own side 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s repeat bars 17-24. End 2 3 1
THE BLACK SWANS OF NARRABEEN (J5x32) 5C set Olivia Roberts Sydney Triad
1- 8 1s, 3s & 5s set advancing to give RH to partner & LH to next dancer, Bal-in-Line, 3s & 5s turn RH & lead up 2 places while 1s cast to 5pl
9-16 Repeat from new places. 5 2 1 4 3
17-24 2s & 4s lead down for 3 & back to places, cast down 1 place. 5 1 2 3 4
25-32 5s+1s also 3s+4s dance R&L while 2s cross RH, set, cross back RH & set
THE BLACK WALNUT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) P McBryde Bonspiel Coll
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, set & cast below 3rd place
9-16 1s cross up & cast to top, cross RH & cast to 2nd place
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s)
BLACKADDER HOUSE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) M Johstone & B Zobel Blackadder Coll
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, set & turn 2H to face 2L
9-16 1s+2L set, 1L dances under partners arm to face 3M, 1s (prom hold) dance 1/2 RSh reel with 3M+2L & end facing 3L
17-24 1s+3L set, 1L dances under partners arm to face 2M, 1s (prom hold) dance 1/2 RSh reel with 2M+3L to end 3s, 1s & 2s in centre facing down
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance 'Upside Down Allemande' for 6 bars & 1/2 turn RH
THE BLACKADDER JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Muriel A Johnstone Blackadder Coll
1- 8 1s set, cast 2 places & turn RH
9-16 3s+1s Set+Link, circle 4H round to left
17-24 2s+1s Reverse Set+Link, circle 4H round to right
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
BLACKFORD JIG (J8x40) 3C (4C set) E Ramwell Kirkbrae Coll 1
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back, cast to 2nd place on own sides
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady round 2s & Man down round 3s), turn to face 1st crnr & turn crnr LH (4 bar turn) 1s end in 2nd pl opp sides
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corner to start (end facing 2nd corners)
25-32 1s turn 2nd corners RH (4 bar turn) & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man up round 2s & Lady down round 3s)
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 across giving LSh to 1st corners
BLACKLAND FARM (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rodney J Burrows St Brendan's Set
1- 8 1s cast (2s step up) & dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s; 1s turn LH to face 1st corner
9-12 1s 1/2 turn 1st corner RH, corners join LH in centre & all Bal-in-Line
13-16 Middle couple turn 3/4 LH to 2nd corner diagonal & 1/2 turn 2nd corners
17-20 2nd corners join LH in centre & all Bal-in-Line, middle couple turn 3/4 LH to 1st corner diagonal (1s)
21-24 Middle couple 1/2 turn 1s RH, 1s join LH in centre & all Bal-in-Line
25-32 1s turn 1.1/2 LH to 2nd place own side while 2s+3s chase clockwise 3/4 round to own side (6 bars) & all set. End 2 1 3
THE BLACKSMITH OF ELGIN (J8x48) 3C (4C set) Faith Brosse Imperial 2
1- 8 1s+2s+3s take hands on side & set twice, retain hands & 1M followed by 2M+3M cross & dance down behind Ladies while 1L followed by 2L+3L cross & down Men's side (all pass RSh)
9-16 3s+2s+1s repeat above Fig with 1s leading crossing at bottom
17-24 1s dance Snowball Grand Chain for 3 cpls to end 3 (2) 1: -
`1s cross RH & change places LH on side with 2s
`1s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross RH
`1s cross LH while 2s+3s change places LH. 3 (2) 1
25-32 3L+2L+1L set advancing to hold nearer hands & retire, 3M+2M+1M repeat
33-40 3s+2s+1s dance Snowball Grand Chain for 3 cpls to end 1 2 3: -
`3s cross RH & change places LH on side with 2s
`3s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross RH
`3s cross LH while 2s+1s change places LH. 1 2 3
41-48 1s dance in & cast to 2nd place, all turn RH. 2 1 3
THE BLACKWATER REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) A Davis RSCDS Bk 41
1- 8 1s+2s+3s 1/2 turn partners RH & twirl right to dance out to opposite sides, 1s+2s+3s chase 1/2 way round to own sides
9-16 3s+2s (top 2 couples) dance 1/2 R&L as 1s cross RH & set, 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L as 2s cross RH & set
17-24 1s dance RH across (Man with 3s & Lady with 2s), 1s Pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in & up to start)
THE BLAINSLIE FANCY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 5
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH, 1L casts up to face down between 2s as 1M casts down to face up between 3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, 1s 3/4 turn RH to opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set & 1s 3/4 turn LH ready for…
17-24 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across, 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple. 1s end in centre RSh to RSh facing opp sides
25-32 Fig 8 for 3 couples:
25-28 1s pass RSh, 2M+2L follow 1M through 3L & 3M place while 3L+3M follow 1L through 1M & 1L place. 1s end in centre LSh to Lsh
29-32 All repeat Fig of 8 passing LSh
THE BLAIR SILVER JUBILEE (S4x40) 4C set I Souter Hamilton Ont
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place (2s+3s step to ends), 1s & 4s 1/2 turn partner 2H & set facing up/down
9-16 2s & 3s face in diag as 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH hands across & turn corner person LH, 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across & 1/2 (wide) turn corner to original pls
17-24 1s+2s & 3s+4s Set+Link (1M & 4L end facing out), 1s & 4s 1/2 turn LH & all set. 2 4 1 3
25-28 All dance the Twirl: - Advance towards partner (without joining hands) join RH with partner & Men raise hands above Ladies heads, Ladies dance under Mans arm (release hands end of bar 26), Ladies curve up & out to own sides to end facing down as Men retire (without joining hands)
29-32 2s+4s & 1s+3s dance RH across blending into:
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
BLAIRGOWRIE 70 (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Alan Grant (Blairgowrie)
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), 1s turn RH, finish in prom hold (Lady on Man's right) facing 3M
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 across, finish facing 2L, 1s+2s dance 1/2 RSh reel across. 1M passes 1L across in front LH ready for …
17-24 1M+2s & 1L+3s dance RH across once round to finish all on opp sides (2) (1) (3); All 3 set and cross RH with partner
25-32 All dance 6H round and back. 2 1 3
BLAIRMORMOND (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 4
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1L & 2L pass LSh for reel of 4 across set with Men turning LH to end in centre facing partner
17-24 1s & 2s set to partners, turn 2H & dance 4H round back to places (1s on opp side)
25-32 1s & 2s set & dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 with 1s casting to start
1- 8 All dance (holding 2H) to Ladies corner, 1/4 turn right & dance to next pl anticl'wise, all Ladies dance LH across as Men chase cl'wise 1/2 way
9-16 With 'new' partners repeat bars 1- 8
17-24 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain & set (in original places)
25-32 1L+3L dance in & set, 1/2 turn RH while 2L+4L dance in & all Ladies (in circle) set
33-36 1L+3L cast to partners original places & set while 2L+4L 1/2 turn RH as 1M+3M dance in & 2L+4L+1M+3M all (in circle) set
37-40 2L+4L cast to partners original places & set while 1M+3M 1/2 turn RH as 2M+4M dance in & 1M+3M+2M+4M all set
41-48 1M+3M cast to partners place & set while 2M+4M 1/2 turn RH & set to each other, 2M+4M cast to partners place (all now in partners orig pl)
49-56 1s+3s dance in & 3/4 turn opposite person RH to end in line of 4 across (Ladies BtoB& 1M/3M between 4s/2s), 1M & 3M turn right about & cast right to original places followed by other partner
57-64 2s+4s repeat bars 49-56
65-128 repeat with new partners
BLENHEIM GARDENS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Andrew Patterson Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee
1- 4 1s cross RSh. 1s+2s change places on sides (1M+2L RH, 1L+2M LH)
5- 8 2s+1s dance 1/2 double Fig 8 (1s cross up, 2s dance down)
9-12 1s followed by 2s dance down behind 3s & 4s to meet partners (2s above 1s) in centre NHJ
13-16 2s followed by 1s dance up. 2s cast into 1st place opp sides facing down, 1s between 2s facing up.
17-20 1s+2s Bal-in-Line (1 bar), set turning about (towards centre) to face opp direction (1 bar) & Bal-in-Line again (2 bars)
21-24 1s in promenade hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2L) Finish as Bars 19-20 but 2s on own sides
25-28 Repeat bars 17-20
29-32 1M+2M turn 3/4 LH as 1L+2L turn 3/4 RH
BLERVIE CASTLE (S4x32) 4C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 with couples below them 1s & 3s dancing down to start
9-16 1s & 3s cross to dance reels of 4 on opposite sides passing down between 2s/4s to start to end in original places but 1s & 3s on opposite sides
17-24 1s & 3s 1/2 turn RH to 2nd/4th pl own side as 2s & 4s cast up, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 RH across & all turn partner 2H 1.1/2 times
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette. 2 4 1 3
BLETHERING BETH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Garry Robertson Edinburgh 90th Anniv
1- 8 1L followed by 1M casts 1 place, dances across to 2nd place opp. sides (2s step up 3-4). 1L+2M also 1M+2L turn RH
9-16 1L followed by 1M casts down 1 place, dances across to 3rd place own sides (3s step up 11-12). 1M+3M also 1L+3L turn LH
17-24 1s set, dance up middle, finish back to back facing own sides 2nd place (3s step down 19-20) 2s+1s+3s dance 4 bars Double Triangles
25-32 1L casts up round 2M, thru 2s as 1M casts down round 3L, thru 3s to 2nd place own sides. 2s+1s+3s turn RH (1L remains facing out to repeat)
THE BLETHERING GHILLIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Fuell
1- 8 1s+2s set & turn partners 2H, circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s+2s dance the Knot & 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 on own sides (RSh to 3rd corner) 1L ending between 2s & 1M between 3s, 1s 3/4 turn LH to 2nd places
THE BLEU RIBBON (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Castle Menzies RSCDS Bk 8
1- 8 1M dances down centre & casts up behind 3L, crosses over & casts up behind 2M back to place
9-16 1L casts behind 2L, crosses over, casts down behind 3M & dances up to place
17-24 1s dance in & cast 1 place, lead down between 3s & cast to 2nd places
25-32 1L dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s as 1M dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s, 1s full turn RH, dance out & round 2nd corners, pass RH in centre
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides starting by giving LSh to 1st corner, 1s cross to 2nd place own sides
BLIN' JAMIE (S4x32) 4C Set J Mitchell Whetherly Bk 3
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across, 4s+1s dance LH across & end facing corners
25-32 Turn corners RH, 1/2 LH across in centre, turn opposite corner RH & 1/2 LH across in centre to end 2 4 1 3
BLIND DATE TO THISTLE DEW (R4x32) 4C set Jean Miller Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 3-4); 4s+1s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s cast back up to 1st place (2s+3s+4s step down 11-12); 1s+2s circle 4H round to right
17-24 1s dance mirror Fig 8 on sides (1s in/down to start)
25-32 1s set advancing, 1/2 turn RH to face down; lead down & 1/2 turn RH to 4th place own side (2s+3s+4s step up 29-30)
BLINKBONNY (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Alan Macpherson East Stirlingshire Diamond Jubilee
1- 8 1s+2s dance 4H round to left & chase clockwise 1/2 way to diagonally opposite places
9-16 1s+2s set & cross RH, 1s+2s set & 2s cast to original places as 1s turn LH into prom hold to face 2L
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 with 2s passing 2L RSh to start with 2s ending in 1st place
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s crossing up to start
BLITHE AND CHEERIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob M Campbell Glasgow Assembly & other SCDs
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, cross LH & 1L casts up as 1M casts down both to face 1st corners
9-16 Chain Across:
9-12 1s change places RH with 1st corners, corners change places LH with partners
13-16 1s change places RH with middle person (1M+3M & 1L+2L), 1s pass RSh to lines across facing 2nd corner (pstn)
17-24 1s repeat 9-16 starting 1M+2M & 1L+3L changing places LH. Bars 23-24: 1s dance LSh round each other to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (start passing 2nd corner RSh) & 1s end crossing LH to 2nd place own sides. 2 1 3
1- 8 1s turn 2H & cast 1 place, turn 2H & cast 1 place (Lady up, Man down) to end 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s set twice 1s turning into 2nd place opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set twice & 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners 1s end facing Men's side (Lady on Man's right)
25-32 1s lead out Men's side, cross & cast round 2M/3M to meet facing Ladies' side, lead out Ladies' side, cross & cast round 2L/3L to 2nd pl own sides
BLOOMS OF BEN LAWERS (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Summer Coll 2
3s & 4s start on opp. sides
1- 8 1s & 4s dance Figs of 8 on sides (1s in & down & 4s in & up to start) while 2s & 3s dance Figs of 8 across (casting to start), 2L & 3L end crossing down/up to other side to form line of 4 across with Men who cross down/up to BtoB facing other partner
9-16 2s+3s dance reel of 4 across & Men end turning LH to pick up partner (3s facing up & 2s down)
17-24 3s & 2s lead out ends crossing & cast in 1 place, all set & turn 2H to end 1s facing 3s & 2s facing 4s. 1 3 (2)(4)
25-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance Rondel to end 3 1 (4)(2)
BLOOMS OF BON ACCORD (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All set & 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across once round, 1s & 4s cast in 1 place to 2 1 (4)(3)
9-12 1s & 4s cross RH & cast to ends of set to meet partners in prom hold & dance into centre of dance
13-16 1s+4s dance round passing RSh & to end 1s in the middle on Men's side facing up & 4s in the middle on Ladies' side facing down
17-24 All (1s & 4s in prom hold) dance RSh reels of 3 on sides
25-28 4s+1s dance RH across in centre once round to end 4s facing up & 1s facing down
29-32 4s & 1s lead out of ends crossing & cast in 1 place to end 2 4 (1) (3)
THE BLOOMS OF PERTH (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Betty Kier Book of Perth Dances
1- 8 All circle 8H round to left & back
9-24 All dance full Schiehallion reel
25-32 Ladies dance RH across & LH back as Men set Highland style
33-48 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way (1bar per hand), all 1/2 turn partner RH & set, repeat back to places
49-56 All Petronella-in-Tandem twice to end in opposite places
57-64 All Ladies dance 1/2 double Ladies' Chain , all Men dance 1/2 double Men's Chain to end in original places.
Repeat in Reel Time
BLOOMSBURY GOLD (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alasdair Brown Eglinton Collection
1- 8 1s lead down RH & cross below 3s, cast up, cross LH & cast to original places. On bar 8 all take Promenade hold with partner
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade ending with 1s casting to 2nd place. End 1s face in, 2s & 3s face out
17-20 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on the sides. 1s take hands where possible. (To start, 1s dance in/down, 2s out/down, 3s out/up) 2s+3s finish the reel by looping into place
21-24 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 3s at the top, 1L with 2s at bottom)
25-32 All 3 couples dance Mixed Cross & Rotate:
25-26 1s cross RH while 3s & 2s change RH on sides
27-28 All 3 couples chase 1/4 clockwise
29-30 1s change RH up & down the dance, while 2L & 3L also 2M & 3M cross RH
31-32 All 3 couples chase 1/4 clockwise round the set 2 1 3
BLOSSOM'S REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) P Robertson Ruby Anniversary
1- 4 1s cross down & loop round to face out on opposite sides as for double triangles
5- 8 Set as in double triangles & 1s dance out & turn right about to face in while 2s & 3s dance in & turn right about to face out
9-16 Set (Inverted Triangle formation) & 1s dance in while 2s & 3s dance out all turning R about, 1s dance RSh round 1st corner to face 4th corner
17-24 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides (RSh to 3rd corner) & end in middle RSh to RSh
33-40 1s set & turn about, set & dance RSh round 4th corner to 2nd places
BLUE & WHITE QUILT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)
1- 8 1s dance down 1place, set to 3s who set advancing, 1s+3s dance up to top & cast 1s to 3rd place & 3s to 2nd place
9-16 2s dance down 1 place, set to 1s who set advancing, 2s+1s dance up to top & cast 2s to 3rd place & 1s to 2nd place. 3 1 2
17-24 3M+1L also 1M+2L change places RH, 3L+2L also 3M+2M change places LH, 1L+2M also 3L+1M change places RH & all set. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BLUE BONNETS (J8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 3
1- 8 1L+2M Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo
9-16 1M+2L Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
BLUE BUTTERFLY (S3x32) 3C Set Chris Brooks
1- 4 1s cross down RH to 2nd place opp sides facing out (2s step up) & change place with 3s (RH Ladies' side, LH Men's side)
5- 8 1s dance up NHJ & turn 2s (RH Ladies' side, LH Men's side) to end 2nd place opp side (3s step down 7-8)
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s)
17-24 1s dance RH across (1L with 3s, 1M with 2s), 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 to end 2nd place own sides (1L round 2s, 1M round 3s) 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s dance Espagnole:
`25-26 1s+3s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`27-28 1s+3s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`29-32 3s turn RH as 1s turn LH to 3rd places. End 2 3 1
THE BLUE EYED LASSIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s petronella turn & set, 3/4 turn partners RH to opposite sides & dance RH across 1/2 way. 1s end facing 2nd corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reels across (1M+2s & 1L+3s) & 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (LSh to 1st crnr). 1s ending BtoB in centre 1M face down & 1L up
17-24 1s dance Crown Triangles to end facing out on opposite sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 4 with 1st corner pstns, pass partner RSh for 1/2 reel with 2nd corner pstns & cross RH to 2nd place own sides. 2 1 3
THE BLUE FOOTED BOOBIES (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 2s+3s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 3s+2s 1/2 turn partner RH, twirl & dance out to own side
9-16 All circle 8H round to left for 2 steps, Men turn Lady behind them 2H & continue circle to places
17-24 1s+3s also 2s+4s set & petronella-in-tandem into middle, set & petronella-in-tandem to sides
25-32 1s+4s dance RH across, lead up/down cross & cast in 1 place. 3 1 (4)(2)
THE BLUE LIGHTS OF PIZZA EXPRESS (S4x32) Sq.Set Kirsten Ferguson Aurora 2nd Bk
1- 8 All circle 8H 1/2 round to Left. All dance 1/2 Grand Chain (RH to partner to start) back to places
9-16 All dance "Circular Knot"
9-10 Turn partner 1.1/4 RH into promenade hold facing anticlockwise (Men in centre)
11-12 All promeande 1 place
13-16 All turn partner 1.1/4 LH. Finish with Men facing out, Ladies facing in
17-20 Ladies dance RH across while Men chase anticlockwise 1/2 round set
21-24 All pass opp person LSh. Men dance LH across while Ladies chase clockwise 1/2 round set
25-26 All pass partners RSh. Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men chase 1 place anticlockwise round set
27-28 1M+2L, 2M+3L, 3M+4L & 4M+1L turn LH
29-30 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men chase 1 place anticlockwise
31-32 1M+3L, 2M+4L, 3M+1L & 4M+2L turn 3/4 LH to end in square set with new partners
THE BLUE LOCH (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Marilyn Watson Stepping Out Pt 1
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 2s followed by 1s lead down, 1s followed by 2s lead back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE BLUE MESS JACKET (S4x32) 4C set Douglas Henderson Kinclaven Pocket Bk
1- 8 2s followed by 1s lead down the middle, 1s cross & cast up to top & curve in to end BtoB facing 2s who have danced back to place
9-16 'The Spurtle':
9-12 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 2s & turn RH to face 3s (M facing L)
13-16 Repeat with 3s but end facing 4s
17-20 Repeat with 4s
21-24 1s continue turn to end in 4th place opposite sides & all set (2) (3) (4) (1)
25-32 All Petronella to centre & set, Petronella to own sides & set. 2 3 4 1
BLUE MOON RENDEZVOUS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Fred DeMarse
1- 8 1s set & cast (2s step up), 1s set & 3/4 turn LH while 2s & 3s turn LH once round & face out on own sides
9-16 1s dance LSh reels on own sides (1M up, 1L down) & end in Double Triangle positions facing own sides
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles (6 bars) & end dancing round partner (PdeB) clockwise to1M facing up & 1L down while 2s+3s continue setting
25-32 1M with 2s also 1L with 3s circle 3H round to Left(4 bars); opening into 6H round to Left ending 2 1 3 on own sides
BLUE SHOES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gordon Lloyd Oxford University SD Society
1- 8 1s dance down, cast down behind 3s, cross up LH, cast up behind 2s, dance down to 2nd place BtoB in centre facing opp sides (2s step up 7-8)
9-12 1s join hands with corners & all set, 2nd step 1s rotate 1/4 right, join hands (1M+3s, 1L+2s) & all set. End 1L facing up, 1M facing down
13-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1L+2L & 1M+3M pass RSh). 1s end 2nd place BtoB in centre facing own sides
17-20 Repeat bars 9-12. End 1L facing down, 1M facing up
21-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1L+2M & 1M+3L pass RSh). 1s end 2nd place opp sides
25-32 1s turn 1st corner LH, 2nd corner RH & pass RSH to end 2nd place own side
BLUE SKY, YELLOW SUN (S4x32) 4C set Murrough Landon, 2022
1s & 3s start on opposite sides (1) 2 (3) 4
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across & LH across back, 2M & 3M end facing in, 2L & 3L face out on sides
9-16 2s+3s dance reel of 4 across, 2M+3M start passing LSh as 2L & 3L loop to right. 2L+3L end dancing round each other 3/4 LSh & take partner in prom hold, 2s facing up, 3s down
17-20 2s+1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (2s RSh to 1M in 1L's place) while 3s+4s dance similar (3s RSh to 4M)
21-24 2s+1L+4M dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Ladies' side (2s LSh to 4M) while 3s+1M+4s dance similar (3s LSh to1M).
25-32 2s+3s dance 1/2 Men's Chain (Ladies cast down/up to start); 4s+2s also 3s+1s set advancing & circle 4H 1/2 round to left. (2) 4 (1) 3
BLUE TARTAN (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Music Makers
1- 8 1s cross RH to face out between 2s & 3s; set, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 giving LSh to 2nd corner
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across, 1M with 2s (in 3rd place) & 1L with 3s (in 2nd place), 2s & 3s passing partners LSh
2s+1s+3s end in a circle (not holding hands) 1s in 2nd place on opposite sides 1M facing out & up; 1L facing out & down
17-24 1s dance round outside of circle anticl'wise to opp side; pick up dancer on left; cross over (Men making arches) & turn away from each other
25-32 1s pick up dancer on their left & repeat (crossing diagonally); pick up dancer on left & repeat
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
BLUEBELL FLOWERS (M-(S64+R64)) 4C set Masako Okada Naitoh To Be A Wind
1- 8 All 4 couples set, 1s & 3s cast down 1 place while 2s+4s cross up 1 place to face partner on opp sides; All set. 2s & 4s cast down one place while 1s+3s cross up. (1) (2) (3) (4)
9-16 All dance mirror reels of 4 on opposite sides (RSh reels for Men, LSh reels for Ladies)
17-24 All circle 8H round to left 2 places (2 bars), 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left once round (4 bars), all circle 8H round to left 2 places. 4 3 2 1
25-28 4s+3s also 2s+1s chase 1 place clockwise, all face partner up/down on the sides & set
29-32 All turn partner RH to end in diagonal square set (arranged clockwise 4s, 2s, 1s, 3s) Ladies facing out, Men facing in
33-36 Ladies chase clockwise 1 place, dance in & dance LSh 1/2 round in middle to end facing diagonally opp Man (4M+1L, 2M+3L, 1M+4L, 3M+2L)
37-40 All Ladies set to and turn Man LH
41-43 Men chase anticlockwise, dance in & dance RSh 1/2 round in middle to face original partner
44-48 All set to and turn partner RH to end in longwise set all facing in (Ladies side: 1L 1M 3L 3M, Men's side: 2M 2L 4M 4L)
49-52 All set to couple opposite, 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance LH across 3/4 round (2) 1 (4) 3
53-56 2s & 4s turn partner LH 1.1/2 times to own sides while 1s & 3s turn partner LH. 2 1 4 3
57-64 All circle 8H round and back
65-128 All repeat bars 1-64 in reel time
THE BLUEBELL REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Marie Boehmer Cameo Bk 15 & To Be A Wind
1- 4 1s cross down RH to double triangles position (2s step up 1-2) 1s+2s+3s set as Double Triangles
5- 8 1s turn 2nd corner 3/4 LH. 1M ends above 2s facing down, 1L ends below 2s facing up
9-12 1M+2s set as Double Triangles, 2s turn inwards to face down & 2s+1L set as Double Triangles (1s set throughout 4 bars)
13-16 1M followed by 1L casts down behind Ladies' side. 1M ends below 3s facing up, 1L dances in between 2L & 3L to face down above 3s
17-20 1s+3s repeat 9-12
21-24 1M followed by 1L casts up behind 3M, 1M dances in, pulls back RSh to end in 2nd place own side, 1L dances across to 2nd place own side passing 1M RSh
25-32 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH then turn partner LH (dance out to sides each time). 2 1 3
1- 4 1s cross down below 2s & cast up to top while 4s cross up & cast to bottom
5- 8 1s & 4s dance in to meet, Men dance out Ladies' side as Ladies dance out Men's side, cross & cast to opp ends. (4)2 3(1)
9-16 4L+2L+3M+1M dance 1/2 diagonal RSh reel of 4, 4M+2M+3L+1L dance 1/2 diag reel of 4. 1 (3)(2) 4
17-20 1s set & cast 1 place
21-28 1s dance Diag R&L
29-32 1s lead down 1 place & dance behind 4s to 4th place. 2 3 4 1
THE BLUEBELLS OF BROWNSHAM (S4x48) 4C set Graham &Josephine Pickering ISCA Royal Golden Jubilee
1s & 3s start on opp sides
1- 8 2s+3s dance RH across, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across
9-16 All petronella turn into middle, set, 3/4 turn RH to change sides & set. 1 (2)3(4)
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, end couples 1/2 turn 2H & centre couples 1/2 turn 2H on sides to end in a square set
25-32 All dance 1/2 double Men's Chain, couples in 1st & 3rd places set & turn 2H 1.1/2 times to face Mans corner with Lady behind Man while couples in 2nd & 4th places continue with another 1/2 Men's Chain
33-40 Couples in 1st & 3rd places dance Tandem LSh reels of 3 across & end curving round to face side couple (1s face 4s & Lady faces Man)
41-48 All circle 4H round to left, set, side cpls make arch & cpls from 1st & 3rd pl dance under arches, divide & cast back to form longwise set. (2) 4 (1) 3
THE BLUEBELLS OF SCOTLAND (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Cairdin O't
1- 8 1M sets to 2L & casts 1 place, 1L sets to 2M & casts 1 place
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande Right (Adv for 2, give RH to ptnr & Lady turns under M's arm, Lady dances back to place as Man retires), repeat using LH
17-24 1s set, petronella turn, set & turn RH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners ending BtoB in centre with Man facing up
33-36 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) opening out with 1M leading 3s down Ladies' side as 1L leads 2s up Men's side.
37-40 3s+1s+2s circle 6H 1/2 round to left to end 2 1 3 (own sides) & all 3 couples set
BO-BO'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set Jim Stott
1- 8 1s & 4s slip step down into middle & back to places, 1s+2s also 3s+4s 1/2 turn on the sides (2s & 3s turning inwards), 1s+4s cross RH. 2 1 4 3
9-16 2s & 3s repeat ending in original places opposite sides
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, set, 1s+3s dance 1/2 LH across & set
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, set & all turn RH. 2 3 4 1
THE BOATMAN (S4x32) 4C set Cliff Fryer
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1s+4s dance interlocking Figs of 8 on sides (1s in/down, 4s in/up to start)
9-16 2s & 3s dance Figs of 8 across crossing between 1s/4s to start
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. (2)(4)1 3
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
Note: 1st & 3rd time through 3rd & 4th couples start on opp sides; 2nd & 4th time through 1st & 2nd couples start on opp sides
BOB BOY (R4x40) 4C set Masaaki Watanabe Primrose Coll
1- 8 1s set & cross RH as 2s set, 1s+2s change places LH on sides as 3s set & 1s+3s change places RH while 4s set as 2s cross RH. (2) 3 (1) 4
9-16 2s+3s also 1s+4s change places LH on sides & 2s+4s change pls RH as 1s & 3s cross RH, 3s+4s also 2s+1s change pls LH & all set. 4 (3) 1 (2)
17-24 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides, 1s+3s+4s (bottom 3 couples) dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides. (2) 4 (3) 1
25-32 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round couple above, 2s & 1s cross RH as 4s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way & all set. 2 3 4 1
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
BOB CAMPBELL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, turn 2H to end 1s facing down & 2s+3s facing up in centre, 1s+2s set advancing passing LSh to change places while 3s set, 2s turn 2H while 1s+3s set advancing to change places
9-16 2s+3s set advancing to change places while 1s turn 2H, 3s turn 2H while 2s+1s set advancing to change places & repeat to 1 2 3
17-24 1s+2s dance the Rondel ending with 1s crossing to opposite sides
25-32 1L+3M turn LH while 1M+3L turn RH, 2M+1L 1/2 turn RH while 2L+1M 1/2 turn LH, 1s cross down to 2nd place as 2s dance out & up to 1st place
BOB GILMOUR'S RETURN TO SCOTLAND (J5x32) 5C set Graham & Fay Cattall
1- 8 1s & 3s set, cast 1 place on own sides & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple above them to end 1 place down on opposite sides
9-16 1s & 3s set into centre & dance Double Triangles (Men face up to couple above & Ladies face down (to start), 4s face in & 2s & 5s face down/up)
17-24 All dance RH across, 1L with 2s, 1M+3L with 4s & 3M with 5s, 1s & 3s pass partners RSh to change places & dance LH across
25-32 1s & 3s dance down under arch made by 4s or 5s, all cross to opposite sides passing LSh, all set, all cross LH to own sides
THE BOB O' DOWALLY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 2
1- 8 1s cast 2 places & turn 2H (2s+3s step up 1-2); 2s cast 2 places & turn 2H (3s+1s step up 5-6)
9-16 3s+1s+2s set & turn partners 2H; 3s cast to original places (1s+2s step up 15-16)
17-24 1s+3s circle 4H round to left (1s move down to meet 3s); 1s end in middle, between 2s, facing up, dance up & cast to 2nd place (2s step up 23-24)
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L. 2 1 3
THE BOB OF FETTERCAIRN (R8x24) 2C (4C set) W Campbell RSCDS Bk 6
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s lead down the middle & up to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
BOB SANDERS (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Cahusac RSCDS Bk 17
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 6H round & back
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s (who dance up) lead down to order 3 2 1; 2s+1s set adv, 1s turn 2H to end in centre BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while 2s turn RH & lead up to top while 3s cast to 3rd place
17-24 1L dances reel of 3 across with 2s giving LSh to 2M while 1M dances 3H round & back with 3s
25-32 1L dances 3H round & back with 2s while 1M dances reel of 3 across with 3s giving LSh to 3L
33-40 1s dance down between 3s & cast up round them, lead up between 2s & cast round them to 2nd place
BOB SHAKESPEARE'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gillian Jennings Catherine de Barnes Coll 4
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole, Bar 5: 1s turn partner 1.1/2 LH to 2nd place opp sides facing out while 2s turn RH as normal
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides, 1s pass 2nd corner LSh to start
17-24 1s cast LSh round 2nd corner, cross RH up/down centre; 1L dances up & casts round 2L while 1M dances down & casts up round 3M to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BOB'S ASSEMBLY (S3x32) 3C set J Wing Martello Tower 6
1- 8 1L casts below 3s & dances up to 2nd pl as 1M dances down & casts up to 2nd pl, 2s+1s+3s cross RH & dance 6H round to L 1/2 way
9-16 2s & 3s petronella turn into centre, dance a 1/2 reel of 4 up/down middle & petronella turn to own sides having changed places
17-24 2s+1s Set+Link, 2s+3s Set+Link
25-32 All dance the Knot
BOB'S CHASE (J4x32) Sq.Set William Williamson Amisfield Dances
1- 8 All Set+Link; Ladies dance 3/4 RH across to end 1 place round anticlockwise while Men set, pull back LSh & cast 1 place to right to end with partner
9-16 1s+3s (pstn) dance 1/2 R&L; 2s+4s (pstn) dance 1/2 R&L
17-24 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 round (4 bars) & turn partners RH
25-32 All circle 8H round to left (4 bars), pull back LSh & chase anticlockwise back to place as at end of Grand Chain (bar 20). 2 3 4 1
2 chords - Honour partner & corner
1- 8 All dance DoSiDo with corners, 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 Repeat but with 2s+4s dancing R&L
17-24 All Men dance advancing to face Lady on Right & set, 1/2 turn Lady RH into centre to face her partner & all set
25-32 All dance DoSiDo with partner & turn RH 1.1/4 times to new positions in Square Set. 4 1 2 3
BOBBY'S FAVOURITE (R4x32) 4C set John S Trew For Old Tymes Sake
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, set & cross RH
17-24 1s+3s+4s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down to start)
25-32 1s set, cast to face 4s (on sides), 1s+4s set & change places on sides (Men RH & Ladies LH)
THE BOGGS CHASE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Grant East Lothian Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s set advancing, 1/2 turn 2H, dance down NHJ below 3s & cast up to 2nd place while 2s set & cross LH up to 1st place (2)(1) 3
9-16 1s set advancing, 1/2 turn 2H, dance up above 2s & cast to face 1st corner positions while 3s set & cross LH
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners (pstns), pass RSh to face 2nd corner positions & dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners (pstns). 1s pass RSh to end in 2nd place own sides. 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partners RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
BOHEMIAN REFLECTIONS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Holgar Schuckelt RSCDS Bk 51
1- 8 1s lead down, cross below 3s & cast up to 2nd place opp sides (2s step up 3-4). 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to end in middle facing own side
9-16 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance RH across, 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple. 1s end in 2nd place opp sides
17-24 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain . 1s end in 2nd place opp sides, 1M facing out
25-32 1M followed by 1L, casts behind 3L, across set, 1M dances up behind 3M to 2nd place own side while 1L dances up middle , pulls back RSh to dance into place. 2s+1s+3s set
BON ACCORD (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bon Accord Bk
1- 4 1M dances 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across with 2s
5- 8 1M picks up partner in prom hold & dance a further 1/2 reel with 2s
9-12 1L dances 1/2 reel with 2s while 1M casts 1 place with a loop (4 bars)
13-16 1M dances 1/2 LSh reel with 3s while 1L casts with a loop
17-20 1M picks up partner in prom hold & dance 1/2 reel with 3s
21-24 1L continues with 1/2 reel with 3s while 1M dances LSh round 2L
25-28 1M dances RSh round 3L while 1L dances RSh round 2M
29-32 1s set & turn RH
33-40 1s cast (Man up, Lady down), cross over, cast to 2nd place & cross to own side while 2s & 3s petronella to own sides
THE BON VIVEUR (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) Sq.Set I & C Brockbank & RSCDS Bk 52
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+3s dance Men's Chain finish with Ladies facing out
17-28 All dance Schiehallion reels (12 bars) to finish 1 place clockwise from starting place 4 1 2 3
29-32 All birl (or turn) partners RH End 4 1 2 3
Note: Dance twice as Strathspey, twice as Reel
BON VOYAGE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) A Dix Reel Friends 1
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H left, set, 1s cast while 2s dance up & face out
9-16 2s+1s+3s reels of 3 on side (1s dance in & down to start), 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, end in centre BtoB with 1M facing up & 1L facing down
25-32 1s RH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s) 1s end in 2nd place opposite sides & 2s+1s+3s spin RH (1s back to own sides)
BONAVISTA (R4x40) 4C set Georgina Finlay All Around the Circle
1- 8 1s & 4s petronella turn & set (2s & 3s step up/ down 3-4); 1s & 4s turn partner LH 1.1/4 times, 1s finish between 2s, 4s between 3s all facing opp sides
9-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Modified "Celtic Reel":
9-12 1s+2s (3s+4s) pass RSh as for reel of 4, 1s (3s) dance clockwise 1/4 way while 2s (4s) turn 3/4 LH round each other to face other prtnr (up/down)
13-16 1s+2s (3s+4s) pass RSh as for reel of 4, 2s (4s) dance clockwise 1/4 way while 1s turn 3/4 LH round each other to face other partner (across)
17-24 1s+2s (3s+4s) repeat bars 9-16 to end 1s between facing down, 4s between 3s facing up.
25-32 1s & 4s set twice to each other & dance 1/2 R&L to end on own sides in 2nd/3rd places facing out. 2 4 1 3
33-36 1M followed by 4M dances down behind 3M & dances up between 3s while 4L followed by 1L dances up behind 2L & dances down between 2s
37-40 1s+4s dance LH across 3/4 round to end on own sides in order 2 4 1 3
THE BONDED WAREHOUSE (R8x48) 3C (4C set) Drewry
1-8 1s+2s set, 1/2 turn RH & dance RH across
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides
17-24 1s+2s set, 1/2 turn LH & dance LH across
25-32 1s dance LSh reels of 3 on sides
33-40 1M followed by partner dance behind 2M, 1M crosses up between 2s & casts to 2nd place while 1L dances down between 3s & casts up to 2nd place
41-48 1s dance RH across (1M with 3s, 1L with 2s) & LH across with other couple
BONJOUR – AU REVOIR (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin From Paper To Pearl
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast, turn LH to finish facing 1st corners (2 step up 5-6)
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, ending set advancing turning Right about to finish back-to-back in middle (1M facing up, 1L down)
17-24 RSh reels of 3 across (1M+2L, 1L+3M pass RSh to start). 1s finish in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, turn partners RH
BONNIE ANNE (J96) 4C Set MacNab Dances #14
1-16 All dance petronella round back to places
17-32 1L sets adv to 1M & turns 2H, 1L repeats with 2M, 3M & 4M, as 2L, 3L & 4L dance up 1 pl & repeat turning Men. Final turn 4L+1M, 3L+2M, 2L+3M, 1L+4M. Ladies now are on Men's side
33-40 1L followed by 2L, 3L & 4L weave 'out & in' on Men's side till 1L+2L are between 1M+2M & 3L+4L between 3M+4M, all dance across to place
41-48 All set twice to partners & turn RH into Allemande hold in centre
49-64 Each couple in turn sets advancing/turning to form a square set (4 bars each couple), 1s to 1st place facing down, 2s to 4th place, 3s to 2nd place & 4s to 3rd place
65-72 Ladies continue setting while Men set dancing in & turning to face partner & 1M & 4M set twice facing partner as 2M & 3M set once & dance clockwise to face 1M/4M forming a line in centre for reel of 4. 2 1 4 3
73-80 Ladies set while Men dance reel of 4 & end facing partners
81-88 All set twice & turn 2H into longwise pstns
89-96 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance All Round Poussette (Popular variation - progressive Poussette & repeat dance from new positions)
BONNIE BANCHORY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 4 1L followed by partner casts to 3rd pl & crosses to opp side while 3M followed by prtnr casts to top & crosses to opp side while 2s set & cross RH
5- 8 3s+2s+1s turn RH
9-12 1M followed by partner casts to top & crosses to original pl while 3L followed by prtnr casts to 3rd pl & crosses to own side while 2s set & cross LH
13-16 1s+2s+3s turn LH
17-24 1s+2s cross (Ladies between Men), Ladies divide & dance back to place as Men cross (between partners), 1s turn RH while 2s turn LH
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE BONNIE BEAULY BLOOMS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Leslie Broughton Highlander Collection 1
1- 4 1s set & cast 1 place while 2s set & cross up LH and 3s set & cross RH
5- 8 1s lead down middle & cast up round 3rd pl into centre (LSh to LSh) while 2s+3s change places RH on sides & cross RH with partner
9-16 1s dance RH across (1L with 3s at top & 1M with 2s) & end 2nd pl own sides, 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L while 3L+2M chase cl'wise 1/2 way. (2) (1) (3)
17-24 1s dance LH across (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s), 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L while 3M+2L chase anticlockwise 1/2 way 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
BONNIE BERNARD'S B.DAY BASH (R4x32) 4C set Gene Moore
1- 8 1M followed by 2M+3M dance down behind Ladies, 1M dances in front of 2L while 2M+3M continue to dance down, 1M dances out between 2L+3L to follow 2M+3M as all dance up to places on own side 2M 3M 1M
9-16 1L+2L+3L repeat bars 1-8 to finish on own side 2L 3L 1L; 1s face out on bar 16
17-24 1s cast below 4s, dance full Fig 8 round 4s (6 bars); 1s changes places with 4s (M with LH, L with RH)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
THE BONNIE BREIST KNOTS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Border Bk
1- 8 1M+2L set to each other & turn RH, 1L+2M repeat
9-16 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s set & cast to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides with corners (LSh to 1st corner) & cross RH to 2nd place own side
BONNIE BRUX (M-(S40+R40)) Sq.Set M Catto Bonnie Brux Leaflet
1- 8 Chorus:
1-2 1s+3s lead to centre while 2s & 4s, facing partners, dance backwards away from partner to corners
3-4 1M+3L lead to 2nd place & 3M+1L to 4th place while 2M+4L dance to 3rd place & 4M+2L to 1st place
5-8 Repeat 1-4 with 2s+4s leading to centre, 1s+3s dancing away from partners. All dance to original places
9-16 Ladies dance 4H round to left 1/2 way to opposite positions. Men dance 4H round to right to meet partners
17-24 All face partners & set HS. All dance 1/2 Grand Chain back to original places
25-32 Chorus
33-40 Men lead partners into centre, all face corners, set (strathspey setting). All give RH to corner partner & dance out to original places
1- 8 Chorus
9-16 1s & 3s lead into centre, divide to face 2s/4s, all set & dance RH across back to places
17-24 2s & 4s repeat above Fig dancing LH across
25-32 Chorus
33-40 All dance 8H round & back all finishing in centre, arms raised
BONNIE CHARLIE (R4x32) 4C set Ed Stern Blue Ribbon Coll & Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s in prom hold (Lady on Mans Left) dance down the middle & dance up behind Men back to places
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 1s 1/2 turn RH & dance down opposite sides & turn RH at bottom 1.1/2 times
BONNIE CHARLIE'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 4C set Clare Broome Silver Jubilee Miscellany
Fig 1
1- 8 All cross RH, all cross back RH
9-16 All circle 8H round to left
17-24 All turn partners 2H into Sq.Set (1s at top, 4s at bottom 2s on Ladies' side & 3s on Men's side Ladies on partner's right) & all dance 1/2 Grand Chain
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
Fig 2
1- 8 All dance double reels of 4 (Ladies give LH in centre to start as Men set)
9-16 All set & turn corners 2H, set & turn partners 2H
17-32 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
Fig 3
1- 4 1s change places with 4s dancing under 4s arch & 1/2 turn corners with free hand
5- 8 1L+4M change places with 1M+4L dancing under 1M+4L arch & 1/2 turn corners with free hand
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8
17-24 All turn partners 2H approx twice to original places & all Adv+Ret
25-32 All circle 8H round to left
BONNIE GALLOWA' (S4x40) 4C Set Bill Little Blackadder Coll & RSCDS Bk 53
1- 8 1s & 3s dance down for 2 steps, turn 2H; dance up 2 steps & turn 2H to face 2s/4s who step in & join nearer hands
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance the Rondel. 2 1 4 3
17-24 All set, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (polite turns), all cross RH. 1 2 3 4
25-28 1M+2L change places RH, 1s change places LH with dancers diagonally to left (1L+2M, 1M+3M)
29-32 1s change places RH with dancers diagonally to right (1L+3L, 1M+4L) & 1L+4M change places LH. (2) (3) (4) (1)
33-40 All Adv+Ret & turn partner 2H 1.1/2 times to own sides. 2 3 4 1
BONNIE GEORDIE'S WIG (R8x32) 2C (4C set) MMM 2
1- 8 1s+2s set twice & dance RH across
9-16 1s+2s set twice & dance LH across
17-24 1s 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, cross RH & cast 1 place
25-32 2s+1s R&L
BONNIE GILL SHAW (S3x32) 3C Set Alan Ip, 2022
1- 4 1s+2s dance 1/2 Poussette but on Bars 3-4 2s pass RSh to 1st place own side while
3s set & turn 2H to end BtoB with 1s on 1st corner diagonal, ready for …
5- 8 1s+3s dance 1/2 Poussette. 2 3 1
9-12 3s turn 3/4 with 2H, pull back RSh, 3L facing 2L & 3M facing 1M (i.e. 4th corners), Ladies & Men pass RSh to change places
13-16 3s set facing diagonally in while corners (2L & 1M) turn 2H, pull back RSh to face 3s & change places passing RSh back to places
17-24 3s repeat 9-16 with 3rd corners ending with 3s curving into 2nd place own side
25-32 All circle 6H round & back. 2 3 1
THE BONNIE HOOSE O' AIRLIE (J112) Sq.Set Charles Owen
Figure 1
1- 8 All Men pull back RSh & dance Fig of 8 round corner & partner (RSh to corner to start) while Ladies Adv+Ret twice (1 step in/out PdeB)
9-16 All turn corners RH & partner LH
Figure 2
17-24 1s & 3s cast round anticlockwise, 1L dances behind 4M+4L & in front of 4L+4M & round 4M to face him while 1M dances behind & round 4M & behind 4M+4L & round to face her while 3s dance similarly round 2s
25-32 All set twice & turn opposite person RH
33-40 All dance RSh reels of 4 across
41-48 1s+4s also 3s+2s dance RH across & LH back ending in each others place
49-80 2s & 4s repeat above Figs bars 17-48 all ending in opposite places
Figure 3
81-88 All Men set advancing to join hands in circle, Men continue setting while Ladies set advancing to join hands in front of Men as Men bring their arms over behind Ladies & Ladies bring arms over behind Men into Basket Fig
89-96 All circle left 1/2 way, set while Ladies bringing arms over Men & Men bring arms over Ladies, all retire setting to original places
97-104 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain
105-112 All Promenade anticlockwise 1/2 way, set twice with Lady turning under Man's right arm into centre on second setting for bow/curtsey
BONNIE INA CAMPBELL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) George Will RSCDS Bk 37
1- 8 1s full turn RH, lead down below 3s (2s step up 3-4), 1s cast up to 2nd place & turn LH 1.1/4 times to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across with 2s & 3s (start LSh to 1st corner), 1s turn RH on bar 12 to continue partner's reel & end facing 1st corners
17-20 1s change places RH with 1st corners while 2nd corners set, 1st corners 3/4 turn LH in centre while 1s+2nd corners chase cl'wise to next corner
21-24 1s change places RH with 1st corner persons while 2nd corners set, 1s turn LH 1.1/4 times to face 1st crnr pstns while crnrs chase cl'wise to next crnr
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corner (pstn) & 1/2 reel with 2nd corner (pstn) & passing RSh cross to own side
BONNIE KATE OF ABERDEEN (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Thompson RSCDS Bk 17
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s lead down, cross & dance out on opp sides between 2s & 3s, cast down round 3s, lead up to top, cross & cast to 2nd place on own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
33-40 2s+1s dance R&L
BONNIE KITTY (R8x40) 3C (4C set) MMM 2
1- 8 1s+2s set twice; 1s+2s cross RH & clap 3 times
9-16 1s+2s repeat back to places
17-24 1s cross & lead out on opposite sides between 2s & 3s, cast round 3s, lead up to top, cross & cast to 2nd place on own sides with 3 claps
25-32 1s+3s circle 4H round to left, 1s turn RH & cast up to top
33-40 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L & cross RH all clap 3 times
BONNIE LASS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Playford, 1710 RSCDS Bk 28
1- 8 1s cross RH, set, cast to 3rd place & 2s+3s+1s set
9-16 1s cast up to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s set on sides, 1s lead up to top, cross to original places & 1s+2s set
17-24 1M+2L turn RH, 1L+2M turn LH
25-32 1s+2s dance RH across for 3 steps, LH back & 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s lead up
THE BONNIE LASS O' BON ACCORD (S64) Sq.Set John Drewry Bon Accord Bk
1 - 8 (8 bar introduction) All stand for 4 bars then bow & curtsey to Partner & to Corner
9-16 1s+3s lead into centre & lead opposite person through side couples, cross, cast to meet partner & turn RH to end with Lady on Man's left
17-24 2s+4s repeat & end with Men facing out
25-32 All dance full interlocking Reels of 4 across giving LH in centre, ending with Ladies dancing clockwise round outside of set to meet next Man as Men dance anticlockwise (from LH across) to meet next Lady
33-38 Men turn new partner RH into Allemande hold, dance round anticlockwise 1/2 way & turn Ladies to face them (as ordinary allemande)
39-40 All cast round to right passing original partner & turn in to face them
41-48 All dance Grand Chain
49-56 All set to partners & turn 2H opening into 4H round (1s+4s & 2s+3s) opening into
57-64 All circle 8H round & back
A BONNIE LASSIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Donald J Bartlett Centennial Coll
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s turn LH into 1st place own side (2s step down)
9-16 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s set & dance LH across 1/2 way. (2)(3) 1
17-24 3s+1s turn LH 1.1/2 times on sides, 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH 1.1/2 times & 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with Petronella turn to 2nd places
THE BONNIE LINKS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH to end 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s facing each other
9-16 2s+1s+3s set twice 1s turning onto opposite sides, set twice 1s turning to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end facing 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides passing 2nd corners RSh & cross RH to 2nd place own sides
BONNIE MALLY LEE (R4x32) 4C set Bob Donald SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L giving hands on sides to start, 2L+1L+4M+3M dance 1/2 reel of 4 on diagonal
9-16 Repeat with all dancing 1/2 R&L as before & 1M+2M+3L+4L dancing 1/2 reel of 4 on diagonal. End 4 3 2 1 on opposite sides
17-24 2s+3s (centre couples) circle 4H once round to left, flowing into 1/2 RH across. 4s+2s (top couples) dance 1/2 LH across
25-32 All turn partners twice right arm (elbow grip); 1s+2s set to partners & change places LH while 3s+4s set to each other & change places LH on sides to end 2 3 4 1
BONNIE SHIRA GLEN (M-4x(S16+R16)) 4C set James Cosh 22 SCDs
1- 8 1s cast to 4th place while 4s lead up to top, 4s+2s also 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 4s+1s dance 1/2 RH across, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 LH across; 1L+2L & 3M+4M change pl RH, 1M+2M & 3L+4L change pl RH. (2) 1 4 (3)
17-24 2s cast to 4th place while 3s lead up to top (both couples on opposite sides), 3s+1s also 4s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 3s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 LH across, 1s+4s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on own sides (1s dance in to start)
BONNIE STRATHDEE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) P McBride SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 reels of 3 Lady with 2s & Man with 3s
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides, 1/2 reels across Man with top couple (3s) & Lady with bottom couple ending 2nd place own sides
17-24 3s+1s+2s set & 3s+1s dance 1/2 RH across as 2s cross RH, 1s+3s+2s set & 3s+2s dance 1/2 LH across as 1s cross LH to original places
25-32 1L casts 1 place & crosses to 2nd M place as 2M casts up & cross to 1L place, 1s+2s set & petronella turn to right to end 2 1 3
BONNIE STRONSHIRAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) R Campbell Glasgow Assembly
1- 8 1s+2s 3/4 turn 2H to form line up/down centre & dance 1/2 reel of 4, 3/4 turn partners 2H to own sides (having changed places)
9-16 1s set adv to ptnr & turn 1st corner 2H ending 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s, 1s set adv to partner & turn 2nd crnr 2H ending 2nd place opp sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s cross RH & 1s cast to right round 3rd corner (pstns) while corners turn right about & Adv+Ret (on diagonal), 2s+1s+3s cross RH (up/down set), 1s cast to right round 4th corner (pstns) & in to face them as 2s+3s turn right about & Adv+Ret
25-32 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 4th corner (pstns), pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel with 3rd corner (pstns) & turn RH back to place
THE BONNIE TREE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) R Butterfield RSCDS Bk 46
1- 8 1s dance down below 3s & cast up behind 3s, dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s+3s 1/2 turn partner 2H & twirl to opposite place, all circle 6H round to left 3/4 way into lines across (Men facing down at top)
17-20 1s change places RH & cast right to 2nd place own side while (bar 19) 3M+2L change places diagonally RH
21-24 1s cross RH & cast right into middle while (bar 23) 2M+3L change places RH all end in lines across (Ladies facing down, Men up)
25-32 All 1/2 turn partner 2H & twirl to opposite place, all circle 6H round to left to own sides. 2 1 3
BONNIE WEE GLEN (J32) Round the Room Hugh A Thurston Thistle Magazine 39
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All set twice to opp couple; all turn opp person RH
9-16 All circle 4H round to left; all dance LH across back to place
17-24 Ladies change places RH, Men changes places RH; all dance RH across
25-32 All circle 4H round to right back to new places; all turn partner 1.1/2 RH, turn back on opp couple to face new couple
Note: dance attributed to Hugh Thurston but Thistle Magazine (39) gives deviser as John Geddes
1- 8 1s set & turn RH, 1s+2s facing on sides set & turn RH
9-16 1s lead down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place on own sides & set twice
17-24 2s+1s dance R&L
25-32 1L dances 3H round to left with 2s as 1M dances 3H round with 3s, 1s pass by right & dance 3H round to right with other couple
33-40 1s lead out between 2L+3L, cast round nearest corner, into centre, lead out between 2M+3M & cast round corner to 2nd place own sides
THE BONNY BELLS OF HEATHER (R6x32) 6C Set Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 8
4s+5s+6s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 6s turn RH, cast in 1 place & turn LH 1.1/2 times to end BtoB facing 2s/5s while 3s+4s dance RH across & LH back to places
9-16 1s+2s also 6s+5s dance reels of 4 across to end 1s/6s facing partner up/down (Ladies BtoB) while 3s+4s dance reel of 4 across (Men LSh & Ladies cast to start)
17-24 1s & 6s set, 3/4 turn into prom hold & Promenade round each other (RSh) to end on sides between 3s+4s (1s facing 3M & 6s facing 4M)
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 on sides with 3M+4L while 6s dance reels with 4M+3L (1s & 6s end in centre ready for RH across). 2 3 6(1)(4)(5)
BONNY BETTY ATTRILL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Gervaise Vaz, 2003
1- 8 1s+2s dance the Tourbillon
9-16 1L+3s & 1M+2s dance LH across, 1s pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple
17-24 1s and 3s dance the Bourrel. 2 3 1
25-28 1s NHJ dance up middle for 2 bars, turn in to face each other and set (3s step down on bars 27 and 28)
29-32 1L dances up and casts around 2L to 2nd place own side while 1M dances down and casts around 3M to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
BONNY BLUE BRIDE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) T McCall Wee Hoose on the Prairie
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s advance to meet partners, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance up, cast down to 3rd place & dance up to places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance DoSiDo & turn RH
25-32 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides
KISS ME QUICK MY MITHER'S COMING (Bonny Jocky) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Johnson RSCDS Bk 12
1- 8 1M bows to 2L & dances reel of 3 with 3s giving LSh to 3L (1M ending in 2nd place)
9-16 1L bows to 2M & dances reel of 3 with 3s giving RSh to 3M (1L ending in 2nd place)
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across, 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s (1s end in 2nd places)
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s (casting up to start)
THE BONNY LADS OF EARLEY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Ness House 1
1- 8 1s lead down & cross below 2s, cast down behind 3s & lead up into double triangle position facing opposite sides & 2s+1s+3s set
9-12 1s turn 1st corner RH & dance RSh round corner to end facing in middle (M facing up, L down) while 2nd corners petronella into centre & set
13-16 1s+2nd corners dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down set (3M ends in 2L place & 2L in 3M place) while 1st corners chase 1/2 way round set
17-24 1s dance RH across (L with 3s & M with 2s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple 1s ending in 2nd place own side
25-32 1s dance Diag R&L
THE BONNY WATER (S4x48) 4C set Ruth Rintoul Alba Smiles Better
1- 8 All 1/2 turn & twirl to opposite sides, 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple below
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Ladies' Chain ending with Ladies passing LSh to face partner
17-24 All dance diag reels of 4 across with Ladies ending besides partner on sides
25-32 All set & 1s+2s also 3s+4s petronella-in-tandem, all set (facing across) & cross RH
33-40 1s cast as 2s cross up RH, 3s cast up as 1s cross down RH, 1s cast down as 4s cross up RH & 1s cross RH
41-48 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance Diamond Poussette
BONSOIR ROLAND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Wouter Joubert Fields of Gold
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole:
1- 2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3- 4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5- 8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH
9-16 All set & turn 2H & chase clockwise 1/2 way round (3) (1) (2)
17-24 1s dance Fig of 8 on own sides, passing 4th corners (pstn) RSh to begin (3) 1 (2)
25-28 1s dance 1/2 diagonal R&L with 1st corners (pstn). On bar 28 1s dance in to finish BtoB facing 4th corners (pstn)
29-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 4th corners (1s & corners pass LSh to begin)
THE BONSPIEL (R4x32) 4C Set Peter McBryde Bonspiel Coll
1- 4 1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2 step up)
5-12 1s dance in & down for reflection reels of 3 on sides with 3s+4s
13-16 1s & 4s cross RH & cast up 1 place (2s+3s step down)
17-24 4s dance in & up for reflection reels of 3 on sides with 1s+2s
25-28 1s & 4s cross RH & cast down 1 place (2s+3s step up)
29-32 1s cross LH & cast to bottom (3s+4s step up)
THE BONXIE (R4x40) 4C set A Large SCD Archives
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, 1M+2M+3M dance DoSiDo diagonally with 2L+3L+4L while 1L & 4M cross & cast to each others place
9-16 1L dances reel of 3 with 3M+4L giving RSh to 4L while 4M similarly reel with 1M+2L, 4M+1L 3/4 turn LH to face 2M & 3L as others set diagonally
17-24 2M+1L+4M+3L dance reel of 4
25-32 1L casts up round 1M into prom hold as 4M casts down round 4L into prom hold, 1s+4s dance across & cast 1 pl to end BtoB 1s facing up & 4s dn
33-40 1s & 4s lead to ends, cross to own sides & cast in 1 place, 1M+4M also 1L+4L turn 1.1/2 times to end 2 4 1 3
BOOK OF VERSE (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) Iain Boyd
1- 4 1s+2s+3s set ending with Men facing up & Ladies down, set passing partners BtoB & dance out to opposite sides
5- 8 Repeat back to places with Men facing down & Ladies up
9-16 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
17-24 1s set, cast behind 2s, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd places
25-32 1s (prom hold) dance up while 2s cast into centre & 1s+2s dance Allemande
BOOKS & MAPS (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Fröhling, Haramis, Schröder
1- 4 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain
5- 8 All turn RH into Allemande hold & Promenade 1/2 way anticlockwise to orig.places & on bar 8 Men lead partner in front of them & all stay in circle facing anticlockwise
9-12 All chase anticlockwise & on bar 12 all pivot Right (Ladies 1/2 turn, Men full turn)
13-16 Ladies chase clockwise back to original places on outside as Men chase anticlockwise 1.1/4 times on inside to end Men BtoB in the middle facing Ladies on outside
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with facing person, Ladies dance (Glasgow Highlanders step) as Men dance RSh round next lady on right & into centre to face following Lady on right
25-32 Repeat with Men dancing round partner & remain in front of partner
33-40 All set to partner & 3/4 turn partner 2H, All pivot Right & dance round partner (no hands) to end in original. places, Ladies facing out
41-56 All dance Schiehallion Reels
57-64 All circle left & right
1-64 Repeat in reel time, Ladies dancing PdB & Spring points instead of Glasgow Highlanders Step & on Bars 33-40 all dance Tulloch turn with partners
THE BOOKWORM (R88) 3C Triangular set Vicky Sennet Dunedin 4
1- 8 All circle round once to left, advance into centre & turning inwards dance out to places & turn away from each other
9-16 1L crosses in front of 1M to dance reels of 3 (Man with 3s - LSh to 3L & Lady with 2s - RSh to 2M)
17-24 1L crosses in front of 1M to dance reels of 3 (Man with 2s - RSh to 2M & Lady with 3s - LSh to 3L)
25-32 1s & 3L+2M change places 1s dancing under arch made by 2M+3L & cross to new position, repeat with Ladies in 2nd place dancing under arch made by 2M+3M & cross
33-40 Dancers in 3rd place dance under arch made by 3s & cross (all now in original places), all set to partners & turn RH
41-48 All dance Grand Chain ending with Ladies BtoB in centre facing partners
49-56 All set & 1/2 turn RH, Ladies dance clockwise 1 place into centre BtoB while partners follow & face them
57-64 All repeat bars 49-56 to end facing partners 2 3 1
65-72 All set & 1/2 turn RH, all chase clockwise to partners original place & 1/2 turn RH to end with Ladies facing out for…
73-84 All dance "Schiehallion"-like reels through all 3 positions giving RH across in centre (12 bars)
85-88 All turn partners RH
THE BOOZLE PLANT (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Pam Perkins & Ann Gormon Big Birthday Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, lead down between 3s & cast up & turn LH to face 1st corners
9-20 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s meet again in middle & pass RSh (1L/1M face up/down)
21-24 1s dance LH across (Lady with 3s at top & Man with 2s) ending 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 All chase anticlockwise 1/2 way & circle 6H all the way round to left
BORDEAUX EN BELLE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Geoffrey Wood Delaware Valley Gold
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left; 1s+2s turn partner 2H & face up, 1s cast to end facing 1st corners as 2s dance up to 1st place 2 1 3
9-16 1s turn 1st corner 1.1/2 RH; 1s+1st corners dance 1/2 diag reel of 4
17-20 1s followed by 1st corners chase clockwise 1/2 round, corners end back in place, 1s pass RSh to face 2nd corners
while 2nd corners Adv+Ret
21-32 1s+2nd corners repeat 9-20 with 1st corners Adv+Ret (bars 29-32). 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
THE BORDER BARQUE (S4x40) 4C set Barry Priddey SCD Archives
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All set, 1s & 4s cross RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 RH across, all set & cross back RH
9-16 3s+2s dance 4H round to left, set & turn partner RH into prom hold facing each other
17-24 3s+2s set (Glasgow Highlanders step), dancing forward (diag to right) to form a line across & wheel round anticlockwise 3/4 to line up/down set
25-32 3s & 2s in prom hold dance LSh Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & pass LSh to face 1st corners, LSh Pass+Turn with 1st corners to end in original order in Allemande hold 1s facing up, 2s facing 3s & 4s facing up
33-40 1s+3s dance Allemande up while 2s+4s dance Allemande down (2s & 3s pass LSh) to end 3 1 (4) (2)
THE BORDER BRIDGE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) W Miller Ladies of Dunse
1- 8 1s+2s+3s advance for 2 steps & retire & turn partners RH to end in centre for promenade
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade with 1s casting to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner, set to partner, set to 2nd corner & set to partner to end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BORDER JIG (J8x32) 2C (4C set)
1- 8 1s cast & dance down behind own lines & back to places
9-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast up to places
17-24 1s+2s 1/2 R&L, set & cross RH
25-32 1s+2s set facing in diagonally, set to partner & turn RH
BORDER LADS AND LASSIES (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Lyn Bryce RSP Branch 50th Anniversary Book
1- 8 1s & 2s turn partner 2H (4 bars) finishing ready for a 1/2 Poussette; 1s+2s dance a 1/2 Poussette. 2 1 3
9-16 1s turn 2H, dance down below 3s; cast up to 2nd place & cross RH. 2 (1) 3
17-24 2s & 1s dance Ladies' Chain
25-30 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left
31-32 1s cross RH to own side. 2 1 3
BORDER LASSIES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1M dances RH across with 2s while 1L dances RH across with 3s
9-16 1s dance out round 4th crnrs & dance RH across on sides (1M with 2L+3L & 1L with 2M+3M) end retaining hold of 1st crnrs
17-24 1s (holding LH) Bal-in-Line with 1st corners; 1s turn LH 1.1/4 times to Bal-in-Line with 2nd corners
25-32 1M dances LSh reel of 3 with 2s while 1L dances LSh reel of 3 with 3s; 1s cross RH back to place
BORDER MEETING (J32) Round the Room Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 1L+2L Adv+Ret & turn RH
9-16 1M+2M Adv+Ret & turn LH
17-24 All dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 All set to partner, set diagonally, set to opposite person & pass RH to face next couple
BORDER REEL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Johnson (18C)
1- 8 1M dances Fig of 8 round 1L+2L dancing between them & down behind 2L, round & up behind partner back to place while 2M dances Fig of 8 round 1L+2L out between them & up behind 1L, round & behind partner back to place
9-16 1L & 2L repeat
17-24 1s+2s set diagonally, 1M+2L change pls RH while 1L+2M set, 1L+2M change pls RH while 1M+2L set, 2s cross RH while 1s turn RH down to 3rd pl
25-32 3s+1s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
THE BORDER WEAVERS (S3x32) 3C set Alex Gray Tweeddale Coll 2
1- 8 1s turn RH, 1L followed by partner dances down behind 2L & crosses to opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
17-24 1s & 3s dance 'Mirror' Allemandes (1s up & 3s down) to change places (3s on opp sides):-
17-18 1s & 3s 1/2 turn RH into allemande hold, 1s facing up & 3s down, 1s & 3s curve to their left 1s down M side & 3s up the L side
19-24 3s & 1s dance bars 3-8 of an allemande ending with 3s in 2nd place on partner's side & 1s in 3rd place
25-32 All petronella turn into centre, 3s set while 1s & 2s change places RH (in centre), all petronella turn to own sides & set
BORDERLAND JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Geraldine Schuckelt Borderland Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2s step up 3-4), 1s cross LH & cast to left to end in lines across (1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up)
9-16 1L+2s Adv+Ret & set while 1M+3s set & Adv+Ret, 1s dance Petronella turn to 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1L & 3L pass LSh, 1M & 3M pass RSh)
25-32 All circle 6H round & back 2 1 3
THE BORDERS REVISITED (R4x32) 4C set D Noden Leicester Crystal Coll
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cast inward, 1s & 4s turn RH 1.1/2 times into prom hold facing other couple
9-16 1s & 4s set twice & turn right to face nearest corner, set to corner & set to next corner (to right)
17-24 1s & 4s dance RSh reels of 3 across with 2s/3s & end passing other couple LSh to face up/down NHJ
25-32 Set to 2s/3s & turn corners with free hands & all set on sides. 2 4 1 3
BORDERS TRADITIONAL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rod Downey Johnsonville Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set, cross RH; set & cross LH to finish facing partner 2H joined ready for …
9-16 1s+2s dance "Borders Poussette":
9-13 Normal poussette (all PdeB, Men start Right foot)
14 1s+2s 1/4 turn into line up/down centre (2L 2M 1L 1M)
15-16 1s+2s pull back RSh & cast to own sides, 1s face out
17-24 RSh reels of 3 on sides, 1M up (RSh to 2M) 1L down (RSh to 3L), corners dance loops at end, 1s face 2nd corners
25-32 1s+2nd corners dance LH Corner Pass+Turn (1s pass corners LSh, corner turn LH); 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners, 1s+1st corners dance LH Corner Pass+Turn, 1s pass LSh to 2nd place own side. End 2 1 3
A BORDERS WELCOME (R32) Round the Room Anna Crawford 5 Scottish Country Dances
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 Men set advancing to BtoB position facing opposite Ladies & turn Lady on right RH, turn Lady on left LH & Men give RH cross back to places
17-24 Ladies dance RH across & LH back
25-32 All Adv+Ret & advance passing opposite person RSh to meet next group of 3 dancers
BORN TO DANCE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin From Paper To Pearl
1- 8 1s dance down, cast up round 3s, turn LH, finish in centre 1M facing 3s, 1L facing 2s (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1M+3s & 1L+2s dance 1/2 RH across (2 bars), all drop hands & 1s lead chase clockwise to finish in lines of 3 across, Ladies at top facing down, Men in 3rd place facing up
17-24 All advance, set turning Right about. 2L followed by 1L+3L also 3M followed by 1M+2M dance down/up own sides to 3 1 2 (2L pull back RSh to face up)
25-32 1/2 RSh reels on sides (1L+2L, 1M+3M pass RSh to start), 1s turn LH to 2nd place own side, 2s+1s+3s set.
THE BORROWDALE EXCHANGE (R32) Round the Room Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 2
Round the Room in 3 Couple Circles
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 All Adv+Ret (into centre of circle) & dance DoSiDo with partner
17-24 All dance RH across, Lady with hand is underneath dances out under arch into prom hold with new ptnr followed by next Lady etc
25-32 All Promenade with new partners anywhere round the room & hopefully meet with another 2 couples to start again
BORUSSIA STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Brown
1- 8 1s cross down RH 2 places (2s up) & cast up 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (L up M down) to face 1st corner
9-16 1s dance RSh round 1st corner & pass RSh to face 4th corner while the cnrs turn RH & pass RSh to change places,1s repeat with 4th cnrs & end facing 3rd corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting to end (3)(1)(2)
25-32 All Set+Link for 3 twice
BOSTON HOSPITALITY (J32) Round the Room Marianne Taylor Yankee Sampler
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance RH across & LH back
9-16 All dance R&L
17-24 Dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain, set to new partners & turn 2H
25-32 All dance DoSiDo with opposite person (previous partner), set & pass RSh to face next couple
Men continue round the room with changing partners while Ladies move back & forth
BOTANY BAY (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Australian Bk
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, 1s+2s Set+Link.
9-16 2s+1s set & Petronella-in-Tandem, set & Petronella-in-Tandem. 1 (2)
17-24 1L+2M also 1M+2L promenade 3/4 round clockwise (end facing partners up/down) & dance RH across
25-32 1s & 2s set to partners, 1s 1/2 turn 2H while 2s full turn 2H, 1s+2s circle left 3/4 round to end 2 1
THE BOTANY GATE (S4x32) 4C Set Douglas Hedley SEHSCDS Diamond Jubilee Strathspey Coll.
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 3 bars of Poussette & all turn partner 3/4 2H, 1s+4s end in diagonal line ready for 1/2 Poussete while 2s & 3s end facing partner in centre
5- 8 1s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette to face down NHJ while bar 5 2s Retire then stand bars 6-8. 2 4 1 3
9-12 4s+1s+3s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)
13-16 2s+3s+1s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in/up to start). 1 3 2 4
17-24 All set & 1/2 turn partner 2H; all set to partner, 1s+3s also 2s+4s circle 4H 1/2 round to left. 3 1 4 2
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
BOTHKENNAR (S4x32) 4C set J Anderson
1- 8 1L & 3L cross down & cast RSh round 2M/4M into centre to face them, set turning to left & dance back to places
9-16 1M & 3M cross down & cast LSh round 2L/4L into centre to face them, set turning to right & dance back to places
17-24 All circle 8H round & back
25-32 1s+2s change places on sides (Ladies RH & Men LH), 1s dancing down dance RSh round each other (no hands) to 3rd place opposite sides as 3s cast up, 1s cast to 4th place as 4s dance up & 1s cross RH. 2 3 4 1
BOTHWELL BRIG (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cross down while 2s cast up, 1M+2L & 1L+3M turn LH & 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance a form of Pass+Turn with 1st corners (1s dance to corner, face in & set while 1st corners dance in & turn RH 1.1/2 times, corners continue to opposite sides & set while 1s dance in & turn 1.1/2 RH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s repeat with 2nd corners & end facing 3rd corner (1st corner person)
25-32 1s+3rd corners dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4, pass RSh & dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 4th corners & end crossing LSh to opposite sides
33-40 1s dance RH across on sides (1M+2L+3L & 1L+2M+3M), 1M dances up & 1L down to dance LH across (Man with 2s & Lady+3s), 1s end in 2nd pl
BOTHWELLHAUGH JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) May Macfarlane Tayside Collection 1983-2003
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up 3-4), 1s NHJ dance down & cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side
9-12 1s set advancing & turn right about to face out while 2s & 3s chase clockwise 1/2 way round & stay facing clockwise
13-16 1s join hands with corners (corners give RH to 1s), all dance 1/2 way round set (1s using Pas de Basque, corners use skip change)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & cross LH to own side
25-32 All circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
THE BOTTLE FOREST (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Brian Charlton Waratah Coll
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), turn LH and cast 1 place
9-16 1s dance down 2 steps, 1/2 turn 2H to face up, dance up NHJ to end BtoB between 2s, 1M facing 2L, 1L facing 2M
17-24 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across. 1s cross down to 2nd place opp sides facing out
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s out/down, 3s in/up to start)
33-36 1s 1/2 turn 3s (1L+3M LH, 1M+3L RH), 1s cross up to 2nd place while 3s dance to 3rd place
37-40 1s turn 2s (1L+2L LH, 1M+2M RH). End 2 1 3
BOTTOMS UP (J3x32) 3C set Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 3
1- 8 3s cross RH & cast to top, 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 1s
9-16 2s cross RH & cast to top, 2s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
17-24 1s cross RH & cast to top, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 1s set & cross RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s set & cross RH while 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L. 3 1 2
BOUNCING BRAIDS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) B Mortimer Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s turn 1st corner, partner, corner & partner to end 2nd place opposite sides facing out
17-24 1s dance a Fig of 8 round 2nd corners (LSh to 2nd corners, passing RH in centre & RSh to 4th corner) to end 2nd place own sides & set while 2s+3s cross RH, 2s set to 3s on sides, change places LH & set to partners
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Diag R&L
BOUND & GAGGED (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance LH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (giving RSh to 2nd corners to start) & 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across (Man with 3s at top & Lady with 2s)
17-24 1s turn LH to face 4th corner (pstn) & dance RSh round them while 4th corners change places with a 1/2 turn & 'twirl'
25-32 1s turn RH to face 1st corner (pstn) & dance RSh round them to end in 2nd places while 1st corners change places with a 1/2 turn & 'twirl'
THE BOUNTREE REEL (R2x48) Sq.Set John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1M+3L & 1L+3M 1/2 turn RH & set, 2s+4s making arches Adv+Ret as 1L followed by 1M also 3L followed by 3M dance under arch & chase anticlockwise to opposite places
9-16 1M+3L & 1L+3M 1/2 turn LH & set, 2s+4s making arches Adv+Ret as 1M followed by 1L also 3M followed by 3L dance under arch & chase clockwise to own places
17-24 2M+4L & 2L+4M 1/2 turn LH while 1s+3s chase clockwise 1 place round the set to join hands across the set (1M+4L+2M+3L & 1L+4M+2L+3M) & Bal-in-Line, ends turn in & Bal-in-Line again
25-32 All dance reels of 4 across
33-40 4L followed by 4M & 2L followed by 2M dance clockwise around outside to own places while 1M followed by 1L & 3M followed by 3L dance RH across to place & all turn RH
41-48 All circle 8H round & back
Repeat with 2s & 4s as dancing couples
A BOUQUET FOR MARGARET TATE (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) R Mackey Croydon 50th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH, set & cross back RH with 1s+2s end ready for…
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande
17-24 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M+3s) & end Men facing up, Ladies dn, 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 on sides (2M & 3L cast to start)
25-32 1s dance LH across (1M+3s at top, 1L+2s) & end Men facing dn, Ladies up, 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides (2M & 3L cast to start)
A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS (R8x48) 3C (4C set) Anne Robb Banffshire 90th Anniv.
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast and turn 1.3.4 LH to finish in middle facing opp sides (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across, 1s pass RSh and dance LH across with other couples, pass RSh to finish facing 1st corners
17-40 Dance to Corners & Set: (24 bars)
'Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 10 more times to end with all back in place & 1s in the middle 2nd place Rsh to RSh with partner (1M facing up, 1L down)
41-48 1s dance figure of 8 on own sides, 1M+2M & 1L+3L pass LSh to start. 1s end in 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
BOUQUETS (S3x32) 3C Set Yoko Akamatsu Tokai Branch 25th Anniversary
1- 8 1s+2s dance Rose Progression:
1-2 1M+2L set as 1L+2M change places RH
3-4 1M+2L 1/2 turn 2H as 2M & 1L dance into partner's place
5-6 2L+1M cast into each other's place as 1L+2M 1/2 turn 2H
7-8 2L & 1M dance into 1st/2nd places own sides as 2M & 1L cast to right
9-16 2s+1s+3s turn partners 2H, 1s remaining in centre NHJ facing up; 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place own side
17-22 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on the sides, (2s out/down, 1s in/down & 3s out/up), 2s end in 1st place
23-24 1s+3s continue path of reel, 1s dancing down, while 3s cast up to end 2 3 1
25-32 All set, circle 6H round to left, all dance into centre, pull back RSh & spiral out to own sides. 2 3 1
THE BOURTREE REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alasdair Brown, Cathkin Collection
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
9-16 2s+1s dance Slip Knot - as the Knot but on last 2 bars 1s+2s dance LH across 1/2 way to end 2 1 3
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice
25-28 1s pass LSh & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 giving RSh to 3rd corner (pstn)
29-32 1s pass LSh & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 giving RSh to 4th corner (pstn). 1s end in 2nd place own side
BOVAIRD STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set S Edie Imperial Bk 5
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, set & cross RH
9-16 All dance 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down), 1s+3s circle 4H round to left while 2s set & cross RH
17-24 All dance 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down), 1s+3s circle 4H round to left while 2s set & cross RH
25-32 1s petronella turn into lines across & all set, 1s turn RH & cast RSh round 4th corners (pstn) while 2s+3s change places RH on sides. 3 1 2
THE BOW BELLE (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Naill Mitchell Thistle Dubh 2
1- 8 1s set, cross down 1 place, cast behind 3s & cross up to 2nd place on own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & up to start)
17-24 3s followed by 1s+2s lead up to top & cast to end 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s dance RH across, 2s+1s dance LH across
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BOW FIDDLE ROCK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 3
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man round 3s & Lady round 2s)
9-16 1s turn 2nd corner RH & return to place facing in, 1s turn 1st corner RH & return to place facing out
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides giving RSh to 3rd corner
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BOXING THE COMPASS (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) 4C set Malcolm Brown, 2006
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, all set, 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across. Couples in 1st/3rd place face down, 2nd/4th place face up
9-16 All petronella turn into lines across & set; all dance 1/2 reels of 4 across
17-24 All petronella turn to sidelines & set; all dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides. All face in (3L & 2M pull back RSh)
25-32 End couples (3s & 2s) cross RH. All circle 8H 3/4 round to Left. Finish in lines across 2 4 1 3
Devised for demonstration – dance 2x Strathspey, 2x Reel. After 2nd time through all opposite original place, 4th time through back in start place
THE BOYNDIE KNOT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
1- 8 1s cross over below 2s, cast down behind 3s, cross up above 3s & cast up behind 2s back to place
9-12 1s+2s+3s set, 1M+2M & 2L+3L Petronella-in-tandem while 1L casts down & 3M casts up (into circle formation)
13-16 1L+3M change places RH while 2s & 3s set, 1M+2M & 2L+3L Petronella-in-tandem to opp sides while 1L casts up & 3M casts down
17-24 3L+2L & 2M+1M set while 3M+1L change places RH, 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round to left 1/2 way back to places, 1s+2s+3s turn RH into prom hold
25-32 1s+2s+3s Promenade round & end with 1s casting to 2nd place while 2s lead up to top
BRACKENBRAES STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Bell Starters
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s set, turn partners 2H & set
17-24 1s & 3s dance double Figs of 8 round 2s (1s cross down to start)
25-32 1s+2s dance RH across (3 bars) & LH back, 1s cast 1 place as 2s dance up
BRACKLA HALL (R5x32) 5C set Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & 1s 1/2 turn RH as 2s+3s dance 1/2 RH Across, 1s+3s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way
9-16 2M+1L turn RH, 2L+1M turn LH
17-24 1L+5M turn LH, 1M+5L turn RH
25-32 1s+4s+5s set & 1s 1/2 turn LH as 4s+5s dance 1/2 LH Across, 1s+5s+4s chase anticlockwise 1/2 way
THE BRACKNELL CANTER (M-(S64+R64)) 4C set Bernard Rackley SCD Archives
1- 8 All set, cross RH, 1s+2s set & dance LH across 1/2 way as 3s+4s set & cross back LH
9-16 1s cross RH, cast to 3rd place (3s step up 11-12), 1s turn twice LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & turn RH to face 2nd corners again
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corners to start, 1s cross down LH to 4th place as 4s cast up to 3rd place
33-64 2s repeat 1-32
Reel 3s then 4s repeat bars 1-32 above
BRACKNELL STRATHSPEY (S3x40) 3C set Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 2
1- 4 1s cross RH & cast 1 place
5-16 All dance 3 couple R&L
17-24 All dance a Reverse Snowball Grand Chain for 3 cpls to end 3 1 2 : -
`2s cross RH & change places LH on side with 1s
`2s change places RH with 3s while 1s cross RH
`2s cross LH while 1s & 3s change places LH. 3 1 2
25-32 All set, 3s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way while 2s cross RH, all set & 1/2 turn partner RH to face up in allemande hold
33-40 1s+3s+2s dance Allemande. 2 3 1
BRACKNELL'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas J Dean
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1M round 2s & 1L round 3s)
9-16 1s cross up/down into reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner
17-24 1s cross up/down into reels of 3 across giving RSh to 4th corner ending 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1M round 2s & 1L round 3s), 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
BRAES O' LOCH BROOM (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Set & Cast Off Vol 2
1- 8 1s cross down, dance out between 2s & 3s, dance down behind opp line (2s step up 3-4); 1s turn away from each other, dance up & cross RH through 2nd place to own side facing out. 2 1 3
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to dancer on Right). 1s end BtoB in centre facing own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles, 1s end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BRAES OF ATHOLL (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Walsh (18C) RSCDS Bk 8
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, set & cast 1 place (Lady up & Man down)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on 'diagonals' (1M with 2L+3L, LSh to 2L to start; 1L with 3M+2M, LSh to 3M to start; 2M+3L dance straight across set to enter reels)
17-24 1s pass RSh to dance reel of 3 on own sides (1M RSh to 2M, 1L RSh to 3L to start) 1s dance extra loop to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set to & turn 1st corner, set to & turn 2nd corner, finish in middle nearer hands joined facing men's side (1L on 1M LH side)
33-40 1s dance out between 2M+3M, cast round nearer corner, meet in centre, dance out on Ladies' side, cast round nearer crnr & dance to 2nd pl
THE BRAES OF BALLUDER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) SCDs for Children
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, 2s+1s circle 4H round to the left
9-16 1s dance up to top, cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast up to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on the sides with corners (LSh to 1st corners to start) & 1s cross RH to 2nd place
THE BRAES OF BALQUHIDDER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
Longwise set
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & 1s cast 1 place as 2s lead up
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across & 1s cast 1 place as 3s lead up
17-24 1s lead up to top, cast to 2nd place, lead down & cast round 3s to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s pass RSh, dance out on opposite sides, cast round 1st corner, turn RH, dance out ends & cast round 4th corner to 2nd places
THE BRAES OF BALQUHIDDER (S128) Sq.Set MacNab Dances 1#2
Part A
1- 8 All set to partner, set to corner, set to partner & turn partner 2H to finish in 2 diag lines with Men BtoB facing partner (1s+4s & 2s+3s)
9-16 1s+4s also 2s+3s dance diagonal reels of 4. Men end BtoB in centre of diagonal lines again
17-24 Chorus: - All set to partners HS & turn 2H twice to original places
Part B
25-32 1s lead out between 4s while 3s lead out between 2s, divide & cast to 1s facing 3s & all set HS
33-40 1s+3s (centre couples) turn person opposite 2H twice, Men lead partners out through side couples back to places
41-56 2s & 4s repeat bars 25-40
57-64 Chorus
Part C
65-80 1s dance to 4s & circle 4H round to left, pick up 3s & circle 6H round, pick up 2s & circle 8H round to end back in places
81-88 1s+4s also 2s+3s dance RH across & LH back
89-96 1s+4s also 2s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
97-104 Chorus
Part D
105-112 All Ladies Adv+Ret (2 steps each) while Men stand (2 bars) then dance into middle to face partner; all set & turn partners back to places
113-120 All dance Grand Chain
121-128 Chorus
THE BRAES OF BREADALBANE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Skillern RSCDS Bk 21
1- 8 1s turn RH cast 1 place, turn LH & 1L casts up as 1M casts down to form lines of 3 across facing each other
9-16 1L+2s & 1M+3s set twice then 1s cast back to 2nd places & turn RH ending on own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s set twice & turn partners 2H
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE BRAES OF BUSBY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 9
1- 8 1s set HS & turn 2H 1.3/4 times ending with 1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up
9-16 2s+1s+3s set HS & turn opposite person 2H 1.1/2 times to change places
17-24 All set HS & turn 2H 1.1/2 times, end 1L facing 2L & 1M facing 3M
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) ending in 2nd places on own sides
BRAES OF GLENSHIEL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Bell Starters Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set then turn corners 2H & face 2nd corners, 1s set then turn corners 2H & end between corners
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (LSh to 1st corner to start)
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
THE BRAES OF LOCHABER (M-4x(S40+R40)) 4C set Lily Davidson Glenfeshie Bk
Start in Glasgow Highlanders pstn
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 All set HS & turn partners twice round to places
25-32 All dance reels of 4 on sides
33-40 All advance into set & retire, turn partners RH
Reel Clap
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance R&L
17-24 All coupe PdB with partners
25-32 All dance reels of 4 across dance
33-40 All dance Grand Chain
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast for 2 steps (2s cast on bar 3 & follow 1s), 2s+1s turn outwards, cast up, 2s+1s turn on sides (LH Ladies' side & RH on Men's) to end in line across 1s in centre all facing down
9-16 1s+2s dance down the middle & back, 1s move ahead & cast to 2nd place opp sides as 2s dance to 1st place
17-24 2s+1s dance a Ladies' Chain
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s then 2s+1s turn RH
BRAES OF STRATHLENE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Bill Forbes Banffshire Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole: -
`1-2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`3-4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`5-8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd crnrs, 1s dance 1/2 reel with 2nd crnrs & end with 1s giving RH cross to 2nd pl.
17-24 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way, 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) 1s passing LSh on Bar 24 to cross to 2nd place.
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 2nd corners) & end passing RSh to 2nd place own sides
THE BRAES OF TULLIEMET (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Castle Menzies RSCDS Bk 7
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, cross RH & cast down 1 place on opposite sides
9-16 3s+1s dance 4H round to left, 1s lead up to top & cast on opposite sides to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corner; set to & turn 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corners & cross RH to 2nd place on own sides
THE BRAIDING REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Etsuko Watanabe Saitama 10th Ann. Coll
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up) & petronella turn (1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up). 1s set as 2L+3M change places RH
9-12 1s petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides. 1s set as 2M+3L change places RH. All now on opp sides (3) (1) (2)
13-24 3s+1s+2s dance R&L for 3 couples (omit polite turn bar 24)
25-32 3s+1s+2s turn RH to Ladies facing up, Men facing down & all chase clockwise 1/2 way. End 2 1 3
THE BRAMBLE BUSH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 25
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s set, cross RH, set & turn LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partners LH, 2nd corners RH & partners LH to 2nd places. 2 1 3
25-32 1s set to person on right & turn RH, 1s set to person on left & turn LH
THE BRAMBLE CIRCLE (R32) Circle Elinor M Vandegrift Let's All Dance
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 8 All circle round & back
9-16 All advance 2 steps & retire twice
17-24 All turn partners RH once round to face next dancer, turn new partner LH 1.1/4 times & face anticlockwise in prom hold (Lady on Mans right)
25-32 All Promenade & end in circle to repeat
BRAMHALL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
1- 8 All set & 1s+3s petronella turn into middle, centre couple (1M+3L) dance round each other to change places while partners set & 1s+3s petronella turn to sides
9-16 All set & 1s+3s petronella turn into middle, centre couple (1L+3M) dance round each other to change places while partners set & 3s+1s 3/4 turn LH into prom hold facing up while 2s dance in
17-24 3s+2s+1s Promenade & 3s end casting to bottom. 2 1 3
25-32 1M+3M turn LH while 1L+3L turn RH, 1M+2M turn RH while 1L+2L turn LH
THE BRANCHES OF THE YEW ARE EVERGREEN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Lydia Hedge Further Ado
1- 8 1s dance down middle (2s step up 3-4); 1s turn 2H (2 bars) & dance up to 2nd place remaining in centre. 2s & 3s step in bar 8
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice. (2) (1) (3)
25-32 1L+2s (at top) & 1M+3s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across; 2s+1s+3s turn partners 2H
BRANCHES TOGETHER (S96) Sq.Set Roy Goldring
1- 4 1s+3s set to partner & 1/2 turn RH
5- 8 1L+3L followed by prtnrs chase 1/4 round set clockwise & dance in passing 2s/4s RSh into middle curving in to face 2s/4s
9-16 All dance parallel reels of 4 across but 1s & 3s dance only 3/4 reel & chase out to original places on bars 15-16
17-24 1s+3s dance R&L & end Man behind partner facing Ladies corner (4M/2M)
25-32 All dance Alternating Tandem reels of 3 across ending in original places
33-64 2s+4s repeat bars 1-32 (with reels up/down set)
65-72 All Set+Link, all Ladies dance (anticlockwise) in front of partner & behind next Man to opposite (Mans) place
73-80 All Set+Link with 'new' partner, all Men dance (anticlockwise) in front of 'new' partner & behind next Lady to opposite (Ladies) place
81-88 All Ladies dance RH across, Men dance LH across but end in BtoB in middle facing partner
89-96 All dance 3/4 double reels of 4 to end Ladies BtoB in middle facing partner (in original place) & all turn partners RH ending with a bow/curtsy
THE BRANDANE REEL (R4x48) 4C set Catherine M Dewar SCD Archives
1- 8 2s+3s set to each other on sides, set to partners; 1s+2s also 3s+4s set to each other on sides & set to partners
9-24 1s lead down & cross to face 4s, 1M+4L turn LH as 1L+4M turn LH & turn partner RH (as Strip the Willow) back to top
25-32 1s set, cast 1 place (2s step up) & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 up round 2s
33-40 1s cross RH, cast to 3rd place (3s step up) & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 up round 3s. 2 3 1 4
41-48 1s+4s dance Poussette. 2 3 4 1
BRANDYSNAPS (R4x32) 4C set W Ernst Eder Martello Tower 4
1- 8 1L followed by partner dances Fig of 8 round 2M & 3M (dancing between them to start) while 4M & partner dance similarly round 2L & 3L
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance reels of 4 across set (1M & 2L pass LSh while 1L & 2M cast), 1L+2M also 3L+4M turn LH & all end in middle (1s & 3s facing down, 2s & 4s up)
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance the Rondel
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L starting RH on sides, set to partner & cross RH. 2 4 1 3
BRANDYWINE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) P.delaVeaux Delaware Valley Silver
1- 8 1s facing 2s set & change places RH, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
9-16 2s+1s set & turn partner 2H, 2s+1s circle left while 3s set & turn 2H
17-24 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left 1/2 way, all Adv+Ret
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance the Knot
BRANKLYN GARDENS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Linda Gaul Perth 95th Anniversary Dances
1- 4 1s+2s set right, 1/4 turn setting with left foot to face down/up on sides. 1s 3/4 turn 2s (Men LH, Ladies RH) into line of 4 across in 1st place (1s BtoB)
5- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 4 across
9-16 1s+2s set, 1s pass 2s RSh & cast (1L up/ 1M down), 1s turn RH to finish in 2nd place own sides
17-20 1s+3s set right, 1/4 turn setting with left foot to face down/up on sides. 1s 3/4 turn 3s (Men LH, Ladies RH) into line of 4 across in 3rd place (1s BtoB)
21-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4 across
25-28 1s+3s set. 1L passes 3L RSh while 1M passes 3M LSh & 1s cast up to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides. (2) (1) (3)
29-32 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH to own sides. 2 1 3
BRAS D'OR (Third Man) (J8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1L+2L & 2M+3M pass RSh) ending with 1L+2L also 2M+3M changing places RH
9-16 1L+3M set & cross RH, 3M followed by 1L cast down behind 3L & crosses to end own side (1L ends in 3L place & 2M+3L step up)
17-20 1s dance in, pull back RSh (pirouette) into BtoB position (Man facing up) & dance out to 1L/3M places while 3M & 2L cast on own sides to top/bottom & dance in & pull back RSh (pirouette) into BtoB position (Man facing up)
21-24 1s cast on opposite sides & cross to own sides while 3M & 2L dance out to 1L/3M places & cast to bottom/top
25-32 1L+2L (at top) & 1M+3M (3rd pl) turn RH while middle dancers turn LH 1.1/4 times, 3 Ladies (at top) also 3 Men dance RH across & 3L followed by 1L+2L dance down Ladies' side while 2M followed by 1M+3M dance up Men's side to end 2 1 3
33-40 1s cross down RH, cast up to 1st place & cross down LH to 2nd place own side facing out
End of 2nd turn: 1s dance down & cross LH to 4th place as 4s step up
BRATACH ASTRAILIA (S4x32) 4C set Don Chitts Melbourne Dance Bk 2
1- 8 1L dances anticlockwise around set back to place while others dance RH (touch fingers only) across & 1s cross passing LSH
9-16 1s dancing out turn 2s 1.1/2 times on sides with nearer hand, 1s turn 3s 1.1/2 times with other hand
17-24 1s turn 4s 1.1/2 times with other hand & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 4s
25-32 2s+3s dance RH across & LH back while 4s+1s dance LH across & RH back
BRATACH BANA (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bon Accord Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s dance LSh round 1st corners to 2nd place opp side facing 2nd corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 on sides & dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across (1M with 3s at top, 1L with the 2s, LSh to 3rd corner position). 1s end in 2nd place own side. (3) 1 (2)
17-24 1s turn 3/4 LH, turn 3rd corner (pstn) RH & pass RSh to turn 4th corner (pstn) RH ending in 2nd pl own side in prom hold with 4th corner (pstn)
25-32 1s+corners promenade diagonally across (passing RSh) to diag opp corner & 1/2 turn to end 1s in 2nd pl opp side, 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L (M up, L down). End 2 1 3
BRAVE HEART (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Brig O'Balgownie
1- 8 1s set, cross down RH, dance out round 1st corner & turn LH to face own side
9-16 1s dance RH across on side, pass RSh & dance LH across on opp side ending in lines of 3 across dance with Man between 2s & Lady between 3s
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, change places RH with person opposite, set & change back RH with 1s turning right about to face 3rd corner
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across ending in 2nd place own side
BRAVEHEART (WILLIAM WALLACE) (R32) Circle Ruary Laidlaw Clapyerhands
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 8 All clap 2 bars (1-2-3-4) All Adv+Ret, All clap 2 bars (1-2-3-4)
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 but stamp foot instead of clap
17-24 All turn partner RH (4 bars) turn partner LH (4 bars) All face anticlockwise NHJ
25-32 All promenade round & form circle again
BRAW LAD'S GATHERING (R4x32) 4C Set Dan Blackwood
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance RH across and LH across, staying in centre, all facing up, ready for …
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade, 1s cast (bars15 & 16), while 2s dance to the top & curve into place
17-24 1s dance 1M+3s & 1L+2s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across the dance; 1s pass LSh to dance 1/2 LSh reel across with other couple. 1s end BtoB in centre facing own side
25-28 2s+1s+3s set as Double Triangles, 1s+3s change places (LH Men's side, RH Ladies' side) to end 2 3 1 4
29-32 2s & 3s turn once round(RH on men's side, LH on men's side) while 1s & 4s turn 1.1/2 (RH on Men's side, LH on Ladies' side 2 3 4 1
BRAW SIR JOHN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 29
1- 8 1s set, cast to 2nd place, set & cast to 3rd place
9-16 1s cross up & dance reel of 3 on opposite sides with 2s+3s & end in 3rd place opposite sides
17-24 1s cross up & dance reel of 3 on own sides & end in 2nd place turning partner RH
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s giving RSh to 4th corner to start), 1s end crossing RH to 2nd place
THE BRAW TWA (S64) Sq.Set Angus Bk
1- 8 All dance double reels of 4 giving LH in centre (Men start & Ladies follow)
9-16 All turn partners RH & dance Grand Chain but turning each 2nd person RH 1.1/2 times (Men clockwise, Ladies anticlockwise) back to places
17-24 All petronella-in-tandem on 1 place anticlockwise & set, all petronella on 1 place anticlockwise & set
25-32 Set advancing to pass partner LSh & set passing next 3 persons LSh to end in original places
33-40 All turn partners 2H 1.1/2 times, Ladies dance LH across while Men dance clockwise 1/2 way
41-48 All turn 2H 1.1/2 times, Men dance LH across while Ladies dance clockwise 1/2 way
49-64 Repeat bars 33-48
THE BRAW WOOER (J8x40) 10 bars phrases 3C (4C set) John Drewry Rondel Bk
1-10 1s & 2s set twice, 1s cast 1 place, cross up & cast to 2nd place opposite sides while 2s cross up, cast & cross up to top place own sides
11-20 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s down between 3s to start) & 1s turn RH to 2nd place opposite sides facing out
21-30 1s cast RSh round 1st corners into centre, turn LH 1.1/2 times, dance out other end, cast to 2nd place own side & into centre BtoB (Lady facing up Man down) while 2s+3s dance R&L ending with 2s & 3s dancing in to face down/up
31-40 2s+1L also 1M+3s circle 3H round to left, 1s dance down/up own side & 3H round to left with other cpl to end in 2nd pl on opp side & cross RH
BREAK THE WIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Susan & Max Leek, 2014
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-12 1s set twice with 1L pulling back RSh on bars 11-12 to face out while 2s+3s pull back RSh and chase clockwise 1/2 way round
13-16 1L followed by partner casts up & dances down the middle, 1L faces 2M & 1M faces 3M while 3s+2s cross RH & set
17-24 1s RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s)
25-26 1L followed by partner dances down & casts up round 3M position while corners change places RH up/down
27-28 1L followed by partner dances across to end in 2nd place on own sides while 2s+3s set
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn RH. 2 1 3
THE BREAKDOWN (R3x32) 3C set John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 4
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 on own sides (giving RSh to 2s)
9-16 1L followed by partner cast behind Ladies' side, 1L dances below 3L round & up while 1M dances round 2L to dance up the middle (1M leading) to top & cast down behind Men, 1M dances round 3M & 1L round 2M
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) & 1s end facing up
25-32 1s dance RH across with 2L+3L & LH across with 2M+3M, 1s end 3rd place own sides. 2 3 1
BREAKFAST TIME JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Geraldine Schuckeit Borderland Dances
1- 8 1s dance DoSiDo; 1s dance down NHJ & cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side (2s step up 7-8)
9-12 1s set advancing passing LSh to face 1st corners & turn corners 3/4 RH to end 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
13-16 1s repeat 9-12 with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place opp sides
17-20 1s repeat 9-12 with 3rd corners to end 1M between 2s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up
21-24 1s repeat 9-12 with 4th corners to end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance DoSiDo; all turn partners RH. End 2 1 3
THE BREAKISH POSTIE (S4x32) 4C Set Trevor Rayner Skye Coll 2 & Pensioner's Coll
1- 8 1s set adv & pass LSh, 1M+2L turn RH as 1L+2M turn LH, 1M+3M turn LH as 1L+3L turn RH & 1M+4L turn RH as 1L+4M LH to end 2 3 4 (1)
9-16 1s set adv & pass LSh, 1M+4M turn RH as 1L+4L turn LH, 1M+3L turn LH as 1L+3M turn RH, 1M+2M turn RH as 1L+2L turn LH & all end orig pl
17-24 1s+2s dance the Knot, 1s remain in middle & 3s step in for Poussette
25-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
BREATH OF SPRING (S4x32) 4C set R Taylor Martello Tower 5
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance LSh reels of 3 on sides
9-16 1L+2M turn LH, 1M+2L turn RH
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 2 places, cross LH & cast to bottom
25-32 4s+1s dance R&L
THE BREATHALYSER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & 1/2 reel of 3 on sides dancing in & down to start
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 up round 2s & 1/2 reel of 3 on sides dancing in & up to start
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance RH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s) & cross passing LSh to…
25-32 1s circle 3H round to left (Man with 3s & Lady with 2s), 2s+1s+3s turn RH
BRECHIN FANCY (R8x32) 2C (4C set) MMM 2
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back
9-16 1L+2M turn RH while 1M+2L turn RH (1L passes in front of 1M), 1L+2M turn LH while 1M+2L turn LH to end BtoB between 2s in 1st place
17-24 1s+2s dance RSh reel of 4 across dance
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
BRECHIN LASSIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s+3s dance Petronella to opposite side (Petronella turn & set, repeat)
9-16 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s+3s cross RH to own sides, 1s+2s+3s set
17-24 1s lead down to bottom & up to 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to 1st corner & turn 3/4 LH to 2nd place own side
BRECON IN MARCH (R5x40) 5C Sq.Set Peter Wright Bristol 40th Anniversary Bk
Start 5s in centre facing 1s
1- 8 1s+5s dance 1/2 R&L, 1L+2s also 1M+4s dance RH across to end 1s facing each other in middle - Man facing down, Lady up
9-16 1s set & 1/2 turn RH, 1M+3s also 1L+5s dance LH across ending 1s passing LSh to 1M facing 4M & 1L facing 2M
17-24 1M+4M+2L also 1L+2M+4L: LSh reels of 3 across ending in lines of 3 across BtoB facing top & bottom couples
25-32 All set & advance 2 steps (5s+3s under arches), all set turning about & dance back under arches
33-40 1s turn RH & LH in centre while other cpls turn RH & chase clockwise 3/4 way round (M leading) to end 2 3 4 5 with 1s in centre facing 2s in top pl
THE BREEKS ARE LOOSE (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Summer Coll 3
1- 8 1s slip step down below 3s, dance up between 3s & cast up behind 2s on own side to place
9-16 1s+2s dance Espagnole: -
`9-10 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`11-12 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`13-16 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to face 4th corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 with 4th corners, passing RSh dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 1st crnrs, turn LH to end Man above Lady in centre
25-32 1s dance RH across (1M with 3s at top & 1L with 2s) ending on opposite sides, 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way
BRENDAN BRAE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Wood Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 4 1s lead down middle & cross over to cast up to 2nd place while 2s set & cross RH to 3rd place while 3s cast up to 1st place & cross RH. (3) (1) (2)
5- 8 3s+1s+2s turn partner 1.1/2 2H to own sides
9-16 3s+1s+2s set, 1s dance reels of 3 across (6 bars, LSh to 1st corner (pstn) to start)
17-20 3s lead down middle & cross over to cast up to 2nd place while 1s set & cross RH to 3rd place while 2s cast up to 1st place & cross RH. (2) (3) (1)
21-24 2s+3s+1s turn partner 1.1/2 2H to own sides
25-32 3s+1s dance the Tourbillon:
25-28 3s & 1s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 3M & 1L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise to end 3s on Ladies side & 1s on Men's side, 3s set to 1s
29-32 3s & 1s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs on 1 place clockwise & 1s+3s cross RH to own sides. 2 1 3
BRIAN JOHNSON LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER (R3x32) 3C set Alison M Robertson & Peter Gellatly, 2019
1- 8 1s+2s+3s cross RH & set; 2L+1s & 2M+3s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across. All end in original places
9-16 All Set+Link twice to end on opp sides (3)(2)(1)
17-24 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L while 1s cross LH & set; 2s+3s+1s turn partners RH
25-32 2s+2s+1s circle 6H round & back
THE BRICKS OF MADISON (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Doug Schneider Madison SCD
1- 2 1L & 2M 1/2 turn LH
3- 4 1L dances up & around 2L's place as 2M dances down around 1M's place while 1M & 2L Adv+Ret for 1 step
5- 8 1L & 2M turn RH to original place
9-10 1M & 2L 1/2 turn RH
11-12 1M dances up & around 2M's place as 2L dances down around 1L's place while 1L & 2M Adv+Ret for 1 step
13-16 1M & 2L turn LH to finish facing partners on 2nd diagonal
17-24 All dance diagonal reel of 4 to finish on the 2nd diagonal
25-28 1M turns 1L RH to 2L's place while 2L turns 2M RH to 1M 's place. All chase clockwise 1 place.
29-32 4H round to the left
BRIDESMAID'S POSY (R4x32) 4C Set Bardill/Prince 2006
1- 4 1s dance in and down, rotate (1M cl'wise, 1L anticl'wise) to face down in line between 2s while 2s set & rotate (2M cl'wise, 2L anticl'wise) to face up; 1s+2s Bal-in-Line
5- 8 2s dance up to 1st place and stand while 1s+3s repeat 1-4, 1s turning inwards to face up on bar 8
9-16 1s in prom. hold dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Ladies' side (LSh to 2L), 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (RSh to 2M)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Men's side (LSh to 3M), 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 3 (RSh to 2M), 1s end facing in centre between 2s (1M facing up, 1L facing down) joining 2H, 3s+2s+4s step up
25-28 1s dance down middle 4 PdB steps (as in Poussette – move, 1/2 turn, move, 1/2 turn) to 4th place while 3s+2s+4s set; 3s cast 1 place, 2s dance to top, 4s set rotating (4L cl'wise, 1M anticl'wise)
29-32 2s+3s+4s turn RH once round while 1s turn RH 1.1/4 to own sides 2 3 4 1
Original publication
THE BRIDGE CITY STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C Triangular set Craig Williams Saskatchewan's Centennial Coll
1- 8 All 3 couples "Set+Link" twice & face partners
9-16 All set, turn partner 3/4 RH. Ladies join LH in middle, RH with partner. All Bal-in-Line (Highland Schottische)
17-24 All dance strathspey "Targe":
17-18 Ladies dance LH across 2 places while Men dance 1 place round clockwise
19-20 All turn partners RH
21-24 Repeat 17-20 End with ladies in centre facing partners
25-28 All set Advancing, pass partner, pull back RSh to face & all 3/4 turn partner 2H to finish on sides
29-32 All pass partners RSh, take prom hold with "new" partner facing anticlockwise & all dance 1 place round to new place
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, all advance to opposite sides Ladies dancing under Mens arms
9-16 All Adv+Ret, all advance to own sides Ladies dancing under Mens arms
17-24 1s slip step to bottom & back
25-32 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s+5s cast to bottom & 1s make an arch, 2s+3s+4s+5s dance under arch & up to new places & make arches
33-40 1L dances up under arches as 1M casts to top, 1M dances down under arches as 1L casts to bottom
41-48 All swing partners
BRIDGE OF NAIRN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert Bremner (1757) RSCDS Bk 13
1- 8 1s cast below 3s & lead up to top, cross & cast to meet partner facing 2L (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s set to 2L, 3M, 3L then 2M & turn to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH ending in 2nd place opposite sides. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & 1s turn with 2H 1.1/2 times. 2 1 3
THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 86
1- 8 1s+3s set & turn 2H to face up, 3s dance to top & cast back to places while 1s cast to 3rd place & lead up LH to face 1st corner
9-16 1s 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 while 2s+3s 1/2 R&L (inside the reel), 1s+1corners 1/2 reel of 4 & 1s pass LSh to face 2nd corner
17-24 1s 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 while 2s+3s 1/2 R&L up/down (inside the reel), 1s+2nd corners 1/2 reel of 4 & 1s end side by side (LSh) facing opp side
25-32 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise (1s merge) & turn 2H
BRIDGE OVER THE ATLANTIC (S3x32) 3C set Derek Haynes & John Gradon Carnforth Coll 3
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start), 1s+2s continue reel to change places & 1s turn to face up on outside
9-16 All dance 3H across on sides (Ladies LH & Men RH), on bar 10 1s cross to join opposite wheel (Lady in front of Man), on bar 13 1s cross back to own side to continue wheels & rotate until 1s are at the top
17-24 1s followed by 3s+2s dance down the middle & back with 3s & 2s dividing to dance up behind 1s in order 1 3 2
25-32 All dance Allemande to end 2 3 1
BRIDGE OVER THE GLEN (S3x32) 3C set S Bellerby Cleveland Coll
1- 8 1s followed by 2s+3s dance across & down opposite sides, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1M/2M pass RSh & 1L/2L pass LSh to start) & end 1s dancing to 2nd place in middle facing out opposite sides & 2s to top
9-16 Men dance LH across while Ladies dance RH across, 2s change places & sides reverse direction ending with 3s changing places & 1s in centre facing up
17-24 1s lead up, cross & cast to 2nd place own sides, 1s & 3s turn partners RH ready for…
25-32 1s+3s dance Allemande
BRIDGE TO SKYE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Brig O' Balgownie
1- 8 1s set, cross RH & cast (2s step up 5-6), 1s turn 3/4 LH to end 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Set+Link for 3 across; 1s+2s+3s dance Set+Link for 3 on sides. 1s end facing 3rd corner pstn. (3) 1 (2)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to face 4th corner pstn & dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 with 2nd coreners. 1s end in 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
25-32 1s cross RH, cast to right round 1st corners (1M down, 1L up) & face up/down in centre, turn 3/4 LH & dance out to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
THE BRIDGWATER GEORDIE (R4x32) 4C set David G Queen Queen Coll 1
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s set, cast in 1 place, dance RH across & end facing corners
9-16 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reel (2 places)
17-24 4s+1s dance LH across, 3s+4s also 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way & all 1/2 turn RH into…4 3 (2)(1)
25-32 4s Allemande to 3rd place (& cross LH) & 1s Allemande to 2nd place (& cross LH) while 3s Poussette to 1st pl & 2s Poussette to 4th pl. 3 1 (4)(2)
THE BRIG AMITY (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Brenchley The Reel 305
1- 8 1s set cross RH, cast off to 2nd place opp sides & turn RH to finish in the centre RH joined, facing 1st corners. (2s step up 5-6)
9-12 1st set to 1st corners, change places passing RSh; 2M+3L turn 1/4 RH to finish in centre with RH joined facing 3M/2L
13-16 2L+3L & 2M+3M set to each other & change places passing RSh, 2L+3M turn 1/4 RH to finish in centre RH joined facing 1L/1M
17-20 1L+2L & 1M+3M set to each other and change places passing RSh
21-24 1s turn 1.1/2 RH to face 1st corners (pstn)
25-28 1s+2L+3M dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4, 1s pass RSh to face 2nd corners (pstn)
29-32 1s+3L+2M dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4, 1s pass RSh to face 3rd corners (pstn)
33-36 1s+2L+3M dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4, 1s join RH on meeting
37-40 1s turn 1.1/2 RH to 2nd place own side while 2s & 3s set & cross RH to own side. 2 1 3
BRIG O' BALGOWNIE (R4x24) 4C Set Barry Skelton Brig O' Balgownie
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place (2s & 3s step down/up 3-4); 1s & 4s dance LH across. End 1L followed by 1M facing 2M, 4M followed by 4L facing 3L
9-16 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal RSh reel with 1st corners, couples pass LSh & dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem diagonal RSh reel with 2nd corners. (3) 1 4 (2)
17-24 1s+2s & 4s+3s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem LSh reel across; 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, 1/2 turn partner RH to finish on own sides. 3 1 4 2
BRIG O' BOGENDREEP (R8x32) 3C (4C set) M Henderson Imperial 3
1- 8 1s lead down, cross below 3s & cast back to opposite places, 2s following on bar 3 & 3s cross over on bar 5, 1s+2s+3s cross back to orig places
9-16 1s cast 1 place, cross passing LSh cast round 1st corner to meet in centre & turn about into Double triangle position up/down dance
17-24 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s set, 1s dance up/down dance & cast round 4th corner into Double Triangle position facing own sides & set with crnrs
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides passing 4th corner RSh
BRIG O' DOON (S96) 3C set MacNab Dances #15
Part A
1- 8 1L crosses to 3M, 1L+3M set HS & 1L returns to place
9-16 1M repeats with 3L
17-24 1s dance Figs of 8 on own sides dancing between 2s to start
25-32 2s dance DoSiDo & all set HS
Part B
33-48 All dance full Petronella
49-56 3s followed by 2s+1s dance down 1 step & cast up on own sides to form lines of 6 across facing down with 3s in middle
57-64 All cross hands & advance 4 steps, all dance backwards 4 steps, end by dropping hands & turning left to place RH on shoulder of person in front
65-72 1L turns right about & dances in & out under the arms to the other end of the line
73-80 1M turns left about & dances in & out under the arm to other end of the line
81-88 1s followed by 2s+3s cast down room & lead up the centre with 1s crossing to own sides
89-96 1s followed by 2s cast on own sides & lead up under arch made by 3s to places
BRIGADOON (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Brig O' Balgownie
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s set, cross RH & face out
9-12 1L casts up to 1M's place, 1M down to 3L's place while 2s & 3s Petronella turn, 1s dance across while 2s & 3s set
13-16 1s dance into 2nd place own side while 2s+3s Petronella turn, All 3 couples set, 2s turning to face down, 3s to face up (2) 1 (3)
17-20 1L dances diagonally down to 3M's place & up to 1M's place while 1M dances through 1L's place & down to 3L's place while 2s & 3s Petronella turn to line across in 2nd place
21-24 1s dance up/down centre & turn 3/4 RH to 2nd place opposite sides while 2s & 3s set (Lady facing Lady, Man facing Man), dance Petronella turn, 3s to 1st place, 2s to 3rd place, all couples on opp sides. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 into lines across; Set+Link for 3 to end 2 1 3
BRIGHT AND BREEZY (R4x32) 4C set James Cosh Glenshee Coll
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s turn 1.1/2 times on sides (1s & 4s dance inwards), 1s+4s LH across 1/2 way to face corners & change pls RH with crnrs. (4) 2 3 (1)
9-16 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way (starting on sides), all dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides. 4 (2)(3) 1
17-24 4s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+4s dance LH across. 2 (4)(3) 1
25-32 4L+3M change places RH, 4M+3L change places RH; 3s+4s dance RH across. 2 3 4 1
BRIGHTLINGSEA BELLES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) M Bare Ness House 1
1- 8 1s & 2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start)
9-16 1s dance Inveran Reels with 2s+3s
17-24 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance DoSiDo while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L changing places on sides to start. 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice to end on own sides. 2 1 3
BRIGS OF AYR (S3x32) 3C set Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 4
1- 8 All set, turn 2H to face up, dance up & cast to 3 2 1
9-16 3s+1s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s (3s cast, 1s cross up)
17-24 1s dance in & cast up to 2nd place, 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 3s at top & 1M with 2s).
25-28 3s & 2s join NH & make arches & Adv+Ret (up/down set) while 1s dance under arches (1L up through 3s, 1M down through 2s) & cast to right into 2nd place own side
29-32 1s circle 3H round to right (1M with 3s at top & 1L with 2s). 3 1 2
BRISBANE GLEN (S3x32) 3C set John A Johnston Jig Time 1
1- 8 1s+2s set & petronella in tandem; petronella in tandem again to opp sides & cross RH with partner. 2 1 3
9-16 All dance Set+Link for 3 couples; 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L (1M down, 1L up to start)
17-24 All repeat 9-16 to end (3) (1) (2)
25-32 All Advance (1), Retire (1) & repeat; All 1/2 turn partner 2H, pull back RSh & dance (curve) out to own side. 3 1 2
BRISK BOB (S4x32) 4C Set John Drewry Summer Coll 3
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides, 4s+3s also 2s+1s dance RH across
9-16 All dance 1/2 reel of 4 on sides, 2s+3s dance LH across
17-24 All Ladies cross passing partner LSh & dance down/up to new places, all Men cross passing ptnr RSh & dance down/up to new pl. 3 4 (1)(2)
25-32 4L+1L change places RH & set to each other while 4M+1M set & change places RH, 1s+4s circle 4H round to left. 3 1 (4)(2)
THE BRISK YOUNG LAD (J5x48) 5C set John Drewry Autumn Coll 84
1-12 1s+2s+4s+5s dance RSh reel of 4 on sides (3s stand)
13-16 1s+2s & 4s+5s turn RH on sides while 3s turn LH in centre to end facing "1st corner couples" (Lady facing 1M+2M & Man facing 4L+5L)
17-24 3s dance RH across with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance LH across with "2nd corners" (Lady with 4M+5M & Man with 1L+2L)
25-32 3s dance out centre of own sides & cast clockwise round 3rd corner couple, dance in & pass partner RSh & dance out other end casting round 4th corner couple to 3rd place own sides (corner couples Adv+Ret to allow 3s to dance behind them)
33-40 All circle 10H round & back
41-48 2s+3s+4s+5s set & cast up 1 place while 1s set advancing & lead down to bottom, all turn RH
BRISTOL FASHION (S3x32) 3C set Roy Goldring A Reel For Alice
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s; 1s turn 2s 1.1/2 times (1M+2L with LH, 1L+2M with RH), 1s finish in centre in 2nd place, 2s on sides facing in
9-16 2M+1L+3M dance RH across & LH back as 2L+1M+3L dance LH across & RH back. 1s curve away from each other, ready for …
17-20 1L+3M turn LH 1.1/2 (4 bars) ; 1M+3L turn RH 1.1/2 (4 bars) to finish on sides 2 3 (1)
21-24 1s cross up to dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 3s. 2 3 1
25-32 2s+1s petronella turn into centre, face ptnr & set; 2s+1s turn ptnr 2H 1.1/4 to finish on own sides
Round the Room in 3s facing anticlockwise
1- 4 Nearer hands joined, touch the left heel then the left toe to the floor, bouncing on the right foot with each touch, All skip to the left for one step. Repeat with opposite feet.
5- 8 Skip forward for two steps, then backwards for two steps.
9-12 All set & Ladies turn under Mans arms
13-16 Skip forward for two steps, then backwards for two steps
1- 8 1L+2L+3L Adv+Ret for 2 steps, 1M+2M+3M Adv+Ret
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s cast on own sides to 3rd place & lead back up to original places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance 6H round & back
25-32 1s+2s dance the Poussette. 2 1 3
THE BRITISH IMMIGRANT (J4x32) 4C set John S Trew Martello Tower 1
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across for 3 steps, LH across for 3 steps, 1s cast as 2s dance up while 3s+4s dance RH across & back
9-16 1L dances Fig of 8 round 2s while 1M dances Fig of 8 round 3s
17-24 1s set, cast to 3rd place, turn RH & face down in prom hold (Lady on Mans left)
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 across giving RSh to 4M to start & ending in 4th place
BRITISH MAN O' WAR (R32) Round the Room
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-16 Couple facing anticlockwise dance between other couple & cast back to places & turn RH
17-24 Couple facing clockwise repeat 9-16
25-32 Progress with alternating arches: All dance in direction they are facing, clockwise couple make arch, dance under arch, make arch, dance under arch to meet a new couple
BROADFORD BAY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Grant Skye Coll 1
1- 8 1s followed by 2s dance down the middle, cast up round 3s on own sides, dance in & up to top, 1s casting to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain (2M & 1L end facing out)
17-24 2L+1M turn RH 1.1/2 & dance 1/2 way round clockwise while
2M+1L dance 1/2 way round anticlockwise & turn LH 1.1/4 times to end facing partners
25-32 2s+1s dance diagonal reel of 4 ending on own sides with 1s in 2nd place. 2 1 3
THE BROADSWORD (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
1- 4 1s dance down below 2s & cast up to places
5- 8 2s lead up LH, cross & cast to 2nd place on opposite sides. 1 (2)
9-16 1s+2s dance 6 bars R&L, 2s+1s turn 3/4 LH on the sides into lines across, 1s facing down, 2s facing up & Ladies in the middle
17-24 1s+2s dance the Targe:
17-18 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
19-20 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
21-22 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
23-24 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn LH to end 1s on opposite sides in 2nd place. 2 (1)
25-32 All set, 1s lead up RH, cross & cast, 2s+1s set
Note: Can be danced as a Strathspey, a Reel or a Jig
BROADWAY (S3x32) 3C set C Ronald Big Apple Coll / Sunday Class Bk 2
1- 8 1s dance down (2 bars) & turn 2H (2 bars), 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3, 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L starting Diagonally left
17-24 All Set+Link for 3, 1s dance 1/2 Diag R&L starting Diagonally left. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 All set & 1/2 turn RH, face partner and pull back RSh, dance out to places & set. 3 1 2
BROADWAY STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Rhodes Snowdon Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 2L
9-16 1s set to 2L, turn & set to 3M, set to 3L, turn & set to 2M
17-24 1s dance RH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) & LH across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides
BROADWAY WELCOME (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J Rhodes Snowdon Bk 3
1- 8 1s & 2s set, 1s cast & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 around 2s
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on side (1s In & down to start), 1s pass RSh into double triangle formation
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 on own sides
BROCHAN LOM (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Macfarlane
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Set & Petronella turn to face partner up & down; All 3/4 turn partner 2H to opp sides & all Set
9-16 All Adv+Ret (1 step each) twice; All turn partner 2H once round
17-24 Cross-over Mirror Reels:
1s cross down, 2s out/up, 3s in/up to start. As each couple reaches 1st place they cross down to finish reel on own side. End 1s in centre NHJ facing down, 2s NHJ facing up, 3s in 3rd place own side
25-32 1s+2s dance Rondel
BRODICK CASTLE GARDENS (M-(S32+J32)) Sq.Set Eric Finley North Ayrshire 50th Anniv
1- 8 All set, 1s & 3s cast to 2nd/4th places while 2s & 4s dance in & turn to face out to 1s/3s, all dance 1/2 reels of 4 across ending with 2s & 4s in centre facing opposite sides while 1s & 3s loop round to face anticlockwise
9-16 2s & 4s set, dance out to opposite sides while 1s & 3s dance to each others places, 1s+3s dance LH across while 2s & 4s chase anticlockwise to opposite side (all Ladies on left of Men)
17-20 3s & 1s dance anticlockwise 1/2 round to original side while 2s+4s dance LH across
21-24 All face partner & set, all turn partner RH once round. 2s & 4s take prom hold (Lady on Man's left)
25-32 2s+4s in prom hold dance reels of 3 up/down set with corners (2s give RSh to 1L, 4s to 3L to start) All on wrong side of partner
Repeat 1-32 with 2s & 4s casting to start, 2s & 3s dance into centre etc. 1s & 3s dance promenade reels across set with partner on right (1s+4M & 3s+2M pass RSh) & all end in original places
BRODIE CASTLE (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Canadian Bk
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All set, 1s turn RH, cross down to 2nd place, cast up to top & dance in to face down with nearer hands joined while 2s cross RH, cast up, cross down to own side & join 1s in a line across (2s facing up) while 3s cross RH, cast down, cross up to original sides & join 4s in a line across (3s facing down) while 4 turn RH, lead up to 3rd place crossing to other side, cast to 4th place & turn to face up with nearer hands joined
9-16 All set in line, 1/2 turn to bring outside persons into centre, set & 1/2 turn back to lines
17-24 1s & 4s (prom hold) dance RSh reels of 3 across set (1s with 2s & 4s with 3s)
25-32 1s & 4s (prom hold) dance down to bottom/up to top (Men passing LSh), drop RH, cross & cast to 2nd/3rd place then cross RH. 2 4(1)(3)
BRODIE'S FANCY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Brockbank
1- 8 1s set, cross RH to face 2s, 1s+2s set to each other on sides & change place with 1s dancing between 2s into double triangle pstns
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner & partner to end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times
BROKEN PROMISES (S32) Round the Room Jim Rae A Dancing Tour
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance 4H round to left, turn opposite dancer 2H, turn partners 2H & end facing partners
9-12 All set HS to partners & 3/4 turn dancer on left of partner LH both ending in their partners place
13-16 All set HS to partner & 3/4 turn dancer on partners right RH both ending in their original places
17-24 Dance interlocking reels of 4 passing partner RSh ending couple facing couple
25-32 All dance the Rondel to progress
THE BROKEN RIDGE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Cleveland Coll
1- 8 1s followed by 2s lead down middle, 2s lead up to top while 1s cast up behind 3s to 2nd place own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1s in & up to start); 3s+1s+2s dance 4 bars of Grand Chain (1 bar per hand)
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L & turn partners 2H, 1s turning 1.1/2 to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end in middle in 2nd place facing down ready to start again. 2 1 3
BROKEN RIVER REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J van der Touw Dookie Bookie
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH (4 bars)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners (1s end in 2nd place opposite sides)
17-24 All Set+Link for 3 twice
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H to left, pivot & circle right back to places
THE BROOCH OF LORNE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Cameo Coll Bk 10
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance a Chain – 1st person RH, 2nd person LH 1.1/2 times, 3rd person RH & all set. (3) 1 (2)
17-20 All advance for 1 step & turning right about dance out, all chase clockwise 1/4 way into lines of across
21-24 All advance down/up 1 step & turning right about dance up/down, all chase clockwise 1/4 way into sidelines
25-32 1s dance RH across & LH back (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s) to end 2nd place own sides
THE BROOK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield Island Bay Coll 2
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s+3s turn RH
9-16 1s set advancing to 2nd corners & turn RH, 1s lead down below 3s cross & cast up to 2nd place own sides
17-24 1s set advancing to 1st corners & turn LH, 1s lead up to top cross & cast to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
BROOMIELAW REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) A Brown Dunnington Coll 2
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 Dance Pass+Turn with corners & end turning LH to face opposite sides
17-24 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s), 1s dance LH across (1L with 3s, 1M with 2s), & end facing 1st corners,
25-32 1s dance Hello-Goodbye setting & petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
DUKE OF PERTH (Broun's Reel or Clean Pease Strae) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 1
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner, & partner to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corner 2H, set to & turn 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner & cross back to own sides
BROWNED OFF (R32) Round the Room John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance Men's Chain
9-16 Ladies pass opposite Man LSh, cast & turn other Lady RH 1.1/2 times back to place
17-24 Men pass opposite Lady RSh, cast & turn other Man LH 1.1/2 times back to place
25-32 All set, dance RH across & cross RH to meet next couple
THE BROWNIE OF BLEDNOCH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) S Kass Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s set twice, 1s facing 2s set twice to each other on sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE BROWNRIGG REEL (R4x32) 4C set John S Trew For Old Tymes Sake
1- 8 1s followed by 2s lead down, cross below 4s & dance to place on opposite sides
9-16 4s followed by 3s lead up LH, cross above 1s & dance down to place on opposite sides
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 1s lead down to 4th place, all set & cross RH
BRUADAR (S4x32) Sq.Set Julia Sharp St Ronan's SCD Club Innerleithen
1- 4 All set & Ladies Petronella turn into centre to face next Man,
5- 8 All set & turn RH 1/2 way & Men move on to face own partner (all Men in centre)
9-12 All turn partners RH 1/2 way & Ladies dance LH across 1/2 way while Men dance clockwise 1/2 way round to meet partners
13-16 All turn partners RH 1/2 way & Men dance LH across 1/2 way while Ladies dance clockwise 1/2 way round to meet partners
17-24 All dance intersecting reels of 4 (pass partner RSh to start & all giving LH in centre)
25-32 All Promenade anticlockwise round to end in new positions 2 3 4 1
BRUCE & MARGARET URQUHART (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Magic Medicine
1- 8 1s+2s advance for 2 steps & retire, cross RH & dance 4H round to left 1/2 way
9-16 1s+3s dance 4H round to right 1/2 way & cross LH, 3s & 1s set & 1s lead up to 2nd place as 3s cast
17-24 1s set & cast (Lady up above 2s & Man down below 3s) while 2s+3s dance RH across, 1s dance LH across with 2s/3s
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across set giving LSh to 1st corner (pstn), 1/2 turn partner RH to continue reels with other couple & 1s pass RSh to 2nd places
BRUCE CLOSE STRATHSPEY (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Anna Crawford Addlestone 80th
1- 8 1s cast one place & set (2s step up 1-2); 1s turn 1.1/2 2H to finish facing up
9-12 1s dance up, cross RH & cast one place to finish BtoB in the centre (1L facing up 1M facing down)
13-16 1L+2s also 1M+3 circle 3H round to left. 1s finish facing 1st corner
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corners 2H to finish facing 2nd corners; Set to & turn 2nd corners 2H to finish beside partner facing down
25-28 1s dance down LH below 3s, cross & cast up behind 3s to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3 4
29-32 All 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & curve out to opposite sides
33-38 All set. All repeat bars 29-32 back to own sides.
39-40 All set
BRUCE FRAZER OF STRATHKINNESS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Linda C Gaul 75 years of Dancing in St Andrews
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate:
Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across; 2s+1s dance LH across. 1s finish facing 1st corner
17-24 1s set to and turn 1st corner 2H; opening out (1st corners leading) into circle 4H round to Left. 1s finish facing 2nd corners (1st corners back in place)
25-32 1s repeat 17-24 setting to and turning 2nd corner 2H; opening out (2nd corners leading) into circle 4H round to left. End 2 1 3
BRUCE FRAZER'S JIG (J4x32) 4C set Shirley Ferguson Three Hands Across Bk
1- 6 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across 1s & 3s face down, 2s & 4s face up; all set
7- 8 1s cross down to 2nd place opp sides facing out (2s dance up to 1st place) while 4s cross up to 3rd place opp sides facing out (3s dance down to 4th place) 2 (1) (4) 3
9-12 2s+1s turn on sides (2L+1M LH, 2M+1L RH) while 4s+3s turn on sides (4M+3L RH, 4L+3M LH)
13-16 All dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides. 3 (4) (1) 2
17-24 4s+1s dance 1/2 R&L; 3s & 2s turn partner RH
25-32 All circle 8H round & back. 3 1 4 2
THE BRUCE THAT WAS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring A Reel For Alice
1- 4 1s+2s set, 1s cross down (no hands) to 2nd place opp sides as 2s cast up to 1st place. 1M faces down, 1L faces up
5- 8 1st corners followed by 1s (2M+1L also 3L+1M) dance across passing ptnrs (2L/3M) by right and cast, 2M down/3L up (still followed by 1s) to change places with 1s finishing in 2nd place own sides, finish …
TOP 2L · 1L · 2M
3L · 1M · 3M
9-16 1s set, cross passing LSh. Repeat bars 5-8 with 2nd cnrs followed by 1s (2L+1M also 3M+1L) dancing across, pass opp person by Left, cast, 3M up/2L down (still followed by 1s) to change places & 1s finish in 2nd place own sides (3) 1 (2)
17-20 1s petronella turn into centre, 1s set as 1st cnrs cross RH to place
21-24 1s petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides, 1s set as 2nd cnrs cross RH to place & face out
25-32 Reels of 3 on sides, 1s pass 2nd cnrs RSh to start (6 bars); 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
BRUCE'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Andrew Osborne, 2019
1- 8 1s cross down RH, cast behind 3s, meet & dance up (NHJ) to top & cast to 2nd place opp sides (2s step up 7-8). 2 (1) 3
9-16 1L+3s & 1M+2s dance RH across; 1s turn LH to face 3rd corners
17-24 1s+3rd corners dance 1/2 diag reel of 4, 1s pass RSh; 1s+4th corners dance 1/2 diag reel of 4. 1s pass RSh to end 2nd place opp sides (3)(1)(2)
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance clockwise 1/2 round; All turn partners RH (or birl) to end 2 1 3
BRUCE'S MEN (S3x32) 3C set Roy Goldring Scotia Suite
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 2s followed by 1s dance down between 3s & cast up (2s to top place & 1s to 2nd place)
9-16 1s dance Diag R&L. (1M down / 1L up) (3)1(2)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1L up round 3s, 1M down round 2s), all 3 couples set & 1/2 turn partner RH, remaining in centre facing up ready for …
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande ending with 1s casting to 3rd place, 3s dancing up to 2nd place. 2 3 1
THE BRUDENELL JIG (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Brenda Burnell Leeds Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 1s lead down for 2 bars, turn RH, lead up & cast to 2nd places
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
BRUNETTE D'ECOSSE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) A Dix Reel Friends 2
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 2s+1s+3s set & turn partners 2H remaining in the middle facing up
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner & turn 2H to face 2nd corner, set to 2nd corner & turn 2H to end side by side (LSh to LSh) facing own sides
25-32 3s+1s (dancing out)+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way, 2s+1s+3s turn 2H 1.1/2 times
BRYONY (S4x32) 4C set Veronica Hughes Silver Thistle Coll
1- 8 1M followed by partner casts, crosses set below 2s, casts behind 3L & dances up middle to above 3s & pulls back RSh to face partner (2s step up 3-4, 3s+4s on 7-8)
9-16 1s+3s dance 4H round to left, 1s pull back RSh, 1M facing up, 1L facing down; 1M+2s also 1L+4s dance RH across
17-20 1s+3s dance LH across
21-24 3s retain hands & turn to finish 3M in own place & 3L in 2L's place
while 1L+4L turn RH to end in 3rd & 4th places own sides
while 1M+2M turn RH to end in original places (2 3 4 1 Ladies' side & 1 2 3 4 Men's). All dance in & take promenade hold
25-32 All with "new" partners Promenade round for 4 bars (until 1M, dancing up, is level with 4M), all drop hands & 1M cast to on own side to pick up partner while other Men dance on to meet partners & continue Promenade to places. 2 3 4 1
BUBBLE SORT (R4x32) 4C set Sue McKinnell, 2005
1- 8 1L+2M also 3L+4M cross RH, cast behind partner & dance back to place; 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
9-16 1M+2L also 3M+4L cross LH, cast behind partner & dance back to place; 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across
17-24 All dance Interlocking Double Figs 8:
1s+3s dance double Fig 8 round 2nd place (1s cross down, 3s cast up) while
2s+4s dance double Fig 8 round 3rd place (2s cross down, 4s cast up). (Dancers crossing down pass those casting up RSh on sides)
25-32 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides (4 3 2 1); top 3 Ladies & bottom 3 Men dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides. End: Men's side: 4 1 2 3, Ladies' side 2 3 4 1
Repeat 3 more times, each time with new partner. (Bars 17-24 may be easier if danced as Strathspey)
BUBBLES IN THE POND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Katherine Nealley Delaware Valley Silver
1- 8 1s+2s dance Tourbillon : -
`1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s on Men's side, 1s set to 2s
`1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
9-16 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner & partner to 2 1 3
17-24 2s+1s+3s Bubble Up: (ie 2s cast 2 pl while 1s+3s 1/2 turn RH moving up 1 pl, repeat from new places 3 times to end (1)(3)2
25-32 1s+3s Set+Link while 2s set & cross RH, 3s+1s+2s set & circle 6H round to left 1/2 way
BUBBLY AND CAKE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Wendy Carse 2018
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), dance down between 3s & cast up into 2nd place opp sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s Set+Link; 1s turn 1.1/2 RH (or birl) to end RSh to RSh facing opp sides (1M above 1L)
17-24 1s dance the "Snake Pass":- 1s dance LH across (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s); 1M followed by 3s also 1L followed by 2s pass RSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends & loop round to right to end in 2nd place. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
Part 1
1- 8 All dance 8H round & back
9-16 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way
17-24 Ladies dance into centre & dance RH across with partners on their left (St Andrews cross) once round
25-32 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way
33-40 Men dance into centre with partners on their right & dance LH across once round
Part 2
1- 8 All circle 7H round & back with 1L in centre who sets
9-16 1L sets to partner & turns RH (Elbow grip), sets to opposite Man & turns LH
17-24 1L sets to M originally on her right & turns LH, sets to opp M & turns RH
25-40 1L dances reel of 3 with partner & opposite Man (RSh to partner) then dances reel with other Men (LSh to M on right), Men raise both arms in reel
Repeat with 2L in centre then 3L, 4L, 1M, 2M, 3M & 4M
Part 3
1-40 Repeat Part 1
BUCHAN GATE (R32) Round the Room Roy Goldring
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance RH across, Ladies cross RH & set while Men set & cross RH
9-16 Ladies cross LH & set while Men set & cross LH, All dance LH across,
17-24 All dance R&L
25-32 All turn opposite person RH 1.1/4 times into a line across, all set in line & each couple dances on to meet new couple
THE BUCHAN LASS (J4x32) 4C set John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 5
2 chords – 2nd chord 3s+4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 1s+4s turn 1.1/2 RH; cast down/up to 2nd/3rd place & 1/2 turn LH into prom hold,1s facing up/ 4s down (2s+3s step up/down bars 5-6)
9-16 Reels of 3 across, 1s RSh to 2L, 4s RSh to 3L to start. End with 1s on Men's side, 4s on Ladies' side. Bar 16 1s+4s swap partners, 1M+4L face up, 4M+1L face down in prom hold
17-24 Reel of 3 on sides, 1M+4L RSh to 2L, 4M+1L RSh to 3L to start. End 1s in 3rd place opp sides, 4s in 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s/4s dance NHJ out of ends (4s up/1s down), cast back to 2nd/3rd place; all 4 couples turn RH. 2 4 (1) (3)
THE BUCHAN STRATHSPEY (S8x24) 3C (4C set) Arthur Williamson Annette Cameron Bk
1- 8 1M+2L set & change places RH; 1L+2M set & change places RH
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides, 2s cross down, 1s out/up & 3s in/up to start. End 2s in 1st place own side, 1s in 2nd place opp sides, 3s in original places
17-24 1M casts behind 3L, dances up middle approaches 1L & pulls back RSh, dances down, casts up round 3M to 2nd place own side while 1L dances similar, casting up round 2M, down middle, pulls back RSh, dances up, casts off round 2L to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
BUCK'S REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) L Buchan Pinewoods Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start), 1s & 2s set & cross RH
9-16 1s+2s dance Poussette 1s ending back-to-back facing opposite sides
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles & end facing 1st corner pstns while 2s+3s set & petronella turn to 1 place anticlockwise, set & petronella turn 1 pl
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reel with 2nd corners
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BUCKIE JIG (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John S Trew Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 up through the 2s
17-24 2s+1s dance RH across & LH back
25-32 2s+1s Adv+Ret & turn partners RH to places
THE BUCKIE LOON (R8x32) 3C (4C set)
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across. 1s+3s set, dance 1/2 LH across (2) (3) 1
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides (1M+3L & 1L+3M pass LSh). 1L finishes in 3rd place facing out
17-24 1L followed by 1M casts up behind 3M & across to 2nd place opp side. 1s turn LH. (3s step down). (2) (1) (3)
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance down NHJ. Bar 28 Ladies dance under partner's arm to change sides & all dance back up to place. 2 1 3
BUCKSHAW REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Joan Thompson Rose & Thistle
1- 8 1s cross down to dance Fig 8 round 2s
9-16 2s cross up to dance Fig of 8 round 1s
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to 2nd place (2s step up 19-20)
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
BUDAPEST BIRL (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alex Gray Tweeddale Coll 4
1- 8 1s+2s dance the RSh "Helix":-
1s+2s set passing partner RSh into BtoB position & cast round partner to own sides; 1s+2s 1/2 turn partners RH & dance 1/2 RH across
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides, 1M up, 1L down (RSh to 3rd corner). 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s+1st corners dance Corner Pass+Turn (corners 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to diag opp place), 1s pass RSh & dance Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners. (3) 1 (2)
25-32 1s dance diag R&L. End 2 1 3
THE BUG (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Isabel Neves Pandemic Set Of Dances
1-8 1s dance in & cast to 2nd place (2s step up bars 3-4), 1s dance RSh round partner to face 3rd corners
9-16 1s dance Corners Pass & Touch Elbows (no hands) with 3rd corners (Corners, with arms crossed, change places touching right elbows in the middle), 1s pass RSh & repeat with 4th corners & pass RSh to opposite sides to end Ladies facing up, Men facing down (3) (1) (2)
17-24 All chase clockwise 1/2 way ending in middle facing in, all set (no hands), 4 spring points 2 1 3
25-32 All chase clockwise for 6 bars, ending in the centre, on bars 31-32 pull back RSh & dance back to sides 2 1 3
THE BUG HUT (R4x32) Sq.Set Bob Edwards More Than Welcome 6 (MC)
1- 2 All Ladies dance LH across 1/2 round while Men cast & dance 1 place round anticlockwise
3- 4 All turn RH (3L+4M, 4L+1M, 1L+2M & 2L+3M)
5- 6 All Men dance LH across 1/2 round while Ladies cast & dance 1 place round anticlockwise
7- 8 All turn partner LH
9-16 Repeat 1-8 to return to original places
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+4s also 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; all turn partner RH
THE BUILDERS OF WAINFLEET (S3x32) Triangular set Jenny Bradley Culzean Castle Coll
1- 4 Ladies dance LH across passing 1 Man, dance out behind next Man into his partners place
5- 8 Repeat bars 1-4 to meet 'new' partner
9-16 All set, turn 'new' partner 2H, circle 6H round to left 1 place & all set
17-20 Men dance RH across passing 1 Lady, dance out behind next Lady into her partners place
21-24 Repeat bars 17-20 to meet another 'new' partner
25-32 All dance 2 hands of Grand Chain (2 bars per hand), turn own partner 2H & set. 3 1 2
THE BULLERS OF BUCHAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 1M followed by 2M dance up & across to end in centre facing down while 2L followed by 1L dance down & across to face partners
1s+2s set; change places RH with partners & chase clockwise to own sides having changed places
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round to left for 4 steps; set; dance on 1 more step & cast to chase anticlockwise to sides
17-24 1M dances LH across with his crnrs 1/2 way; 1M+1L also 3L+2M & 2L+3M all turn RH (4 bars); 1M dances LH across with crnrs to places
25-32 1L dances RH across with her crnrs 1/2 way; 1M+1L also 3L+2M & 2L+3M all turn RH (4 bars); 1L dances RH across with crnrs to places
SHINKANSEN (The Bullet Train) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) A Dix Reel Friends 3
1- 8 1s+3s dance Double Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s set, dance down middle, cast up round 3s into middle & dance up to places (face out) while 2s stand for 2 bars, set, dance down middle & cast up round 3s to places while 3s stand for 4 bars, set, dance into middle (face down) & cast back to places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down to start)
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
BUNDABERG WELCOME (J5x32) 5C Set Neville Miller Inlet Road Dances
1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH & cast (2s & 4s step up); 1s & 3s pass partner RH to join hands with 2s, 4s & 5s as Double Triangles & all set
9-12 2s+1s also 3s+5s 1/2 turn to 2s & 5s in centre, all join hands as Double Triangle & all set
13-16 2s+1s also 3s+5s 1/2 turn to end 2 1 4 3 5 on sides & all set
17-24 2L+1s also 3M+5s dance LSh reels of 3 across (1s & 5s pass partner LSh) while 1M+4s+3L dance RH across & LH across
25-32 1s & 3s set, cast (4s & 5s step up); 1s & 3s turn partner RH. 2 4 1 5 3
THE BUNGEE PLUNGE (R4x48) 4C Set Tina Dornbusch, 1997
1- 8 4s cast up round 3s, dance in between 2s/3s, dance out between 1s/2s to finish above 1s in centre & set. Bar 6 1s step in & raise arms to make "broken arch"
9-16 4s dance down middle & back
17-24 4s cast round 1s (who then step back), dance down middle (3 bars) & back up (3 bars)
25-32 4s cast round 2s, dance down (2 bars), & back up (2 bars), cast round 2s to 3rd place while 3s cast to 4th place. End 4s in middle facing down, 3s in middle facing up
33-40 4s+3s Adv+Ret (with "high fives"); 4s+3s dance RH across finishing on sides, 4s facing up. 1 2 4 3
41-48 4s+2s change places LH, 4s+1s change places RH; all 4 couples Adv+Ret (with "high fives"). End 4 1 2 3
BUNKER HILL (J4x48) Sq.Set John Campbell Belfast Platinum Bk
1- 8 1s+3s dance R&L
9-16 All Men dance RH across & LH back
17-24 All Ladies dance RH across & LH back to place & face out
25-40 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
41-48 All Set+Link, 3/4 turn partners RH into promenade hold, all chase anticlockwise 1 place to end 2 3 4 1
THE BUNTING BEE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Rod Downey Johnsonville Coll
1- 8 1s lead down (3 steps), lead up (3 steps), cross & cast (2s step up). 1s face down
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain (2s cross at top, 1s+3s change places RH on sides to start)
17-24 1s cross down, cast up round 3s, dance up & cast to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 2s+3s dance RH across, 2s+3s dance LH across part way to end 2M facing up & 3M down (Ladies on sides) while 1L & 4L petronella turn into middle & set
9-16 1L+2M+3M+4L dance reel of 4 up/down middle & on Bar 13-16 1M & 4M petronella turn to 2nd/3rd place & set to opposite dancer
17-24 1M+3L+3M+4M+2L+2M circle anticlockwise & back with 1M & 4M breaking away to face partners
25-28 1L followed by partner cast down Ladies' side to 3rd place & crosses to opposite side while 4L followed by partner cast up Men's side to 2nd place & crosses to own side while 2s & 3s turn 2H moving out to end places. 2 4(1)(3)
29-32 All turn 2H
THE BURDENS OF BUDE (R4x32) 4C set Shelagh Dempsey
1- 8 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s/3s, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across & 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across while 2s & 3s 1/2 turn RH. 2(4)(1)3
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across then 2s+3s dance 1/2 LH across while 4s & 1s cross RH to form St Andrews Cross, all set & 1/2 turn corners RH
17-24 1s+4s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end facing opposite corners
25-32 1s & 4s lead out ends & cast back to middle, 1s+4s circle 4H 1/2 way round. 3 1 4 2
BURGIE HOUSE (S3x48) 3C Set Gillian Mackintosh Aurora 20th Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, cross down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place (opp sides) in the centre of the dance, NHJ, facing up
9-16 Reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in/up on opposite sides, 2s out/down, 3s in/up), 1s cross on bar 13 to dance 2nd 1/2 of reel on own sides, & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st and 2nd corners, 1s ending in 2nd place on opposite sides
25-32 RSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s and 1M with 3s), 1s cross on bar 20 to dance 2nd 1/2 of reel with other couple, ending in 2nd place on opposite sides
33-40 1L+3M and 1M+3L Set+Link, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times
41-48 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round and back
THE BURN OF SORROW (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Barry Priddey Silver Rose Bk
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1M+2L 1/2 turn RH & cast left round partner back to places
9-16 1s+2s dance LH across, 1L+2M & cast left round partner then pass LSh to face 2L/1M places
17-24 1M+2M+1L+2L dance reel of 4 but 2M+1L dance 1/2 the reel & then cross back to places
25-32 1s+2s dance Tourbillon:-
1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s Men's side, 1s set to 2s
1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H & lead partners on 1 place clockwise & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
BURNABY AT FORTY (S4x40) Sq. Set R Coupe Queen's Diamond Jubilee
1- 4 All set to partners (Glasgow Highlander setting – right foot), pull RSh back to face corner. Repeat setting to corner (left foot), pull LSh back towards partner. Men face out, ladies face in
5- 8 Men pass partners by Left, dance anticlockwise 1/2 way round set
9-12 All repeat 1-4 with new partners and corners. Men face in, ladies face out
13-16 Ladies pass partners by Right, dance clockwise 1/2 way round set, finish facing original partner
17-24 All turn partner RH once round, Men cross diagonally one place to right, cast round next lady into next man's place
25-32 All turn new partner RH once round. Ladies face out, cast to right round new partner, cross diagonally to right to face out beside original partner
33-40 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reels (2 places)
Repeat, having passed a couple.
THE BURNETT STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Brampton Connections
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Petronella turn & set; 1s+2s+3s Petronella turn & 1/2 turn partner RH into Allenmade hold facing up
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Allemande. 3 2 1
17-24 1s cast up 1 place (2s step down), 1s set & turn RH while 2s+3s dance 6 bars R&L. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
BURNHAM PARK (J3x40) 3C set Ann Dix The Burnham Set
1- 8 1s set, cast to 2nd place (2s step up); All set & turn RH to finish in centre of set (1s+2s facing up, 3s face down). 2 1 3
9-14 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bar reels of 3 giving hands where possible (2s cast down, 1s lead up, 3s cast up – 2s pass in front of 3s to start). 2 1 3
15-16 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting to finish facing 2nd corners
25-30 1s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on the sides giving RSh to 2nd corner
31-32 1s cross RH & retain hold
33-36 1s turn RH, cast to 3rd place, 3s step up bar 35-36. 2 3 1
37-40 1s turn RH to finish in 3rd place (Double-handed quick turn or Birl). 2 3 1
BURNIEBOOZLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) David G Queen Southport 1
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, turn partner LH 1.1/2 times to opposite sides (M facing up L down)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on sides giving LSh to 2nd corner & ending with 1s turning RH to face 1st corners
17-28 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s meet again in middle
29-32 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own sides while 2s & 3s change places RH on the sides & cross over LH
BURNING HEARTS (J4x32) 4C set S Barthel
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down & 4s crossing up to begin)
9-16 1s dance down & 4s up as 2s & 3s cast to ends, 1s+4s turn opposite dancer 2H once round opening out & dancing 4H once round 2 1 4 3
17-24 1s+4s dance Poussette. 2 4 1 3
25-32 2s & 3s cross RH, cast in 1 place, cross with Ladies dancing under Men's arch, all 1/2 turn corners nearer hand to end 2 4 1 3
BURNING THE WATER (R5x32) 5C Set Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 6
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, 2s+1s also 4s+3s set & 2s & 4s cross LH while 1s+3s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s & 3s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end in centre Men facing down & Ladies up
17-24 1s+3s dance reel of 4 up/down centre while 2s+4s+5s dance reels of 3 on sides (2L+4L also 4M+5M pass RSh to start)
25-32 1s & 3s 3/4 turn RH, cast down 1 place & turn RH. 2 4 1 5 3
BURNS BI-CENTENARY REEL (R4x32) 4C Set Eric Astle Liverpool at 70
1- 4 1s+4s cross RH & cast down/up.(2s+3s step/up/down bars 3-4)
5- 8 1s+4s dance LH across to finish in diagonal lines with corner dancers to form a St Andrew's Cross
9-14 All set. 1s+4s 1/2 turn corner RH. All set
15-16 1M+2L, 1L+2M, 4M+3L, 4L+3M turn RH to finish on side lines 2 (1) (4) 3
17-24 All circle 8H round to left for 6 steps, cross right foot over left, pivot & chase back 2 (1) (4) 3
25-28 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. 2 4 1 3
29-32 1s+4s turn RH
BURNS BICENTENARY STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H to left & Set+Link on sides. ,2 1 4 3
9-16 All dance RSh reel of 4 on sides
17-24 1M+4L & 4M+1L dance Ladies' Chain (end facing in prom hold)
25-32 1M+4L & 4M+1L Promenade across (Men passing LSh), 4s dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd places while 1s dance down & cast to 3rd places. End 2 4 (1) (3)
BURNS CLUB (S3x32) 3C Set Masako Okada Naitoh, 2020
1- 8 1s dance down 1 place (2s step up), face & set in the middle; 1s pull back RSh, cast out to own side, round 3rd corner (1M up, 1L down) & dance up/down to finish LSh to LSh in the middle
9-12 1M+3M+2M also 1L+2L+3L dance RH across, then 1s pass RSh to face 1st corner
13-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners passing RSh to start, 1s turn RH to face 2nd corner
17-20 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners passing LSh to start,1s finish RSh to RSh in the middle
21-24 1M+2M+3M also1L+3L+2L dance LH across, 1s finish in the middle facing each other
25-28 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times and pull back RSh to face out while 3s+2s chase anticlockwise 1/2 round
29-32 1M+2M+3M also 1L+2L+3L circle 3H round to the left 1/2 way and set
BURNS NIGHT (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Robert McOwen RSCDS Boston Celebrate 50yrs
1- 8 1M+2L cross RH, 1L+2M cross RH, 2s+1s Set+Link. (1) (2)
9-16 1L+2M cross RH, 1M+2L cross RH, 2s+1s Set+Link back to original places
17-24 1s+2s 1/2 turn RH, slip step down for 2 bars & back, 1/2 turn 2H (PdB) to face up
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande. 2 1
BURNS' HORNPIPE (R4x32) 4C set RSCDS Bk 27
1- 8 1L casts down Ladies' side while 1M dances down the middle, 1s meet below 4s & lead up to original places
9-16 Bar 9 all Men pull back LSh to face out with folded arms & beat right heel as in hornpipe. Bar 16 pull back LSh to face in again while 1L dances across in front of her partner, behind 2M, in front of 3M & crosses to 3L place (2L+3L step up on bars 15-16)
17-24 1M similarly repeats bars 9-16 round the women (who remain facing in) to end in 3M place (2M+3M step up on bars 23-24)
25-32 1s+4s dance Poussette
BURNS - 250 YEARS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Marion Young
1- 8 1s set & cast (2s step up); turn LH to face 2L in tandem (1L in front of 1M)
9-12 1s dance a 1/2 diagonal Tandem reel of 3 with corners
13-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across, 1L with 2M+3M (at top) LSh to 2M, 1M with 2L+3L LSh to 2L. 1s end facing Mens 1st crnr (pstn) (1M in front of 1L)
17-24 1s dance a 1/2 diagonal Tandem reel of 3 with corners; 1s dance up to top (1M ahead of 1L) & cast to 2nd places opposite sides facing down
25-32 3s followed by 1s+2s (who dance down) lead up to top, cross & dance down own sides to end 2 1 3
THE BURNTISLAND JIG (J5x32) 5C set B Beattie Three Hands Across
1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s & 3s dance down between couples below & cast up to end BtoB with partners facing out
9-16 1s & 3s dance Double Triangles with 2s+4s+5s & BtoB with partners facing opposite sides
17-24 1s & 3s turn 1st corners RH & pass partner RSh to face 2nd corners, 1s & 3s turn 2nd corners RH to end on opposite sides between corners & all set
25-32 2s+1s+4s+3s+5s Adv+Ret, 1s & 3s cross RH & cast 1 place
THE BUS MONITOR (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Ute Pitzal and Garry Robertson
1- 8 1s+2s set, pull back RSh & chase 1 place clockwise (1s on Ladies' side, 2s on Men's side); 1s turn 2s 1.1/2 RH
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L finishing facing partner on 1st corner diagonal 2H joined ready for …
17-24 1s+2s dance "Hello-Goodbye Poussette":
17-18 All set (start right foot) moving on 2nd step into line across (1M+2L BtoB)
19-20 Repeat, moving on 2nd step into line on second corner diagonal (1L+2M BtoB)
21-22 Repeat, moving on 2nd step into line up/down (2L+1M BtoB)
23-24 2s+1s 1/2 turn 2H, to face partner, Ladies facing down, Men facing up
25-32 2s+1s dance 6 bars of reel of 4, 2M followed by 1M also 1L followed by 2L dance up/down own sides to end 2 1
THE BUS PASS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tony Meadley Dances devised locally to Bridport
1- 8 1M followed by 2M+3M dance across top, down behind Ladies, up middle while 1L+2L+3L stand 4 bars then set advancing (2 bars), pull back RSh (rotate 2 bars) to join NH with partner in middle
9-16 1s+2s+3s promenade ending with 1s casting to finish in centre LSh to LSh facing opp sides while 2s dance up to 1st place
17-24 "Snake Pass" figure:
1L+2s (at top) & 1M+3s dance RH across. 1L followed by 2s also 1M followed by 3s pass LSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends & loop round to left to end 3 1 2
25-32 1s turn LH (4 bars) to sidelines, 1M faces down, 1L faces up. 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 on sides (1M+2M & 1L+3L pass LSh to start) 2 1 3
THE BUS TOUR REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) May Macfarlane Tayside Colletion 1983-2003
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place (2s step up 3-4); 1s turn 1.1/2 LH to 2nd place, 1M facing out/up, 1L facing out/down. 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 giving LSh to 2nd corners; 1s pass LSh in the centre to dance 1/2 reel of 3 on own side giving LSh to 4th corners. End in lines of 3 across (1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up) (2s&3s dance 8 bar reels on own side)
17-24 All Adv+Ret; 1s turn 1.1/4 RH to 2nd place own side
25-32 All Adv+Ret; 1s turn RH. End 2 1 3
BUSY B (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Maureen Robson, Second Canberra Bk & From North to South
1- 8 1s cast (2s step up), dance down below 3s & cast up to face 1st corners
9-16 9-10 1s+1st corners set
11-16 1s cast round each other to partner's 1st corner position & face out, 1L curves to right & dances up between 3s, 1M curves to right & dances down between 2s, 1s turn RH to face 2nd corners while 1st corners dance in, turn RH, dance out to place & set
17-24 17-18 1s+2nd corners set
19-24 1s cast round each other to partner's 2nd corner position & face out, curve to right, dance through 2nd place own side & cross RH to end on opp sides, 1L facing up, 1M down while 2nd corners dance in, turn RH, dance out to place & set. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 1st corners to start). Bars 31-32: 1s cross diagonally to 2nd place own side (1L from 3M's place, 1M from 1L's place). End 2 1 3
BUSY FINGERS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sheila Trafford Newcastle 70th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, dance down NHJ (2s step up 3-4); 1s cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side & set advancing to face 1st corner
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH & face 2nd corner; 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 on sides (LSh to 2nd corner to start). 1s end facing 3rd corner
17-24 1s turn 3rd corner RH & face 4th corner; 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 on sides (LSh to 4th corner to start). End 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
25-32 In lines of 3 across all set, 1s Petronella turn to 2nd place opp side; all set & 1s cross RH to 2nd place own side.
THE BUTTERCUP (J8x40) 3C (4C set) S Pearce+M Pearson Perth 800 SCDances
1- 8 1s NHJ Slip step or dance down & cast up behind own lines back to place
9-16 1s dance in & cast below 3rd place to meet in promenade hold & dance up to top
17-24 1s+2s promenade & 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance to top
25-32 1s+ 1st corners Adv+Ret, 1s+2nd corners Adv+Ret
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back.
THE BUTTERFLY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) E Orr TW Silver Anniversary Bk
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 on opposite sides (1s cross to 2nd place, behind 3s. 1s end in 1st place opposite sides)
9-16 1L+2M turn RH while 1M+2L turn LH, 1s dance down below 3s divide & cast up to 2nd place
17-24 1L+3M turn RH while 1M+3L turn LH, 1L dances up between 2s & casts into 2nd place while 1M dances down between 3s & casts up to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE BUTTERFLY (R8x32) 3C (4 set) Pat Charlton Counting Sheep
1- 8 1s cross down RH & cast up to 1st place opp sides while 2s dance up & cross down RH to 2nd place opp sides; 1s+2s turn 1.1/2 on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH). (2) (1) 3
9-16 1s+3s repeat 1-8 with 1s+3s turning once round on sides (1L+3M RH, 1M+3L LH) to end (2) 1 (3)
17-24 6 bars RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 3rd corner pstn), Bars 23-24: 1s cross to 2nd place opp sides. (2) (1) (3)
25-32 2s+3s Petronella turn & set; Petronella turn to own side while 1s chase anticlockwise round 1 place, cross between 2s/3s (as they are setting), chase to 2nd place own side & All set
BUTTERFLY BRIDE (R4x48) 4C set Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 1
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s also 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance double Fig of 8 with 1s & 4s dancing between 2s/3s 1s & 4s end BtoB facing nearest corners
25-32 1s & 4s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting to end facing opposite corners
33-40 1s & 4s turn (long) corners RH join hands in circle, Set & Rotate round to right to face in again
41-48 1s+4s dance RH across, dance out between end couples cross & cast in 1 place to end 2 4 (1) (3)
BUTTERSCOTCH & HONEY (S4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 24
1- 8 1s set & 1/2 turn RH into prom hold, 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 2s (2s end on opposite sides)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 LSh Reel of 3 with 3s & 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 4s
17-24 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s cast up on opposite sides to top, cross over to own sides each Lady passing in front of partner & down own side
25-32 All set to partners & turn 2H into 4H round (2s with 3s & 4s with 1s)
THE BUTTON BOY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) W Zobel Allanton Coll
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides & end in 2nd place BtoB facing opposite sides
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles to end facing down (Lady on Mans right)
25-32 1s dance down, Lady dances under Mans arm & dance up to 2nd place own sides
A CANDLE FOR MARY (By Candlelight) (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry
1- 8 1s turn RH moving down below 2s & end facing out on their own sides, M casts up & L down to form lines of 3 across (facing) & all set
9-16 1s turn RH & end on own sides in 2nd pl while 2s+3s petronella 1 pl & all set on sides, repeat 1s end M between 2s in 3rd pl & L between 3s at top
17-24 All set (lines across) & DoSiDo with opp person, 1s turn 2H twice & end facing 1st crnr (pstn) while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (start on sides)
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places
BY DUNDONALD (S3x32) 3C set Ian Barbour Repeat Prescription
1- 8 1s+2s dance the Tourbillon: -
`1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s on Men's side, 1s set to 2s
`1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides. 1s face out
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s give RSh to person on right) & end with 1M facing up between 3s, 1L between 2s facing down
17-24 1s set, turn RH, 1L dances up between 2s while 1M dances down between 3s & cast to 2nd place on own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande
BY INVITATION (R4x32) 4C Set Jill Burrows Ribble Valley Bk
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s change places LH on side with 3s & 1s+4s turn RH on sides
9-12 1s cross up between 3s & turn 2s (1M turns 2L RH, 1L turns 2M LH) 1s meet NHJ facing down
13-16 1s dance down between 3s to turn 4s (1L turns LH & 1M turns RH) & end 1L facing 3M as 1M facing 4L
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 with 4L+3M passing RSh & 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 with 3L+4M to end 3rd place
25-32 1s+4s dance RH across (cpl above them), All 4 cpls turn RH 1.1/2 times to own side 2 4 1 3
BY SEA AND BY LAND (S4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, circle 4H round to left, 1s & 4s cast in 1 place
9-16 2s+1L also 4M+3s dance RH across while 1M+4L turn LH, 2s+1M also 4L+3s dance LH across while 1L+4M turn LH 1s & 4s ending in line up/down middle (Men facing up)
17-24 1s+4s set to partner, dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down & 3/4 turn partner RH. 2 4 1 3
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (1s & 4s casting to start)
BYDAND (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH; all set & cross back RH, 2s face out
9-12 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down to 2nd place & face up NHJ while 2s dance up & turn to face 1s NHJ, 1s+2s set
13-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s cast down to 2nd place while 2s lead up & cross to 1st place own side
17-20 1s cross RH, 1M casts down round 3L to face up in centre & 1L casts up round 2M to face down in centre while 2s+3s set facing diagonally in & advance 1 step to form a circle, retire 1 step to sides (2M+3M & 2L+3L retain hands on sides)
21-24 1s change places LH up/ down set, 1M casts down round 2M as 1L casts up round 3L to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s set on sides & advance 1 step, retire with partner 1 step (up & down in centre) to end 2s at top facing down, 3s at bottom facing up. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s set & circle 6H round to left, dance in, pull back RSh spiral out clockwise to places
BYE, BYE, BARBARA (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Who's Who in Toronto
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s cast & 2s lead up to top, 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
9-24 1s dance Corner Chain with 1st & 2nd corners : -
`1s change pl RH with 1st crnrs, 1st crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who turn LH in centre to face 2nd crnrs
`1s change places RH with 2nd crnrs, 2nd crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who finish in centre, 1L facing up, 1M facing down
25-32 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance reels of 3 across, (1s LSh to 1st corners to start) Finish 2 1 3
THE BYRNES' REEL (R4x32) Sq.Set Charles Snowdon Madison SCD
1- 8 All 1/2 turn RH, join hands with corners & set (Men facing out & Ladies in), 1/2 turn RH, join hands with corners & set (Men facing in & Ladies out)
9-16 Ladies dance RSh round partners into centre & dance LH across 1/2 way, dance RSh round opp Man to next Man & turn RH into prom hold
17-24 All Promenade clockwise
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
THE BYRON STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set John Drewry Deeside Bk 2
1- 8 All petronella turn into the centre & set to partner, turn 2H 1.1/4 times back to places
9-16 1s+2L & 3s+2M dance RH across, 2s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
17-24 2s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 1s passing 1L RSh. End with 2s in centre at top, 1s casting to follow 2s & 3s stepping in ready for …
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Allemande. 3 1 2
A BYTOWN LASS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Louis Emslie
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down, 2s out/down, 3s out/up)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice. (3) 1 (2)
25-32 Diag R&L for 3 couples (Man down, Lady up). 2 1 3
C.J.'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Repeat Prescription
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels on own sides (1s out & down to start) with 1s casting to 2nd place at end
9-16 1s pass RSh to end BtoB in middle, Man facing down & Lady up for Crown triangles
17-24 1s pass LSh around person on their L to end in 2nd place own side & dance RH across (Man with 3s & Lady with 2s)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left & turning round to left dance 6H back
C'EST L'AMOUR (The Flirt) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 34
1- 8 1L casts 1 place & sets, casts to 3rd place & sets
9-16 1s cast up/down to 2nd place & set, 1L casts up into middle facing down while 1M casts down 1 place into middle facing up & both set
17-24 1s circle 3H round & back (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) ending facing 2s/3s (2s facing up & 3s down)
25-32 1s+2s+3s set, 1s dance under arches made by 2s/3s to 2nd place own sides & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
C'EST SI BON (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Brian Charlton Waratah Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set advancing & turn 2H to face down. 2s+1s dance down below 3s, cast up to end 2s in 1st place, 1s in 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s dance up between 2s, cast to 2nd place, turn RH to end in 2nd place facing out
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1L down, RSh to 3L, 1M up, RSh to 2M). Bars 23-24 1s cross (1L from 1st place, 1M from 3rd place) to 2nd place opp sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance LSh reels of 3 on sides (1L down, LSh to 3M, 1M up, LSh to 2L). Bars 31-32 1s cross (1L from 1st place, 1M from 3rd place) to 2nd place own sides
CA' CANNY (S3x32) 3C set Jean Attwood
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) & end facing 4th corner pstn
9-16 1s set to corners & turn RH, 1s dance LH across with 3rd corner pstns & end facing 3rd corner pstn while 2M+3L chase clockwise 1/2 way
17-24 1s set to corners & turn RH, 1s dance LH across with 4th corner pstns & end facing 4th corner pstn while 1M+2L chase clockwise 1/2 way. 3 1 2
25-32 All set & turn 2H then all set
CA' THE EWES TAE THE KNOWES (S8x32) 2C (4C set) T Wilson RSCDS Bk 16
1- 8 1s cast & dance down own sides for 4 bars & turning out dance back to the top
9-16 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & cross to top for…
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
CABBAGES & KINGS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield Harbour City
1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L
9-16 1s lead down the middle for 3, lead back to top & cast to 2nd place own sides (2s step up 15-16)
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH & return to 2nd place own side, turn 2nd corners LH & return to 2nd place own side
25-32 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), & dance LH across with other couple 1s end in 2nd place own side
CABERFEI (R8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back to places
9-16 1s lead down (for 1 step) & up, cast 1 place, lead down between 3s, cast up behind 3s to face 1st corners
17-24 1s 1/2 set & dance 1/2 reels of 4 with 1st corners, 1/2 set to 2nd corner & dance 1/2 reels of 4 (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s 1/2 set, circle 6H round to left 1/2 way & all turn RH
THE CABOT TRAIL (S2x32) 4C set John Drewry Greenburn Bk & Nova Scotia Collection 2017
2 Chords – 2nd chord: 1M stands as 1L crosses to 2M's place, 2M to partner's place, 2L steps up, 3s & 4s move likewise (As "Glasgow Highlanders")
1- 8 All set to partner & turn 2H; 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left
9-16 All set on sides, all circle 8H round to left back to place
17-20 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
21-24 All Set+Link with partner, Men face out & join RH with partner, LH with neighbour couple on sides
25-28 All Bal-in-Line (HS):
All dance 1st bar of Highland schottische with right foot
Drop left hands & all move to right joining LH with partner (under their RH) then drop RH & join RH with neighbour couple
All repeat HS with left foot & drop hands in centre, all move to left to face partner up/down on sides
29-32 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides, finish facing partner on sides. 3s & 4s now at top, 1s & 2s at bottom
THE CABRACH (S8x32 or M-4x(S32+R32)) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s dance in & cast to 3rd place (2s+3s step up 3-4); 2s dance in & cast to 3rd place (3s+1s step up 7-8)
9-16 All set, cross RH, all set & 1/2 turn partner RH ending in centre of dance
17-24 All dance 3 couple Allemande
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
CADDAM WOOD (R5x32) 5C set J Mitchel SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+5s cross RH, cast in 1 place & turn partners RH 1.1/4 times to end in line in the middle Ladies facing down & Men up
9-16 1s+5s dance RSh reel of 4 in middle while 2s+3s+4s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides (3L up & 3M down to start)
17-24 2s+1s also 5s+4s dance RH across & LH back ending with 1M facing 5L in centre
25-32 1M+5L turn RH 1.1/2 times to change pl, then 1L+5L also 1M+5M turn LH 1.1/2 times to end own sides Men's side 2 3 4 5 1 & Ladies 5 1 2 3 4
Repeat with new partners 4 more times
THE CADGER OF CRIEF (S8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH & cast to 3rd place
9-16 1s lead up, cast to 2nd place, dance down & cast up round 3s to face 1st corners
17-24 Set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner, set to each other (down/up) & turn 2H 1.1/2 times to face Ladies' side (1L at top)
25-32 1s lead out between 2L+3L, cast (Lady up & Man down), meet & lead out Men's side & cast (Lady up & Man down) round to 2nd places
CADGER'S BRIDGE (R6x32) 6C Set Barry Priddey Capercaillie Bk
2 chords - 2nd chord 4s & 5s & 6s cross to opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s+3s also 6s+5s+4s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides:
To start:1M dances across to pass 2L RSh, 1L crosses down, passing 2M RSh
At end: 1M crosses up from 2nd place opp side, pull back RSh to face in, 1L dances across from 1st place opp side to original place facing out
6s dance similarly with 5s+4s. 3L+4L finish facing out
9-12 1s+2s also 3s+4s also 5s+6s dance RH across
13-16 1s & 6s cast in 1 place & 1/2 turn partner LH into prom hold, while 2s & 5s dance to ends & set, while 3s+4s dance LH across
17-24 1s set to 3L & 6s set to 4L, 1s set to 6s, 1s set to 3M & 6s set to 4M, 1s set to 6s & face partner while 3s & 4s set to partners & face up/down
25-32 1s+3s+4s+6s dance 6 changes of Grand Chain (1 bar per hand), 1s & 6s full turn RH while 3s & 4s cross RH. 2 3 6(1)(4)(5)
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (1M crosses to give RSh to 2L & 1L crosses down giving LSh to 3M)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1L crosses to give RSh to 2L & 1M crosses down giving LSh to 3M)
17-24 1s set to 2L, set facing down, set to 2M & back to places
25-32 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH back to places
33-40 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn LH 1.1/2 times to own sides
41-48 2s+1s dance R&L
THE CADIES LADY (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Alexander Bowman RSCDS Bk 30
1- 8 1s set, 1M followed by partner casts & crosses to 2nd place opposite side, 2s+1s set. 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s set, 1L followed by partner casts & crosses to 3rd place own side, 3s+1s set. 2 3 1
17-24 1s dance up to top & cast, dance down between 3s & cast up to face 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corners & turn 2H, set to 2nd corners & turn 2H
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s giving LSh to 1st corner to start) & cross back to own side 2nd place
CAERLAVEROCK CASTLE (S3x32) 3C set Roy Goldring G & S Dances 3
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 2s followed by 1s dance down between 3s & cast (2s to top place & 1s to 2nd place)
9-16 1s dance diag R&L. (1M down / 1L up) (3)1(2)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1L up round 3s, 1M round 2s), all set & 1/2 turn partner RH
25-32 All dance 3 couple Allemande ending with 1s casting to 3rd place
CAERLEOL CROSS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) E Ramwell Kirkbrae Coll 1
1- 8 1s & 2s petronella turn into middle (Ladies face down & Men up), set & dance 1/2 reel of 4 up & down the middle
9-16 2s & 1s set & petronella turn onto own sides, 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret
17-24 1L dances RH across with 2s & 1M with 3s, 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corner person as 2s & 3s chase cl'wise 1/2 way round
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of with 1st corners, passing RSh dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners 1s end in 2nd places
CAERNANGLE REEL (R4x32) 4C set Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 1
1-16 2s+3s set, 1/2 turn RH to face corners, all dance double diagonal reels of 4 giving LH in centre & ending with 2s+3s on opposite sides
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 All turn partners RH 1.1/2 times & chase 1/2 way round clockwise to end 3 1 4 2
THE CAIRDIN' O'T (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Iain Boyd Cairdin O't
1- 8 1s+2s Adv+Ret & dance RH across ending 1s facing 2s
9-16 Repeat & end in original places
17-24 1s+2s set, petronella turn into centre, set & change places RH with partner
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 & turn partners RH 1.1/4 times
CAIRN EDWARD (J8x24 – 6 bar phrases) 3C (4C Set) Hugh Foss Galloway Album
1- 6 1s cast 1 place & circle 3H round to left (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
7-12 1s circle 3H round to right (with same couple) & turning left about dance out own sides casting left to face 1st corners
13-18 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH & face 2nd corners
19-24 1s turn 2nd corners RH & cross LH to 2nd place own side
CAIRN OF THE CLAISE (S4x32) 4C set P Ansell
1- 4 1M+2L also 3M+4L cross RH as partners set & 1s+2s dance on 1 place clockwise as 3s+4s dance similarly
5- 8 1L+2M also 3L+4M cross RH as partners set & 1s+2s dance on 1 place clockwise as 3s+4s dance similarly 1 2 3 4
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on sides then 2s dance to top as 3s+4s change places LH & 1s face 1st corners 2 1 4 3
17-24 1s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting & end with a petronella turn 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s+4s+3s dance the Knot 2 3 4 1
THE CAIRN STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across opening out to circle 8H round 1/2 way ending 4 3 2 1 on opposite sides
9-12 4L+3L also 2L+1L dance between partners, divide & dance back to end Ladies facing each other for reel of 4 on side (Mens)
13-16 Ladies dance 1/2 reel of 4
17-24 Men repeat bars 9-16 passing between Ladies who are not their partners
25-32 1s cross RH & cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s set & cross up RH, all turn 2H once round
THE CAIRNGORM STRATHSPEY (S5x32) 5C set Peter J Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s+2s+4s+5s set, 1s+2s also 4s+5s dance 3/4 double Fig 8, 1s cross down, 2s dance up, 5s cross up, 4s dance down. (2) 1 3 5 (4)
9-16 2s+1s dance RH back to back Knot while 5s+4s dance LH Back to Back Knot:
2s+1s 1/2 turn RH to BtoB in centre, 2s facing up, 1s facing down. Take allemande hold & then dance as per Knot (1s dance up Ladies' side, 2s down Men's side)
5s+4s dance similar, 1/2 turn LH to BtoB, 5s facing up, 4s facing down. Take allemande hold & dance as per Knot (5s dance down Ladies' side, 4s up Men's side)
17-24 1s & 5s set, 1/2 turn RH & chase to opp end of set while 2s+3s+4s dance Grand Chain (2s cross to start). 5 (2) 3 (4) 1
25-28 5s+2s+3s+4s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 4 on sides (5s & 3s in/down, 2s & 4s out/up). 2s cross to own side from top, 5s curve to 4th place (4) 3 2 5 1
29-32 4s+3s+2s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on own sides (4s start by crossing down to own side). End 2 3 4 5 1
CAIRNSMORE OF CARSPHAIRN (S5x32) 5C set Hugh Foss Glendarroch SD Sheets
1- 8 1s+2s+3s+4s cross RH, 1s+2s also 3s+4s 1/2 circle 4H left, 1s+4s+3s+5s cross LH, 1s+4s also 3s+5s 1/2 circle 4H right. 2 4 1 5 3
9-16 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain (2s at top cross) for 6 bars (to 3 5 1 4 2 on opp sides), 3s+1s (1st & 3rd pl) 3/4 turn 2H into middle while other couples full turn 2H to sides
17-24 3s+1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 in centre, 1/2 circle 4H to left & turn RH to own sides. 3 5 1 4 2
25-32 All 1/2 circle 10H to left for 6 bars, 3s & 1s turn RH while 5s, 4s & 2s 1/2 turn 2H all to own sides. 2 4 1 5 3
THE CAITHNESS HEART (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 27
1- 8 1M+2L set advancing & turn RH, 1L+2M set advancing & turn RH
9-16 1s+2s dance diagonal reel of 4 (1M & 2L pass LSh while 1L & 2M cast)
17-24 1L followed by 1M cast 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & across towards 2L
25-32 1s dance RH across with 2L & LH across with 2M ending in 2nd places
CAL TAIS (J8x48) 3C (4C Set) Babbs+Gain
1- 8 1s set, turn RH 1.1/2 times & cast 2 places opposite side
9-16 3s+1s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 2s+1s set & dance 1/2 RH across
17-24 1s cross down to 3rd place & dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s out & up, 3s in & down to start) & 1s turn LH to face 3rd corners
25-32 1s turn 3rd corners RH, partner LH, 4th corner RH & partner LH to face 3rd corner
33-40 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 3rd corners & 1/2 diagonal reel with 4th corners
41-48 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round & back to end 3 1 2
2nd time through, ends 3 4 1 2, 1s step to bottom & 3s become new 1s
THE CALANAIS STONES (R4x32) 4C Set Aidan McElduff Sydney Down Under
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 2s+3s dance RH across & LH across while 1s & 4s chase clockwise round back to place
17-20 1s+2s also 3s+4s turn RH on sides
21-24 All Set+Link for 4 couples:
2 dancers at left of line dance in as 2 dancers at right of line cast
1s to 2nd place, 2s to 4th place, 3s to 1st place, 4s to 3rd place. 3 1 4 2
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 3 on sides
CALDERCRUIX (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 3
1- 8 1s set & cross down RH, 1s cast RSh round 1st corners & 1/2 turn RH in centre
9-16 1s dance the Snake Pass:- 1s dance LH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s), 1M followed by 2s also 1L by 3s cross diagonally passing RSh to change ends & loop round to right to end 3 1 2
17-24 3s+1s+2s circle 6H to Left, casting to left chase back to own sides
25-32 3s+1s+2s 1/2 turn LH & set (retaining hands), all cast to chase clockwise 1/2 way to end on own sides 2 1 3
THE CALDWELLS' CORAL CAPER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Sandeman Peterborough 2000 Collection
1- 4 1s+2s set. 2s cast up to 1st place while 1s lead down & cross to 2nd place opp sides facing 3s
5- 8 2s set to partners & turn 2H while 1s set to 3s & turn 2H. 1s finish facing up
9-16 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain. At the end 1s pass RSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh to dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners. 1s finish in 2nd place opposite sides (3) (1) (2)
25-26 3L+2M set (1st corner positions) while 1L+3M also 1M+2L change places RH diagonally
27-28 1s set (2nd corner positions) while 3L+2L also 3M+2M change places RH diagonally
29-30 2L+3M set (1st corner positions) while 1L+3M also 3L+1M change places RH (2) (1) (3)
31-32 2s+1s+3s cross RH to own sides 2 1 3
CALEDON HILLS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter McBryde Bonspiel Collection
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s set & dance LH across 1/2 way
9-16 1s set & cast up to 2nd place, 1s dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd places
17-24 1s cross down to dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 with 3s, 1s cross up to dance a double Fig of 8 with 2s
25-32 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) 2 1 3
CALEDONIAN CATHEDRAL (S80) Sq.Set Erica Pearson, 2024
1- 8 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
9-12 1s & 3s face corners & all set, 1L & 3L turn corners RH while 1M & 3M turn corners LH
13-16 1s & 3s Set+Link flowing into …
17-24 1s+3s dance reel of 4 up/down, Ladies pass left shoulder, finishing with Ladies on partner's left
25-28 1s+3s advance, join NH with opposite person, face the 2s & 4s and all set
29-32 1s & 3s dance out between the 2s & 4s, cast back to 1st and 3rd positions and change places RH with partner.
33-64 2s & 4s repeat 1-32
65-80 All 4 couples dance 16 bars Schiehallion reels
THE CALEDONIAN CLUB CENTENARY MEDLEY (CALEY 100) (M-4x(S16+R16) 4C set James Fairbairn Caledonian Club
1- 8 All petronella turn into centre & set; all petronella turn to opp sides & set
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s circle 4H round to left; all join hands on sides & set & cross RH with partner to own sides. All clap twice on last 2 beats bar 16
17-24 All set (no hands), 1s cross RH & cast to bottom, cross RH to 4th place own sides (2s+3s+4s step up bars 5-6)
25-32 All clap 8 times (4 bars); All turn partners (birl). End 2 3 4 1
1- 8 1s lead down to bottom & back to end on Men's side (Lady on partners right), 2M crosses to partners place on bar 8 as 2L steps up
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across Ladies passing LSh to begin & end facing partners on sides
17-24 1s+2s dance round each other with HS steps to end on own sides with 1s in 2nd places
THE CALEDONIAN RANT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) T Wilson RSCDS Bk 16
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s back to 2nd place on own sides
9-16 1s cross LH, cast up on opposite sides & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s end with Lady facing down between 2s with partner behind her
17-24 1L followed by ptnr dance down & out between 2L+3L, cast behind 3L, cross & cast up round 3M, lead up between 2s & cast to 2nd pl own sides
25-32 1s+3s facing on sides set & turn 2H, 2s+1s dance 4H round to left
CALEY CAPERS (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Fiona & Jim Gardner Dunedin 2
1- 8 1s cross down to 3rd place & cast up to 2nd place while 3s cast up to 1st place & cross RH while 2s set & cross down to 3rd place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s (in 3rd pl)
9-16 1s turn LH to join RH to 1st corners & Bal-in-Line while 2nd corners set, 1s turn 1st corners RH, 1s 3/4 turn RH & join 2nd corners LH
17-24 1s Bal-in-Line with 2nd corners while 1st corners set, 1s turn 2nd corners LH & turn LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance reel with 2nd corners 1s ending 2nd place opposite sides
33-40 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise - 2s+3s right round but 1s chase 1/2 way & turn RH to end in 2nd place own sides
CALGARY 88 (R4x32) 4C Set David Tague
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s while 3s dance Fig of 8 round 4s
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s dance Figs of 8 on own sides (in & down to start)
25-32 1s cross RH, cast 2 places, cross RH & change places LH with 4s
THE CALGARY STAMPEDE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) W Ernst Eder Martello Tower 2
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 2 places, cross LH & cast up 1 to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st corners, set on sides, set to 2nd corners & end with 1M between 2s facing down & 1L between 3s facing up
17-24 1s pass LH to face 1st corner, turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH to end in 2nd place on opposite sides
25-32 1s dance LSh Reels of 3 across set (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) & 1s cross RH to own sides
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
CALGARY'S FIRST HUNDRED (R8x40) 3C (4C set) W Ernst Eder SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, turn RH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides passing 1st corner RSh & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end in centre both facing Ladies' side
25-32 1s lead out between 2L+3L & cast (1M up & 1L down), dance into centre, out between 2M+3M, cast & into centre while 2s+3s dance R&L
33-40 1s change places RH & 1M casts up round 3M to 2nd place own side as 1L casts down round 2L. 2s+1s+3s turn RH
CALIFORNIA DREAMING (S3x32) 3C Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Tourbillon for 3 couples:
1- 4 1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies side & 2s Men's side, 1s+2s+3s set
5- 6 1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs on 1 place clockwise while 3s 1/2 turn 2H
7- 8 1s cross to 2nd place own side facing clockwise while 2s+3s turn partner 3/4 RH into line up/down centre, Men facing down, Ladies facing up
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Weasel Reels:
2s+3s dance part reel of 4 up/down middle but when reaching either end they dance clockwise to top/bottom to re-enter reel while 1s dance clockwise to replace dancer leaving the reel. All end where they started
17-20 2s+3s Petronella turn to own side while 1s Adv (1) & Ret (1), all 3 couples set
21-24 1s pass person on right by RSh to dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides. (2s & 3s loop into place at end)
25-32 1M+3s (at top) & 1L+2s (at bottom) dance LH across, 1s pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple. 3 1 2
CALIFORNIA DREAMS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alison Austin A Dunfermline Collection
1- 8 1s+2s dance Double Fig 8, 1s cross down to begin.
9-10 1s NHJ dance down between 3s while 2s dance up to 1st place.
11-12 1L+3L turn 3/4 LH while 1M+3M 3/4 turn RH
13-16 1s NHJ dance to top place, 1L+2L turn 3/4 RH while 1M+2M turn 3/4 LH. 2 1 3
17-22 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance LSh reels of 3 across.
23-24 1s+3s Petronella turn, Ladies face down, Men face up.
25-29 1s+3s dance All Round Square Poussette:
25 1s set towards Men's side while 3s set towards Ladies' side, pull back RSh to 1/4 turn on hop.
26 1s set towards bottom of set while 3s set towards top, pull back RSh to 1/4 turn on hop.
27 3s set towards Men's side while 1s set towards Ladies' side, pull back RSh to 1/4 turn on hop.
28 3s set towards bottom of set while 1s set towards top, pull back RSh to 1/4 turn on hop.
29 Both cpls set towards centre to finish in line, Ladies facing down, Men facing up.
30-32 1s+3s turn 2H 1.1/4 to own sides. 2 1 3
THE CALL OF THE COUCAL (S4x32) 4C Set Andrew & Heather Hodgson Fields of Gold
1- 8 1s+3s Petronella turn into the middle while 2s+4s step up, all set; 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
9-24 All 4 couples dance a Chaperoned Celtic Reel:
9-10 1s+3s pass partners RSh while 2s+4s dance clockwise 1/4 round set
11-12 1L+3M dance 3/4 round each other LSh while 2M+1M also 3L+4L take nearer hands & with 4M+2L dance clockwise 1/4 round the set.
13-14 3s+1s pass partners RSh while 2s+4s dance clockwise 1/4 way round
15-16 1M+3L dance 3/4 round each other LSh while 2L+3M also 1L+4M take nearer hands & with 4M+2L dance clockwise 1/4 round the set
17-18 3s+1s pass partner RSh while 2s+4s dance 1/4 round set
19-20 3M+1L dance 3/4 round each other LSh while 2M+3L also 1M+4L take nearer hands & with 4M+2L dance clockwise 1/4 round set
21-22 1s+3s pass partners RSh while 4s+2s dance clockwise 1/4 round set
23-24 2L dances up to 1M's place, 1L dances out to 2M's place, 1M dances to 3M's place, 2M dances to 4M's place. While 4L dances into 1L's place, 3L to 2L's place, 3M dances out to 3L's place, 4M dances to 4L's place.
25-26 All chase 2 places clockwise to finish on sides 1 2 4 3
27-32 1s cross RH, cast to 4th place, cross RH to own sides while 3s turn RH & lead up to 2nd place. (2s step up on bars 29-20) End 2 3 4 1
CALLANISH (S96) Sq.Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 4
1- 8 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across, cast (Men to right & Ladies to left), meet behind 2s/4s, dance between 2s/4s crossing to original pl & turn ptnr LH
9-16 1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn corners with other hand
17-24 17-18 Men set while Ladies dance in, Ladies pass each other LSh & curve to left, then turn right about to face partner
19-20 All change places with partner LH
21-22 Men change places with opposite Lady RH, Men pass LSh dancing back towards places while Lady dances to partner's place
23-24 All turn partner RH to original places
25-32 All dance interlocking reels of 4
33-64 2s+4s repeat bars 1-32
65-72 All Men dance LH across, giving RH to partner & all Set+Link with partners
73-80 All Ladies dance LH across, giving LH to partner & all Set+Link with partners to end in original places
81-88 All turn partner RH, corner LH, partner RH & corner LH
89-96 All circle 8H round to left for 4 steps, turn partner 2H & continue to circle 8H round to places
CALLER HERRIN' (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Dances to Song Tunes
1- 8 1s set advancing passing RSh, 1M+2L & 1L+2M 1/2 turn nearer hand & repeat back to places
9-16 1s lead down below 3s & cast up, meet, lead up to top & cast to place while 2s cast up & lead down & cast up round 3s to place, 1s+2s set
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
25-32 1s dance part reels of 3 on sides all crossing at the top to end 3 1 2 on opposite sides & all set
33-40 1s cast down 1 place, cross RH, cast up to 2nd place while 2s+3s cross RH, set on sides & change places RH, 2s+1s+3s set
CALM BEFORE STORM (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Amanda Peart Sunday Class Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s dance "Espagnole". 1s end facing 1st corners
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 4 bars of "Dance to Corners & Set:"
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 1 more time to end in lines across (2L facing 1L, 3M facing 1M)
1/2 reels of 3 across (1L+2L & 1M+3M pass LSh)
17-24 3 couples dance 4 bars of "Dance to Corners & Set:". End 2M facing up, 3L facing down in middle opp sides. 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides.
25-32 3 couples 1/2 turn opp person RH, pull back RSh, dance out to own sides. 1M+2M (top 2 men) & 2L+3L (bottom 2 ladies) turn 1.1/2 LH. 2 1 3
THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Iain Boyd Kilmarnoch Album
1- 8 1L followed by partner dances a Fig of 8 round 2M+3M (LSh to 3M to start)
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1M followed by partner dances a Fig of 8 round 2L+3L (RSh to 3L to start)
25-32 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
Set (facing diagonally opp dancer), rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
1- 8 3s dance LSh round 1st corners & 3s turn LH to face 2nd corner pstns while 1s & 5s 1/2 turn 2H & cast clockwise (1M & 5L lead) to 4th/2nd places while 2s & 4s step up/down. 2 5 3 1 4
9-16 3s turn 2nd corners RH, partner LH, 1st corner RH & pass LSh to end 3M facing up & 3L down while 2s & 4s 1/2 turn 2H & cast clockwise (2M & 4L lead) to other end. 4 5 3 1 2
17-24 3M+4s+5s also 3L+1s+2s circle 5H round & back, ending with top 5 persons facing down & 3M between 5s & bottom 5 facing up with 3L b'tw'n 1s
25-32 All set twice, 3s turn RH & dance to bottom. 4 5 1 2 3
CALUM DEWAR'S REEL (R4x40) 4C set R Sargent Ruthven HP Coll
1- 8 All Ladies dance across passing partner RSh & dance up to top of set (1L leading), cross & dance down Ladies' side
9-16 All Men dance across passing partner RSh & dance down to the bottom of set (4M leading), cross & dance up Men's side. 4 3 2 1
17-24 All circle 8H round & back with 4s & 1s ending in middle (4s facing down, 1s facing up)
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L (up/down), 1s cast to ends & cross RH while 4s turn RH 1.1/2 times moving down to 3rd place
33-40 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L & turn partners RH 1.1/2 times. 2 3 4 1
CALUM'S ROAD (S4x32) 4C set Rob Sargent New Ruthven Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance Allemande. 2 1 3 4
9-16 All dance reflection reels of 4 on sides (2s & 3s out & down to start)
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across & end with 1s casting to 3rd place as 3s dance up, 1s+4s dance LH across & end with 1s casting to 4th pl as 4s dance up
25-32 All dance down closing in to meet partner & lead up RH back to places. 2 3 4 1
CALVER LODGE (R8x24) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 8
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s followed by 2s lead down the middle
9-16 2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s followed by 2s lead up to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
CALZONA RAMBLE (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Shirley Saturnetsky
1- 8 1s set, cast & turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end facing own side for…
17-24 1s dance RH across (M with 2s & L with 3s), 1s (followed by 2s/3s) pass diag LSh to change ends & loop round to left 1s dancing up to…
25-32 1s dance LH across (1M+3s at top & 1L+2s), 1s (followed by 2s/3s) pass diag RSh to change ends & loop round to right to end in 2nd pl. 2 1 3
THE CAMBRIDGE HORNPIPE (R4x32) Sq.Set Hugh Foss, 1971
1- 8 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain, with extra 1/4 turn bar 8 so Ladies end BtoB in centre facing partners
9-16 1s+3s set, 1/2 turn RH, retain hands, Men join LH in centre & Bal-in-Line. Men 1/2 turn LH to face opp Lady
while 2s+4s set to partners, change places RH, set & change places LH
17-24 1s+3s dance RSh reel of 4 across. Bar 24 Men pull back RSh to face partners
25-32 1s+3s turn RH into prom hold facing anticlockwise & promenade round to original places
while 2s+4s set to partners, Advance, set, Retire
Fig. 2
1-32 All 4 couples together dance Fig 1 with
1-2 & 5-6 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across in centre
15-16 & 19-20 Men 1/2 LH across in centre
17-18 & 21&22 Ladies 1/2 LH across in centre
Fig. 3
1-32 2s+4s repeat Fig 1
Fig 4
1- 8 Ladies dance RH across, finish facing partners. All turn partners 1.1/2 round LH
9-16 Men dance RH across, all turn partners 1.1/2 LH, Men pull back LSh to face clockwise NHJ with partners while Ladies join RH in centre
17-24 All dance round in wheel, Ladies end BtoB in centre facing partners
25-32 All 1/2 turn partners RH into prom hold & promenade anticlockwise round, ending with Ladies BtoB in centre for bow/curtsey
CAMBRIDGE SIX (S3x32) 3C set Dorothy Coles Cambridge Diamond Jubilee
1- 8 2M sets advancing to 1L & turns RH while 2L sets advancing to 3M & turns RH (2s end in partners place), 2s set & cross RH
9-16 2L sets advancing to 1M & turns RH while 2M sets advancing to 3L & turns RH (2s end in original places), all set & turn RH into prom hold
17-24 All in prom hold dance reel of 3 (1s pass 2s RSh to start)
25-32 All set, 1s cast to 3rd place, all set & turn 2H
CAMBUSKENNETH (S80) Sq.Set John Drewry Spring Coll 1988
1- 8 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (all pass partner RSh, next person LSh & following person RSh)
9-16 1s change places with 3s passing RSh, 3s+1s change places with partners LH & repeat back to places
17-24 1s & 3s (in prom hold) dance RSh reels of 3 at top & bottom dancing to right to start (1s with 2L+4M & 3s with 2M+4L) ending in lines of 4 across set with 1s & 3s in centre
25-28 All set, 1s & 3s dance into centre of set, divide, dance out with other partner to sides as 2s & 4s dance into places vacated by 1s & 3s & into centre of set (to form new lines across with 2s & 4s in centre of lines
29-32 All turn opposite dancer 2H, 2s & 4s dance out to original places as 1s & 3s cast to places
33-64 Repeat from bar 1 with 2s & 4s as leading dancers
65-72 All Ladies dance RH across once round, all Men dance LH across once round ending in centre facing partner
73-80 All set HS & turn 2H 1.1/2 times to places
THE CAMBUSLANG OCTOGENARIAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Wilkinson 1998
1- 8 1s set, cross down RH to 2nd place (2s step up), set & cross RH to 2nd place own side, facing out
9-16 1s cast Right, meet in centre, turn LH & 1M dances down, casts Left round 3L into 2nd place opp side while 1L dances up, casts Left round 2M into 2nd place opp side
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on opp sides (1M+2L & 1L+3M pass RSh). 1s curve in to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting finishing with Petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
CAMBUSNETHAN (J3x32) 3C Set Alan Paterson Collecta Ursis
1- 8 2s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (2L round 1s & 2M round 3s) & 1/2 Figs of 8 on opposite sides
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L
17-24 All dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 on sides, 2s+1s set facing up/down & change places on sides (LH Ladies' side & RH Men's side)
25-32 2s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 1s (cast up to start) & all turn LH
THE CAMERON HIGHLANDERS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Margaret Plummer BHS 9 for 2015
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), 1s turn 3/4 RH then 1L+2M & 1M+3L turn LH into 2nd place opp sides
9-12 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (1L down, passes 3M RSh & 1M up, passes 2L RSh)
13-16 1/2 reel of 3 across (1M+3M at top & 1L+2L in 3rd place pass LSh). 1s finish BtoB facing 4th corners
17-20 1s dance round 4th corners into 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s dance RH across (2 bars), twirl, dance out to opp corners
21-24 2s+1s+3s turn RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
GREIG'S PIPES (Cameronian Rant) (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 2
1- 8 1s 3/4 turn RH, full turn LH to end L between 2s & M between 3s, 2s+1s+3s set twice
9-16 1s turn 2H 1.3/4 times to end 2nd place on opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set twice on sides 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corners & cross to 2nd place own sides
THE CAMERONIAN'S FAREWELL (R4x48) 4C set Helen L Wood SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn 2H & cast to 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s petronella turn to right, 2s+1s+3s set (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret up/down set
17-24 1s petronella turn to right, 2s+1s+3s set (Lady with 2M+3M & Man with 2L+3L), 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret
25-40 1s repeat bars 9-24 (with Man between 2s)
41-48 1s set advancing, turn 2H & cast to bottom of set
THE CAMP OF PLEASURE (S8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 15
1- 8 1s turn RH, 1M+2L turn LH to end in centre as 2M dances up to 1L for Allemande
9-16 2M+1L also 1M+2L dance Allemande
17-24 1s followed by 2s lead down (1M dances down to join1L while 2M dances up to join 2L) & 2s lead back to top
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
CAMPBELL OF CAWDOR (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Anna Holden Birmingham Bk
1- 8 1s lead down for 3 steps, lead up to top, cross & cast to 2nd place opposite sides (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s+ 2s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1s set, cast up & turn 2H
25-32 1s lead down, cross & cast up own sides & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette with 2s
CAMPBELL OF LAPHROAIG (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) Wilma Miller Ladies of Dunse
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s+3s dance RH across
9-16 2s+1s Set+Link, 1s+2s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1s cross down to double triangle position with 2s+3s & all set, 1s cast round 1st corners to end between 2s/3s & all set
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (up/down) & turn opposite person RH (1s turn RH 1.1/4) to finish 2 1 3
CAMPBELL'S CAPER (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Silver City Bk
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, 1s+2s set & 1L & 2L cast 1 place (1L down & 2L up) while 1M & 2M cross to partners place
9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1s+2s set to partners (on sides) twice & turn RH 1.1/2 times
25-32 1s followed by 2s slip step down centre of dance & back (2s to top place
CAMPBELL'S FROLIC (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS Bk 15
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s lead up to top
9-16 1s+3s set, dance LH across, 1s cast to 3rd place as 3s dance up to 2nd place
17-24 1s set, lead up to top & cast to 2nd place own sides (3s step down 19-20)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CAMPBELL'S HORNPIPE (R4x32) 4C set Anna Holden SC Dances
1- 8 1s & 4 set, cast in 1 place & dance RH across with nearer end couple
9-16 1s & 4s dance LH across, set & cast back to original places
17-24 1s lead down to bottom & make an arch, 4s followed by 3s+2s dance down & curve in to dance up under 1s arch to the top
25-32 4s+3s+2s dance Allemande
Progressive 2 couple dance, 2 facing 2 round room, Lady on Man's right
1- 8 All turn RH, face partner & set advancing to Bal-in-Line with Ladies in middle giving RH to each other & LH to partners
9-16 Ladies 1/2 turn RH into Ladies' Chain ending back in original places
17-24 All dance R&L starting by giving RH to other partner
25-32 All Adv+Ret & dance on passing other partner RSh to face oncoming couple
THE CAMPBELLS OF CRANNAGH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Helen Beaney
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up) & dance NHJ down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place opp sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
17-24 1s turn 1.1/2 RH while 2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round set & all set twice
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Diag R&L
CAMPBELTOWN LOCH (J4x48) 4C set Roy Clowes Ormskirk Bk 1
2 chords, on 2nd chord 1s+2s also 3+4s move to Glasgow Highlanders pstn
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, cross RH & turn ptnrs LH to form 2 lines of 4 across, 1s to the left facing 3s, 2s to the right facing 4s (Ladies on Men's right)
9-16 All Adv+Ret, cross RH & turn ptnrs LH to longways set - 4s in top places (Mans side) facing 3s, 2s (Mans side) facing 1s (Ladies on Men's right)
17-24 4s+3s & 2s+1s dance RH across & LH back
25-32 3s+2s dance diagonal reel of 4
33-40 4s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
41-48 3s+4s & 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L & 3s+2s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 All end 1 place anticlockwise round set) (Original version)
41-48 3s+4s & 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 3s+2s dance change places diag RH & change with ptnrs LH on sides (Popular version)
CAMPSIE GLEN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Campbell Glasgow Assembly SCDs
1- 8 1s dance down the middle below 3s & set to each other, turn 2H & cast up to top place
9-16 1s+2s dance the Bourrel:-
1M+2L set advancing & 3/4 turn 2H pivoting right to end BtoB to 2L facing up & 1M down while 1L+2M chase anticlockwise & face partner
1s+2s set to partners & turn RH, 1s into prom hold facing down & 2s to top place own sides
17-24 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 2nd corners & 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners ending in 2nd place own sides facing out. (3) 1 (2)
25-28 1s cast round 3rd corners, cross & cast to 2nd places while corners (in circle) set & circle left & right 1 step & loop round to right to place (opp side)
29-32 3s+1s+2s turn 2H & circle round to left 1/2 way
CANADA 150 EH! (S3x40) 3C set Suzanne Lajoie Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance over/under arches:
1s under arch by 2s who dance up, 1s make arch & 3s dance up under, 2s under arch by 3s; 1s under arch by 2s, 3s under arch by 1s, 3s under arch by 3s. End 1 2 3
9-12 1s (1L followed by 1M) dance 1/2 tandem reel with 2M & 3M (1L LSh to 3M )
13-16 1M followed by 1L dance 1/2 tandem reel with 2L+3L (1M LSh to 2L). 1 3 2
17-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 2s+3s+1s Adv+Ret (1 step each), Adv (1 step), pull back RSh & dance out to place
33-40 2s+3s+1s dance 6H round & back
CANADIAN BARN DANCE (M16) Round the Room
Round the Room dance, couples facing anticlockwise (Ladies on partners right)
1- 4 Starting with outside foot run forward for three steps & hop, backwards for three steps & hop.
5- 8 Skip sideways away from partner (Men towards the centre, Ladies outwards) for two steps & clap, Return to partner in waltz hold.
9-12 Skip sideways to the Man's left for two steps & back
13-16 Polka anticlockwise round the room.
CANADIAN MEMORIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J Mortimer
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 1s dance RH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s)
9-16 1s 3/4 turn LH to end between 1st corners & Bal-in-Line, 1s 1/4 turn LH to end between 2nd corners & Bal-in-Line
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 2nd corners & cross to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE CANBERRA BLUEBELL (S1x80) Sq.set Leslie Cumming To Be A Wind
3s·····4s (Men in centre facing partner)
2s·····1s (Ladies BtoB in centre facing partner)
1- 4 1L+2L also 3L+4L NHJ, dance out between prtnrs, cast round them, dance in, 1L with 2L, 3L with 4L pass LSh in the middle
5- 8 1L+4L also 3L+2L NHJ, dance out between prtnrs, cast round them, dance in, 1L with 4L, 3L with 2L pass LSh in the middle
9-12 3L+4L also 1L+2L NHJ, dance out between prtnrs, cast round them, dance in, 3L with 4L, 1L with 2L pass LSh in the middle
13-16 3L+2L also 1L+4L NHJ, dance out between prtnrs, cast round them, dance in, 3L with 2L, 1L with 4L pass LSh in the middle
17-24 All set HS in original place. All turn partner 1.1/2 RH into Allemande hold facing anticlockwise
25-32 All promenade round the set. Ladies end in partners' original place (at the corners), Men end 'on sides' between 2 ladies
33-36 All Men dance into the centre, pull back RSh to face out & Petronella turn to one place clockwise round 'on sides' between 2 ladies
37-48 All Men repeat bars 33-36 three more times
49-56 All Ladies dance LH across; all turn partner RH to end in original places
57-64 All dance double RSh reels of 4, LH across in centre
65-72 All set HS in original place. All turn partner 1.1/2 RH into Promenade hold facing anticlockwise
73-80 All Promenade round back to original place (Alternative: Promenade round & dance off, 1s leading)
THE CANBERRA BLUEBELL LOGO (J3x32) 3C Triangular Set Brian Gunning Second Canberra Bk
1- 8 Ladies cast behind partner (2 bars), dance in for RH across 2 places round (4 bars), dance LSh round corner (Man) to Ladies' place (Ladies have moved 1 place anticlockwise)
9-16 Men cast behind new partner, into centre & LH across 2 places round, dance RSh round (new) corner (Lady) to Man's place. (Men have moved 1 place clockwise)
17-24 All facing new partners turn 1.1/2 RH, meet next person & turn 1.1/2 LH to all finish in original places, Men facing in, Ladies facing out
25-32 All dance 8 bars Schiehallion reels (to move 1 place clockwise). End 3 1 2
A CANDLE FOR MARY (By Candlelight) (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry
1- 8 1s turn RH moving down below 2s & end facing out on their own sides, M casts up & L down to form lines of 3 across (facing) & all set
9-16 1s turn RH & end on own sides in 2nd pl while 2s+3s petronella 1 pl & all set on sides; Repeat with 1s ending 1M between 2s in 3rd pl & 1L between 3s at top & all set
17-24 All DoSiDo with opp person, 1s turn 2H twice & end facing 1st crnr (pstn) while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (start on sides)
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places
CANDYFLOSS (S3x32) 3C set Veronica Hughes Leeds Golden Coll
1- 4 1s+3s set & 3/4 turn RH to form line up/down centre
5- 8 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4, 1M+3L turn 1/4 LH to end between 2s across the set
9- 12 2L+1M+3L+2M dance 1/2 reel of 4
13-16 2L+1M also 3L+2M set, change places LH, 2s pass LSh
17-20 2M dances RH across with 1s as 2L dances RH across with 3s ("2nd corner positions")
21-24 1s turn 2H ending in 3rd place as 3s turn 2H in 1st place while 2s pass LSh & dance out opposite sides, 2s dance clockwise 1/2 way round to 2nd place own side. All take promenade hold & face up.
25-32 3s+2s+1s Promenade ending with 3s casting off to 2nd place as 2s dance up to 1st place. 2 3 1
CANE TOAD JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rod Downey Cane Toad Coll
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides, LSh to 2s to start. Bars 7-8: 1s pass 2s LSh but 1L ends in centre facing 3L. 2 1 3
9-24 1s dance "Hello and Goodbye Chase" with corners:
1L dances Hello-Goodbye setting (14 bars) ending between 3s, Bars 23-24: 1L pulls back RSh to face down (PdeB) while
1M sets advancing to 3L (bars 9-10), dance Hello-Goodbye setting (14 bars) to end in centre in 2nd place facing down
25-32 1L followed by 1M casts up behind 3L, crosses to 2nd place Men's side & 1s cast up round 2s to top, 1s pass 2s RSh to 2nd place own side, 1M facing out. End 2 1 3
CANNADINE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Anna C Holden Birmingham Diamond Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 2s+1s+3s+4s dance RSh reel of 4 on sides
17-24 1s & 3s dance round 2s/4s RSh & turn LH 1.1/2 times on own sides to end 2 3 1 4
25-32 2s+3s dance RH across & LH back while 1s+4s dance RH across & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette. 2 3 4 1
CANNOCK CHASE (J4x32) 4C set Stafford Bk
1- 8 1M followed by 2M+3M+4M cross & dance down to face Ladies who turn right about, Men turn Ladies 2H 1.1/2 times to own side
9-16 4L followed by 3L+2L+1L cross & dance up to face Man who turn right about, Ladies turn Men 2H to own sides. 4 3 2 1
17-24 All circle 8H round & back
25-32 Top 3 couple dance allemande to end 2 3 4 1
CANNON HILL ASSEMBLY (S4x32) Sq.Set Anna Holden Scottish Country Dances
1- 8 All Ladies cast behind partners round to their corner Man & turn RH, all Ladies dance 1/2 LH across to face Man opposite their corner
9-16 All dance double reels of 4 & end with Man dancing on 1 place to meet partner
17-24 All set (4 bars), advance passing partner RSh & retire at right angles to face partner (Men facing clockwise & Ladies Anticlockwise)
25-32 All dance DoSiDo round partner, set & turn RH (Men facing out to start next 32 bars)
33-64 Repeat with Men dancing Ladies moves
Repeat bars 1-64
CANNY TALES FAE ABERDEEN (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 4
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn RH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) ending 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s set & 3/4 turn LH while 2s+3s cross RH & set, 1s set & 3/4 turn LH while 2s+3s change places on sides RH & set
25-32 1s dance diag R&L
A CANONBIE CEILIDH (R40) Round the Room Caroline Bradshaw & Ian Brockbank New Scotland 50th Anniv Bk
Circle Round the Room, Man has partner on his Right
1- 8 All circle round to Left & back to Right
9-16 All Men dance Fig of 8 round partner & Lady on left (in front of partner to start)
17-24 All Ladies dance Fig of 8 round partner & Man on right (in front of partner to start)
25-32 All join hands, Adv+Ret; all Advance & Ladies swivel and join 2H with partner, Men Retire followed by partner. Men face in, Ladies face out
33-40 Men join hands to form arches & all dance DoSiDo with partners; all Men turn (birl) Lady on Right to end in large circle with new partner on right
CANTERBURY CROSS (J4x48) 4C set Peter J Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, set & cross RH to own side
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, set & turn RH remaining in centre facing partner ready for…
17-24 3s+1s dance Poussette
25-32 1M dance down round 3M, 1L up round 2L, cast to 2nd place & turn RH to face out
33-40 1M casts up round 2M, 1L down round 3L finishing in centre. 1s turn 1.3/4 to 2nd place own side
41-48 All set, all cross RH. 1s cast to 4th place (3s+4s step up). All cross RH. End 2 3 4 1
THE CAPE BRETON HORNPIPE (R4x32) 4C set Charlie Inglis 25 Dances for 25 Years
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place, set & dance 1/2 LH across end giving RH to nearest corner
9-16 All Balance in St Andrews cross formation & 4s also 1s turn corners into centre, balance & turn corners back to places & end facing corners
17-24 4s & 1s dance DoSiDo with corners, 4s & 1s dance RSh round corner back into middle
25-32 4s+1s dance RH across & end 1s facing down & 4s up, dance out ends crossing & cast in 1 place. 2 4(1)(3)
CAPE BRETON ISLAND (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Summer Coll 88 & Nova Scotia Collection 2017
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s & 4s dance out ends, cast back to 2nd/3rd places, 1M+4L & 1L+4M in prom hold dance round (Men LSh to LSh) 3/4 to face up/down
17-24 1M+4L dance LSh reel of 3 across with 2s & 1L+4M with 3s to end 2 4 (1)(3)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
CAPE SPEAR (S4x32) 4C set Bruce & Jo Shawyer All Around the Circle
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Tournee : -
`1s+2s also 3s+4s dance into prom hold (Men with prtnr on right, 1s/3s face Men's side & 2s/4s Ladies' side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle, both couples turn 1.1/2 times (2s/4s RH, 1s/3s LH) & dance out to places. 2 1 4 3
9-16 All Adv+Ret 1 step, repeat & all dance DoSiDo
17-24 Top 3 Men's side cross RH with bottom 3 Ladies' side. Top 3 Ladies' side cross LH with bottom 3 Men's side, repeat bars 17-20 to 3412 opp sides
25-32 3s+4s also 1s+2s set & 1/2 circle 4H left, 1s making arch dance up to top & cast to 2nd place while 3s+2s dance down under arch to bottom & 2s cast to 3rd place. 4 1 2 3
CAPE TOWN WEDDING (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Tom Kerr RSCDS Bk 39
1- 8 1s cross down (no hands) to 2nd place (2s step up) , dance out & 1/2 turn 3s with nearer hand; 1s 1/2 turn RH & lead up to top ending in prom hold (2s+3s step down 7-8)
9-16 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2L to start) 1s end in middle at top facing down (Lady on Man's Left), 2s on sides & 3s step in & face up
17-24 1s+2s+3s set, all Petronella turn one place (1s+3s Petronella-in-Tandem); all set advancing (1 bar), join hands in circle & set (1 bar), pull back RSh & cast clockwise back to places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot. 2 1 3
CAPELTHWAITE (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Claudette Sigg San Francisco Coll 2
1- 8 1L+2M set twice, Adv+Ret while 1M+2L turn RH & chase clockwise 1/2 way (to change places)
9-16 2L+1M set twice, Adv+Ret while 1L+2M turn RH & chase clockwise 1/2 way
17-24 2s+1s dance modified Chain Progression : -
2s+1s 3/4 turn RH, end persons chase clockwise 1/2 way round while centre couple 1/2 turn LH, 1s+2s turn RH to…
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
A CAPER FOR PRISCILLA (R3x40) 3C set E Eder Martello Tower Bk 6
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & cross RH to own sides
9-16 All Ladies dance down & 1/2 way round to other side (behind Men), all Ladies dance through Men to own sides & set
17-24 All circle 6H round & back
25-32 All Men dance down & 1/2 way round to other side (behind Ladies), all Men dance through Ladies to own sides & set
33-40 2s+1s dance R&L 3 1 2
CAPERCAILLIE (R5x32) 5C set Sue Burridge Ness House 2
1- 8 2s dance up between 1s & cast to 2nd place in centre facing down with nearer hands joined while 4s dance down between 5s & cast up to 4th place in the centre facing up with nearer hands joined, 2s+3s+4s 6H round (3s end on sides with 2s & 4s facing up/down)
9-16 2s+4s advance, turning to face ends dance up/down between end couples & turn them with nearer hand back to original places
17-24 2s Fig of 8 round 1s while 4s Fig of 8 round 5s to end with 2s & 4s facing 1s & 3s
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & 1/2 turn 2H ending with 1s & 3s facing 4s & 5s, 1s+4s also 3s+5s set & 1/2 turn 2H to end 2 4 1 5 3
THE CAPERCAILLIE (J4x32) 4C set Barry Priddey Capercaillie Bk
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cast 1 place, turn LH 1.1/2 times to end facing Ladies corner (1M behind partner facing 2M & 4M behind 4Lfacing 3M)
9-16 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem RSh reel of 4 with 2M+3M; dancing couples pass LSh & dance 1/2 Alternating Tandem RSh 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners
17-24 1s & 4s repeat 1/2 Alternating Tandem reels with 3rd & 4th corners & end in 2nd/3rd places opp sides. 2 (1) 4 (3)
25-32 1s & 4s 1/2 turn partners RH into RH across 1/2 way; 2s+4s also 1s+3s LH across once round. 2 4 (1) (3)
CAPHARNAÜM À GRENOBLE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Vincent Broquié The Walnut Bk 2
1- 4 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH
5- 8 1s turn 1.1/2 RH while 2s+3s Set+Link 1 (3) (2)
9-16 Stochastic formation:
1s dance Fig of 8 on own sides, dancing in & down to begin while 3s set & cross RH twice while 2s cross RH, set twice & cross RH again 1 (3) (2)
17-20 All set & cross RH (1) 3 2
21-24 2s 1.1/2 turn RH while 1s+3s Set+Link 3 (1) (2)
25-32 Stochastic formation:
3s dance Fig of 8 on own sides, dancing in & down to begin while 1s set & cross RH twice while 2s cross RH, set twice & cross RH again
3 (1) (2)
33-40 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round & back
Note: 1s & 2s end 1st time through on opposite sides. At end of 2nd time through all will be on own sides, 2s & 1s changing places
"Stochastic" is a description that refers to outcomes based upon random probability
A CAPITAL JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tine E Mackay 5 dances 2009
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate & end 1s facing up, 2s down:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd place facing up)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (RSh to 2s)
17-24 1s set & turn 3/4 RH to face own sides, 1s dance LH across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) to end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s set & turn 3/4 RH to face opposite sides, 1s dance LH across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s) ending 2nd place own sides
A CAPITAL LASSIE (S4x32) Sq.Set Gregory Reynolds Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 8 All set, Men cast anticlockwise1 place (pull back LSh), turn new partner LH
9-16 All set to new partners, Ladies cast clockwise 1 place (pull back RSh), turn new partner RH & retain hands
17-24 All dance 2 bars Grand Chain moving 1 place to meet original partner. All set to partners, all DoSiDo with partners
25-28 All join NH with partner & set facing in. All petronella-in-tandem to I place anticlockwise,
29-32 All repeat bars 25-28 with Men moving 1 place anticlockwise as Ladies curve back to same place to face new partner.
Repeat 3 times with new partners, finish with original partner. Men start each turn in original place, Ladies progress 1 place clockwise.
THE CAPON TREE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 1
1- 8 1s set & cross RH to 2nd place opp side, 1M casts up round 2L as 1L casts down round 3M to meet in middle LSh to LSh (L facing up, M down)
9-12 1s dance RH across on sides (1L with 2L+3L, 1M with 2M+3M)
13-16 1s pass RSh to dance LH across on other sides & end in lines across (M b'tw'n 2s, L b'tw'n 3s)
17-24 All set & 2s+3s set again with 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own sides, all turn RH
25-32 All circle 6H round & back.
THE CAPSTAN (R2x48) 4C set Ros McKie Hunter Valley Bk
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
5- 8 2s+3s dance LH across finishing in centre, facing corners (2s facing up, 3s down) while
1L followed by 1M casts behind Ladies' side to end in 4th place opp sides while 4M followed by 4L casts up Men's side to end (4) 2 3 (1)
9-20 All dance double diag reels of 4 (LH across in middle). End in same positions as at end bar 8
21-24 2s+3s in centre turn corners 1.1/2 RH & retain RH to bring 4s & 1s into centre who join LH
25-32 All Bal-in-Line, 4s & 1s drop LH & turn 2s/3s 1/2 RH to bring 2s & 3s into centre who join LH; all repeat 25-28
33-36 1s+4s dance LH across to finish on opp sides, 4s in 2nd place, 1s in 3rd place while
3M followed by 3L casts up behind Men's line to top place opp side while 2L followed by 2M casts behind Ladies' side to end (3) (4) (1) (2)
37-40 3s+4s also 1s+2s dance RH across
41-48 All set, all turn partners 1.1/2 RH; all set. End 3 4 1 2
Repeat 1-48 from new positions
CAPTAIN BAIN'S TRIBUTE (J4x40) 4C set Alex Milligan SCD Archives
1- 8 1s & 4s turn RH & cast in 1 place, turn LH to end in middle facing out to own side; 1M+4M also 1L+4L join near hands & join other hand with corner
9-16 All set, change place with partner to face opposite sides (as in Double Triangles), all set & PdeB 1/4 turn to face partner up/down set (1L between 2s facing down, 4M between 3s facing up)
17-24 1s+4s RSh reel of 4
25-32 1s & 4s set twice to partners, 3/4 turn RH to 2nd/3rd place opposite sides
33-40 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across, 1s & 4s set to partners & dance 1/2 LH across to own sides. 2 4 1 3
CAPTAIN BRUCE'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Margaret Frazer
1- 8 1s set, cast 2 places, cross RH & cast up 2 places
9-16 1s+2s 1/2 R&L, 1s 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
17-24 1s Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 2s+1s Adv+Ret 2 steps & turn partners RH 1.1/2 times
CAPTAIN COOK'S HORNPIPE (R4x32) 4C set Christine Thompson Cleveland Coll
1- 8 1s dance Inveran Reels with 2s+3s
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 with 1s & 3s crossing down to start
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across, all set & cross RH
25-32 1s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across, 1s & 4s cross RH & cast down 1 place while 3s dance up to 2nd place. 2 3 4 1
CAPTAIN DONALD JOHNSTONE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Malcolm McNaught
1- 8 1s set & cast to 2nd place, 1s set & cast to 3rd place
9-16 1s cross RH & cast up to 2nd place, 1s 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 2s+1s set & chase clockwise 2 places, repeat (back to places at bar 16)
25-32 1s+3s circle left & turn partners RH
CAPTAIN HENDERSON'S HORNPIPE (R3x32) 3C set John McLellan Hunter Valley Coll
1- 8 2s LSh reels of 3 across (Lady with 1s & Man with 3s)
9-16 2s reel of 3 on sides giving LSh to person on their Left
17-24 1s+2s 1/2 R&L, 1s+3s 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s turn RH while 2s & 3s cross RH & all circle 6H round to Left. End 2 3 1
CAPTAIN JOHN HUNTER (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Olivia Roberts Sydney: Bicentennial
1- 8 1L followed by 1M casts 2 places & crosses to 3M's place (2s+3s step up 3-4); 3s+1s dance RH across. 1L faces out
9-16 1L followed by 1M casts up 1 place & crosses to 2L's place (3s step down 11-12); 2s+1s dance LH across. 2 1 3
17-24 1L sets to 2L & turns RH on sides while 1M sets to 3M & turns RH; 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s+1st corners dance Corner Chain, 1s face 2nd corners
33-40 1s+2nd corners dance Corner Chain, 1L ends facing out. 2 1 3
CAPTAIN MACBEAN'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Thompson RSCDS Bk 17
1- 8 1s+2s+3s 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start) & all turn partners RH
9-16 3s+2s+1s 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & up to start) & all turn partners RH
17-24 1s lead down the middle for 3 steps, back to top & cast to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
CAPTAIN MACDONALD'S FANCY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Longman+Broderip RSCDS Bk 7
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back again to places
9-16 2s lead down the middle & back again
17-24 1s+2s RH across for 3 steps, LH back to places & 1s cast to face 1st corners as 2s dance up to 1st place
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corner RH & partner LH to 2nd place own sides
CAPTAIN MACDUFF'S DELIGHT (R8x32) 2C (4C set) David Aldridge
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 1s lead down middle & back
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s cross RH & turn LH on sides (4 Bars) then cross RH
1- 8 1L followed by 2L+3L dance across top & down behind Men, cross below 3s & dance back up to place
9-16 1M+2M+3M repeat by crossing, dancing behind the Ladies & up on own side to places
17-24 1s set to 2s on sides & change places RH, set & change back LH to places
25-32 1s+2s Allemande 1s crossing LH to end in 2nd place on opposite sides facing in
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on opposite sides (1s giving RSh to 2nd corners to start) & cross RH to 2nd place own sides
CAPTAIN MCBRIDE'S HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) William Campbell RSCDS Bk 20
1- 8 1M sets to 2L & turns LH while 1L sets to 2M & turns RH, 1M sets to 3L & turns RH while 1L sets to 3M & turns LH
9-16 1s lead up to top, cross, set & cast to 2nd place on own sides
17-24 1s+3s circle 4H round & back
25-32 2s+1s R&L
CAPTAIN ROSS (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 2s+1s dance R&L 1s end in diagonal line with 1st corners
17-24 1s Bal-in-Line with 1st corners, turn RH to 2nd corners, Bal-in-Line with 2nd corners & turn RH
25-32 1s dance out between 2L+3L, 1L casts up & 1M down, into centre & out Men's side, cast & dance into 2nd place own sides
CAPTAIN WHITE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s+2s Adv+Ret, circle 4H round to left 1/2 way
9-16 2s+1s repeat back to places
17-24 1M+2L turn RH, 1L+2M turn RH
25-32 1s+2s Poussette. 2 1
CAPTAIN WHITESIDE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Galloway Album
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn 3/4 RH to end 1L facing down, 1M facing up, 2s+3s step in, all join hands in circle & set
9-16 All Petronella turn 1 place to right, reform circle & set; repeat
17-24 1s dance anticlockwise round to 2nd place own side while 3s+2s dance RH across. All finish on sides (3) 1 (2); 1s turn 1.1/2 LH
25-32 1s dance Fig 8 on opp sides (LSh to 2nd corner to start) & cross to 2nd place own side while bars 25-28 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, bars 29-32 2s+3s stand. 2 1 3
THE CAPTAIN'S HOUSE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd RSCDS Graded 3
1- 8 1s turn RH (4 bars); cast (2s step up), cross LH to face out in 2nd place opp. sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides, 1s pass 2nd corner LSh to start. 1s finish facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag. reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh, dance 1/2 diag. reel of 4 with 2nd corners finishing in 2nd place opp. sides (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s turn partners RH and dance clockwise 1/2 way round set to own sides. 2 1 3
CAPTAIN'S ROUND (J24) Round the Room Heinz Duewell Hunter Valley Bk
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-12 Couples facing anticlockwise lead between other couple, cross & cast back to partner's place
13-16 Couples facing clockwise repeat 9-12
17-24 All dance 1/2 R&L, (RH to partner to start); All turn partner RH to end facing new couple
CARDIGAN BACK 80 (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Holly V Sherman
1- 8 1s & 3s dance Double Fig 8 (1s cast, 3s cross up). 1s pass RSh to face 1st corners (2s step up 7-8)
9-24 "Best Set in the Hall" figure:
9-12 1s set to 1st corners & dance RSh round each other into 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners dance in & turn right about to face their original position
13-16 1s+1st crnr person set & 1st crnr persons dance RSh round each other into diag opp crnrs while 1s dance in & pivot to right to face 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners & end passing RSh to 2nd place opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 couples twice
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CARDIGAN SUNSETS (S3x32) 3C set Julia Varney, June 2015
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s cross down to dance mirror reels of 3 on opp sides (6 bars), 1s 1/2 turn RH remaining in centre facing down
17-24 1s followed by 2s lead down; 2s separate & follow as 1s lead up to top place, 2s to 3rd place, 3s dancing in to 2nd place (bars 23-24). All remain in centre facing up in prom hold
25-32 1s+3s+2s dance 4 bars of allemande, release RH, Ladies dance forward & turn partner LH to places. 2 3 1
CARDROSS HOUSE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Elaine Brunken Moments in Time
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up), 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 1st corner passing corner by LSh. Finish facing 1st corners
9-16 1s set to & turn corners. Finish 1M between 2s facing up, 1L between 3s facing down.
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 3rd corner passing corner by LSh. 2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides (1L up, 1M down)
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret; 2s+1s turn 2H flowing into 2s+1s circle 4H round to Left
CARDROSS JIG (J32) Round the Room Mary McIntosh
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-16 All dance RH across & LH back
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with opposite person, all dance DoSiDo with partner
25-32 All Adv+Ret, cross RH to face next couple
CARDWELL BAY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Evelyn Redmond After The Rain
1- 8 1M+2L change places RH. 1L+2M change places RH. 1s+2s chase clockwise to original places.
9-16 1s set, cast 1 place, dance down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place to face 1st corners. 2s step up bars 11-12
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 diagonal of 4 with 2nd corners. 1s finish 2nd place opp sides.
25-32 3s+1s+2s Adv+Ret & circle 6H 1/2 way round to left to finish on own sides. 2 1 3
CAREFUL, NOT CRAZY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell Pandemic Set Of Dances
1-8 1s cast behind lines, turn outwards & cast back up to 2nd place (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 2s set & cross passing RSh & stand for 4 bars while 1s stand for 2 bars, set, cross RSh, stand for 2 bars while 3s stand for 4 bars, set, cross RSh (2) (1) (3)
17-24 All chase clockwise 1/2 way, 2L & 3M pull back LSh for 1/2 reels of 3 on the sides (1M up, 1L down, LSh to 3rd corner to start) 1s end facing 1st corners)
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' to end with Petronella turn to 2nd place facing out.
Note: at start of 3rd time through, 1s cast to 4th place, 4s step up
THE CARETAKER (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Brenda Burnell Leeds 10th Anniv Bk
1- 8 1M+2L change places RH, 1L+2M change places RH, 2s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way & set
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 giving LH
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 2s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 1s
25-32 1s+2s set twice & dance 1/2 R&L
CARGILL'S LEAP (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Edna Russell & Jack McConachie Imperial Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start). 1s end in centre BtoB facing own side ready for …
9-16 1s dance Double Triangles ending pulling back RSh face partner in centre while corners set, petronella anticlockwise 1 place & repeat. (3) (1) (2)
17-24 1s dance 6 bar Fig 8 on opp sides, RSh to person on Right (1M up, 1L down). Bars 23-24: 3s+1s+2s set advancing & face up
25-32 All lead up, cross & cast to end 2 1 3; all turn partner RH
THE CARIBOU GATHERING (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 3
1- 8 1s cross RH, lead down below 3s, cross RH & lead up to 2nd place to end back-to-back facing own sides
9-16 1s set (as Double Triangles), rotate BtoB to face 1st crnrs & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 end BtoB in middle (1L facing up 1M dn)
17-24 1s set (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s), rotate BtoB to face 2nd crnrs & dance 1/2 reel of 4 end turning LH to face 1st crnr (pstn)
25-28 1s change pl with 1st corner positions & 1s set while 1st corners change places LH in centre
29-32 1s change places RH with corners & 1s turn LH to face 2nd corner positions
33-40 1s repeat bars 25-32 with 2nd corner positions & end turning LH to 2nd places
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s+2s Poussette
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles with 2s+3s
CARLETON COUNTY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Shirley Veale Centennial Coll
1- 8 1s cast behind 2s, lead down NHJ between 3s (2s step up). On bar 5 1s 1/2 turn 2H (2 bars), 1s lead up to 2nd place opposite sides.
9-16 Diagonal 1/2 R&L (Man up/Lady down: 1L+3L & 1M+2M RH to start); diagonal 1/2 R&L (Man up/Lady down: 1L+3M & 1M+2L RH to start) (3) (1) (2)
17-24 All set, all cross giving RSh to partner, all turn partner 2H (3 bars) to own side, all step in ready for …
25-32 3 couple Allemande 2 1 3
THE CARLETON JIG (J4x32) 4C set David G Queen Ribble Valley Bk
3s & 4s on opposite sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast, 1s & 4s dance LH accross 1.1/4 times & end 1s on M side, 4s on L side
9-16 1s & 4s dance Set & Rotate for first 6 bars then change places LH with person on sides:
'Set, Rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides then change places LH with person facing on sides (ie 2s & 3s)
17-24 2s & 3s dance RH across in middle then LH across with 1s & 4s (all stay in the middle)
25-32 4s+2s & 1s+3s change places with an Allepousse (4s & 1s dance Allemande while 2s & 3s dance Poussette) to end 2 4(1)(3)
THE CARLETON STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) David G Queen Queen Coll Vol 1
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place to dance LSh round 1st corner to 2nd place opp side
9-16 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH, 1s cast to right into middle BtoB (1M facing up 1L facing down)
17-24 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance RH across almost once round opening out into 2s+1s+3s (all on opp sides) & chase clockwise 1/2 way to own sides then all dance into middle to join partner facing up for…
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande to end 2s+1s+3s
CARLIN'S CAIRN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 8
1- 4 1L+2L+3L set & dance across to opp side while 1M followed by 2M+3M dance across top & down Ladies' side
5- 8 Men set & dance across to own side while 1L followed by 2L+3L dance across top & down Ladies's side. 3 2 1
9-16 1s turn 1.1/2 RH, cast up (2s step down) & 1s turn 3/4 LH
17-24 1L+3s (at top) & 1M+2s (at bottom) dance RH across; 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple
25-28 All dance "Snake Pass":
1L followed by 3s & 1M followed by 2s pass RSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends, loop round to left, 1s end in 2nd place. 2 1 3
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH
CARLISLE CASTLE (S8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Rondel Bk
1- 8 1M+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across, 1M picks up partner in promenade to end reel & 1s dance into centre (2nd place opp side) facing down
9-16 1s dance out opp side, down behind 3s & into centre BtoB facing 3s, (Man facing Lady) set to 3s & turn (1M with RH & 1L with LH)
17-24 1s dance up between 3s, up behind 2s into centre BtoB facing 2s, set to 2s & turn (1M with LH & 1L with RH) to end at top on opp side
25-32 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start) with 1s crossing down to 2nd place at end
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain
CARMICHAEL SQUARE (R4x40) Sq.Set James McMillan Glasgow 85th Anniv
1- 8 2s & 4s set to & change places with partner as 1s+3s set & change places RH with opposite person to end in middle 1s facing up & 3s down, 1s+3s set & dance LH across 1/2 way ending BtB with partner facing 2s/4s
9-16 All dance first 6 bars reels of 4 across ending 1s & 3s on sides with 2s+4s in middle, 2s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way to end 2L+4M BtoB facing 1s & 4L+2M BtoB facing 3s
17-24 All dance first 6 bars reels of 4 across ending 2s & 4s on sides with 1s & 3s in middle, 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way to end in middle (1M facing 4L with partner behind him & 3M facing 2L with partner behind him
25-32 1M (followed by partner) dance tandem reel of 3 across (RSh to 4L) also 3M dances similarly (RSh to 2L) & end in square set opposite original place all facing partner. [1s & 3s may dance an alternating reel]
33-40 All set to partners & change places RH, (Ladies facing out) & all dance 4 bars of Schiehallion reels
CARNOUSTIE CAPER (R4x40) 4C Set Marie Buckle Cambridge Diamond Jubilee
1- 8 1s in prom hold (Lady on left) dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2M to start) while 3s dance similarly with 4s end with 1s/3s facing dn 2s/4s up
9-16 1s dance under arch made by 2s & set to partner; 2s dance under arch made by 1s & set while 3s+4s dance similarly
17-24 2s+3s dance LH across; 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
25-32 2s+3s dance LH across; 1L+2L 1/2 turn RH & Bal-in-Line with 3L while 1M+2M 1/2 turn LH & Bal-in-Line with 3M
33-40 1L+3L 1/2 turn RH & Bal-in-Line with 4L while 1M+3M 1/2 turn LH & Bal-in-Line with 4M; 1L+4L 1/2 RH while 1M+4M 1/2 turn LH & all set to partners. 2 3 4 1
CAROL PALMER'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Johnstone, Zobel, Wallace, Thomas & Brunken Blackadder Coll
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cross turning other partner 2H on sides & end in line of 4 facing partner (1s above 2s) & set to partners
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 reel of 4 & spiral out round partner to own side (order 2 1 with 1s facing out)
17-24 1s cast to right, dance across, cast to 2nd place & cross RH while 2s+3s dance 3/4 R&L & 3s+1s+2s set
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance the Knot
CAROL'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Francis Walduck
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on opp sides, all couples cross down from 1st place. (1) (2) (3)
9-16 1s dance down , cast up round 3s into 2nd place opp sides; 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 into lines across
17-28 R&L for 3 couples, starting up down (diagonal crossing is on 1st corner diagonal)
29-32 Set+Link for 3 to end on own sides 3 1 2
CAROL-ANN'S JIG (J8x32) 3C Set Richard Francis Class Of '13
1- 8 1M+3L set, cast down/up. (2M & 2L step up/down bars 3-4); 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on the sides, 1M in/down, 3L in/up to start
9-16 2L+2M set & cast down/up (3L & 1M step up/down bars 11-12); 2s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 on the sides (2M up/in, 2L down/in) End in original places.
17-24 2s followed by 1s dance down the middle &1s followed by 2s dance back up to finish in middle of set ready for …
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
THE CAROLSIDE JIG (J4x40) 4C set Peggy Jackson SCD Archives
1- 8 1s & 4s set advancing, turn 2H, cast in 1 place & all set
9-16 2s Fig of 8 round 1s while 3s Fig of 8 round 4s
17-24 2s+1L also 3s+4M RH across while 1M+4L turn RH, 2s+1M also 3s+4L LH across while 1L+4M turn LH
25-32 2s lead down to meet 3s leading up, circle 4H round to left to original places & all set
33-40 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, lead down between 3s to 4th place while 4s turn RH, lead up to top & cast to 3rd place
CAROUSEL (J4x32) 4C set James Cosh Glenshee Coll
1- 8 All dance reels of 4 on sides
9-16 1s & 4s turn RH moving into centre of set while 2s+3s turn LH on sides & ending in corners, 1s+4s dance RH across. 2 1 4 3
17-24 1s+4s+3s dance reflection reels on sides (4s in & down to start)
25-32 4s dance Diag R&L (M down) ending 2 (3) 4 (1)
Note - repeat with new 2s & 4s on opposite sides, 2nd repeat ends with all on opposite sides & 4th repeat all on own sides
CARRADALE BAY (S3x32) 3C Set Rhona Burchick
1- 4 1s+2s Petronella turn into middle, to face partners, & Set
5- 8 1s+2s Turn partner 3/4 RH,retain RH & 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across
9-16 1s, from sidelines, turn 1st corner RH, pass partner by RSh, turn 2nd corner RH and pass RSh to own side, facing out
17-24 1s cast up, cross LH at top and cast off on opposite sides, cross RH and cast to 3rd place own side. (3s step up on bars 23-24)
25-32 3s+1s dance Strathspey (Diamond) Poussette
CARRICK CASTLES (S3x32) 9 Persons Penny Gay Falmouth White Heather 30th Anniv
9 Dancers in triangular formation, 1 Man with 2 Ladies per side of triangle
1- 8 All set, Men petronella turn to face partners (Ladies continue to set) & circle 3H round to left
9-16 Men dance RH across & LH back in centre while Ladies cross RH, turn next Lady LH once round, cross RH back to place
17-24 All set, Ladies make arch & Men dance under & face in, Men set HS while Ladies chase 2/3 clockwise to new partner
25-32 Men dance RSh reels of 3 with new partners, RSh to Lady on right to start
THE CARRICK FARMER (J3x32) 3C set Jim Gardner SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L. 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 All cross RH, 2M+3M also 3L+1M change places LH on sides, all cross RH & 2L+1M also 2M+1L 1/2 turn LH into prom hold as 3s Adv to centre
17-20 3s turn RH twice round as other couples dance round clockwise with 1M leaving 2L in 1st place Ladies' side & dancing on to 3rd place Ladies' side while 2M leaves 1L in 3rd place Men's side & dances on to 1st place own side
21-24 3s dance out on opposite sides & cast to right into centre (3M between 1s, 3L between 2s)
25-32 3s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 (3M with 1s, 3L with 2s) & end 2nd place opp sides facing out. 2s+3s 1/2 double Fig of 8 (2s cross down to start). 2 3 1
CARTHUSIAN CAPERS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Martin Sheffield
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1L+2M change places RH while partners set & 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain (3s cross to start)
17-24 1s+2s Set+Link with partners, 1M+2L change places RH while partners set & 1s+2s circle 4H round to left 1/2 way
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s down between 3s to start) with 1s & 2s crossing to own sides when dancing up to top
THE CARYL'S JIG (J2x64) 4C set Pauline Taylor Imperial 3
1- 8 1s & 4s Fig of 8 round next couple to end in middle facing other couple & holding nearer hands
9-16 1s+4s advance towards each other, Ladies also Men dance out own sides & cast to orig places as 2s+3s adv to centre & turn to face crnrs, all set
17-32 All interlocking diagonal RSh reels of 4 & turn corners RH to end in original places ready for reels of 4 on sides
33-40 All RSh reels of 4 on sides ending with 1M & 3M also 2L & 4L facing in & 2M & 4M also 1L & 3L facing out to Bal-in-Line on the sides
41-48 All Bal-in-Line, 2s & 3s turn 1s & 4s into centre to form St Andrews Cross, all set, turn corners into lines across (1s & 4s on outside)
49-56 All Bal-in-Lines across, 2s followed by 1s dance under arches made by 3s & 4s who dance up, all dance out to side lines to end 3 4 1 2
57-64 All circle 8H round & back
THE CASBAH (J8x32) 3C (4C set)
1- 8 1s set & cross down RH to 2nd places, 1s cast round 1st corners to face them
9-12 1s+1st corners change places RH & 1st corners persons 1/2 turn LH to face opposite sides while 2nd corners chase clockwise to change places
13-16 1st corner persons dance RH across on opposite sides & 1/2 turn LH to face original pstns
17-20 Original 1st corner persons & 1s change places RH then 1s 1/2 turn LH to face own sides while 2nd crnrs chase clockwise back to places
21-24 1s dance RH across on own sides & 1s end in 2nd places
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides giving RSh to 3rd corner & ending in 2nd place
A CASCADE JIG (J4x32) 4C Set Shigeyoshi Kobayashi
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down, out behind 4s, up & out behind 3s & up to original places while 2s & 3s dance up on sides & follow 1s. On bar 8, 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places on sides (Men RH, Ladies LH). 1s+3s finish facing out
9-12 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (2) (1) (4) (3)
13-16 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s dance out & down to start). 3s+1s finish facing out (2) (3) (4) (1)
17-20 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8. 3s+1s finish facing out 2 3 4 1
21-24 2s+3s+4s+1s dance 1/2 reels of 4 on own sides (Men pass RSh, Ladies pass LSh to begin) 1 4 3 2
25-28 All circle 8H 1/2 round to opposite sides (2) (3) (4) (1)
29-32 All turn partners 1/2 RH to face, pull back RSh & dance to opposite sides. 2 3 4 1
THE CASHCROM (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Milton Levy Tin Woodman
1- 8 1s dance reel of 3 with 2L (1s pass RSh)
9-16 1s+2s 1/2 turn & dance out to partners place, 1s+2s dance 4H round to left
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 with 2M (1s pass RSh)
25-32 1s+2s Set+Link twice
THE CASHMERE SHAWL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Strathtay Album
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast down 2 places, cross LH & cast up to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1s turn RH & turn 1st corners LH, turn 2nd corners RH & turn partner LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 1s (centre couple) change places RH with person diagonally to Right,
New centre couple change LH with person diagonally to Left,
New centre couple change RH with person diagonally to Right
All cross LH
THE CAST'N REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Elaine Brunken Moments in Time
1- 8 1s cast down behind own lines (4 bars), turn outwards & dance back up to the top. Bar 8 1s turn LH 1/2 way to finish BtoB between 2s (1L facing 2M, 1M facing 2L)
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across. At end 1s turn LH to finish in centre facing down on opp sides (2s finish in 2nd place)
17-24 1s dance down NHJ (3 bars), 1M dances below 1L & 1L dances under her raised left arm; 1s dance up staying in centre, 2s step in ready for …
25-32 1s+2s Poussette
CASTING GLANCES (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Tim Wilson Solstice Party Bk
1- 8 1M+2L dance diagonal Fig of 8 (start passing LH & dance LSh round own partner, pass RH to dance RSh round others partner)
9-16 1s+2s set, 1L casts 1 place & 2M casts up 1 place while 1M+2L cross into partners place, 1s set to 2s (across), 1M casts 1 place & 2L casts up 1 place while 2M+1L 3/4 turn RH
17-24 1s+2s diagonal reel of 4 (each passing partner RSh to start), 2M+1L end passing LSh to face partner (diagonally)
25-32 2s+1s 1/2 turn 2H & dance Diamond Poussette
CASTLE CAMPBELL (S4x40) 4C Set Peter Hastings Acme Coll & Woodside Coll
1- 8 1s dance in & cast to 2nd place, dance RSh round 3s to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & pass LH to 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+1s also 3s+4s Set+Link, all set & cross RH
25-32 All chase clockwise 1/2 way, set & petronella turn into line in centre facing partner
33-40 3s+4s also 2s+1s dance HS Poussette : -
`3s/2s set HS step with both hands joined dancing out to Men's side while 4s/1s set & dance out to Ladies' side ending with a 1/4 turn to right
`3s/2s dance HS down Men's side & 4s/1s up Ladies' side ending with a 1/4 turn to right
`4s/1s+3s/2s dance HS into centre to reform line of 4 in middle with couples having changed places
`4s/1s+3s/2s 3/4 turn partners with both hands to own sides to end 4 3 1 2
CASTLE DOUGLAS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 12 Soc Dances
1- 8 1s dance in & cast 1 place, meet in centre nearer hands joined facing 2L, set to 2L turning to left to face 2M, set turning to face Men's side
9-16 1L dances RH across with 2s while 1M dances LH across with 3s. 1s turn about to face each other, set & turn 2H to face 3M
17-24 1s set to 3M turning to face 3L, set turning to face Ladies' side. 1M+2s dance LH across while 1L+3s & dance RH across. Bar 24 1s turn about to face each other up/down set
25-32 1s set & petronella turn on to own sides, 2s+1s+3s all turn partners 2H
CASTLE GRANT (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s turn 2H, cast 1 place own side, lead down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
9-16 1s+2L circle left, 1s+2M circle right
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) & all turn RH
25-32 1s lead up, cast 1 place & 2s+1s dance R&L
A CASTLE IN THE AIR (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Minnie Bänninger RSCDS Bk 43
1- 8 1s turn RH & LH
9-16 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down while 2s dance up)
17-24 1s & 2s 3/4 turn RH into line up/down & retaining hands set to partner, dance out to opposite sides, pull back RSh & set
25-32 "Spiral Progression": 1M+2L turn RH to give LH to prtnr & Bal-in-Line, on 2nd setting step 1L & 2M turn left about (face clockwise) & 1s+2s in diag line rotate 1/4 way clockwise. 1L & 2M drop hands & dance to next pstn on sidelines while 1M+2L continue turning RH to end 2 1
THE CASTLE JIG (J4x32) 4C set Jo Hamilton Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 All Adv+Ret; All cross to opp side, Ladies dancing under arches made by Men
9-16 Repeat 1-8, Ladies making arches
17-24 1s slip step down middle & back up ; 1s dance behind 2s, in front of 3s & behind 4s to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up as 1s dance past them)
25-32 2s+3s+4s+1s circle 8H round & back
THE CASTLE KEEP (R4x32) Sq.Set Heather Wharton Richmond Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s+3s NHJ with partner slip step across (Men pass BtoB), set, back to place (Ladies pass BtoB), set
9-16 Interlocking reels of 3: All dance RSh reel of 3 with partner & corner
17-24 1M+3M change places RH, change places LH with partner. 2M+4M repeat, remain in centre, 3M+1L also 1M+3L step in all joining 2H ready for …
25-32 All dance 4 couple Poussette: 4s+(3M+1L) & 2s+(1M+3L) dance Poussette with Men dancing backwards to start. Bars 31-32: 1s & 3s join NH with partners & retire to place while 2s & 4s set to partners. End 2 3 4 1 - all having moved 1 place anticlockwise
THE CASTLE OF MEY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John S Walton RSCDS Diamond Jubilee
1– 8 Inveran Reels - 1s cross down to dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opp side; 1s cross up to dance 1/2 reel on own sides (2s out/up, 3s in/up), 2s face out
9–16 1s+2s dance double Figs of 8 (1s start crossing down, 2s dancing up)
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back up, 1s end in middle of the set facing each other both hands joined, 2s step in ready for
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
THE CASTLE PARK JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Repeat Prescription
1- 8 1s & 3s set & 3/4 turn partners RH, 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down centre
9-16 3s & 1s 3/4 turn partner RH while 2s set, 3s+2s+1s chase clockwise 1/2 way & cross RH
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain
25-32 1s+2s dance Espagnole: -
`25-26 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`27-28 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`29-32 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH
CASTLE SQUARE (S4x32) Sq.Set H&J Rhodes Snowden Bk 1
1- 8 Ladies dance behind partners into centre & dance RH across once round & curve out to opposite Ladies place
9-16 Men dance behind new partners into centre & dance LH across once round & curve out to opposite Mans place
17-24 Ladies dance RH across 1/2 way & turn opposite Man LH 1.1/2 times (Men having moved into partners place)
25-32 All Set+Link with new partners, Set+Link with corners to meet own partner having moved 1 place clockwise
CASTLE VARRICH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 4
1- 8 1s set, cast to 2nd place, set & turn 3/4 LH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) giving LSh to 2M/3L to start & end 1M facing 2s (in double triangle position) & 1L facing 3s
17-20 1s set with facing couples, turn person on right RH (1M+2L & 1L+ 3M) while 3L & 2M set.
21-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (1M down, LSh to 3L, 1L up, LSh to 2M) & end facing same couples (who have changed places)
25-28 1s set with facing couples, turn person on right RH (1M+2M & 1L+3L) while 3M & 2L set
29-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides (1M up, LSh to 3M, 1L down, LSh to 2L) ending in 2nd place. 2 1 3
CASTLES IN THE AIR (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Dances to Song Tunes
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, dance circle 6H round to Left, set, circle 6H round to Left to places
9-16 1s turn RH, cast, to face 1st corners (2s step up 11-12). 1s set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners, finish between corners 2 (1) 3
17-24 1s+2s dance R&L
25-28 2s+1s+3s 1/2 Grand Chain (1 bar per hand). Ladies turn right about to form circle with men
29-32 3s+1s+2s circle 6H 1/2 round to Left. 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
A CASUAL BRIEFING (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Brampton Connections
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 down round 2s while 2s set, cross RH, set & cross back RH
9-16 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up 11-12) meet, dance down NHJ & cast up round 3s to 2nd place opp side
17-24 1s dance Fig 8 down round 3s while 3s set, cross RH, set & cross back RH. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/up, 2s out/down 3s out/up) Bar 29: 1s cross down from 2nd place opp sides to 3rd place to continue reels. 2 1 3
THE CAT & THE FIDDLE (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 3
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1M round 2s & 1L round 3s)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 1st corner to start) & 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners (RSh to 2nd corner to start)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (LSh to 3rd corner to start) & 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 4th corners (RSh to 4th corner) ending with a 3/4 turn LH,
25-32 1M dances up between 2s while 1L dances down between 3s, cast left to 2nd places own sides & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
A CAT LOVER'S BIRTHDAY (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1L followed by 1M & 2L followed by 2M dance Fig 8 round 4s & 2nd place (2s follow 1s - RSh to 4s) back to place pulling back LSh to face clockwise
9-16 1M followed by 1L & 2M followed by 2L dance Fig 8 round 3s & 1s place (1s follow 2s – LSh to 3s) back to place
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across 2.1/2 times round (Men lead in, RH across twice, Men lead out) to change places 3 2 1 4
25-32 All 4 couples set & Petronella in Tandem to right, face clockwise & chase clockwise 1/2 round to 4 3 2 1
33 -64 Repeat in Strathspey (Bars 1-16: 4s follow 3s then 3s follow 4s) 1 2 3 4
65-128 Repeat 1-64 in Reel time but Bars 17-24 & 49-56 only dance 1.1/2 RH across
CAT'S CRADLE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Niall Mitchell Thistle Dubh 2
1- 8 1s & 3s petronella turn & set twice to opposite sides while 2s set & petronella turn twice to end between 1s/3s
9-16 1s & 3s cross RH & cast behind 2s (passing LSh) to other end while 2s set & cross RH, all dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (2s out & up to start)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 on own sides (dance between 2s to start), dance up to top & cast to 2nd place (2s cast to top on bars 17-18)
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (1s giving LSh to 1st corner to start)
CAT'S WHISKERS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob McMurtry Devil's Quandary
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance DoSioDo
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (in & down to start)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner & partner to end 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn 2H twice
THE CAT-WALK (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place, 1/2 turn RH, twirl dance out to own side
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 4s followed by 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 3s (4s dance up to 2nd place), 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples
25-32 All circle 8H round to left for 6 steps, pivot left & chase to own sides
CATARAQUI WOODS (S4x32) 4C set W Ernst Eder Martello Tower 2
1- 8 1s & 4s turn partner 2H & dance DoSiDo with partner
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left ending 1s & 3s facing down 2s & 4s up, set, 1s & 4s cast in 1 place while others dance out
17-24 1s+4s Diamond Poussette
25-32 1s+4s+3s dance the Knot to end 2 3 4 1
CATCH AS CATCH CAN (R4x32) 4C set Jo Hamilton Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s cast to bottom & turn RH
CATCH THE WIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield RSCDS Bk 45
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s set twice with 1L pulling back RSh on bars 11-12 to face out, 1L followed by partner casts up & dances down the middle 1L to face 3M while 1M faces 2M
17-24 1s RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s)
25-32 1L followed by partner dances down cast up round 3M & crosses to end in 2nd place on own sides, 1s turn RH (4 bars)
CATCHING HELEN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Aidan McElduff Glasgow 90th Anniv. Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel with 1st crns & 1s end RSh to RSh in middle 1M facing up 1L down
9-16 1L+2s (Ladies' side) & 1M+3s (Men's side) dance LH across, 1s pass LSh & dance RH across with other cpl (1s end facing 2nd crnrs who face out)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel with 2nd crns & all end opposite sides, (3s)+(1s)+(2s) set & all cross RH
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase c/wise 1/2 way then turn partner RH 1/2 way, all face partners & cast by right to own sides 2 1 3 4
CATE'S CONUNDRUM (S3x32) 3C set Alex Gray Tweeddale Coll 4
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, set facing in diagonally; 1s+2s pull back RSh & dance out to opp sides, 1s turn RH to face 1st corners while 2s cross RH 2 (1) 3
17-20 Corner Pass & Twirl with 1st corners
1s pass corners RSh, dance round corner place. 1s end facing 2nd corner while 1st corners dance in, 1/2 turn RH, face & pulling back RSh dance out to opp corner place
21-24 1s repeat Corner Pass & Twirl with 2nd corners. 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own side facing out. (3) 1 (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s pass 3rd corner RSh to start). 3s+2s end reel crossing RH with partner. End 3 1 2
THE CATERPILLAR (R4x32) 4C Set Dottie Carr Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round & back, all end on sides
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on the sides.
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back.
25-32 1s cast to 4th place, 1s turn RH
CATH (S3x32) 3C Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 on own sides (1s give RSh to 2s to start)
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s+2s circle 4H round to left to end 1s facing 2s in middle, set & 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s lead up to 1st place
25-32 1s+3s Set & Rotate
CATH'S CROWN OF PENNIES (S3x32) 3C set Peter Marshall
1- 4 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 2s step up bars 3-4
5- 8 2s+1s+3s turn partners 2H 1.1/2 times to opposite side, 2s & 3s face in, 1s face out (2) (1) (3)
9-12 1s dance RSh round 1st corner, cross RH up/down set, while 1st corner positions (2L & 3M) dance in, 1/2 turn RH, twirl & dance out to each others place
13-16 Repeat bars 9-12, 1s dancing RSh round 2nd corner & cross RH to own side, 2nd corner positions dance similarly.
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance 6H round & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
CATHERINE WHEELS (R4x32) 4C set Black
1- 8 1s & 4s set & petronella turn into centre while 2s & 3s step up/down, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
9-16 1s & 4s set & petronella turn to 2nd/3rd place opposite sides, 1s+4s dance LH across to end facing corners
17-24 All set & pass facing person RSh, 2s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way to end facing corners & pass facing person RSh
25-32 1s+4s dance LH across, all (on opp sides) set & cross RH. 3 1 4 2
CATHERINE'S CEILIDH (R32) Round the Room Gillian Mackintosh Aurora 10th Anniv Bk
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-16 Anticlockwise couple dance under arch made clockwise couple, all turn about & repeat back to places
17-24 All dance RH across & LH back
25-32 Ladies change places RH, Men change places LH, set to partner & 1/2 turn RH to face new couple
CATHERINE'S GARDEN WALK (S4x32) 4C set Ed Porter Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 All 4 couples dance promenade
9-16 All set, all Adv+Ret (1 step each); 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+4s (middle couples) dance 1/2 LH across. (2) 4 1 (3)
17-24 Reels of 4 on sides
25-28 4s+1s (middle couples) 1/2 turn partner 2H, pull back RSh & dance out to opp sides. (2) (4) (1) (3)
29-32 All circle 8H 1/2 round to left. 3 1 4 2
CATHIE MCLAREN'S JIG (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Douglas Henderson Tay Bridge Pocket Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), cross LH & 1L casts up, 1M casts down to join LH with partner in centre, RH to 1st corners
9-16 1s dance the Spoke:
9-10 Bal-in-Line, Drop RH & dancing couple move anticlockwise to next corner (PdeB throughout)
11-16 Repeat with next 3 corners
17-24 1s dance LSh reels of 3 on opp sides (1L+3M & 1M+2L pass LSh to start). 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 Diag RSh reels of 4. 1s end in 2nd place opp sides facing down
33-40 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on opp sides (1s dance out/down, 3s in/up, 2s in down to start). 1s cross from 1st place to 2nd place own side
CATHIE SMITH'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sheila Trafford Newcastle 70th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, dance down NHJ below 3s (2s step up 3-4); 1s cast up & cross LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s 1/2 turn corners RH into prom hold (corners on their right) & promenade clockwise 1/2 round (4 bars). 1s leave corners in diag opp place & turn LH to face 2nd corners while 2nd corners set, Adv+Ret diagonally & set
17-24 1s repeat 9-16 with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place own side while 1st corners set, Adv+Ret diagonally & all 3 couples set
25-32 1s dance diag R&L (Lady up / Man down). 2 1 3
CATHY'S WEDDING (and Colin's too) (J4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reflection reels (1s in & down)
9-16 1L crosses between 1M+2M & casts to 3rd pl. as 3M crosses between 2L+3L & casts up to 1st pl, 1M+3L repeat but contra
17-24 3s+2s+1s+4s dance reflection reels (3s in & down)
25-32 3s & 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 crossing down, 3L+2L also 1L+4L 1.1/2 turn as partners 1.1/2 turn RH
CATMINT (R4x40) 4C Set Veronica Hughes Clifton Coll.
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across; 1s cast (2s dance up), set advancing pulling back RSh to BtoB facing own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles, 1s end in centre facing up (1L pulls back RSh)
17-20 1M+2M+3M dance LH across while 1L+2L+3L dance RH across
21-24 1M+3M+4M dance RH across while 1L+3L+4L dance LH across, 3s end in 2nd place while 1s+4s continue turning on sides to end 2 3 4 1
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
33-40 1M+4M turn RH while 1L+4L turn LH; 4s+1s dance RH across. 2 3 4 1
CATON CAPRICE (R4x32) 4C set W Ernst Eder SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s 3/4 turn partners RH, 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times while their partners dance round them clockwise 1/2 way, 1s+2s 3/4 turn partners RH
9-16 2s+1s double Fig of 8 with 1s crossing up & 2s casting to start
17-24 1s reflection reels of 3 on own sides 1s dancing in & up to start
25-32 1s cross below 3s, cast down behind 4s & turn RH 1.1/2 times to 4th place own sides
1- 8 1s turn 2H, cast 1 place, turn 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 with 1st corners & turn 3rd corner (1st( corner person) RH to face 4th corner
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 4th corners & turn 2nd corner (4th corner person) RH to end BtoB (Man facing up & Lady down)
25-32 1s circle 3H round to left (Man with 3s in top place & Lady with 2s) opening out to 6H round to left
CATRIONA'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Duncan Brown Bovey Coll.
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH; 1s+2s+3s set & 1/2 turn partner RH into promenade hold facing up
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade ending in original places
17-24 1s lead down middle & back up, ending facing each other joining 2H. Bar 24: 2s step in & join 2H ready for …
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
Note: 2nd, 4th & 6th repeat recommended to dance 3 couple Poussette
CATRIONA'S WEE AUDACITY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Angus Boyd SCD Archives
1- 8 1L+2L+3L cross, dance RSh round partners & back to places, 1s cross RH & change places LH with 2s on the sides
9-16 1L with 2M+3M Adv+Ret, 1M with 2L+3L Advance & as they Retire. 1L dances towards partner
17-24 1L with partner on her right in prom hold dance out Ladies' side, cast up round 2L, separate to dance out between 2s+3s own sides, cast down round 3s & lead up to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s+3s set, 1M casts down 1 place as 3L casts up while 1L+3M turn LH, 3s+1s set, 1M casts back up as 3L casts down while 1L+3M turn RH
THE CATS IN THE KITCHEN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Cairdin O't
1- 8 1s cross down between 2s to dance reels of 3 across giving LSh to 2nd corners & pass RSh to face 1st corners
9-16 1s Fig of 8 round 1st & 2nd corner pstns (RSh to 1st corner to start) while corners dance R&L 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye setting & end in centre BtoB Lady facing down & Man up
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles (up/down set) & end in 2nd place own sides
CATS PAW (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alice McLean Laurieston Coll 1
1- 8 1s dance down, cast up round 3s, between 2s & cast down to 2nd place
9-16 1s+1st corners dance RH across, 1s+2nd corners dance LH across 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel with 2nd corners - 1s end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s (3rd place) & Man with 3s) & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides
CAUGHT BY THE WIND (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd
1- 8 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides
9-12 1L casts behind 2L+3L & in to face 3M while 1M dances across casts round 2L (2s up) to face 2M
13-16 1s dance LSh round facing Man to face opp Lady
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s)
25-28 1M dances RSh round 2L & turns right about to face down between 2s while 1L dances RSh round 3L to face up between 3s
29-32 1s change places RH & casts to 2nd place own sides
33-40 2s+1s dance R&L to end facing down (no polite turn)
CAULD COMFORT (R4x40) 4C set Ron Wallace From the Redwood Forest 2
1- 8 1s dance 4 slip steps down below 2s & set, dance down between 3s & cast up 1 place to face 1st corner
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & petronella turn to 2nd places
17-24 1s dance 4 slip steps down below 3s & set, dance down between 4s & cast up 1 place to face new 1st corner
25-32 1s turn corners RH & pass RSh to face 2nd corner, turn 2nd corner RH & pass partner RSh to end in 4th place own sides
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
CAULD KAIL (M-8x(S16+R16)) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 9
1- 8 1s+2s RH across & LH across back to place
9-16 1s set, cast 1 place & R&L with 2s (one step to each hand)
17-24 1L dances a Fig of 8 round 2M+3M while 1M dances round 3L+2L, start by giving RSh to 1st corner & ending facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with a clap & petronella turn to 2nd place
CAULDSHIELS LOCH (S3x32) 3C Set Connie Irvine
1- 8 1s set advancing, turn 2H to face down NHJ; 1s dance down (2 steps) & set advancing passing LSh to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners & pull back RSh (twirl) to face 2nd corners; 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end in 2nd place own side. (3) 1 (2)
17-20 Corners face in diagonally & All set, corners change places RH on sides while 1s Petronella turn into lines of 3 across (1L between 2s, 1M between 3s)
21-24 Corners face in diagonally & All set, corners cross RH with partner while 1s Petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides 2 (1) 3
25-32 1s+3s set NHJ & dance 3/4 double Fig 8 (1s cast, 3s cross up to start) to end 2 3 1
THE CAVEMAN OF CULSH (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 1
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides, 1s end facing 2s in centre
17-24 1s dance down under arch made by 2s who dance up, 1s NHJ cast up on Men's side while 2s NHJ cast down on Ladies' side, 1s+2s face in centre & change places RH with opposite person
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CAYUGA REEL (R3x40) 3C Triangular Set Rod Downey Cane Toad Coll
1- 8 Bar 1: Men turn partner into Allemande hold & all promenade anticlockwise round to place, Bar 6: Men bring partner in to centre (Ladies BtoB); Bars 7-8: Ladies Set, Men Retire (PdeB)
9-16 All dance "Crown Triangles" (Ladies set bars 1 3 5, move to right bars 2 4 6) Bars 15-16: All change places with partner (PdeB), Men BtoB
17-24 Repeat 9-16 with Ladies ending BtoB in centre
25-32 All dance 2/3 Schiehallion reel, passing partner RSh to start. End facing partner having moved 1 place clockwise round
33-40 All turn partner RH; all turn corner LH & face partner
CEILIDH MADNESS (R4x32) 4C set Sarah Harriman Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 1L, followed by 2L+3L, dance across top, behind 1M+2M+3M & across to Ladies' side and back to places
9-16 Men repeat, 1M leading
17-24 1s join 2H, slip step down (2 bars) and back to top (2 bars), cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 23-24)
25-32 All circle 8H round and back
THE CEILIDH REEL (R3x32) 3C Julia McLaughlin Northampton 20th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up), 1s set, cast (3s step up)
9-16 1s dance up middle (3 bars), down middle (3 bars) & cast to 2nd place own sides (3s step down 15-16)
17-24 2s+1s dance R&L finishing 1s in centre & 3s step in (bar 24) ready for ...
25-32 1s+3s Poussette
CELEBRATE TEN AND TWENTY YEARS (S3x32) 3C Set Yoko Takahashi Tokai Branch 25th Anniversary
1- 2 1s cross RH, while 2s & 3s set
3- 6 1s set, cross RH, while 2s+3s circle 4H to the left
7- 8 1s+2s+3s set
9-16 1s+2s dance the Tourbillon:
9-12 1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies side & 2s on Men's side, 1s set to 2s
13-16 1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides. (2 1 3)
17-24 1s dance out round 3rd corners, turn 3/4 LH, dance out round 2nd corners by the right
25-28 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s giving LSh to 1st corners)
29-32 1s turn 1 1/2 with 2H. (3 1 2)
CELEBRATION AT HIGHAM (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) Robert Smith Higham Hall Anniv - 4SCD
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole ending 1s briefly retaining LH to face 1st corners
9-12 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners. 1s pass LSh to face 2nd corners
13-16 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners & finish facing 1st corner person (3rd corner pstn)
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners 2H; face 4th corner pstn, set to & turn 2nd corners 2H. 1s finish 2nd place on own side
25-28 1s+3L+2M dance 1/2 diag R&L (Man down, Lady up)
29-32 1s+3M+2L dance 1/2 diag R&L (Man down, Lady up). 2 1 3
CELEBRATION JIG (J4x32) 4C set Francine Bowlen Blackadder Coll
1- 8 2s+3s circle 4H round to left, 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to right
9-16 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s/3s & end facing other partner
17-24 2s+3s dance RSh reel of 4 on sides as 1s+4s dance 3/4 double RSh diag reel of 4 (give LH in centre) & end facing in centre. 2 4 1 3
25-32 4s+1s dance LH across & end 4s facing up & 1s down (on opp sides), 4s & 1s lead out ends crossing to own side & cast to 2nd/3rd place
THE CELEBRATION JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring Auld Friends Meet
1- 6 1s+3s dance "The Capstan":
1-2 1s NHJ dance down 2 places while 3s cast up to 1st place
3-4 3s NHJ dance down 2 places while 1s cast up to 1st place
5-6 1s NHJ dance down 2 places curving into 3rd place while 3s cast up to first place
7- 8 1s+2s 1/2 turn on side (Men RH, Ladies LH)
9-16 1s cross down to dance reels of 3 on opp sides (3s out/down, 2s out/up to start). 2s+3s end reels with loops, 1s face 2nd corner (pstn)
17-20 1s join LH with partner, RH with corner (1M+3L & 1L+2M) & Bal-in-Line, 1s 1/2 turn LH while corners chase 1 place clockwise
21-24 1s join LH with partner, RH with 4th corner pstn (1M+2L &1L+3M) & Bal-in-Line, 1s 1/2 turn RH
25-32 1M+2s (at top) also 1L+3s (at bottom) dance RH across to end all on opp sides (2) (1) (3); all turn partner 1.1/2 RH. End 2 1 3
CELEBRATION REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Fred Moyes To Be A Wind
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s cross LH, cast to the left (1M down, 1L up) to 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
9-16 1L+2s & 1M+3s set. All chase clockwise 1/4 round; 3M+2L change place RH, 2s+3s cross RH with partner. 2 1 3
17-24 All dance mirror reels of 3 on the side, 1s dance in/up to start
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
THE CELEBRATION SEVEN (R3x32) 3C Triangular set + 1 Man
3 couples in triangular formation with 4th Man in centre, on chord all bow/curtsey inward with 4M bowing to 1s then faces 2s
1- 8 4M sets to 2s, sets to 3s, circles 3H round to right with 1s & ends facing 3s
9-16 4M circles 3H round to left with 3s, turns right about to dance 3H round to right with 2s & ends facing 1s
17-24 4M dances RH across with 1s while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 4M dances LH across with 3s while 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 4M sets twice to 1s (3rd place) as 1L advances, giving RH she turns under 4M's arm back to place, 4M+1M change places RH & 1M faces 2nd pl
THE CELEBRATION STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Alan Macpherson RSCDS Bk 43
1- 8 1s+2s dance "Chain and Turn":
1-2 1M+2L 3/4 turn RH into diag line 1M+2M, 1L+2L facing
3-4 1M+2M also 1L+2L 1/2 turn LH, 1M end in 2M place & 2L in 1L place
5-8 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/4 times to end 1L in 2L place, 2M in 1M place (2 1 3)
9-16 2s+1s set, 1/2 turn RH to face down in centre (4 bars). 2s+1s lead down, 2s & 1s 1/2 turn (Men dancing below Ladies who dance under Man's arm) & lead up
17-24 1s cross up to dance reels of 3 on opp sides (2s out/down, 3s cast up) 1s end 2nd place opp sides, 2s & 3s curve into places 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret 1 step, 1s petronella turn to 1M between 2s & 1L between 3s, Adv+Ret 1 step & 1s Petronella turn to 2nd pl own sides 2 1 3
CELL PHONE JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gary Knox
Dancers holding mobile phone with LH to ear!
1- 8 1s cast behind own lines & back to place (it would be proper to phone one's partner)
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s cross RH & cast 1 place
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, pass partner RSh, turn 2nd corner RH & pass RSh to place
CELLARDYKE (J144) 4C Set Mary Shoolbraid Brandon Memories of Fife
1-16 1s & 3s set & cross passing partner RSh, clap (bar 3) & chase clockwise 1/2 way round standing 2s. 1s & 3s repeat back to places
17-24 2s & 4s 1/2 turn RH into prom hold facing up, set, dance up 1 place & cast off 1 place on opp sides 1 (2) 3 (4)
25-32 Men set advancing to Bal-in-Line pstn in centre while Ladies set, Men retire while Ladies advance to Bal-in-Line pstn in centre. Repeat, Men advancing while Ladies retire, Ladies advance while Men retire. Ladies end in Bal-in Line pstn in centre
33-40 All Ladies dance Fig of 8 round ptnr (RSh) & other Lady (LSh) & opposite Man (LSh), to finish in place
41-48 Men dance reel of 4 up/down middle (1M+2M also 3M+4M pass RSh to start) End in places
49-56 1s & 3s cross RH, cast 1 place (2s & 4s step up). All 1/2 turn partners RH to face up in prom hold & all set
57-64 Promenade round set, 2s (top) & 4s (3rd place) to Left, 1s (2nd place) & 3s (4th place) to Right. "Interleave" as couples pass at bottom & dance up to end 2 1 4 3.
Repeat from new positions as follows:-
65-88 Repeat bars 1-24 with new couples
89-96 Repeat bars 25-32 with new 1st & 3rd couples but Ladies dance in first & Men end in centre in Bal-in-Line pstn
97-104 All Men dance Fig of 8 round ptnr (LSh) & other Man (RSh) & opposite Lady (RSh), to finish in place
105-112 Ladies dance RSh reel of 4 up/down middle
113-128 Repeat 49-64
129-144 All couples set, clap (bar 3) & cross RH, all chase clockwise round to opp sides. Repeat set, clap & cross & chase, to finish in original places
THE CELTIC BICENTENARY (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Peter Hastings Celtic Soc Bicentenary
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (2s in & up as 1s & 3s cast) & end with 1s casting to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places
17-24 1s 3/4 turn RH & 1L turns 1.1/4 times under Mans right arm ready to dance RH across with 2L+3L while 1M dances LH across with 2M+3M
25-32 1L dances LH across with 2M+3M while 1M RH across with 2L+3L, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s (cast to start)
NOTE 2nd time through - 1L dances LH across with 3M+4M while 1M RH across with 3L+4L & 1s cast down to 4th place & cross RH
A CELTIC BORDER (S4x32) 4C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 5
1- 8 All set, cross RH, set & cross back RH
9-16 All dance quadruple Fig of 8 : -
1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 round 2nd places while 2s+4s dance double Fig of 8 round 3rd places (1s & 2s cross down to 3rd/4th place as 3s & 4s cast up to 1st/ 2nd places to start)
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast to bottom
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
CELTIC CAPERS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Brian Charlton Waratah Coll
1- 4 1s set, 1L crosses down to 2M place while 1M crosses to 1L place (2M steps up 3-4)
5- 8 1L+2M also 1M+2L turn 3/4 RH. 1s end BtoB in middle, 1M facing 2L, 1L facing 2M. 1s+2s set. (1s & 2s are between 1st & 2nd places)
9-24 1s+2s dance 16 bars of 'Celtic Reel':-
9-12 1s+2s pass RSh as for reel of 4, 1s dance clockwise 1/4 way while 2s turn 3/4 LH round each other to face other prtnr (up/down)
13-16 1s+2s pass RSh as for reel of 4, 2s dance clockwise 1/4 way while 1s turn 3/4 LH round each other to face other partner (across)
17-24 Repeat 9-16 ending with 2s dancing into 1st place, 1s to face up in centre, 2nd place on opp sides
25-28 1L+2M turn LH while 1M+2L turn RH. 1s end in 2nd place opp sides
29-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
THE CELTIC CLASP (R4x32) 4C Set Barry Skelton Celtic Book
1- 8 1s dance Fig 8 down round 2s
9-16 All Ladies dance reel of 4 on sides while top 3 Men dance 1/2 reel of 3 (1M+2M pass RSh); bottom 3 Men (2M 1M 4M) dance 1/2 reel of 3. End Ladies' side: 1 2 3 4, Men's side: 3 4 1 2
17-24 Top 2 couples (3s+4s) & bottom 2 couples (1s+2s) face in diagonally & set; All dance Petronella turn, top 2 couples & bottom 2 couples dance RH across. End Ladies' side: 2L 4M 4W 2M, Men's side: 1L 3M 3L 1M
25-32 All dance R&L for 4 couples:
25-28 Top 3 Men's side + bottom 3 Ladies' side cross RH diagonally, middle couples change places LH on sides while end couples cross LH
29-32 Top 3 Ladies' side + bottom 3 Men's side cross RH diagonally, middle couples change places LH on sides while end couples cross LH
End 2 3 4 1
CELTIC CONNECTION (S4x64 or R or M) Sq.Set
1- 8 1s Promenade anticlockwise acknowledging each couple in turn
9-16 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance Interlocking R&L (1s+3s change places RH on sides to start)
17-32 All with 2H joined set into middle, 1/4 turn to right, dance out & turn into next place Repeat 3 times to original place (when dancing into middle Men always have LSh to centre)
33-40 Set to & turn corner LH, set & turn partner RH
41-48 All dance Double Ladies' Chain
49-56 Set to & turn corner RH, set & turn partner LH
57-64 All dance Double Men's Chain
Repeat 3 times with 2s, 3s & 4s starting in turn
THE CELTIC CROSS (R4x48) Sq.Set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 1
1- 8 All Ladies dance RH across once round as Men dance anticlockwise 1/2 way, Ladies give LH to opp Man, set & 1/2 turn Men into centre
9-16 Men dance RH across once round as Ladies dance anticlockwise 1/2 way; Men give LH to partners, set & turn partners 1/4 round. 3 4 1 2
17-24 1s+3s Adv+Ret 2 steps & dance 1/2 R&L. End in original places
25-32 2s+4s Adv+Ret 2 steps & dance 1/2 R&L End in original places
33-40 All set to partners & turn RH, set to corners & turn corner RH into prom hold facing anticlockwise
41-48 Men Promenade their corners round anticlockwise & bring corners across in front of them to repeat dance with new partner on right
THE CELTIC CROSS (S4x32) Sq.Set Ron Arrowsmith Doune Coll
1- 8 All set adv to partners & pass RSh to turn next person 2H & face partner, all set adv & turn next person 2H to end Men in middle facing partner
9-16 All dance "The Square Knot":
9-10 All turn partner 1/2 RH into allemande hold, Ladies in centre & all facing clockwise
11-12 All advance 1 place
13-16 Ladies dance in front of partner & 1/4 turn LH tp new positions
17-24 Side couples (orig 1s+3s) advance passing opp person RSh & turning to face them, dance 1/2 RH across; 1L followed by partner dances out through couple in 3rd place while 3L followed by 3M dance out through 1st place back to 'new' pstns
25-32 All dance Grand Chain
CELTIC CROSSING (J5x32) 5C set Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, set, 2s & 4s cross back RH while 1s & 3s 3/4 turn RH to face 2nd corners
9-16 1s & 3s dance full diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd corners
17-24 1s+3s dance Figs of 8 - Men round couple above them & Ladies round couple below while 2s+4s+5s set, cross RH set & cross back LH
25-32 1s+3s dance RH across - Ladies with couple above them & Men with couples below, 1s & 3s turn LH & cast 1 place
CELTIC DREAMING (R3x40) 3C Set Beryl Zakharov
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 (1s in & down to start)
9-16 2s dance up behind 1s, meet & cross down through 2nd place, dance down behind 3s, meet & cross up to 2nd place own side
17-24 1s & 3s petronella turn into middle & set to partner, turn RH 1.1/4 times to original place
25-32 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
33-40 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, lead up crossing to own side & cast to bottom
THE CELTIC DRUM (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Celtic Book
1- 8 1s set, cross RH; 1s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across. 1s & 2s remain in centre facing up/down dance
9-16 1s+2s dance cross over reel for 2 couples:
9-10 Ladies cast right into partner's place while Men turn 3/4 LH to finish in opposite Lady's place
11-12 Men cast right while Ladies 3/4 turn LH to finish in opposite Lady's place
13-14 Ladies cast right to finish in Man's place while Men turn 3/4 LH to finish in partner's place
15-26 Men cast right to own place while Ladies 3/4 turn LH. Finish facing up/down dance
17-24 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across finishing on sides; 1s+2s set & cross RH
25-32 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across; 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1L up round 2s, 1M down round 3s)
CELTIC GOLD (J3x32) 3C set Erica Pearson, 2001
1- 8 2s set & cross RH, 2s cast round 2nd corner to end in lines of 3 across, 2M between 1s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up & all set
9-16 2s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners.2s end 2nd place opposite sides. (3) (2) (1)
17-24 All chase clockwise 1/2 way to own sides & dance RH across on own sides (2s slightly outside & 1s+3s on inside), all end in original places
25-32 1s+3s Set & Rotate: set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides
while 2s set, turn RH, lead down to 3rd place & set. End 3 1 2
CELTIC HARMONIES (R32) Round the Room Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
Circle – Man with partner on right
1- 8 All advance (2) & clap, retire (2); all turn partner RH
9-16 Men dance Fig 8, in front of partner, round next Lady, behind partner & back to place
17-24 Ladies dance Fig 8, in front of partner, round next Man, behind partner & back to place facing partner
25-32 All change places with partner LH to meet "new" partner & birl (elbow grip - 6 bars). All face in.
THE CELTIC KIWI (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 1s cross down for reels of 3 on opposite sides & 1s end facing down (nearer hands joined), 2s facing out & 3s facing up (nearer hands joined)
9-16 1s & 3s set & petronella turn twice in tandem while 2s dance out, cast clockwise to top/bottom, cross down/up & cast clockwise back to place
17-24 2s dance RH across (2L with 3s (at top), 2M with 1s), 2M followed by 1s also 2L followed by 3s dance clockwise to own places (1s & 2s opp sides)
25-32 1s & 2s dance "Kiwi Knot" - 1/2 turn partners RH to end facing up in Allemande hold, dance up & down Men's side (2s following 1s), drop RH, dance into middle & turn LH to own side
CELTIC MAGIC (S4x32) 4C Set Pam Stephens, 2020
1- 8 1s+4s cross passing RSh while 2s+3s set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 6 bars Double Fig 8 (1s & 4s cast, 2s cross up, 3s cross down). 2 1 4 3
9-16 1s+4s dance Poussette. Bar 16: 1s+4s continue turning to end in line up/down middle (Ladies facing up, Men facing down)
17-24 1s+4s dance 1/2 Celtic Reel:
17-20 1s+4s pass partner RSh, 4M+1L dance1/4 clockwise round to opp sides while partners dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face own partner across dance.
21-24 Repeat (1M+4L dancing clockwise round) to form a line up & down centre, facing partner again. 2 4 1 3
25-32 Tandem reels of 3 across: 4M followed by 4L RSh to 2L, 1M followed by 1L RSh to 3M. 4s & 1s end in 2nd/3rd place own side. 2 4 1 3
CELTIC REEL 'MODIFIED' (R4x32) 4C set Barry Skelton E Peerless
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s set, 3/4 turn LH (as 2s & 3s step up down), 1s & 4s set & 3/4 turn to face 2s 3s in line across
9-24 1s+2s also 4s+3s dance Celtic Reels:
9-12 1s+2s (also 4s+3s) pass RSh as for reel of 4, 1s dance cl'wise 1/4 way as 2s dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face other prtnr (up/down)
13-16 1s+2s pass RSh as for reel of 4, 2s dance clockwise 1/4 way while 1s dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face other partner (across)
17-24 1s+2s repeat bars 9-16
25-32 1s+2s also 4s+3s set & 3/4 turn (1s & 4s turning with nearer hand out thru ends of set), 1s+4s RH across 1/2 way & cross RH to end 2 4 1 3
THE CELTIC REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Barry Skelton Celtic Book
1- 8 1s set, 3/4 turn LH (as 2s step up), 1s set & 3/4 turn to face other partner in line across
9-24 1s+2s dance the Celtic Reel : -
9-12 1s+2s pass RSh as for reel of 4, 1s dance clockwise 1/4 way while 2s dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face other prtnr (up/down)
13-16 1s+2s pass RSh as for reel of 4, 2s dance clockwise 1/4 way while 1s dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face other partner (across)
17-24 1s+2s repeat bars 9-16
25-32 1s+2s set & 3/4 turn (1L+2M LH & 1M+2L RH), 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s to own sides
CELTIC RIBBONS (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Joanna Deane 2001: A Dance Odyssey
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn LH to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (LSh to 2nd corner) & 1/2 reels of 3 across (RSh to 3rd corner)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides giving LSh to 4th crnr (pstn), 1/2 reels of 3 across giving RSh to 1st crnr (pstn) & end facing 1st crnr
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd place
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CELTIC RIBBONS (R8x32) 3C (4C set)
1- 8 1s cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & turn LH
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (LSh to 2nd corner) & 1/2 reel of 3 across giving RSh to 3rd corner (pstn)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides giving LSh to 4th corner (pstn), 1/2 reel of 3 across giving RSh to 1st corner (pstn) & turn RH to face 1st corner (pstn)
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners
THE CELTIC ROSE (S4x64) Sq.Set N & R Mitchell Thistle Dubh 2
1- 8 All with LH joined dance in & pass Lady over to left, dance out RH with new partner again crossing Lady to left, repeat to meet partner opposite original place
9-16 All circle 8H round & back
17-24 Men dance 1/2 LH across, dance round opposite Lady RSh, dance 1/2 LH across & dance round partner RSh back to place
25-32 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across, dance round opposite Man LSh, dance 1/2 RH across & dance round partner LSH back to place
33-40 All set to corner & change places RH, set to next person & Men dance clockwise round outside to original place while Ladies chase anticlockwise to original place
41-48 All dance Interlocking reels of 4 passing partner RSh
49-64 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
CELTIC SQUARE (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Brian Charlton (2001) Waratah Collection
1- 8 All Men dance Fig of 8 round partner & corner, finishing BtoB in centre facing partner
9-24 All dance Double Celtic Reels:
9-12 All pass partner RSh, Ladies dance 3/4 LH across as Men dance 1 place clockwise round to face partner.
13-16 All pass partner RSh, Men dance 3/4 LH across as Ladies dance on 1 place clockwise round.
17-24 Repeat 2 more times – back to positions as at end of bar 8
25-28 All Men dance out, taking partner by RH, then bars 27-28 promenade one place clockwise
29-32 All Ladies dance RH Across
33-40 All Grand Chain 1/2 way
41-48 All dance interlocking reels of 4, beginning RSh to partner
49-56 All Grand Chain 1/2 way
57-64 All Circle 8H round & back
Repeat in Reel time from new position
CELTIC WEDDING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Eddy West Dance Deviser Days
1- 8 1s turn RH and cast 1 place, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+1st corners dance 1/2 Celtic Reel on the diagonal:-
' 9-12 1s+1st corners pass RSh (as for reel of 4) then 1s dance clockwise 1/4 way as 1st corners dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face 1s on the 2nd corner diagonal, whilst 2nd corners set and dance clockwise to 1st corner position.
' 13-16 1st corners and 1s pass RSh (as for reel of 4) then 1st corners dance clockwise 1/4 way while 1s dance LSh right round each other to face 2nd corners who are in 4th corner position having again set and danced 1/4 way round clockwise.
17-24 Repeat with 2nd corners:-
1s+2nd corners dance 1/2 Celtic reel on the diagonal, (but 1s do not dance round each other at the end, instead turning RH to end in 2nd place), while 1st corners set and dance 1 place clockwise, set and dance 1 place clockwise
25-32 All circle 6h round and back
CENSUS DAY IN TURKEY (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 Top 3 Ladies set diagonally to bottom 3 men, Ladies dance a round the same Men passing RSh & back to places
9-16 Top 3 Men repeat bottom 3 Ladies
17-24 1s set, cross down RH, cast down behind 3s & lead LH down crossing to 4th place on own side
25-32 2s+3s+4s circle 6H round & back
CENTENARY AT PORT ADELAIDE (S4x48) 4C Set Lily Davison Light's Vision
1- 6 2s+3s set & turn 2H, 2s cast off to 4th place while 3s lead up to 1st. 1s+4s step down/up on bars 5-6 3 1 4 2
7- 8 All set
9-12 1s dance up for 2 steps, turn inwards & dance back for 2 steps while 4s dance down for 2, turn outwards & dance back
13-16 1L+4L, 1M+4M lead out from side, turn & lead back
17-20 1s+4s circle to the left for 2 steps (1/2 way) then 1s dance to 4th place on wrong side facing out while 4s lead up to top & face out (2s|&3s step down/up on bars 19-20)
21-24 3s+4s also 2s+1s dance 1/2 Double Fig of 8 across the dance (1s+4s cast to the centre to begin, 3s+2s dance up/down)
25-28 3s+2s (in centre) dance 1/2 R&L
29-32 2s+4s also 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L
33-40 1s+4s (in centre) dance 1/2 Petronella on 2 sides of the square, setting facing diagonally into square on 35,36 & in side line 39,40 while 2s+3s(at top & bottom of set) dance a normal 1/2 Petronella. 2 1 4 3
41-48 All dance 8H round & back
CENTENARY CIRCLE (R32) Circle Gary Coull The Diack Dances
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 8 All circle left (2 bars), All Adv+Ret, All circle right (2 bars)
9-16 Ladies dance Fig 8 round partner & corner (dance LSh round partner, RSh round corner)
17-24 Men dance Fig 8 round partner & corner (dance RSh round partner, LSh round corner)
25-32 All dance Grand Chain 2 places (2 bars/hand); All turn 'new' partner RH (birl)
CENTENARY JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Thorn Glasgow 100th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, cast below 3s, meet & dance up to the middle of 2nd place. 2s step up bars 5-6.
9-16 2M+1M turn LH while 2L+1L turn RH. 1M+3M & 1L+3L turn with other hand to finish 1s back to back facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh, turn 2nd corners RH, pass RSh to finish 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CENTENARY REEL (R5x32) 5C set Catriona Bennett
1- 8 1L+3L, followed by partners, cast off to 3rd/5th place (2s & 4s step up 3-4), dance across set, cast up 1 place on opp sides & across to own side facing out. End 21435
9-16 1s+4s also 3s+5s RH across finishing on sidelines 1L+3L facing out; 2s+1s also 4s+3s LH across, 1s+3s ending facing 1st corners
17-20 1s+3s dance RSh round 1st corners, pass RSh to face 2nd corner while corners dance in diagonally, join RH, Ladies turn under Men's arm & dance back to place as Men retire
21-24 1s+3s repeat 17-20 with 2nd corners ending in 2nd/4th place own side (Ladies pull back RSh to face in)
25-28 1s+3s set, cast (4s+5s step up), 3s end facing up NHJ
29-32 2s+4s also 1s+5s circle 4H round to Left while 3s set twice retiring to place (bar 32)
THE CENTER STREET ASSEMBLY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Kent W Smith Northampton 20th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s dance all round Poussette
9-16 1s+2s+3s Set+Link for 3 twice (3)(2)(1)
17-20 3s+2s+1s set. 3s cross RH while 2s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way. 3 1 2
21-24 3s+1s+2s advance (no hands) towards partners (RSh to RSh) & retire
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance the Knot
CENTRAL PARK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Chris Ronald Big Apple Coll
1- 8 1M+2M Set+Link while 1L+2L reverse Set+Link, 1s dance down between 3s & cast to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st corner, pull back RSh & dance RSh round partner to face 2nd corner; repeat with 2nd corners to end facing out in 2nd place own sides
17-20 1s cast round 3rd corners (1M up, 1L down), meet in centre & 1/2 turn RH while corners Adv+Ret diagonally
21-24 1s pull back RSh & cast round 4th corners to 2nd place own sides while corners Adv+Ret diagonally
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
CENTRE ONE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Norman Humphries SCD Archives
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, turn partner RH 1.1/4 times to end Lady facing up & Man down
9-16 1s dance Crown Triangles & turn singly to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass partner LSh to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners to in 2nd place own sides
33-40 1s dance Figs of 8 round 3s
CEOL NA MARA (S4x32) 4C set Wesley Clindinning SCD Archives & Canada's Irish Rover
1- 8 All set, 1s & 3s cast down 1 place (2s & 4s step up); 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round couples above them to end in centre BtoB, 1s between 2s, 3s between 4s facing opp side
9-16 All set HS & dance 1/2 reel of 4 across to end all on opposite sides 2 1 4 3
17-24 All dance Petronella to own sides ready for Poussette
25-32 2s+1s & 4s+3s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette to original places; 1s progress to 4th place: 1M+2M change places RH, 1M+3M LH, 1M+4M RH while 1L+2L change places LH, 1L+3L RH, 1L+4L LH. End 2 3 4 1
CEREBRAL VORTEX (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Kenneth Way Nutmeg Coll
1- 8 1s & 3s set, turn RH 1.1/4 times & petronella turn to own places
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides, 2s giving RSh to person on Left (2M up, 2L down)
17-24 2s turn RH 1.1/4 times, set & petronella turn to own places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
CERTIFICATE PLEASURE (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Frans Ligtmans Thistle Club Jubilee
1-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance 3 couple R&L & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end BtoB (Man facing up)
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corners & cross RH to places
CHAIN, CHAIN, CHAIN (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 All dance Double Men's Chain (Men 1/2 LH across in centre) Bars 7-8 turn partners to end Men in centre
9-16 "Reverse Targe":
Men dance 3/4 LH across while Ladies chase clockwise 1 place; repeat to end 3 4 1 2
17-24 All set & Petronella in Tandem to right; set to partner & turn RH. Ladies face out
25-32 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion reels to end 2 3 4 1
33 -64 Repeat in Strathspey time
65-128 Repeat 1-64 in Reel time to end in original places
CHAIN LYNX (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin The Musicians' Wedding
1- 4 1s dance in & cast to 2nd place while 2s set & dance up & curve outwards to face down
5- 8 1s dance in & up, turn 2s (1L RH, 1M LH). 1s finish facing 1st corners
9-24 1s dance Corner Chain (modified ending) with 1st & 2nd corners : -
`1s change pl RH with 1st crnrs, 1st crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who turn LH in centre to face 2nd crnrs
`1s change places RH with 2nd crnrs, 2nd crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s & 1s end turning LH to 2nd place opposite sides facing 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance LSh reel of 3 on the opposite side. On bar 30, 1s cross diagonally from the end of the set back to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s finish the reel
THE CHAIN WALK (S3x32) 3C set Roy Goldring 14 Social Dances
1- 8 1M+3L pass LSh to face others partner & 1/2 reel of 4 on diagonal, 3M+1L chase round set clockwise into ptnrs pl while 1M+3L loop to ptnr's pl
9-16 1s+2s RH across, 1M casts below 3L place & up to 2L place while 1L dances parallel path down middle, round 3M pl & to 2M pl (2s step up)
17-24 2s+1s+3s Grand Chain
25-32 2s+1s LH across, 1s+3s lead up to top, cross & cast on own sides. 2 3 1
THE CHAIRMAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 4
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast 1 place & turn RH to 2nd place on opposite side
9-16 1s dance Interlocking reels of 3 across giving RSh to 1st corner while 2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides, 1s end 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s dance Interlocking reels of 3 across giving LSh to 2nd corner while 2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides, 1s end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, 1s 3/4 turn RH & set in lines across, 1s turn RH to 2nd place own sides
THE CHAIRMAN'S CHAIN (J4x32) 4C set Lewis Derrick 75 Years Dancing St Andrews
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance diag reels of 4 (RSh to partner to start) & end facing partner
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Chain Progression to 2 1 4 3 : -
`1s+2s also 3s+4s 3/4 turn RH, 1M+2L also 3M+4L turn LH 1.1/2 times as ptnrs chase cl'wise 1/2 way, 2s+3s turn RH to sides as 1s+4s turn RH into…
17-24 1s+4s dance Allemande. 2 4 1 3
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s circle 4H round to left, 4s+1s dance 4H round to right
THE CHAIRMAN'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on opposite sides 1s ending in partner's place
9-16 1M+2L turn 1.1/2 times LH while 1L+2M turn 1.1/2 times RH, 1M+3L turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+3M turn 1.1/2 times LH. 2 3(1)
17-24 1s cross up to dance reflection reels on own sides 1s ending in 3rd place in centre facing up
25-32 1s set to 3s, 1s set advancing to 2s as 3s step down, 1s dance to the top & cast into 2nd place
CHALLONER CHASE (S4x32) 4C set Alan Littlefair Cleveland Coll
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cross RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+3s also 2s+4s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+4s circle 4H round to left while 3s & 2s set & cross RH
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way, turn partners 2H to own side (middle couples turn 1.1/2 times). 2 4 1 3
CHAMPAGNE REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Dennis Tucker Oxford Silver Jubilee
1- 8 1s cross down & cast behind 3s, 1s dance up middle & cast to 2nd places opposite sides (2s step up 7-8)
9-12 All set. 1s set advancing to face down side by side (1M pulls back LSh, 1L RSh) while 2s & 3s cross RH
13-16 1L dances RH across with 2L+3L (Men's side) as 1M dances LH across with 2M+3M. 1s end in centre
17-24 1s slip step down for 4 steps & up to 2nd place opp sides facing out; 1/2 reflection reels of 3 on sides,1s out/up, 2s in/down, 3s in/up. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 All set & 1/2 turn RH to face up, all dance up & cast into places. 2 1 3
At end of 2nd turn (bars 29-32):
3s cast to bottom & dance up to 2nd place
1s dance up to top & cast to bottom
2s dance up to top & cast into 1st place
CHAMPION GOLD (S3x32) 3C set Pauline Taylor Dartmoor
1- 8 1s+2s turn RH 1.1/2 times on sides, 1s+3s turn LH 1.1/2 times on sides
9-16 2s+3s+1s set, cross LH & circle 6H round to left 1/2 way to own sides. 1 3 2
17-24 1s advance & cast 1 place, cross passing LSh & dance round 1st corner pstns into middle BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down)
25-32 1L+3s (at top) also 1M+2s dance RH across, pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple to end in 2nd place own sides. End 312
CHANGE OF HEART (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Martin Sheffield Scots in France
1- 4 1s set advancing to side by side giving RH, 1s turn about & give LH while 3s set advancing & give LH
5- 8 1M+3M dance round anticlockwise 1/2 way while 1L+2s+3L dance RH across
9-12 3M+1L also 1M+3L change places LH while 2s cross RH, all set facing about
13-16 1L+3L dance round clockwise 1/2 way while 3M+2s+1M dance LH across
17-24 3s+1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down & 3/4 turn partners RH to opposite sides, 1s+2s+3s set
25-32 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L & 1s turn RH
A CHANGE OF PACE (M-(S64+R64)) 4C Set Susan Ewington Glasgow 100th Anniversary
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s & 3s cross down to start while 2s & 4s dance up)
5- 8 All set & cross RH to own sides 1 2 3 4
9-12 1M+2L also 3M+4L dance Allemande turn to the Right:-
1M+2L also 3M+4L advance one step, join RH, dance one step forward Lady turns under Man's right arm, Man retires as Lady dances back to place
13-16 All dance 1/2 way clockwise to finish on opposite sides. (4) (3) (2) (1)
17-20 All set, cross RH to own sides (2s face out)
21-24 2s cast up 2 places & set (4s+3s step down on bars 21-22). 2 4 3 1
25-28 4s+3s Set+Link. 2 3 4 1
29-32 All turn 2H
CHANGE YOUR SHOES FASTER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Dan Blim Reeladelphia
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast off 2 places, cross RH & cast back to place
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down the middle, 2s separate and 1s followed by 2s lead up
17-24 1s cast off 1 place while 2s dance to top & 1s dance reels of 3 across (6 bars), Lady up & Man down (pass 1st crns LSh), 1s end facing 2nd crns
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 2nd cnrs, pull back RSh (twirl) to face 1st corners & dance Pass+Turn with 1st crns. 1s finish 2nd place own sides
CHANGEAROUND (S6x32) 2C (3C set) W Ernst Eder Martello Tower 5
1- 8 1s+2s 3/4 turn 2H & dance first 6 bars of HS Poussette : -
`1s set HS step with both hands joined dance out to Men's side while 2s set & dance out to Ladies' side, both couples end with a 1/4 turn to right
`1s dance HS down Men's side while 2s dance up Ladies' side both couples end with a 1/4 turn to right
`2s+1s dance HS into middle to reform line of 4 & turn partner 2H to face partner up/down
9-16 2s+1s petronella turn to own sides, set & turn RH into Allemande hold
17-24 2s+1s dance Allemande
25-32 1s+2s Set+Link & circle 4H round to left
CHAOS IN THE KIRKWAY (S3x32) 3C Set Lisa Taylor Macauley Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides crossing over when dancing up from 3rd place (3s cross up to start)
9-16 Repeat reels crossing over when dancing up from 3rd place to end in original places with 2s+3s in middle ready for…
17-24 2s+3s dance the Rondel
25-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start) & dance 1/2 R&L
THE CHAPEL ON THE HILL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Cairdin O't
1- 8 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start)
9-16 1s lead down, cross & cast up round 3s, lead up between 2s, cross & cast 1 place & face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, pass RSh & turn 2nd corners RH ending BtoB in middle (Man facing up)
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles & end in 2nd place
THE CHAPMAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 25
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & circle 6H round to left
9-16 1s+2s+3s set & circle 6H round to right
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade, 1s casting to 2nd place
25-32 1s+3s dance RH across, 2s+1s dance LH across
CHARLES HOY'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C Set David Beattie
1- 4 1s cross down to 2nd place opp side while 2s dance up to top, 1s cross down to 3rd place own side while 3s dance up to 2nd place
5- 8 2s cross down to 2nd place opp side & cross RH to face out while
3s dance up to 2nd place & turn RH (2 bars), retain hands & face down while
1s+4s turn RH (4 bars). 3 2 1 4
9-16 3s+2+1s dance Inveran Reels:
9-12 3s cross down to 2nd place opposite sides & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides
13-16 3s cross up to 2nd place own sides (from bottom) & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on own sides. 3 2 1 4
17-24 "Split Reels of 3" on sides:
3M+2M pass LSh as 3L crosses to 2nd place Man's side to join reel of 3. Bars 23-24: 3M+2M pass LSh while 3L crosses back to 2nd place own side while
1L+4L pass LSh as 4M crosses to 3rd place Ladies' side to join reel of 3. Bars 23-24: 1L+4L pass LSh while 4M crosses back to 3rd place own side.
25-32 3L+2L pass RSh as 3M crosses to 2nd place Ladies' sidem to join reel of 3. Bars 31-32: 3L+2L pass RSh while 3M crosses back to 2nd place own side while
1M+4M pass RSh as 4L cross to 3rd place Man's side to join reel of 3. Bars 31-32: 1M+4M pass RSh while 4L crosses to 3rd place own side. End 2 3 4 1
CHARLES OGDEN'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Brenda Burnell Leeds Golden Coll.
1- 8 1s cast 1 place, dance up to top, cast off to face 1st corners, 2s step up on bars 7-8
9-12 1s dance RSh round 1st cnrs while 2nd cnrs turn each other RH & return to places, 1s pass LSh to face 2nd corners
13-16 1s dance RSh round 2nd cnrs while 1st cnrs turn each other LH & return to places, 1s finish in 2nd place opp sides facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on opp sides giving LSh to 1st corner & 1s cross RH
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8, 1M round 2s, 1L round 3s; 1s cross RH, 2s+1s+3s set
CHARLES STUART (S8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast 2 places, lead up the middle and cross to original places
9-16 1s lead down for 3 steps, up for 3 & cast to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret 1 step twice & turn 2H
CHARLES UPTON'S OBSESSION (R6x32) 6C set Ian & Ann Jamieson Glen Orrin Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s also 5s+6s dance Set & Rotate to end 2 1 4 3 6 5 : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-12 Centre sets of 2 couples (1s+4s & 3s+6s) dance 1/2 LH across, end sets (2s+4s & 3s+5s) dance 1/2 RH flowing into ...
13-16 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on the sides 4s+2s+1s (4s pass 2s RSh to start) & 6s+5s+3s (3s pass 5s RSh to start) ending (1)(2)4 3(5)(6)
17-20 4L followed by partner casts up Ladies' side & crosses to 1st place opposite sides while 3M followed by partners casts down Men's side & crosses to 6th place opposite sides (all now on opp sides)
21-24 Centre 4 couples chase clockwise 1/2 way while end dancers turn RH 1.1/2 times. 4 6 5 2 1 3
25-32 All circle 12H round & back. 4 6 5 2 1 3
CHARLESTOWN CHASER (J4x32) 4C set E See 2nd Bk Graded SCDs
1- 8 1L followed by 2L+3L+4L cross & dance down behind Men, cross & dance up to places
9-16 Men repeat above figure
17-24 1s slip step down middle back to top (in middle)
25-32 1s cast to below 4s, all step up & clap 3 times
CHARLIE'S SILVER JUBILEE (S4x32) 4C set Alan Mair 75 years of Dancing in St Andrews
1- 8 1s turn RH and cast to 2nd place (2s step up); 1s+3s+4s dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (1M+3M pass RSh, 1L+3L pass LSh to start). 2 4 3 1
9-16 2s+4s also 3s+1s set to each other up/down sides & change places RH; set again and turn RH into lines across, 2M+4L BtoB facing 4M+2L, 3M+1L BtoB facing 1M+3L
17-24 2s+4s also 3s+1 dance 3/4 reel of 4 to finish facing partners & 1/2 turn 2H to finish in two diagonal lines (4s above 2s, 1s above 3s)
25-28 4s+2s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 Poussette
29-32 4s+3s (middle couples) dance 1/2 Poussette. End 2 3 4 1
CHARLOTTE AND AILEEN (S4x32) 4C set Rita Eastwood Competition Dances 1989
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1L+2M & 3M+4L set Advancing to face partners, dance 1/2 diagonal parallel reels of 4. 1M+2L & 3L+4M turn LH to face partners
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance 3/4 diagonal reel of 4 & pivot to right on last 2 bars into a long line up/down set (order 1L,1M,2L,2M,3M,3L,4M,4L) Continue pivoting to end with 2M & 4L on Men's side opp 1L & 3M on Ladies' side to form 2 circles with partners
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round & back to end with partners in centre facing each other (1s & 3s Facing down, 2s & 4s up)
25-32 All dance Interlocking Rondels - 2s & 3s dance the normal Rondel while 1s/4s dance through arch made by 2s/3s & 1s dance between 4s to dance last 5 bars of the Rondel to end 2 4(1)(3)
CHARLOTTE CLARKE'S STRATHSPEY (S5x32) 5C Sq.Set Babs Hewinson Casnewydd Coll
Square set, 5s in centre facing each other, 5L with back to 1s, 5M with back to 3s
1- 4 1s+2s+3s+4s set & turn RH while 5s set & set advancing & pass LSh
5-12 1s & 3s (prom hold) dance RSh reel of 4 up/down with 5M+5L
13-20 5M+2s also 5L+4s dance RH across, pass LSh to dance LH across with other couple & 5s end facing each other
21-24 5s set, turn LH into prom hold facing 1s (also in prom hold)
25-32 5s+1s change places passing LSh, 1s+2s change places, 2s+3s change places & 3s+4s change places (4s now in centre)
CHARLOTTE SQUARE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 8 1s set, cross down to 2nd place, cast round 1st corner to meet partner (LH joined) facing 2nd corners
9-16 1s set to 2nd corner, turn inwards to face 4th corner & set, face 1st corners & set, turn inwards & set to 3rd corner
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1M RSh to 2M & 1L RSh to 3L) & 1s end RH joined (M facing up, L down), 2s NHJ facing down & 3s up
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn towards each other to take LH & all set, 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)
CHARLOTTETOWN (S4x32) 4C Set Andrew & Mairi Collins
1- 4 All set, 1s+3s cast while 2s+4s dance in & up to 1st & 3rd places (no long loop in) 2 1 4 3
5- 8 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 up round 2s & 4s, 1s+3s finish facing up, 2s+4s face down 2 (1) 4 (3)
9-16 All dance reflection reels of 4 on sides (1s+3s dance in to begin) 2 1 4 3
17-20 1s+3s cross up RH to own sides while 2s+4s dance back to original places. All set. 1 2 3 4
21-24 1s dance in & cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s set advancing, meet partner & dance up one place
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
CHARLY'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C Set James Stott Argentine Collection 2020
1- 8 1s+2s 1/2 turn partner RH to face up NHJ & set; 1s cast to 2nd place while 2s dance up to top, 1s +2s cross RH to own side. 2 1 3
9-16 All dance reels of 3 on opp sides: 2s cross down to start (1s out up, 3s in/ up), 1s & 3s cross down on reaching top place. (2) (1) (3)
17-24 All dance Allemande Turn right:
All advance to take partner's RH, Lady dances under Man's arm. Lady curves out to place as Man retires; all set & cross RH. 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s dance Tourbillon:
1s & 3s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 3L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise (end 1s on Ladies' side & 3s Men's side), 1s set to 3s
1s & 3s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs clockwise to end 3s in 2nd place & 1s in 3rd place then both cross RH to own sides 2 3 1
THE CHARMER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 29
1- 8 1s dance 4 slip steps down middle, set to 3s, slip step back to top & cast 1 place
9-16 2s repeat above Fig
17-24 1s dance down 1 place (2s up), 2s+1s circle 4H round to left & 1s dance up to top (2s down)
25-32 1s set, cast to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
CHARMING MOLLY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 4 1M+3L turn 3/4 RH, retain hands, join LH with 4th corners (1M+3M, 3L+1L) & all Bal-in-Line (2M &2L step up/down 3-4)
5- 8 1M & 3L change places LH with corners who join RH in centre & all Bal-in-Line
9-12 2M+3L+1L & 2L+1M+3M dance LH across
13-16 2M followed by 3L+1L & 2L followed by 1M+3M chase anticlockwise into lines across, 2M+3L+1L facing up, 2L+1M+3M facing down
17-20 All Adv+Ret
21-24 1M+3L set advancing, pass RSh to end BtoB in centre & join hands as in Double Triangles & all set. Bar 24: 1s pull back RSh to take prom hold with partner facing clockwise
25-28 2s turn 1.1/2 RH to original places & face out while 3s & 1s promenade clockwise round to end 1s in middle at top facing down NHJ & 3s in original places
29-32 2s dance up to top while 1s dance down to 2nd place. End 2 1 3
CHASE COURT (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Chris Ronald Big Apple Coll
1- 8 1M followed by 1L casts below 2s & dances up between 2s,then casts on opposite side & crosses to 2nd place own side
9-16 2L followed by 2M casts below 1s & dances up between 1s then casts on opposite side & crosses to original place
17-24 1s+2s dance L&R (left hands on sides to start) ending in middle
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
CHASED LOVERS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tim Wilson World Wide Weavings & RSCDS Bk 53
1- 4 1s set, cross down (no hands) to 2nd place facing out (2s step up 3-4)
5- 8 1s cast down behind 3s,meet & dance up centre with 1L leading, 1M following, to face 2M (her 1st corner)
9-16 1s, in tandem, dance LSh reel of 3 on 1st corner diagonal (out of top of set to start), finishing by 1s pulling back RSh to face down, 1M leading, facing 3M
17-24 1s, in tandem, dance RSh reel of 3 on 2nd corner diagonal (out bottom of set to start), finishing with 1s facing own 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners, (pass RSh), Pass+Turn with 2nd corners, finishing passing RSh to 2nd place own sides
CHASING A RAINBOW (M-4(S16+J16)) 4C set Peter J Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s face in diagonally, set & circle 4H 1/2 round; 1s & 4s drop hands, 1M dances down Ladies' side, 4L up Men's side to form large circle. All dance 8H 1/2 round. 3 4 1 2
9-10 Dancers in top 3 Ladies' places cross diagonally RH with dancers in bottom 3 Men's places
11-12 Dancers in top 3 Men's places cross diagonally LH with dancers in bottom 3 Ladies' places. End 4 Men at top, 4 Ladies at bottom
13-16 4M followed by 3M also 1L followed by 2L dance anticlockwise round to own sides. All now in original places.
1- 8 1s set, 1/2 turn RH; 1M followed by 1L cast 3 places to 4th place own sides while 2s+3s+4s set, turn partner RH moving up 1 place & All couples set
9-16 2s+3s+4s+1s dance reels of 4 on sides. End 2 3 4 1
CHASING A WISH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) George Carr Southport 1
1- 8 1s set, dance down 2 steps (below 3s), set & cast up to 2nd places
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s & 1/2 Figs of 8 round 3s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reels with 2nd corners
25-32 1s 1/2 turn 2H as 2s+3s chase clockwise to places, 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH
CHASING BUTTERFLIES (J32) Round the Room Judith Kowalczik
Round the Room, 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round & back
9-12 Ladies dance LSh round partner back to place
13-16 Ladies pull back RSh to face out & followed by opp Man, chase 1/2 round clockwise
17-20 Men dance RSh round partner back to place
21-24 Men pull back LSh to face out & followed by opp Lady, chase 1/2 round anticlockwise
25-32 All take prom hold with partner, pass opp couple LSh & dance RH across with next couple
CHASING DREAMS (S80) Sq.Set Stephen Gibson
1- 8 1s & 3s dance similar loops:
1L & 3L followed by partner dance anticlockwise loops round 2s/4s (1s round 4s, 3s round 2s) with Men dancing in between the standing couples to take lead, continue dancing anticlockwise round standing couples with Ladies dancing between the standing couples & dancing couples face in
9-12 1L+4L & 3L+2L 1/2 turn & twirl out to change places while partners change places by chasing clockwise 1/2 way (in 4s)
13-16 1M+4M & 3M+2M 1/2 turn & twirl out to change places while prtnrs change places by chasing cl'wise 1/2 way (1s & 3s now back in the middle)
17-24 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way, 3M & 1M followed by partners dance out to partners original place
25-48 2s & 4s repeat bars 1-24
49-52 1M+3M dance into middle (pass LSh) & turn right to face 4s/2s
53-56 1M & 3M 1/2 sets to Men then Ladies as 4s/2s set, 1M & 3M dance out between 4s/2s & chase back to original places
57-64 2M+4M repeat bars 49-56
65-72 Ladies dance a double Ladies' Chain
73-80 All Promenade anticlockwise round the set
CHASING THE ECLIPSE (S3x32) 3C Set Sandy Gallamore Highland Road Coll
1- 8 1s set, dance down below 3s (2s step up), cast up to 2nd place, pass LSh to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on opposite sides, 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, dance 3/4 round partner by RSh, 1s set to 2nd corners, dance round partner to own side, facing out
25-32 Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression:
25-26 2s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round the set picking up 2L/3M …
27-30 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise while middle people (2M + 3L) turn LH 1.1/2.
31-32 2s & 3s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in 2nd place. 3 1 2
CHASING THE RED DOT (R5x32) 5C set Sue McKinnell
1- 8 1s & 5s lead down (2s & 4s step up/down bars 3-4); Bar 5, Ladies dance under partner's raised arm as Men dance below, to change sides. All lead back up to end 1s in 2nd place facing out, 5s in 4th place facing out ready for …
9-16 All dance Double Triangles, ending with 1s facing in and 5s facing out on opposite sides.
17-28 1s & 5s dance the "Celtic Braid" figure:
17-18 1s cross down between 3s while 5s cast up behind 3s
19-20 1s cast down behind 4s while 5s cross up between 2s
21-22 1s cross up between 4s while 5s cast down behind 2s
23-24 1s cast up behind 3s while 5s cross down between 3s
25-26 1s cross up between 2s while 5s cast down behind 4s
27-28 1s cast down behind 2s while 5s cross up between 4s
29-32 1s+3s change places (Ladies LH, Men RH), 1s+5s change places (Ladies RH, Men LH). End 2 3 5 1 4
CHASING THE WILD GOOSE (J5x32) 5C set Malcolm Brown
1- 8 2s & 4s set advancing & Bal-in-Line, 1/2 turn RH & Bal-in-Line
9-16 2L+1s, 2M+3s+4L & 4M+5s dance LH across, 2s & 4s pass LSh into RH across with other couples & end passing LSh to face own sides (BtoB)
17-24 All set (as Double Triangles), 2s & 4s change places RH with person on right while others set, all set (as Double Triangles), centre dancers change places LH with person on left while others set & all end on own sides facing new partners. Order 2M 4M 1M 5M 3M & 3L 1L 5L 2L 4L
25-32 Top 2 couples also bottom 2 couples dance R&L
THE CHAT CLUB (S4x32) 4C set Ian Jamieson
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+4s dance 1/2 LH across & all set
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 2s+4s also 1s+3s set & dance 1/2 RH across, 2s+3s dance 1/2 LH across & all set
25-32 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way (all starting on sides), set, 1s dance down to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s dance up 1 place
CHATSWORTH HOUSE (J4x32) 4C set Ben Stein Ashbourne Coll
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast into centre & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round new end couples
9-16 All set, 1s+4s dance 3/4 R&L to face nearest corners
17-24 1s & 4s set & turn corners RH, 1s+4s set & turn each other LH on sides
25-32 All dance reels of 4 on sides
CHELMSFORD LASSIES (J4x32) 4C set Peter Quinn
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+3s also 1s+4s dance RH across
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides but at end 3s & 1s do not pass to finish 2(1)(3)4
25-28 1s cross up & cast to 2nd place own side while 3s cross down & cast up to 3rd place own side
29-32 1s 1/2 turn 3s RH & 1/2 turn 4s LH. 2 3 4 1
THE CHEQUERED COURT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Duncan Brown RSCDS Bk 42
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Man round 2s & Lady round 3s) & end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & 1s twirl round in centre to face 4th crnrs, 1s dance Pass+Turn with 4th crnrs & twirl round to BtoB facing own sides
17-24 1s dance 6 bars of Double Triangles & end with Petronella turn to 1L between 2s facing 2L & 1M between 3s facing 3M
25-32 1s dance reel of 3 across giving RSh to 4th corners (6 bars) & 1s cross RH to own sides
THE CHEQUERED HALL (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring Wells House
1- 8 1s+2s facing diagonally in Adv+Ret 1 step twice, petronella turn to right 1 place & set (diagonally in)
9-16 1s+2s repeat bars 1- 8 to end on opposite sides 1s in 2nd place
17-24 2s+1s turn 2H & dance 1/2 R&L back to original places
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot
CHERRY BLOSSOM (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) Ian Brockbank
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance RH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) & 1s end by casting up/down round 3rd corners
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across giving LSh to 2nd corners
17-24 1s pass RSh & set to 2nd corners, change places RH, corners turn LH 1.1/4 times to face 1st corner (pstn) while 1s+1st corner persons chase 1 place clockwise
25-32 1s change place RH with corner persons in middle & turn LH to 2nd place opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Cherry Blossom Bk
1- 8 1L+2M change places RH & cast to partners place while 1M+2L set & dance down/up 1 place, 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1L+2M change places LH & cast to original places while 1M+2L set & dance to original places, 1s+2s dance LH across
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance LSh reels of 3 on own sides
25-32 1M+2M also 1L+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times & 1s+3s dance RH across
CHERRY BLOSSOMS (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Iain Boyd To Be A Wind
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across, 1s face out, 2s remain in centre facing up; 1s cast to 2nd place own side as 2s dance up to 1st place
9-16 1s turn 2H, cast up (2s step down 11-12); 1s turn 2H, cast to 2nd place (2s step up 15-16)
17-24 2s+1s 1/2 turn partner RH & circle 4H round to left (2 bars) & circle back to right (4 bars) to end in original places
25-32 1s+2s dance Bourrel:
25-28 1M+2L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
29-32 Set to partners & turn 2H to own sides having changed places
CHERRY BLOSSOMS (S4x32) 4C set Iain Boyd (arranged by Masako Okada Naitoh) To Be A Wind
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance RH across, 1s/3s face out, 2s/4s remain in centre facing up; 1s/3s cast to 2nd/4th place own side as 2s/4s dance up to 1st/3rd place
9-16 1s & 3s turn partner 2H, cast up (2s/4s step down 11-12); 1s & 3s turn 2H, cast to 2nd/4th place (2s/4s step up 15-16)
17-24 2s+1s also 3s+4s 1/2 turn partner RH & circle 4H round to left (2 bars) & circle back to right (4 bars) to end in original places
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Bourrel:
25-28 1M+2L also 3M+4L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
29-32 1s take prom hold facing Ladies' side & 3s do likewise facing Men's side & 1s & 3s dance dance clockwise round to change places while 2s & 4s set & turn partner 2H 3/4 round. End 2 3 4 1
CHERRYBANK GARDENS (S3x32) 3C Set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s set & Petronella-in-tandem twice to end with 2s+1s on opposite sides having changed places. (2) (1) 3
9-16 2s+1s set, 2s cross RH while 1s 3/4 turn LH; 1L+2s (at top) & 1M+3s dance RH across
17-24 1s+3s Set+Link & circle 4H round to left. 3s face down, 1s face up ready for …
25-32 2s+3s+1s dance Grand Chain (2s cross, 3s+1s change places RH on sides)
THE CHESHIRE CAT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alison Roberson Clydesdale Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 3s
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (Lady up with 2s & Man down with 3s); 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides (Man up Lady's side, Lady down Man's side) & 1s end facing 3rd corner (own 1st corner person)
17-24 "Hello-Goodbye setting": 1s set to 3rd corners, set on sides (2nd place), set to 4th corners & petronella turn to 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way & turn partner RH. 2 1 3
CHESTER REEL OF GOLD (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Marshall
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+2s set & 2s cross LH while 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with petronella turn to 2nd places
17-24 2s+1s+3s chase 1/2 way, set & 1/2 turn RH into Allemande hold facing up
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
CHESTERTON (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Jackie Johnstone Loreburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s set to 2s on sides & set to partners, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times & cast 1 place while 2s turn RH (once) & lead up to top
9-16 2s+1s dance RH across & LH back BUT on 2nd & 4th bars Ladies cast behind partner while on 5th & 7th bar Men cast behind Ladies to end 2 (1)
17-24 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & turn RH
CHEVY CHASE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Priddey Anniversary Tensome
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH 1.1/4 times to end with 1L facing her 1st corner with partner behind her
9-16 1L followed by partner dance full diagonal RSh Tandem reel of 3 with 1st corners (RSh to 2M). At end, 1s pull back LSh to face Ladies' side
17-24 1M followed by partner dance diagonal LSh Tandem reel of 3 with 2nd corners (LSh to 2L). At end 1M pulls back RSh to face partner
25-32 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times & dance LH across (1M+2s & 1L+3s) ending in 2nd places own side. 2 1 3
CHILD'S PLAY (J3x40) 3C Set Hazel Shirley New Friends
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross RH & lead up to places
9-16 1s & 2s repeat (both cross, cast etc)
17-24 1s, 2s & 3s repeat (all cross cast, etc)
25-32 2s+3s RH across 1/2 way, set (no hands to leave space for 1s to cast), LH across 1/2 way & set while 1s cast, cross RH, cast to right & cross RH (up down)
33-40 2s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way while 1s cast to right to 2nd places (opposite sides); All set, cross RH & set. 3 1 2
CHILDREN OF THE FOREST (J3x32) 3C set John Morris Vallin Coll 1
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up) & 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1L up round 2s, 1M down round 3s) while 2s+3s set, cross LH to opp sides. 1M+2s & 1L+3s dance LH across 2 1 3
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 to 2nd place own sides (1L up, 1M down) while 2s+3s set, cross RH to own sides. 1M+2s & 1L+3s dance RH across 2 (1) 3
25-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 3s then 1s dance down and cast up into 3rd place (3s step up) 1s set
CHILDREN'S BURN'S NIGHT BREAKFAST ROLY-POLY DANCE (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Sophie Buckland, Elodie & Fleur Godbole & Freya Schmidt
1- 8 1s & 2s turn partners RH, 1s and 2s turn partners LH
9-16 1s & 2s DoSiDo partners, 1s & 2s turn partners BH
17-24 1s set and cast 1 place, 2s & 1s dance RHA
25-32 2s & 1s circle 4 hands round and back
THE CHILDREN'S CELEBRATION (R4x32) 4C set Pat Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1M dances RSh round 3L back to place & 1s cross RH
9-16 2s+3s+4s circle 6H round & back while 1s cast to 4th place, cross LH & cast back up to place
17-24 All take hands on sides & set Coupé PdeB
25-32 1s cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 27-28); All couples turn RH. End 2 3 4 1
CHILTERN CHASE (J4x40) Sq. Set John Reeve Berkhamstead Diamond Coll
1- 8 Men LH 3/4 across to new place. Ladies 3/4 RH across to new place facing out
9-16 All dance 8 bars of Schiehallion reels (1/2 round set)
17-20 Men dance across set (brief RH across in centre) & dance RSh round partner to end facing in on Ladies' Left (all 1 place clockwise round from start)
21-32 "The Chiltern Chain":-
2s+4s (top & bottom place) dance R&L (8 bars), then stand 4 bars while
1s+3s (side couples) set, dance 1/2 R&L, set, dance 1/2 R&L
33-40 All take allemande hold & promenade clockwise once round. End 4 1 2 3
Repeat 3 times & end by Men bringing partner into centre, retaining RH for bow/curtsey
CHIMNEY SWEEP (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 2s followed by 1s dance down the middle, cast round 3s & up (2s to 1st place & 1s to 2nd place) & turn partners RH
9-12 2s (top) cast to 3rd place & cross RH while 1s (middle) set & cross RH up to top while 3s (bottom) lead to top, cross & cast 1 place
13-16 Repeat 9-12 from new positions ('Muirland Willie' figure upside down!)
17-24 3s+2s+1s dance Allemande
25-32 1s & 2s 3/4 turn RH, 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times in centre while their partners dance clockwise 1/2 way round to meet their partner again, 2s+1s turn partners RH 1.3/4 times to sidelines. End 2 1 3
CHIPPY'S RANT (J3x32) 3C set Ann Dix Burnham Set
1- 8 2s Petronella turn & set; 2s turn LH while 1s+3s Petronella turn. All end in line up/down centre, Men facing up, Ladies facing down
9-16 Interlocking reels of 3:
2M+1s also 2L+3s (1s & 3s pass partner RSh to start). Dancers passing through 2nd place turn LH to reel back to place. 2s end BtoB in centre facing opp sides, 1s/3s end in 1st/3rd place
17-20 All set as Double Triangles, 1s+3s cross RH while 2s rotate round each other
21-24 All set as Double Triangles, 1s+3s change places LH on sides while 2s rotate round each other to end facing up (Man with Lady on left)
25-32 2s followed by 1s lead up & cast (all on opp sides), Bars 31-32: all cross RH. End 3 1 2
THE CHISWICK JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Murrough Landon Woodhall Book 4
1- 8 1s dance down NHJ between 3s, cast up to 2nd place (2s step up 3-4); 1s turn 1.1/4 RH remaining in centre
9-16 1M+2s (at top) & 1L+3s dance LH across; 1s pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple. 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass RSh to 2nd place opp side. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round; 2s+3s continue chase back to place while 1s turn RH. 2 1 3
CHOPPED NUTS & CHOCOLATE SWIRLS (J3x32) 3C set Van Meter Hord Just Deserts
1- 8 1s+2s dance 3/4 R&L, set to partners. 2 1 3
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH, pass RSh, turn 2nd corner RH & pass RSh to 2nd place own side facing out (corners dance 4 bar turns)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M up, 1L down)
25-32 1s+3s dance 3/4 R&L & set to partners. 2 3 1
THE CHORLTON REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Joyce Elliott Leicester Silver Coll
1- 8 1M & 2L cross to cast round partners, 1M+2L turn RH & end in each others place
9-16 2M+1L repeat casting round opposite person, turn LH & end facing down with 1L on left of 2M into a line of 4 facing down
17-24 All dance down for 2 bars & set turning right about, all dance up then 1M & 2L cast to 2nd place & pass LSh to end BtoB in middle while 1L & 2M dance up to top & cast into a line of 4 across the dance.
25-32 1s & 2s dance a reel of four across the dance (1M & 2L omit last LSh pass dancing across to end 2 1)
CHRIS RONALD'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ron Wallace San Andreas Coll
1- 8 1s & 2s cross passing RSh then circle left 1/2 way, 1s dance DoSiDo
9-16 1s turn partner RH & 1st corner LH, 1s turn partner RH & 2nd corner LH to end 1M between 2s (facing 2M) & 1L between 3s (facing 3L)
17-24 1s dance Figs of 8 across (RSh to start) while 2s & 3s dance DoSiDo twice (RSh then LSh)
25-32 1s set to 1st corner then turn partner RH, set to 2nd corner then turn RH to own sides
CHRISS CROSS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert Senior Sunday Class Bk 2
1- 8 1s lead down (4 bars), 1L dance under 1M Right arm (2s step up), 1s lead up to face opp sides in Double Triangle position
9-16 All set. 1s turn 1st corners 3/4 RH while 2nd corners cross LH & face out. 1/2 reels of 3 across (1s pass 4th corner pstn LSh to start). 1s pass RSh to Double Triangle position facing own sides
17-24 Repeat 9-16 finishing in Double Triangle position facing opp sides but do not take hands
25-32 1s dance out of sides, cast Right, meet in centre while 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L. 1s turn RH (or birl) to 2nd place own sides
CHRISTIE'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 3
1- 8 1s cast 1 place, 3/4 turn RH, 1s dance up/down & cast to 2nd place in centre BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down)
9-16 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s), set (facing) & set again advancing to pass LSh
17-24 1s circle 3H round to left (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s), set (facing) & turn LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners
CHRISTINA (S4x40) 4C set P Robertson Ruby Annversary
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 2L+3L passing LSh dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 1L+4L
9-16 2M+3M passing LSh dance diagonal reel of 4 with 1M+4M
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across, 1s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way then 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across to end (2)(4)1 3
25-32 All dance clockwise 1/2 way &set to end (3)(1)4 2
33-40 3s+1s also 4s+2s dance 1/2 double Figs of 8. all turn 2H. 3 1(4)(2)
CHRISTINA LAKE JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John S Trew Martello Tower 1
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s & end in middle facing each other in 1st place
9-16 1s set, cast 1 place & turn RH 1.1/4 times to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance diagonal RSh reel of 4 with 2nd corners & end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner, set to partner down/up & 3/4 turn RH to 2nd place own side
CHRISTINA MCLELLAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Glendarroch Sh 27
1- 8 1s cast 1 place, cross RH, cast down 1 place, cross up & cast down to 3rd place
9-16 1s followed by 3s dance up, cast round 2s & dance to 3rd place & cast up to 2nd place (3s end in 3rd pl)
17-24 1s set & petronella turn, set & petronella turn to opposite sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (RSh to 2nd corner to start) & cross RH to 2nd places
CHRISTINE M PHILLIPS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Brenchley RSCDS Bk 46
1- 8 1s set advancing & lead down below 3s crossing 1s cast to 2nd place opp sides & turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s turn 3rd corners (pstn) RH & turn LH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners, 1s turn 4th corners (pstn) RH & turn LH to Man facing up Lady down
25-32 1M+3s (at top) also 1L+2s dance RH across, 1s turn LH to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s chase 1/2 way clockwise
CHRISTINE MILLER'S REEL (R4x32) 4C set Ruary Laidlaw One Step At A Time
1- 8 All join hands on sides, set twice, cross RH (4 bars)
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 back to places
17-24 1s, followed by 2s+3s+4s, lead down & cast up to original places
25-32 1s cross RH, cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 27-28); 1s turn 1.1/2 RH. End 2 3 4 1
Note: originally bars 29-32: 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 4s. The dance was revised in 2004 with the new ending.
CHRISTINE RAYNER'S STRATHSPEY (S4x40) 4C square set Trevor Rayner Napier Diamond Anniv.
1- 4 1L+3L pass RSh, curving to face, pull back RSh and dance out to each other's place facing out
5- 8 1s+3s dance 1/2 Men's Chain. 1s and 3s now opposite original places
9-16 2s+4s repeat bars 1-8 but finish with 3/4 RH turn so 4s face up, 2s face down in promenade hold
17-24 4s+3M+1L and 2s+1M+3L dance RSh reels of 3 up/down, (4s RSh to 3M, 2s RSh to 1M)
25-32 4s+3s also 2s+1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (4s LSh to 3L, 2s LSh to 1L)
33-40 All set, Men dance in, twirl 3/4 to face next place clockwise, dance out through Ladies' place, into Man's place while Ladies dance thru partner's place, into middle, twirl 3/4 to follow track of partner 2 3 4 1
CHRISTINE'S BANNOCKS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) S Gibson
1- 8 1s dance Figs of 8 on sides (dancing between 2s to start) & end crossing RH to face 2s
9-16 1s dance a Modified Spurtle:-
9-12 1s dance a 1/2 reel of 4 with 2s, 1s turn RH moving down to face 3s
13-16 1s dance a 1/2 reel of 4 with 3s, 1s turn RH moving down below 3s to face up in middle
17-24 3s+1s circle 4H round left 1/2 way & 2s+1s circle 4H round to right 1/2 way to end in original places, 1s turn RH
25-32 1s in middle face 2L & set then set to 3s who step in, 1s set to 2M & cast to 2nd places
CHRISTINE'S DIAMOND REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Marshall Friends & Celebrations Bk 1
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 2s+1s+3s dance DoSiDo
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back, 1s end BtoB in centre facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting, ending with petronella turn to 2nd place own side
25-32 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across; 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH. 2 1 3
CHRISTINE'S FANCY (S3x32) 3C set J Brenchley Kangaroo Paw
1- 8 2s advance & 1/2 turn RH, twirl & dance out to opposite side, cast round 1st corners & turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 2s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & face 3rd corner (pstn), turn corners RH & partner LH to face 2nd corners
17-24 2s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners & face 4th corner (pstn), turn corners RH & partner LH to end 2M between 3s (at top) & 2L between 1s facing 3L/1M
25-32 2s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across (2M+3s, 2L+1s) & dance to meet partner in middle facing down (NHJ), turn 1s with free hand 1.1/2 times. 3 1 2
CHRISTMAS AT THE HEATH (J7x32) 7C set H&J Rhodes Snowden Bk 1
1- 8 1M+2M+3M+4M also 4L+5L+6L+7L dance reels of 4 on sides
9-16 1L+2L+3L+4L also 4M+5M+6M+7M dance reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s & 4s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round couples (2s & 5s) above them
25-32 1s & 4s cross RH, cast 2 places & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round couples (5s & 7s) above them
A CHRISTMAS CEILIDH (R8x40) 3C (4C set) New Forest SCD
1- 8 1s+2s Adv+Ret 2 steps & turn RH to end facing the top
9-16 1s+2s Allemande
17-24 1s+3s RH across & LH across
25-32 1s dance up to top, cast behind 2s, dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
A CHRISTMAS FLING (S5x40) 5C set John Morris Vallin Coll 1
1- 8 1s & 3s cast 1 place as 2s & 4s dance up. All 5 couples set. 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 through end couples (1s up, 3s down)
9-16 1s & 3s "loop" LSh round 3rd corner to own sides (1L+3M pass RSh). RH across (1L+2s, 1M+4s+3L, 3M+5s)
17-24 1s set, rotating to face down/out as 3s cross RH to face in/up (3M polite turn) 1s+3s dance 3/4 double Fig 8 round 4s (3s cross up, 1s dance down). End 3s in middle 2nd place 2 (3) 4 (1) 5
25-32 2s+3s+4s dance mirror reels of 3 (2s down/out, 3s dance up, 4s cast up) while 1s+5s circle 4H round and back. All finish on sides
33-40 LH across (3L+2s, 3M+4s+1L, 1M+5s) 3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s as 1s cross down to 5th place own sides (5s step up) 1s set. 2 3 4 5 1
A CHRISTMAS PARTY JIG (J128) Sq.Set Jean Shaw 29 Dances Jean Shaw (North Wales)
1- 8 All circle 8H round to left
9-16 All set to partner & 3/4 turn RH (all Ladies BtoB), set to partner & change places RH with Men giving LH across (partner on right)
17-24 All dance anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to partner & change places RH with Ladies giving LH across (partner on right)
25-32 All dance anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to partner & 3/4 turn LH to original places
33-40 1s+3s dance in & lead out sides with opposite person, cross & dance to opposite positions to 1/2 turn partner RH
41-48 2s+4s repeat
49-56 All in circle Adv+Ret & turn partner RH to face corners
57-64 All set to corner, dance DoSiDo & set turning right about to face partner
65-72 All set to partner, dance DoSiDo & set to partner
73-80 All turn partners RH into circle & Adv+Ret
81-88 1s+3s dance in & lead out sides with opposite person, cross & dance to original positions to 1/2 turn partner RH
89-96 2s+4s repeat
97-104 All set to partner & 3/4 turn RH (all Ladies BtoB), set to partner & change places RH with Men giving LH across (partner on right)
105-112 All dance anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to partner & change places RH with Ladies giving LH across (partner on right)
113-120 All dance anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to partner & 3/4 turn LH to original places
121-128 All circle 8H round to right
THE CHRISTMAS TREE (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) Barry Skelton Pohutakawa Bk
1- 8 1s dance up for 2 steps, dance down for 2 steps while 2s step up, 1L curves round left to 2nd place while 1M curves round right to 2nd place & set
9-16 1s dance up for 2 steps, dance down for 2 steps, 1L curves round left below 3s while 1M curves round right below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
17-24 1s turn LH, lead up crossing & cast to 2nd places opposite sides, cross passing LSh to own sides in double triangle position
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles ending in 2nd place own sides
THE CHRISTMAS TREE (R4x48) 4C set Mrs M Barlow Another Newcastle Coll
1- 8 1s dance down between 2s, behind 3s In front of 4s & up behind 4s, in front of 3s & behind 2s back to place
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round & back
25-32 1s slip step down the room & back up to 4th place
33-40 2L followed by 3L+4L+1L dance across (with hands joined), down behind Men & up own side
41-48 2M followed by 3M+4M+1M dance across (with hands joined), down behind Ladies & up own side
THE CHRISTMAS TREE (M-(S32+R32)) Sq.Set O Roberts
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 All petronella turn to Ladies BtoB facing partners & set, turn partners RH twice round
17-24 All Ladies dance LH across 1.1/2 times while Men chase clockwise 1/2 way, all turn partners RH 1.1/2 times to Men BtoB facing partners
25-32 All Men dance LH across 1.1/2 times while Ladies chase clockwise 1/2 way, all turn partners RH 2.1/4 times to end in original places
1- 8 All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way, set & turn partners 2H
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 back to places
17-24 All Ladies Advance (clap) & Retire, all Men Advance (clap) & Retire
25-32 All set twice & turn 2H
THE CHRISTMAS TREE JIG (J3x48) 3C Triangular set Kathryn Coles Cambridge Scottish Society 75 Years
1- 8 All 3 couples Set+Link twice to original places
9-16 All dance RH across & LH across
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with partner (Pass RSh); all dance DoSiDo with partner (Pass LSh)
25-32 All circle 6H round & back, ending facing partner
33-40 All dance interlocking RSh reels of 4
41-44 All turn partner 1/4 with RH to bring Men in centre, Men dance LH across round 2 places while Ladies chase 1 place round clockwise
45-48 Repeat 41-44 to end having moved 2 places round clockwise. 2 3 1
1- 8 All Ladies cast behind partner into centre, dance RH across & dance LSh round partner back to places
9-16 All Men cast behind partner into centre, dance LH across & RSh round partner to places
17-24 All dance Star Grand Chain 1/2 way round, Ladies end with backs to centre facing partner
25-32 All dance DoSiDo, turn partner RH 1.1/4 times to end in circle holding hands
33-40 All dance Star Grand Chain 1/2 way round, Ladies end with backs to centre facing partner
41-48 All dance DoSiDo, turn partner RH 1.1/4 times to end Ladies facing out & Men in
49-64 All dance full Schiehallion Reel
65-72 All slip step left for 2 bars, set & slip step back, set & end with Ladies giving RH in centre with partner on left
73-80 All dance St Andrews Cross & dance out to original places
81-88 All circle 8H round & back
89-96 All advance, drop hands with corners & retire to Sq.Set with partner, face corner, turn LH & face partner for bow/curtsey
THE CHUCKWAGON REEL (R88) Sq.Set Bob Anderson St Martin Coll
1- 8 1s+3s turn partner RH & chase clockwise 1/2 way
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L & turn other partner RH once round to face side couples
17-24 1s+3s dance 3/4 Fig of 8 round side couples & dance back to original places
25-48 2s+4s repeat bars 9-24
49-56 1s+3s turn partners LH 1.1/2 times, 1L+3L dance clockwise as 1M+3M dance anticlockwise to meet other partner & dance in between side couples to meet own partner in prom hold (Lady on Mans right)
57-64 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2L+4M (RSh to 2L) while 3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 2M+4L (RSh to 4L), 1s & 3s pass RSH to change reels & dance 1/2 reel of 3 with other persons ending in original places
65-80 2s+4s repeat bars 49-64
81-88 8H round & back ending dancing into centre
CIAMAR A THA (How Are You) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 3 Anniv dances
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down, turn 3s on side NH to end in 2nd place (2s step up). 1s cross, passing RSh & turn 3s on sides (1M+3L RH, 1L+3M LH) 1s end in middle facing up
9-16 1s NHJ dance up, turn 2s NH & 1s end in 2nd place opp sides. 1s cross passing RSh & turn 2s on sides (1M+2M RH, 1L+2L LH) 1s end in middle between 2s at top facing down
17-24 1s dance down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place & petronella turn into centre to 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s. All set
25-32 All change places RH with opp person, set, change places again with opp person; 1L casts down round 2L as 1M casts up round 3M into 2nd place own side
All form circle around the room with partner on Man's right
1- 8 All dance in 4 steps & out, repeat
9-16 Ladies dance in 4 steps, clap & out again, Men do the same but turn to face partner as they dance out
17-24 All swing partners & end facing anticlockwise round the room
25-32 All Promenade anticlockwise 8 steps
Note: There are many variations to be found on the internet. The dance source is unknown
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance R&L
9-16 All set to partner twice & turn 2H
17-24 All dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 All dance Poussette to change places & progress to face next couple
CIRCLE OF CHEER (R32) Circle Jo Hamilton Let's All Dance Too
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 8 All Adv+Ret, Adv+Ret ending facing partner
9-16 All dance Grand Chain to face 5th person
17-24 All dance DoSiDo with new partner & turn RH
25-32 All circle round & back
Circle, Man has Lady on his right
1- 4 NHJ all balance in & out, Men releasing partner's hand swing the Lady on left in front of him to end on his right
5-16 Repeat bars 1-4 three more times finishing with 'new partner' in ballroom hold (Man LSh, Lady RSh to centre)
17-24 Step in (2 bars) & Lady turns under Man's left arm; step out (2 bars) & Lady turns under Man's left arm
25-32 Still in ballroom hold, waltz around circle. Bar 32 reform circle NHJ, Lady on Man's
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link, 2M+1L also 4M+3L change places RH, 2L+1M also 4L+3M change places RH. (1)(2)(3)(4)
9-16 1s & 4s petronella turn into middle & set, all petronella turn & set (1s & 4s to original places while 2s+3s are in centre)
17-24 2s+3s dance reel of 4
25-32 2s+3s 1/2 turn RH, 2L dances reel of 3 across with 1s (RSh to 1M) while 3M dances reels of 3 across with 4s (RSh to 4L) while 2M+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times & cast 2M to top & 3L to bottom. (2) 1 4 (3)
33-40 1s+4s Set+Link, 1s+4s dance LH across while 2s & 3s turn 2H 1.1/2 times. 2 4 1 3
CITY HALL CENTENARY (R4x32) 4C set K Burke Belfast Diamond Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s dance down between 2s & cast to 3rd place, 1s dance down between 4s & cast up to 3rd place
9-16 All circle 8H round & back
17-24 1s followed by 4s dance up between 2s+1s & cast to 4th/3rd places as 3s followed by 2s dance down & up (follow 1s+4s) & cast to 2nd/1st places
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance R&L. 2 3 4 1
A CITY IN BLOOM (J3x32) 3C set I van Maarseveen Many Happy Hours
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s+3s on own sides (in to start), cross up & out between 2s+3s & behind 2s to meet in prom hold facing 2M
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 across with 2s & end facing 3L (2s dance up to 1st place), 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across with 3s & end 3rd place opp side (3s dance up to 2nd place) (2) (3) (1)
17-24 3M+2s also 3L+1s dance RH across; all 1/2 turn partners RH to face, twirl & dance out to own sides
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
CITY LIGHTS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Nicola Scott RSCDS Bk 52
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners
9-12 Corners Pass & Allemande Turn:
As Corners Pass+Turn except corners dance in, join RH & Lady dances under Man's arm. Lady curves out to place as Man retires.
13-16 1s in centre turn 1.1/4 LH to face 2nd corner pstns while corners chase clockwise 1/2 round
17-24 Repeat 9-16 with 2nd corner pstns, with 1s turning 1.3/4 LH to end centre LSh to LSh facing opp sides
25-32 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across; all turn partners RH (or birl) 2 1 3
CITY OF BELFAST (S3x32) 3C set Lucy Mullholland Belfast Diamond Jubilee Bk & RSCDS Bk 48
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/4 times while 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/4 times & 1s end BtoB facing opp sides
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across in 2nd place. 2s end in 1st places while 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner & 2nd corner ending (turning to right) between corners, all set & 1s cross RH
25-32 1s+3s dance Espagnole:-
`25-26 1s+3s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`27-28 1s+3s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`29-32 3s turn RH as 1s turn LH to end 2 3 1
THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM (S4x32) 4C set Gillian Jennings Birmingham Platinum Bk
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance a variation of Espagnole:-
`1-2 1s+2s & 3s+4s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`3-4 1s+2s & 3s+4s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`5-8 2s/3s turn RH while 1s & 4s dance LH across to finish back to back in centre facing corners in St Andrews cross formation (1M facing 2M, 1L facing 2L, 4M facing 3M, 4L facing 3L)
9-16 1s & 4s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting to face diagonally opposite corner
17-24 All couples dance reels of 4 on the sides, start by passing corner RSh. End 2 4 1 3 all on sidelines
25-32 4s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s while 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s. 4s & 1s cross RH. All 4 couples set.
CITY OF CHRISTCHURCH (M-(S64+R64)) 4C Set Wouter Joubert Eight by Thirty Two
3s+4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1s+4s petronella into centre & set to partners (2s+3s step up/down), 1s pass partner LSh, dance RSh round 2s (1L/2M, 1M/2L) as 4s dance similar round 3s
9-16 1s+4s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4, All couples petronella 1 place right and set (2s+3s in centre facing prtnr, 4s in 1st place opp sides, 1s in 4th place own side)
17-20 2s+3s turn RH, 2L/3L dance RSh round 4M/1M as 2M+3M turn 3/4 LH to face out on sides
21-24 2s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain (4) 3 (2) 1
25-30 4s+1s cross RH, cast up/down (3s+2s step up/down on 27-28), 4s+1s dance 1/2 RH across
31-32 All 4 couples set 3 1 (4) (2)
CITY OF GLASGOW STRATHSPEY (S4x40) Sq.Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music 2
1- 8 All Ladies dance RH across for 4 steps & dance out to 1 place anti-clockwise (2L+1M, 3L+2M, 4L+3M, 1L+4M). All set to new partner & turn RH
9-16 All Men dance LH across for 4 steps & dance out to 1 place clockwise (3L+1M, 4L+2M, 1L+3M, 2L+4M). All set to new partner & turn LH to finish opposite original partner (Men with new partner on left)
17-20 1s+3s set (2nd & 4th positions), 1s+3s advance into centre with Ladies finishing RSh to RSh facing clockwise while their original partner dances towards them, pulling back LSh to finish in promenade hold.
21-24 1s+3s promenade clockwise round the middle of the set to finish 1s in 4th place & 3s in 2nd place
25-32 2s+4s (1st & 3rd positions), repeat bars 17-24 to finish 2s in 1st place & 4s in 3rd place 2 3 4 1
33-40 All dance 8H round & back
CITY OF LIGHT (R4x32) 4C set Joseph Killeen
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place, 1s turn 1.1/2 RH as 4s turn RH once round to end in centre in prom hold, 1s facing up & 4s down (Lady on Man's Right)
9-16 1s & 4s dance reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 2M & 4s LSh to 3L) 1s+4s end passing RSh
17-24 4s & 1s dance reels of 3 across (4s RSh to 2L & 1s RSh to 3M)
25-32 4s+1s dance RH across & 1s turn partners RH once round as 4s turn 1.1/2 RH to end 2 4 1 3
THE CITY OF NAIROBI REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) F Hutton East Africa dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, set advancing & 1/4 turn with 2H
9-16 1L+2s also 1M+3s circle 3H round to left 1/2 way, set in lines across, 1s set advancing & 1/2 turn 2H
17-24 1M+2s also 1L+3s circle 3H round to left 1/2 way, set in lines across, 1s turn RH
25-32 1s dance round 1st corners RSh, pass partners RSh in centre & round 2nd corners RSh
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides passing 1st corner LSh to start & crossing back to own sides
THE CITY OF PRESTON REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Lavinia Morris Ribble Valley Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast (2s step up); 1s cross LH & cast to their left (1M down, 1L up) to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (RSh to 1st corner). End 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
17-24 Lines of 3 across Adv+Ret; 1s cross RH (up/down) & cast to their right. 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret; all set & 1s cross RH to 2nd place own side
CITY OF STIRLING REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring & RSCDS Bk 53
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Snowball Grand Chain (1s+2s change places on sides to start). (3)(1)(2)
9-16 1s cross (pass RSh) & 1/2 turn RH person in 3rd corner, 1s followed by corners change places (diag) passing LSh & 1s cast to 2nd place (opp sides) as corners end in original places
17-24 1s cross (pass LSh) & 1/2 turn LH person in 4th corner, 1s followed by corners change places (diag) passing RSh & 1s cast to 2nd place (opp sides) as corners end in original places. 2(1)3
25-32 All turn RH (4 bars) & 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady up & Man down)
CITY OF THE CLYDE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) A Brown Glasgow 75th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) end facing 3rd corner
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 3rd corner), 1s turn LH 1.1/4 times to end between 2s/3s facing 1st corner (pstn)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner), 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance diag R&L
CITY OF WISTERIA (S3x32) 3C Set Peter Marshall
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple Espagnole:-
1-2 1L+2L also 2M+3M lead across RH & change places while 1M & 3L chase 1 place clockwise (end Men's side: 2L,1L,3L Ladies' side: 1M, 3M, 2M)
3-4 1L+3L also 1M+3M lead across RH & change places while 2L & 2M chase 1 place clockwise (end Men's side: 3M,1M,2M Ladies' side: 2L, 3L, 1L)
5-8 3M+2L (in 1st place) also 2M+1L (in 3rd place) turn RH while 1M+3L turn LH (in 2nd place)
9-16 All set, cross LH, chase anticlockwise 1/2 way (Men's side: 2M,1M,3M Ladies' side 1L,3L,2L)
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple Bourrel:-
17-20 2M+3L also 1M+2L set advancing & 3/4 turn 2H to line up/down middle & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up, Man down) while 1L+3M chase anticlockwise to face partner
21-24 All set to partners & turn 2H to own sides 3 2 1
25-32 2s+1s dance 3/4 R&L, all set. End 3 1 2
CITY SQUIRRELS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 2
1- 8 1s & 3s petronella turn into centre & set, dance 1/2 reel of 4
9-16 3s & 1s petronella turn to own sides while 2s petronella turn to form lines of 3 across & all set, 2s petronella turn to sides & all set on sides. 3 (2) 1
17-24 2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (2L RSh to 3L at top & 2M RSh to 1M) & 1/2 LSh reels of 3 on sides. (1) 2 (3)
25-32 2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (2M RSh to 1M at top & 2L with 3L), 1s cast to 2nd place while 2s cross up & 1s turn RH. 2 1 3
THE CLACHAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Kendoon Dances
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & turn RH 1.1/2 times
9-16 1s cross up to dance reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s Adv+Ret, 2s+1s+3s dance DoSiDo
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles with 2s+3s
CLACKMANNAN STRATHSPEY (S4x32) Sq.Set Barry Skelton Wee County Dances
1- 8 1s+3s 1/2 RH turn partner, 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s+3s 1/2 RH turn partner back to place
9-16 All set to partner, pull back RSh & dance round partner & turn person approaching LH & dance back to finish in partner's place
17-24 All set, 1L+4M also 3L+2M cross RH. All set, 2L+1M also 4L+3M cross over RH
25-32 All set, all Men dance 1/2 LH across & turn their partner RH
CLAIRE CAMPBELL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Arthur C Boswell Arnside Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s to end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance Pass & Twizzle with corners: -
1s dance out to 1st corners, turn & dance in, 1/2 turn RH, continue to turn individually & dance out thru 2nd corner places & cast thru 2nd place (opposite sides) to face 2nd corners while corners dance in, 1/2 turn RH, continue to turn & dance out to opposite corners Repeat with 4th corners & 1s end facing 3rd corner (pstns)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides giving LSh to 1st corner (pstn) & 1/2 of 3 across giving RSh to 4th corner (pstn)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE CLANSMAN (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Derek Haynes RSCDS Bk 32
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast down 1 place, 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across & set
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L, ending with Men turning Ladies into centre to form a line across
17-24 1s+2s dance the Targe : -
`17-18 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
`19-20 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man full turn LH
`21-22 1st & 2nd Ladies 3/4 turn RH while Men dance 1/4 way round anticlockwise
`23-24 1st Man with 2nd Lady & 1st Lady with 2nd Man turn 3/4 LH to end on sides 1s facing up & 2s facing down
25-32 2s+1s set facing on sides, turn to face partners & set, 1s lead up crossing RH & cast to 2nd place on own sides
THE CLARSACH (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Charles W Ryer 20th Anniv Dance Bk
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left; turn partners 2H & 1s cast 1 place own sides as 2s dance up. 2 1 3
9-16 1s dance diag R&L (Man down, Lady up). ((3) 1 (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s set advancing, 3s+2s retire while 1s petronella turn into lines of 3 across, all set advancing, 3s+2s retire while 1s petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides
25-32 All Set+Link for 3 twice. 2 1 3
THE CLARSACH (J4x32) 4C set Marilyn Blaschke Gretchen's Fancy
1- 8 1L crosses down & cast down behind 3M, crosses down & casts up behind 4L to place
9-16 1s lead down to bottom & cast up round 4s to 3rd place, 2s+1s petronella turn into middle
17-24 2s+1s dance reel of 4 up/down middle
25-32 2s & 1s turn partners RH ending 2s at top & 1s at bottom, 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle 4H round to left
CLASS OF '13 (R5x40) 5C Set Richard Francis Class of '13
1- 8 1s+3s set, cast (2s+4s step up bars 3-4), 1s+3s turn partner LH to finish facing 1st corners
9-16 1s+3s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners & Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners to finish in line up & down centre (Men facing up, Ladies facing down)
17-24 1s+3s dance RSh reel of 4 to finish 1s facing their own sides between 2s&4s and 3s facing their own sides between 4s&5s
25-32 1L+2s also 3M+5s also1M+3L+4s dance LH across. 1L&1M also 3M&3L change places. 1M+2s also 3L+5s also 1L+3M+4s dance RH across. 1s&3s finish in 2nd & 4th places on opposite sides. 2 (1) 4 (3) 5
33-40 1s+4s also 3s+5s Set & Mirror Link (1s&3s cast while 4s&5s dance up). 1s+3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round the couple above. 2 4 1 5 3
CLATTERIN' BRIG (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back to 2nd place in prom hold facing 2L
9-16 1s set to 2L, set to 3L, set to 3M & set to 2M
17-24 1s lead up & cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH & face up for Promenade
25-32 2s+1s+3s Promenade
CLAUDIA'S BARN DANCE (R6x32) 6C set Judith Kowalczik, 2018
1- 8 1s+2s+3s also 4s+5s+6s dance 6 bars of Set & Rotate for 3 couples
1- 4 1s+2s+3s Set & Rotate singly & chase clockwise to form lines of 3 across (Men facing down & Ladies up)
5- 8 All change places with partner & set (now 3 lines of 4 dances up/down centre, Ladies facing down, Men facing up)
9-16 All dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4; Bar12: Middle lines across (4L+5L+6L, 1M+2M+3M) pull back LSh to face up/down & turn opp person LH
17-20 Middle line of Ladies (4L+5L+6L) dance RSh round opp Man while both lines of Men dance DoSiDo
21-24 Middle line of Men (1M+2M+3M) dance RSh round opp Lady while both lines of Ladies dance DoSiDo
25-26 Middle lines of Men & Ladies pass opposite dancer RSh & end on left of next opp dancer (2 lines across, Men at top, Ladies at bottom)
27-32 All chase 1/4 clockwise (3) (6) (2) (5) (1) (4) & cross RH to own side. End 3 6 2 5 1 4
CLAVERHOUSE RANT (R4x32) 4C Set Ewan Galloway Ship Ahoy!
1- 4 1s dance down while 4s dance up, 1L+4L dance out between 2L & 3L & cast back to place while 1M+4M dance similar on Men's side
5- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s turn 1.1/2 times on sides (1L+2L LH, 1M+2M RH, 3L+4L RH, 3M+4M LH) 1s face down, 4s face up in centre
9-16 1s+4s dance R&L (cross RH up/down to start) while 2s & 3s cross RH & chase clockwise 1/2 round, 2M faces out. 3 1 4 2
17-24 1L followed by 1M casts round 4L, dances up between 4s & casts round 4M & across to 4th place own side while 2M followed by 2L casts up behind 4M, across & casts up round 3L & across to own side (1L & 4L pass RSh in middle) 3s step down 23-24. 2 3 4 1
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
CLAVERS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) B Beatie Ness House 1
1- 8 1L+2L+3L Adv+Ret, 1L+2M also 2L+3M dance DoSiDo
9-16 1M+2M+3M Adv+Ret, 1M+2L also 2M+3L dance DoSiDo
17-32 1s+2s+3s dance 3 couple R&L, 1s set & cast to 2nd place
DUKE OF PERTH (Broun's Reel or Clean Pease Strae) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 1
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner, & partner to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to & turn 1st corner 2H, set to & turn 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner & cross back to own sides
A CLEAN SWEEP (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1M+2L change places RH, 1L+2M change places LH & 2s+1s cross RH
9-16 1s cross down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place, cross up between 2s & cast to 2nd places
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start)
25-32 2s+1s+3s set & circle 6H round to left
CLEVELAND HORNPIPE (R4x32) 4C set Doris Scott Cleveland Coll
1 - 8 Top 3 Men turn bottom 3 Ladies RH, top 3 Ladies turn bottom 3 Men RH
9-16 1L also 4M followed by partners cast in 1 place & cross to opposite side (2s & 3s step down/up 11-12); 1M+4M also 1L+4L turn LH 1.1/2 times on sides
17-24 1s+4s turn partners RH; 4M also 1L, followed by partners, cast to ends & cross to own sides
25-32 4s+2s also 3s+1s dance 1/2 R&L; 4s & 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s/3s while 2s & 3s set & cross RH. 2 4 1 3
THE REEL OF GLAMIS (The Clever Lad) (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Johnson RSCDS Bk 12
1- 8 1M turns 2L with 2H then turns partner 2H
9-16 1L sets twice to 2M then turns partner 2H
17-24 1M+2L change places RH, 1L+2M change places RH
25-32 2s+1s Retire+Advance 2 steps then cross RH to own sides, 1s dance up & cast to 2nd place
THE CLIFTON JIG (J4x32) 4C set Arthur Williamson Annette Cameron Bk
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & LH across
9-16 1s & 4s cross RH, cast down/up 1 place (2s+3s step up/down 11-12); 1s+4s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to right; 2s & 3s cast down/up 1 place & cross RH (1s+4s step up/down 23-24) End (1)(2)(3)(4)
25-32 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s cast off on opp sides; 1s 1/2 turn 2H to own side & make arch & 2s+3s+4s dance up under & cross to own sides. 2 3 4 1
CLIMBING MONT VENTOUX (M-4x(S32+R32)) 4C Set E Ritzau
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 All set advancing & turn partners 2H, 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1L followed by 2L+3L+4L dance up & across then cast to weave in & out to end 2L+1L between 3M+4M & 4L+3L between 1M+2M & all Ladies cross to own side
25-32 Men repeat bars 17-24 all finishing 4s 3s 2s 1s
1- 8 1s set with HS or PdB twice, turn partner twice with elbow grip
9-16 4s+3s+2s+1s dance reflection reels of 4 (Ladies give LSh to start, Men RSh)
17-24 4s (in 1st place) & 2s (in 3rd place) set & turn partners 2H (PdB), 4s cast to 3rd place while 2s lead up nearer hands joined to 1st place
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle 4H round & back
THE CLINTS OF DROMORE (R4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 28
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place, 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 1s & 4s pass RSh & dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 2M/3M, 1s & 4s pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 2L/3L ending 2s at top, 3s at bottom & 1s+4s in line in centre (Ladies BtoB)
17-24 1s+4s set & 1/2 turn partners RH & dance 1/2 reel of 4
25-32 4L also 1L followed by partners dance out ends round to right to dance Tandem reels of 3 across with end couples & end 2 4 (1)(3)
CLIVE SQUARE (R5x32) 5C Square set Trevor Rayner Napier Diamond Anniv
5 Couple square set – 5s facing, 5M with back to 4s, 5L with back to 2s
1- 4 5s dance up around 1st place (5L passing 1M LSh, 5M passing 1L RSh) meet, dance in finishing BtoB 5L facing down, 5M facing up while other dancers advance 2 steps, retire (2 small steps) on diagonal with corners
5- 8 5M+1s, 5L+3s set as in 'DoubleTriangles', pivot 1/4 to Right to set 5M+2s, 5L+4s while other couples set to partners (all setting 4 bars)
9-12 5M+2s and 5L+4s dance RH across. 2s and 4s finish in original places
13-16 5s turn LH 1.1/4 to finish 5L facing 3s, 5M facing 1s
17-20 5M+1s and 5L +3s dance RH across. 1s and 3s finish in original places
21-24 5s turn LH to finish facing 1s (5L on 5M's right)
25-32 5s+1s change places passing RSh, couples dancing in tandem with Man leading (2 bars)
1s+4s repeat, 4s+3s repeat, 3s+2s repeat, finish with 2s in middle facing up
THE CLOISTERS (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 86
1- 8 1L cross below 2M & casts up to 1M place while 1M crosses & casts to 2L place, 1s cross LH, cast (L up & M down) & in to face 2s in line across
9-16 1s+2s (facing opposite partners) dance reel of 4 across
17-24 1s+2s set, 2s set again while 1s petronella turn into middle & 1s+2s dance LH across ending on own sides 1L+2L & 2M+1M
25-32 1s+2s cross (Ladies pass between Men), Ladies change places RH, turn inward & cross back to own side (order 2 1) & 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH
THE CLOOTIE WELL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s+2s set, 2s cast up & 1s cross down, turn 2nd corner LH & pass LSh to face 1st corners (2nd corners keep dancing)
9-20 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars) -Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s end in middle facing partner
21-24 1s pass RSh & dance out through 2nd place (own side) then round 3rd corner into centre facing partner's side while 2s & 3s set advancing diagonally & dance 1/2 RH across to end in own places facing out
25-32 1s dance LSh reels of 3 across (Man with 2s) & 1M+2M also 1L+3L turn RH to end 2 1 3
CLOSEBURN LASSIES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alan Davis Blackwater Collection
1- 8 1M+2L+3M dance reel of 3 in centre of set (1M+2L pass RSh)
9-16 1L+2M+3L dance reel of 3 (1L+2M pass LSh). Bar 16 1M & 2L step in to join 2H with partner
17-24 1s+2s dance Poussette. Bars 23-24 1M pulls back LSh, 1L RSh to end BtoB
25-28 2s+1s+3s set (as Double Triangles), 1s pull back RSh, dance out to 2nd place own side (2 PdeB) while 2s & 3s set
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH. 2 1 3
Note: Repeats 2, 4, & 6 Bars 29-32:- 3s turn RH (4 bars) while 1s turn RH (2 bars) & cast while 4s turn RH (2 bars) & dance up to 3rd place
CLOVENSIDE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Donside Bk
1- 8 1s & 2s set, dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 with 1s casting to start; end with 2s in top place & 1s in 2nd place on opposite side 2 (1) 3
9-16 1s give LSh to 1st corners & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1M down/1L up), turn 1st corner persons (in 2nd corrner pstn) 2H moving into 4H round 1/2 way while 2nd corners chase round anticlockwise 1/2 way (2) 1 (3)
17-24 1s give LSh to 2nd corner person (in 3rd corner pstn) & dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1M up/1L down), turn 2nd corner persons (in 4th corner pstn) 2H moving into 4H round 1/2 way places while 1st corners chase anticlockwise 1/2 way, 1s end in 2nd place on opposite side 2 (1) 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, petronella turn into centre, 1s turn 2H once round as 2s & 3s turn 2H 1/2 way & all petronella turn to own sides
THE CLUMSY LOVER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Garden Richardson Aurora 10th Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link; 2M+1M also 1L+3L Set+Link
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples
17-24 1s set, set advancing to face 4th corners (pstn), dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with corners & 1s end passing RSh to face out opposite sides
25-32 1s dance RSh round 1st corners (pstn) into centre while 2s+3s set & change places RH on sides; 1s turn RH to 2nd place own sides. 2 1 3
CLUTHA (R4x48) Sq.Set RSCDS Bk 31
1- 8 1L+3M turn RH, dance round partner RSh to turn each other again RH ending in middle holding RH & partners LH
9-16 1s+3s Bal-in-Line, 1L+3M turn partners LH into the middle & Bal-in-Line again, turn partner LH to original pstns
17-24 1s+3s dance R&L
25-32 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
33-40 All turn corners RH retaining hold & hold partners LH to form a circle (men facing out), all set & turn partner LH (4 bars) into prom hold
41-48 All dance round anticlockwise in prom hold to original pstns
Repeat with 2L+4M, 3L+1M, 4L+2M
CLYDEBANK STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1L+2M turn 1.1/2 times RH while 1M+2L turn 1.1/2 times LH 1s end 2nd place facing out
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s (1s casting to start), 2L+1L turn 1.1/2 times LH while 2M+1M turn 1.1/2 times RH back to original places
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to top for Allemande
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
CLYDEBUILT 85 (R4x32) 4C Alasdair Brown Glasgow 85th Anniv
1- 8 1s+3s set, cast (2s+4s step up). 1s+3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round couple above
9-16 Reels of 4 on sides, Ladies RSh, Men LSh:
Bar 9: 1s+3s cross up 1 place (from 2nd/4th places) to dance reel on opp sides
Bar 13: 4s+2s cross up 1 place (from 2nd/4th places) to dance reel on opp sides (2) 1 (4) 3
17-20 All set. 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across as 4s+3s dance 1/2 LH across. 1M+3L face out
21-24 1M followed by partner casts down round 2L to 3rd place own sides as 3L followed by partner cast up round 2M to 1st place own sides
25-32 3s+2s Set & Rotate as 1s+4s Reverse Set & Rotate (set, pull back LSh, cast anticlockwise, change places LH on side, chase anticlockwise 1 place) 2 3 4 1
CLYDESIDE LASSIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Border Bk
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s lead down the middle for 3 steps & up for 3 steps then cast to 2nd places
17-24 1s+3s circle 4H round to left, lead down & cast round 3s to top on own sides
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s lead down the middle & up
17-24 1s+2s dance Poussette. 2 1
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE CLYDESIDE REEL (R32) Round the Room Commonwealth Games Ceilidh Dances
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All circle 4H round and back
9-16 All Advance, Clap 4 times, Retire, Stamp 4 times
17-24 All dance RH Across, LH back
25-32 All set twice, clockwise facing couples make arch & all dance on/through to meet new couple
CLYDEVIEW (S4x32) 4C set N Dunn Helensburgh 50th Anniv
1-16 1s & 3s cast 1 place as 2s & 4s advance turning right about to face 1s/3s, all set, dance full reel of 4 across & circle 4H round to left
17-24 2s+3s dance RH across for 3 steps (all the way round) & change places LH with corner, 1s+4s repeat changing back to places
25-32 1s set HS, cast to bottom & Bal-in-Line with partner RH
THE COANWOOD STUARTS (J4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1M followed by 2M+3M (who dance up) cross & cast down Ladies' side; cross below 3s & dance up on own side to places
9-16 1s+2s+3s turn partners RH once round & turn partners LH once round
17-24 1L followed by 2L+3L (who dance up) cross & cast down Men's side; cross below 3s & dance up on own side
25-32 All 4 couples Adv+Ret; 1s cast to 4th place while 2s+3s+4s step up
COATES CRESCENT (S4x40) 4C Set Dorothy Bell Starters Coll
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back. Ladies join NH, Men join NH
9-16 The Crescent:
9-12 4L leads other Ladies up Men's side while 4M leads Men up Ladies' side. Men dance outside Ladies' crescent. All on opp sidelines.
13-16 All set & 1/2 turn partner RH to finish in middles ready for …
17-24 All dance Allemande
25-32 The Doorways & Gateways:
25-28 1L+2L NHJ also 3L+4L NHJ dance between partners & cast behind partners & dance back to places
29-32 1M+2M dance similar but going out partners to start, then between partners back to places.
Bar 32 1M & 3M turn right about, 2M & 4M turn left about
33-40 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross down below 3s & cast to 4th place. 2 3 4 1
COATS LAND (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Roy Goldring Scotia Suite
1- 8 1s dance in & cast to 3rd place, 2s+3s+1s set & 1/2 turn RH to face down
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance Allemande (down) to end 1 3 2 on opposite sides
17-24 1M followed by 3M+2M chase 1/2 way anticlockwise while 1L followed by 3L+2L chase 1/2 way clockwise (inside Men), 1s dance up to top & cast to 2nd places
25-32 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) & pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple
THE COBBLER'S AWL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Angela Bulteel SCD Archives
1- 4 1s+2s cross Ladies dancing between Men, turning away from each other dance into centre to meet partner (1s facing down & 2s up)
5- 8 1s dance down between 2s & turn LH to face 1st corners while 2s dance up & cross LH to own sides
9-16 1s set & turn 1st corners 2H, 1L dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 2s as 1M dances with 3s 1s end facing 1st corners who are on opposite sides
17-24 1s set & turn 2nd corners 2H, 1M dances 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s (at top) to 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corners & cross RH to places
THE COBBLESTONES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Cleveland Coll
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end BtoB Man facing up & Lady down
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles (up/down) & end facing 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance RSh reel of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corners & cross RH to 2nd place
COBEY'S BARN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ellen Ternes, 2021
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1s dance down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place in centre, 2s+3s step in, all taking prom hold facing up ready for …
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bars of Allemande, all in centre facing up set twice (option - Men turning Ladies under right arm or own choice)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance up & cast to end 2 1 3; all turn partner RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
COCHNO BURN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) George Emmerson Centennial Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance 4H round, 1s cast & 2s lead up to top; 1s dance down NHJ between 3s & cast up to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st & 2nd corners & turn right about onto sides; 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH 1.1/2 to change places (2) 1 (3)
17-20 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret for 1 step. 1s RH turn to face up while 2s+3s cross RH
21-24 1s lead up to top, cross & cast to meet facing down.
25-32 1s dance mirror reels of 3 on the sides (6 bars) (1s down between 3s to start). 1s cross back to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s end reels with loops
COCHRANE HALL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Wee County Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH & set; 1M followed by 1L cast down Ladies' side, 1M to between 3L & 4L, 1L to between 2L&3L, 1M dances in the middle to face 3L on diagonal while, 1L dances in the middle to face 1L position on diagonal (2s step up bars 7-8)
9-16 1L with 2nd corners & 1M with 1st corners dance full simultaneous diagonal reels of 3 with corners, as 1s meet in the middle 1L dances in front of 1M. 1s face same corners as bar 9
17-24 1s dance RSh round corner, 1L dances down outside to below 3rd Lady, up centre to 2nd place own side & faces down while 1M dances across to below 3M, up outside to second place own side & faces down
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s pass 3s RSh to start).
COCK A BENDIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back 1s ending in allemande hold facing Ladies' side
9-16 1s set HS to 2L, 1s cast on own sides, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides dancing up between 2s to start
25-32 2s+1s+3s set HS on sides & turn partner 2H twice round
THE COCK O' THE NORTH (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/4 times to end with 1L in 2L place & 2M in 1M place facing out while their partners set to each other & cast down/up to face partner, 2s & 1s turn LH on sides
9-16 2s & 1s repeat back to place (1M & 2L turning to start)
17-24 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
25-32 1s cross RH, cast, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 ending in 2nd place while 2s 1/2 turn RH, dance up, cast 1 place & cross up to top place
COCK-A-LEEKIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Elizabeth D Gilroy
1- 8 1s followed by 2s lead down to 3rd/2nd place while 3s dance up sides to 1st place. 3s+2s+1s dance 1/2 reflection reel of 3 on sides (1s out/up, 2s in down)
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 RH across, cross RH and turn partners RH
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, dance DoSiDo, set
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H once round to Left
THE COCKERMOUTH FLOODS (S4x40) 4C Set Gail Inglis, 2013
1- 8 1-2 1s turn RH into promenade hold facing up, 3-4 2s repeat; 5-6 3s repeat, 7-8 4s repeat
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 2 couple promenades. 1 2 3 4
17-24 All 1/2 turn partner RH, pull back RSh & dance out to partner's place; All set & cross RH, 3s & 4s to place, 1s & 2s remain in centre ready for …
25-28 1s+2s dance 1/2 Poussette, 3s dance in bar 28
29-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 Poussette, 4s dance in bar 32
33-36 1s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette
37-40 All turn partner 2H. 2 3 4 1
THE COCKET HAT (J8x40) 3C (4C Set) K Jones RSCDS Bk 44
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) into 1/2 reel of 3 on opposite sides (3)(1)(2)
17-24 1s dance RH across (1M with 3s at top & 1L with 2s) & end facing 3rd crnr (pstn), 1s dance 1/2 diag RSh reel of 4 & pass RSh to face 4th crnr (pstn)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diag reel with 4th corners & end in 2nd place own side, 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s at top & 1M with 3s)
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left for 6 steps, pivot & chase back to places
THE COCKS OF DENIZLI (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 Top 3 Men turn bottom 3 Ladies RH, top 3 Ladies turn bottom 3 Men RH
9-16 2s+3s 1/2 turn partner, twirl to opposite side & turn corner with nearest hand 1.1/2 times. (2) 1 4 (3)
17-24 2s & 3s petronella turn twice to own sides & all turn partners RH
25-32 1s+4s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & cross RH to own side
THE COCKY WEE GORDON (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1M, 2L, 3M & 4L cross & pass partner RSh & cast to right 1 place, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1L, 2M, 3L & 4M dance down/up behind partner & cross, set to partners & cross RH. 2 1 4 3
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples, 4s followed by 1s cross down between 3 & cast up to 2nd & 3rd places. 2 4 1 3
COCOA BEACH MARATHON (J4x32) 4C Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
2 chords - 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp side
1- 8 1s+4s dance RH across (2s & 3s step up/down), 2s+1s & 4s+3s face on sides; all set, 2s+1s & 4s+3s change places RH. 1 2 (3) (4)
9-16 1s+4s chase clockwise 1/2 round while 2s+3s dance LH across; 2s & 3s dance out of ends & cast back to place. 4 2 (3) (1)
17-24 All set on sides; 4s+2s (at top) also 3s+1s (at bottom) dance 3/4 R&L (6 bars - no polite turn). 2 4 (1) (3)
25-32 2s+4s+1s+3s circle 8H round & back. 2 4 (1) (3)
THE CODE BREAKER (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s dance down round 4s, cast back to places & 1/2 turn 2H to face down while 2s stand for 2 bars & dance down round 4s & cast to place while 3s stand for 4 bars & dance down round 4s & cast to place while 4s stand for 6 bars & 1/2 turn 2H to face up [similar to "square set"]
9-16 All circle 8H round & back. Finish as at end of bar 8
17-24 1M+2L & 3M+4L turn LH 1.1/4 times while 1L+2M & 3L+4M turn RH 1.1/4 times [all now on sides 2 (1)(4) 3], 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L to end 2 4 1 3
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across, 4s+1s dance LH across
COIRE LAGAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Lee Fuell Flying Gillies Coll Vol 3
1- 8 1s set & cross down RH below 3s (2s step up 3-4), cast up around 3s & dance up middle NHJ
9-16 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s dance up between 2s to start) & end in 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s cross up RH & dance round 2s to end 2nd place own sides & turn RH (or Tulloch turn / birl)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
COLD & RAW (J8x24) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 5
1- 8 1s+2s dance DoSiDo & turn partners RH
9-16 1M dances RSh round 2L to 2nd Man's place as 2M dances RSh round 1L ending in 1st Man's place, 1s+2s clap & circle 4H round to left
17-24 1L dances RSh round partner to 2nd lady's place as 2L dances RSh round partner to 1st Lady's place, 2s+1s clap & circle 4H round to left
COLD QUARRY JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Roby
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s petronella turn & set while corners set & change places RH on sides
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s) giving LSh to 2nd corner pstns ending with 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own sides. 3 1 2
17-24 1s 3/4 turn RH, 1s petronella turn to 2nd place opposite side & set while corners set & cross RH. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner pstns & cross RH while corners cross RH. 3 1 2
COLDINGHAM SANDS (S4x32) 4C set Ruary Laidlaw St Abb's Collection
1- 8 1s lead down, cast up round 4s & back to place
9-16 1s+3s lead down (3 steps), lead up & cast, 1s to 2nd place, 3s to 4th place
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance R&L
25-32 1s turn RH, cast to 4th place as 3s turn RH & dance up to 2nd place. All turn partners 2H (4 bars)
COLGRAIN FANCY (R4x32) 4C set L King & E Caulfield Helensburgh 50th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s set, cross RH, 3s+4s set & cross RH
9-16 4s followed by 3s+2s+1s dance down for 2 bars, all 1/2 turn partners RH & dance up to places
17-24 1s lead down for 2 bars, lead up & cast to bottom
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
COLIN'S DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Kenneth J Reid Birmingham Platinum Bk
1- 8 1s set & cast one place (2s step up 3-4). 1s 3/4 turn LH to 1M facing 2s and 1L facing 3s and Balance-in-Line
9-16 1M+2s & 1L+3s dance RSh reels of 3 across. On bars 15-16 1s 3/4 turn RH to 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s.
17-24 Repeat reels & on bars 23-24 1s 1/2 turn LH to finish facing down in middle of set, while 2s face down & 3s face up
25-32 1s lead down between 3s & cast up one place, 1s dance up between 2s and cast to 2nd place while 2s + 3s dance R&L
COLIN'S KILTS (J8x40) 3C (4C Set) Margaret Young Book of Perth Dances
1- 8 1s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1/2 turn partners RH & 1M leads his partner up behind 2M to end in 1st places (opposite sides) while 3L leads her partner down behind 2L to end in 3rd place opposite sides
9-16 1s+3s repeat (from opposite sides) ending in original places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 (6 bars) & 1s+2s change places RH on sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s set twice & turn partners RH
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left for 6 steps, pivot left & chase back to places. 2 1 3
COLIN'S REBEL RANT (R4x48) 4C set George Swirles Elizabeth Mary's Bk
1- 8 1s+2s 1/2 turn RH & dance RH across 1/2 way, 1/2 turn LH & dance LH across 1/2 way
9-16 1s+2s dance Chain Progression:
`1s+2s 3/4 turn RH, 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times as ptnrs chase cl'wise 1/2 way, 2s+1s turn RH. 2s end in 1st place own side, 1s facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end BtoB in centre (Lady facing up & Man down)
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 on opp sides (LSh to 1st corner to start) & end NHJ facing 2M, Lady on Man's left
33-40 1s set to 2M, turn inwards & set to 3L, swivel left & set to 2L & turn inwards to set to 3M
41-48 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 across with 3s (RSh to 3M to start) & end with 1s dancing down to 4th place. 2 3 4 1
THE COLLEGE HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Boag, 1797 RSCDS Bk 20
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back, all remaining in centre with partner ready for …
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place (2 step up 19-20), cross LH, cast to 3rd place & lead up to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with a clap & petronella turn to 2nd places
COLLEGE RAMBLE (S4x32) 4C set H Duewell Tighes Hill dances
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H left, 1s+2s also 3s+4s set facing on sides
9-16 All dance RSh 'interchanging' reels of 4 on sides (when passing LSh in centre of reel the inner 2 dancers cross passing LSh & turn to right to continue the reels on opposite sides) to end 4 3 2 1 on opposite sides
17-24 4s+3s also 2s+1s set facing on sides, turn 2H, all dance 1/2 Grand Chain to 1 2 3 4
25-32 1s lead down to 4th place & all turn RH
COLLICHUR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Alexander Bowman RSCDS Bk 30
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, lead down below 3s & cast back to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s dance R&L
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) 1s end in centre facing Ladies' side
25-32 1s dance out between 2L+3L & cast (Man up & Lady down), dance Figs of 8 (1M round 2s & 1L round 3s) ending in 2nd places
COLLIE LAW (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s+2s Adv+Ret, turn RH
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande
17-24 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 2s+1s dance RH across & LH back
THE COLLINGWOOD OAKS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Jen Woods Dunedin 6
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up). 1s Petronella turn into lines of 3 across (1L between 2s, 1M between 3s). All set
9-16 1L+2M+3M also 1M+2L+3L dance RH across. 1s turn LH to 2nd place own sides & all set
17-24 1s followed by 2s dance down, cast up round 3s, dance up to top & 1s cast to face 1st corners while 2s end in 1st place
25-32 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, dance Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners. 1s pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
COLOGNE ROUND THE ROOM (J32) Round the Room A Girards
Round the Room 2 facing 2
1- 8 All dance RH across & LH back
9-16 All turn opposite person RH & turn partner LH (long turns)
17-24 All circle 4H round & back
25-32 All Adv+Ret for 2 steps & cross passing RSh to face next couple
THE COLONEL (J8x40) 3C (4C set) David Young RSCDS Leaflet Dances 3
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, dance petronella turns to end 1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up & set
9-16 1s turn to right & dance RSh reels of 3 across Lady with 2s & Man with 3s, 1s turn LH ready to reel with other couple
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across Lady with 3s & Man with 2s ending with 1M between 2s facing down & 1L between 3s facing up
25-32 1s set adv passing RSh to face 1st crnrs, turn RH & end 1L between 2s facing down & 1M b'tw'n 3s facing up, 1s set adv to 2nd crnrs & turn LH to end facing 1st crnrs
33-40 1s set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners to end 2nd place opposite sides, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to own sides
COLONEL ANNE OF MOY HALL (R4x32) 4C Set Evelyn Murray-Lenthall New Atholl Coll
1- 8 1L followed by 2L+3L cross & dance down behind Men & dance up centre with 'new' partner in prom hold
9-16 Top persons dance out & down into reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1L followed by 2L+3L cast, dance down own side to face own partner & all 4 couples turn RH
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance Poussette
COLONEL JOSHUA CHAMBERLAIN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Price Nutmeg Coll
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH & 1s+2s set, 1s+2s Set+Link. 2(1)3
9-16 1s 1/2 turn RH & 1s+3s set, 1s+3s Set+Link. 2 3 1
17-24 1s turn RH & cast up 1 place, cross passing RSh & twirl to opposite side
25-32 1s cast round 1st corner into middle, twirl to dance out same end & cast to right round 4th corner pstn while 2L+3L also 2M+3M dance RSh round each other 1/2 way & twirl out to change places
COLOURFUL CHARACTER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Terry Lynne-Harris Many Happy Hours: Pretoria 35th
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across; 1s+2s dance LH across
9-16 LSh reels of 3 on sides (1s LSh to 2s). At end 1M+2M also 1L+2L pass LSh, 1s face down, 3s face up. 2 1 3
17-24 Grand Chain (2s cross, 1s+3s change places on sides to start)
25-32 1s turn 3/4 RH while 2s & 3s cross LH with partner, 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance LH across [now (2) (1) (3)], all cross LH to own sides. 2 1 3
COLWYN'S RUBY REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J Rhodes Snowdon Bk 4
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s lead down for 2 & back, cross to own sides & cast to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
COMBER CAR PARK (S3x32) 3C set Kathrine Burke Belfast Platinum Anniv
1- 8 1s dance in & cast, 2s+1s+3s turn 2H
9-16 1s petronella turn into lines across & all set, 1s petronella turn into 2nd place opp sides & all set 2 (1) 3
17-24 Reels of 3 on sides
Start: 1s cross down to 3rd place & dance out & up, 2s dance out & down, 3s dance out & up (giving hands where possible)
End: 1s +3s continue the reel one more place, 2s+1s curve into place to finish 2 3 1
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back. 2 3 1
1s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L (RH on sides to start)
9-16 1s+2s set to partners twice & turn 2H
17-24 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back to places
25-32 1s+2s set twice facing up/down dance, 1s turn opposite dancer 2H 1.1/2 times to end 2nd place opposite sides
Note - on bar 64 new top couple crosses to opposite sides as original 1s at bottom cross to own sides.
COME DANCE THE RUBY REEL (R4x40) 4C Set Pat Greenfield ASDCS Ruby Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on the side (1s in/down, 2s out/up, 3s in/up to start)
9-12 1s dance down to between 2s while 4s dance up to between 3s, 1s+4s set facing
13-20 1s+4s dance RH across & LH back
21-24 1s+4s dance out between 2s & 3s on own side & back to place
25-32 2s dance up into Fig of 8 round 1s while 3s dance down into Fig of 8 round 4s 1 2 3 4
33-40 1s+2s change places on side (Men RH, Ladies LH), 1s+3s change places (Men LH, Ladies RH), 1s+4s change places (Men RH, Ladies LH), All set. 2 3 4 1
COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Iain Boyd Cairdin O't
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 1L+2M set turning 1/4 left & change places passing BtoB with slip steps, set turning to face partner (Set & Shuttle)
9-16 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L changing place on side lines to start, 1M+2L change places Set & Shuttle ending facing partners
17-24 2s+1s set, cross RH & turn RH
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
COME JOIN THE DANCE (R3x32) 3C Set May Macfarlane Tayside Collection 1983-2003
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place (2s step up 19-20), 1s cross LH & cast to 3rd place (3s step up 23-24) 2 3 1
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
COME LET US DANCE & SING (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd Strathtay Album
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH, set & turn RH into prom hold facing up
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Promenade with 1s casting to 2nd place & 2s leading up in last bar
25-32 2s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (2s casting to start)
33-40 1s+3s dance R&L
COME ON EILEEN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Arthur C Boswell Arnside Coll
1- 8 1s cross, cast 1 pl, Man dances down between 3s & round 3M to face 1st corner while Lady dances up between 2s & round 2L to face her 1st crnr
9-16 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners ending with Man facing 2s & Lady facing 3s
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles (up/down) with corners dancing 1 place clockwise after each setting, 1s end BtoB facing 3rd crnrs (1st crnr person)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners & 1/2 reel with 4th corners
COME UNDER MY PLAIDIE (J32) Round the Room SCDs for Children
Round the Room Dance 2 facing 2
1- 8 All turn opposite partner RH, all turn own partner LH into prom hold (Men on inside facing anticlockwise)
9-16 Both couples Promenade LSh round each other to original places
17-24 Both couples dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 All Adv+Ret, all advance 3 steps passing opposite partner by RSh & retire 1 step
COME UP TO THE TOP (J4x32) 4C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 5
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s+3s+4s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start). 2 4 3 1
9-16 1s cross RH & cast up 1 place, 2s+4s+1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (2s in & down to start). 1 4 2 3
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+4s dance Allemande. 4 1 2 3
COME WHAT MAY (S4x32) 4C set Jack Young RSCDS N W Craven
1- 8 2s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (Lady round 1s & Man round 3s) while 1s & 3s set & cross RH, 2s 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (2L RSh to 3L & 2M RSh to 1M)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (Man round 2s & Lady round 4s) while 2s & 4s set & cross RH, 1s 1/2 reel of 3 on own sides (1L RSh to 2L & 1M RSh to 4L)
17-24 3L+4L also 3M+4M turn RH while 1s set & cross RH, 3s+4s+1s chase clockwise 1/2 way ending on own sides (2s stand for 8 bars). 1 4 3 2
25-28 1s & 2s cross RH while 3s & 4s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s also 4s+2s change places on sides LH,
29-32 3s & 4s cross RH while 1s & 2s dance 1/2 RH across, 3s+2s also 1s+4s change places on sides LH (Bars 25-32: 1/2 "Trip to Bavaria" Figure)
COME WHAT MAY (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield RSCDS Bk 51
1- 8 1M+2L Adv+Ret. 1M+2L dance DoSiDo
9-16 1L+2M repeat bars 1-8
17-24 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up 19-20). 2s cross RH cast (1s step up 23-24)
25-32 1s+2s Adv+Ret. 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
THE COMEBACK JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Elaine Brunken Moments in Time
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s, then 1/2 Fig 8 round 3s. 1s finish in 2nd place own sides (2s step up bars 7-8)
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance RSh round partner, dance out to own sides & all chase clockwise 1/2 way round to (3) (1) (2)
17-24 1s dance RH across (1L+2s in 3rd place, 1M+3s in 1st place). 1s swap ends to dance LH across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s chase anticlockwise 1/2 way round, all dance round partner LSh & dance out to own sides 2 1 3
COMELY BANK (S8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 8 1M+2L turn 2H 1.1/4 times & change places passing partner RSh, cross back to own place LH
9-16 1L+2M pass RSh to face each other (1L facing up & 2M down) while partners dance down/up to diamond formation, 1s+2s set, dance RH across to end in line of 4 across with 1M & 2L on own sides facing partners
17-24 1s & 2s turn partners RH, middle couple pass RSh & turn other person (Men LH & Ladies RH), middle couple pass LSh to face own partner
25-32 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across & end 1s turning 2s on sides to end 2 1
THE COMELY LASS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 3
1- 4 1s turn RH & cast 1 place
5-16 2s+1s+3s cross RH, 1s change places LH on sides with 1st corners while 2nd corners set, repeat twice to end (3)(1)(2)
17-24 1s cross RH, dance round 3rd corners pstns RSh into centre & turn LH 1.1/2 times
25-32 1s dance RH across (Lady with 3s at top & Man with 2s), 3M followed by 3L+1L chase cl'wise 1/2 way while 2L followed by 2M+1M chase 1/2 way
COMING THROUGH THE RYE (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Carolyn Hunt San Francisco Coll 2
1- 8 1M dances 1/2 LSh reel of 3 with 2s. 1M dances RSh 1/2 reel with 3s while 1L dances RSh 1/2 reel with 2s
9-16 1L dances LSh 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s ending below 3s on Men's side while 1M casts up Ladies' side to top & crosses to own side, 1s cast round 2M/3M into middle BtoB (Man facing up)
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles (up/down), 1s ending with a petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
33-40 1s lead down between 3s & cast up to 2nd places, lead up between 2s & cast down to 2nd places
THE COMMITTEE MEETING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Dix Reel Friends 3
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down)
9-16 1s set & cast, cross RH & cast round 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) end between 2s/3s facing down/up in lines of 3 across, all Set+Link for 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round back
COMPANY AT THE MANOR (J4x32) 4C Set Barry Priddey Fairy Bridge Bk
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples
9-16 1s+4s set on sides, dance RH across 1/2 way & 1M followed by 4L dances down between 3s & casts up Men's side while 4M followed by 1L dances up between 2s & casts down Ladies' side (2) 1 (4) 3
17-24 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 on Men's side (LSh to 2L to start) while 4s in prom hold dance reel of 3 on Ladies' side (LSh to 3L to start)
25-28 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2M to start) while 4s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across with 3s (RSh to 3M to start).
29-32 1s dance down between 3s, separate & cast to 3rd place opposite side while 4s dance up between 2s (passing 1s RSh), separate & cast to 2nd places. 2 4 (1)(3)
THE COMPLEAT GARDENER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Irene Paterson RSCDS Graded Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s Dance Set & Rotate:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s cross RH & cast right, cross LH up/down & cast left to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE COMPLIMENT (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Roy Goldring 12 More Social Dances
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-16 1L+2L dance between partners, divide & dance back to places, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times as 2s turn LH 1.1/2 times
17-24 1M+2M dance between partners, divide & dance back to places, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times as 2s turn LH 1.1/2 times
25-32 1s+2s set, circle 4H round to left 1/2 way & turn partners 2H 1.1/2 times
COMPLIMENTS TO GLASGOW (S4x32) 4C Set John A Johnston Glasgow 100th Anniversary
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, 1s set cross back RH while 2s+3L also 3M+4s circle 3H round & back. 2L+3L+3M+4M release hands by the end of bar 8
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Set & Rotate
Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl & 3s in 4th place)`
2 1 4 3
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on own sides. On bar 24, 4M & 1M also 4L & 1L give Left hands in passing. 1M & 4L finish facing out
25-28 1L+4M turn 1.1/2 RH while 1M+4L dance anticlockwise 1/2 way round their partners to change places.
29-32 4s+1s set to partners, cross RH to own sides. 2 4 1 3
COMPLIMENTS TO JESSIE BAIN (S4x32) 4C set Jean Muir Banffshire Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; 1L+2M also 3L+4M change places RH, 1M+2L also 3M+4L change places LH
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s set & cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s+3s circle 4H round to left
25-32 1s dance down between 3s & out behind 4s to 4th place (3s+4s step up 27-28); all turn partners RH
COMPLIMENTS TO THE LAWSONS (S4x32) 4C John A Johnson Glasgow 85th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set & petronella-in-tandem. 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across once round
9-16 1L+2L & 1M+2M set & petronella-in-tandem as 3s+4s dance similar. All set, cross RH, 2M+4M+1L+3L pull back RSh ready for...
17-24 Reels of 4 on sides. Bars 23-24 1s+4s do not pass LSh instead 1s 1/2 turn 4s 2H. All face in
25-28 1s+4s circle 4H round to Left
29-32 1s+4s Set+Link End 2 4 1 3
1- 4 1s petronella into centre, 1s face each other give RH & dance down for 2 steps while 2s+3s face each other on sides give RH & dance up 2 steps
5- 8 All turn facing person RH, 2s+3s dance back to places as 1s cast on own sides to original places
9-16 All dance Grand Chain
17-24 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way, all set & cross RH. (2) (3) 1
25-28 1s dance down 1 step & cast up 1 place (on opp sides) & lead up between 2s & cast to 2nd place while 3s lead down between 1s & 1/2 turn RH. 2 (1) (3)
29-32 1s+3s circle 4H round 1/2 way to end 2 3 1
CONFEDERATION SQUARE (R1x88) Sq.Set Gene A MacKinnon Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 8 1M+4L & 3M+2L dance 1/2 R&L. 1L+2M & 3L+4M dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 All turn partners RH & turn corners LH to face partners
17-24 1s+3s set to partners, petronella turn into line up/down set, Ladies BtoB facing partners. 1s+3s turn partners RH remaining in line in middle
25-32 2s+4s repeat bars 17-24 into line across set (couples are now in a cross-shaped figure)
33-40 All set to partners & change places RH, all set to partners & change places LH. Ladies face in
41-48 Ladies dance RH across & LH back to face partners while Men dance anticlockwise round set through each place (straight line paths) back to places
49-52 Men dance behind partners LSh, dance in front of next lady in clockwise direction to end in corner positions (1M between 2nd+3rd place, 3M between 4th+1st place) while Ladies Adv+Ret
53-56 Ladies dance out, cast to Left (round Man to Left) then diagonally across to face partner (Ladies BtoB) while Men Adv+Ret
57-64 Ladies dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting, end facing partner while Men set, dance 1 place clockwise to next corner, set to next Lady, repeat until meet own partners. (Men dance behind Ladies)
65-76 Interlocking reels of 4 on diagonals, passing partner RSh & LH across 1/2 way in middle
77-80 All take promenade hold with partners facing clockwise (Ladies on inside) & promenade 1/2 way round
81-88 All circle 8H round and back to original places
CONICAL CHRONICLES (R32) 1C plus 4 traffic cones Katherine and Andrew Uren, 2020
Devised for "social distancing" dancers - 1 couple with traffic cones representing 2nd & 3rd couple
1- 8 1s set, cast & dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
9-16 1s dance Figs 8 on opp sides (1s dance in/down to start)
17-24 1s cross LH, cast down round 3s; 1s meet NHJ & dance up to top & cast round 2s to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting ending with Petronella turn to 2nd place own side
If dance as R4x32: Bars 9-16 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)
CONNAUGHT LADIES (S4x32) 4C set Phil Campbell Ottowa 25 Dances for 25 Years
1- 8 All dance Snowball Grand Chain for 4 couples:- 1s cross RH, 1s+2s change places LH on sides, 2s cross RH as 1s+3s change places RH on sides, 2s+1s also 3s+4s change places LH on sides to end 3(2)4(1)
9-16 All dance LSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 3s+2s also 4s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 3s+2s also 4s+1s dance RH across; 2s cross up RH to 1st place while 1s cross RH & 3s step down to 2nd place & 4s set. All set. 2 3 4 1
CONNIE'S JIG (J8x48) 3C (4C set) S Goulden RSCDS Bk 41
1- 8 1s set advancing & 1/2 turn 2H, 1s cast 1 place & turn RH to prom hold facing 2L
9-16 1s dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2L to start) & end facing 3L
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 with 3s (LSh to 3L to start) & end BtoB facing own sides
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles
33-40 1s dance LH across (Man with 2s & Lady with 3s), pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple
41-48 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CONOR'S CATTLE GRID (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) 4C Set Alasdair Brown Eglinton Collection
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link. 2 1 4 3
5- 8 1s+4s Set+Link. 2 4 1 3
9-12 2s dance down & cast back round 4s while 3s lead up LH, cross & cast round 1s. (2M & 3L also 2L & 3M dance NHJ out through the sides)
13-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig 8. (2s & 3s begin by crossing as 4s & 1s dance up/down the side. 4s & 1s do not loop into place at the end)
17-20 2s cross down LH & cast up round 4 while 3s dance up & cast round 1s without crossing. (2L & 3L dance NHJ out through sides)
21-24 All 1/2 RH turn, remain in middle, cast pulling back RSh out to sides
25-28 All chase 1/2 way clockwise to finish 3 (1) (4) 2
29-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across flowing into 1L & 4L, also 1M & 4M dancing 1/2 RH turn to finish in sides 3 1 4 2
CONSTANT COMPANIONS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Charles Snowden Madison SCD
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & up to top
9-16 1s cast 1 place, set, turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 3L in prom hold
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 3 with 1st corners, face 2L for 1/2 reel with 2nd corners & loop individually into 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 3s+1s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 way, all set advancing & turn partner 2H
CONSUMPTION DYKE (S4x40) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 All set, 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s dance down the middle & cast back to places
9-16 All set, 1M & 4L 3/4 turn RH & cast up/down back to places while 1L & 4M cast down/up to ends & turn 3/4 RH to places
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on own sides
25-32 1L also 4M followed by partner cast in 1 place & cross to opposite sides, 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
33-40 All circle 8H round & back. 2 4 1 3
CONTRA TEMP REEL (R8x48) 2C (4C set) Martin Campbell-Colquhoun
1s+2s also 3s+4s start
1- 8 1s/3s dance Fig 8 down round 2s/4s
9-16 All couples dance DoSiDo (pass RSh to start); All couples turn partner RH
17-24 2s/4s dance Fig 8 up round 1s/3s
25-32 All couples dance DoSiDo (pass LSh to start); All couples turn partner LH
33-40 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & LH across back to place
41-48 1s/3s cast 1 place (2s/4s step up); All couples turn RH or swing
Repeat with just middles couples dancing, repeat again with top 2 couples & bottom 2 couples dancing and so on
Deviser variation: (Reel 4x48) 1s+2s dance bars 1-40 as above. Bars 41-48: 1s cross RH, cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up; All couples swing.
THE CONTRAFLOW (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1M+2L set & change places RH also 3L+4M set & change places LH, 1s+2s dance RH across while 3s+4s dance LH across
9-16 1L+2M set & change places LH also 3M+4L set & change places RH, 2s+1s dance LH across while 4s+3s dance RH across
17-24 All set & cross RH, 1s followed by 4s dance up between 2s & cast to 3rd/2nd places. 2 4 1 3
25-32 4s & 1s dance Figs of 8 round end couples
CONUNDRUM (S4x32) 4C Set B Burnell Leeds Anniversary Bk
1- 8 All set, turn 2H & 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round left
9-16 All circle 8H round & back
17-24 All set twice, turn 2H (1s+2s twice, 3s+4s 1.1/2 times)
25-32 All dance 2 couple Interlocking Allemandes:-
1s & 2s dance normal Allemande but end in 3rd/1st places while 3s+4s Allemande (down) ending in 4th/2nd places then 1s & 3s cross passing RSh to own side to end 2 4 1 3
COOL AS A CUCUMBER (J3x32) 3C set Priscilla Burrage Cross Country Capers
1- 8 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 3M+2L passing 3M by RSh to start ending in centre facing down
9-16 1s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 3L+2M passing 3L by LSh to start ending in centre facing down
17-24 1s dance down below 3s, cast up on own sides to 2nd place & dance RH across with2s
25-32 All set, 1s cast to 3rd place & all turn partners RH
COOMA HIGHLAND REEL (R32) Round the Room
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 Centre dancer dance reel of 3 with person on right & opposite person
17-24 Centre dancers dance RH across & LH back with same persons
25-32 All Adv+Ret & pass through to next 3
THE COOPER CHILDREN (J8x40 in 10 bar phrases) 3C (4C set) Hugh Porteous Leeds Golden Coll
1-10 All dance 10 bar Snowball Chain:-
`1s cross RH & change places LH on side with 2s
`1s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross over RH
`1s cross LH while 2s & 3s change places LH.
`1s change places RH with 2s while 3s cross over RH. (3) 1 (2)
11-20 1s turn LH, 1s turn 3rd corners (pstns) RH, pass RSh,1s turn 4th corners (pstns) RH, pass RSh to face 1st corner (pstn)
21-24 1M dances RH across with 2s as 1L dances RH across with 3s
25-26 1s 1/2 turn LH
27-30 1M dances RH across with 3s as 1L dances RH across with 2s. 1s end 2nd place opposite sides.
31-38 1s cross RH & cast to right as 3s & 2s set & cross RH, 1s cross RH up/down centre & cast to 2nd places as 3s & 2s set on sides & change places RH
39-40 All set
THE COOPER'S WIFE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) George Will Bridge of Earn Coll
1- 8 1s & 2s dance Chain Progression :-
`1s+2s 3/4 turn RH, 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times as ptnrs chase cl'wise 1/2 way, 2s+1s turn RH to end on sides in order 2 1
9-16 1M casts up 1 place while 1L casts down 1 place, 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across giving LSh to 1st corners
THE COOPER'S WIFE (J8x40 in 10 Bar Phrases) 3C (4C set) John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 16
1-10 1s cast to 2nd place, dance full Fig of 8 round 2s & end facing 1st corners
11-20 1s 1/2 turn corners RH, corners turn LH 1.1/2 times in middle as 1s chase cl'wise to opp crnr & 1/2 turn crnr RH, 1s turn ptnr LH to face 2nd crnr
21-30 1s repeat with 2nd corners end facing 3rd corners (1st corner person)
31-40 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners, 1/2 diagonal reel with 4th corners & 1s turn LH to 2nd place own side
2nd time 1s end in 3rd place & cast to 4th place as new 1s start
Note: original instructions state that 2s step up bars 9-10. Commonly 2s step up bars 1-2
THE COPENHAGEN DRAGONS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gary Coull Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, 1s+3s dance 3/4 Double Fig 8 round 2s (1s cast, 3s cross up to start). 3s curve into 1st place to face down at end
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance Grand Chain (1s cross, 2s+3s change places RH on side to start)
17-24 1s dance up, change sides (1M dances above partner & Lady dances under Man's right arm), 1s dance down & cast up into 2nd place own side
25-32 1M+3s (at top) also 1L+2s dance LH across
All dance "Snake Pass":
1M followed by 3s & 1L followed by 2s pass RSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends, loop round to right & dance up/down sides, 1s end in 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
COPENHAGEN REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Christian R Petersen Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, pull back RSh & chase clockwise 1/2 round, cross RH & 1s face out
9-16 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M out/up, 1L out/down to start). 1s end join LH with partner in centre, RH with 1st corner
17-24 1s+1st corners Bal-in-Line, 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to join RH with 2nd corner; Bal-in-Line with 2nd corners
25-32 1M+2s & 1L+3s dance LSh reels of 3 across (6 bars), 1s cross RH to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
1- 8 All dance reels of 4 on the sides
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s set, cast; 1s+3s circle 4H to the left
25-32 1s set, lead up to 1st place, cast to 4th place
33-40 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance R&L
COPY CAT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue McKinnell Cat Coll 2 - Ajax's Book
1-8 1L crosses passing 1M LSh while 1M sets pulling back LSh; 1L followed by 1M cast one place (2s step up 3-4); 1s+3s dance RH across. 1s end in centre facing up, 2s dance in on bar 8 ready for …
9-16 2s+1s dance allemande
17-24 1M crosses passing 1L RSh while 1L sets pulling back RSh; 1M followed by 1L cast one place (2s step up 19-20); 1s+3s dance LH across
25-32 RSh reels of three on the sides, 1s pass 2s RSh to start. End 2 1 3
COPYCAT FANTASIA (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s set, 1s cast below 3s while 2s set, 1s dance in to prom hold while 2s cast & 3s set, 1s dance up to top while 2s dance in & 3s cast
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s cast while 2s dance to top, 1s cross between 3s while 2s cast, 1s cast to top while 2s cross between 3s, 1s cross while 2s cast up
25-32 2s dance to top & cross while 1s cast to 2nd place, 2s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way & chase (slowly) round to 2 1 3
COPYCAT FUGUE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s set, cross down to below 3rd place, cast up to 2nd place & lead up to 1st place (opposite sides) while 2s stand for 2 bars, set, cross down to below 3rd place & cast up to 2nd place while 3s stand for 4 bars, set, cross RH. End 1 2 3 on opp sides
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down & 2s in & up to start)
17-24 1s cast down 1 place while 2s dance in & up, 1s cross up while 2s cast 1 place, 1s cast to 2nd place (own side) while 2s 1/2 turn RH moving up to 1st places, 2s turn RH while 1s+3s turn RH on sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain for 6 bars (until back in order 1 2 3 on own sides), 1s+2s change places RH on sides. 2 1 3
COPYCAT PRELUDE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1L sets then 1M sets as 1L casts, 1M casts as 1L crosses up to start 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2M & 1L completes 1/2 Fig as 1M starts 1/2 Fig round 2L
9-12 1M completes 1/2 Fig of 8 as 1L starts 1/2 Fig round 3L, 1L completes 1/2 Fig of 8 as 1M starts 1/2 Fig round 3M
13-16 1M completes 1/2 Fig of 8 as 1L dances up between 2s & petronella turns to face down, 1L sets as 1M petronella turns between 3s to face up
17-24 1s turn to right & dance RSh reels of 3 across to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance LH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) to end in 2nd place own sides
CORBETS STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Pauline Taylor Imperial 4
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L & dance 1/2 LSh reels of 4 on sides ending with 1s+4s turning RH on sides into line of 4 across (1L+4M BtoB)
9-16 1M+4M also 1L+4L set & turn RH to end on sides (3 4 1 2) & circle 8H round to left 1/2 way
17-24 All set, 1s & 3s cast up while 2s & 4s dance down 1 place & 1s dance down to 4th place
25-32 All turn RH, 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance RH across
THE CORIAN STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C Set Maurice Whitby RSCDS Bk 43
1- 8 1M+2L turn RH 1.1/2 times while partners dance round anticlockwise 1/2 way, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s. (2) 1 3
9-16 1L+3M turn LH 1.1/2 times while partners dance round clockwise 1/2 way, 3s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s. (2) 3 (1)
17-24 2s+3s+1s set & 3s petronella turn to 3L between 2s facing down & 3M between 1s facing up, all Set+Link for 3 once. 2 3 1
25-32 3s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 1s), 3s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couples to end. 2 3 1
CORK HORNPIPE (R8x32) 2C (4C set) John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 2
1- 8 2s followed by 1s lead down; 1s followed by 2s lead up, remaining in middle 2H joined ready for …
9-16 1s+2s dance 6 bars of Poussette, Bar 14: 2s+1s 1/4 turn 2H into line up/down middle then turn partner RH once round. 2 1 with Ladies facing down, Men up
17-24 2s+1s dance reel of 4 up/down centre ending in centre facing own side, all joining NH
25-32 2s+1s Bal-in-Line & 1/2 turn partner RH; 2s+1s Bal-in-Line & turn 3/4 RH to own sides
CORN RIGS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 4
1- 8 1s cast down own sides, turn inwards dance back to top
9-16 1s dance full Fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
CORNER AFTER CORNER AFTER CORNER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 3rd corners
9-16 1s dance Pass+Turn with 3rd corners & pass RSh to face 4th corners, dance Pass+Turn with 4th corners & pass RSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (LSh to 1st corner to start) & cross RH to 2nd place own sides
CORNER CAPERS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sheaf Bk of SCD
1- 8 1s+2s cross (no hands) into RH across 1/2 way, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners while 2s turn RH to 1st place own side
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end facing 3rd corner
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4, pass RSh & dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 4th corners
25-32 1s dance diag R&L
THE CORNER HOUSE JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 3
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady round 2s & Man round 3s) to end facing 1st corners
9-24 1s dance 4 x 1/2 reels with corners (as Mairi's Wedding) while standing corners in each 1/2 reel chase round clockwise to opposite corner
25-32 1s pass LSh to dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s), pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple & 1s end in 2nd places own sides
CORNERS OF EDINBURGH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Grant Edinburgh 90th Anniv
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), turn 1.3/4 LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to & turn corners (Edinburgh style – skip change). 1s finish facing partner's 1st corner (3rd corners)
17-24 Repeat 9-16 with partner's corners (3rd & 4th corners). Finish passing partner LSh to face own 2nd corners
25-32 1s + 2nd corners dance reel of 4, 1s finishing in 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s dance double diagonal (interlocking) reels of 4, LH across in middle (similar to Angus MacLeod)
THE CORNET'S CHASE (J4x40) 4C set John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 3
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place, set & 1/2 turn partner RH into prom hold (1s facing up & 2s down)
9-16 1s & 4s dance reels of 3 across giving RSh to corner & end with 1s on Men's side & 2s on Ladies' side
17-24 1s+4s dance LH across 1.1/4 times & face corner person. 1s turn corners RH (2bars) & 1s+4s turn LH on sides (2 bars)
25-32 All dance reels of 4 on sides. 1L & 4L end facing out
33-40 4L & 1L followed by partner cast & dance down/up centre, Ladies right about turn (BtoB) to face & 3/4 turn partner RH to end 2 4(1)(3)
THE CORNET'S LASS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Jackie Johnstone Loreburn Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s dance 3/4 R&L, 1s & 3s change places LH on side
9-16 1s cross RH, cast up 1 place & meet in middle, 1/2 turn LH & lead up to top casting to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners, set to 3rd corners & set to 4th corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opp sides (LSh to 1st corner to start), Bars 31-32: 1s cross to 2nd place own side
CORNISH HOSPITALITY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Marilyn Watson, 2005
1- 8 1s slip step down middle & lead up to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1s+1st corners dance Corner Pass+Turn; 1s pass RSh, 1s+2nd corners dance Corner Pass+Turn. 1s end 2nd place opp side
17-24 1s set advancing, pulling back RSh, 1M faces up, 1L down, 1s dance Crown Triangles end 1L facing up, 1M down in centre
25-32 6 bar reels of 3 across, 1s pass 1st corners LSh to start. Bars 31-32: all set
THE CORONA DANCE (J32) Circle Jette Rossen, 2020
Even number of dancers "A" & "B" (all socially distanced) facing anticlockwise
1- 8 All Adv+Ret twice
9-16 All individually dance small clockwise circle in place; All individually dance small anticlockwise circle in place. All face anticlockwise
17-20 All slip step left (2 bars) & right (2 bars)
21-24 Dancer "A" pulls back LSh & casts (long) to place vacated by adjacent "A" dancer to face clockwise while "B" dancers set, pullback RSh to face clockwise
25-32 All chase clockwise (4 bars), turn & clap & chase back anticlockwise
Note: 2nd time through Bars 21-24: "A" dancers set, while"B" dancers cast
CORONA VIRUS REEL (R3x32) 3C set Bob Messner, 2020
No hands are given throughout
1- 8 1s+3s dance double Fig 8 round 2s (1s cross down, 3s cast up)
9-16 1s+2s+3s circle round & back
17-24 Grand Chain, 1s cross passing RSh, 2s+3s change places on sides to start
25-32 1s lead down & back up into 3rd place (2s+3s step up 31-32)
CORONADANCE (R4x48) Sq.Set Maria Elena Bonacini Pandemic Set Of Dances
1- 8 All Set+Link twice
9-16 1M followed by 1L chase to 2nd place, Bar 11: 2s chase to 3rd place & 1s dance into 2nd place & so on to finish all couples progressed & all Men end back to back in the centre facing Lady. 1M+2M+3M dance in on bar 16, 4M loops in from 1L place
17-22 All men dance 6 bars of Crown Triangles (no hands) while Ladies set, Petronella turn to the Right & set
23-24 All Petronella turn to change places with facing person to end Ladies back to back inside the set
25-30 Repeat bars 17-22
31-32 All petronella to the right to end on sides in order 3 4 1 2. 1s stay in the centre
33-40 1s dance all Round Poussette
41-48 All circle no hands to Left, pivot & circle back giving hands 4 1 2 3
1- 8 1s cast to bottom followed by 2s+3s+4s (who dance up to start); 1s make arch, 2s+3s+4s dance up under arch. 2 3 4 1
9-16 2s make arch, 1s dance up under arch & cast back to 4th place
17-24 3s+4s (middle couples) circle 4H round & back, finishing turning inwards, 3s face up, 4s face down
25-32 3s & 4s dance out of ends & cast back to same place; All turn RH (or birl). 2 3 4 1
CORRIEVRECHAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Priddey Sutton Coldfield Bk
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s into 2nd place opp sides (assume the 3 couples are in a circle for next 16 bars)
9-16 All 3 Men dance in front Lady on right, behind next Lady, in front of next Lady & behind next Lady (1M in 1st pl Men's side)
17-24 All 3 ladies dance in front Man on right, behind next Man, in front of next Man & behind next Man (1L in 3rd pl Ladies' side)
25-32 1M+3s (opp) also 1L+2s (opp) dance LH across 1.1/2 times to end (3)(1)(2) & all chase anticlockwise to own sides in order 2 1 3
CORRIEVRECKAN (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Arthur C Boswell Carnforth Coll 3
1- 8 All set to partners, Men dance anticlockwise in front of partner & next Lady, behind opposite Lady to face the next Lady & turn 2H
9-16 All set to 'new' partners & Ladies dance clockwise in front of 'new' partner & next Man, behind opposite Man to face the next Man & turn 2H
17-32 Repeat bars 1-16 to end in opposite places with original partner
33-40 All dance a double Men's Chain
41-48 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L
49-56 All dance Ladies' Chain
57-64 All dance Grand Chain starting with giving RH to corners
1-64 Repeat bars 1-56 & circle 8H round & back
CORRYVRECKAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Malcolm W Frost Silver Thistle Coll
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across; 1L followed by1M casts 1 place, Lady crossing to opposite side & facing out while 2s retain RH & turn moving up to top place own side
9-16 1s+3s dance LH across: 1L followed by 1M casts down 1 place, Lady crossing to own side while 3s retain RH & turn moving up to 2nd place own side. 2 3 1
17-24 3s+1s Set+Link; 2s+1s Set+Link
25-32 1s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across; 2s+1s turn RH 1.1/2 times as 3s turn once round. 2 1 3
CORSTORPHINE FAIR (J4x40) 4C set M Hunter
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s cast to bottom, cross & dance up on opposite sides
17-24 All (facing up) slip step sideways into centre (Ladies pass in front of Men), advance with partner & retire, slip step sideways back
25-32 1L crosses diagonally RH with 2M, LH with 3L, RH with 4M, all clap & turn on spot
33-40 1M crosses diagonally LH with 2L, RH with 3M, LH with 4L, all clap & turn on spot
CORSTORPHINE PARK (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Angela Bulteel SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s & 3s casting to start) & ending with 1s continuing reel to end in 2nd place
9-16 1s petronella turn to right 3 times (end Man between 2s & Lady between 3s) & full turn partners RH
17-24 1M circles 3H round to left with 2L+3L as 1L circles with 2M+3M, 1s dance LH across with same couple to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set & turn 1st corners 2H, set & turn 2nd corners RH & cross LH to 2nd places own sides
CORSTORPHINE ROAD (S4x32) 4C set Sue Petyt Tartan Rainbow
1- 8 All dance a large Fig of 8:- 3L followed by 4s+3M cross up to 2M place (persons dancing up have priority) & loop round to right as 2L followed by 1s+2M cross down to 3M place & loop round to left, repeat from new places back to original places
9-16 1s+2s turn RH on sides while 3s+4s turn LH, 1L followed by 2L+3L+4L dance down middle while 4M followed by 3M+2M+1M dance up middle to face partner
17-24 4s+3s also 2s+1s circle left right round in 3 bars & dance out to sides, 4s & 2s turn RH, 4s lead down to 3rd place while 2s cast to top
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (2s & 4s cross down)
COSMOS IN THE HIGHLANDS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Irene van Maarseveen Many Happy Hours: Pretoria 35th
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn 1.1/2 LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+1st corners dance diag RSh reel of 4. 1s end in centre LSh to LSh (1M facing down, 1L facing up)
17-24 1M+2M+3M also 1L+2L+3L dance RH across, 1s pass RSh; 1M+2L+3L also 1L+2M+3M dance LH across. End 1s join RH with partner, LH with 2nd corner
25-32 1s+2nd corners Bal-in-Line twice; 1s turn 1/4 RH, dance out of ends casting round 4th corner (1M down, 1L up) to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
COULTER'S CANDY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) B Skelton Stepping Stones
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back
9-16 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to Lady between 2s & Man between 3s facing up
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s turn RH 1.1/4 times to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on opposite sides (2s out/up, 3s in/up to start)
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on own sides
17-24 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across; set and dance 1/2 LH across back to places
25-32 1s cast to 3rd place (2s & 3s step up 27-28); 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round to left
33-40 1s lead up to top, cast to 2nd place (3s step down), 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left
THE COUNTESS OF DUNMORE'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Deidre MacCuish RSCDS Bk 49
1- 8 1s set, dance down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place & set advancing to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh, turn 2nd corners RH, pass RSh to 2nd place own side facing out (corners dance 4 bars)
17-24 Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression: -
17-18 1M casts up, 1L casts down as 2s+3s turn 3/4 RH into line up/down set
19-22 1M+2L & 1L+3M, in prom hold dance clockwise to opp end of line as 2M+3L (in middle) turn 1.1/2 LH
23-24 1s dance clockwise to 2nd place own side as 3s+2s turn partners 3/4 RH to own sides. All face clockwise 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance clockwise 1/2 round set. All set, cross RH to own sides. 2 1 3
THE COUNTESS OF ELGIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Janet Johnston RSCDS Dunfermline 90th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across once round, 1M+2M & 1L+2L 1/2 turn RH to change places. 1M & 2L face out
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance LSh reels of 3 on sides (1s+3s pass LSh). 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners, pull back RSh to finish in 2nd place opp sides. 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (Bar 22: 1s 1/2 turn 2H & Retire to own sides)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back. 2 1 3
1- 8 1L+2M change places RH, 2L+1M change places RH, 2s+1s turn RH on sides
9-16 Repeat with 1s ending facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn RH into prom hold
33-40 2s+1s+3s Promenade
1- 8 1s cast to 3rd place, set, cast up to top & set
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners
25-32 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
COUPLES MEET (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) J Emery Delaware Valley Silver
1- 8 1L followed by partner casts below 3s, 1s lead up to top & cross to original places
9-16 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
17-24 1s dance reels on own sides (RSh to 2s to start)
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, circle 6H round to left 1/2 way & chase clockwise 1/2 way back to places
THE COURAGE REEL (R8x48) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole: -
`1-2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`3-4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`5-8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-32 Dance to Corners & Set: (24 bars):
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 11 more times until 1s face 1st corners again
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides passing 1st corner LSh to start & cross to 2nd place own side
41-48 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
COURTNEY JANE (J3x32) 3C set A Henry
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides. 2 1 3
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across, 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way. (3)(1)(2)
17-24 3L & 2M change places RH then 3M & 2L change places LH, 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down 1 place & all set 2 3 1
25-32 All circle 6H round & back
THE COURTSHIP (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Amanda Peart Sunday Class Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance "Inveran Reels"
9-16 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up) to face 2nd corners; 1s dance RSh around corner positions back into centre while 2nd corners dance around each other RSh & back to places
17-24 1s dance around each other RSh to face 1st corners; 1s dance RSh around corner positions back into centre while 1st corners dance around each other RSh & back to places. 1s turn RH into prom hold facing 1M place
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Men's side (1s+2M pass RSh). 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on Ladies' side (1s+3L pass RSh). 1s end in centre facing up, 2s+3s dance in ready for...
33-40 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
COUSIN JIM (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Angus Fitchet Album
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, lead down below 3s & cast back to 2nd place facing 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting
17-24 1s dance out on opposite side & dance Figs of 8 on sides casting round 2nd corners to start while 2s+3s dance R&L
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 2nd corners to start (6 bars), 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides
COUTERALLER'S RANT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Castle Menzies RSCDS Bk 34
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s set advancing & set again holding RH turning Lady under her right arm, repeat holding LH with Man turning under his left arm
17-24 1s dance down for 1 bar & back, cast 1 place, cross down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides
25-32 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides dancing in & up to start, 1s cross RH to 2nd places
COVALENCE (S4x32) 4C set Tim Conrow
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way. 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (2s & 4s cross down to start)
9-16 All dance reflection 'Cross-Over' reels of 4 (Men's side RSh & Ladies' side LSh, each couple crosses in centre of set, Lady in front of partner, when dancing up (crossing order 3 4 2 1). All end on opp sides (2) (1) (4) (3)
17-24 Top 3 couples (2s+1s+4s) dance 1/2 reels of 3 (1s out & up to start). 4s+1s also 2s+3s change places on sides (Men LH & Ladies RH) & set to person just passed. (1)(4)(3)(2)
25-32 All dance RSh 'Cross-Over' reels of 4, each dancer leaving top position Ladies' side & bottom position Man's side dance 1/2 RSh round each other quickly in centre of set to change places & join reel on own side. End 2 3 4 1 on own sides
THE COVENANTER'S REEL (R4x32) 4C set A Taylor SCD Archives
1- 8 All advance 2 steps & retire, 1s & 4s turn RH 1.1/2 times to form square set
9-16 1s+4s advance 2 steps & retire, 1M+4M also 1L+4L turn RH 1.1/2 times to face corners
17-24 All set & change places with corners 2H, 2s+3s dance RH across once round
25-32 1s & 4s set to partners & change places RH, 2s+3s advance, turn to face top & dance into 1st & 2nd places longwise formation
COVID LOCKDOWN STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Samuele Graziani, 2020
1- 4 1s "Covid Turn": 1/2 turn 2H, pull back LSh to face partner, 1/2 turn 2H, pull back LSh dancing out to own side
5- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left 1 step, pull back LSh to face partner, 1s+2s circle 4H round to left 1 step, pull back LSh to end on opp sides (2) (1)
9-10 1s+2s set to diagonally opp dancer, pull back LSh to face out
11-12 All set (2M on Ladies' side, 1M across bottom, 1L on Men's side, 2L across top), pulol back LSh to face anticlockwise
13-14 All Adv+Ret (1 step each), pull back LSh to face clockwise
15-16 All Adv+Ret (1 step each), pull back LSh to finish on opp sides (2) (1)
17-20 All Petronella turn 1 place to right, repeat to end facing diagonally in. 1 2
21-24 All set, all Adv 1 step, pull back RSh & dance out to place
25-32 All circle 4H 1/2 round to left (2 bars), dance 1/2 RH across ( 2 bars); all 1/2 turn partner RH (2 bars) & circle 4H 1/2 round to end on own sides. 2 1
COVID-19 REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alison Mitchell Pandemic Set Of Dances
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-20 1M Adv+Ret while 1L sets & casts (2L steps up 19-20)
21-24 1L Adv+Ret while 1M sets & casts (2M steps up 23-24)
25-28 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1M up round 2s, 1L down round 3s)
29-32 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1M down round 3s, 1L up round 2s)
THE COWBURN RANT (R4x32) 4C set Columcille
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast to bottom (2s+3s+4s step up), 4s+1s change places on sides (1s between 4s)
9-16 1s+4s circle 4H round & back
17-24 1s cross up to top & cast to 4th place own sides
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
CRABBIT SHONA (J6x32) 2C (3C set) Rebecca Sager
1- 8 1s cast behind own lines, turn outward & dance back up to place
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s+2s dance LH across
17-24 1s lead down (3 bars), lead up (3 bars) & cast to 2nd place own sides (2s step up 23-24)
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE CRADLE SONG (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Canadian Bk
1- 8 1s+2s petronella into centre & set, 3/4 turn partner RH & dance RH across 1/2 way (2s & 1s have changed places)
9-16 2L followed by 2M also 3M followed by 3L chase clock-wise 1/2 way to change places, 3s+1s+2s turn partners (1s LH & 3s & 2s RH)
17-24 3s+1s+2s turn ptnrs (other hand), 1L+3M also 1M+2L (nearer hands joined facing out) turn clockwise to place 3M/2L into 3rd/1st pstns (opp sides) while 3L & 2M cross over to own sides, 1s set while 2s+3s chase (round 1s) clock-wise 1 place to end 2 1 3 (on own sides)
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, circle 6H round to left & spiral out to places
THE CRADLE SONG (S4x32) 4C set Alec Hay 20 SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s pass RSh on sides, 2s and 3s cross RH while 1s+4s dance LSh round each other on sides, repeat to end 1 2 3 4 on opp sides
9-16 Repeat from new positions to 1 2 3 4 own sides
17-24 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, all set and cross RH. 2143
25-32 1L and 3M followed by partners cast and dance 3/4 Fig of 8 round 4s (pass LSh between 4s) to end 2 3 4 1
CRAIGARD (R128) Sq.Set Pauline Taylor Imperial 4
Fig 1
1- 8 All petronella turn to face partner (Ladies BtoB in centre), set & turn RH
9-16 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4 (pass partner RSh to start) while 2L & 4L dance round their partners RSh, all Ladies chase 1 place anticlockwise to face next Man (Ladies BtoB in centre), 1L+3L dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 4M+2M while 2L & 4L dance round 'new' partner RSh, all Ladies chase 1 place anticlockwise to end facing own partners (Ladies BtoB)
17-24 All set to partner twice & turn RH to end facing partner in diagonal lines (1s with 2s & 3s with 4s & Ladies in centre of each line)
25-32 All dance diagonal RSh reels of 4
Fig 2
33-40 All turn partner RH & Promenade anticlockwise to end in longways set in order 1 2 3 4
41-48 End couples (1s & 4s) set, cross RH, change places LH on sides with next person & set to partners
49-56 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s+3s on own sides to end 2 4 1 3
57-64 4s+1s dance LH across, 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across
65-72 All Promenade anticlockwise to end in longwise set across with 2s leading to their original place followed by 4s+1s+3s (all Men face down)
73-96 Repeat bars 41-64 (2s & 3s as main dancers) & ending in the same diagonal lines as at bar 24
Fig 3
97-104 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance diagonal RSh reels of 4
105-112 All set twice to partner & turn RH to end in square set with Ladies BtoB in centre facing partner
113-120 Repeat bars 9-16: - 1s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 4 (pass partner RSh to start) while 2L & 4L dance round their partners RSh, all Ladies chase 1 place anticlockwise to face next Man (Ladies BtoB in centre), 1L+3L dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 4M+2M while 2L & 4L dance round 'new' partner RSh, all Ladies chase 1 place anticlockwise to end facing own partners (Ladies BtoB)
121-128 All Petronella turn & set to partner, turn RH 1.1/4 times to end with Ladies in centre for bow/curtsey
CRAIGELLACHIE BRIDGE (S4x32) 4C set Grampian Coll
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s cross over (Men dance under arch made by Ladies), cross back (Ladies under arch made by Men), 1s & 4s lead out of ends & back as 2s+3s dance RH across & end with 2s dancing under arch made by 3s
9-16 1s+3s also 2s+4s circle 4H round to right & end with couples changing places (3s & 4s making arches), end couples lead out of ends & back as 1s+4s dance RH across & end with 1s dancing under arch made by 4s
17-24 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain (all changing places on the side to start), all Adv+Ret & turn 2H
25-32 2s+1s also 4s+3s circle 4H round to left 1/2 way, 1s cast 1 place, cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast to bottom
CRAIGELLACHIE LASSES (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 88
1- 8 1M+2L turn RH 1.1/4 times, dance out behind partner (RSh) & cross LH back to places
9-16 1L+2M turn LH 1.1/4 times, dance out behind partner (LSh) & cross RH back to places
17-24 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across, change places RH on sides & dance 1/2 RH across
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
CRAIGENDORAN (S3x32) 3C Set John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 8 1s cast, turn 2H to make an arch facing 2L & dance into 1L place as 2L dances under arch, 1s turn 2H to face 2L+3M who have turned 2H to face them (Ladies on Men's left)
9-16 2L+3M make an arch & change places with 1s, both couples turn 2H to face across (to 2M/3L), dancing couples make arches & change places with 2M/3L, 2M+3L meet in centre & all 3 couples turn 2H into prom hold
17-24 All 3 couples dance a diagonal reel of 3 in prom hold & end all facing up
25-32 All 3 couples Promenade & end 3M casting to 2nd place as 2M dances up to top place. 2 3 1
CRAIGIEVAR (S4x32) 4C set Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 1
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 2s & 3s petronella turn as 1s & 4s cast in 1 place, all set in 2 diamond formations; 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across (1s+4s return to original places as 2s+3s end BtoB facing out)
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Figs of 8 starting with 1s & 4s dancing between 2s & 3s, 2s & 3s 1/2 turn RH to face each other (L on Man's R)
17-24 2s+3s set & pass opp couple LSh to change places, 1s+3s also 2s+4s circle 4H round to left & turn partner 2H to face nearer end
25-32 1s+3s dance Allemande up as 2s+4s dance Allemande down to end 3 1 (4) (2)
CRAIGIEVAR MAGIC (R40) Round the Room Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 4
Round the Room Dance 2 couples facing 2 couples
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 All dance RH across with opposite couple & LH back
17-24 All dance 1/2 R&L with opposite couple, middle couples dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4
33-40 All with new partners Adv+Ret for 2 steps & dance on (under/over) to new line
Devisers note: Repeat 3 more times (Hoping the magic works - back with original partner) P.S. If one person goes wrong, the magic doesn't work!!
THE CRAIGIEVAR REEL (R4x40) 4C set Gwen McLean SCD Archives
1- 8 1s also 3s passing RSh dance diagonal reel of 3 with 2L/4L
9-16 1s also 3s passing LSh dance diagonal reels of 3 with 2M/4M
17-24 1s & 3s lead down the middle & turn partners RH into 2nd/4th places (own sides), 2s & 4s dance DoSiDo
25-32 2L+1M also 4L+3M change places RH, 2M+1L also 4M+3L change pl RH, 1s turn 2H while 2s+3s+4s advance & turn partners 2H 1/2 way
33-40 1s (on opposite sides) dance between 2s giving nearer hand to 2s in passing, other hand to 3s, between 4s to 4th place & cross RH to own sides
CRAIGLEITH (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8 1s+3s dance R&L
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
17-32 2s+4s repeat bars 1-16
33-40 All Ladies Adv+Ret for 2 steps & dance RH across to places facing out
41-48 All Ladies dance clockwise round outside of set
49-56 All Men Adv+Ret for 2 steps & dance LH across to places facing out
57-64 All Men dance anticlockwise round set
65-72 1s+3s Promenade anticlockwise round inside of set & set facing in
73-80 2s+4s Promenade clockwise round inside of set & set facing in
81-88 All circle 8H round & back
CRAIGMIN BRIG (J4x40) 4C set Bill Forbes Craigievar Bk 3
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place (2s & 3s step down/up); 2s+1s & 4s+3s dance RH across 1s & 4s end in centre - 1s facing down & 4s up
9-12 1s cast up as 4s cast down round nearest corner to end 1s between 2s facing down, 4s between 3s facing up
13-16 All set in lines across, 1s+4s Adv, 1M+4L & 4M+1L pass RSh into line across, Ladies BtoB in centre (1L facing 4M, 4L facing 1M)
17-24 1s+4s dance RSh reel of 4 across
25-28 1M+4L & 4M+1L turn 3/4 RH, retain hands & join LH with 2s & 3s to Bal-in-Line on sides. 2(1) 4 (3)
29-32 1M+4L & 4M+1L turn 1.1/2 RH on sides. 2 4 (1) (3)
33-40 All dance RSh reel of 4 on sides. 2 4 (1) (3)
CRAIGOWER (R5x32) 5C set Edward Hutchings Carswella Coll Vol 2
1- 8 1s & 3s set, dance down middle (2s & 4s step up 3-4), 1s & 3s cast up round 4s/5s to 2nd/4th place 2 1 4 3 5
9-12 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 Double Figs of 8 (1s & 3s crossing up to start) while 5s set & cross RH (2) (1) (4) (3) (5)
13-16 1s+4s also 3s+5s dance 1/2 Double Figs of 8 (1s & 3s crossing down to start) while 2s set & cross RH. 2 1 4 3 5
17-24 1s & 3s dance up between 2s/4s & cast down to 2nd/4th places; 1s+4s also 3s+5s set facing up/down on sides & change places 2H. 2 4 1 5 3
25-32 2s+4s also 5s+3s dance R&L while 1s set & cross RH then 1s set & cross back LH 2 4 1 5 3
CRAIL HARBOUR (S3x32) 3C set Arnold Grimes Tower Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH while 2s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way, & all set. 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across while 2s cross RH & all set
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides with 1s crossing up to dance 1/2 reel on opposite side & crossing down to dance 1/2 reel on own side
17-24 1s 3/4 turn LH, dance out ends & cast Left back to 2nd place, 1s change pl diag with person to right, centre cpl change pl diag with persons to Left
25-32 All chase clockwise to own sides (2 bars), cross RH (with partner), set & cross back. 3 1 2
CRAMOND BRIDGE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Valerie Farr London Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, cross LH & cast (Lady up, Man down), to meet in middle in prom hold facing 2nd Man
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners & 1/2 reel with 2nd corners, end in middle facing Ladies' side
17-24 1s lead out, cross & cast (Lady up, Man down) to meet in middle; 1s turn 1.1/4 RH in centre to face up (Lady on Man's right) as 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L round them
25-32 1s lead up & cast to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH
THE CRAMOND WEDDING (S3x32) 3C Set Roy Goldring 15 Social Dances
1- 2 1s cross down to 2nd place opp sides (no hands) - 1M faces out/down, 1L out/up while 2s dance up & face in
3- 8 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 (1s pass 1st corners RSh to start). 1s end facing 1st corners
9-12 1s set to 1st corners & turn 2H opening out into lines of 3 across (1L between 2s & 1M between 3s) 1s+corner NHJ make an arch
13-16 1s+2s+3s cross up/down 2L/3M dancing under arches made by 1s+corners, 1s turn 1st corners 2H onto sides 3 (1) 2
17-24 1s dance RH across (1M+3s at top & 1L+2s at bottom), 1L crosses up between 3s & casts to 2nd place own side as 1M crosses down between 2s & casts to place
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande ending with 1s casting to 3rd place as 3s dance up to 2nd place. 2 3 1
THE CRANBERRY TART (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Terry Glasspool 7 Year Itch
1- 8 1M sets & casts 1 place, sets & petronella turns between 3s facing up while 1L stands for 2 bars then sets, casts 1 place & sets
9-16 1M sets in line with 3s & all 3 Adv+Ret then 1M advances to partner while 1L petronella turns between 2s & sets in line with 2s then all 3 Adv+Ret, 1L pulling back RSh (bar 16) to face 2L
17-24 1L followed by partner dances tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (RSh to 2L) to end in 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 3s. 2 1 3
THE CRANNOG (R8x32) 4C Set Olivia Roberts Sydney Down Under
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance diagonally in, pull back RSh & dance out to next place round clockwise. (Now Ladies' side 1s & 3s, Men's side 2s & 4s), all set to partner
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 Repeat 1-8 to end (2) (1) (4) (3)
25-32 1s+4s dance 4 bars Espagnole; All set & cross RH with partner. 2 4 1 3
THE CRANNOG GATHERING (R32) Round the Room Anne M Smyth
Men with backs to centre facing partner
1- 8 All set & change places RH with partner, all set & change back RH into promenade hold (left hand on top) facing anticlockwise
9-12 All promenade for 2 steps & set facing partner (retain hold of hands) turning Lady under crossed arms to face clockwise still in prom hold
13-16 All repeat bars 9-12 but Men raise left ar, & Ladies pull back LSh to turn under arm. All end Men with back to centre facing partner
17-20 All dance DoSiDo (or advance & holding RH Lady turns under her arm & pulls back RSh to dance out to places, Men retire)
21-24 All holding LH Man dances LSh 3/4 round partner (Lady stands still) to her right & all join hands in a circle
25-32 All circle round & back & end with Men back to centre facing new partner ready to start again
CRATHES CASTLE (One For The Millennium) (S3x48) 3C Set T Willitt RSCDS Bk 44
1- 8 1s set, 1/2 turn RH to face down in prom hold, dance down below 3s, cross LH & cast up to 2nd place own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in & up to start & all giving hands where possible)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
25-32 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s), all chase clockwise 1/2 way to opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
33-40 1M+3s (at top) also 1L+2s circle 3H round to left & 1s end turning to face each other, 1s set, dance out thru 2nd pl opp sides up to top. (1)(3)(2)
41-48 1s+3s+2s Adv+Ret for 1 & Link for 3 & repeat to end 2 3 1
THE CRATHIE BELLMAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 1
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s end at top on opposite sides facing down & 3s facing up)
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain
17-24 1s+2s+3s Promenade, finishing with 1s casting to 2nd place own side, 2s dance up to 1st place
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across giving LSh to 1st corners
THE CRAVEN JIG (J4x32) 4C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 4
1- 8 1M followed by partner casts down Men's side, crosses over at bottom, dances up behind Ladies & 1M dances between 2L & 3L to face 2M while 1L dances between 3L & 4L to face 3M (2s+3s+4s step up bars 3-4)
9-16 1s dance diagonal RSh reels of 3 (Man with 2M+3L & Lady with 3M+4L)
17-24 1s dance diagonal RSh reels of 3 (Man with 3M+2L & Lady with 4M+3L)
25-32 1L followed by partner dances down middle, cast up behind Ladies, crosses over above 3s & casts to bottom crossing to own side
THE CRAVEN REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 5
1- 8 1L followed by partner cast down 2 places & dance RH across with 3s
9-16 1L followed by partner dance up behind Men to original places & dance RH across with 2s
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on own side (1s RSh to 2s)
25-32 1L followed by partner cast down 1 place, dance up between 2s cast down round 2M to end 2nd place own side
THE CRAVEN STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 1
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-16 1s+2s Set+Link & circle 4H round to left
17-24 2s+1s+3s RSh reels of 3 on own sides (1s dancing up to start)
25-32 2s+1s dance RH across, 1s+3s dance LH across
THE CRAVEN TWELVESOME (R4x32) Sq.Set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 5
Man+2 Ladies per side of square set
1- 8 All dance RSh reels of 3 with partners
9-16 All Men set, 1/2 RH across, dance out thru opposite Ladies & cast to right to middle of next side Ladies
17-24 Top & bottom trios (side Men with new partners) advance, Ladies 1/2 turn 2H opposite Lady & retire with new partners, side trios repeat
25-32 All circle 12H round & back
Repeat from new places & with new partners
THE CRAWFORDS OF KERRERA (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Dix Reel Friends Bk 3
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners. End in 2nd place opp sides (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 & circle 6H 1/2 round to Left. End 1M between 3s at top facing down, 1L between 2s facing up
25-32 All Set+Link for 3 & circle 6H 1/2 round to Left. End 2 1 3
CREAM TEA (S3x32) 3C set Ian Dall Third Sheaf Coll
1- 4 1s turn 1.1/4 with 2H, moving down then pass RSh to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
5-16 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place &1s in middle 1/2 turn RH on bar 16 to face opp sides
17-20 1M+3s (at top) & 1L+2s dance LH across. 1s end RSh to RSh in middle facing opp sides
21-24 1M followed by 3L+3M dance down Ladies' side, across at 3rd place & up to 2nd place own side while 1L+2M+2L dance similarly up Men's side, across & down to 2nd place (2) 1 (3)
25-28 2s+1s+3s circle 6H 1/2 round to left
29-32 3s+2s turn 2H while 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to end 3 1 2
THE CREEL (R4x32) 4C set Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 4
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1s+4s (middle couples) dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s+3s (middle couples) dance 1/2 R&L All now on opposite sides 4 3 2 1
17-24 All dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides but middle dancers do not complete reel & end in same places, all set & 1/2 turn partners RH. 1 3 2 4
25-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance Poussette. 3 1 4 2
THE CRESCENT MOON (R4x32) 4C set John Drewry Turkish Set
1- 8 1s turn RH then 1L+2M turn LH & end facing 2L (nearer hands joined) while 4s turn LH then 4L+3M turn RH & end facing 3L & 2M & 3M joining hands to form a crescent
9-16 All set twice, 1L turns right about to face partner as 4L turns left about to face her partner, 1L dances RSh round her partner to own place as 4L dances LSh round her partner to own place while 2s+3s cross (Men between Ladies), 2s+3s cross back (Ladies between Men). 4 2 3 1
17-24 All dance reels of 4 on sides
25-32 4s+2s also 3s+1s turn RH 1.1/2 times on sides, 1s+4s turn LH 1.1/2 times on sides. 2 4 1 3
CRIBMASTER EXTRAORDINAIRE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Brampton Connections
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret; 1s & 3s Petronella turn & set. (1s+3s in line of 4 up/down centre, Men facing up, Ladies down)
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Weasel reels:-
1s+3s dance part reel of 4 up/down middle but when reaching either end they dance clockwise to top/bottom to re-enter reel while 2s dance clockwise to replace dancer leaving the reel & all finish reel where they started
17-24 1s+3s turn partners 1.1/4 to own sides; 1s+2s Set+Link
25-32 2s+1s dance RH across; 1s+3s dance LH across
CRICKETS BY MOONLIGHT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) B Mortimer Ardbrae 50 Years
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & turn LH 1.1/2 times to end in 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving LSh to 2nd corner to start & end 2nd place opp sides facing out as 2s & 3s end in centre with nearer hands joined
17-24 1s chase anticlockwise to 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s Adv+Ret to places, 2s+1s+3s turn RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CRIEFF FAIR (R8x24) 3C (4C set) T Wilson RSCDS Bk 10
1- 8 1s+2s set & cross RH, set & cross RH back to places
9-16 1s lead down the middle & lead up & 1L turns under her own right arm to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners, set to each other across the dance & cross RH to 2nd place own sides
THE CRIEFF JIG (J8x32) 2C (4C Set) John S Trew Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s cast down own sides, turning outwards cast back to places
9-16 1s+2s set, cross RH, set & cross back RH
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s (who have stepped up)
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
CROCKETT'S VICTORY GARDEN (R4x32) 4C set H Ways Bicentennial Bk+7 SCDs
1- 8 1s lead down for 3 steps, lead up to top & cast to 2nd place
9-16 2s+1s dance 3/4 R&L, face each other on sides & set
17-24 1M+2M also 1L+2L turn 1.1/2 times with nearer hand 1s dancing between 2s, 1s+3s repeat but 3s dance between 1s
25-32 1s+4s repeat with 1s dancing between 4s & all dance DoSiDo
CROFT CASTLE (S3x32) 3C set Anna Holden Herefordshire 40th Anniv
1- 8 1s set, dance down & Lady dances LH across with 2L+3L while Man dances RH across with 2M+3M all ending back in places
9-16 1s dance down & cast up behind 2s, dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
17-24 2s+1s+3s turn RH into centre & turning individually to right dance out to opposite sides, repeat back to own sides
25-32 1s & 3s 3/4 turn RH into centre, dance 1/2 reel of 4 & turn RH to own sides. 2 3 1
CROM ALLT (The Crooked Burn) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (in & down to start)
9-16 1s+2s turn on sides 1.1/2 times (Men RH & Ladies LH), 1s dance between 3s & cast up to 2nd place on own sides
17-24 1s+1st corners Adv+Ret, 1s+1st corners turn RH
25-32 1s+2nd corners Adv+Ret, 1s+2nd corners turn LH
CROMARTIE'S RANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) T Wilson RSCDS Bk 31
1- 8 1L leads 2M down middle to 3rd places on own sides (others step up), 1M leads 2L down middle to 3rd place (others step up)
9-16 1M picks up partner & leads up to top; 2s lead up to 2nd place as 3s step down
17-24 1s turn RH, cast & turn LH (4 bars) to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s set to 2nd corners, set to 1st corners & turn each other RH 1.1/2 times to 2nd place on own sides
CROMARTIES NEW RANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Summer Coll 84
1- 8 1L+2M 1/2 turn RH & lead down to 3rd place (others step up), 1M+2L repeat
9-16 1s 1/2 turn RH & lead up to top (others step down), 2s 1/2 turn RH & lead up to 2nd place (3s step down)
17-24 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on opposite sides & 1s dance down to face 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corners, pass RSh & set to 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd places
CROMARTY'S SUNDANCE (R8x48) 3C (4C set) N Mitchell Thistle Dubh 2
1- 8 1L followed by 2L+3L dance across, down behind top 3 Men, cross & dance back to places
9-16 1M followed by 2M+3M repeat round top 3 Ladies
17-24 1s+2s dance the Knot 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance RSh round 1st corner & turn LH to face 2nd corners
33-40 1s dance LSh round 2nd corners & turn RH 1.3/4 times to end in 2nd place own side
41-48 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
CROMBIE HALL (S3x40) 3C set John Drewry Quincentenary SCDs
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides, 1s & 2s dance on 1 more place to end with 1s facing 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st corners & turn 2H, set to 2nd corners & turn 2H & end 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s circle 6H left for 2 bars, turn the woman on right 2H & continue to circle to places
25-32 All petronella turn into centre, 1s full turn 2H while 2s & 3s 1/2 turn 2H, all petronella turn to own sides & set
33-40 1s cast (Man up & Lady down) into reels of 3 across (Man with 2s & Lady with3s), 1s+3s 1/2 turn on sides to 3rd place (1s dancing out)
CROMDEL HILL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, in prom hold dance up between 2s & cast round 2M
9-16 1s cross, cast round 3L & lead up to 2nd place, cast up 1 place on own sides & lead down to 2nd place
17-24 1s+3s circle 4H round & back
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
CROM ALLT (The Crooked Burn) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S dances
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (in & down to start)
9-16 1s+2s turn on sides 1.1/2 times (Men RH & Ladies LH0, 1s dance between 3s & cast up to 2nd place on own sides
17-24 1s+1st corners Adv+Ret, 1s+1st corners turn RH
25-32 1s+2nd corners Adv+Ret, 1s+2nd corners turn LH
THE CROOKED SPIRE (J4x40) 4C set Harry Rhodes Snowdon Bk 2
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 All set, 1s & 4s cross down/up while 2s & 3s cast up/down, 2s+1s also 4s+3s turn on sides (LH on Ladies' side & RH on Men's side)
9-16 2L,1M, 4M & 3L dance Ladies' Chain (diagonally)
17-24 All chase anticlockwise 1/2 way & 3s+4s also 1s+2s all turn RH on sides
25-32 3M,4L,1L & 2M dance Ladies' Chain (diagonally)
33-40 1s+4s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, set & cross RH. 3 1 (4)(2)
THE CROOKET HORNED EWIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS Bk 14
1- 8 1s lead down below 2s, cross & cast down behind 3s to 3rd place opposite sides (2s+3s step up), 2s repeat this Fig (3s+1s step up)
9-16 3s repeat the Fig (1s+2s step up) & all turn partners 2H 1.1/2 times
17-24 1s lead down below 2s, cross & cast down behind 3s, lead up to top, cross & cast to 2nd place own sides (2s step up)
25-32 1s dance down below 3s, cast up to 2nd place & all turn 2H once round
CROSS & CAST OFF (J4x32) 4C set P J Clark
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross down LH to bottom & cast up round 4s to 3rd place own sides while…
2s stand for 2 bars, step up, cross RH & cast into 2nd place while …
3s stand for 4 bars, set & dance up to top place
9-16 1s set, dance up to top & cast down to give partner LH & 1st corners RH while …
2s cross down LH to bottom, cast up round 4s to 3rd place, set & dance up to top place while …
3s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross down LH to bottom & cast up round 4s to 3rd place
17-24 1s Bal-in-Line with 1st corners, 1/2 turn corners, Bal-in-Line, 1/2 turn corners to end in centre facing opposite sides
25-32 1s set in double triangle formation with 2s+3s, cast down 1 place on opposite sides to end in centre facing own sides, 1s set in double triangle formation with 3s 4s, 1s cast to bottom on own sides
THE CROSS-CITY LINE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Richard Francis Birmingham Platinum Bk
1- 8 1s dance down between 3s (2s step up bars 3-4), cast up, cross LH & cast Left (1M up, 1L down) to end 1L facing 3L, 1M facing 2M
9-12 2s+1M, 3s+1L dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across
13-16 1s cross to opp sides to dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides (all on opposite sides)
17-20 3s+1L, 2s+1M dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across
21-24 1s cross to opp sides to dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 on sides (2s & 3s on own sides), finishing 1s LHJ facing 1st corners
25-28 1s+1st corners set, 1s turn inwards to join RH facing 3rd corners, 1s+3rd corners set with corners advancing
29-32 1s+1st corners dance RH across, 1s finishing RHJ facing 2nd corners
33-36 1s+2nd corners set, 1s turn inwards to join LH facing 4th corners, 1s+4th corners set with corners advancing
37-40 1s+4th corners dance LH across, 1s finishing in 2nd place own sides
THE CROSSING (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 29
1- 8 1L sets advancing & turns 2M RH, 1L sets to 2L & turns LH
9-16 1M sets advancing & turns 2L LH, 1M sets to 2M & turns RH
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain with 1s+2s changing place RH on sides & 3s crossing RH to start, end with 1s turning partner LH to face 2s
25-32 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across (1M+2M also 1L+2L pass RSh to start) ending with 1s in 2nd place
1- 4 1M+3L change places passing RSh & twirl into each others place as 1L+3M cast & chase clockwise to each others place
5- 8 1M+3L chase clockwise to places as 1L+3M change places passing RSh & twirl into original places
9-16 2s set advancing & turn RH, dance down below 3s & cast back to places
17-24 2s reflection reels on the side (2s up between 1s to start)
25-32 1s+2s change places on the sides (Men LH, Ladies RH) & 1s turn RH, 1s dance dow below 3s & cast up to 2nd places
CROSSING PATHS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Altman
1- 8 1s lead down & back to 2nd place in middle
9-16 1s turn RH, 3L followed by 1L+2L cast to top & dance down diagonally to 3L approx in 3M place while 2M followed by 1M+3M cast to bottom & dance up diagonally (pass Ladies RSh) to 2M approx in 1L place
17-24 All set & turn partners 2H, all set & turn partners 2H to end on own sides
25-32 2s+1s dance Diamond Poussette. 2 1 3
CROSSING THAT BRIDGE FOR PERTH 95 (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Michael McManamon Perth 95th Anniv.
1- 8 1s+2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round; 1s dance up NHJ to 2nd place facing opp sides (2s step down 5-6) & all set as Double Triangles
9-12 1s dance out (PdeB) to opp sides, pull back RSh while 3s & 2s cross set (3s pass RSh, 2s pass LSh i.e. Men on outside), join hands in Inverted Double Triangle & all set
13-16 1L+3M+2M & 1M+3L+2L dance 1/2 RH across. End 1L facing 3s, 1M facing 2s in Crown Triangle & all set
17-20 1L dances down & 1M dances up (PdeB) & pull back RSh to face up/down while 2s dance down to join with 1L & 3s dance up to join hands with 1M in Inverted Crown Triangle (3s pass 2s on outside) & all set
21-24 1M+3s & 1L+2s dance 1/2 RH across to end (3) (1) (2); 3s+1s+2s 1/2 turn partner RH finishing in middle facing up
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
CROSSING THE BAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Coll 5
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s)
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (1M gives RSh to 3M, 1L RSh to 2L), 1s 1/2 reels of 3 across (giving LSh to 1st crnr pstn) all end opp sides
17-24 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CROSSING THE BROOK (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)
1- 8 1M+2M dance 1/2 Diag R&L with 2L+3L, 3L casts down 2 places & crosses to place while 1M casts up 2 places & crosses to place
9-16 1L+2M dance 1/2 Diag R&L with 2L+3M, 3M crosses & casts down 2 places while 1L crosses & casts up 2 places
17-24 1s dance diag reel of 3 with 2L (1s pass RSh to start) while 3s dance diag reel of 3 with 2M (3s pass RSh to start)
25-32 1L+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times while 1M+2M turn RH 1.1/2 times, 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place
CROSSING THE HARBOUR (J4x32) 4C Set Joan MacKay Southsea 50
1- 8 1s & 4s dance in to dance Figs 8 on sides round 2s & 3s
9-16 All set & cross RH; all set & 1/2 turn partner RH, 1s & 3s face down, 2s & 4s face up NHJ
17-20 2s & 4s make arches & dance up as 1s & 3s dance down under arches; 3s & 2s set turning in while 1s & 4s change places,1s making arch & 4s dancing under
21-24 1s & 2s dance under arches made by 4s & 3s; 1s & 4s set turning in while 2s & 3s change places, 2s making arch & 3s dancing under 4 3 2 1
25-28 4s+3s also 2s+1s dance RH across, 4s & 2s face up in centre
29-32 4s cast to 3rd place while 2s dance up to top & all couples set. 2 3 4 1
CROSSING THE LINE (R6x32) 3C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
Northern Hemisphere: -
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s (on opp sides) in prom hold dance a reel of 3 across with 2s giving RSh to 2nd Man
17-24 1s (on opp sides) dance down to bottom crossing & cast up to 2nd place, 1s turn RH (1s end facing out on own side)
25-32 1s cast right as 2s & 3s petronella turn into centre & 1s dance thru 2s/3s as they set, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s & 3s petronella turn to opposite sides & all set. End 2 1 3 all on opposite sides
Southern Hemisphere:-
Repeat having crossed the Line into the Southern Hemisphere. New 1st couple are at the other end of the set reversing after each 32 bars
CROSSING THE TAY (S4x32) 4C set Alan Davis Blackwater Collection
1- 4 2L+3M turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1M+4L cross down/up & cast to each others place
5- 8 2M+3L turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+4M cross down/up & cast to each others place. (4)(3)(2)(1)
9-16 4s+3s also 2s+1s circle 4H round to left, 3s+2s circle 4H round to right
17-24 All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides, all set & 1/2 turn 2H. 1 2 3 4
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s+4s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette. 2 4 1 3
CROSSMICHAEL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Glendarroch Sh 13
1- 4 2s cross RH & cast 1 place to right while 3L/1M step up/down to 2nd place
5- 8 1M+3L cross LH & cast 1 place to left while 1L/3M step up/down while 2s set & change places RH diagonally
9-16 1L+3M cross RH & cast to right while 2s step up/down while 1M+3L set & change places LH; then 1L+3M set & change places RH. 3 2 1
17-24 3s+2s+1s cross RH & 2s+1s change places LH on sides; Men circle 3H to left while Ladies also circle 3H to left
25-32 All drop hands & chase in separate interlacing circles (Men passing a Lady give RH) & Bars 31-32 open out into 6H round to left 1/2 way. 2 1 3
CROSSWAYS CAPERS (J4x32) 4C Set Eddie Hutchings
1- 4 1s dance in, take prom hold & dance down to end between 4s while 2s dance up, take prom hold & dance down to end between 3s (3s step up 3-4)
5- 8 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 4s (RSh to 4L) while 2s dance 1/2 reel with 3s (RSh to 3M), 1s & 2s pass RSh to…
9-12 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 with 3s (RSh to 3L) while 2s dance 1/2 reel with 4s (LSh to 4M), 1s & 2s end facing down (nearer hands joined with partner)
13-16 2s followed by 1s dance down & 1s cast up round 3s to 1st place own side while 2s cast up round 4s to 2nd place own side (3s step down 15-16)
17-24 1s+2s+3s+4s set to partners, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, all set. (2) (1) (4) (3)
25-28 3s dance up between 4s & cast up behind 1s & 2s to 1st place opp side (2s+1s+4s step down 27-28)
29-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way & all set. 2 3 4 1
THE CROWBERRY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Tony Bulteel SCD Archives
1- 4 1s+2s+3s cross RH (1s & 3s face out), 1s & 3s cast 2 places to change places (passing LH)
5- 8 1s & 3s dance 1/2 RH across in middle back to original places. & cast 2 places again to end 3 (2) 1
9-16 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (1s end facing 1st corners). 2 (1) 3
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, end in centre facing partner & cross LH up/down
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) giving LSh to 1st corners
CROWECOMBE & STROGUMBER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Wallace Dunsmuir Dances
1- 8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1s cross RH & cast to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set & turn corners (2H Skip Change) ending 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s petronella to middle as 2s & 3s set turning to face up/down & set
25-32 1M+2s also 1L+3s Adv+Ret up/down, 1s petronella to own sides as 2s & 3s set turning to face partner & set
CROWN COURT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) T Steel London Jubilee
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s cast, turn RH & lead up while 2s turn RH lead up & cast
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande
17-24 1L dances RH across with 2s & 1M with 3s, 1s lead up & cast
25-32 1L dances LH across with 3s & 1M with 2s, 1s lead down & cast back to 2nd place
CROWN HOUSE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Alice McLean Auchinellan Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH & cast round 4th corner to end Lady between 2s facing down & Man between 3s facing up
9-16 1s pass RSh to dance Crown Triangles & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reel with 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance RH across Man with 3s (at top) & Lady with 2s, 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round to left 1/2 way
CROWN OF SCOTLAND (S4x32) 4C Set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflets
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1L followed by 1M casts behind 2L, across set, behind 2M & across to 2nd place own side while 4L followed by 4M dance similar to 3rd place (2s/3s step up/down 7-8). 1s face down, 4s face up
9-10 All turn person facing 3/4 RH to form a cross
11-12 2M+1L+3L+3M in centre dance 1/2 LH across while partners chase clockwise 1 place round to face 'new partner'
13-14 All turn 'new partner' RH once round
15-16 Repeat 11-12
17-18 All turn person facing 3/4 RH (1s & 4s are turning original partner)
19-20 All circle 8H round to left 2 places to end 4 3 (2) (1)
21-22 4s+3s also 2s+1s circle 4H 1/2 round to left. (3) (4) 1 2. 3s face 4s, 1s face 2s
23-24 All set
25-30 All dance 6 bars Grand Chain (1 bar/hand). 1 3 (2) (4)
31-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s change places RH on side to end 3 1 (4) (2)
THE CROWN OF THE SEA (S6x24) 5C set Peter Hastings Acme Coll
Each couple dance 48 bars. A New Couple starts after 24 bars (ie on bars 1, 25, 49, 72 & 96)
1- 8 1s+2s dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start), 1s cast (loop) into 2nd place while 2s cross RH
9-16 2s+1s dance Diamond Poussette
17-24 1s+3s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
25-32 (New Couple starts as at bar 1) while 1s+4s+5s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down to start) & 1s cast 1 place as 4s dance up
33-40 1s+5s dance R&L
41-48 1s+5s 1/2 turn RH, circle to left 1/2 way & set twice to partners (New 1st couple now at bar 24 & another couple ready to start)
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides giving hands (1s in/down, 2s out/up, 3s in/up)
9-16 1s set & cross RH; 1s cast & cross RH to 2nd place own side and face out
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance a Chain Progression for 3 couples:
17-18 1M casts up, 1L casts down as 2s+3s turn 3/4 RH into line up/down set
19-22 1M+2L & 1L+3M, in prom hold dance clockwise to opp end of line as 2M+3L (in middle) turn 1.1/2 LH
23-24 1s dance clockwise to 2nd place own side as 3s+2s turn partners 3/4 RH to own sides. All face clockwise
25-32 1M+3s also 1L+2s dance reels of 3 across (RSh to 2nd corner to start). End 3 1 2
CROYDON'S DELIGHT (S3x64) 3C Set George Ferrier
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH across back to place
9-16 1s lead down (3 Bars), lead up (3 bars), cross at the top and cast to 2nd place opp sides. 2 (1) 3
17-24 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain
25-28 1s+2s+3s Adv+Ret (1 step each) & repeat
29-32 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 to own side
33-40 1s+3s dance R&L
41-48 1s set, lead up between 2s; cross & cast to 2nd place opp sides, 1s+3s 1/2 turn RH to change places. 3L & 1L face out. 2 3 (1)
49-56 3s+1s dance Men's chain
57-64 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round to left (6 bars), 1s cross to own side Bars 63-64. End 2 3 1
CRUISING EMERSON STREET (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Allan Twort Napier Diamond Anniv.
1- 8 1L followed by 1M cast behind 2L, cross set, cast down behind 3M to 3rd place own side (2s+3s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s dance Reflection Reels of 3 on sides (1s cross up, 3s out & down, 2s in & down), 1s crossing down to own side on bar 13 (from 1st place) (2 3 1)
17-24 All Set & Rotate for 3 couples 1 3 2
25-32 All set, 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1s pass 3s LSh to start), 1s+3s continue reel to finish 2 1 3
THE CRUIVES OF CREE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Priddey Lone Sheiling Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, 3/4 turn RH & (retaining hands) set ending turning right about to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end turning RH into…
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s) & end 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides
CRUMMY REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) L Torfason Let's All Dance Too
1- 8 1s turn RH, then LH back
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across, LH back
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
CRYSTAL CONGRATULATIONS (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Moira Turner World Wide Weavings
1- 8 1s cross down (2s step up), 1s cast (1L down round behind 3M & 3L, 1M round 2L & 2M) to face 1st corners LHJ with partner
9-16 1s+1st corners set, 1s 1/2 turn corner RH to flow into 1/2 RSh reel on 1st corner diagonal. 1s end in 3rd corner place while 1st corner (persons) finish in centre LHJ facing 2nd corners
17-24 Repeat 9-16. 1st corner persons finish in 2nd corner places own side (2M in 3M place, 3L in 1L place) while 2nd corner (persons) finish in centre facing 3rd corner (pstn)
25-32 Repeat 9-16. 1st couple finish in centre
33-40 1s turn 3/4 LH to 2nd place own side while all corners chase 1 place clockwise & set (now 2 1 3); 1s dance up & cast round 2s to 2nd place own side
CRYSTAL JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Margaret Henderson Imperial Bk 4
1- 4 1s cross RH & cast 2 places to below 3s (2s step up 3-4)
5- 8 1s cross RH & cast up 1 place & into centre (join LH) facing opposite sides while 2s & 3s turn partners RH once round, retain RH & 1L+2s also 1M+3s join RH
9-16 All set & all 1/2 turn partner; 1M+2s also 1L+3s join RH, all set & all 1/2 turn partners to end with 2s & 3s on sides facing out, 1s in centre, 1L facing up, 1M facing down …
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across, LSh to 1st corner (1M with 3s & 1L with 2s) into…
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides, dancing up between 2s (1s in/up, 2s out/down, 3s out/up to start) All give hands when meeting in reel
THE CRYSTAL QUAICH (S4x32) 4C set E Ramwell Kirkbrae Coll 3
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link & circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s+4s Set & Rotate:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides 2 4 1 3
17-24 4s+1s circle 4H round to left, set advancing in diagonally & turn inwards to dance out to own sides to face corners
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides. 2 4 1 3
THE CUCKOO CLOCK (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour Repeat Prescription
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance reels on own sides 1s dancing in & down, 2s dance out & up, 3s in & up to start
9-16 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8
17-20 "Muirland Wille" figure:
1s dance down middle, cross over & cast up to 2nd place on opposite
while 2s set & cross RH to 3rd place on opposite side
while 3s cast up to 1st place & cross RH to opposite side
21-24 3s+1s+2s turn partners RH once round
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice
THE CUCKOO'S NEST (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Border Bk
1- 8 1s Figs of 8 on own sides dancing between 2s, round 3s, out & round 2s to original places
9-16 1s dance Figs of 8 round 2s
17-24 1s lead down below 3s, cross & cast up (1L up to 2nd place & 1M up to top), cross to face 2s (M facing M)
25-32 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across
THE CUDDY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Dunedin 1
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (between 2s to start)
9-16 1s dance down for 2, up to top, cast 1 place & turn RH to give LH to 1st corners
17-24 1s+1st corners Bal-in-Line, 1s turn to 2nd corners, Bal-in-Line & turn RH to 2nd places own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, cross RH, set & cross back
CUDDY ALANG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ruary Laidlaw Lochiel Collection
1- 8 1M dances in, casts to 2nd place (2M step up) & turns 3L RH. 1M finishes in 2nd place
9-16 1L repeats, turning 3M LH (2L steps up 11-12)
17-24 1M+3s also 1L+2s dance RH across. 1s pass RSh 1M+2s also1L+3s dance LH across 2 1 3 4
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
CUILLINS OF SKYE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 4 SCDs 1978
1- 8 1s cross RH while 2s+3s change places on sides (Ladies LH & Men RH) & dance reels of 3 on the sides (1s out & down, 3s in & up)
9-16 1s cast 1 place on opposite sides (3s dance up) & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (Lady up & Man down), 1s meet in centre & turn LH 1.1/4 times
17-24 RH across 1L+3s (at top) & 1M+2s (3rd place), 1s finish in 2nd place own sides; 1s pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance the Knot
CULDUTHEL RANT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Helen Murray Dunedin 6
1- 8 1s+2s dance 'Espangnole'. Bars 5-8: 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH. 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 dig reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh; 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 1s end in 2nd place opp side. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Set+Link for 3 couples twice. End 2 1 3
CULLA BAY (S4x32) Sq.Set Ann Dix RSCDS Bk 41
1- 4 1s & 3s advance & 1/2 turn opposite partner RH & cast out to opposite side
5- 8 1s & 3s chase 1/4 round set cl'wise & dance in passing 2s/4s RSh curving in to face 2s/4s as 2s & 4s repeat bars 1-4 & turn right about to face 1s/3s
9-16 All dance parallel reels of 4 across set
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s circle 4H once round to left, set & dance RH across 1/2 way
25-32 2s+4s dance LH across once round, 2s & 4s dance out through sides passing opp partner RSh & chase round set cl'wise to next place
CULLEN SKINK (S4x32) 4C Set John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 4 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Link ending with 1s+4s passing RSh to order 2 (4) 1 (3)
5- 8 4s+1s dance RH across & end with 4M+1L also 4L+1M in prom hold facing out
9-12 4M+1L & 4L+1M dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2M & 3M (1st corners) & end turning inwards to face down/up
13-16 4M+1L & 4L+1M dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2L+3L (4th corners) & end turning inwards to face out
17-20 4M+1L & 4L+1M dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3M & 2M (3rd corners) & end turning inwards to face up/down
21-24 4M+1L & 4L+1M dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3L+2L (2nd corners) & end in order 2 (4) 1 (3)
25-28 4s lead up, cross & cast to 2nd place while 1s lead down, cross & cast up to 3rd place
29-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s circle 4H round to left. 2 4 (1) (3)
CULLODEN LINKS (S4x32) 4C Set John Drewry Diamond Jubilee Coll
3s & 4s on opp sides
1- 8 1M & 4L dance Figs of 8 on the Mens side while 1L & 4M dance Figs of 8 (1s & 4s dance in to start & give hands when passing)
9-12 1s & 4s cross RH & cast in 1 place while 2s & 3s 1/2 turn RH & lead up/down to ends. (2)(1)4 3
13-16 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end positions as 2s & 3s cast into 1/2 Figs of 8. 2 1(4)(3)
17-24 1s+4s circle 4H round to left 1/2 way & 4L+1M also 4M+1L turn 2H, 4s+1s circle 4H to left once round & turn right about to face up/down
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides. 2 4(1)(3)
CULLODEN MOOR (S8x32) 3C (4C set) S Gordon SCD Archives
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, turn RH 1.1/2 times & pick up 1st corners (on their left)
9-16 Couples change pls (1L+crnr pass under arch made by ptnr+crnr), turn crnrs (1L RH & 1M LH) to end 1L between 2M+3M & 1M between 2L+3L & set
17-24 1s with 2nd corners repeat (but 1L turns RH & 1M turns LH)
25-32 1s cast to 2nd place own sides while 3L+2M turn RH once into RH across 1/2 way with 1s, 1s turn LH into LH across 1/2 way with 3M+2L
CULLODEN'S FANCY (R8x16) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 5
1- 8 1s set, turn 2H, 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
9-16 2s+1s turn 2H to own sides, 1s dance up to top & cast to 2nd place
CULZEAN CASTLE (J4x32) 4C set Jenny Bradley Culzean Castle Coll
1- 4 1L+2L also 3M+4M cross passing partner LSh & cast 2 places
5- 8 3M+4M dance 1/2 diag R&L with 1L+2L
9-12 1M+2M also 3L+4L cross passing opposite dancer RSh & cast 2 places
13-16 3L+4L dance 1/2 diag R&L with 1M+2M. 2 1 4 3
17-24 1s & 4s (middle couples) dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round end couples & turn partners 1.1/2 RH. 3s dance in bar 24 ready for …
25-32 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance Allemande. 2 3 4 1
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH across back to places
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back
17-28 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s cast down on own sides & lead back up to top
29-32 1s lead down to bottom under arches made by 2s+3s+4s (2s+3s+4s step up bar 32). 2 3 4 1
CUMBERLAND SQUARE EIGHT (R2x64) 4C set Traditional
1- 8 1s+3s join both hands with partner & slip step across (Men BtoB) & slip step back (Ladies BtoB)
9-16 2s+4s repeat
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across & LH back to places
25-32 2s+4s repeat
33-40 1s+3s basket swing (Alt. All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way & set)
41-48 2s+4s basket swing (Alt. All dance Grand Chain 1/2 way back to places & set)
49-56 All circle left (Alt. All circle 8H round & back)
57-64 All promenade back to places (Alt. All swing partners)
THE CUMBRAE REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 28
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s cross RH while 1s dance up to top to form a line of 4 across facing up, 1s+2s set & turn right to face down
9-16 1s+2s dance down in line, turning right dance back to top 1s ending back-to-back facing other partner
17-24 1s+2s dance RSh reel of 4 across & 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corners RH & turn partners LH to 2nd place own sides
THE CUPAR JIG (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John S Trew Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start)
9-16 1s+2s dance R&L
17-24 1s set, cast 1 place, 1s+2s turn RH
25-32 2s+1s Promenade
CUPAR'S BONNIE LASS (R8x40) 3C (4C set) John Clack, 2017
1- 8 1s+2s dance 'Espagnole':
1-2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3-4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5-8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to own side
9-16 LSh reels of 3 on sides (1M+3M & 1L+2L pass LSh to start - Man down, Lady up). 1s end reel cross diagonally passing RSh to face 1st corners
17-32 1s dance Corner Chain with 1st & 2nd corners:
1s change pl RH with 1st crnrs, 1st crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s who turn LH in centre to face 2nd crnrs
1s change places RH with 2nd crnrs, 2nd crnrs turn LH in centre & return to places giving RH to 1s & 1s end turning LH back to places. 2 1 3
33-40 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across; 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH
THE CURIA LAZY WEASEL (S3x40) 3C set Isabel Monteiro
1- 8 1s turn 2H, dance down & cross below 3s; 1s cast up & 3/4 turn RH remaining in centre
9-16 1M+2s also 1L+3s dance LH across, pass LSh; 1s dance 3/4 RH across with other couple, 2s+3s 1/2 turn RH into line up/down while 1s cast to 2nd place own side (1L face down, 1M face up)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Weasel reels:-
2s+3s dance part reel of 4 up/down middle but when reaching either end they dance clockwise to top/bottom to re-enter reel while 1s dance clockwise to replace dancer leaving the reel & all end where they started
25-32 2s+3s set, turn 3/4 RH; 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 round to opp sides
33-40 3s+1s+2s set & dance La Baratte:
`Men 1/2 turn Lady RH & retain hands but at arm's length from each other
`Men retrace steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies' original place) & releasing Ladies' RH she turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places
`Couples change places LH to opposite places. End 3 1 2
THE CURIA STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Isabel Monteiro
1- 8 1s & 4s set, dance NHJ towards each other meeting in centre & circle 4H round to left (2s/3s step up/down 3-4)
9-16 All 4 couples set, 1/2 turn partner RH pull back RSh & dance out to opp sides & all set
17-24 1s & 4s dance NHJ out of end (1s up, 4s down) & cast to 2nd/3rd place; 1s+4s Set+Link. (2) (4) (1) (3)
25-32 All 4 couples set, 1/2 turn partner 2H & face up NHJ, set & curve out to own sides 2 4 1 3
CURLEYWEE (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh Foss Galloway Album
1- 4 1s+2s NHJ set advancing, 1M & 2L crossing in front of 2M & 1L, Men face up, Ladies down & all set
5- 8 All set again with 2M & 1L crossing in front of 1M & 2L, all face in & set retiring to opp sides. (2) (1)
9-16 1s lead up, cross to own sides & cast to 2nd place, 2s lead down, cross to own sides & cast up to 1st place
17-24 2s+1s cross RH & circle 4H round to left 1/2 way, 1s+2s cross LH & circle 4H round to right 1/2 way
25-32 2s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing up to start). 2 1
CURLICUE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Susan Greenbank Second Canberra Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 2 places, meet taking prom hold & dance up to face 2L (2s step up 5-6)
9-12 1s dance path of 1/2 diag reel of 3 (RSh to 2L) & end facing 2M while 2L+3M 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opp corners
13-16 1s dance path of 1/2 diag reel of 3 (RSh to 2M) & end in centre, drop hands & facing partner's side while 2M+3L 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opp corners. (3) (1) (2)
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance reels of 3 on opp sides (1M down RSh to 2M, 1L up, RSh to 3L). End in lines of 3 across, 1M between 3s at top, 1L between 2s at bottom)
25-28 1s 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opp ends facing out while 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
29-32 1s cast to right into 2nd place own side, all set. 2 1 3
THE CURRALL REEL (S4x40) 4C Set Neville Miller Inlet Road Dances
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Double Fig 8 (1s & 3s cross down, 2s & 4s cast up to start)
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
17-24 1s set & cross RH, 1s set to 2s, 1s 3/4 turn 2s into line across (1M+2L RH, 1L+2M LH), 1s BtoB facing opp side
25-40 1s dance 'Spurtle' with 2s, 3s & 4s
25-28 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 2s & turn RH to face 3s (M facing L)
29-32 Repeat but end facing 4s
33-36 Repeat but end on opposite sides in 4th place (2) (3) (4) (1)
37-40 All set, all cross RH 2 3 4 1
CURRIE MOUNTAIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Mary Pugh New Brunswick Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s turn 3s with nearer hands (1s dancing between 3s) & turn 2s with other hand
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s+2s dance LH across
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s giving RSh to 3s to start)
CURRY AND SPICE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Shunmugam Govindasamy (Govin) Sydney Down Under
1- 8 1s set & cast (2s step up); 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 mirror reels 3 on sides (1s in/down to start). 2s & 3s loop into place facing in
9-16 1L+3s & 1M+2s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 1st corner pstn); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 (1M up between 3s, 1L down between 2s). 1s face 4th corner pstn. (3) 1 (2)
17-24 3M+1L & 1M+2L set twice & turn RH
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance diag R&L (1M down, 1L up). 2 1 3
THE CUSTOM BUILDER (aka Uncle George) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) S McKinnell
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place, turn LH 1.1/2 times to 1L facing her 1st corner with her partner behind her
9-16 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners, 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel with her 2nd corner
17-24 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reels of 3 with Mans 1st corner (pstn),1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel with Mans 2nd corner (pstn)
25-32 1s dance down between 3s & cast up, 1s dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd places
CUSTOMS MADE (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1s cross down to dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on opp sides; 1s turn 2s 1.1/2 times (1M+2L RH, 1L+2M LH) to end facing 1st corners
9-24 "Best Set in the Hall" figure:
9-12 1s set to 1st corners & dance RSh round each other into 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners dance in & turn right about to face their original position
13-16 1s+1st crnr person set & 1st crnr persons dance RSh round each other into diag opp crnrs while 1s dance in & pivot to right to face 2nd crnrs
17-24 1s repeat bars 9-16 with 2nd corners & end in centre RSh to RSh facing opp sides
25-32 1s dance LH across on sides (1M+2M+3M also 1L+2L+3L); dancers in 2nd corner position (2M & 3L) lead Men / Ladies & chase anticlockwise to own side (Ladies 3 2 1, Men 1 3 2)
33-40 All dance 3 couple Bourrel:
1M+2L & 3M+1L set, turn 2H & twirl to BtoB (Lady facing up, Men down) while 3L & 2M chase anticlockwise 1/2 round to face partner in line up down centre & all Petronella turn to own side. 2 1 3
CUTTY SARK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 40
1- 8 1s cast down own sides & cast back to 2nd place (2s step up 3-4)
9-16 2s+1s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s turn RH to face 1st corners, turn 1st corner LH, turn 2nd corner RH & cross LH to 2nd places own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret & turn RH. End 2 1 3
CYPRUS DELIGHT (R5x32) 5C set John Jackson
1- 8 1s & 5s set & turn partner RH; 1s+5s cast down/up 1 place (2s & 4s step up/down) & finish BtoB with partner facing own sides
9-16 1s & 5s dance Double Triangles ending with Petronella turn to end in centre facing partner, Men facing up, Ladies facing down
17-24 1s+5s dance reel of 4
25-28 1L followed by 1M dance out between 2L & 3L, in between 3L & 4L to 4th place opp sides while 5M followed by 5L dance out between 3M & 4M, in between 2M & 3M to 2nd place opp sides. 2 (5) 3 (1) 4
29-32 5s cross down RH to 3rd place while 3s cast up to 2nd place while 1s cross RH, all set. End 2 3 5 1 4
CYPRUS ROUNDABOUT (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 All Adv with partner, Ret with corner to finish BtoB with corner facing partner; all turn partner 3/4 RH to bring Ladies into centre facing partners
9-16 Double Celtic Reel:
9-12 All pass partner RSh, Men in centre, shoulder to shoulder dance 3/4 round anticlockwise while partners dance 1/4 clockwise round
13-16 All pass partner RSh, Ladies in centre, shoulder to shoulder dance 3/4 round anticlockwise while partners dance 1/4 clockwise round
17-24 Repeat 9-16
25-32 All set to partner, turn RH 1.1/4 to sides in original places & all set
33-40 Interlocking reels of 4. Ladies end facing out
41-48 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion reels to opp sides. 3 4 1 2
49-56 All set to partner & dance 1/2 Grand Chain back to original places
57-64 All circle 8H round & back
65-128 Repeat 1-64 in Reel time
CÉLÉBRATIONS (J4x48) 4C set Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 2s)
17-24 2s+1s dance RH across; 1s+3s dance LH across
25-32 1s+3s+4s Adv+Ret; 1s+3s+4s turn partner RH
33-40 1s+3s+4s circle 6H round & back finishing in middle facing partner
41-48 1s+3s+4s dance 3 couple Poussette. 2 3 4 1
THE D AND D SIDE CALEDONIANS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Murrough Landon, 2023
1- 8 1s set & dance 3/4 Fig of 8 on the sides (1M casts as 1L dances down centre to pass 2s LSh). 1M ends in 2nd place own side, 1L in centre facing 1M (2s step up bars 3-4)
9-10 All 3 Men join nearer hands on the side as 1L joins outer hands with 2M+3M to form a "D" shape. All set in a "D" shape
11-12 1L pulls back RSh & Petronella turns to 2nd place own side while 1M sets advancing to face her (2M+3M set facing in on the sides)
13-16 1s repeat bars 9-12 on the Ladies' side. On the last 2 bars, 1M, pulling back RSh, sets turning & advancing slightly to face 2M on the diagonal while 1L sets advancing to end behind 1M (in tandem). 2L+3L set facing in for 4 bars.
17-20 1s dance 1/2 alternating tandem reel of 3 on 1st diagonal giving RSh to 2M & end in tandem, 1L leading, facing 3M.
21-24 1s dance 1/2 alternating tandem reel of 3 on 2nd diagonal, giving RSh to 3M, & end in 2nd place opposite sides.
25-28 All chase 1/2 way clockwise to own sides.
29-32 All turn partner RH. 2 1 3
D FOR DAMON (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin Dance Book 5
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left; 1s+2s dance LH across back to place, 2s face out/up
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance modified Inveran reel:
1s cross RH to join reel & cross RH again when crossing up from 3rd place. 1s end in top place facing down NHJ, 2s join nearer hands (Bar 14) & dance up middle to face 1s
17-24 1s+2s dance Rondel. 2 1 3 4
25-32 1s+3s dance "D's in Tandem":
1s+3s join hands on sides & all set, cross RH with partner
Ladies dance across & curve down into place own side while Men dance across (below Ladies) & curve up into place, join hands on sides & all set. 2 1 3
DA RAIN DANCIN' (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ron Wallace Whiteadder Coll
1- 8 1s dance down below 3s, cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
9-16 1s dance up round 2s & cast down to 2nd place opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners while 2s & 3s cross LH
17-24 1s set to corner (1), set to partner (1) & turn 3/4 RH (2 bars) to face 2nd corner; 1s set to corner (1), set to partner (1) & turn 3/4 RH (2 bars) to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DA TROWIE REEL (M-3x(S16+J16) 3C set Ruth Taylor Stagger Inn
1- 8 1s lead down (2 bars), turn RH (2s step up 3-4); 1s+3s dance RH across. Finish 1L with 1M following facing 3L
9-16 1s dance tandem reel on 1st corner diagonal finishing facing 3L again
17-24 1L followed by 1M dances behind 3L, up between 3s, behind 3M & across to place (3s step up 23-24). 2 3 1
25-32 All circle 6H 1/2 round to right (6 slip steps), pull back RSh & chase back to place.
DA TUSHKER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson
1- 8 1s set, cross down to 2nd place, set & cross RH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (RSh to 3rd corners) & end giving RH to
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (RSh to 2nd corner)
25-32 1s followed by 2s lead down between 3s, cast & lead up between 2s & cast to 2nd place
A DAB OF GOLD (R8x32) 3C (4C set) P Marshall
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way then 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way, 1L followed by partner dances up behind 3M & crosses to opposite side
9-16 1L dances RSh round 2L (in 1M place) as 1M dances RSh round 2M, 1s+3s circle round to right & 1s end facing 2L (Lady in front of partner)
17-24 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners, 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel with 2nd corners
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
THE DAFFODIL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 3
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 2s+1s dance RH across 1s ending in prom hold facing 2L (Mans 2nd corner)
9-16 1s in prom hold dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 3 with corners, 1s split & dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Lady with 2M+3M (in 1st places) giving LSh to 2M & Man with 3L+2L giving LSh to 2L) to end in prom hold facing 2L (Mans 1st corner pstn)
17-24 1s in prom hold dance 1/2 RSh diagonal reel of with corners, 1s dance up to top & cast to 2nd place opp sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, petronella turn into centre, set & turn partners 2H to own sides
DAGMAR'S FANCY (S3x32) 3C set Anselm Lingnau Mainhatton Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s petronella turn & set, 3/4 turn RH & set
9-16 1s cross down (each couple cross down as they reach top place) to dance reflection reels of 3 on sides
17-24 1s dance Figs of 8 on own sides (1s down & in to start)
25-32 All dance Progressive Grand Chain:-
25-26 1s (at top) turn once round RH as 2s+3s change places RH on sides,
27-28 2s (at bottom) turn once round LH as 1s+3s change places LH on sides,
29-30 3s (at top) turn once round RH as 1s+2s change places RH on sides,
31-32 1s (at bottom) turn once round LH as 2s+3s change places LH on sides to end 2 3 1
THE DAILY COMMUTE (M-4x(S32+R32)) 3C (4C set) Holger Schuckelt Borderland Dances
1- 2 1s lead down between 2s & 3s
3- 4 1s cross RH below 3s while 2s & 3s change places on the sides (Ladies LH, Men RH)
5- 8 1s cast up round 3rd position & turn LH to face 1st corners while 3s NHJ dance up on bars 5-6
9-12 Corner Pass & Twirl with 1st corners
1s pass corners RSh, dance round corner place. 1s end 2nd place own sides while
1st corners dance in, 1/2 turn RH, face & pulling back RSh dance out to opp corner place
13-16 All chase clockwise 1/2 way round
17-20 1s repeat Pass & Twirl with 4th corners.1s ending 2nd place opp sides facing clockwise
21-24 All chase clockwise 1/2 way round (2) 1 (3)
25-32 1s turn 1/2 RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opposite sides; All set & cross RH to own sides 2 1 3 4
1-32 1s+3s+4s repeat 1-32
DAINTY DAVIE (S8x16) 3C (4C set) Walsh, (17C) RSCDS Bk 11
1- 8 1s clap & cross passing RSh, cast 1 place & cross RH to own sides (2s step up 2-3), 2s repeat back to places (1s step up 6-7)
9-16 1s dance Figs of 8 on opposite sides round 2s+3s & 1s cross down RH to 2nd place own sides
DAINTY DUNCAN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 1s lead down, cross below 3s & cast up to 2nd place opp sides & turn LH remaining in centre, 2nd place, ready for …
9-16 1s dance RH across with 1st+2nd crnrs, 1M followed by 3L+2L dance up & cast down Men's side as 1L followed by 2M+3M dance down below 3s & up Ladies' side
17-24 All chase anticlockwise 1/2 way, 1s+2s+3s Set+Link for 3 once to lines across
25-32 1M dances reel of 3 on opposite sides with 2L+3L (starting by giving RSh to 3L) while 1L dances reel of 3 with 2M+3M (starting by giving RSh to 2M) & end with 1s crossing RH to 2nd place own sides
DAISY, DAISY (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s, giving hands as they cross down
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s+2s set & Petronella in Tandem twice to opposite sides. (2) (1)
25-32 2s+1s set, cross RH & circle 4H round to the left
Note: Can be danced as a Strathspey, a Reel or a Jig
DAISY CHAIN (S80) Sq.Set Pam Robertson Croydon Golden Jubilee
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 Ladies dance LSh round partner & RSh round corner
17-24 Men dance RSh round partner & LSh round corner
25-32 Ladies dance clockwise round set back to places while Men dance LH across in centre 1.1/2 times to opposite places
33-40 All set (facing in) & Men petronella on 1 place to their right, all set & Men petronella on 1 place to right (back to original places)
41-48 All set & advance with partner, retire with corner & set
49-56 All pass partner RH, turn next person LH, pass partner RH & turn corner LH
57-64 Men dance anticlockwise round set back to places while Ladies dance RH across in centre 1.1/2 times
65-72 1s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain , 2L+4L dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain
73-80 All circle 8H round & back
DAISY CHAIN (S4x32) Sq.Set Karen Lavalle-Trente Northampton 20th Anniv
1- 8 1s+3s cross RH & set while 2s & 4s Set+Link. 2s+4s cross RH and set while 1s & 3s Set+Link
9-16 All circle 8H 1/2 round to Left, retain hands, Adv+Ret finish facing corners
17-24 Grand Chain 1/2 way (no hands - 2 bars to pass each person) and pass partners LSh at end
25-28 All turn partners LH & face in with NHJ
29-32 1s & 3s Adv+Ret into next place clockwise while 2s & 4s set, pull back RSh & cast to next place clockwise 2 3 4 1
DAISY CHAIN (M-(S64+J64)) Sq.Set Veronica Hughes Clifton Coll.
1- 8 1s+3s dance Figs 8 through side couples (1M+3L through 2s, 1L+3M through 4s)
9-16 All set & turn partner RH, set & turn partner LH
17-24 2s+4s repeat 1-8
25-32 All set & turn partner RH; set & turn partner LH
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
41-48 1s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain; 2s+4s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain
49-52 All Ladies dance 1/2 RH across & turn partner LH
53-56 All turn corner RH & join partner in prom hold facing anticlockwise
57-64 All promenade once round
1-64 Repeat bars 1-64 above in jig time
DAISY'S DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Muriel Rimmer SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, cross RH & 1M casts up & into middle above 2s as 1L down & into middle below 3s
9-16 1s dance LH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) with 2s & 3s continuing to places as 1s change places LSh in middle to dance RH across with other couple (1s dance only 1/2 LH across bars 9-10 and pass LSh bars 11-12; 2s & 3s dance full LH across) Finish 2 1 3
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & Petronella turn to 2nd place own side
THE DALESMAN (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 12 More Social Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 2 places, face up (2s+3s step up); 1s+3s turn 1.1/2 LH on sides (1L+3M LH, 1M+3L RH) to end between 2s & 3s on opp sides facing out & holding hands with 2s+3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, 1s set to & turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh to join hands, 1M with 2s, 1L+3s
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, 1s set to & turn 2nd corners RH, pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way round; all set to partner & 1/2 turn partner RH ready for …
33-40 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande
DALGARVEN MILL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John A Johnston Jig Time 1
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), turn LH to end in 2nd place opp sides
9-12 All Advance, 2s+3s Retire while 1s petronella turn to 1M between 2s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up
13-16 Lines of 3 Advance, 2s+3s Retire while 1s petronella turn to 2nd place own side 2 1 3
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance "Slip Knot" (as Knot but bars 23-24: 3s+1s dance 1/2 LH across while 2s finish in 3rd place) 1 3 2
25-32 3s followed by 2s dance up & cast round 1s; 2s followed by 1s dance down & cast up round 3s. 2 1 3
1- 8 1s (with nearer hands joined) set to 2L & circle 3H round to the left, set to 2M & circle 3H round to the left
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back (2s step up 11-12), 1M pass Lady across to end with 1s BtoB between 2s facing opposite sides
17-24 1s+2s dance RSh reel of 4 across, 1s pass LSh to end in middle facing 1st corner
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & cross LH to own sides
DALRY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Lothian Coll
1- 8 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides dancing between 2s to start
9-16 2s dance Fig of 8 round 3s (casting to start) while 1s cross down & follow the 2s ending below 3s on own sides
17-24 1s turn RH & cast back to places, 1s+2s cross RH & circle 4H round to left 1/2 way
25-32 1s+3s cross LH & circle 4H round to right 1/2 way, 3s+1s change places on sides (Men RH & Ladies LH)
DALSTON HALL (S4x40) 4C set John Drewry Rondel Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, 1s+2s change places LH on sides (no polite turns), 2s+1s+3s cross RH & all 4 couples set. (2) 1 (3) 4
9-16 2s+1s+3+4s circle 8H round & back.
17-20 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across, 3s cast to place while 1s turn 1/2 RH moving up to 2nd place opposite side
21-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 LH across, 2s cast to top while 1s cross down LH to 2nd place own side facing down
25-32 2s+1s+3s+4s dance Grand Chain (1 step per hand), 4L polite turn to face in, 2M & 3M face out
33-40 1s+3s+4s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s give RSh to 3s to start) & 1s dance down to 4th place (3s+4s step up). 2 3 4 1
THE DALSTON JIG (J4x40) 4C set Pat Harland The Sunday Class 1
1- 8 1s+3s cast 1 place, 1s+3s turn RH, 1s cast to 4th place as 3s lead up to 2nd place 2 3 4 1
9-16 2s+4s repeat bars 1-8, finishing 3 4 1 2 facing up/down on sides
17-24 3s+4s & 1s+2s set advancing passing each other LSh; 3s+2s set advancing passing each other LSh while 4s+1s set & face in; 4s+2s & 3s+1s dance RH across
25-32 4s cross RH, cast (2s step up), 4s cross RH, cast (3s step up)
33-40 All circle 8H round to left (6 steps), pivot pulling RSh back & all chase to places 2 3 4 1
THE DAMARIS REEL (R2x48) 4C set J Baldwin Silver Thistle Coll
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance reels of 4 across (1M+2L similarly 3M+4L pass LSh to start)
17-24 3s followed by 1s lead down & 1s lead back & both couples turn to face 2s/4s who step in
25-32 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance 1/2 RH across to end with 1s facing 4s in centre, 1s+4s set & dance 1/2 LH across to end facing 3s/4s
33-40 All dance reels of 4 on sides with 1s & 4s ending by passing RSh to face up/down
41-48 1s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across, all set & cross RH to end 2 1 4 3
DAME ALISON MUNRO (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Phillipe Rousseau Sussex Martlett Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s+3s turn RH (4 bars); 1s+2s dance 1/2 Poussette (out to side & 1/4 turn, along sides & 3/4 turn 2H onto own sides). 2s face out, 1s face in
9-16 2s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cross up & 2s cast)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s); 2s+1s+3s advance, turn partner RH under Man's arm & retire to sides
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s); 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
THE DAMFLASK STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Kate Bould Third Sheaf Coll
1- 4 1s+2s+3s set. 2s turn 3/4 RH to end 2L between 1s facing 1L & 2M between 3s facing 3M
5- 8 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across 2L+1s & 2M+3s. End (1) 2 (3)
9-12 1s+2s+3s set. 2s turn 3/4 LH to end 2M between 1s facing 1L & 2L between 3s facing 3M
13-16 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across 2M+1s & 2L+3s. 2s pass LSh to face 1st corners
17-20 2s+1st corners dance Corners Pass+Turn (1st corners turn 2H) 2s pass RSh to face 2nd corners
21-24 2s+2nd corners repeat 17-20. 2s pass RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-28 2s followed by 3s dance up, cast round 1s to 3rd/2nd place. 1 3 2
29-32 3s followed by 1s dance down, cast up round 2s to end 3 1 2
DAN THE COBBLER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk 3
1- 4 1s+2s+3s set, 1s dance down to 2nd place (in middle) while 2s cast up & 3s set turning to face out (Man - right about & Lady left about)
5- 8 1L dances LH across on sides with 2L+3L & 1M RH across with 2M+3M
9-16 1s dance down (4 bars), Lady dances under Man's arm & 1s dance to 3rd pl opp sides while
2s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (2s cross down, 3s cast up). 3s end facing out
17-24 2s+3s+1s dance 6 bar mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/up, 2s in/down, 3s out/down to start). Bars 31-32: 1s cross to 2nd place own sides while 3s cast to 3rd place
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Inverted Grand Chain (3s cross RH as 1s+2s change places RH on sides)
DANCE AROUND HERTFORD (S3x48) 3C Set Maureen Ainsworth SEHSCDS Diamond Jubilee Strathspey Coll.
1- 4 1s cast (2s step up 1-2) & cross passing RSh
5- 8 1L dances LSh round 3M while 1M dances LSh round 2L & 1s pass LSh in centre flowing into …
9-16 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across, 1s face 1st corners; 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s pass RSh in centre
17-24 1M+2L+3L (at top) & 1L+2M+3M dance LH across, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place opp side. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 Reels of 3 across, 1L+2s (at top, 1L+2M pass LSh) & 1M+3s (1M+3L pass LSh)
33-40 All join hands on sides & set, circle 6H 1/2 round to left (4 bars), & all set on sides
41-48 1s+3s dance the Knot. 2 3 1
A DANCE CALLED IRENE (S4x32) 4C set R Wallace Redwood Forrest
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle left, 1s+2s also 3s+4s turn 2H 1.1/2 times on sides
9-16 Top 3 Men turn bottom 3 Ladies RH, top 3 Ladies turn bottom 3 Men LH
17-24 1M+4L set & 3/4 turn 2H into centre to face partners who chase clockwise 1/2 way, 4s & 1s set & 3/4 turn RH to 2nd/3rd places own sides
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance Diamond Poussette
A DANCE FOR ALL THE MACKAYS (J4x40) 4C set M Mulligan
1- 8 1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s cast to start) as 2s cross down to 3rd pl to reel on opp sides. 1(2)3
9-16 1s+2s Petronella inTandem to other side. 2(1)3
17-24 1s+2s 1/2 turn partners RH dance RH across once round & 1s 1/2 turn RH into prom hold to face 3M as 2s cross RH to 1st place own side
25-32 1s dance RSh reel of 3 with 3s & 1s end between 3s facing down
33-40 1s turn 3s with nearer hand & cross down to 3rd place own sides as 3s dance up, 1s turn 4s 1.1/2 times with other hand
DANCE FOR ANDREW (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole:
1- 2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3- 4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5- 8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh & dance 1/2 Diag reel of 4 with 2nd corner. Bar16: 1s 1/2 turn LH to end LSh to LSh in middle facing opp side
17-24 RH across, 1L+3s (at top) & 1M+2s (at bottom); 1s dance RSh round each other into 2nd place own side while 3s+2s chase clockwise 1/2 round. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
A DANCE FOR CHLOE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Margaret Gomersall Oh, How We've Danced!
1- 8 1s dance in & cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s. 1s finish in centre in prom hold facing up (1L on 1M's left)
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 3 across (1s RSh to 2L). 1s end in middle facing up
17-24 1s lead up, cross & cast to 2nd place; 2s dance down & cast up round 1s to 1st place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
A DANCE FOR DAVID (S5x32) 5C set Wendy Mumford
1- 8 1s+2s also 4s+5s dance Diamond Poussette (2s/4s end facing 1st corners) as 3s set & dance DoSiDo & set again
9-16 2s/4s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh to turn 2nd corners RH & pass RSh to face 4th corners
17-24 2s/4s turn 4th corners LH & pass LSh to face 3rd corner (pstn), 2s/4s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 4 with 3rd corners back to original places
25-32 1s cross down to 2nd place as 2s dance up & 1s dance out 1/2 turning 3s, 1s cross down to 4th place as 4s dance up & 1s dancing out 1/2 turning 5s
DANCE FOR DENNY (J3x32) 3C set R Mitchell Thistle Dubh 2
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back ending in centre facing up
9-16 All Promenade
17-24 1s cast 1 place & dance 3/4 Fig of 8 round 3s to end in 3rd place own side
25-32 All dance reels of 3 on side (1s out & up to start)
A DANCE FOR DONNA (M-4x(S32+R32)) 3C (4C set) Ann Campbell Brampton Connections
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Petronella turn & set; Petronella turn & set. (1) (2) (3)
9-16 1s dance in & cast (2s step up); 1s turn RH & face out (2nd place opp side)
17-24 Promenade (Chaperoned) Chain progression:
17-18 2s & 3s 3/4 turn partner RH into middle while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round the set picking up 2L/3M …
19-22 who promenade 1/2 way clockwise while middle people (2L+3M) turn LH 1.1/2
23-24 3s & 2s turn partner RH 3/4 to own sides while 1s dance clockwise 1/4 round to end in 2nd place. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Set+Link twice to end 2 1 3
Repeat 1-32 in Reel time
A DANCE FOR DOROTHY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Thorn Magic Of Music
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 3/4 turn LH into prom hold facing 3L
9-16 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 1st corners & 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place Ladies' side
17-20 1s cross leading with LH & cast (Man up, lady down) dancing into middle to meet partner while 3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L
21-24 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH to end own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
A DANCE FOR DOROTHY (R4x32) 4C set Pauline Cashmore & George Ferrier
1- 8 All set NHJ, 1s &2s also 3s+4s dance RH across. 1s & 4s cast into centre while 2s & 3s step out to ends. 2 1 4 3
9-12 1s+4s Petronella turn and set, remaining in centre ready for …
13-20 1s+4s dance 1/2 Celtic Reel:
13-16 1s+4s pass partner RSh, 1M+4L dance1/4 clockwise round to opp sides while partners dance 3/4 LSh round each other to face own partner across dance.
17-20 Repeat (4M+1L dancing clockwise round) to form a line up & down centre, facing partner again
21-24 4s+1s set & petronella turn to own side. 2 4 1 3
25-32 2s+4s+1s+3s circle 8H round & back. End 2 4 1 3
A DANCE FOR DULCIE (S2x32) 4C Set Peter Stokes Second Sheaf Coll
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance Knot. 2M & 3L end facing out while 1s & 4s finish in middle, joining 2H with partner, ready for …
9-16 1s+4s dance Poussette & remain in middle while 2s+3s chase anticlockwise 1/2 round & turn partner 1.1/2 LH to own sides. 3 1 4 2
17-20 1M/4L dance out of ends, cast right into centre & finish BtoB facing up/down while
1L & 4M dance across, out of sides, cast right into centre to face partner
21-24 1s+4s dance 1/2 reel of 4 up/down centre
25-28 1s & 4s set & Petronella turn to own side. 3 4 1 2
29-32 3s+4s (at top) & 1s+2s (at bottom) circle 4H round to left.
A DANCE FOR FORTY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Seth Major & Sarah McCullough
1- 8 1M casts below 3s while 1L dances down middle, 1L followed by 1M casts up round 3L, dance down & cast up round 3M & into 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn 1/2 RH, face partner & pull back RSh & dance RSh round 1st corners, flowing into …
17-24 Reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 4th corners). 1s end in 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back.
A DANCE FOR GRANDMA??? (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Lindsay Martin Woodside Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s turn LH to face 2nd corners
9-16 1s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on opp sides (RSh to 2nd corners) & cross to 2nd place own side
17-24 1s dance down middle & back up finishing in middle BtoB facing own side ready for …
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles, 1s Petronella turn to own side. 2 1 3
33-40 2s+1s dance R&L
A DANCE FOR HELEN LOBB (M-2x(S2x32+R2x32)) 4C set Steve Goulden, 2017
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set & Rotate
9-16 1s+4s Set+Link, 1s+4s end NHJ with partner, 1s facing down, 4s facing up; 1s+4s Set+Link ending on side lines, 2s facing 4s, 1s facing 3s
17-24 2s+4s+1s+3s dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
25-32 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance R&L starting changing places RH on side
Dance 4 times through, 2x Strathspey + 2x Reel
A DANCE FOR IVY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) B Burnell
1- 8 1s dance down & back to top
9-16 1s cast on own sides, in down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place & set
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, circle 6H round 3/4 way into lines across (all Ladies at top) & all set
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (up/down), 1s turn RH to own sides while 2s+3s set & dance on 1 place clockwise
A DANCE FOR JEAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Pat Charlton Counting Sheep
1- 8 1s cross down to dance mirror reels of 3 on sides
9-16 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to finish facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place opp sides. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 couples twice. 2 1 3
DANCE FOR JOY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) D Bell Starters
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1L+3M set & change places RH, 1M+3L set & change places RH
17-24 2s set & cross RH, 2s cast to 3rd place & 3s+1s+2s 1/2 turn RH to end in middle facing up
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance 3 couple Allemande
DANCE FOR MAE (S4x32) 4C set Sue Beaver Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
9-12 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L. (2) (3) (4) (1)
13-16 All set, 2s+3s+4s 1/2 turn partner RH while 1s cross RH
17-24 2s+3s+4s dance promenade
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance RH across & LH across, End 2 3 4 1
1- 8 1s & 2s slip down & back
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 1s turn RH & cast to bottom
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
A DANCE FOR MISATO (J4x32) 4C set Diana Shipman RSCDS Houston & District 30th Anniversary Coll
1- 8 All Men take hands on side & Adv+Ret, All Ladies take hands on side & Adv+Ret
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way. 1s+3s dance LH across 1/2 way, 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way & all set Advcg to form zigzag line (L above M)
17-24 Bal-in-Line then 1/2 turn partner RH, all Bal-in-Line & 3/4 turn RH to Ladies facing down & Men up all on own sides. 2 3 4 1
25-32 All chase clockwise round set back to places
1- 8 All set, 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance LH across & couple facing couple set
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance the Rondel
17-24 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round couple below (4s), 1s cross down (no hands) while 4s dance up sides & 1s+4s turn on sides (Ladies LH & Men RH)
25-32 All dance reflection reels of 4 on sides (Ladies RSh & Men LSh). 2 4 1 3
A DANCING CAREER (A Dance in Korea) (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 1
1- 8 1s dance down & cast up behind 2s, 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s as 2s set & change places RH then set again & cross back
17-24 1s followed by 2s (who cast up) dance down middle, all turn in & dance up (2s to top)
25-32 2s+1s Promenade
DANCE LIEBER (J4x32) 4C set T Wilson Measures of Pleasure
1- 4 1L followed by 1M casts round 2L & crosses up between 2s while 4M followed by 4L casts round 3M & crosses down between 3s
5- 8 1L casts to 2nd place & crosses to own side while 4M casts to 3rd place & crosses to own side. 2 1 4 3
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across then LH across
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides ending with 1L+4L also 1M+4M NHJ facing out
25-32 1M+4M also 1L+4L change places LH & set to partners, 4s+1s circle 4H round to right. 2 4 1 3
THE DANCE OF DIAMONDS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Graham & Faye Cattell
1- 4 1L & 3M cast & chase clockwise 1/2 way to change places while 1M+2s+3L dance 1/2 Diag R&L
5- 8 3L & 1M chase clockwise 1/2 way as 3M+2s+1L dance 1/2 Diag R&L. All end in original places
9-16 1s set advancing, cast to 2nd place & turn RH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & into centre to end BtoB
25-32 1s dance LH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s), pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple
DANCE OF LOVE (S3x32) 3C set Aymeric Fromherz, 2018
1- 8 1s+2s+3s 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh & dance out to opp sides flowing into all chase clockwise 1/2 round. 3 2 1
9-16 2s+1s dance Tourbillon:
9-12 2s & 1s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 2M & 1L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise to end 2s on Ladies side & 1s on Men's side, 2s set to 1s
13-16 2s & 1s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs on 1 place clockwise & 1s+2s cross RH to own sides. 3 1 2
17-24 1s dance "Figure of Love":
17-20 1s dance LSh round 1st corner (pstn), meet in centre & touch 2H
21-24 1s pull back LSh & dance LSh round 2nd corner (pstn) into 2nd place own side
25-32 1M+2s (at bottom) & 1L+3s (at top) dance reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner pstn to start). End 3 1 2
DANCE OF THE DEMONS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) David Horwill
1- 4 1s cross down to 2nd place opp sides while 2s cast up & 3s set, 2s dance in & face down while 3s cross up to 2nd place opp sides as 1s cast down, meet & face up. 2 (3) (1)
5- 8 All dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (2s in/down, 3s out/up, 1s in/up). (1) (3) 2
9-12 1s set while 3s cast & 2s cross up to 2nd place opp sides, 1s cross down to 2nd place own side while 2s cast up & meet in middle facing down & 3s dance in to middle facing up. (2) 1 (3)
13-16 All dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (2s in/down, 1s out/down, 3s in/up). (3) 1 (2)
17-24 3s followed by 1s dance down middle, 3s cast up, meet & dance up middle to 1st place facing out while 1s cross & cast up to 2nd place. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 All dance 1/2 mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/up, 3s cast down, 2s cast up); 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH with partner. 2 1 3
Note: On 2nd time through Bars 31-32: 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across
A DANCE TO SAY THANK YOU (M-4x(S32+R32)) 4C set Florence Burgy Dances for Avril and David Quarrie
1- 4 1s dance down between 3s & 1s+3s 3/4 turn (Ladies LH, Men RH), 1s end in 2nd place own side (2s step up 3-4)
5- 8 1s dance up between 2s & 1s+2s 3/4 turn (Ladies RH, Men LH) to end 2 1 3
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left (3 bars), pivot pulling back LSh & chase anticlockwise, 1s finish facing 1st corners
17-24 "Interrupted Hello-Goodbye" setting:
17-20 1s set to 1st corner and set to partner, turn 3/4 RH to face 2nd corners;
21-24 Repeat with 2nd corner; 1s end on own side in 2nd place. 2 1 3 4
25-32 1s+3s dance Diamond Poussette. End 2 1 3 4
1-16 Repeat 1-16 above
17-24 "Interrupted Hello-Goodbye" setting but Bar24: 1s remain in centre, & 4s step in
25-32 1s+4s dance Poussette to end 2 3 4 1
DANCE TO THE MUSIC (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Holly Boyd Célébrations
1- 8 1s+2s dance 3/4 R&L (6 bars), 1s turn 2s LH on sides. 2 1 3
9-16 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 3s to start)
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret; all circle 6H 1/2 round to left
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret; all circle 6H 1/2 round to right
DANCE WITH A SMILE (S4x32) 4C Set Pauline Beeson RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
2 chords - 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opposite side
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s Set+Rotate. End 2s facing 1s, 4s facing 3s
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on side. 1M & 4M face out
17-24 1s+4s dance Ladies' Chain
25-28 1s+4s dance Set+Link
29-32 4s+1s set & cross RH with partner. End 2 4 (1) (3)
DANCE WITH ME? (J4x32) 4C set Maggie & Duncan Keppie A Dozen Dances
1- 8 All Ladies Adv+Ret, all Men repeat
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24 All set twice, 1s cast to the bottom as others step up
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 around couple above them
DANCE WITH MOTHER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) G Hamilton
1- 8 1s dance down below 3s, cast up & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides dancing down between 3s to start
17-24 1s cross down below 3s, cast up on own sides & turn LH 1.1/4 times
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) giving LSh to 1st corners
DANCE WITH YOUR SOUL (S4x32) 4C set M Boekner Cameo Coll Vol 23
1- 8 All set & 1s+4s turn RH moving down/up, 1M followed by partner dances out & down behind 3L to 4th place own side while 4L followed by partner dances out & up behind 2M to 1st place own sides
9-16 All dance RSh reels on sides
17-24 4s+2s dance Rondel as 3s+1s dance a reversed Rondel (1s dance up under arch by 3s)
25-32 1s followed by 4s+3s lead up middle between 2s & cast down own sides, all turn partners RH. 2 3 4 1
THE DANCE WIZARD (J4x32) 4C set Wouter Joubert Many Happy Hours: Pretoria 35th
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1L (also 4L) dances Fig 8 round 2s (3s) while 1M (also 4M) sets dances 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s (3s) & dances across to place facing out 1 2 (3) (4)
9-16 LSh reels of 4 on sides. Bar 16 2L+3M also 2M+3L turn 1/2 RH (instead of passing RSh) & retain RH, 1M & 4M face out
17-20 1M followed by 1L & 4M followed by 4L chase 1/2 round clockwise to opposite ends while 2L+3M & 2M+3L continue to turn RH. 4 2 (3) (1)
21-24 4s+2s & 3s+1s change places LH on sides; 4L+1M & 4M+1L turn RH 3/4 into line of 4 across while 2s & 3s set
25-32 1s+4s dance reel of 4 across, finishing 2 4 (1) (3)
A DANCER ALL HER DAYS (S4x40) 4C Set Linda Lawson Stonehaven Platinum Anniv. Dances
1- 8 1L+2M set advancing, turn 2H back to place; 1M+2L repeat
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides: 1s dance in & cast, 2s dance in/up 3s dance in & cast up. 1s & 3s curve into place at end
17-24 1s+2s dance 1/2 R&L; 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L; All turn partner 2H 1.1/2 times to own side
33-40 1s+4s dance Poussette (all round). 2 3 4 1
A DANCER'S BRAINWAVE (M-(3x32S+3x32R)) 3C set Judith Kowalczik
1- 8 1s Adv+Ret (bars 1-4), 2s Adv+Ret (bars 3-6), 3s Adv+Ret (bars 5-8)
9-12 2s, followed by 1s, dance down between 3s & cast up to top 2 1 3
13-16 1s, followed by 3s, dance up between 2s & cast to bottom 2 3 1
17-20 All set & cross RH
21-28 All circle 6H round & back
29-21 All cross LH & set
A DANCER'S DREAM (S3x32) 3C set Avril Quarrie
1- 8 1s dance down (NHJ) between 2s, cast up, dance down between 3s & cast up to face 1st corners
9-20 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s meet again in middle & pass RSh, twirl to finish BtoB (1M faces down, 1L up)
21-24 1s dance out of ends, cast to R into 2nd place own side while 3s+2s set & dance 1/2 RH across 2 1 3
25-32 1s+3s dance Rose Progression
25-26 1M+3L set as 1L+3M change places RH
27-28 1M+3L 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh as 1L & 3M dance into partner's place
29-30 1M+3L cast into each others place as 1L+3M 1/2 turn RH, pull back RSh
31-32 1M & 3L dance into 2nd/1st places own side as 1L & 3M cast to right to new places. End 2 3 1
DANCER'S WEB (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 2s+1s dance RH across & end in middle facing down
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down & cross below 3s, cast round 3s & lead up & cross 1s cast to face 1st corners & 2s to 1st place own sides
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with corners, 1s turn RH as all corners chase 1/2 way clockwise
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners (pstn), all turn RH
THE DANCERS FAE AUCHLEVEN (M-(S64+J64)) Sq.Set R Sargebt Ruthven HP Coll
1- 8 Ladies dance reel of 4 across (1L RSh to 4L & 3L RSh to 2L) ending in original places
9-16 Men dance reel of 4 up/down (2M LSh to 3M & 4M RSh to 1M) ending in original places
17-32 1s+3s Adv+Ret, 2s+4s Adv+Ret, repeat bars 17-24
33-40 Ladies dance LH across twice round while Men dance clockwise once round
41-48 Men dance RH across twice round while Ladies dance anticlockwise once round
49-64 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left, all circle 8H round to left for 4 bars
57-64 All circle 8H round to right to end in opposite places
Repeat in jig time but end with 1s leading off the floor
DANCERS OF A FEATHER (R4x32) Sq.Set Andrew Hodgson Fields Of Gold
1- 8 All dance Interlocking Ladies' Chain:
1-2 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men dance towards Ladies' places
3-4 Men turn Lady LH
5-6 Repeat bars 1-2
7-8 Men turn partner LH back to place
9-16 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain
17-24 All turn partners 1.1/4 into Promenade hold facing anticlockwise & dance 3 places round to finish facing partners
25-32 All set to partners, turn partner 3/4 RH; Men dance on 1 place clockwise round outside back to original place & all set to new partners
DANCERS' COMPANIONS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin, 2020
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down, cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side (2s step up); 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 mirror reel of 3 on sides (1s in/up, 2s out/down, 3s out/up). 1s end facing 2nd corners (pstn)
9-16 1s turn 2nd corner (pstn) RH, partner LH, 1st corner (pstn) RH, partner LH. 1s end in centre, 1M facing up, 1L facing down
17-24 1M+3s (at top) & 1L+2s (3rd place) dance RH across (2 bars), 3M followed by 1M+3L also 2L followed by 1L+2M chase clockwise round to end (Bar: 23) with 2s in 1st place, 3s in 3rd place & Bar24: 1L dances behind 2L, 1M behind 3M to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s Advance (1 step), pull back RSh & curve out to place (Men face up, Ladies down); All turn partners RH. 2 1 3
THE DANCERS' WEDDING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J Hill RSCDS Bk 41
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH & set, lead down the middle, cross below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret for 2 steps, 1s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) to end in 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (Lady with 3s & Man with 2s) end in diag line with 4th crnr (RH with crnrs & LH ptnr)
25-32 1s dance the Spoke : - Bal-in-Line with 4th crnr, repeat with own 1st crnr, 2nd crnr & 3rd crnr
THE DANCETIDE STRATHSPEY 2010 (S4x32) 4C set Christian R Petersen Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1L followed by 1M & 4M followed by 4L cast 1 place & cross to opp sides (2s & 3s step up/down); All dance 1/2 reels of 4 on sides. 3 (4) (1) 2
9-16 3s & 2s repeat bars 1-8 (3L & 2M lead). 1 2 3 4
17-24 All dance 8 bars of 4 Couple R&L:
17-18 All cross RH with partner
19-20 Top 2 on Men's side + bottom 2 on Ladies' side change places LH on sides while others cross diagonally LH
21-24 Repeat 17-20 to end facing partner 4 3 2 1
25-32 Bottom 3 couples set, cross RH & chase clockwise 1/2 round. 4 1 2 3
DANCING AROUND (S4x32) 4C set John Drewry Stoneywood Coll 2
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, dance RH across 1/2 way & chase clockwise 1/2 way. 3 4 1 2
9-16 3s+4s also 1s+2s set, dance LH across 1/2 way & chase anticlockwise 1/2 way. 1 2 3 4
17-24 All set, turn 2H to end in middle (1s/3s facing down, 2s/4s facing up), 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left (remain in middle facing down/up)
25-28 All set advancing passing facing person, 1s+4s set advancing & pass while 2s & 3s dance to top/bottom places
29-32 4s dance up to top & cast to 2nd place while 1s dance down to bottom & cast up to 3rd place. 2 4 1 3
THE DANCING BEES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8 1s lead down the middle & back to face 2L in prom hold
9-16 1s dance reel of 3 across with 2s (giving RSh to 2L)
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 across with 3s (LSh to 3L) ending in the middle (Man facing down & Lady facing up to partner)
25-32 1s set in middle, petronella to 2nd place own sides & 2s+1s+3s turn RH (4 bars)
THE DANCING BELLS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) A Campbell
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, cross RH & cast to right to end 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (up/down), 1s change places RH & cast to right while 2M+3M & 2L+3L turn RH
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (across), 1s dance 1/2 Figs of 8 (1M round 2s, 1L round 3s)
25-32 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s) & LH across with other couple
DANCING BUTTERFLIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Diane Bradshaw Lower Hutt SCD 60th Anniv
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, LH back
9-16 1s dance (NHJ) down the middle & back, finish back-to-back 2nd place facing own sides (2s step up 11-12)
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles & end facing down in middle on own sides (1M pulls back RSh)
25-32 1s (taking hands where possible) dance between 3s, cast up, dance up between 2s & cast off to 2nd place, own sides
A DANCING CAREER (A Dance in Korea) (J8x32) 2C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 1
1- 8 1s dance down & cast up behind 2s, 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s as 2s set & change places RH then set again & cross back
17-24 1s followed by 2s (who cast up) dance down middle, all turn in & dance up (2s to top)
25-32 2s+1s Promenade
THE DANCING CHEF (R96) Sq.Set A&Ian Jamieson Glen Orrin Coll 1
1- 8 All set to partners, turn RH, turn corners LH & turn partner RH (Ladies end facing out)
9-16 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reel (2 places)
17-24 All turn partners RH, turn corners LH, partners RH & set to partners
25-32 1s & 3s dance Figs of 8 round nearest side couple dancing in front of corner person to start
33-40 2s & 4s repeat
41-48 1s & 3s dance 1/2 R&L, 2s & 4s dance 1/2 R&L back to places
49-56 Ladies dance RH across once round while Men dance 1/2 way round anticlockwise, set to opposite partner & 1/2 turn Men into centre
57-64 Men dance RH across once round while Ladies dance 1/2 way round anticlockwise, set to partner & 1/2 turn to places
65-72 1s & 3s advance (1s nearer hands joined), 1s (with outer hands) turn opp person once round, cross & dance out behind side couples to orig places
73-80 2s & 4s repeat
81-88 All dance Grand Chain
89-96 All with RH over LH (as Auld Lang Syne) circle to left once round On final chord all turn outwards retaining hands to bow or curtsey
DANCING DIAMONDS (S4x32) 4C set Liz Bruynooghe, 2006
1- 8 1s & 4s petronella turn into centre (2s+3s step slightly up/down to form 2 diamond shapes) & all set, all Petronella turn & set again
9-16 1s & 4s cross RH, cast to meet other prtnr on sides & turn 2H, 1s+4s dance LH across as 2s & 3s set, turn 2H, dance out to 1st/4th pl & set
17-24 1s & 4s dance Figs of 8 round end couples
25-32 1s set advg & turn 2H, dance down middle for 3 bars followed by 4s+3s (who dance up through 2nd pl into middle) & cast to sides. 2 3 4 1
DANCING DOLPHINS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Dolphin Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place (2s step up). 1s turn LH 1.1/4 times to end facing Ladies' side, 1L on 1M's right (*see note)
9-16 1s dance Alternating Tandem reel of 3 on Ladies' side (1L leads starting RSh to 3L)
17-24 1s dance Alternating Tandem reel on Men's side (1L leads starting LSh to 3M) & end in prom hold facing Ladies' side
25-32 1s dance out between 2L+3L, cast round 3L & dance up to top of set, drop hands & cast to 2nd place own side
*Note: 1s cover, remaining parallel to line of set throughout reels (bars 9-24)
THE DANCING DOMINIE (S4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood
1- 8 All set on sides & 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1M & 2L also 3M & 4L lead partners by nearer hand on 1 place clockwise (1s & 3s on Ladies' side & 2s & 4s on Men's side), all set, 1L & 3L cast down 1 place while 2M & 4M cast up 1 place as others cross to own side to face partner
9-16 All set, 2s & 3s (end couples) cross RH while 1s & 4s dance 1/2 RH across. All change places LH on side, end couples cross RH while middle couples dance 1/2 RH across (4s & 2s face down 3s & 1s face up). 4 2 3 1
17-24 All turn facing person LH, set advancing & pass LSh, 1s & 4s (centre couples) turn facing person RH & set advancing & pass LSh
25-32 3s+1s also 4s+2s circle 4H round to left, all ending in a line up/down set (Ladies facing up & Men down), all set & petronella turn to sides. 3 1 4 2
DANCING DRAGONS (J3x32) 3C Set Liebet Joubert Fields Of Gold
1- 8 2s dance Fig of 8 (2L up round 1s, 2M down round 3s)
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on the sides. 2L dances in/down, 2M dances in/up to start
17-18 2s dance down curving into 3rd place while 3s dance up to 2nd place
19-24 3s turn RH 1.1/4; 1s+3M also 3L+2s dance LH across
25-32 1s+3L also 3M+2s dance RH cross; 1s+3s+2s dance Snake Pass passing LSh in centre:
3L followed by 1L+1M dances down to 3M's place, across set & up to 2L's place while 3M, followed by 2M+2L, dance up to 1L's place, across set & down to 2M's place. End 2 3 1
THE DANCING FIDDLER (S3x32) 3C Set Don Andrews Leeds SCD Club 65th Anniversary
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set &cross RH; all set, 1s+3s cross back RH while 2s turn 2H to face 1st corners
9-16 2s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners (corners turn 2H), 2s pass RSh to repeat with 2nd corners. 2s pass RSh to 2nd place own sides 1 2 3
17-24 1s+2s dance Espagnole
`17-18 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
`19-20 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
`21-24 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH to finish in diagonal line with 3s who step in bar 24 ready for ….
25-32 1s+3s dance 1/2 Poussette, 2s+3s+1s turn 2H. 2 3 1
DANCING FOR PLEASURE (S3x40) 3C set Patricia Blair TAC 50th Anniversary Bk
1- 8 While 3s cross RH, set on the sidelines, cross back RH and set, 1s+2s dance the Tourbillon:-
1- 4 1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s Men's side, 1s set to 2s
5- 8 1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & lead ptnrs on 1 place clockwise & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
9-16 1M dances Fig 8 round 2s while 1L dances Fig 8 round 3s
17-24 1s advance to 1st corners as 1s+1st corners set & turn 2H to end in lines of 3 across (1L between 2s, 1M b'tw'n 3s), 1s+2nd crnrs repeat to 2(1)3
25-36 2s+1s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples
37-40 1s cross down between 3s to own sides & cast up to 3rd place as 3s dance up 1 place on sides in last 2 bars.
DANCING FORTH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Grant 5 Anniv Dances Edinburgh
1- 8 1s set, 1/2 turn RH moving down to 2nd place (2s move up), 1s twirl right to face 1st corner, set to & turn 1st corner 2H (skip change)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) giving LSh to 4th corner 1s end facing each other up/down
17-24 1s set, 1/2 turn RH, twirl right to face 2nd corner, set to & turn 2nd corners 2H (skip change)
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 3s & Man with 2s), 1s cross RH to own side in 2nd place
THE DANCING GARDEN (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Paul & Jan Swinney
1- 8 1M sets pulling back LSh to face out while 1L sets advancing, 1M followed by 1L dance tandem 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s & cross to face 3M (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 1s dance Alternating Tandem reel on 2nd corner diagonal (LSh to 3M). 1s end in centre 2nd place, NHJ facing Men's side, 1L on 1M's right
17-20 1s dance out of Men's side & cast, 1L up, 1M down into lines of 3 across 1L between 2s, 1M between 3s while 2s & 3s Adv+Ret
21-24 All set, 1s cross RH, briefly retaining hands as 1L faces 3L & 1M steps in behind partner
25-32 1s dance Alternating Tandem reel on 1st corner diagonal (LSh to 3L). 1s end in centre 2nd place, NHJ facing down (1L on 1M's right)
33-36 1s dance down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place opp side while 2s+3s Adv+Ret up/down sides (no hands)
37-40 All set, 1s cross RH to 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
THE DANCING GENTLEMAN (S3x32) 3C set John Collins Chicago 10th Anniv Coll
1- 8 2s set, Petronella turn, set & Petronella turn to 2nd place opp sides
9-16 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (2M+1L & 2L+3M pass RSh). 1/2 reels of 3 across 2M+3M (in 1st place) & 2L+1L (in 3rd place) pass LSh. 1s end facing 3rd corner (1st corner person)
17-24 2s turn corner RH, partner LH, 4th corner pstn (2nd corner person) RH, partner LH to 2nd place opp sides (3) (2) (1)
25-32 3s+2s+1s set, 3s cross LH while 2s+1s dance 1/2 RH across. 2s turn 2H (4 bars) 3 1 2
DANCING GIRLS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Brenchley Kangaroo Paw
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance RH across (1L with 2, 1M with 3s)
9-16 1s turn LH & turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH & turn 2nd corners RH to end 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner, 1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across giving RSh to 4th corner & end in 2nd pl own sides
25-32 1s turn RH 1.3/4 times while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L (up/down to start), 1s dance up/down & round 4th corner to 2nd place own side
DANCING HANDS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) R de Vroome
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1s turn RH as 2s turn LH to dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette & end facing down
9-16 1s followed by 2s dance down the middle & back
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides (1s dance up between 2s to start) & 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corners, dance round each other RSh to 2nd corners, set & dance round each other to 2nd places
DANCING IN AUTUMN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) The November Knot Anselm Lingnau
1- 4 1s cast (2s step up bars 3-4). 2 1 3
5-16 2s+1s+3s dance R&L for 3 couples. 2 1 3
17-24 1s dance RSh reels of 3 with 2nd corners to finish in 2nd place opposite sides. 2 (1) 3
25-28 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3rd corners (1L down round 3s, 1M up round 2s). 2 1 3
29-32 All turn RH
DANCING IN KIRKCUDBRIGHT (S4x32) 4C set Gaye Collin SCD Is All Around The World
1- 4 1s+2s petronella turn, set advancing passing partner LSh, Men pull back LSh to all face down with Men following partners
5- 8 2s+1s dance down below 3s, cast up, 2s to 1st place own side, 1s to 2nd place opp. sides 2 (1) 3 4
9-12 1M+2s (at top) dance RH across, 1L+3s (at bottom) dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (3s cast up to start, 1L passes 3M RSh)
13-16 1M+1L pass RSh to swap end, 1L dances LH across with 2s, 1M 1/2 reel of 3 across with 3s, 1M passes 3M (in 1st corner pstn) LSh 2 (1) 3
17-24 1s+3s dance R&L
25-28 2s+1s+3s set advancing (2 bars), 2s dance up (1 step) & cast back to 1st place as 3s dance (NHJ) up to 2nd place as 1s cast to 3rd place opp. sides
29-32 1s+4s turn once round (1M+4L with LH, 1L+4M RH), 1s cross down to 4th place own sides while 4s cast up to 3rd place 2 3 4 1
DANCING IN PERTHSHIRE (S4x32) Sq.Set Janet Macdonald Perth 95th Anniv.
1- 8 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across, turn opp Man LH; Ladies dance 1/2 RH across & turn partner LH back to place
9-16 Men dance 1/2 LH across, turn opp Lady RH; Men dance 1/2 LH across & turn partner RH back to place
17-24 All 4 couples set, Adv+Ret (1 step each); men Petronella turn 1 place & set with new partner
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
Repeat 3 more times with new partners to end with original partner
1- 4 1s lead down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place
5-16 2s+1s+3s dance 3 couple R&L
17-20 1s turn RH to face 4th corners (pstn) while corners dance 1 place anticlockwise, 1s turn 4th corners LH while 1st corners (pstn) set
21-24 1s turn RH to face 1st corner (pstns) while corners dance 1 place anticl'wise, 1s turn 1st crnrs LH to end 2nd pl opp sides while 2nd corners set 3 1 2
25-32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice. 2 1 3
DANCING IN THE STREET (R4x32) 4C set T Toriyama RSCDS Bk 42
1- 8 1s+3s turn 3/4 RH, dance 1/2 reel of 4 in centre, 3s+1s turn 3/4 RH to own sides. 3 2 1 4
9-16 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance RH across & LH across (remain facing anticlockwise)
17-24 All chase 1/2 way & circle 8H round to right 1/2 way ready for…
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance Poussette to end 2 3 4 1
THE DANCING LIGHTS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Fiona S Miller Trestle Bridge Coll.
1- 8 1s set, lead down cross below 3s & cast up to 1st place opp side
9-16 1s+2s dance 'Bourrel':
9-12 1L+2L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (2L facing up & 1L down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
13-16 Set to partners & turn RH. 2s end in 1st place own side, 1s finish in centre facing down, 1L on right of 1M
17-24 Mirror reels of 3 on sides, 1s dance down between 3s, 3s out/up, 2s out down to start. 1s end in centre facing down. 2 (1) 3
25-32 1s cross down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own side; 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH. 2 1 3
THE DANCING MAN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring 10 Social Dances
1- 8 1s & 2s turn RH once round & dance RH across once round
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides, 1s & 2s continue reels & loop round at top to 2M facing 1M & 2L facing 1L (1M+2L BtoB in middle)
17-24 1s+2s dance 3/4 reel of 4 across (2M & 1L pass LSh end bar 22) then pass partners RSh to progressed places own sides (2 1 3)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
THE DANCING MASTER (J96) Sq.Set John Drewry Donside Bk
1- 8 1s & 3s set & pivot to right & dance round 1/4 cl'wise inside set (L follows M) & face in, 1s+3s change places with other partner RH & dance clockwise back to partners place (M follows L)
9-16 1s & 3s dance RH across with corner 2L/4L, 1s & 3s dance across & LH across with other corner 4M/2M to end in pl facing cl'wise (M behind L)
17-24 1s also 3s dance Tandem reels of 3 with corners, 1s & 3s ending in prom hold facing out
25-32 1s & 3s dance clockwise 1/2 way round outside of set & dance in back to original places (pass RSh) while 2s & 4s (prom hold) Adv+Ret
33-64 2s & 4s repeat above Figs from beginning (bars 1-32)
65-72 All set to partners & change place RH, Ladies dance 3/4 RH across while Men cast 1 place clockwise to meet opposite Lady
73-80 All repeat this Fig (bars 65-72) to end with own partners (opposite to where they started)
81-88 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reel (2 places) back to original places
89-96 All circle 8H round & back
1- 8 2s followed by 1s dance down between 3s, cast up on own sides (2s to top), 1s followed by 3s dance up between 2s & cast (1s to 3rd place)
9-16 2s+3s+1s reel of 3 on sides & all cross when passing down thru 2nd pl (2s & 1s cast to start & 3s cross to opposite sides) & all end on opp sides
17-24 All Set+Link for 3 twice. 1 3 2
25-32 1s+3s dance the Knot to end 3 1 2
THE DANCING OBE'S (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Pat Charlton Counting Sheep
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole:
1- 2 1s+2s cross (Ladies lead across RH passing between Men) with Ladies changing places RH
3- 4 1s+2s cross back (Men lead across RH between Ladies) with Men changing places RH
5- 8 2s turn RH as 1s turn LH & face out
9-16 1s cast to left to 1L between 2s, 1M between 3s, 1s cross LH; cast to right to 2nd place own side, all set
17-24 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to person on right – 1M down, 1L up) 2s & 3s loop into place
25-32 1L+2s also 1M+3s dance RH across; 1s swap ends to dance LH across with other couple
DANCING ON (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)
1- 8 1s dance in, touch & cast 1 place while 2s set, cross up to top (no hands), 1s dance in, touch, cast down 1place while 3s set, cross up to 2nd pl
9-16 2s+3s+1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s cross up to start, 3s out/down, 2s in/down) end 2 3 1 on opposite sides
17-24 1s dance up to top & cast 1 place (3s step down 19-20), 2s+1s+3s set & 1/2 turn partners RH for…
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance Promenade
DANCING ON PARNASSUS (M-4x(S32+R32) Sq.Set Tim Wilson Solstice Party Book
Strathspey (Square)
1- 8 1s cross NH, dance out between side couples to dance Fig 8 round side couples (7 bars). 1s (1L on 1M's left) +3s advance to centre
9-16 1s+3s dance Rondel & end facing out
17-24 2s & 4s take prom hold & dance reels of 3 on sides, 2s RSh to 3L, 4s RSh to 1M (3s & 1s cast away from partner to start reels & give hands in reel)
25-28 2s+4s advance in prom hold to dance Tournee (Men with prtnr on right, 2s face 4s' side & 4s 2s' side), couples 1/2 wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle while 3s & 1s cast to opp ends passing RSh on sides
29-32 All turn 1.3/4 (1s & 2s LH, 4s & 3s RH). End 1 4 2 3 now in longways set
Reel (Longways)
33-40 1s & 2s set, cross RH & cast 1 place (4s & 3s step up); 1s+3s (middle couples) dance 1/2 RH across. 3M+1L in prom hold face down/out, 3L+1M in prom hold face out/up
41-48 3/4 reels of 3 on sides. End 3M+1L in 1st place opp sides, 4s in 2nd place, 2s in 3rd place, 3L+1M in 4th place opp sides
49-56 All set & turn 3/4 RH; all set & turn 3/4 RH to end in centre NHJ ready for …
57-64 1L+3M with 4s also 2s with 1M+3L dance Poussette (Men retire to start). Bars 63-64: 1s & 3s retire to sides while 2s & 4s set, opening out to reform square set. 4 1 2 3
DANCING ON THE GREEN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jens Heckmann Freiburg Corona Collection
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place (2s step up 3-4) & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start)
17-24 1s petronella turn into lines across, set; petronella turn again to 2nd place & set
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 down round 3s
DANCING ON WATER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Morris Vallin Coll 1
1- 8 1s+3s dance double Fig round 2s (1s cross down, 3s dance up)
9-16 1s+2s dance the Knot
17-24 1s turn LH, face up NHJ, dance up, cast to 2nd place facing down
25-32 Mirror reels of 3 on sides (2s out/down, 1s in/down, 3s out/up)
Note: 2nd time through Bars 25-32: 1s+4s dance 7 bar reel then bar 32 1s lead to 4th place as 4s dance up to 3rd place
DANCING ON WEST SANDS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Shoko Okumura Tokai Branch 25th Anniversary
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast off (2s step up), 1s cross LH & cast to the left to end 1L between 2s facing down & 1M between 3s facing up
9-16 Lines of 3 across Adv+Ret up/down, then Set+Link for 3 (2) 1 (3)
17-24 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret, Set+Link for 3. 1M ends between 3s facing down & 1L between 2s facing up & 2s & 3s facing partners
25-28 1s Petronella turn to own sides and set, while 3s & 2s set & Petronella turn into centre
29-32 3s & 2s RSh pass partner & chase clockwise to own sides. End 2 1 3
DANCING OUT OF HABIT (Oh! Brother Dominic) (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Bk 6
1-16 1s set, cross RH, cast below 3s, dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s, slip step up to top, cast to 2nd place & cross LH while 2s stand for 2 bars repeat (without the final crossing) ending in 1st place own sides
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 2nd corner & end passing RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round to left for 6 steps, pivot left & chase back to places
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-12 1s 1/2 turn LH & lead down to bottom while 2s+3s cross LH & cast up 1 place
13-16 2s stand for 2 Bars then cross LH while 3s dance up & cast back to 2nd place while 1s turn LH 1.1/2 times
17-24 3s turn 1st corner LH, partner RH, 2nd corner LH & partner RH to end 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back
DANCING RAINBOWS (J4x32) 4C Set Liebet Joubert Fields of Gold
2 chords – 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 4 2s+3s dance RH across while 1M+4M, followed by their partners, chase 1/2 way anti-clockwise 4 2 (3) (1)
5- 8 4s+2s also 3s+1s Set+Link 2 4 (1) (3)
9-14 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance 4H round to left. All set
15-16 4s & 1s dance LSh round partner ending in tandem, Men leading, to face 2M/3M
17-24 4s & 1s dance alternating tandem LSh reels of 3 across with 2s/3s to end on sides facing up/down 2 4 (1) (3)
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on the sides. Bars 31-32: 1M+4L also 1L+4M turn 1/2 way RH instead of passing LSh. 2 4 (1) (3)
Except for last repeat, they retain hands ready for RH across as new 2s+3s
DANCING RIBBONS (S4x32) 4C Set Michael Mudrey Madison SCD
1- 8 All dance reels of 4 on the sides, 1s & 3s face down, 2s & 4s face up. Men begin by passing RSh, Ladies LSh
9-16 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance interlocking double fig of 8 (when crossing down & casting up move 2 places each time)
17-24 All set, all circle 1/2 way left, all turn 1/2 RH 4 3 2 1
25-32 All dance Allemande
THE DANCING SHEPHERDS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Frank Coutts Saint Marks Collection
1- 8 1s+2s dance Espagnole, 1s finish facing 1 corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass partner RSh, 1s dance 1/2 diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners. (3)(1)(2)
17-24 1s turn RH, 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 across, (1L up 1M down) 312
25-32 1s dance the Snake Pass:
1s dance RH across (1L with 3s & 1M with 2s), 1L followed by 3s also 1M followed by 2s pass LSh diagonally across through 2nd place to change ends & loop round to left to end in 2nd place. 2 1 3
DANCING SPIRIT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Amy Luxton RSCDS Bk 50
1- 8 1s turn RH (4 bars) moving down to face 3rd corners (2s step up 1-2); 1s+3rd corners (2M+1s+3L) dance 1/2 reel of 4. 1s pass LSh to face 4th corners
9-12 1s+4th corners (2L+1s+3M) dance 1/2 reel of 4.
13-16 1s dance RSh round 4th corner (pstn) & join RH, 1s joining LH with3rd corner pstn (1L+2M, 1M+3L) in Bal-in-Line position
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance 'The Spoke'. Bars 23-24 1s retain RH, turn to 2nd place opp sides (skip change) while 3s+2s set. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance clockwise 1/2 round then turn partners RH once round
THE DANCING TAILOR (J4x32) 4C set R Clowes SCD Archives
1- 8 2s+4s cast up 1 place while 1s+3s lead down for 2 & back, 1s+3s dance individual Allemandes in centre & 1s end facing 1st corners 3s in 4th place
9-16 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to 2nd places
17-24 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance reels of 3 on sides 1s dancing out & down to start
25-32 1s turn 4s on sides 1.1/2 times (1s dancing out) & Bal-in-Line on sides twice
DANCING THE BABY (R1x72) Sq.Set Gaye Collin The Musicians' Wedding
May be danced as Medley(72R+72S)
1- 8 1s+3s Set+Link to finish facing clockwise. 1L+3L followed by ptnr dance clockwise outside and around side couples & finish facing them in the middle of the set (1L facing 2L, 1M facing 2M, 3L facing 4L, 3M facing 4M)
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across. 1s+3s then snake chase around each other to the left to finish in each other's positions while on bar 12 2M+4M pull back LSh & turn partners LH
17-32 2s+4s repeat bars 1-16 to finish all couples facing in
33-40 Ladies dance RH across 3 places, rotate on the spot (pulling back RSh on bar 36) to face Man . All set & change places LH (Ladies finish on outside facing in, Men face in)
41-48 Men dance RH across 3 places, rotate on the spot (pulling back RSh). All set, turn ptnr 3/4 LH to finish in a square (end Lady on Man's left, Men facing in, Ladies facing out)
49-60 All dance 3/4 reverse Schiehallion reel (3 places to left & Ladies follow Men) to end in original places
61-64 All 1/2 turn ptnr LH to finish facing in, all set
65-72 8 Hands round & back
Medley: Strathspey starts with 2s&4s, end bars 65-72: 8H round to left, all pivot (pull back LSh) & circle 8H round to right, back to places
DANCING THROUGH THE GENERATIONS (R32) Round The Room Anne Thorn Magic Of Music
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 Middle persons Petronella turn to right & all set; middle persons Petronella turn to opposite side & all set
17-24 Middle parsons stand while outside persons dance RH across & chase clockwise 1/2 way round
25-28 Each line of 3 dances 1/2 reel of 3 (middle person RSh to person on their right)
29-32 All turn opposite person RH to face the same way as originally & dance forward to meet next 3 dancers
DANCING TOGETHER AGAIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Dejean The Walnut Bk 2
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), Petronella turn to the top between 2s (1M turns to the left) & face down while 3s face up on the diagonal. All set
9-12 1L & 3L turn RH as 1M & 3M turn LH
13-16 1s & 2s face down & 3s face up, all set. 1L & 2L also 1M & 2M set while 3s set to partner
17-24 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across
25-28 1s+2s set to 3s, 1s Petronella turn into 2nd place on own sides (1L turns to left) while 2s & 3s set to partner
29-32 All turn partner LH
DANCING WITH FYRE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob McMurty Whisper of the Fyredragon
1- 8 1s NHJ dance down, cast up round 2s back to place. 1s dance down, cast up round 3s into 2nd place own side (2s step up 7-8)
9-16 LSh reels of 3 across, 1s passing 1st corners LSh to start. 1s pass RSh to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s+1st corner set & dance La Baratte:-
17-18 1s+1st corners set
19-20 Man 1/2 turns opposite Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
21-22 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
23-24 Couple change places LH, 1s end facing out to Left while corners remain facing in
25-28 1s cast round 2nd corners & in at ends of set (1M between 2s, 1L between 3s) while 1st corners turn RH back to place
29-32 1s turn RH to 2nd place own sides & 2s+1s+3s set
THE DANCING YEARS (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring 3 Anniv dances
1- 8 Men dance in, set, turn right about & dance out to next place clockwise passing behind corner person
9-16 Ladies dance in, set, turn left about & dance out to next place anticlockwise passing behind corner person
17-24 1L+3L turn RH 1.1/4 times, dance LH across 1/2 way (1L with couple in 1st place, 3L with couple in 3rd place) & chase anticlockwise back to 'new' places while couples in 1st & 3rd places 1/2 turn LH
25-32 1M+3M turn LH 1.1/4 times, dance RH across 1/2 way (1M with couple in 1st place, 3M with couple in 3rd place) & chase clockwise back to 'new' places while couples in 1st & 3rd places 1/2 turn RH
33-40 Men repeat bars 1-8
41-48 Ladies repeat bars 9-16 & all end with own partners in opposite original places
49-56 2L+4L repeat bars 17-24
57-64 2M+4M repeat bars 25-32
65-72 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L to end facing corner person, change places with corner RH & set then face in
73-80 2s+4s dance 1/2 R&L to end facing corner person, change places with corner RH to meet own partner & set then face in
81-88 All dance 8H round & back
THE DANDELION (J5x48) 5 Person Sq.Set Olivia Roberts Sydney Down Under
1- 8 5+1+2 dance RH across; 5+3+4 dance LH across
9-16 5+1 turn RH; 5+3 turn LH
17-24 5+2 turn RH; 5+4 turn LH
25-32 5+2+3 dance RH across; 5+4+1 dance LH across;
33-48 5+1 set, change places LH; 1+2 repeat; 2+3 repeat; 3+4 repeat
THE DANDELION PICKER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 1s turn RH & cast 1 place (2s step up), 1s turn LH to face 4th corners
9-16 1s dance 1/2 Diag reel with 4th crnrs & pass RSh to face 1st corners, 1s dance 1/2 Diag reel with 1st crnrs to end 1L between 3s (at top), 1M between 2s (3rd place)
17-24 1s dance Diag R&L (up/down):
17-20 1s change places RH with dancer diagonally to Right, dancers change places LH at ends of set
21-24 1s change places RH with dancer diagonally to Left, dancers change places LH at ends of set. 1s end facing 4th corners
25-32 RSh reels of 3 across, 1L+2s (at top) & 1M+3s (at bottom) & 1s cross RH to own sides bars 31-32
DANDIE DINMONT (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Hugh Foss Waverley Fugues
1- 8 1L casts round 2L & dances up above 1M; 1s take prom hold, cast round 2M & across to 1L place facing out
9-12 1s cast round 2L, dance up NHJ to 1M place making arch while 2M casts up & crosses down under arch to below 2L
13-16 1s cast down & 2s cast up & cross set, 1s dancing under arch made by 2s (1s on ladies' side, 2s on Men's side). All face in
17-20 1s+2s circle 4H 1/2 round & set (Men NHJ facing up, Ladies NHJ facing down)
21-24 1s+2s circle 4H 1/2 round & set (on sides, NHJ with partner)
25-32 1M+2L 1/2 turn RH, 1L+2M join in & dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+2s dance 1/2 LH across to own sides & set to partners
THE DANDIES REEL (J4x32) 4C set Peter J Clark Corberry Collection 2
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast down/up (2s & 3s step up/down). 1s+4s cross LH with partner & 1s+4s change places RH on sides, face in diagonally
9-16 1s+4s dance Petronella turn & set twice to end 2 (1) (4) 3
17-20 1L+2L also 3L+4L change places RH then 1M+2M also 3M+4M change places RH
21-24 2s+3s cross RH with partners. All 4 couples set advancing to meet partner. (1) (2) (3) (4)
25-32 All dance Poussette, 1s to 4th place, 2s+3s+4s moving up 1 place. 2 3 4 1
THE DANDY NINTH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Sybil A Miller Dances collected by Miss Milligan
1- 8 1s set, lead down, crossing below 2s & dance out behind 3s, meet & lead up to to end in 2nd place BtoB facing own sides ready for…
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance double triangles, bars 15-16 1s dance RSh round each other to finish facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance diag reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass LSh to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s dance diag reel of 4 with 2nd corners & finish in 2nd place own side. 2 1 3
DANELAW REEL (R4x40) 4C set Ian Barbour Set And Cast Off Volume 1
1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across; 2s+3s dance LH across while 1s & 4s chase clockwise 1/2 round to change places. (4) 2 3 (1)
9-16 All dance RSh reels of 4 on the sides
17-24 4s+2s also 3s+1s dance LH across; 2s+3s dance RH across while 1s & 4s chase anticlockwise 1/2 round to original places. 1 2 3 4
25-32 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance R&L
33-40 1s cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up 35-36); All turn partner RH
DANGER IS SWEET (S8x32) 3C (4C set) D Shipman
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s cross down to dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 All set & dance DoSiDo then all set
25-32 1L followed by partner cast to 2nd place & 1L crosses to Mens side, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times
DANGLING AFTER HER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) F Rudd
1- 8 1s cross passing RSh, 1M casts 2 places while 1L turns 2M LH & casts to below 3M, 1s 1/2 turn RH & face 3L in prom hold
9-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 3 with 3L+2M & 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2M+3M
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel on sides of 3 with 3L+2M & 1/2 reel of 3 across with 2M+2L end facing in centre Lady facing down)
25-32 1s set while 2s & 3s cross RH & set, 1s turn 2H 1.1/4 times to 2nd place own side
DANIELA'S REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Richard Francis Class of '13
1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L
9-16 1s lead down middle & back, remaining in centre, 2s step in ready for …
17-24 1s+2s dance Poussette. 1s finish by passing LSh to face 1st corners
25-32 1s set to 1st corners, set to partner, set to 2nd corners (6 bars). 1s 3/4 LH turn to finish opposite sides
33-40 All set & 1s dance La Baratte: :
35-36 Man 1/2 turns Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
37-38 Man retraces steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies original place) & releasing Ladies RH she turns under Mans left arm until almost in original places
39-40 Couple change places LH to own sides
DANISH ROYALTIES (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Gunnar Numeus Scandinavian Dance Bk 1
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across; set & 2s cross RH to own side while 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s+1st corners turn RH & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4; 1s pass LSh to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s+2nd corners turn RH & dance 1/2 diag reel of 4.1s end in 2nd place opp side. (3) (1) (2)
25-32 1M+3s (at top) & 1L+2s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M+3L & 1L+2M pass LSh); 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 on sides (1M down/1L up)
33-40 1s dance up to top, cast, meet & dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd place own side. End 2 1 3
DAPHNE'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rudi Spägele Munich Anniversary Bk
1- 8 1s set & cross RH, cast 1 place turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn corners RH & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, turn corners RH & pass RSh to face 3rd corners
17-24 1s turn corners RH & pass RSh to face 4th corners, turn corners RH & pass RSh to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance RSh reel of 3 on opposite sides ending 2nd place own sides
THE DARDAGNY REEL (R6x32) 2C (3C set) Avril Quarrie
1- 8 1s lead down & back to 1st place
9-16 1s+2s promenade
17-24 1s+2s dance R&L
25-32 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig 8 up round 2s
DARK LOCHNAGAR (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Iain Boyd SCD Archives
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, Set+Link back to places
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across, 1M passes 2L LSh to start, end with 1L+2M passing RSh to flow into …
17-20 1s+2s dance a Little Spiral (dancers advance, turn right about, dance out to places & dance in passing partner RSh) to change places
21-24 1s+2s dance "Big Spiral" (dancers advance diagonally, turn right about to places & chase clockwise 1/2 way) to progress
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE DARK MILE (S3x32) 3C Set Barry Priddey Silver Rose
1- 8 1s+2s dance Tourbillon : -
`1s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 1M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s on Men's side, 1s set to 2s
`1s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 1L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 1s in 2nd pl & 2s+1s cross RH to own sides
9-16 3s followed by 1s+2s lead down, with 2s leading, all dance up in prom hold (2s to top place)
17-24 2s go to left, 1s to right & 3s to left to dance reels of 3 across in prom hold (3s LSh to 2s to start) & end 2s separate to 1st places own sides, 1s dance down to end on Men's side (Lady on Man's right) & 3s dance down to end on Ladies' side (Lady on Man's right)
25-32 1M+3L also 1L+3M (opp persons) 1/2 turn 2H & chase clockwise 1 place to 2 3 1. All set 2s+3s circle 4H round to left while 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times
THE DARLINGTON DANCER (M-(S2x40+R2x40) 4C set John Brenchley, March 2020
3s & 4s start on opposite sides
1- 8 1s & 4s dance in, touch hands & cast to 2nd/3rd place (2s & 3s step down/up bars 3-4); 1s & 4s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round end couples. 2 (1) 4 (3)
9-16 1s+4s dance LH across, face up/down on sides; all dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides. End facing down/up on sides. (3) 4 (1) 2
17-24 3s+4s also 1s+2s turn 1.1/4 RH on sides into 2 lines of 4 across; all dance 1/2 RSh reels across
25-32 3s+4s also 1s+2s turn 1.1/4 RH to sides, 1s facing 4s; 1s+4s change places LH on sides, face partners & all 4 couples set
33-40 All 1/2 turn partner 2H, pull back RSh & dance out to sides; 3s+1s+4s+2s circle 8H 1/2 round to left. End (2) (4) 1 3
Repeat once as Strathspey then twice as Reel (RH turn 33-34)
THE DARVEL WEAVER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jeremy Marshall Ox2K
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up); 1s cross RH & cast to right (1M down, 1L up) to end 1L between 2s facing down, 1M between 3s facing up
9-16 All set in lines of 3 across & change places RH up/down with person opposite; 1s cast to right (1M down, 1L up) to 2nd place opp sides while 2s+3s set to partners & change places LH (2) (1) (3)
17-24 All set on sides & cross RH with partner; 1s cast to right (1M up, 1L down) to end 1M between 2s facing down, 1L between 3s facing up while 2s+3s set & change places LH up/down with person opposite
25-32 Reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 1st corner to start), Bars 30-32 1s dance across to 2nd place own side while 2s+3s finish reel. 2 1 3
DARWIN LANE (R4x32) 4C Set Dulcie Bond Second Sheaf Coll
1- 4 All set, 1M+2L also 3M+4L change places RH
5- 8 1L+2M also 3L+4M change places LH, All set. (2) (1) (4) (3)
9-16 2s+1s also 4s+3s Petronella in Tandem (skip step) & set; All cross RH with partner, 2s+1s & 4s+3s chase 1 place clockwise to own side. 2 1 4 3
17-24 2s+1s also 4s+3s dance RH across; 1s+4s dance LH across
25-32 1s+4s set, dance 1/2 RH across; 4s+1s turn partner 1.1/2 RH. 2 4 1 3
DAS JAHRZEHNT (J8x40 in 10 bar phrases) 3C (4C set) Robb Quint Strathspey Anniv Coll
1-10 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (order 2 1),
then dance on clockwise 1 more place
11-20 1s+2s dance full R&L & then 2M+1L change places RH. 1 2 3
21-30 1s+2s+3s Set+Link for 3 couples twice, 3s cross RH while 2s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way. 3 1 2
31-40 1s dance reels (8 bar) of 3 on opp sides (1L gives LSh to 3M at top as 1M LSh to 2L), 1s cross RH while 2s+3s continue reel to change pls. 2 1 3
Round the Room Dance 3 facing 3
1- 8 All circle 6H round & back
9-16 Centre dancer sets & turns 2H person on right, sets & turns 2H person on left (popular variation – turn person on right RH, turn person on left LH)
17-24 All dance reels of 3 with centre dancer passing LSh with person on right (popular variation – RSh to person on right)
25-32 All Adv+Ret, advance to meet next group of 3 dancers (1 group of 3 passing under arches made by opposite group)
THE DAUNDER (S4x32) 4C set Jim Fyfe SCD Archives
1- 8 1M+2L also 3M+4L turn RH 1.1/2 times into RH across with partners 1/2 way & all cross (2s & 4s under arches made by 1s & 3s)
9-16 2M+1L also 4M+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times into LH across with partners 1/2 way & all cross (Ladies under arches made by Men)
17-24 1s+4s (centre cpl) dance RH across 1/2 way, change places RH with partners, 2s+4s also 1s+3s dance RH across 1/2 way & all change pl on sides
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides
DAUNDER IN THE GLEN (S4x32) 4C set Shirley Campbell The Silver Collection
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, all set & dance LH across 1/2 way to original places
9-16 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance reels of 4 across the dance (2L & 1M pass LSh also 4L & 3M pass LSh to start)
17-24 All chase clockwise 1/2 way, all cross RH. 4 3 2 1
25-32 2s+3s+4s dance the Knot to end 2 3 4 1
DAVE MACFARLANE'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin SCD Is All Around The World
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up) & pass LSh to dance RSh round 1st corners. End 1L between 2s facing 2L, 1M between 3s facing 3M
9-16 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 across finishing in 2nd place opp sides, 1M facing up, 1L down. 1s dance 1/2 LSh reel of 3 on sides finishing by crossing to 2nd place own sides (3) 1 (2)
17-18 1s 1/2 turn LH, 1L face down, 1M face up while 3s+2s turn 3/4 LH to finish in middle facing opp sides
19-20 All set (no hands) & pull back RSh, Ladies face up, Men down
21-24 3s+1s+2s dance clockwise to own sides 2 1 3
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
DAVELYN COUNTRY DANCE (S3x32) 3C Set J Trevor Stephenson The Ayton Collection
1- 8 1s+2s+3s petronella turn into centre & set, 1s+3s turn 1.1/4 RH to place while 2s turn LH to finish in centre
9-12 2L+1s & 2M+3s dance RH across, 2s pass LSh to face 1st corners
13-16 2s dance 1/2 diagonal Reel of 4 with 1st corners, 2s pass LSh to face 2nd corners
17-20 2s dance 1/2 diagonal Reel of 4 with 2nd corners, 2s finish in centre LSh to LSh (2M above 2L) facing own side
21-24 2M+3s & 2L+1s dance RH across, 2s 1/2 turn LH to face 2nd corner person now on opp sides (2L facing 3M, 2M facing 1L)
25-28 2nd corners turn 2s RH into corner places, 2nd corners (1L+3M) turn 1.1/4 LH to face partners
29-32 1L+3M turn partners RH to end in their partners places, 1M+3L 3/4 LH turn to 2nd place own sides.
End: Ladies 2 3 1, Men 3 1 2
Repeat twice more with new partners to end back with original partner
DAVENA'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set New Forest SCD
1- 8 1s+2s RH across, LH back
9-16 1s set, cast to bottom & lead up to 1st corners (2s step up)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH to end in 2nd place on own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s+4s Adv+Ret & 1s cast to 4th place (2s+3s+4s step up)
DAVID FINDLAY'S JIG (J4x32) 4C Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie Bk 2
1- 8 All set & cross RH with partner; set & cross back RH
9-12 1L & 4M cross & cast (down/up) to change places while 1M & 4L Adv+Ret diagonally
13-16 1M & 4L repeat 9-12 while 1L & 4M Adv+Ret diagonally
17-20 2s+3s set, dance 1/2 RH across. (4) (3) (2) (1)
21-24 4s+3s+2s (top 3 couples) dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides (4s+3s pass RSh). (2) (3) (4) (1)
25-32 All set twice; 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 (2s & 4s cross down RH, 3s & 1s cast up). 2 3 4 1
THE DAVID QUEEN STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Angela Bulteel Ribble Valley Bk
1- 8 1s & 3s 3/4 turn 2H & set passing partner LSh, 1M & 3L cast right to other end as 1L+2s+3M circle 4H to left & end 3L facing 1L also 3M facing 1M
9-12 3s+1s turn 2H & set passing partner LSh
13-16 3M & 1L dance out ends & cast right to other end (3s/1s end facing own partner up/own middle) as 3L+2s+1M circle 4H to left
17-20 3s & 1s 3/4 turn RH to face down/up & all set
21-24 3s turning inwards dance out to 1st place while 2s dance in & down to 3rd place as 1s cast up to 2nd pl & 3/4 turn LH to face up/down
25-32 1s dance RH across (1M with 3s at top, 1L with 2s) 1s ending 2nd place opp sides, 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to 2nd place own sides. 3 1 2
DAVID RUSSELL HALL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) K Whittle RSCDS Bk 42
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast up to join LH with partner & RH with 2nd corners
9-16 1s+2nd corners Bal-in-Line, face corners & set, turn corners RH & pass partner LSh to face 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners set turning left to dance clockwise 1/2 way to change places & set
17-20 1s dance 1/2 diagonal RSh reel of 4 with corners to join LH with partner & RH with 1st corners (pstn)
21-28 1s+1st corners Bal-in-Line, face corners & set, turn corners RH & pass partner LSh to face 2nd corner (pstn) while 2nd corners set turning left to dance clockwise 1/2 way to change places & set
29-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with corners, give LH briefly to end LSh/LSh
33-40 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple to end 2nd place own side
DAVID'S DELIGHT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Muriel Johnstone Dancing on Air
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 2s+1s circle 4H round to Left
9-16 1s+3s dance "Bourrel"
`9-12 1M+3L set advancing, 3/4 turn 2H & twirl to end BtoB (Lady facing up & Man down) while partners chase anticlockwise to face partner
`13-16 Set to partners & turn 2H staying in middle ready for …
17-24 3s+1s dance 1/2 Poussette, 2s+1s dance 1/2 Poussette with 1s continuing to turn 2H to finish in 1st place opp sides NHJ facing down (1) 2 3
25-32 1s dance down between 3s (2s step up), cross & cast up to 2nd place own sides. 2s+1s+3s turn 2H
DAVID'S DOUBLE TROUBLE (R5x32) 5C set David Quarrie World Wide Weavings
1- 8 1s/3s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round 2s/4s. 1M+2L & 3M+4L turn 1.1/2 LH, 1L+2M & 3L+4L turn 1.1/2 RH. 1s & 3s end BtoB with partner facing opp sides
9-16 1s & 3s dance Double Triangles finishing facing 1st corners
17-24 1s & 3s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass partner RSh & repeat with 2nd corners, passing partner RSh to face out own sides
25-32 1s & 3s cast round 3rd corner & cross diagonally to opp sides, 1s to 2nd place, 3s to 4th place (1L+3M pass RSh); 1s & 3s cross RH with partner and cast off 1 place. End 2 4 1 5 3
DAVID'S FANCY (S4x40) 4C set Doris Buchanan Crystal Collection
1- 8 1L & 4M change places giving RH to dance & 1L dances behind 3M in front of 2M & behind 1M into his place as 4M dances behind 2L in front of 3L & behind 4L into her place (2L+3L+4L step up as Men step down
9-16 2L+3L+4L also 1M+2M+3M set & change places diagonally RH, all turn 2H to end in middle (1s+2s turn 1.1/2 & face up as 3s+4s turn & face down)
17-24 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance an Allemande to end 2 1 (4) (3)
25-32 2L+1L also 4L+3L dance across (between their partners) & cast back to end facing each other, 2s+1s also 4s+3s change places on sides giving LH & cross with partners RH to end (1) (2) 3 4
33-36 2s+3s dance 4H round, while 1s & 4s turn partner 2H once round, 2s+3s+4s return to place while 1s stay in middle & face down
37-40 1s lead down LH & cross to 4th place while 2s lead up RH & cross into 1st place as 3s+4s step up. End 2 3 4 1
DAVIDSON'S DELIGHT (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) N Borsberry Croydon 50th Anniv
1- 8 1s Adv+Ret (touching RH), cross RH & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opp sides (1M RSh to 2L & 1L LSh to 2M) ending with 1s & 3s looping to face in
9-16 1s Adv+Ret (touching RH), cross RH & dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides (1M LSh to 2M & 1L RSh to 2L) ending with 1s & 3s looping to face in
17-24 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DAVIDSON'S FAREWELL (S4x32) 4C set Bill Gray
1- 8 1s lead down below 4s. Bar 5: 4s followed by 3s & 2s dance down sides, meet partner below 1s & then 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s lead up. All end in prom hold facing up
9-16 1s+4s also 3s+2s dance "Allemande Knot"
9-12 1s+4s also 3s+2s dance 4 bars of Allemande so all facing down on Men's side
13-16 1s+4s also 3s+2s dance last 4 bars of Knot, dancing up Ladies' side & turning LH to end all on opp sides
17-24 4s+1s+2s (top 3 couples) Set+Link twice
25-28 1s+4s (middle couples) dance 1/2 R&L
29-32 4s+1s+3s (bottom 3 couples) Adv (1 bar), Ret (1 bar) & cross RH to own sides ending 2 4 1 3
DAVY GLEN'S STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set B Donald Green Lochan
1- 8 3s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, 1M+3M advance, set, pass LSh to face down/up while partners cast to face them
9-16 3s+1s dance reel of 4 in middle
17-24 3s+2s dance Allemande while 1s+4s dance Allemande down & end with 1s dancing under arch made by 4s & cross to own side (4s on opp side)
25-32 2s+3s+4s dance reel of 3 on sides (4s cross up & 3s out & down to start)
DAVY NICK NACK (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob M Campbell Glasgow Assembly
1- 8 1s+2s+3s cross RH to just in front of side lines, set, cross back RH & set again
9-16 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times, cast 1 place (2s step up 13-14) & turn LH once round to face 1st corners
17-24 1s change places RH with corners & set, change places with corner person RH & turn partner LH to face 2nd corners
25-32 1s change places RH with corners & set, change places with corner person RH & cross LH with partner to places
DAVY'S LOCKER (R8x24) 2C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 1s lead down for 3 steps, back to top & cast to 2nd places
17-24 2s+1s Promenade
DAWN IN THE HEATHER (S4x32) Sq.Set Michelle C Andrako Lyndhurst Silver Coll
Square Set
1- 8 All Ladies dance LH across while Men dance Highland Schottische setting (4 bars). Ladies dance LSh round partner to end BtoB facing partner
9-16 All set & dance La Baratte : -
`Men 1/2 turn Lady RH & retains hand but at arm's length from each other
`Men retrace steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies' original place) & releasing Ladies' RH she turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places
`Couples change places LH to opposite places
17-24 All Promenade anticlockwise to original places
25-32 All Petronella-in-Tandem 1 place to right, set & turn partner RH
DAWN IS BREAKING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Barbour
1- 8 1s set, cast & turn LH 1.1/2 times to face 1st corner
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end facing 3rd corners (pstn)
17-28 Dance to Corners & Set: (12 bars)
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a 1/4 turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s meet in middle again & pass RSh to 2nd place own side
29-32 2s+1s+3s turn partners 2H
THE DAY AFTER (J4x32) 4C Set James McMillan
2 chords – 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp sides
1- 8 2s+3s dance RH across & LH back to end in St Andrews cross giving RH to corners
9-16 All Bal-in-Line & 2s+3s 1/2 turn corners RH, Bal-in-Line & 1s+4s dance LH across 1/2 way
17-24 4s & 1s dance RH across with 2M/3M, 4s & 1s (Ladies following Men) dance LH across with 2L/3L
25-28 4s dance down under arch made by 1s who dance up & 1s dance down under arch made by 4s who dance up
29-32 4s dance up between 2s & cast down to 2nd place while 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to 3rd place. 2 4 (1) (3)
A DAY WITH DANCE (S3x48) 3C Set Vincent Broquié The Walnut Bk 2
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up), turn 2H to face 1st corners
9-12 Modified Corners Pass & turn:
1st corners turn 1/2 way 2H & twirl to opposite sides, 1s pass RSh to face 2nd corners
13-16 1s repeat bars 9-12 with 2nd corners & pass RSh to finish 2nd place own side facing out. (3) 1 (2)
17-24 1s dance RSh round 3rd corners while 2nd & 3rd corners dance 1/2 R&L, 1s turn 2H to face 3rd corner positions
25-32 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corner positions, pass RSh to face 4th corners to dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4, 1s pass RSh to face 1st corners (2) 1 (3)
33-40 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, passing RSh to dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 2 (1) 3
41-48 1s cross RH, cast (3s step up), turn 2H. 2 3 1
THE DAYTRIPPER (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Gail Sibley Katannuta Bk
1- 8 1s set twice, 1s+2s set facing & change places RH
9-16 2s+1s chase clockwise
17-24 2s+1s Adv+Ret, turn partners RH to face down
25-32 1s followed by 2s lead down, 2s lead up followed by 1s. 2 1 3 4
DDRAIG GOCH (The Red Dragon) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) E Paul Bond Ness House 2
1- 8 1s set,1M advancing as 1L turns about, 1L followed by 1M (in Tandem) cast 1 place, dance into centre as 2s step up. 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s dance Tandem (1L leading, 1M following) reel of 3 with 2M+3M giving LSh to 3M & 1s end in centre
17-24 1s dance Tandem reel of 3 with 2L+3L giving RSh to 3L & 1s end in centre side by side, above 2s, facing down
25-32 1s cross below 2s to own sides, cast up round 3s to finish BtoB between 3s (1M facing 3M, 1L facing 3L), set, 1s 3/4 turn 3s (Men RH, Ladies LH, dancing down between 3s to end in 2nd place own side
NB: At end of 2nd time through, 1s+3s 3/4 turn with other hand (Men LH, Ladies RH) to finish in 4th place own side
DE WALDEN COURT (S3x32) 3C set Jim Winter, 2001
1- 8 1s+2s set, turn partners 2H opening into circle 4H 1/2 round to opp sides & cross RH to own side (213)
9-16 1s+3s set, turn partners 2H opening into circle 4H 1/2 round to opp sides & 1/2 turn partner RH ready for …
17-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 Poussette; 1s+2s Set+Link (2s finish facing down)
25-32 All dance 1/2 Grand Chain (1s cross, 2s+3s change place RH on sides); all set, 1s cross RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 RH across (End 2 3 1)
THE DE'EL'S AWA WI THE EXCISEMAN (J4x48) Sq.Set John W Mitchell Whetherly Bk I
1- 8 All circle 8H round to left; Men join LH in centre & RH with partner to dance LH across 1/2 way. Men end BtoB facing partners
9-16 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance 3/4 reel of 4 (LH across in centre). End with Men on side opp original pstn & Ladies BtoB facing new partner, 1 place clockwise from original place (1L facing 4M in 2nd place), All clap & set
17-24 Ladies (with new partner on left) dance RH across for 4 steps & open out to circle 8H round to right
25-32 All dance 3/4 Grand Chain (1 bar per hand) Ladies travelling clockwise, Men anticlockwise, to end Ladies in original places & Men 1 place anticlockwise from original places, All clap & set
33-40 Couple in 1st place (2M+1L) dance out through couple in 3rd place, separate & cast into centre; 2M dances RH across with couple in 2nd place while 1L dances LH across with couple in 4th place (2M+1L ending back in 1st place)
41-48 All Ladies cast anticlockwise behind original partner, turn next corner RH & all clap & set (with original partner). End 2 3 4 1
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way back to place
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 R&L, set & dance 1/2 R&L back to places
9-16 1s lead down for 2 steps, set to each other, lead up to top & cast 1 place & face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner, set to 2nd corner, set to partner & turn 2H to end 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret 1 step twice, 1s turn 2H 1.1/2 times to places
DEACONSBANK (R4x32) 4C set James Cosh Glenshee Coll
1- 8 1L+2L turn LH as 1M+2M turn RH, 1s+2s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start)
9-16 1s with 2s+3s dance RH across on Men's side & LH across on Ladies' side, 1s+3s dance 1/2 double Fig of 8 (1s cross down to start) (2)1(3)4
17-24 3s with 1s+4s dance RH across on Men's side & LH across on Ladies' side 1s ending 3rd pl & turn 4s 1.1/2 times (1L+4L LH, 1M+4M RH) (2)(3)41
25-32 All dance reflection reels of 4 on sides (LSh Ladies' side, RSh Men's side). (2)(3) 4 1
Note - 2nd & 4th repeat, new 1s & 2s start on opposite side
1- 8 1s+2s Set+Link, 1s+3s Set+Link
9-16 2s+3s+1s advance for 1 step & retire, 1/2 turn 2H into centre, set & twirl out to opposite sides
17-24 2s+3s+1s dance Grand Chain for 2 hands (2s in 1st pl cross) to end (1)2 3, 1s+2s Set+Link (1s end in double triangle position facing opp sides)
25-26 All Adv+Ret (1 step)
27-28 All advance 1 step & turn right about
29-30 All Adv+Ret (1 step)
31-32 1s cross RH as 2s+3s repeat bars 27-28
DEAR DAVID (S8x32) 3C (4C set) S Fogg
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, 1M dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s while 1L dances 1/2 Fig of 8 round 3s
9-16 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (1 step) & cross RH, Adv+Ret (1 step) & cross RH
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s) & turn LH to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd places
DEAR GLADYS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Robert M Campbell Farewell My Fancy
1- 8 1s+2s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s turn 2H once round while 2s turn 2H 1/2 way, 2s+1s wheel round each other 1/2 way
9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain 1s ending on Men's side & 2s on Ladies' side both with Ladies on Men's right
17-24 1s followed 2s lead down, Men 1/2 turn Lady under right arm & lead back up (2s leading)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L+2s & 1M+3s) & 1/2 reel of 3 across with other couple
DEAR GREEN PLACE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Hamilton Glasgow Diamond Jubilee
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, 2s+1s+3s dance 1/2 Grand Chain (3s+1s+2s on opposite sides with 3s+2s facing diagonally in)
9-16 3s+1s+2 advance 2 steps, 1s turn to right & dance out to sides while 3s+2s set diagonally, 1s cast round 1st corner pstns & dances down/up the middle to face 1st corners while 3s+2s dance LH across for 1/2 way & loop round to right to corner pstns
17-24 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners & pass RSh to face 2nd corners, dance Pass+Turn with 2nd corners
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DEB'S CHRISTMAS CRACKER (J4x32) 4C set Kevin Lees Dunedin 6
1- 4 1s & 4s set, cross down/up (no hands) to 2nd/3rd place & face out (2s & 3s step down/up bars 3-4)
5- 8 1s cast up & 4s cast down through ends, meet partner & dance towards centre NHJ
9-12 1s+4s dance RH across to face corners while 2s+3s chase anticlockwise 1/2 round
13-16 1s & 4s turn corner LH, pass LSh to end BtoB in centre facing diag opp corner
17-24 2s+3s dance diag reel of 4 (LH across in centre) while
1s+4s dance 1/2 diag reel round corner, pass LSh, dance RSh round next anticlockwise corner. End 4L between 3s at top, 1M between 2s at bottom, 1L & 4M on own side in middle
25-32 1s+4s set advancing & dance 1/2 RH across to opp sides facing partner, (3) (1) (4) (2); All set & cross RH to own side. 3 1 4 2
THE DECADE (J8x40 in 10 bar phrases) 3C (4C set) Robb Quint Strathspey Anniv Coll
1-10 1s+2s Set & Rotate : -
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (order 2 1),
then dance on clockwise 1 more place
11-20 1s+2s dance full R&L & then 2M+1L change places RH. 1 2 3
21-30 1s+2s+3s Set+Link for 3 couples twice, 3s cross RH while 2s+1s dance RH across 1/2 way. 3 1 2
31-40 1s dance reels (8 bar) of 3 on opp sides (1L gives LSh to 3M at top as 1M LSh to 2L), 1s cross RH while 2s+3s continue reel to change pls. 2 1 3
DECIMUS (Ten Up for Kingston) (J5x32) 5C set John S Trew Martello Tower 4
1- 8 1s & 5s dance Figs of 8 round next couple ending in middle facing down/up
9-16 2s+3s+4s dance reels of 3 on sides (2L & 3L, 3M & 4M pass RSh to start)
17-24 1s & 5s advance to centre of dance & dance RH across, 5s return to place while 1s dance to top & turn towards each other to face down
25-32 1s change places with 2s, then 3s, 4s & 5s (dancing between 2s+4s & outside 3s & 5s)
THE DEE IN SPRING (S3x32) 3C set Melbourne Briscoe
1- 8 1s+2s Tourbillon (6 bars) & Link : -
1-6 1s & 2s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H & 1M also 2L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise (end 1s on Ladies' side & 2s Men's side), 1s set to 2s & 1/2 turn partners 2H & lead ptnrs cl'wise into centre so 2s (1st pl) facing down & 1s (2nd pl) facing up.
7-8 2s+1s Link - Persons on right of each couple casts to own side while person on left dances in to own side
9-16 2s+1s+3s set, circle 6H round to left 1/2 way, Set+Link for 3 to end in lines across
17-24 Repeat to end on opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s Advance 1 step & Retire 1 step, all turn 2H 1.1/2 times & all set
DEEP POOL REEL (R96) 4C set R Sargent Ruthven Coll
1- 8 All set twice & turn RH into square formation
9-16 Men dance LH across twice round while Ladies dance clockwise for 4 bars & back
17-24 Ladies dance LH across twice round while Men dance clockwise & back
25-32 All Promenade anticlockwise for 4 bars & back
33-40 All circle to left & back
41-48 Ladies dance RH across twice round while Men dance anticlockwise & back
49-56 Men dance RH across twice round while Ladies dance anticlockwise & back
57-64 All Promenade clockwise for 4 bars & back
65-72 All circle to right & back
73-80 All set twice & turn RH (4 bars)
81-96 All dance Grand Chain (1 bar RH & 2 bars LH) & turn RH (4 bars) into longwise formation
"DEER" FRIENDS (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Bob Anderson St Martin Collection 1
1-8 1s cross down RH, cast behind 3s, cross RH, cast up 1 place, turn 3/4 LH to join RH with 3rd corners in a diagonal line
9-12 Balance in Line figure:
9 All set 1 step Right, change hands so that 1s and 3rd corners take LH
10 1s and 3rd corners 1/2 turn LH, retain LH and 1s join RH in middle of line
11 All set 1 step R, 1s join LH & drop hands with corners
12 1s 1/2 turn LH to face 3rd corners while corners set 1 step Left turning to face diagonally in
13-16 1s dance1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 3rd corners, finish facing 4th corners
17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 with 4th corners, 1s crossing LH to finish in 2nd place opp sides End (3)(1)(2)
25-32 Set and link for 3 couples twice to finish 213 on own sides
DEESIDE BANNER (S3x32) 3C set M Pringle
1- 8 1M change places RH with 2L, 1L with 2M, 1M with 3M & 1L with 3L
9-16 All dance RH hand across & back
17-24 1s dance up 1 place & turn to face out & hold corners RH, all rotate clockwise 2 places & end with 1s in 2nd place opposite sides facing down
25-32 All dance 1/4 Grand Chain (2 bars per hand), all set, end couples turn RH while 3s cross over
DEESIDE SILVER (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Margaret Pringle
1- 8 1M 1/2 turn 3L into prom hold face in as 3M casts & turns 1L into prom hold face out, 1M+3L dance up & face 2L as 3M+1L go behind 2L & face 2M
9-16 1M+3L+2L dance RH across & 1/2 way back as 1L+3M+2M dance likewise, 3L followed by 1M dance round passing other couple RSh to 3rd place facing up as 1L followed by 3M dance round to 1st place facing down
17-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 Ladies' Chain (3s end in original places & 1s in 1st place opp sides), 1s+2s change pl RH on sides & 1s cross LH to own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s set, turn partners RH (long turn) & set
THE DEESIDE WANDERER (S64) Sq.Set Roy Goldring A Reel for Alice
1- 8 1s in prom hold+4M+2L dance reels of 3 (1s pass 4M by Right) also 3s dance similar with 2M+4L (3s pass 2M by Right) 2s & 4s begin by casting away from partner
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain to finish back-to-back with partner
17-24 2s in prom hold repeat bars 1-8 with 1M+3L while 4s dance similar with 3M+1L
25-32 2s+4s dance Ladies' Chain . All end facing in
33-36 Diagonal 1/2 R&L (1M+4L also 2L+3M give RH to start)
37-40 1/2 R&L up/down (1s+3s give RH to partner to start)
41-44 Diagonal 1/2 R&L (1L+4M also 2M+3L give RH to start)
45-48 1/2 R&L across (2s+4s). All finish facing corners
49-56 Reel round set (Grand Chain no hands) finish facing corners
57-60 All set to & turn corners 2H to face partner
61-64 All set to and turn partners 2H 3/4 way round so Ladies in centre back-to-back for bow/curtsey
1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way back to place
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DELFT DELIGHT (R32) Round the Room Andrew Gillies
Man with 2 Ladies - Ladies face clockwise & Man anticlockwise ("Double Triangles" positions)
1- 8 Man dances 1/2 reel of 3 with Ladies (RSh to Lady on right) & all set twice
9-16 Man dances 1/2 reel of 3 with Ladies (LSh to Lady on left) & all set twice
17-24 Man turns Lady on right RH, turns Lady on left LH to end Ladies facing cl'wise & Men anticl'wise holding nearer hands (as Double Triangles)
25-32 Ladies Advance 2 steps as Man Retires, Ladies Retire as Man Advances. All drop hands & advance to meet new partners, join hands & set
THE DELIVERY ROUND (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Morag Gunnarsson Pensioner's Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s in & down to start)
9-16 1s cross up & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides (1s in & down to start)
17-24 2s+1s+3s cross passing RSh & chase clockwise 1/4 way to lines across (Ladies face down & Men up), change places with partner passing RSh & chase clockwise 1/4 way to (3)(1)(2)
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 3rd corners (pstn), pass RSh & dance 1/2 reel with 4th corners (pstn)
DELONG REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) G Dale Birdsall
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 2s+1s turn RH
9-16 2s+1s dance Ladies Chain
17-24 1M+2M dance anticlockwise 1/2 way round while 1L+2L turn LH 1.1/2 times, Men dance in front of partner to dance LH across with Ladies
25-32 1s+2s chase anticlockwise 1/2 way round, 2s+1s set twice & 1s cross RH to own side
DELPH POND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Barry Skelton Wee County Dances
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast (2s step up bars 3-4). 1s turn 1.1/4 times LH (4 bars) to finish 1L between 3s facing up & 1M between 2s facing down.
9-16 All dance Diagonal R&L (1s dancing to their right to begin)
17-24 1s dance RSh round each other & 1/2 RH turn their 3rd corner position. 1L followed by 2M & 1M followed by 3L chase clockwise round the outside of the corner person to finish in opposite corner while corners advance diagonally in, touch hands & retire to place. 1L finishes between 1s and 1M man between 3s
25-32 1s turn 1.1/4 LH to face 2nd corner position. 1s dance 1//2 diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corner and pass RSh to 2nd place.
THE DELTA BORDERERS' 25TH (S3x32) 3C set Ruth Jappy
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across (3 bars) & LH across (3 bars); 1s cast, pass LSh to face 1st corners while 2s dance up NHJ to 1st place
9-16 1s set to 1st corners, pull back RSh & dance round each other to face 2nd corners; 1s set to 2nd corners, pull back RSh & dance round each other to end in 2nd place own side
17-20 2s+1s+3s Adv+Ret (1 bar each), 2s (at top) cross RH while 1s+3s dance 1/2 RH across. (2) (3) (1)
21-24 2s+3s+1s Adv+Ret (1 bar each) & all cross RH to own side
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round and back
DELVINE SIDE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) W Campbell RSCDS Bk 2
1- 8 1s+2s set & cross passing RSh, set & cross back passing RSh
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back for Allemande
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corner 2H, pass partner RSh, turn 2nd corner 2H & cross passing RSh to 2nd place on own sides
DEMO DANDY DANCERS (R4x32) 4C set Sheila Bain Stagger Inn
2 chords - 2nd chord 3s & 4s cross to opp side
1- 8 1s & 4s set & cast in 1 place (2s & 3s step down/up); 1s+4s dance RH across
9-16 1L+4M in prom hold dance reel of 3 across at bottom (RSh to 3M) while 1M+4L in prom hold dance reel of 3 across at top (RSh to 2L). End 2 1 (4) (3)
17-24 1s/4s dance 1/2 Fig 8 round end couples; 1s+4s turn 1.1/2 to change places on side (1M+4L LH, 1L+4M RH). 2 4 (1) (3)
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
THE DEN O'MAINS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas Henderson Douglas Henderson Coll
1- 8 1s+2s+3s turn RH, 1s set, cast 1 place into middle facing up in prom hold
9-16 1s dance reel of 3 with 2L+3M giving RSh to 2L
17-24 1s dance reel of 3 with 2M+3L giving LSh to 2M & 1s end BtoB facing own side ready for…
25-32 1s dance Double Triangles with 2s+3s
DENISE'S DELIGHT (J4x32) 4C Set Bill Zobel & Muriel Johnstone Dancing on Air
1- 8 1s & 4s cast down/up 1 place (2s/3s step up/down), 1s+4s cross to opp sides, Ladies dancing NHJ between Men; 1s+4s cross back to own side, Men dancing NHJ between Ladies, 1s & 4s set
9-16 2s & 3s repeat 1-8
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance RH across; all 4 couples turn partner RH remaining in centre 2H joined ready for …
25-32 4 couple Poussette
DER ABSACKER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Kenton Stutz The Firewood Collection
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across; Set again, 2s cross LH back to own side as 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass RSh; 1s turn 2nd corners RH, dance round partner RSh to face 1st corner again (corners loop into place or "twirl")
17-24 1s set to 1st corner, dance RSh round partner to face 2nd corner; 1s set to 2nd corner, dance RSh round partner to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DEREK'S DILEMMA (J4x32) 4C set Helen Bonar
2 chords – on 2nd chord 2s & 3s cross to opposite sides
1- 8 1s & 4s cross RH, cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 Figs of 8 round 2s/3s (2s & 3s step up/down bars 3-4) (2) 1 4 (3)
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides, Bar 16: 1s & 4s curve in to finish BtoB in centre facing corner persons (4s facing 2s & 1s facing 3s)
17-24 1s+4s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting (6 bars) Bars 23-24: 1L+4M petronella turn to opp sides while 1M+4L set. All now on opp sides (2)(1)(4)(3)
25-28 2L+1L & 4M+3M turn LH once round whilst 2M+1M & 4L+3L turn RH once round (so that centre couples dance out the middle of the ends).
29-32 1s+4s dance RH across 1/2 way, retain partner's hand while 2s+3s cross RH, 1s+4s cross RH. End 2 (4) (1) 3
Note: Dance instruction revised by deviser February 2017
DEREK'S REEL (R5x32) 5C Sq.Set Unknown
5s in centre facing each other, Lady with back to 2s, Man with back to 4s
1- 8 1s+2s+3s+4s circle 8H round & back while 5s turn RH & LH
9-16 5M dances reel of 3 with 1s+2s (in prom hold) giving LSh to 2s while 5L dances with 3s+4s giving LSh to 3s
17-24 5M dances R&LH across with 1s+2s while 5L dances R&LH across with 3s+4s
25-32 5s 1/2 turn RH to face 3s, set, 2s+3s change places RH & 3s set in centre while 1s+2s+5s+4s dance on 1 place clockwise
THE DERVAIG LADIES JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rosalind Morrison The Island Set,
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place (2s step up); 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M+2s & 1L+3s) giving LSh to 3rd corners & pass LSh to face own sides BtoB
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles finishing in 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
DERWENT STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Stewart Adam Dunedin 1
1- 8 1s & 3s cross passing partner RSh & dance round to right to face them in line up/down centre (M facing up), set & turn partner RH & end in prom hold (1s facing 2M & 3s facing 4L)
9-16 1s & 3s dance reels of 3 across (1s giving LSh to 2M & 3s RSh to 4L) ending in original places
17-24 1s+2s+3s dance the Knot
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance 1/2 R&L, all set & cross RH. 2 3 4 1
DESPERATION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Cliff Fryer 1994
1- 8 1s+2s Set & Rotate:-
` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl)
9-16 1s+2s dance RH across, 1s+3s dance LH across
17-24 1s dance Reels of 3 on sides, 2s+1s pass RSh to start
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back 2 1 3
DETASSELING THE RIGGS OF CORN (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Daniel Grundtner & Patty Patzman
1- 8 1s cast behind own lines, turn away, dance back to places
9-16 1s dance Fig. 8 round 2s who stand (2), cross RH (2), stand (2), cross RH (2) to places
17-24 1s lead down (2), 1/2 turn RH (2), lead up (2), 1/2 turn RH (2) while 2s set, cross RH, set, cross RH, 1s+2s finish in middle both hands joined
25-32 1s+2s Poussette
JUST AS I WAS IN THE MORNING (The Deuks Dang Ow'er My Daddy) (J8x40) 2C (4C Set) Rutherford RSCDS Bk 19
1- 8 1s cast 1 place & cross RH, cast up on opposite side & cross back LH
9-16 2s cast up & cross RH, cast down 1 place & cross back LH
17-24 1M in prom hold with partner (Lady on Mans right) dance down behind 2M (who steps up) & leaves 1L in 2nd place (opposite side), 1M 1/2 turns 2L RH to end on Ladies side with 2L on his right
25-32 1M+2L lead across between 1L+2M & cast round own partner & return to Ladies side, 1M+2L turn RH to face partners
33-40 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s & turn RH to end in 2nd place own sides
THE DEVERON REEL (R4x40) 4C set John Drewry Brodie Bk
3s & 4s start on opp sides
1- 8 1L+4M also 1M+4L dance Figs of 8 on own sides (dance between 2s/3s to start)
9-16 2s dance Fig of 8 round 1s while 3s dance Fig of 8 round 4s meeting in centre to form a circle
17-24 2s+3s set twice (in circle) on 2nd setting pivot right & dance LH across back to original places
25-32 All dance reels of 4 on sides with 2s+3s ending with a 1/2 turn LH onto sides for Balancing in Line
33-40 All Bal-in-Line twice, 1s+2s also 3s+4s 1/2 turn RH on sides, middle couples (4s+1s) dance LH across 1/2 way. 2 4 (1) (3)
THE DEVIL IN THE BEARPIT (R3x32) 3C set A Paterson Collecta Ursis
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way back to places
9-16 1L+2M change places RH as partners cast 1 place & turn other partner LH (as in Ladies), 1L+2M turn RH 1.3/4 times to end 2s in 1st place, 1s in centre with 3s stepping in behind
17-24 1s+3s dance Poussette. 2 1 3
25-32 2s+3s+1s circle 6H round & back
THE DEVIL'S ELBOW (R8x32) 3C (4C set) J T Stephenson SCD Archives
1- 8 1s set & turn RH, cast 1 place & 3/4 turn LH
9-16 1s dance the Snake:- 1s dance RH across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s), 1M followed by 2s & 1L by 3s cross diagonally passing LSh to change ends & loop round to left ready for…
17-24 1s dance the Snake again:- 1s dance LH across (1L with 3s & 1M with 2s), 1L followed by 3s & 1M by 2s cross diagonally passing RSh to change ends & loop round to right into places (1s on opp sides)
25-32 2s+1s+3s set & 1s Petronella turn into lines across, set in lines across & 1s Petronella turn to 2nd place own sides
THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAIL (R4x32) 4C set Teacher's Choice David A Haynes
1- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s lead down middle & cast up to 2nd places
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s)
25-32 1s cross RH & cast to 3rd place, 1s cross LH & cast to 4th place
THE DEVIL'S POINT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Deeside Bk 1
1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH moving down to 2nd pl & face up while 2s dance up & face 1s, 2s+1s set & dance LH across (end on sides, 2s in top & 1s in 2nd pl opp side)
9-16 1s 1/2 turn LH moving down to 3rd pl & face up while 3s dance up & face 1s, 3s+1s set & dance RH across (end on sides 3s in 2nd pl & 1s in 3rd pl). 2 3 1
17-24 3s & 1s change places RH on sides, 2s+1s+3s set & 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
25-32 2s+1s+3s cross RH, set & dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s)
THE DEVIL'S STAIRCASE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Geraldine & Holger Schuckelt Borderland Dances
1- 8 1s+3s dance double Figs of 8 round 2s (1s cross down, 3s cast up to start)
9-16 1s cross RH, cast & 3/4 turn RH, pull back RSh to face 2nd corners (2s set up 11-12)
17-20 1s dance DoSiDo with 2nd corners. 1s finish facing each other in middle
21-24 1s 3/4 turn RH, pull back RSh to face 1st corners
25-32 1s repeat bars 17-20 with 1st corners. 1s 3/4 turn RH to 2nd place own sides
Note: At end of 2nd time, 1s 3/4 turn moving down to 4th place while 4s step up 29-30
DEVON SPRINGS (S4x32) 4C Set Sue Davies RSCDS Exeter 50th Anniversary
1- 8 All set, 1s followed by 2s, 3s & 4s, cast to bottom & lead up. 1s+2s+3s finish in middle facing up taking prom hold, 4s finish in place
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Allemande. 3 2 1 4
17-24 2s dance Fig 8 up round 3s while 1s dance Fig 8 down round 4s
25-32 3s+2s also 1s+4s dance Tourbillon:
3s & 2s turn partners 2H 1/2 way, 3M & 2L lead partners on 1 place clockwise to end 3s on Ladies' side & 2s on Men's side, 3s set to 2s
3s & 2s 1/2 turn partners 2H, 3L & 2M lead partners on 1 place to end 2s in 1st pl & 3s in 2nd pl, 2s+3s cross RH to own sides while
1s+4s dance similarly. End 2 3 4 1
DEVORGILLA REEL (R4x32) 4C set J Johnstone Loreburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s also 4s cross, cast in 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round end couples
9-16 1s+4s RH across, 2s+1s also 4s+3s LH across ending in centre 1s facing 2s & 4s facing 3s
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s set, change places RH with opposite person & all turn partners RH
25-32 All dance Poussette (for 4 couples)
DEVORGILLA'S DELIGHT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Brodie Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1s in & down to start); 1s & 3s turn RH 1.1/2 times. (3) 2 (1)
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance 1/2 reel of 3 on sides (1s out & up to start), 2s turn RH 1.1/2 times. (1) (2) (3)
17-20 1s+3s dance 1/2 Double Fig 8 round 2s (3s cross up, 1s cast)
21-24 1s cast to 2nd place and lead up RHJ remaining in centre while 2s cross up & cast into centre behind 1s, ready for …
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande. 2 1 3
DEWY FIELDS (S4x32) 4C set Jean Miller Nova Scotia Collection 2017
1- 8 1s+2s set, 1/2 turn partner 2H opening out into 4H 1/2 round to left, 2s+1s set
9-16 1s+3s repeat bars 1-8. 2 3 1 4
17-24 1s+4s set, turn partner RH; 1s cast to 4th place while 4s lead up & curve into 3rd place; all 4 couples set. 2 3 4 1
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance RH across; all 4 couples turn partner RH. End 2 3 4 1
THE DHOON (J4x32) 4C set J Hamilton SCDs for Children
1- 8 All (with nearer hands joined on sides) slip step right, slip step back & turn partner RH
9-16 All (with nearer hands joined on sides) slip step left, slip step back & turn partner LH
17-24 1s cast 1 place, dance to top & cast to 4th place
25-32 All circle 8H round & back
DIAGONAL SYMMETRY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Douglas J Dean Rodney Rooms Bk 2
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast 1 place & turn LH (4 bars) to face 1st corner
9-16 1M dances reel of 3 on opposite sides (LSh to 1st crnr) while 1L dances Fig of 8 round 1st+2nd Corners, both end facing 1st corners
17-24 1L dances reel of 3 on opposite sides (LSh to 1st crnr) while 1M dances Fig of 8 round 1st+2nd Corners, both end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides (LSh to 1st crnr) & cross to 2nd places
DIAMOND 96 (J4x32) 4C Set Mary Black Edinburgh Ladies Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s & 3s petronella turn & set. Repeat to (1) 2 (3) 4
9-16 All 4 couples Adv+Ret. 1M+2M also 3M+4M change places passing RSh, curve to Left, cross & finish beside opp Lady in promenade hold
17-24 All promenade anticlockwise round. Finish on sides (Lady on Man's Right) 2 (1) 4 (3)
25-32 1s & 3s set. 1s cast to 4th place, 3s lead up to 2nd place. 1s & 3s dance 1/2 Figs 8 round couples above. 2 3 4 1
THE DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Renton Inverness Diamond Jubilee Coll
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd opposite sides.
9-16 1s turn RH to face 1st corners & turn corners LH, turn 2nd corners RH & partner LH to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners & pass LSh to face 2nd corners, 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners & end 2nd place opposite sides. 3 1 2
25 - 32 3s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 twice. 2 1 3 4
DIAMOND CELEBRATION (S4x32) 4C set Isobel Cook Edinburgh Ladies Jubilee Bk
1- 8 1s & 4s dance in & cast down/up 1 place (2s+3s step up/down). 1s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette
9-16 All set, 2L+4M & 1L+3M change places RH. All set, 2M+4L & 1M+3L change places RH
17-24 All set, all circle 8H 1/2 round to Left. All set advancing ready for ...
25-32 1s+3s & 2s+4s dance 1/2 Poussette; 3s+1s & 4s+2s dance RH across. End 3 1 4 2
THE DIAMOND CELEBRATION (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Dennis Tucker Oxford Silver Jubilee
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 (1L round 2s, 1M round 3s) & end BtoB (1M facing up & 1L facing down as for Crown Triangles)
9-12 All set & 1s dance up/down to 1st & 3rd pstns & turn about while 2s+3s dance towards each other & meet on sides to form a diamond
13-16 All set & as 1s set advancing & pass LSh to end BtoB the 2s & 3s retire to places
17-24 1s dance Figs of 8 (1L dancing round 2s, 1M round 3s) ending 2nd place own side while 2s+3s dance R&L (starting on sides)
25-32 All petronella turn twice to opposite sides, all set & cross RH to own sides
THE DIAMOND CELEBRATION (S4x40) 4C set Edward (Ted) Willitt Bishops Stortford Caledonian Soc
1- 8 1s & 3s dance Inveran reels with 2s (1s cross down with 3s dancing in & crossing up)
9-16 1s lead down to 4th place as 2s+3s+4s set & dance up 1 place, 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle left
17-24 2s & 4s dance Inveran reels with 3s (2s cross down with 4s dancing in & crossing up)
25-32 2s+3s also 4s+1s dance double Fig of 8 (2s cross down & 1s cross up to start)
33-40 All circle 8H round & back
THE DIAMOND CELEBRATION JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Janet Renton Inverness Diamond Jubilee Coll
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place & cross down between 3s RH, 1s cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides.
9-16 1s dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 across, 1M with 2s, 1L with 3s (LSh to 3rd corner). 1s swap ends & dance 1/2 LSh reels of 3 (LSh to 1st corner) (2) (1) (3)
17-24 1s dance diag R&L.
25-32 3s+1s+2s Adv+Ret, circle 6H round to left 1/2 way. 2 1 3 4
A DIAMOND FOR BELFAST (J3x40) 3C set M Watson Belfast Diamond Jubilee Bk
1- 8 All dance Grand Chain
9-16 All set & cross RH, all set & 1/2 turn RH to face up in middle
17-24 All dance Allemande. 3 2 1
25-32 3s set & cast 1 place, all Adv+Ret
33-40 All circle 6H round & back. 2 3 1
A DIAMOND FOR HELENSBURGH (M-(S32+R32)) 4C Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music 2
1- 2 1s & 3s Petronella turn to middle while 2s & 4s step up
3- 8 2s+1s+4s+3s set, Petronella turn & set to partners to finish 1s+3s on opp sides & 2s+4s facing in the middle (Men up, Ladies down)
9-12 2s+4s dance 1/2 Reel of 4 up & down centre of set
13-16 2L followed by partner casts up Men's side, behind 3L & across set to 3rd place while 4M followed by partner casts down Ladies' side, behind 1M & across set to finish in 2nd place (1L/3M step up/down on bars 13-14, 1M/3L step up/down on bars 15-16) (1) 4 2 (3)
17-20 1s+3s set, 1s cast down while 3s cast up (4s/2s step up/down) 4 (1) (3) 2
21-24 1s+3s dance 1/2 R&L 4 3 1 2
25-28 1s+2s Set+Link 4 3 2 1
29-32 2s+1s dance 4H round to the left 4 3 2 1
Repeat from new positions in Reel time back to original places
A DIAMOND FOR NAPIER (J8x40) 3C (4C set) Glenys Kefalas Napier Diamond Anniv.
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own side, 1s dance in & down to start
9-16 1s dance in, cast 2 places, lead up LH to finish in middle 1L facing up, 1M down (2s step up 13-14)
17-24 1s dance Crown Triangles, 1s finish facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh, 1/2 reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 1s finish 2nd place opp. sides
33-40 2s+1s+3s Set+Link for 3 twice. End: 2 1 3
DIAMOND FOR THE LADIES (R1x96) Sq.Set Sheila Kidney Edinburgh Ladies Jubilee Bk
1- 8 All Men dance round Lady on Right (pass RSh) finish between that Lady & partner while Ladies turn on the spot. All set twice
9-16 Men dance 1/2 RH across to face out. All set, Men dance anticlockwise round Ladies to original places
17-24 Ladies petronella turn 1 place to Right & set. Repeat
25-32 All advance setting, Men retire as Ladies petronella 1 place to Right. All set & turn new partner RH
33-40 All Ladies dance round Man on Left (pass LSh) finish between that Man & partner while Men turn on the spot. All set twice
41-48 Ladies dance 1/2 LH across to face out. All set, Ladies dance clockwise round Men back to (new) place
49-56 Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men dance 1 place to Right. All turn partners LH. Ladies dance 1/2 RH across while Men dance 1 place to Right. All 1/2 turn LH.
57-64 Repeat 49-56 with Men dancing RH across & Ladies moving round and finishing in place
65-80 Repeat 1-16
81-88 All advance setting, turn away from (new) partner to face original partner. All promenade out and to Left to opposite original start position
89-96 All dance 1/2 Schiehallion Reels - ending in original start position
THE DIAMOND GIRLS (S64) Sq.Set Anne Thorn Magic Of Music
1- 8 All Ladies dance LSh round next Man to left then LSh round next Man to left to end in opposite places
9-16 All Ladies dance 1/2 RH across & turn partner LH, Ladies again dance 1/2 RH across & turn opposite partner LH
17-24 1L/3L followed by 3M/1M chase anticl'wise behind 2s/4s & round in front, then dance between them & chase back to 3rd/1st pl (Lady in Man's pl)
25-32 All circle 8H left 1/2 way, all couples Set+Link
33-40 2L/4L followed by 4M/2M chase cl'wise behind 3s/1s & round in front, then dance between them & chase back to 2nd/4th pls (Ladies now back in original places)
41-48 All circle 8H left once round & set
49-56 All Men dance 1/2 LH across & turn partner RH, Men again dance 1/2 LH across & turn opposite partner RH
57-64 All Men dance RSh round Lady on their right then RSh round next Lady on right ending in original places
DIAMOND JIG (J4x32) Sq.Set Jim Haworth ASHMERG SCD
1- 4 1M+3M dance RSh round partner, pass RSh in centre into line up/down joining LH with opp. lady and RH with each other
5- 8 1s+3s Balance in Line. 1M+3L & 3M+1L turn 1/2 LH. End Men facing in & Ladies BtoB in centre.
9-12 1L+3L dance RSh round "new" partner, pass RSh in centre into line up/down joining LH with partner & RH with each other
13-16 1s & 3s Balance in Line. 1s+3s turn 3/4 LH all facing in
17-24 8 Hands round & back
25-28 All face partners, set, turn RH into prom hold – 1s+3s facing to Right & 2s+4s facing Left
29-32 Passing RSh, 1s (3s) change places with 2s (4s) and all face in - having progressed one place clockwise
THE DIAMOND JUBILEE (J4x32) 4C set Robert M Campbell RSCDS Bk 31
1- 8 1s & 4s turn 1.1/2 times RH & cast 1 place, 1M & 4M also 1L & 4L turn LH on sides to end 1s facing up & 4s down. 2(1)(4)3
9-16 All dance reels of 4 on sides (Bar 16 1s & 4s do not pass LSh but turn right about into centre BtoB facing corner just passed). 2(4)(1)3
17-24 4s & 1s set to corners & change places RH, set & change back LH
25-32 4s+1s dance RH across while 2s & 3s set & cross RH, all set & cross RH back to places 2 4 1 3
DIAMOND JUBILEE 2012 (J4x32) 4C set Lorna Reid
1- 8 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance RH across and back
9-16 1s+3s lead down the middle and back to place
17-24 1s+2s & 3s+4s dance R&L
25-32 1s change on the side with 2s (Ladies RH, Men LH)
1s change on the side with 3s (Ladies LH, Men RH)
1s change on the side with 4s (Ladies RH, Men LH)
1s turn with RH to finish in 4th place. (Other couples step up one place)
THE DIAMOND JUBILEE MEDLEY (M-(S40+R40)) Sq.Set D Bell Dundonald Coll
1- 8 1s set to partners & turn 2H,set to corners & turn 2H
9-16 2s & 4s repeat bars 1-8
17-24 All dance Grand Chain to opposite sides
25-32 Ladies dance RH across once round while Men dance round anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to opposite partner & 3/4 turn LH
33-40 Men dance RH across once round while Ladies dance round anticlockwise 1/2 way, set to partners & turn 2H
1- 8 All set to partners & 1/2 turn RH (give LH to next person), all set & 1/4 turn partner RH to Ladies BtoB facing partner
9-16 All petronella turn, set to partner, petronella turn to Men BtoB facing partner & set
17-24 All petronella turn, set to partner, turn 2H to Men facing partner (Men face diagonally to next place to right)
25-28 All travel PdB to next place (Ladies travel backwards), 3/4 turn 2H to new place facing diagonally right
29-40 Repeat bars 25-28 3 times back to places & face in
DIAMOND PLUS (S3x32) 3C set Jim Haworth ASHMERG SD
1- 8 1s+2s dance The Knot, 1s end facing 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH to end facing 1st corners again
17-24 1/2 diagonal reels with 1st corners, 1/2 diagonal reels with 2nd corners, 1s ending in 2nd place opp sides
25-28 3s+1s cross RH with partner, then dance 1/2 RH across while 2s turn RH
29-32 1s+2s+3s chase clockwise 1/2 way. End 2 3 1
THE DIAMOND QUARRIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Elaine Brunken Moments in Time
1- 8 1s dance Progressive Fig 8: 1s cross RH as 2s set, 1s+2s dance 3/4 double Fig of 8 with 1s casting & 2s crossing up to start
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reflection ("mirror") reels of 3 on sides (2s out/down, 1s in/down, 3s out/up) 1s finish facing 1st corner
17-24 1s set to corners & partner ("Hello-Goodbye") 1s finish facing 3rd corners
25-32 1s dance corner Pass+Turn with 3rd and then 4th corners
A DIAMOND SET IN SILVER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry
1- 4 1M+2L & 2M+3L 1/2 turn 2H to face other pair on diagonal & set
5- 8 1M+2s+3L circle 4H round to left with 1M ending in 3rd pl opp side as 3L ends in 1st pl opp side as 2s end in original places
9-12 1L+2M & 2L+3M 1/2 turn 2H to face other pair on diagonal & set
13-16 1L+2s+3M dance LH across with 1L ending in 3rd pl opp side as 3M ends in 1st pl opp side as 2s turn LH to face 1st corners (pstn)
17-24 2s dance 1/2 Diamond Reels of 4 with 1st corners:-
17-20 2s dance out (pass RSh) as corners petronella turn to just in front of 2nd corner pstn (Long steps) into diamond shape & 3L+2s+1M set ending with 3L+1M petronella turning to BtoB facing original places
21-24 1M+3L dance out to their original places as 2s dance in & petronella turn into 2nd pstn on opp sides into diamond shape & 2s set ending with 2s petronella turning to BtoB facing 2nd corners
25-32 2s dance 1/2 Diamond Reels of 4 with 2nd corners:-
25-28 2s dance out (pass RSh) as corners petronella turn to just in front of 1st corner pstns (long step) into diamond shape & 3M+2s+1L set ending with 3M+1L petronella turning to BtoB facing orig places
29-32 1L+3M dance out (pass RSh) as 2s dance in & 1/2 turn RH to face up
2s dance up to 1st place as 1s cast to 2nd place
DIAMOND WEDDING (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jack Young RSCDS N W Craven
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s cross RH, cast to right, dance up/down (pass LSh) & cast left to 2nd place own sides while 2s & 3s set, cross RH, set & cross back
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides (RSh to person on right) & 1/2 reels of 3 across (LSh to 1st corner)
25-32 1s dance RH across (Man with 3s (top place) & Lady with 2s) & all chase clockwise to own sides
THE DIAMOND WHITE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Eileen Orr Silver Anniv Bk
1- 8 1s set & dance 3/4 Fig of 8 round 2s to end facing out in 2nd place on own sides
9-16 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 own side (out & down), 1s cast to top & cross down to Double Triangle position on opp side
17-24 All set & 1s 3/4 turn 1st corner person RH into 1/2 reels across end moving into Double Triangle position on own side
25-32 All set & 1s turn 3rd corner person RH, 1s turn LH to own side while 2s+3s chase clockwise to own side.
DIANA'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) D Brown Dunnington Coll 2
1- 8 1s set, cross down RH through 2nd place opp. sides (2s step up 3-4) & cast round 1st corners to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 2nd corners to start & end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH for…
25-32 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across ending in 2nd place own sides & 2s+1s+3s turn RH
DIANE'S FANCY (J4x48) 4C set Diane Oswald Dunedin 4
1- 8 All set, cross RH, set & cross back RH
9-16 All Ladies dance round partner RSh & set in front of them & turning to right dance back to place
17-24 All chase 1/2 way clockwise & turn partners RH
25-32 All Men dance round partner RSh & set in front of them & turning to right dance back to place
33-40 All chase 1/2 way clockwise & all turn partners RH
41-48 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s cast to bottom, 1s make arch & 2s+3s+4s dance under & up to new places
DIANNE MURDOCH'S PROMENADE (R4x32) Circle Dance Ruary Laidlaw Dancing Feet
Any number of couples in circle, Lady on Man's right
1- 8 All turn partner RH then turn LH
9-16 Men pass prtnr RSh, dance round them & back to place. Men repeat passing prtnr LSh
17-24 Ladies repeat bars 9-16. All finish NHJ facing anticlockwise round
25-32 All promenade (6 bars) then Men stand as Ladies dance on 1 place to meet new partner
DICK WHITTINGTON (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up) & turn 1.1/4 LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass RSh, dance Corner Pass+Turn with 2nd corners & turn 3/4 RH to finish in centre 1M above 1L
17-24 1M dances LH across at the top while 1L dances LH at the bottom. 1s pass LSh to dance RH across with other couple
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance 6H round & back
Note: Can be danced as a Strathspey, a Reel or a Jig. In Strathspey corners turn 2H in Pass & Turn and RH in quick time
DICK`S DRAM (S4x32) 4C set Doris Buchanan Crystal Collection
1- 2 All set to partners
3- 6 1s+2s dance up & cast down to change places while 3s+4s dance down & cast up to change places
7- 8 1s & 4s cross RH to end in middle of set facing corners (1M & 4L turn right about)
9-16 1s+4s turn corners 2H (2 bars) & 1s+4s dance 4H round (4 bars), 1s turn 2H 1/2 way to end in promenade hold facing 2L (1L on 1M's right) while 4s turn 2H once round (4L on 4M's left) to end in promenade hold facing 3M
17-20 1s+2s also 4s+3s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 3 across
21-24 1s+4s retain promenade hold & pass each other RSh, 1s dance down & cross LH below 3s & cast into 3rd place own sides while 4s dance up, divide & cast into 2nd place own sides while 2s+3s continue reel across, back to own sides. 2 4 1 3
25-32 1s & 4s dance Poussette 2 4 1 3
THE DIDGERIDOOS OF DUNVEGAN (J8x40) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Bk 2
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast 1 place while 2s set, dance up to face out; 2s+1s dance 1/2 Double Fig of 8 (1s cross up, 2s cast) 2s face out
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in & down to start)
17-24 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s), 1s turn LH
25-32 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 across (1M with 2s, 1L with 3s), 1s turn RH
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle left for 6 steps, pivot left & chase back to places
THE DILLSBURG JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) S Tang Performance Dancing
1- 8 1s dance in & cast 1 place, dance down between 3s & cast up to 2nd places own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance RSh round partners back to places & chase clockwise 1/2 way
17-24 3s+1s+2s circle 6H round & back
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance LSh round partners back to opposite sides & chase anticlockwise 1/2 way
DING DONG BELL (S3x32) 3C Set Chris Ronald Formation Foundations
1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up) & turn 1.1/4 LH to finish in the middle Lady above Man
9-16 1s dance RH across (1L with 2s & 1M with 3s) pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple 2 1 3
17-24 1s+3s dance the Tourbillon:
1s & 3s 1/2 turn ptnrs 2H, 1M & 3L lead ptnrs by nearer hand 1 place cl'wise to end 1s on Ladies' side & 3s M