Dancing Forth Video
See Dancing Forth Dance Instruction PageDancing Forth - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Dancing Forth - RSCDS Edinburgh, City Chambers, Edinburgh, 2018.
Music By Doreen Mckerron (Piano), Pete Clark (Fiddle), Anne Evans (Flute) And Wendy Weatherby (Cello).
Dancing Forth - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Dancing Forth - 1st Edinburgh Branch Weekend Away, Ball, 2010.
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Dancing Forth - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Dancing Forth - RSCDS Edinburgh Branch Demonstration Team, Dancing Forth, 2007.
Music By Maureen (Mo) Rutherford (Piano), Neil Copland (Accordion) And Pete Clark (Fiddle).
Video Notes
This dance has been slightly modified for the demonstration.
This dance has been slightly modified for the demonstration.
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