The Jubilee Greeting Video
See The Jubilee Greeting Dance Instruction PageThe Jubilee Greeting - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Jubilee Greeting - RSCDS Ottawa Branch, 2018.
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The Jubilee Greeting - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Jubilee Greeting - Crieff Hydro Weekend Demonstration, 2022.
Video Notes
Danced once through, as part of a longer display.
A touch of artistic licence has been applied to the end of this performance, which forms part of a longer demonstration.
Danced once through, as part of a longer display.
A touch of artistic licence has been applied to the end of this performance, which forms part of a longer demonstration.
The Jubilee Greeting - Vimeo Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Jubilee Greeting - Fanwood, New Jersey, 2015.
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