Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Arthur's Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Arthur's Reel 32-bar reel for five couples in a five-couple longwise set. Julia Smith

1-4 1st and 3rd couples set to partners and cast off to finish below third and fifth places respectively. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3-4.
5-8 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands to partners, cross over and cast up to second and fourth places.
9-12 1st couple, giving nearer hands, dance up between 2nd couple and cast off to finish facing in and down in second place. At the same time, 3rd couple, giving nearer hands, dance up between 4th couple and cast off to finish facing in and down in fourth place.
13-16 1st couple turn 4th couple on the sides once round, 1st woman giving right hand to 4th man and 1st man giving left hand to 4th woman. 1st couple finish facing in and up and 4th couple finish facing out and up.
 At the same time, 3rd couple turn 5th couple on the sides once round, 3rd woman giving right hand to 5th man and 3rd man giving left hand to 5th woman. 3rd couple finish facing in and down and 5th couple finish facing out and up.
17-24 2nd, 1st and 4th couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st woman and 2nd man pass by the left and 1st man and 2nd woman pass by the right to begin. 2nd couple complete the reel by curving out and finish facing down and 1st couple finish by facing up.
 At the same time, 3rd and 5th couples dance a double figure of eight. 3rd couple cross down to begin.
25-32 2nd, 1st and 4th couples dance the following 8 bars:
 25-30 2nd and 1st couples, beginning down and up on the sides, dance three quarters of rights and lefts. 2nd couple finish in first place on opposite sides and 1st couple finish in second place on own sides facing down.
 31-32 1st woman and 4th woman, giving left hands, change places. At the same time 1st man and 4th man, giving left hands, change places. At the same time, 2nd couple, giving left hands, cross over to own sides.
 At the same time, 3rd and 5th couples dance the following 8 bars:
 25-28 3rd and 5th couples set and link.
 29-32 3rd couple, using right elbow grip, dance a pivot turn to finish on own sides.
The dance finishes in the order 2, 4, 1, 5, 3.

Repeat from new positions.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Julia Smith)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Arthur's Reel - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance was devised by Julia Smith and dedicated to Arthur Kingsland.

Suggested music: Preferably include The Glasgow Reel (also known as Tam Lin).

(Dance information by the deviser, Julia Smith)

Published in Hunter Valley Dances Book 2, reproduced here with the kind permission of Allyn Douglass, Secretary RSCDS Hunter Valley Branch.

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