Bavarian Double
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Bavarian Double 32-bar reel for six couples in a six-couple longwise set. Arthur KingslandCouples dance in two groups of three, numbered 1 2 3 from each end of the set i.e. 1 2 3 3 2 1.
1-4 1st couples, giving right hands, cross over while 2nd and 3rd couples dance right hands across half way. 1st and 3rd couples, also each pair of 2nd couples, giving left hands, change places on the sides.
5-16 Repeat bars 1-4 another three times (end couples, giving right hands, cross over; middle couples dance right hands across half way); couples in first and second places, also couples in third and fourth places and couples in fifth and sixth places, giving left hands, change places on the sides. All finish 3 1 2 2 1 3
17-20 3rd couples set to 1st couples. 3rd couples cross down/up while 1st couples dance up/down.
21-24 3rd couples set to 2nd couples. 3rd couples cross down/up while 2nd couples dance up/down.
25-26 3rd couples (in centre) dance right hands across half way.
27-28 3rd couples cast up or down to ends of set while 1st and 2nd couples step down/up.
29-32 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn one and a half times while 1st and 2nd couples advance and retire.
Finish in the order 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3.
Repeat five times from new positions.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Arthur Kingsland)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Bavarian Double - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance was devised by Arthur Kingsland and based on "A Trip to Bavaria" by James MacGregor-Brown (1960) in "Collins Pocket Reference: Scottish Country Dancing" (HarperCollins Publishers 1996).This dance was written after 5 Couples assembled as a set to dance A Trip to Bavaria and our teacher said "You can't dance it with 5 Couples". After much trying many variations and movements I eventually had to concur, but wanted to see what other combinations of dancers was possible.
My variation of this popular dance has deliberately tried to keep the basic essence of the original dance, A Trip To Bavaria.
(Dance information by the deviser, Arthur Kingsland)
Published in Hunter Valley Dances Book 2, reproduced here with the kind permission of Allyn Douglass, Secretary RSCDS Hunter Valley Branch.
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