Berwickshire Round Reel
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
BERWICKSHIRE ROUND REEL (R1x64) Sq.Set Roy Goldring Auld Friends Meet1- 4 1s+3s Advance, join nearer hands with opposite dancer, 1L+3M face 4s, 1M+3L face 2 and all set
5- 8 1s+3s drop hands, cast away and curve back to original place, all face partner and set
9-16 2s+4s repeat 1- 16
17-24 All pass partner RH, turn next dancer LH once round; all pass partner RH, turn next dancer LH once round to end in original places Ladies facing out, Men facing in
25-32 All dance interlocking Men's Chain (Men LH across in centre)
33-40 Men dance into centre to face Lady on right and all set; all turn RH. Men end in Ladies' places, Ladies end in centre facing own partner and all set
41-44 All turn RH, Men dancing into centre to face Lady on right and all set
45-48 All turn RH, Men end in Ladies' places, Ladies end in centre facing own partner and all set pulling back RSh, join RH in centre, LH with partner
49-56 All dance RH across ½ round to finish in original places; all set and turn partner RH once round
57-64 All circle 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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