Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Curriculum Vitae

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Curriculum Vitae (R8x32) A 32 bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set. Murrough Landon, 2019

1-4 1st couple cross giving right hands, then cast off to 2nd place as 2nd couple step up. 1st man pulls back right shoulder and 1st woman left shoulder to face their 1st corner.
5-8 1st couple dance corner pass and twirl with their 1st corners: 1st couple pass their 1st corner, then each other, right shoulder and curve left to face out in 2nd place own side. Meanwhile the corners half turn giving right hands, face each other, then cast away, pulling right shoulder back, to end in the opposite corner.
9-12 1st couple each dance half reel a of three on their own side, starting left shoulder to their 4th corner position. They pass each other left shoulder to end back to back facing their 1st corner position again on the diagonal.
 For 1st couple bars 5-12 are effectively a complete reel of three across.
13-16 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four, starting right shoulder to their 1st corner (2nd corner person). 1st couple pass right shoulder to face their 2nd corner position.
17-20 1st couple dance corner pass and twirl with their 2nd corners (3rd corner person). 1st couple end curving left to face out of the ends in the centre of lines of three across, 1st man at the bottom, 1st woman at the top.
21-24 1st couple each dance half a reel of three across, starting left shoulder to their 1st corner position. They pass each other left shoulder to end back to back facing their 2nd corner position again on the diagonal (for 1st couple bars 17-24 are a reel of three on the sides).
25-28 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four, starting right shoulder to their 2nd corner and pass right shoulder to face each other in the centre. The corners face clockwise.
29-32 1st couple turn right hand, or birl, to end in 2nd place own sides while the corners chase half way round clockwise. The final order is 2,1,3.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA July 2019 (radically revised 2024))

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Curriculum Vitae - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance was devised for Natalie Maude.

It was originally written to encourage her to get on with writing her CV after unexpectedly losing the job she had for many years. Also with many thanks for being the most dedicated member of the team testing and making videos of my other dances.

Recommended music: Suggested tune Culburnie Cottage by Alasdair Fraser; suitable recording C'est Si Bon (The Black Bear Duo: The Dancing Bear).

(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA July 2019 (radically revised 2024))

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a detailed document that provides an overview of a person's educational background, professional experience, skills, achievements, and other qualifications. It is commonly used in academic, research, and medical fields, as well as for job applications in regions like Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unlike a resume, which is typically concise and tailored to a specific job, a CV is often more comprehensive and can span multiple pages.

The content of a CV varies depending on the purpose and the country, but it generally includes personal information, a professional summary, education, work experience, skills, and references. In academic contexts, it often incorporates sections for publications, conference presentations, grants, awards, and teaching or research experience. Its aim is to provide a thorough overview of the candidate's qualifications and professional journey.

A CV should be well-structured and easy to read. Clear headings, reverse chronological order for education and experience, and consistent formatting are essential to ensure clarity. It is also crucial to tailor the CV to the specific role or field by emphasizing relevant skills and achievements. In some countries, including personal details such as a photo, age, or marital status is standard, while in others, such details might be discouraged due to anti-discrimination laws.

In the digital age, many employers and institutions use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan CVs for keywords. This has made it increasingly important to use industry-specific terminology and ensure that the CV aligns with the requirements of the role. A well-prepared CV can significantly increase the chances of landing interviews and advancing in competitive job markets.

The term "curriculum vitae" can be roughly translated as "the course of one's life." It originates from Neo-Latin, which is why it was traditionally written as "curriculum vitæ" with the ligature æ, even in English. However, this spelling has become uncommon in modern usage (hence its omission here).

Published in Curriculum Vitae, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.
This page contains both original content, which is copyrighted, and excerpts from Wikipedia and other sources using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Text from this original Curriculum Vitae article on Wikipedia.

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