Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Dancing Together Again

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

DANCING TOGETHER AGAIN (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Anne Dejean The Walnut book 2

1- 8 1s turn RH, cast (2s step up), Petronella turn to the top between 2s (1M turns to the left) and face down while 3s face up on the diagonal. All set
9-12 1L and 3L turn RH as 1M and 3M turn LH
13-16 1s and 2s face down and 3s face up, all set. 1L and 2L also 1M and 2M set while 3s set to partner
17-24 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across
25-28 1s+2s set to 3s, 1s Petronella turn into 2nd place on own sides (1L turns to left) while 2s and 3s set to partner
29-32 All turn partner LH

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dancing Together Again R8x32 Anne Dejean
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 - 8 1st couple, giving right hands, turn once round, cast into second place as 2nd couple move up, dance a petronella turn to the top (petronella turn to the left for 1st man) and finish between 2nd couple to form a line of four dancers facing down, then all set to 3rd couple who face up and slightly in diagonally as they set back.
9 - 12 1st and 3rd women turn once round with the right hand as 1st and 3rd men turn with the left hand in a symmetrical movement, so that 3rd couple first, and then 1st couple are dancing shoulder to shoulder for a while.
13 - 16 1st and 2nd couples in a line of four dancers facing down set to 3rd couple who face up and slightly in diagonally as they set back, then 1st and 2nd women, as well as 1st and 2nd men set to each other as 3rd couple set to partner.
17 - 24 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance.
25 - 28 1st and 2nd couples in a line of four dancers facing down set to 3rd couple who face up and slightly in diagonally as they set back, then 1st couple dance a petronella turn back into second place on own sides (petronella turn to the left for 1st woman) as 2nd and 3rd couples set to partner.
29 - 30 All turn partner once round with the left hand.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Anne Dejean, October 2018)

Dance Information

The name of this dance, Dancing Together Again, refers to how much I enjoy meeting and dancing again with the members of our group in Grenoble after a break like a holiday.

It was written before the pandemic period, but will probably be quite appropriate when we resume dancing after the endless months of lockdown.

Suggested tune: The Gathering by Muriel Johnstone's Band (Dance Through The Miscellanies, First Part).

(Dance information with the kind permission of the deviser, Anne Dejean)

Published in The Walnut Book 2, reproduced here with the kind permission of Anne Dejean.

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