Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Fifty Years On

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

FIFTY YEARS ON (J4x40) 4C set John Drewry RSCDS Book 43
3s and 4s start on opposite sides

1- 8 2s and 3s set, ½ turn RH, 2s lead up, cross and cast to original places while 3s lead down, cross and cast to original places
9-16 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Fig of 8 (2s and 3s cross up/down to start)
17-24 1M+2M also 3M+4M turn LH 1½ times while their partners turn similarly RH, 1s+4s dance ½ R&L (no polite turn)
25-32 All dance RSh reels of 4 on sides with centre dancers ending with ½ turn 2H into...
33-40 All circle 8H round and back. 24(1)(3)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Fifty Years On
John Drewry RSCDS Book 43
Jig 4 x 40 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set

3s 4s cross on second chord.

  1-2   2s3s set to partners;

  3-4   2s 3s turn partners by the right halfway, retaining hold;

  5-8   2s cross up and cast WHILE 3s cross down and cast up, all finishing in original places;

  9-16 1s2s 3s4s double figures of 8 across, 1s casting, 2s crossing up, 3s crossing down and 4s casting up to start, 1s 4s finishing facing out;

17-20 1M2M 3M4M turn by the left 1½ times to exchange places WHILE 1L2L 3L4L turn by the right 1½ times;

21-24 1s4s (in 2nd/3rd places) half rights and lefts;

25-30 2M4M1L3L 2L4L1M3M dance ¾ of reels of four on the sides;

31-32 2s (at top) and 3s (at bottom) complete the reels and take nearer hands, finishing 2s facing down, 3s up, WHILE 4M1L 4L1M turn by the right halfway with both hands, open out to face in on the sides and retain nearer hands hold;

33-40 2s4s1s3s 8 hands round and back, finishing with 1s3s on opposite sides.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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