Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Guns Of Fort Scratchley

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Guns Of Fort Scratchley 96-bar reel for five couples in a five-couple longwise set. Ros McKie

1-8 1st and 2nd couples dance a double figure of eight, 1st couple crossing down, 2nd couple dancing up to begin.
9-12 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 11 and 12.
13-16 1st couple and 3rd couple set. 1st couple cast off one place while 3rd couple, giving nearer hands, dance up one place and finish facing out in second place.
 2nd couple, who are now in top place, dance bars 1-16 while the original 1st couple, who are now in third place, dance bars 17-32.
17-24 1st couple cross diagonally down to dance a reel of three with 4th and 5th couples. 4th and 5th couples also cross diagonally down when they reach the top of the reel.
25-28 1st and 4th couples set and dance right hands across half way round.
29-32 1st and 5th couples set and dance left hands across half way round.

A new couple begins every 16 bars until the original 1st couple reach the top of the set again.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ros McKie)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

The Guns Of Fort Scratchley - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Fort Scratchley was built in 1882 and still dominates the entrance to Newcastle Harbour.

(Dance information by the deviser, Ros McKie)

Published in Hunter Valley Dances Book 2, reproduced here with the kind permission of Allyn Douglass, Secretary RSCDS Hunter Valley Branch.

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