Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Haliburton Tensome

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Haliburton Tensome
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 9: A Dozen in Hand
5x32 bar Reel
5-couple dance in Square set, 5th couple in centre

  1-8   CIRCLE AND BACK: around 5th couple who set to each other using Pas de Basque or a Highland Step;

  9-24 FOUR ½ HAND-IN-HAND REELS OF 3: 5th couple dance four Hand-in-Hand Reels of 3, each halfway, passing right shoulder around each outer couple's position in turn (i.e. 1st, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd) AS the outer couple dance two Hand-in-Hand Reels of 3 halfway (head couples, side couples, head couples and side couples): each couple switches hands at each end of the reel;

25-32 SET AND 1½ WHEEL: 5th and 1st couples set and dance right hands across 1½ times around ending with 5th couple in 1st couple's place and 1st couple in the middle facing next couple on right (i.e. 4th couple).

Repeat with each couple in the centre.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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