Hillcrest's Ruby Gem
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
HILLCREST'S RUBY GEM (S4x32) Sq.Set Carole Skinner Set & Link (Toronto) 20161- 8 All ½ turn corner RH, turn next LH once round, ½ turn corner RH and turn partner LH. Men face out
9-16 Interlocking Ladies' Chain (Ladies ½ RH across in centre)
17-24 Set, Link and Progress:
17-20 All set and link with partner, Men moving in and to right to BtoB in centre facing next place anticlockwise, Ladies outside original place facing in
21-24 All set to 'new partner' and turn 1¼ 2H (Ladies now in partner's place, 'new partner' on right)
25-32 Set, Link and Progress:
25-28 All set and link with partner, Ladies moving in and to right to BtoB in centre facing next place anticlockwise (original partner), Men outside place facing in
29-32 All set to partner and turn 1¼ 2H. 2341
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Hillcrest's Ruby Gem - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Devised by Carole Skinner for Jean Noble who runs Hillcrest Social Group, which has been going for 40 years.(Dance information by Rob Lockhart, All Rights Reserved, 2017)
Fairmont Royal York Hotel
Venue For The RSCDS Toronto 53rd Tartan Ball, 2016
Image copyright DXR, Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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