Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Light And Shade (Carter)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LIGHT AND SHADE 3x32 Strathspey (3C set) David Carter

1 - 4 1st couple Petronnella Turn into middle and Set.
5 - 6 1st man casts down to finish between 3rd couple all facing up, WHILE 2nd couple step up on bar 5 - 6 and 1st lady dance down to finish between 2nd couple all facing down.
7 - 8 1st lady and 2nd couple facing down with nearer hands joined, ALSO, 1st man and 3rd couple facing up with nearer hands joined, Set
9 - 16 1st couple dance Left Shoulder Reels of Three on opposite sideline, 1st man dancing up and 1st lady dancing down. With 2nd couple dancing in and down and 3rd couple dance out and up. (1st couple finish back-to-back in the middle facing first corners).
17 - 20 1st couple dance Corner Pass and Turn with first corners and 1st couple pull back their right shoulder when they meet in the middle and finish facing their partner's second corner.
21 - 24 1st couple dance Corner Pass and Turn with second corners and finish in second place on own side,
25 - 32 1st couple with 3rd couple dance a "Tourbillon"

Repeat from new positions.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, David Carter)

Dance Instruction Videos

Light And Shade (Carter) - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Also see the dance Light And Shade (Robertson) by Pam Robertson.

This strathspey, Light And Shade (Carter), was devised by David Carter (CSCDS Inc.) for Jim Stott who visited Charlotte, NC for the CSCDS Inc. annual "Reel Scottish Weekend" and was the deviser's Grade 5 Medal Test assessor.

Light and Shadow
"Light And Shadow" Franklin Carmichael (1890-1945), Art Nouveau, c. 1937

Image copyright (cropped) Franklin Carmichael, public domain, via WikiArt.

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