Lyn's Famous 5 (Couple Dance)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
LYN'S FAMOUS 5 (COUPLE DANCE) (S5x32) 5C Set Gaye Collin4s and 5s start on opposite sides
1- 4 1s+2s also 4s+5s dance Allemande Right:
Couples Advance for 2, give RH to partner and Lady turns under Man's arm, Lady dances back to place (1L+2L face down, 4L+5L face up) as Man retires
5- 8 1L+2L dance down Ladies' side while 4L+5L dance up Men's side, 1L and 5L dance across to 4th/2nd place while
2L+4L dance across to 1st/3rd place while 1M+2M and 4M+5M dance across and down/up sides and face each other while 3s dance DoSiDo. 453(2)(1)
9-16 4s+5s+1s+2s dance reels of 4 on sides while
3s dance Fig of 8 between dancers in reel (3L in/up, 3M in/down to start)
17-24 5s+4s and 1s+2s set, cross RH; 5M+4L also 2M+1L (dancing side by side) curve round one another by the right to finish in original place and set
25-32 3s cross RH, 3s cast to 5th place opposite side while 1s cross up (2s step up to 4th place); All turn partner 2H. 451(2)(3)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Lyn's Famous 5 (Couple Dance) 32 Bar Strathspey For 5 Couples In A 5 Couple Set, Gaye Collin 2024.
4th + 5th Couples start on opposite sides.
1-4 1+2Cs ( and 4+5Cs on opposite side) dance the Allemande Right:
The couples advance 1 step, give RH to partner, W turns Right about under M's arm and dance back to place as the M retire. The W finish facing down or up the sidelines.
5-8 1+2W dance down the W's side as 4+5W dance up the M's side. On bar 7, 1+5W dance across the dance to 4th and 2nd places, turn to face 2+4W who are following. At the same time 2+4W dance across the dance to 5th and 1st places, and face on the side.
WHILE: 1+2M at the top and 4+5M cross the set, and turn to face down or up, and dance to the ends of the set, and turn to face each other on the sides.
MEANWHILE 3C turn both hands, or dance back to back. See what works best.
9-16 4+5+1+2Cs now dance a reel of 4 on the sides, (needing long steps to ensure they get back to place on bar 16).
WHILE 3C dancing to their R, a full Fig of 8 in amongst the reel of 4. i.e. 3W dance in and down through the bottom gap between dancers of the reel of 4, then passes through a small gap in the middle of the reel of 4, to then dance through the top gap to finish back in 3rd place own side. 3M is doing likewise, dancing up to start.
17-24 Ds in Tandem, A non-progressive formation:
5+4Cs also 1+2Cs take hands on the side and set, then cross over RH (4 bars). Then 5M+4W ( and 2M+1W) curve round one another by the right in the middle to finish back in original places while their partners dance on clockwise to original place. On bars 23+24 the Cs take hands again on the side and set.
Note: (2 bars for each part of this 8-bar formation).
25-32 As 3C cross over RH and cast to 5th place opposite side, 1C cross up one place on bars 27+28, and at the same time 2C step up into 4th place. All couples then turn partner both hands, (4bars). Order now 4,5,1,[2,3].
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Gaye Collin 2024)
Dance Instruction Videos
Lyn's Famous 5 (Couple Dance) - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
See Ds In Tandem for a video of the 8 bar formation which was first created for Damon's 70th birthday dance, "D for Damon".By demonstrating the formation on its own, you can better observe the covering compared to when it is performed within the dance.
It is a very simple formation with a smooth, flowing quality. If you watch closely, 1W and 2M trace out the shape of the letter "D".
Recommended Tunes: CD: All Sets Complete! By Leonard Brown, Track 13 "Far North Queensland".
(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin 2023)
Published in Lyn's Famous 5 (Couple Dance), reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Gaye Collin.
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