Trippit Cantily
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Trippit CantilyMaggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 3: Corners
3x32 bar Reel
3-couple dance in 3-couple longways set
1-4 LEFT HAND WHEEL: 2nd man with 1st couple, 2nd woman with 3rd couple, dance 3-hands across with left hands to end in original places;
5-8 RIGHT HAND WHEEL: 2nd man with 3rd couple 2nd woman with 2nd couple, dance 3-hands across with right hands: end in original places;
9-16 TURN 2ND CORNER RIGHT, PARTNER LEFT, 1ST CORNER RIGHT, AND PARTNER LEFT (three quarters around) to end on own side facing up;
17-24 MIRROR REELS OF 3: on own side dance mirror reel of 3 (2nd couple start out and up), joining nearer hands with partner where possible: end with 1st and 2nd couple dancing an extra loop so that 2nd couple ends in 1st place, 1st couple ends in the middle in 2nd place both hands joined, and 3rd couple dance into the middle and join both hands, ready for:
25-32 1ST AND 3RD DANCE ANCIENT POUSSETTE: 1st and 3rd couples dance anticlockwise 1½ times around other couple on a diamond pattern finishing with ½ turn and retire: end having changed places; i.e. dance out to side with ¼ turn clockwise at end (Bar 17), dance to opposite place with ¼ turn clockwise at end (Bar 18), dance out to side with ¼ turn clockwise at end (Bar 19), dance to starting places with a ¼ turn clockwise at end (Bar 20), repeat Bars 17-18 and turn ½ clockwise (Bar 23) and retire to own side in progressed places (Bar 24)(N.B. the Pas de Basque step is used throughout).
Repeat twice.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
"Trippit Cantily" is Scots for "dance briskly".Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'Trippit Cantily' page