Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Visitor

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Visitor 3x32 or 8x32 Jig, 3 couple or 4 couple set, Neville Pope

1-8 1st couple dance in, acknowledge their partner, dance out and cast. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. 1st couple then dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on own side.
9-16 1st couple and 1st corners all advance for 2, retire for 2; repeat with 2nd corners.
17-24 1st couple turn right hand to 1st corners, turn 1st corners left hand, turn partner right hand to 2nd corners and turn 2nd corners left hand to finish in lines across the dance, 1st man between 2nd couple facing down and 1st lady between 3rd couple facing up.
25-32 Set and link in lines across the dance finishing 2, 1, 3, all on opposite sides.

In a 3-couple set all chase halfway to own sides to finish 3, 1, 2, ready to repeat from the top.
In a 4-couple set all set and cross giving RH to partner. Repeat having passed a couple.,

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Neville Pope, 2019)

Dance Notes

It is also possible to dance the 3-couple version in a 4 couple set.

The 2nd couple follow the 1st couple down, but if the 1st couple (and all other couples) step to the foot after twice through, then each couple will dance it twice in the order 1, 3, 2, 4.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Neville Pope)

Dance Information

The dance had been danced and enjoyed, but was lacking a name when the class had a visitor who wanted a name for the dance so that she could teach it when she returned to her own class.

Recommended music: Any suitable jig

Recommended Recording: Aye Afloat album by Muriel Johnstone and Keith Smith.
Heid of the Brae for a 3 couple set
The Cadger's Roadie for a 4 couple set

(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2019)

Published in The Visitor, copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2024.

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