The Wedding Ring (Keppie)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE WEDDING RING (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Duncan and Maggie Keppie Nova Scotia Collection 20171- 8 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 down round 2s; 1s+2s set and dance into line of 4 across (Men cast to form line ends, Ladies dance in and pull back RSh, to BtoB facing 'opposite' Man)
9-16 Reel of 4 across. Bars 15-16: Ladies dance straight across to own side while Men dance a little to right to be opposite partner. 2(1)
17-24 2s+1s circle 4H round and back
25-32 1s set and spring points; 1s turn R 1½ (Tulloch hold)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
The Wedding Ring
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 3: Corners
6/8 x 32 bar Reel
2-couple dance in 3 or 4-couple longways set
1-4 ½ FIGURE OF 8: 1st couple dance a ½ figure of 8 around 2nd couple starting by crossing down between 2nd couple and ending in partner's place;
5-8 SET AND INTO LINE OF 4: 1st and 2nd couples set (nearer hands joined on side) and dance into a line of 4 across the dance: men cast to ends of line AS women dance into the centre and pull right shoulder back to end back-to-back facing opposite man;
9-16 REEL OF 4: 1st and 2nd couple dance a reel of 4 across the dance (on last two bars women dance straight across the set AS men dance a little farther to their right - Traditional Wedding Reel) into;
17-24 CIRCLE AND BACK: 2nd and 1st couple dance four hands round and back (The "Wedding Ring");
25-32 SET AND TULLOCH TURN: 1st couple set and spring points, and then turn each other 1½ times with Tulloch hold (The Celebration).
Repeat from 2nd place.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Also see the dance Wedding Ring (Laidlaw) by Ruary Laidlaw and others.This reel, The Wedding Ring, was composed for the wedding between Krissy Keech and Fraser Keppie on the 1st July, 2005.
The reel of 4 follows the tradition of the wedding reel, the circle represents the wedding ring, and the set, spring points and Tulloch Turn are the celebration.
The wedding ring is of special significance as Fraser's ring slipped off his finger the day after the wedding while tubing down the Gaspereau River - a week later, it was found by a couple of boys with a metal detector and found its way back to Fraser.
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