Poussette For 3 Couples
Poussette for three couples is intended as a Progression for 3 Couples, with 1st couple Finishing in 3rd Place, 2nd couple in 1st Place, 3rd couple in 2nd Place.As defined by the RSCDS in the 2005 edition of "The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing", 3rd couple perform the same movements as 2nd couple in the standard Pas-de-basque Poussette but almost gymnastic ability is required on the part of the 1st couple who must Travel Down the Men's Side line from 1st to 3rd Place in one enormous leap on the first beat of bar 3 if the elegance of the standard Pas-de-basque Poussette is to be retained. The 2013 edition eases this problem by combining the movements of bars 1-2 into bar 1 for all 3 Couples and allocating two bars for 1st couple to Dance Down 2 Places While 2nd and 3rd couples Dance Up 1 Place.
A much more satisfactory method of achieving the same objective (especially for those not still in the first flush of youth!) is as follows: 1st and 2nd couples perform the first 6 bars of Poussette (for 2 Couples) normally While 3rd couple Stand; on bars 7-8, 2nd couple complete the Poussette normally While 1st couple Face Down, retaining Nearer hands Hold, and Dance Down to 3rd Place While 3rd couple Step up.
Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Poussette for 3 couples, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:
Earl Of Errol's Reel
Miri's Wedding
Rubislaw Jig
Up And Doon The Gallowgate
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Poussette For 3 Couples
Poussette For 3 Couples Video ClipLinks To Pages Related To 'Poussette Movements'
Complex FiguresAdditional search terms: 1s+2s+3s dance Poussette, 1s2s3s Poussette.
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