Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Other Circular Set Dances

This page lists those Scottish Country Dances for which a crib is available on this site and which are danced in those rarer formats of circular set not covered specifically in Alternative Dance Selections.

Dances in Modified Triangular Sets

Carrick Castles - For 3 threesomes.
Celebration Seven - For 3 couples plus a 4th man in the centre.
Christmas At Bleecker - For 3 dancers.
Don't Touch The Door Lewie - For 3 threesomes.
Giant's Causeway - For 6 dancers.
Honest Men And Bonnie Lassies - For 3 threesomes.
Jumping Joan - For 3 dancers.
Kelley's Aye - For 3 dancers.
Lockdown Set - For 3 dancers
Pink Triangle - For 6 couples, 2 on each side.
Sego Lily - For 3 dancers.
Sir David Lindsay Of The Mount's Strathspey - For 3 dancers.
TZK Reel - For 3 dancers.
Wallflower - For 3 couples plus a 4th lady in the centre.

Dances in Celtic Brooch Sets

Celtic Brooch
Celtic Brooch (Elementary)
Celtic Brooch (Intermediate)
Celtic Brooch (Advanced)

Dances in Square Sets with Unconventional Placement

60th Celebration - For 3 couples only with 2M in 2s place, 2L in 4s.
Cotswold Cross - Couples start rotated ΒΌ clockwise from conventional places.
Rubik's Cube - Men in middle of sides of the square, ladies at corners.

Dances in Square Sets for 4 Single Dancers

Dunnottar Hi-Jinks

Dances in Square Sets for 5 Single Dancers

Dinton Fivesome
Domino Five
Folksy Fivesome
Give Me Five
I'll Give It Five-O!
Jeannie O' Langside
Mille Querce
Move It
Nightingale Floor
Thunderbird 5

Dances in Square Sets for Threesomes and Multiple Couples

Craven Twelvesome - For 4 threesomes.
Lady Madelaine Sinclair - For 4 threesomes with progression by men.
Sixteensome Reel - For 8 couples.
Thistle Dancers' Waltz - In Waltz tempo for 4 threesomes.

Dances in Pentagonal Sets

Gillian's Dance - 10-bar phrases in Strathspey tempo.
Silver Chains
Starsigns - For 5 dancers.
There And Back Again (Malley)
Wedding Ring (Laidlaw)

Dances in Hexagonal Sets

70 Is Fun - For seven dancers, six arranged as in a Hexagonal Set with one in the centre.
Twelve 1314

Dances with Progression

And For The Young Ones - 4-Couple Square Set, progressive by partner.
Band Of Friends - 2-Couple Square Set, progressive by set.
Borrowdale Exchange - Triangular Set, progressive by set and partner.
Dunedin Festival Dance - Triangular Set, progressive by set and partner.
Festival Interceltique - 3 (or more)-Couple Circular Set, progressive by set and partner.
Jig For Kay - 2-Couple Square Set, progressive by set and partner.
Quaker Meeting - 2-Couple Square Set, progressive by set.
Scotch Mixer - 2-Couple Square Set, progressive by set and partner.
Strathmiksa - 4 (or more)-Couple Circular Set, progressive by set and partner.
Strathspey For Bar - 4-Couple Square Set, progressive by ladies only.