Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Cross, Cast and Half Figures of Eight

Although Cross, cast and half figures of eight is no more than a combination of Cross and cast followed by Cast individually (one Place) on the Opposite Side, it is important as a common movement by the 1st Couple to establish the Progression in a 3 Couple Longwise, Active Set, Finishing on Own Sides; 2nd Couple usually Step up during the Casting.

In this combination, the Half figures of eight are always Across the set; most commonly, the Dancing couple Cross up around the Standing couple Above them, as in bars 1-8, and also 17-24, of Helen's Reel. Quite commonly, the Dancing man Crosses up around the Standing couple Above While the Dancing lady Crosses down around the Standing couple Below, as in bars 1-8 of The Flying Spur, or vice versa. Very rarely, the Dancing couple Cross down around the Standing couple Below them, as in bars 1-8 of Snowdrops In The Glen.

Sometimes there is an Up/Down reflection of the commonest form, as in bars 1-8 of James Gray, where 4th Couple Cross, Cast up and Cross down around the Standing couple Below them.

Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Cross, cast and half figures of eight, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:

Black Mountain Reel
Chequered Court
Granville Market
Maxwell's Rant
Music And The Dance
Pines Of Pitlochry
Polharrow Burn
Scott Meikle
Snake Pass
Wicked Willy

Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Cross, Cast And Half Figures Of Eight

Cross, Cast And Half Figures Of Eight Video Clip

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