Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Step Down

The term Step down is used by Scottish Country Dancers, most commonly a Couple in unison on both Sides) to move one Place Down on the Side line(s) of a Longwise set so as to vacate the Place needed by another dancer or Couple) performing a 2-bar Figure such as Cast up or Cross up.

It uses the special step which is described under Step up or Down.

Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Step down, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:

Australian Ladies (Campbell)
Chairman's Jig
Dunblane Reel
Five Penny Ness
Georgie's Jig
Have A Bashie
Hills Of Langholm
Keeper Of The Purse
Miss Stevenson's Fancy

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