The Tournée
This Figure, The tournée, interchanges the Positions of two adjacent Couples in a Longwise set and so can be used as a Progression; it is prescribed for Strathspeys, only.The tournée requires 8 bars of the Strathspey travelling step; when Danced by the first two Couples from their Original Places:
Bar 1
As shown in the next diagram, 1st couple Advance, Giving left shoulders, to the Centre line, 1st man Pulling left shoulder back to Finish Below Partner in Promenade hold, Facing Men's side WHILE 2nd couple Advance, Giving right shoulders, to the Centre line, 2nd lady Pulling right shoulder back to Finish Below Partner in Promenade hold, Facing Ladies' side;

The Tournée: Bar 1
Bar 2
as shown in the next diagram, both Couples Promenade one quarter round, anticlockwise, to Finish in Line across, 1st couple Facing Down and releasing right hands, 2nd couple Facing Up and releasing left hands;

The Tournée: Bar 2
Bars 3-4
as shown in the next diagram, retaining Hold, 1st couple Turn by the left, moving Down and Inwards to Finish on the Centre line, 1st man in the Position vacated by 2nd lady at the beginning of bar 2 and 1st lady in the Position vacated by 2nd man WHILE 2nd couple Turn, also anticlockwise, moving Up and Inwards to Finish on the Centre line, 2nd man in the Position vacated by 1st lady at the beginning of bar 2 and 2nd lady in the Position vacated by 1st man, all Facing Opposite side;

The Tournée: Bars 3-4
Bars 5-7
as shown in the next diagram, 2nd couple Turn by the right one and a half times WHILE 1st couple Turn by the left one and a half times, all Finishing on the Centre line having Exchanged places with Partners and releasing Hold;

The Tournée: Bars 5-7
Bar 8
as shown in the next diagram, 2nd couple Dance Out to 1st couple's Places WHILE 1st couple Dance Out to 2nd couple's Places, all Finishing by Turning on the spot to Face In.

The Tournée: Bar 8
As in most Strathspey Figures, there is an opportunity to add elegance by careful Covering. This is straightforward in bars 1-2 and bars 5-8 but quite difficult in bars 3-4 since 2nd couple's Finishing movements are different from those of 1st couple.
Note that, in bars 2-4, the Ladies have much farther to Travel than their Partners and so must take much larger Steps whereas the Men, taking very small Steps, are often almost Dancing On the spot. Note also that, in bars 3-4, the superficially similar movements for 1st and 2nd couples are actually significantly different; these are particularly demanding for 2nd couple since they have to Turn anticlockwise with a right hand Hold while also Travelling towards their Finishing Positions on the Centre line.
Care must be taken that, at the end of bar 3, the Ladies do not encroach on the space of the Couples Above or Below them in their Longwise sets. Although this is unimportant when these adjacent Couples are Standing or are not near the Centre line, it is critically important when 3rd and 4th couples are performing The tournée at the same time as 1st and 2nd couples (all from their Original Positions), as in Cape Spear. This potential problem will also arise on the 3rd, 5th and 7th Repeats in any dance with the format, 2 couple repeat in 4 couple set, which includes The tournée.
The official description of the Figure (in The (RSCDS) Manual of Scottish Country Dancing, 3rd Edition, 2013) does not clearly define the Positions of the Dancers in bars 2-4; a description and diagram by Bob Campbell, who claims in a document dated February 1962 to be the original deviser, is a little clearer but does not specify the timing of the change of Hold. The above instructions are a formalization of usual practice, avoiding requiring anyone to Dance backwards but, regrettably, requiring an anticlockwise Turn with a right hand Hold by 2nd couple.
The fundamental problem with this Figure is that it has elements requiring Diagonal covering in bars 1-2 and others requiring Mirror covering in bars 5-8; this exacerbates an already demanding transition in bars 3-4. Although not authentic, awkward movements can be avoided by using the following more prescriptive sequence of Figures to simplify bars 2-4:
Bars 2-3 (Simplified)
as shown in the next diagram, both Couples Promenade halfway, anticlockwise, to Exchange places (i.e., each Man reaching the Position vacated by the other Man at the beginning of bar 2 and each Lady similarly) and release Right hands, 1st man Pulling right shoulder back to Finish Facing Own side, 2nd man Pulling right shoulder back to Finish Facing Opposite side, all again on the Centre line;

The Tournée (Simplified): Bars 2-3
Bar 4 (Simplified)
as shown in the next diagram, both Couples Turn by the left halfway, 1st couple retaining Hold, 2nd couple releasing Hold, Turning on the spot halfway and Taking Right hands to Finish all on the Centre line Facing Opposite sides, 2nd couple in 1st position.

The Tournée (Simplified): Bar 4
Modified versions of the Figure exist, notably for a Triangular set in Every Witch Way, where the deviser has changed bars 5-8 so that all three Couples Turn by the left.
Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, The tournée, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:
Argyll Strathspey
Cape Spear
From Scotia's Shores We're Noo Awa'
Lady McGowan's Dream
Miss Ross Of Ross
Miss Sarah Smiles
Munro Rant
Sylvan Strathspey
Toast To Aberdeen
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates The Tournée
Tournée Video ClipLinks To Pages Related To 'The Tournée'
Complex FiguresAxum Reel
Celtic Reel
Chain Progression
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En Rond
Flirt And Cast
Inveran Reels
Kilt Pin Reel
La Baratte
Muxa Reel
Onesome Reel
Pass And Turn
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Poussette Movements
Reverse Snake
Rose Progression
Sash Pin Reel
Schiehallion Reels
Set And Link
Set And Rotate
Theme (Of The Celtic Brooch)
Weasel Reel
Additional search terms: Tournee, Tourney, Tournay.
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