The Keppoch is an 8-bar Figure for two Couples in a Longwise set which, like Allemande for 2 couples, is a form of Progression. It occurs most commonly in Strathspeys; in Quick tempo dances the form is slightly different.The Keppoch has many similarities to the Allemande for 2 couples; the Couples Start on the Centre line with the Bottom Couple exactly as they would be in that Figure. The Top couple Start Facing Down towards the Bottom Couple but with Top man on the right of his Partner and in a reverse form of Allemande hold in which hands are interchanged (i.e., right hands joined in front and left hands joined above and behind).
In the Strathspey form for 1st and 2nd couples from their Original Places:
Bar 1
both Couples Dance the first bar of the Glasgow highlanders setting step, Finishing in their Starting Positions;
Bar 2
using the right foot step of the Strathspey travelling step, they Set advancing Diagonally to the right, Finishing in Line across, Men left shoulder to left shoulder;
Bar 3
both Couples Dance the third bar of the Glasgow highlanders setting step;
Bar 4
using the left foot step of the Strathspey travelling step, they Set advancing Diagonally to the left, Finishing now having Exchanged positions but 2nd couple Facing Up, 1st couple Facing Down;
Bars 5-8
continuing with the Strathspey travelling step and releasing the lower hands, 2nd couple Turn by the right, 1st couple Turn by the left, Finishing in the Side lines, 2nd couple in 1st place, 1st couple in 2nd place.
Bars 25-32 of the Scottish Country Dance, Together in Kippo, shows this Figure performed in Strathspey tempo by 1st couple from 2nd position and 3rd couple from 3rd position.
In the Quick tempo form for 1st and 2nd couples from their Original Places:
Bar 1
both Couples Set advancing Diagonally using a modified version of Pas-de-basque in which the jeté is rearwards;
Bar 2
both Couples Set retiring, Diagonally, Finishing in their Starting Positions;
Bar 3
using the right foot step of Skip change, they Advance Diagonally to the right, Finishing in Line across, Men left shoulder to left shoulder;
Bar 4
using the left foot step of Skip change, they Advance Diagonally to the left, Finishing now having Exchanged positions but 2nd couple Facing Up, 1st couple Facing Down;
Bars 5-8
continuing with Skip change and releasing the lower hands, 2nd couple Turn by the right, 1st couple Turn by the left, Finishing in the Side lines, 2nd couple in 1st place, 1st couple in 2nd place.
Bars 25-32 of the Scottish Country Dance, Keppoch Charm, shows this Figure performed in Reel tempo by 1st couple from 2nd position and 3rd couple from 3rd position.
Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Keppoch, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Keppoch
Keppoch Video ClipLinks To Pages Related To 'Keppoch'
Complex FiguresAxum Reel
Celtic Reel
Chain Progression
Courage Reels
En Rond
Flirt And Cast
Inveran Reels
Kilt Pin Reel
La Baratte
Muxa Reel
Onesome Reel
Pass And Turn
Peter White Reel
Poussette Movements
Reverse Snake
Rose Progression
Sash Pin Reel
Schiehallion Reels
Set And Link
Set And Rotate
Theme (Of The Celtic Brooch)
Weasel Reel
Additional search terms: Tandem reel of 3.
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