Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Other Longwise Set Dances

This page lists those Scottish Country Dances for which a crib is available on this site and which are danced in those rarer formats of longwise set not covered specifically in Alternative Dance Selections.

5D For Anett - For 5 dancers in a line down the set.
5D For Wiebke - For 5 dancers in a line down the set.
Amazing Grace - Two, side-by-side, 4-couple sets.
Andromeda - Two, side-by-side, 4-couple sets.
Aztec Weave - In a 3-dancer set in line across with progression.
Battle Of Trafalgar (Rose) - Two, side-by-side, 3-couple sets.
Clapping With The Neighbours - In a 3-dancer set in line across.
Covid Lockdown Strathspey - For 2 couples in a 2-couple set but equally suitable to 3-couple or 4-couple sets.
Duke Of Kent's Waltz - Danced (in waltz tempo) as a 2-couple repeat in a many-couple set with dancers borrowed from the adjacent sets in the same line.
Eight Of Diamonds - For 8 dancers disposed as the spots on the playing card.
Eriskay Boat - Danced as a 3-couple repeat in a 5-couple set with some borrowing to allow a new couple to start on the third repeat.
Five Arrows - 3-couple repeat in 5-couple set
Five Times Twirl - For 5 dancers in a longwise set, starting with 3 on the ladies' side, 2 on the men's.
Football Time For 2 couples in a 2-couple set but equally suitable to 3-couple or 4-couple sets.
Four Ducks In A Row - For 4 dancers in a line down the set.
Four Of Diamonds (Glasspool) - For 4 dancers in a line down the set.
Glenfinnan Gathering - In a 3-threesomes (1 man between 2 ladies) set.
Half Crown Jig - For 8 dancers disposed as in a 3-couple set with 2 on the centre line.
Happy Birthday, Kennocha! - In a 3-dancer set, all in line up and down.
Heptathlon Jig - For 7 dancers disposed as in a 3-couple set with 1 in the centre.
Ghost And Mary Jo - For 3 men and 2 ladies disposed as in a 3-couple set with no 3rd lady.
Janet Robb's Fancy - Danced as a 4-couple repeat in a 5-couple set.
Jimp Waist - Danced as a 3-couple repeat in a 5-couple set.
Just A Dozen - Two, side-by-side, 3-couple sets.
Lack O' Men - For 6 dancers (4 ladies in the corner positions, 2 men initially in second place).
Left In Isolation Jig - For 1 couple with 4 chairs in place of standing dancers.
Loose Cannon - For 7 dancers disposed as in a 3-couple set with 1 on the centreline, above the "1st couple".
Merry Bee - Specified by the deviser as a 2-couple repeat in a 3-couple set but actually indistinguishable from the much more common 2-couple repeat in a 4-couple set.
Miss Fiona MacRae Of Conchra - Two, side-by-side, 3-couple sets which amalgamate.
New Parliament House Jig - In a 3-threesomes (1 man between 2 ladies) set.
Nifty Ninety - In a 3-threesomes set, gender unspecified.
Paisley-side - For 2 threesomes in a 2-threesome set danced as a single repeat but alternatively round the room with simple progression in the reel part.
Quintet - Starting with 2 couples plus one lady in 3rd place but note that the progression is clockwise one place clockwise around the set and so, perhaps more logically, a form of circular set, albeit irregular.
Riverside - Foursomes arranged as adjacent couples in one long set.
Scotsman's Choice - For 3 dancers in a line down the set.
Scott's Plains Reel - For 2 couples in a 2-couple set danced as a single repeat.
School At Home - For 2 couples in a 2-couple set but equally suitable to 3-couple or 4-couple sets.
Seven Up - For 7 dancers in a longwise set, starting with 3 on each side, the 7th in the centre.
Six Minus One - Starting with 2 couples plus one lady in 3rd place but note that the progression is clockwise one place clockwise around the set and so, perhaps more logically, a form of circular set, albeit irregular.
Sound Of Harris Ferry - For 2 couples in a 2-couple set but equally suitable to 3-couple or 4-couple sets.
Shepherd's Crook (MacNab) - In a 1-threesome (1 man between 2 ladies) set.
Solway Sands - Although described as a 4-couple longwise set with an unusual disposition of the couples, this is more logically a 4-couple square set. The progression interchanges each dancer with his/her partner and there are only two repeats.
Tapsalteerie (Clowes) - Two, side-by-side, 3-couple sets.
Three Plus One - One man and three ladies disposed as in a 2-couple set.
Three's The Charm - In a 3-dancer set, in line across.
Willow Tree - In an 8 couple set.